Transcripts for KMJ 580 AM [KMJ Now] KMJ 580 AM [KMJ Now] 20171006 060000

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Accused Weinstein of abuses from employees to actress Ashley Judd who alleges that Weinstein asked if he could give her a massage or if she would watch him in the shower correspondent Elaine Quijano in a statement to c.b.s. News Weinstein's attorney Thomas Harter said the New York Times had published false and defamatory statements about Harvey Weinstein adding We are preparing the lawsuit now all proceeds will be donated to women's organization Weinstein well known for its volatility has chronicled in the book down and dirty pictures of Cleveland Indians have taken a game one of their American League Division Series with the New York Yankees swapped out it was a high flying deep right field back East George and that bar was. Shot for Che brew generals in a house with a call on the Indians radio network the final score 4 to nothing earlier the Astros beat the Red Sox 8 to 2 this is c.b.s. News. Last year the number one name for girls in the u.s. 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Starting a business the right thing for you I'm Alex worldly with this is frocks horseman if you prefer following orders to get along with everyone in your life your few scientists running a business may not be the right thing for you number one you prefer following orders the world is made of followers and leaders which one are you if you're committed to being accountable order taker the rest you're like crap sucker ship it's not for you Number 2 you don't like hard work entrepreneurship is all about hard work it's about basic decisions it's. 30 instability and borderline insanity number 3 you get along great with everyone in your life as it turns out entrepreneurs aren't the wife grinning backstabbing glad handing social life they seem to be entrepreneurs trend towards the outer fringe of social behavior and cultural norms so you sometimes labelled as a nerd or a geek don't sweat it and instead go daily grab meant to do it start at business or to time Alex wearily and this is bed of business rockstars minute you shouldn't have to choose a random lawyer who charges expensive hourly rates when you need legal help but the legal system is still a complicated one of the choice do you have when you need help with your business or want to protect your family start with Legal Zoom they make it easy for more than a decade they provided a way for regular people like you and me to confidently navigate the legal system legal Zoom's not a law firm and that's how they provide such great value they don't rely on charging you by the hour instead you'll get transparent pricing and customer reviews so you know exactly what you're getting up front if you need help with incorporation l.l.c. 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As we move into a Friday we call Obama show Gary how are you good so much to talk about latest on the mass murderer from Vegas we'll get to that coming up here in a little bit yeah gun control a big issue yesterday the demonization of the. N.r.a. And I believe Was it off the air yesterday was it you who said it to me what but when when somebody was demonizing you know somebody was so was going after the n.r.a. Somewhere you were reading something. Or we were discussing it and I thought it was you who said Don't people realize the n.r.a. Is simply. Members like right lobbying. Lobbying for their members there are millions of members right do they have for example gun companies that will back them yes but they exist because of their membership Yeah well and the the gun companies get their money from the law abiding citizens right the bad guys don't buy there aren't aren't buying their guns they're buying her guns on the street in the black market right and so those gun companies are getting again that money they're getting their profits again from people like me so we'll get to that coming up here in a little bit Trump expected to refuse to certify the Iran deal and send it to Congress as he should it was a horrible deal they a majority of Americans knew it was remember the poll that came out right after it passed in the majority of Americans thought that President Obama and John Kerry put together a deal that made us less safe now they'll give Trump flak because he's Trump but he'll out of all the flak on anything I believe this is going to get the the least of the chatter because of what you just mentioned the American people know it was a horrible. Here it comes from other Dems get rid of Palosi Yeah right here it comes and get rid of her time to pass the torch carrier Nick we need to burn down another village campaign or that congress. Well well I thought it was the at West Point Oh no we need to talk about that story to the commie at West Point a story that is. And I and my 1st question of that was excuse me this seemed to happen during the Obama administration was this when they were afraid to challenge anybody with any views who was in the military in any manner or form even those this guy was a cadet who was supposed absolutely anti-American. Communist rhetoric over and over again that any other time in the history of the United States would get you kicked out of any military institution I found it odd that his name was glad I'm here so. We'll get to that well of a fake news. Update the District of Columbia decides not to appeal the concealed carry court order to the Supreme Court this is the one that said this was one that you know they shot down in the courts and said well you need to have to need a reason to get a concealed weapon and they went no no sorry and this goes back to everything that we were talking about yesterday when you had that singer next I've never heard of him until yesterday when Eric but I just apparently he's not on my radar but when he put out that tweet. About the fact that well if blacks were buying guns and registering them then Congress would pass gun control laws immediately when Actually that is opposite of history. History shows that it is the liberal black leadership in this country the Jesse Jacksons the end the leadership of the and p. The congressional black caucus the Democratic Party former president Obama that have consistently attempted to deny blacks in the inner city law abiding blacks and other minorities in the inner city the same 2nd amendment rights enjoyed in the suburbs all across this country if you've been a listener to this show you know where you have said that as long and as we have you know we have been saying that as long as we've been on the air to how much debate Eric. Nothing nothing I know in 12 years with you together never I know you point 0 I know as a talk show host in my other endeavors 0.0 So we know that it's absolute knowledge out there to the people of the United States that it is the liberal black leadership it is the Democratic Party it was former President Obama that did everything to deny 2nd Amendment rights to minorities. And so this comes out yesterday in his head you know it probably I don't I really I really did read I really should go through the other tweets there to see if anybody actually brought that up I haven't heard. That often brought up even in conservative circles. But it's fact no fake news there now so we'll get to that and more plus all your calls and comments because it is the Friday show and the Boehner show 866-907-3339 if you'd like to get in 890 right I well the news. Yesterday Stephen padlocks. Potential targets may have been the Lollapalooza festival in Chicago all right. He went as far as booking a room in the Chicago hotel but did not show up. Also he did online research on hotels around Boston sped away park. Most hotels in the area however have an obstructed view of Fenway or no view at all that you're really going to bed right it's not like you know if you look at a lot at a lot of the venue's. It actually is kind of a rare situation that you would be able to. Be in a room in a hotel and be able to look down on a venue any entertainment venue any outdoor venue that's just kind of a unique set up there in Vegas I mean unless we're talking about you know someone doing a like a street concert or something. Most of the venues don't want you to have they any line of sight you know they don't want you to be able to take in any any of that entertainment for free. Without buying a ticket so don't know again where this investigation may go but certainly we see a pattern here the question is were there bigger plans or road Were there plans to be at a bigger venue we mentioned the other. Festival. And in Las Vegas back in September which by I believe the numbers had a greater turnout had a larger. Audience and also the way that it was set up and pictures from that festival show that the crowd was more of a dense crowd in other words those people had had basically moved closer to the stage which could have you know been why possibly he wanted to be near that venue and then we're getting more information about the interview with Marilu Danley that one of the things that you said he would lie in bed just moaning and screaming Oh my God one of the former officials f.b.i. Officials said the other former officials said Danley spoke about paddock displaying quote mental health symptoms so as you get closer and start talking to more people it seems that the narrative that you got from the immediate family is starting to evolve well so you have his brother starting the week saying I'm just the real just a normal guy or typical guy then you have the statement from Dan Lee through her lawyers saying you know she just she love the guy and basically portrayed him as again a likable person with no issues now as we learned more assuming all is accurate and true it turns out that he may have had anger issues or mental health issues whatever the case may be another description by other gamblers according to a couple of sources over the last 242-3036 hours say that it was a heavy drinker while he was gambling and participating in some of the video poker tournaments that he was invited to play in. That he basically had a constant flow of our Kohol and the other thing is and you would mention this yesterday that you know his brother saying guns he knew nothing about guns and it seems as if he's been a gun and what it was like one of those years for for a long while maybe even going back a decade or or or more so clearly and I had wondered this when his brother and said Well you know we text one straw but I have actually talked to him in 6 months and I'm thinking to myself Ok if you're only talking or person once or twice a year even if it's your brother. You really know what's going on in their life right and again it gets to the people that are closest to them and you're getting a little you're getting a different story from what we know from Mary Lou Danley and other people that have been associated with him and saw him in other settings right. So you know there's you know there's where we are right now and then. You know the talk on gun control yesterday and where you know where we should go from here and the repealing the 2nd Amendment by the way repeal of the 2nd Amendment isn't going to have that's not going to happen but it was interesting to watch it play out as the Republican leadership and the n.r.a. Both saying yeah maybe we should take a look at bomb stocks and modifications to these semiautomatic rifles and my question is Ok you open that door I certainly know the political pressure for the Republicans not that I agree with their position on this or agree even within Ari's position on this but the point being is that the political pressure there is one thing and and I have no idea what the what the n.r.a. Is saying in terms of maybe a poll amongst their members I haven't received any questionnaires or anything of the like so I don't know why they would decide to do that except for the fact that they again feel pressure to do this in the wake of this shooting. My concern here is that not that you know I mean we can have the debate on bum stock and whether you should have one or not but the question then becomes because this becomes like the whole dangerous dog debate. Well your town has banned a certain breed of dogs your age your way want to allow a certain breed of dogs or this dog must be registered if you own this dog well if you eliminate all those dogs and say people can't have them then the next breed the most the next most dangerous breed then becomes the focus because it's the one that's then on top the point being as in the wake of a shooting there's a great deal of especially one of this magnitude there's a great deal of emotion attached and I just wonder how long we get before we get to the well you only need this number of bullets So what happened yesterday to me was exactly where the country is going we need symbolism and imagery that we're doing some from the Republicans I I'm used to it by now and it's all the Democrats saying by that oh Democrats live by imagery and symbol of well that well they do but the Republicans are moving further left as we have said so now I'm getting used to that more and more them looking into this and responding to something that has you know of course captured the emotions of all Americans we can all grieve for the loss of life but I think we have to be very careful when the government starts deciding what we should write have but it's it's the the normal reaction to ever remember the the Obamacare was pure imagery and symbolism but it was a complete lie. Yet it was passed and you know what effect it had on the Democrat Party I mean it's going to be interesting to see who gets the blame for the next couple of years for Obamacare but people wanted the imagery and symbolism here and now people want the imagery and symbolism that we have talked about this before the Republican Party now is moving in that direction they want the imagery and symbolism that a big government can take care of them yet they don't we should to intrude on them so to me what happened yesterday was completely logical Xah direction of the country is going we're becoming a country as my dad said a long time ago where we were you know we have been in the past a significant portion but we're becoming more of a country that wants to buy the b.s. We just want we wish to be be asked throw me a little bit of imagery throw me a little bit of symbolism and I'm happy and I'll move on my way. Because if they decide to register the bombs dogs nothing is going to that's not going to change anything with gun violence in this nation Well keep in mind that Columbine happened during an assault rifle ban Yes So it's not going to change anything but they have to they have we live in a place that had that has more becoming a place where we need to pretend that we are doing something but we really don't right well and that's my whole point you know what is next because you say Ok well this has to be banned or outlawed and that has to be banned or outlawed Well eventually it's going to get down to you know your personal gun that you may have at home that you feel. As is absolutely fine and reasonable while the government will make that decision for you 69073339 if you'd like to. Get in touch with what I radioed toll free. Line I would 80 dot com or call 1866480 for your free catalog. Today. I will work harder than I did yesterday I will contribute to this country and its greatness generations before me I will never ever give up. I will value my family and friends create more complain less. I will always do my best to be a better person. I will never forget that I can achieve anything I remember that work isn't everything but whatever work I do. Everything. I have reached. To the destination you said long ago and to the hard work that continues to get you closer you've never wavered and that's why. The engine oil that works as hard as you. 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Again again that's not the point the point is. No no no that's not that at least put out here on You Tube But that's not. The new to the new too early that thanks so much oh that's not that's not that's not going to look let's not the discussion here the discussion is the fact that it is the left and thank you so much for somebody who is saying the black should not get concealed carry permits and using that as your argument. It is again it is conservatives and this is a direct. Debate against the singer who tweeted yesterday that if blacks were armed and registered that Congress would pass gun control laws which is completely untrue I don't know what tangent the last caller's going off on ars was the point that what Mr Benet wrote was false it is the left it's the liberal black leadership in this country that has done everything to keep law abiding minorities in the inner city from having the same 2nd Amendment rights you may come up with your conspiracy theory as to why that's fine we're just taking that as fact to debate the tweet from yesterday just so you know but we do thank you for your call it think 690 what I have you want to get into you know the whole thing is the 1st 1st of all the case of these mentioning he left out I don't know about 90 percent of the details many of which didn't even weren't even made public until after the trial of the police officer. 690 what I here's your forecast the storm system known as Nate has been brewing in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula area entering into the Gulf of Mexico today with warm waters and there's not much in terms of winds aloft and that will interfere with Nate's development expected to arrive as a weak hurricane by late day Sunday along the u.s. Gulf between Louisiana and Florida rain connected with the system will be moving into the Gulf Coast by Saturday and then Sunday into the southern u.s. Those with golf interests should keep an eye on this developing system look for low pressure to provide potentially severe weather today especially for northern New Mexico thunderstorms pushing out ahead of a system will be affecting Kansas Oklahoma portions of Nebraska and Iowa by late in the day Friday and into Saturday rain connected with that frontal boundary will be reaching the east coast and northeast by Sunday there is a look at your national weather forecast from Red Eye radio I'm meteorologist John trout. Thanks so much John 806-907-3339 extension 90 right I. Will come and information source this is a. 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So you're in water and you go out to say I'm going to the area where I go to read a radio and he's your Harley I'm Gary McNamara 86690733398 $6690.00 right I just remember the moron paddock and they said he played up to a 1000 hands of video poker in a single hour at a cost of $100000.00 while he bet the colossal he but the colossal sums by playing $125.00 a time. Top video poker players. Some The players like Patrick look like a stenographer on the machines because their fingers move so fast that they say he was invited to these tournaments where the grand prize would be 50 grand. And that there was a recording to witnesses a heavy flow of our coal hole with him and $100000.00 a rate of $100000.00 an hour. Wow And and even still they said he wasn't considered to be a whale. Now some of the whales remember they there was a one the documentary that were special on Vegas and they for part of it they profiled Larry Flynt. And who came and went straight to the High Roller blackjack table they allowed him to play 3 hands at a time 5 grand per turn per hand that's 15 grand for every every single hand that's dealt every time and I guess he is consistent if you will . I don't know but that's a ton of money and that's And according to witnesses a lot of alcohol yeah that you were talking about that during the break you're saying that he just that's one of the exit come out yesterday is that right just didn't stop drinking when they was the other players were you know the witnesses that would you know the other gamblers they said you know it's not like he was unfriendly or friendly he was just kind of there and he claimed to have developed some kind of algorithm for that video poker I don't know what that would be I have no idea what that would be. In terms of like human behavior as you mentioned Gary you know they said he looked like just an odd refer because his hands were you know moving so quickly there's also. Part of a story that I read today that the payout there at that casino at Mandalay Bay on video poker was 99.17 percent which means that for every $100.00 played there would be a return of $99.17 you add in all the perks and you know it turns out to be something where basically you're not throwing money away as fast as with other games someone made that point that he could sit there and he could play and play high rates. But because of the rate of return I don't know that that's the case I have no idea and didn't see anywhere in that story confirmation from. From Mandalay Bay I don't know if they promote that to people that play at that level or not I have no idea and then the story came out that he complained about the room beneath him the night before that the music was too loud. And security came to the room and told the guy guy was you know owner Russ owns a restaurant apparently in San Diego staying there and he's They told him turn the music down they turned it down but then half hour later in bags that they want you to turn it down again right and he didn't realize till the next day when he could see the curtains you know after the shooting had been done he saw the curtains and he realized it was the same guy wow in the same room above him you know who had complained twice about the the music was like one in 1 30 am in the morning so obviously he was trying to sleep with their right. So it just well it's. Just interesting as as the you know story starts to develop as we mentioned earlier where the brother says one thing and then all the sudden by the end of the week something very different is coming out through the investigation and the same thing through the girlfriend saying one thing and then you know others associated with the other sources associated with the her interview with the f.b.i. Say something else 866-907-3339 if you'd like to get in a 6690 right I'm going to Tony and Lombard Illinois and Tony welcome you're on right I'm ready to welcome to the show Hi good morning and they have me on fault so I wanted to make 3 points touching back on the gun control situation that you were talking about regarding the shooting happening so the 1st point is human beings are a terribly violent edibles that's why we are the dominant species on this planet that's why cows don't roll it we fight we kill things is a good you know but it's part of our nature my 2nd point is. But rather sorry condemning off the 1st point like no matter what we're going to figure out ways to kill each other if you ban all guns we're going to go back to swords and sticks so no matter what bad things are going to happen all over 2nd point being basically cars kill more people in the United States every year than all firearms combined So if we want to save lives we need to take cars off the road immediately it's the number one in fact it's number one cause of death amongst teenagers is car crashes. Weekly and yet the same wages are still drawn Ager's licenses were giving teenagers before they can vote we're giving them a murder machine that can go up to 120 mph on the lower end models and we're saying here you go you haven't even graduated high school. Now my 3rd point would be. Where do we move forward from this point I'm all in favor of sensible gun laws but we don't need more gun control we need a sensible firearms culture and you look at states like Nevada well except for this most recent example but Nevada Texas New Hampshire where gun laws are pretty lax compared to other states people bring children up in a culture where you are to respect firearms and you see that gun violence rates and you know the rates of kids finding their parents' gun and shooting a friend or themselves are much lower than states like Illinois because you're brought up from a very young age to understand that this is something that needs to be respected because it will kill somebody the moment you don't. So. I understand the backlash but. At the end of the day guns are around you can ban them but they're not going anywhere so. That's just my $0.02 on it well we bring up the terror attack on News France in 2016 where $86.00 people were killed with a vehicle with a truck we bring up Timothy McVeigh we bring up $911.00 the hijackers didn't have guns. So you can abolish guns and you could make guns completely. Vanish from the land and people will still kill people and something that we fail to realize or consider is that we all have the ability to take a life we all many of us have the ability to take multiple lives but we don't have that in our heart we don't have that as a hired to do that it's quite the opposite and that's the difference and and until they are able to know what is in a person's mind immediately they're not going to be able to fully stop people from killing other people because you cannot see someone's intent always you cannot develop a pattern and nor do we want to government that's able to come into our homes without notice without. Warrants. To be able to just open the doors and look into our lives and and and do it under this whole guise of public safety which is again if you look at everything and we kind of spell this out as we're having this debate throughout the week people refuse to look often when they are calling for gun control they don't want to talk about the human element of it all they just don't. And you know you think about it it's still. Mass shootings like this are still extremely rare yes they in fact if you look at the all the the majority of the most recent. Ones you see an increase huge increase in Islamic radicalism mass shootings that are based on the that are based on that but just somebody you know doing what we know so far and it's still limited information of this shooter right things like this are pretty rare. They do you know dealing clean bowled. You know that. That's it's a very very rare thing when you look at the number of people in the United States it is still extremely rare and we brought you the stories yesterday about what's going on in in in other countries and we brought you the Great Britain now wants to have self Jurek acid control and knife control. Why 400 over 400 incidents of using acid to attack people in just 6 months in Great Britain so if you have a swimming pool and you use a self you're a casket they wish to ban it or you must have a special commercial license in order to have a certain strength of sulfur you're a cassock which I'm assuming is of your gas that I use in my pool because you splash out on yourself that will burn the daylights out of you. That that stuff using your pool is quite strong and and so then the other thing is knife control now they're looking to have then this was a story on a national federal level in Great Britain they're now looking to have much more knife control because of the what they call out of control. Violent crimes being committed with knives. And this is a discussion going on over in Great Britain so if you're a gas said and knife control and that's where we are I mean if you again go ahead and abolish guns make them completely disappear you still have the human element you still have humans that will plot to kill other humans it is a very unfortunate situation but it is that's the real That's the real world evil does exist and until we are able to predict people's behavior accurately which isn't going to happen this is the this isn't a Tom Cruise movie then it's going to happen and won't be preventable and I know we scramble for answers and we all wanted to be prevented we all want murder and wrongful killings to be gone and have a world where people don't do that but that's just not the real world and if you look at the statistics out there and you take away the major urban centers where the vast majority of murders are committed and you take suicides out because that's a self-inflicted thing. Gun violence in the United States is almost nonexistent for the number of guns that exist out there. Especially with the growth in the number of guns and how wrote the number of guns yes it's extremely extremely rare I don't see Jimmy Kimmel screaming about the Chicago shootings every weekend doesn't know. The left is completely quiet on that it by the way the only people talking about that really when you think about it is the right it's the right that's disgusting the that the violence and the murders that are going on the left is completely silent about that right. 866907333986690 right I coming off more with Gary my camera and record the kids were at all i Radio. Check out all the latest a news weather road conditions and events on Red Eye radio's website at w.w.w. purchases at $25.00 per tire Why base tires not included. 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Westwood One present the Michael mole sure people have this idea that we're bracing for high worth individuals are going in their backyard and burying money it's in the economy it's creating capital and it's flowing growth don't ask the left to ask you to me points on the economics all they do is they buy that Picotee book you know the new Communist Manifesto capital and they don't read it there's put it on their shelves in virtue signal the Michael Noll show the podcast and play kids just be able to be kids but when a child gets sick and has to spend a lot of time in the hospital it can get really lonely My name is Jade and that's why I founded the apple a day program we surprised pediatric cancer kids the tablets laptops our phones it changes the world letting them face time text listen to music watch movies and so much more we make it our mission to keep these brave kids connected to friends and family while they're in treatment help us bring joy to these amazing kids text i Pad to 91999 to donate or go to apple a day dot org. At Blackstone innings in Fresno. With. Kids from my radio Harley I'm Gary McNamara going to Sandra in flow Mound Texas Sandra welcome your rather radio Welcome to the show. Thank you I want to congratulate you boys. That are terrific have a caring. Thing as a. Thank we don't have many of those thank you. Ok well what I wanted to tell you was that I've lived abroad most of my life. And. For 26 years and in all the time that I lived there there never was any like these shootings that we have here people don't have. And they don't kill each other the way we do well. I would go to Great Britain and hang out because that happens to be the violent crime capital of Europe so I'm glad that I'm glad Sandra that your experience was that you didn't see you know a lot of that violence but I would keep in mind keep in mind here in the United States based based on our population it is it still is a rare occurrence so you have people that do kill people and that does happen all over the world they do it by different means Oh yes absolutely but I'm telling you there isn't the crime that there is here I know in Great Britain and. It's a question there are a lot of. A lot. Of well and well and there's also a difference in crime reporting because if there's a let's say a person the suspect who stabs 2 people in one incident that is still just one stabbing that's just one incident so we appreciate it again I'm glad your experience was that it wasn't the case but there is violence all of. This see as red eye radio on me was good one. 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