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Days . Donald trump set to take our nations highest office. And good morning, america. The Election Results are settling in. The transition of power has begun and overnight thousands of marchers in several cities took the streets to protest Donald Trumps victory. Some of the protests were violent but many, many stayed peaceful. Some demonstrators carrying this sign. We did trumps hate. And here in new york, an artist started this wall, calling it subway therapy. Well, people had a chance to write notes or whatever they felt. Its a very nice note that says stay united and hopeful. That was the message of president obama as well, and he invited donald trump to meet him in the oval office this morning. Benitez outside trump tower with more on the protests overnight. Good morning, gio. Reporter good morning, good morning to you. In so many way these are protests fueled by social media and dont expect them to die down any time soon because right now the number one trend on twitter is that trumpprotests. [ chanting ] reporter overnight protests across the country turning violent in the Early Morning hours. As thousands of protesters from new york to los angeles gathered in the streets to protest the election of donald trump. Police in oakland used tear gas to keep the crowd of nearly 7,000 at bay. Major freeways in los angeles shut down. As crowds burned effigies of trump and marched on city hall. [ chanting ] flocking to trumpowned properties in new york. Theres such anger here right in front of Donald Trumps home theyre chanting this is what democracy looks like from the ballot box to the streets of new york, these people are letting their voices be heard. More than 10,000 gathered throughout the city, crowds blocking traffic, chanting, screaming. Expressing their frustration, some climbing scaffolding and street signs to protest above the crowd. Were just people who are here who love this country as much as any other person. Reporter at least 120 protesters arrested nationwide overnight. And we should tell you the president elect has not yet commented on these protests, but after being here overnight i got to tell you these protests were just so loud you could hear it for blocks. Its hard to imagine how anyone here got much sleep, robin. We did hear it loud and clear and the transition to the new admission begins this morning. President elect donald trump meeting with president obama and his wife meeting with the first lady. Good morning, jon. Reporter good morning, robin. Today at the white house is not only the beginning of the transition from the Obama Administration to the trump administration, but it is also the first ever face to face meeting between barack obama and donald trump. The president going out and the one coming in both say they want a peaceful and orderly transition. It is time for us to come together as one united people. We are now all rooting for his success in uniting and leading the country. Reporter but american politics has seen few enemies as bitterly opposed as these two. Hes been perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States. Donald trump is whether president obama was an american citizen and a legitimate president. Five years later trump finally retracted his comments, but he didnt apologize. Donald trump will take power in january with his party firmly in control of congress too. This is the most incredible political feat i have seen in my lifetime. We are going to hit the ground running. Reporter at the center of trumps agenda,undoing much of the obama legacy, beginning with the president s signature legislative accomplishment, the Affordable Care act. Well get rid of that. Reporter trump will look to make an immedi Supreme Court. Replacing obamas long stalled nominee with one of his own. Im also going to appoint Great Supreme Court justices, so important. Reporter and of course, he has got a big promise to keep on border security. [ crowd chanting build that wall ] reporter and of course a big promise to keep on border security. And as you mentioned, robin, Melania Trump will be here with if tradition holds they will meet in the residence over tea. Jon, what are you hearing about what a trump cabinet may look like . Reporter well, its early but we can expect that some of those who stood loyally by donald trump through his campaign will be in the trump cabinet. Some possible names would include people like rudy giuliani, jeff sessions, the senator who was the first in congress, significant figure to support him. Newt gingrich, another possibility. Michael flynn, the retired army general, and maybe even the chairman of the rnc who was there with him through it all, reince priebus. Well move on to Hillary Clinton. She had a difficult task yesterday and she carried it off with grace and conviction conceding to donald trump comforting her supporters. Abcs cecilia vega was there for every step of the Clinton Campaign. She joins us now. Good morning, cecilia. Reporter good morning. She was surrounded by her family, her top aides, hundreds of staffers, so many of them in tears. This was an emotional goodbye and chance for Hillary Clinton to speak directly to all of historic campaign. Hillary clinton ending her fight for the white house and quite possibly her political career. This is painleful, and it will be for a long time. Reporter an emotional concession in a manhattan hotel. This loss hurts, but please never stop believing that fighting for whats right is worth it. [ applause ] reporter the emotion overwhelming for many in the clinton, and clintons closest aide, huma abedin. To all the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams. Reporter clinton delivering a message of reconciliation. Donald trump is going to be our president. Reporter to them, she offered encouragement and urged perseverance. I know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but someday, someone will. I want you to know that nothing has made me prouder than to be your champion. Reporter ending with hugs and thanks for so many in that room. And former president george w. Bush called clinton after that speech to thank her for her she is now back home in chappaqua. Her aides are not revealing what comes next, and george, as you know, clinton herself may not know the answer to that. She really didnt think about it as we talked about before. They really believed coming into the final week going into the final hours before the election they had this won. Thats what all their internal polling showed. What are they telling you since then . Reporter they are still not talking, george. I was in that room yesterday they are shellshocked at this point. She had champagne on flight, final campaign flight. That shows you how they thought they had this in the bag. Every source i talked to over the last year and a half said this would be a tight race at the very end. No one inside the Clinton Campaign thought donald trump would be the president. No, and especially in the two big state, wisconsin and pennsylvania, they thought they had solid leads. And people im assuming they will say at some point, their base did not come out to vote. We saw a big reaction on wall street as the Election Results started to come in. Stocks plugged, but then rebounded to a near record high on wednesday and Rebecca Jarvis is at the new york stock exchange. What is going on here . Reporter good morning, thats what everybody is asking because all of the experts expected a major selloff after these Election Results instead what we got, the day after the election, was a huge gain for stocks, the dow ended up the day after election day 257 points the night before. After those results were coming in, now were in striking distance of hitting an alltime record high for the dow so whats really happening here . Well, investors are still digesting the reality that now we have a new president elect donald trump. What came out of Donald Trumps speech on Election Night was infrastructure. He talked about his commitment to spending on that. Thats where we have seen a number of stock gains. Weve also seen stock spending, in defense type in defensetype companies because of donald trump talking about investments in the military and wanting to invest there. The big things here on wall streets mind are less regulation, lower taxes, but, of course, theres still the question about trade, that could impact things going forward, as well, michael. Thank you, rebecca. Now lets bring in abcs matt crowd and cokie roberts. And matt, it seems like the wrong, too. The experts have been wrong a lot along the way. Join the group in this. I think when you look at the market as rebecca knows this full well, the market likes predictability. I think every speech that came out starting with donald trump to Hillary Clinton to Barack Obamas speech is a calming influence on this election. The market likes that. But i think ultimately the market just like the voters are going to look at what donald trump does instead of what he says. Thats what i wanted to ask about. Whats unpredictable is what he is going to do. You worked with president bush, in a similar situation, he came to the white house even though he lost the popular vote and said he had a mandate. Such a jumble of different kinds of policies inside Donald Trumps campaign. Does he go through with things like the immigration building the wall or reach out with republicans and pretty much pass their agenda . I think hes in a more unique situation than george bush was. Donald trump won more electoral votes than any republican since 1988 and lost the popular vote by a bigger he will lose the popular vote by a bigger margin than george w. Bush lost and win i think what you see in the first 100 days is a series of things. They call the fruit. And hell nom fate a Supreme Court justice that appeals to the conservative right and do a series of quick things that appeal to the conservative right and if my expectations are right, hes going to go negotiate with congress on things they can all agree to, Infrastructure Spending and maybe even on the tax code and i think he is going to do both simultaneously. The signals are who he starts nominating those key positions. That will tell us a lot. A lot of people are anxious to hear those names. Lets bring in cokie roberts. She made it home to washington. Good for to you to be here. An important part is preparing the president elect to be commander in chief. What do you know along those lines . Again, it remains a mystery. One of the things thats so interesting about this transition is theres no Old Washington hand here. You know, thats what were used both bushes to some degree, and some who has been here, who knows the players. There are 4,000 political appointees that have to be named. 1,000 of those have to get senate confirmation. Theres an enormous amount of work to be done. And at the commander in chief level, we know that donald trump had the backing of a lot of people in the military. He had generals behind all of that, but we have not a clue what his real intentions are there and i suspect he doesnt either. And jon karl, we talked about the cabinet. One possible Washington Hand would be the former speaker of the house Newt Gingrich but take us inside that meeting with president obama and donald trump today. Probably wont get into a lot of substance but we do know that donald trump wants to undo and right away a lot of president obamas accomplishments. And he can undo a lot because some of the big ones on the environment, climate change, those things can be done really with a signature of a President Trump. Also, i would expect because republicans have been talking about it so much for so long, and if they pass, and i expect they will, all or parts of obamacare, this president , President Trump will certainly sign that into law so theres a lotta can be undone immediately ba of course, a lot of the focus will be on the meeting between those two men, but, cokie roberts, we also know Melania Trump will be meeting with the first lady. How do you expect that to go . I think thats a much easier meeting. This is basically two gracious people. Michelle obama could not be more understanding of what its like to move into that white house with a child. Laura bush was very helpful to her, and i know she will be very helpful to Melania Trump. Theres nothing comfortable about it. But its much easier for two moms to joke about a kid and talk about, you know, schools, that kind of thing than it is for the two men. Matt dowd, we saw these protests overnight. Donald trump in his first speech his very gracious salespeople talked about binding the wounds of the nation. What more do you see him doing to address the majority who voted against him and those protesters . Well, i think hes its more than just him and i think it would be great if he keeps the calming words that hegot going and i think he needs to supporters who say, listen, were in this together. I think this is going to sort of its going to stay what it is, but watch for the january 20th inauguration. I wouldnt be surprised if this protest culminates in something weve never seen in a president ial inauguration. We will be watching. Okay, matt dowd, thanks very much. Amy is heres with other top stories. Thats right, good morning. Details still coming in but we are told two Police Officers have been shot responding to a domestic call in a small town of the hospital. No word yet on their conditions or the circumstances surrounding the shooting but a search is now under way for the suspect. We will bring you more details as we get them. In the meantime, General Motors is planning to lay off more than 2,000 workers at its car factories in ohio and michigan. The Company Blames the shifting demand in Auto Industry with consumer demanding for trucks instead of cars. Two fighter jets collided on a Training Mission in san diego. One was able to land safely. The other bailed out and rescued from the Pacific Ocean about an hour later. More charges are expected against a suspected serial killer in south carolina. Following another gruesome discovery. The bodies of a husband and wife missing for nearly a year have now been identified. They were found on real estate agent, todd kohlhepps farm. He has now been linked to five and near buffalo, new york, a massive fire, look at that destroyed this former steel plant. The flames causing the roof to collapse. Investigators believe a hot lightbulb dropping onto some cardboard started that massive fire. And another fire leading to a daring rescue. This worker in logan, utah, trapped inside a cherry picker after a transformer exploded, sent flames climbing up that pole. A second truck was brought in, and the worker thankfully was pulled to safety. And finally, all those people who said they were moving to canada if donald trump was elected, well, guess what, they have a cheaper way to get there. Spirit airlines is out wit go north sale promising 75 off flights. There is a slight catch, spirit will fly you to upstate new york then its up to you to make what the airline calls a short drive to the border right there at niagara falls. So this follows the canadian immigration website crashing after the election so theyre capitalizing on that. What an american thing to do. Amy talked a lot about fires and fires down south. This is atlanta, georgia. The skyline that you can barely see through the smoke and haze. This is what the folks of the southeast are dealing with. Thanks to those fires. Look at the fires in north carolina. Now there are dozens on the map and these are places that havent had rain in more than a month in some place, more than a month and a half in other spots. This is fascinating. No large wildfires in california. Most of the large wildfires from ohio down through mississippi especially in north georgia, parts of south carolina, Western North carolina. This is a shift in where that fruition. On top of all of this, the numbers as far as high temperatures go, were breaking records across much of the nation. Jet stream parked up north. Youll see a lot more of this because theres not a lot of rain in the forecast. Your local weather in just 30 seconds, but first though, the sunny cities brought to you by sfrint. Good morning. Happy thursday. It is now 7 19 and your first alert, clear sky, lots of sunshine today. Loveland opens up in a couple of hours. First run at 9 00. Mid to upper 60s in denver. Form, its cooler. Tracking a cold front that will roll through, ten degrees koler, warming up saturday and sunday. One more telling image. Lake purdy, alabama. That was a lake. Days straight. Their longest stretch ever without measurable rain. That looks like the southwest. Thanks, ginger. Coming up legal trouble still facing donald trump as president elect. Well have what the dozens of lawsuits against him could mean. The late night comics are back taking on this incredible moment of history with humor and surprising moments of healing. Well talk about that and much more. Come on back to gma. Go she was thinking about her joints. But now that shes taking osteo biflex, shes noticing a real difference in her joint comfort. Ports increased flexibility over time. Shes single. It also supports wonderfully high levels of humiliation in her daughter. Shes a little bit shy. Your joint comfort can be your kids discomfort. Try osteo biflex ease. Our 80 smaller tablet. Just press clean and let roomba from irobot help with your everyday messes. Roomba navigates your entire home. Cleaning up pet hair and debris for up to 2 hours. Which means your floors are always clean. You and roomba, from irobot. Good morning. Today, one of the teens facing charges in connection to some explosives in castle rock is no court. Facing charges of Sexual Exploitation of a child and possession of a handgun. And the other teen is expected to be in court next week. Take a look at this sketch. Police in berthoud need your help finding this man. Police say he tried to kidnap a its beautiful and again, more sunshine. Tomorrow, highs in the 50s. That will be the coolest in about a month. Now, clear skies from the camera, 60s, du, 68 and denver, 68 in Congress Park and 65 in aurora. Were tracking a weak cold front tonight. Cloud cover and maybe some pravg. Some patchy fog. We have a big new multicar accident heading into broomfield. We have one, two, three, four vehicles waiting for the police to show up. Is open. But a traffic jam starting at sheridan west and to church ranch and continuing into boulder. On the camera, i70 and brighton boulevard, a lot of glare and slowdowns. Take a look at the map and you can see some of the slow downs on 270. 76. Can i give it to you straight . That Airline Credit card you have. It could be better. Its time to shake things up. With the capital one venture card, you get double miles on everything you buy, not just airline purchases. Seriously, think of all the things you buy. Great. Is this why you asked me to coffee . Whats in your wallet . Emerge restored. Fortified. Replenished. Emerge everyday with emergenc packed with b vitamins, antioxidants, electrolytes plus more vitamin c than 10 oranges. Emerge and see. Diane went to lowes and found this beautiful, lifelike tree. Its so realistic, i feel like im back in the forrrest sorry, headlights get me everytime. Now get your choice of ge reel lights for only 9. 99, and make your home happy at lowes. Gogo . Id like to give you a gift. . That is so thoughtful us. Awwwwesome for the millions who are disappointed for hillary, remember, america has a special place for people who lose. Ironically its the cast of celebrity apprentice. Okay, conan obrien, that was a pretty good one. Autolate night comics had to bringing messages of humor and healing as well after that upset. You knew they were not going to hold back. No, no, no. Overnight, thousands of antitrump protesters took to the streets, demonstrations erupting in cities coast to coast, some of them turned violent but many stayed peaceful as both sides of the aisle call for unity. And the president elect heading to washington to meet president obama in the oval office. Theyre working toward a peaceful transition of power and while they meet, Melania Trump will sit down with first Lady Michelle obama. Also this morning, a big prince harry is back in the spotlight, amy. Thats right. We all remember Kensington Palace acknowledging his relationship with the american actress, meghan markel. They were very upset about how the media treated her. Well see him for the first time today. Well have much more on that coming up. Where are we going to see him . Were going to find out. A tease. Move on now to more from presidt he is unprecedented in so many ways, including a number of active lawsuits and business conflicts that trail him to the white house. Brian ross here with the details. The most highprofile trial has a key hearing today. Thats right, george, good morning, while the president elect begins to make his plans to run the country his lawyers in court today in san diego dealing with one of the dozens of active lawsuits against him involving allegations of fraud, Sexual Harassment and failure to pay reporter todays hearing involves one of the three lawsuits over Trump University. Success, its going to happ to you. Reporter students who paid a 35,000 fee claim that now president elect committed fraud when he falsely told them he had personally selected the faculty. The actual trial is set to begin at the end of the month presided over by the san diego federal judge trump accused during the campaign of bias because he is of mexican heritage. Hes a hater. His name is he is not doing the right thing. Reporter in addition to the Trump University case can you raise your right hand . Yes. Reporter there are at least 30 other significant cases in which the president elect is being sued or suing for issues that happened before he was elected. The rule is that theres no immunity from suit for anything that happened before. Reporter and during the candidate threatened to bring his own set of lawsuits against the women who claimed he had sexually assaulted them. Their lawyer says, bring it on. Right now, they have no present intention to sue him first. But if he sues them, we will defend them vigorously. Reporter trumps business interests may also create conflicts for the soontobe president. In the midst of the camp took time off to promote his brand with the trip to his golf course in scotland and later opening a new hotel in washington. Trump has had extensive ties with several russian oligarchs close to vladimir putin. He and his children have sought investments with controversial overseas figures. And ethics experts say his plan to let his children run his Business Empire as though it were a blind trust is not blind at all. Irs. Mr. Trump has said his tax returns are being audited by the irs. As President Trump will elect and select the new head of the agency even as his employees are poring over how he avoided paying any federal income tax at all over the last two decades. A lot of different issues raised there. Lets bring in dan abrams for more on this. Lets start out with the lawsuit in court today. Likely a lot of pressure on mr. Trump to settle this. Thats right because, remember, actually be in court for a civil case. But when hes deposed or he has to testify he has to show up. And there is precedent for this. Remember, this happened with the paula jones lawsuit and bill clinton case. The u. S. Supreme court actually weighed in on this. And said a sitting president is not immune from a civil lawsuit. Likely settlement. Correct but the court specifically said, the courts have to work around the scheduling aspects of a president , so there is a because the scheduling would be so hard, lets postpone this. Lets delay this, but i think there is going to be a lot of pressure to continue this. But donald trump would only need to be there when he is testifying. Thats the distraction issue. If he takes the risk of going to trial and be convicted that could be an impeachable offense. No, theyre only for something you do while youre president so you cant impeach someone for stuff that they did before they became president. So if he is president an something happens thats a different story from something that happened before he became president. And these issues of conflict of interest. These are also civil. Most of them. We have to be careful in distinguishing between civil and criminal although there are some criminal investigations as well. On the issue of his business, the president isnt bound by any conflict of interest laws. Just more considered an ethical code that has been adhered to, but, boy, a lot of questions to be asked when you talk about his family taking over his businesses as to what going to have that with that business and what relationship that has with the government. Thanks very much. Over to michael. All right, george. Coming up on our big board, Donald Trumps election surprise. So many of the polls will guide him wrong except for one. What their secret was. And actor and trump supporter, Stephen Baldwin is here. His brother, famously plays trump on snl. Hes going to tell us how their family is dealing with their different political views and how yours can too. Well be back with that in just two minutes. Look at our panel. You brush your teeth diligently. Two times a day right . But 80 of bacteria arent even on teeth. Eughty purschunt . colgate totals different. It fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. Protecting 100 of your mouths surfaces. Colgate total for whole mouth health. My dad gave me those shares, he ran that company. I get it. But you know i think you own too much. Gotta manage your risk. An honest opinion time now for the big board. Our team of insiders standing by to weigh in live. We have speechb bald Stephen Baldwin here at the table, and well talk to you in a minute. But we begin with the pollsters, the fallout from the election and the election stunner, just about every poll got it wrong except for the usc l. A. Times poll. Which pretty consistently had trump in the lead. You took a lot of criticism for months. What did you see that others we did take a lot of criticism, and on the whole, were pretty happy with how our poll performed. One big difference between the way we do our poll and how others did is the fact that we work with panel of members over time. So thats pretty much the same people over the course of an election. While other pollsters may talk to different people each time. And in an election season when many people may have felt shy choice, this allowed us to build trust with our panelists and i think that it allowed us to see the entire spectrum of the vote. Now, even though your results, you were one of the few that did get it right, were you surprised so many other people got it wrong . Well, this was a very difficult election to poll in. And a big difference, another big difference between the way that we do our polling and how others do is that rather than asking a traditional up and down question of how did how would pedal today, we asked people to give us the percent likelihood that they will vote for a candidate. And this is sort of gives us sort of a fever chart or a look into the intensity of the vote. So perhaps someone may be a 100 clinton supporter one week and then the comey fbi emails break and theyre 75 clinton supporter the next week. And sorry. No, no, no. Im just maybe its a new way to conduct the polls in this is something. You made your bones on this one. Thank you very much. Thank you, jill. We move on now to the best way to deal with the end of the election. Some voters are overjoyed while others are a little disappointed and now some doctors are talking about postelection stress disorder and clinical psychologist dr. Elizabeth lombardo is here with us and, okay, dr. Lombardo, is this a real thing . Postelection stress disorder is a real phenomenon that a lot of people are experiencing right now, and it comes out in maybe in your mood, you notice yourself filing more irritable or angry, or worried or helpleshelple helpless. It can come out in your body with headaches, and g. I. Distress, and inability to sleep and maybe you ha it can affect your relationships because when youre feeling irritable we tend to take it out on our loved ones and perpetuates the stress cycle . How should people deal with it . The first thing to do limit your social media. Theres something called a filter bubble which means that the people who have the similar lines for you are at the top of your feed. So if youre a disappointed clinton supporter going to facebook may be filled with a lot of helplessness and sadness which unfortunately supports the problem as opposed to the solution. Secondly, focus on what you want as opposed to what you dont want. And third of all, volunteer. Help out someone else so it will finally sit in front of a nice fire with a good book. We like your fire there. Thank you. Were going to talk to Stephen Baldwin now, and, stephen, Hillary Clinton youre clapping. That was so wonderful. She said talk about your postelection stress disorder. Okay . I keep having this nightmare every saturday night. I dont know why that my big brother is picking on mr. Trump. Well, he actually responded in his show. Take a look at this. She can brag about her resume but im the one whos got all the heavy hitters supporting me. I mean, i have got the cream of the crop. Ive got sarah palin. Ive got chachi. And get this, ive even got the best baldwin brother, Stephen Baldwin. But, you know, you were out there and one of the few actors out there to support donald trump. You and scott me and scott baio, baby. Thats it. Go ahead. No, were the voters rejecting hollywood . I had a fun conversation with alec a couple of weeks back where literally we were at his house at home with the kids floating in the Swimming Pool having a good time. He said, so your boys basically kind of handing us this election, dont you think . And i went, i got a funny feeling you need to be more prepared for a trump president than i do a hillary president. You know, and the thing that is so overwhelming for me this morning is i stayed at mr. Trumps hotel last night with all those protesters outside. And it really freaked me out, you know, because i can be all happy or excited about the outcome, but then it was like a wave of reality to say, like, theres folks out there that still dont agree with all this and this is what makes the country so amazing is right now we, the people, all of us have an amazing opportunity to demonstrate the greatness of our freedom and our vote and our best to try to pay it forward and do the right thing and just say, if you agree or not, the cool thing to do is really give mr. Trump the opportunity. Its difficult. I saw a lot of young people out there that you could see it was a lot of messaging from the media that was driving their anger and this and that. And im just going to be praying that everybody comes together and really gives mr. Trump an opportunity to do the right thing and create even those people who doubted him. But you said you were at the hotel last night. You were at the victory party. Sure. The other night. What was it behind the scenes there . How was it . I think people were just as shocked as a lot of people who didnt vote for mr. Trump, but this is whats cool. Before the mood seemed a little docile. It was amy robach was there. It was, like, very quiet, and then all of a sudden, the mood happi happier. Once florida came in and cutting to headquarters for mrs. Clinton and headquarters from and this is just its an anomaly. Weve never seen this before. This type of a victory. Rand paul said something two days ago that was amazing. He said euric, you know, you got your east coast with the wall street, your west coast with the hollywood folks, and now you got a whole a lot of people in between all that that just demonstrated how theyre feeling. And for me its like i said last night as much as i wanted to go out and say to a bunch of young people, hey, stop, everybody, cant we all just get along, i realized that i have to respect those people. I have to respect them. Both president obama and Hillary Clinton yesterday echoed what you were saying, they were saying give president elect trump a chance. What do you think he should do to address those protests and that pain . Listen. I think starting with this network and every other network, its important that we focus on and not focus on all this his lawsuits, and i know its news. I know its news, but people have to kind of again. Before the election, i said, lets focus on who is the right person. That decision has been made. Now we have to do our best to just continue to positively to do unto others as you would have them do unto great verse in second chronicles, people if my people would humble themselves and pray i would hear their pray and i would heal their land. Thats a powerful thought. Hopefully you and your brother are talking now. Youre back on good terms. I might need you, michael. Youre yourn own with that one. How late night comics are helping with postelection stress and well have their best jokes coming up. First thing i did was call my high school bully. Chool bully. S its perfect. Now that weve added adjustable base, my favorite part is to be able to lift your legs up a little bit, lift the head up a little bit, when you save up to 600 on select tempurpedic mattress sets. And get zero percent apr for 5 years. And there you have it. Visit mattress firm. Americas 1 tempurpedic retailer today, and sleep happy tonight. Right now at kohls, its time for holiday entertaining so roast the turkey, make the cookies and set the table. At kohls youll save a little more with an extra 15 off and earn a little more with kohls cash so you can give a little more this holiday. Kohls. Some say i dance to the beat of a different drummer. I say, i just dance. Be up for anything with boost. Its intelligent nutrition. With 26 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. And im just getting warmed up. Black friday deals are here all month long at lowes. Get up to 40 off appliance special values 396 or more, like this washer and dryer pair for only 274 each. And this frigidaire stainless steel refrigerator for only 498. Make your home happy with great savings at lowes. How go more human irto how about more humor to help with that postelection stress . Here you go. I had the weirdest, weirdest remember that guy who used to host the [ laughter ] i dreamed we elected him president. The big story is that america woke up this morning and was like did i do that . This morning you finally woke up from a coma, well, you might want to go back. What we did was the democratic equivalent of installing an aboveground pool. Even if were lucky and it doesnt seep into our foundation foundations, our neighbors will never look at us the same way again. We put our 8monthold son to bed and i was holding him and said when you wake up tomorrow morning we might have our first female president and then when we came home around midnight, i went into his room, shook his crib until he woke up and screamed, we have to get out of here i watched News Coverage all night last night and it was especially interesting to watch the change in tone as the night progressed. The evening went on, and the results came in, almost every anchor looked like a child slowly realizing that no one was showing up to his birthday party. Now today americans have the right to feel happy, angry, pessimistic, optimistic but everybody should feel grateful that we get to vote, and if we dont get our way, we have the chance to try again. It is a beautiful thing. Yeah. Its thursday. That means tory johnson. Deals steal kicking off the holidays with something for everyone. Huge savings on great gifts. Im shopping for all of you today with tory. What do we get . Ill hide it. I will figure it out. Amy adams is going to be along in our last hour as well. Well have her at the breakfast table. Well have her at the breakfast introducing and aloe vera in a professionalquality formula, inspired by nature. Blended by professionals to replenish for stunning healthylooking hair. Tresemm . Botanique professional. At your fingertips. Diane went to lowes and found this beautiful, lifelike tree. Its so realistic, i feel like im back in the forrrest sorry, headlights get me everytime. Now get your choice of ge reel lights for only 9. 99, and make your home happy at lowes. . . . Back here on Good Morning America were going straight to johannesburg, south africa. Flash flooding killing at least two people. You can see the highway flooded with cars, so many had to abandon the vehicles getting stuck in the drains. In this image. You can see that. Isnt that a wild video . All the people there obviously that flash flooding a big issue. Were so dry but the cold coming on through with a cold front. Brought to you by collateral beauty. The new film by new line cinemas in movies december 16th. Collat beauty q. The new film by new line cinemas. A recent study shows that a colorado ski industry has a 4 4 billion impact on the state. And loveland is opening in an hour. Jason gruenauer is there. Jason, i know you forgot your board. Reporter yes, but i am ready anyway. Said they would let its open and finishing up the final grooming. The snow cannons are blowing. People are here, camping out since 3 00 in the afternoon yesterday, just to be on the first chair here. Its a tradition of them. Year 21year. The first one open first, others have had to delay because of the lack of snow and the weather that we havent there is snow, 18 inches, about a dozen cars in the parking lot, about 20 people in the line here. Jason gruenauer, denver7. From where he is, loveland, blue skies and gorgeous. Just a touch cooler than it was yesterday. Denver, 67 and ft. Collins, going to hit 70. And tracking temperatures will be warmer and sunshine through the weekend, 60s and 70s. Jason, through the meddle of middle of next week. An accident on the westbound side of 36 at church ranch and blocking the right lane here. And the express lanes are open, traffic back to before sheridan. Stop and go traffic there. Some delays in usual spot. Crossing guards coming down at the a line and york. Causing hefty delays. Good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Breaking overnight, antitrump protests erupt across the country chanting slogans against the president elect. Thousands of people in the streets marching on trump towers in chicago and new york. Peaceful demonstrations turned violent. Police used tear gas to fight back. More than 100 people arrested. From f pennsylvania avenue, americas new first Family Moving into the white house in just 71 days. How will melania follow tradition as first lady . As 10yearold barron is now in the public eye. . Prince harry, back in the spotlight this morning just days after that unprecedented statement defending his girlfriend Meghan Markle as new reports emerge shes asked for time off from suits. All these kids are joining us to . Oh, great to have all those adorable little kids with us this morning. Theyre getting ready for the Holiday Season and so are we. They are getting ready. Tory johnson will help everybody else get ready. Big deals steals. You see her right there. Perfect gifts for something i never heard of bull. Nutribullet. You never hea o george. Come on, neutribullet. Everybody has heard of it. We have an expert who will show us teach us great diy tips for decorating over the holiday, deck straighting ornaments and a friendly competition. Friendly . Well have decorating ornaments. More friendly than you guys this morning . Im saying friendly because i about how good its going to be. Thats coming up. Lots of glitter. See if you can keep up with that. You dont scare me. You cant handle my glitter. Continuing, you will never see that guy Eddie Redmayne. Youll never guess what role he auditioned for and he said it didnt go so well coming up in pop news. A funny insider story. Amy has the morning rundown. I didnt know what the nutribullet was either. Robin and michael. News flash. The big story, donald trump goes to washington. The president elect is meeting with president obama at the white house this morning. A tradition on the thursday after a president ial election and this all comes as the Trump Transition Team led by new Jersey Governor Chris Christie kicks into high gear launching its website greatagain. Gov. Trump will also meet with House Speaker paul ryan promising to work hand and hand with trump and repeal obamacare. Protests erupted from coast over trumps election blocking streets, some in the crowd threw rocks and bottles at Police Officers and abcs gio benitez is outside trump tower this morning. Gio, how is it going . Reporter amy, good morning to you. The protests here overnight were loud and in some cases violent. Were talking about 120 protesters arrested overnight across this country. I want to show you video from new york city. I was out here last night right outside of trump tower. Its, of course, the home of president elect donald trump. Three blocks on fifth avenue. Some 10,000 protesters here in manhattan alone. Now, lets go to los angeles. There were so many protesters there, freeways had to be shut down. Crowds even burned effigies of donald trump. Now, over there further north in oakland, some 7,000 protesters, police using tear gas on some of them, they say, to keep it all under control. But here at trump tower i can tell you we dont expect these protests to die down because by social media and that trumpprotests is trending across this country. Number one trend on twitter, amy. Stunning image, all right, thank you so much. Gio. Overseas south koreas president says donald trump called her and pledged his commitment to defending south korea under the existing security deal and today japans Prime Minister confirmed he will meet with trump next week. In other news, Police Say Two officers were ambushed and shot while responding to a domestic call in a pittsburgh suburb overnight. One of t police say they were shot as soon as they approached the home. A search is now under way for that suspect. And in chicago, a stock trader has pleaded guilty to helping trigger the socalled flash crash that wiped out billions of dollars back in 2010. This man was accused of using bogus orders and manipulation schemes to buy and sell stocks in, get this, milliseconds then he made millions. It all happened in his mothers years in prison. Brad pitt cleared of wrongdoing of a child abuse investigation. It stemmed from an alleged incident involving pitt and his son on a plane. George, this is for you. Prince harry is attending an event with his grandfather today. His first public appearance since releasing an official statement in defbs of his girlfriend, actress Meghan Markle. Harry blasted the press and the public for what he called a wave of abuse and harassment and he said he is worried about her safety. He complained about coverage with racial undertones and outright racism on social markle is biracial and she has reportedly asked for time off now from her hit tv show. And finally a reallife veggie tale. A man who lost his wedding ring three years ago found it, are you wondering what that was, he found it in his garden with a carrot growing through it. Wow. The band had no diamond but i guess he can now call it a onecarrot ring. Oh. Well done. Well done. Right up there. That groan was love, baby. Im so jealous. Hard to follow. I know, im going to try. Hi, everybody. Pop news time and props this morning to Lindsay Lohan for turing a negative into a positive. She gave an interview last week in which she appears to have adopted a new accent. So people are scared of refugees and everything in the world there is a minimum. Theres a line and where make happiness and to make what is bad good. What was that . Thats an interview that went viral. Thousands trying to guess what kind of accent she now speaks with. Rather than get defensive give it to her. She declared she speaks lohan and launched a line of clothing celebrating it. Turning humanitarian and teaming up with represent. Com for a lilohan. There is a tank top, tshirt or sweatshirt. Christmas is coming. All the proceeds go to two Childrens Charities which is fantastic. The mean girls actress announcing it making light of her cadence which explains is only natural. Shes learning some languages and learning french, russian, turkish, italian and arabic and that is a mixture of them. To create lilohan. Almost like shes from thrones. A little scottish in there. Our producer does it he speaks fluent lilohan. He does everything well. He does. Also in pop news, can you imagine a world where star wars villain kylo ren played by Eddie Redmayne . That casting, what if was a possibility according to the fantastic beast actor although he says his chances were not exactly great. He knew it right away. Redmayne opens up to a podcast claims it was kind of nightmare because the script was so top secret the casting director gave him lines from pride and prejudice and said do itike a baddie. Do that like a bad guy. Eddie said in spite of ten different versions of darth vaders heavy breathing infused lines it went to adam driver and the are he is history. He said there was a silver lining. It was the same casting director would gave him several other roles including, oh, that little oscar winning turn in the couldnt be more different. He is a very versatile actor but that like darth vader breathing, not so good. He drew the line but did want the role. I love hearing those stories about the one that got away. A great reminder even the best of the best have those moments. It worked out for him in the long run. Try, try, again. A little lesson like a little onecarrot gold ring. Another girlie moment. Four dayses, four different hairdos. Drop the mike, baby. Courtney, we love you. Finally, thanksgiving, two weeks from today. Can you believe it . Two weeks from today and, george, i have bought all the ingredients for the stuffing recipe you gave me. All right. Ill do a prep run and bring it in and let you try it. Exciting. George, you can cook like that . Yeah. George is on stuffing patrol and says his recipe is the both. Except without a nutribullet. Save a lot of time if you did. One mom has cleaned doing it again. Check out this picture her son posted on twitter. I know you cant read it. Mommas taped off the entrance to their living room making it off limits until turkey day. Unless, and i say unless family members abide by the list of rules and regulations, first, you must be showered and completely dirtfree. Second, clothes must be laundered and finally if permission is granted absolutely no food or drinks permitted whatsoever. The note is signed mom, comma, comma, queen of the castle, comma, person ruining your life. Whatever works for you. Wow. Wow. That is she is ready. That might work. No joke. That is no joke. She is not going cleaning that living room again. Thats pop news, everybody. All right, lara. Ooh. Coming up making the move into the white house. What kind of style will melania bring to the home and what will life be like for barron. Including the nutribullet. Migraines steal moments from my life. So i use excedrin. It starts to relieve migraine pain in just 30 minutes. And it works on my symptoms, too. Now moments lost to migraines are moments gained with excedrin. [heartbeat] good is in every blue diamond almond. A good that comes in 20 flavors from whole natural to wasabi and soy sauce. And once good gets going, get your good going. Blue diamond almonds. During the ford year end event, discover why ford is americas bestselling brand. . Im on top of the world, hey . With the most 5star ratings. Awardwinning value. And the highest owner loyalty. Giving drivers what matters most. Thats how you become americas bestselling brand. During the ford year end event get an extra thousand dollars black friday bonus cash on top of all other its an amazing time to visit your ford dealer. . Eat up, buddy. Youll get it this time. Yeah ok not too quick dont let go until i say so. I got you. Start strong with the Lasting Energy of 100 youre doing it . Sixteen houseguests, one bathroom. Things get messy. Ours can help. Sc johnson. pop campbells tomato soup and grilled cheese. more popping go together like being late and being grounded. . Sfx laughter . We all find fun ways to be good to our hearts. One hundred percent whole grain quaker oats is the delicious way to help reduce cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. . A live shot of the white house and a little more than two months president elect donald trump will and his family will move into the private residence there. Lara takes a closer look at what they can expect. Indeed, robin. When the trumps move into the white house, they will face major lifestyle change, big decor. Take a look. In just 71 short days the trump family will have a brandnew address and the tack of making the white house home traditionally involves the efforts of the first lady. It will be my honor and privilege to serve this country. Reporter but Melania Trump is far from traditional. An immigrant from slovenia. She is the first immigrant to be first lady since louisa who is the wife of John Quincy Adams in the second of all, shes a former model. Reporter but Melania Trumps most important job as first lady will continue to be as full time mother to the third newest resident of pennsylvania avenue, 10yearold son barron trump. See told people previously shes a very handson mom and they do not employ a nanny. Reporter largely sheila e. Ed from the limelight thus far barron is the youngest son of a president to live in the white house since 1963 when jfk was in charge. So far hes handled the process in stride. How has the experience been for him. Hes doing very well. I keep him in balance and just have him a childhood. I just want to have him out of the spotlight for how. Reporter barron will be visited by his nieces and nephews. His oldest brothering telling him how close he is. You have to respect your uncle even though there is a oneyear difference. Reporter mastering it in the public eye is george bushs daughters wrote a letter to the obamas daughters, although its an honor and full of so many extraordinary opportunities it isnt always easy being a member of the club youre about to join. Probably very true. Joining us now a woman who knows, anita mcbride. Welcome. Thank you. You have been there and done it. What are the trumps in for from your perspective. Done it multiple times. Starting today with the first visual of them all being itll be the first time shes ever seen the white house. To know that youre going to move in and live there, im sure, is quite an whoever jemming thought. What are some of the tasks at hand going to be a challenge for her. Shell be asked a lot of questions, particularly not today, though, mrs. Obama im sure will show her all the rooms in the white house where shell be living for the next four years but she should expect through her staff a lot of questions from the residence taff there, over 100 people that want to take care of them for the next four ar answers. Weve got 75 days of a transition sh. Can she have time to sleep on it . Absolutely but the thing is what the staff is there to do right after the inaugural parade, you walk into the white house, the first time as the new first family, your things are unpacked. Things that you might like to eat are there. The way youre going to entertain your family. Who is going to sleep over, all that is decided well ahead of time. Real quick, i have to ask i have a little boy near his age. What will it be like for him. It is a big change. Im sure hes worried. Will i be able to have my friends over. Will gentlemen. Well, of course, hell be able to have his friends over. Thats one thing laura bush conveyed to Michelle Obama who was worried about the same thing and what she said is you can have a wonderful family life here and you will. Theres lots of things there for him to share with his friends including a movie theater. Now you can see first run movies before anybody else its going to be okay. Anita, great to have you here. I hope youll come back. I will. Great to have your per per tiff. My girl tory johnson with us, deals steals and the nutribullet comes to life, people. Gogo . Id like to give you a gift. . That is so thoughtful get your coupon, spend 75 in store and get a 10 gift card to use in december. You dont let anything keep you sidelined. Thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. 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Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Back here on Good Morning America, look at this ray of sunshine in a cold times square. Amy adams, not one, but two big movies. So how are you feeling. Good, a little cold. Secondguessed my decision not to wear a coat but im good. Im really good is there well keep you warm. We have so much coming up. Its 8 22 on this thursday. On your first alert, a beautiful day. Temperatures in the upper 60s. A touch cooler this afternoon. Warmer tomorrow with a weak cold front to want, temperatures will drop close to freezing. We are potentially tracking a little snow and rain by the end [ applause ] yes, everybody, it is that time, it is time to jump start your holiday shopping. Tory johnson here with major steals deals. Or deals steals. Deals steals. Whatever way you want to do it. Allstar at 10. You got it. We partnered with all of these companies to bring you these great deals starting with one piece, so weve got this onesies started as the ultimate the. What could i wear on a lazy sunday and now evolved into something celebrities and others wear out and about year round. We didnt need all that. Onesie, hoodie, joggers, both jade and will give it a thumbs up. Normally not inexpensive. They start at 69. Everything is slashed by at least 50 so starting at 34. 50. Good. All right. Next up merry we have the top of the line nutribullet. This is their most powerful device to date. So well give well School George on this. Piping hot soup in seven minutes and the most nutrient rich smoothies, dip, sauce, wide variety of things you can make and no Time Settings or buttons, push it and it knows whats in here and it creates the perfect amount of time, the right amount of time. It thinks for itself. Smart technology. Phenomenal deal. Normally for the top of the line, 180, slashed in half, 90 bucks for a nutribullet. Tell you what, we all know that georges gift for me from christmas is costing 90 bucks. Emotions are running high, wear whatever is on your mind on your wrist from rustic cuff and get to personalize, nine different. Nine different styles of metallic leather. Gold, you could do a name, date, phrase, hashtag, whatever is on your mind put it on your wrist. Normally 92, today they are slashed by 63 , 34 bucks. 34 bucks. Beautiful gift. Next up, michael todd beauty. What i love about these, right here for you, yeah, sonic clear so this will clean your face so you could use it in the shower. Plus a variety of other products. Phenomenal gift at a good price too. Normally 89. Weve slashed them by 62 . 34. Cant beat that. And last but not let from rumi. All personalized. Glass, cutting boards, wine bags, reel lust generous size stockings, name, family name, initials. Normally 20 to 50s did, 10 to 25. Youre getting nutribullet an a product from michael todd, all the deals, goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo thank you. I know i did all the talking for. Skiers and borders, rejoice. Loveland ski area opens today. Lisa is excited. The first chair at nine and people in line. Our Jason Gruenauer is there, joining in on the fun. Reporter yes, i am. Turning turning up the snow gun, theyre going down, one with run open, already people lining up. We had people that came out 3 00 in the afternoon yesterday to be on that first chair. Going to set off around 89 00. And the loveland ski official said everything is fine and got the temperatures to dip down and turn the snow guns on, 18 inches of base layer. Im Jason Gruenauer, denver7. Plenty of sunshine, highs likely in the low 50s. Well see out in the plains, 60s near 70. Havrj, 67, denver 68 and keenesburg near 70. One in the next next weekend one chance of storms. We have a rolled over fedex truck. It was on 70, rolling over into the grass. No significant i delay. In town, church ranch on 36, starting to improve for us. And problems on 70, 45th and havent . Suddenly . [ applause ] we welcome you back to gma. Look at this wonderful audience that we have with us and weve got this thursday morning, weve got a lot coming up here, michael. Yes, we do. I want to talk to you about weddings how many of us have been to weddings and then someone has given a toast and youre just sitting there going, hurry up, get this over with. Everybody, right . Well, i got a toast that may change your opinion on this. This one, it blew me away when i saw this. Lets just say, it would make the Founding Fathers very proud. Take a look at this. How does a met fan, golfer, long island boy, an accountant, dropped right in the melting pot, yes, new york city, aint shows, go meet this jew from california, you know where this story goes. Yes, jenna rotner, the oldest daughter of my father, she moved to the big apple with some pressure from her mother who said time to be a wife, this year you saw your life. Israeli mothers, a sharper edge than any knife. [ cheers and applause ] wow. That was that was awesome. The guy who did it matt rotner a audience. There you go, matt. That was great. Well done. So what inspired you to say, okay, your sister jenna got married to ross and you said, im going to come up with this hamilton inspired rap. So im very close with my sister jenna and her now crazy to say her husband russ so i figured i had to do something unconventional to be memorable and i had to create a moment that we would share that was truly unforgettable. Its because weddings are big and they call for celebration so it hit me last year when we took ross to see a show and made the decision that i would not speak in prose and it inspired these rhymes and make you think of dr. Seuss but Linmanuel Miranda is where i got my muse, he wrote Alexander Hamiltons our Founding Fathers anthem so i decided to write my own song i wrote my own tribute to the tandem and i guess the spot went well. Im now on gma and im not going to throw away my shot because this is going to be their day so all right. Thank you, thank you. I did not see that coming. Me neither. He stood up and i was like, security. I have a question, though. Everybody is wondering how long did it take to come up with that . So, it took so it was really inspired when i saw hamilton last year. I saw it last october and jenna and ross got he proposed a few weeks prior and in my family we have this whole at big events and i lost my ability to sing a long, long time ago so i thought, right when i saw hamilton it ended, the song i did and i literally turned to my nom and said, you know what, this is not my mother, but i said, i said, i know exactly what im doing at their wedding, because i knew i could put on a huge show and i knew i could do something that was truly unforgettable for that big day and i didnt have to sing a note so it was great. Yeah. Im sure it was a big hit. Im sure everybody enjoyed it. Yeah, it went over pretty well. Two of my bosses are actually in the crowd so i wanted to make sure i didnt screw up. The look on their faces you did great. Im sure you knocked it out of the box. He did. Congratulations to you and your sister. Right there a man who could nail a job interview. No question about that. But all of us have had some tough ones, right . Ooh. Job interviews. Yeah. Yeah. Well, wow, that was a lot of yeahs right there. You can relax, a friend of mine just wrote an article saying job interviews are useless. They are . Hes right. You like that idea right there. And heres why, he says, theyve done a lot of studies that show when you compare tests, aptitude tests or intelligence tests, the tests are a much better predictor but people who do the interviews dont believe it. Everybody think when were doing the interviewing for the job we do a better job. Turns out what is happening you just confirm what you already sort of believed going in your First Impression as oppose to really paying attention to the skills. And to the calls that they bring to the table. You can relax. No more interviews, guys. You heard it from george. Do you remember your worst interview . Oh, gosh, i dont want to relive it, please. I just remember i had this hideous blue shirt and white little crisp shirt. I remember panicking for one, a job i really, really wanted but it was in a different city and i had one of those days where the planes were late, sitting on the tarmac and completely missed the interview. Didnt matter there either. I did get the job. You did. Of course, he got the job. Its george stephanopoulos. Got the job. He didnt know what a nutribullet was, okay, so i didnt know if he got the job or not. Cant assume everything, agree. Thats it. Finally we have somebody who is here. Yeah, we have this lets move over. Yay. Shes a fivetime oscar nominee, a twotime golden globe winner and shes already getting a lot of buzz. Amy adams, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] amy. Oh. How are you . [ applause ] fine. Mwah. Great. Great to see you. How are you doing . Hello. Mwah. Ah. Hi. Very excited about this movie that you have coming out here. One starts friday. Far away from the table. Stuck. Here we are. Yes. Nothing but the best for us. Youre safe at home. Two movies coming out. One tomorrow, arrival and you say with the one with arrival, you had just finished a movie and are like im not doing anything and got the script. I got the script and it was so different and so unique and it was something i really had to be a part of. The director, denis villeneuve, hes a frenchcanadian, hes just fantastic. How is your little girl . She is fantastic, thanks for asking. 6 years old. Shes beautiful. Thank you so much. I loved my producer was telling me she had quite a crush on your man of steel costar henry cavill. Oh, yeah, she doesnt anymore. She makes it very clear. Shes moved on. Remember that funny time when i thought henry was cute. Yeah, she kind of pinched him in the tush. She was like a year and henry is like what did she think about Jeremy Renner . She was much cooler about jeremy. Oh, yeah. So they ended up playing together so it was really so she kind of thinks of him as the dad. Her play date. You want to see a little bit of arrival . [ applause ] lets set it up now. Youre a linguistics professor and you can communicate with aliens. Ive been recrewed by the United States government to decipher an alien language. Okay, of course. Lets go. Arrival. Now, thats a proper introduction. Oh. [ applause ] theres just something about our fascination and wonderment about aliens. Possibilities and so many story lines. Its this endless well of stories about, you know, that which we do not know so so, how do you learn alien . Ooh. You know, i pretend that i speak alien. I dont know, maybe being a parent helps you. It helps you learn how to communicate. Right. Yeah. And the other movie were very excited about, nocturnal animals, i went saw the extended trailer. Oh, my god. [ applause ] it is a thriller. Its jake gyllenhaal. Tell people about that. I play an art gallerist in los angeles, who is not in a great place and receives a manuscript from her exhusband and gets lost in this very harrowing story that everyone i worked with was just fantastic in that film. Everyone ive spoken to who has seen it, people are going on monday to a screening, its just anxiety but its really fun, you know. Its also directed by Fashion Designer tom ford. Yes. Im curious, when im going in and tom ford is the director, what do you wear . Oh, my goodness. Thats what i thought too. And when i found out he was in town and theyre like, he can meet you this afternoon and i had been running errands and i was in yoga clothes, but not going to yoga. You know what i mean, so i was like, oh, i had to call someone. I have nothing dry cleaned thats appropriate to wear. Nothing tom ford. No, i think i wore theory. You know, a smart little jumpsuit. Tom would have been like, hmm. Youre trying too hard he probably would have liked it. He would have liked it. He would have liked my attention to detail. Just dont show up and you still get the job. Yeah, really, right. Miss the interview, thats true. Amy, you are always a delight. Thank you so much. Always cheering for you and to have these two and a lot of buzz about it, amy adams, everybody. Arrival comes out tomorrow. And coming up, these kids, well, theyre getting a head start and writing letters to santa, adorable. Well tell you why, though. We are back now with conviction star Merrin Dungey who plays tough, no nonsense on the new abc legal drama. Welcome to Good Morning America. Thank you so much for having me. This next episode gets pretty heavy. You guys attack black lives matter. How on set do you keep yourself from getting too intense . We have a lot of fun. We play bananagrams. I found Hayley Atwell dressed as a banana in my trailer because why not. Theres the image. Theres the image. If anything is going to help you lighten the mood, that will. That was literally like 5 30 in the morning, i think. Oh, my goodness. Then the show itself, obviously youre enjoying playing your character. Is it a ton different than who you are . Yeah, shes a lot stronger and tougher, yeah. Not silly with maxine. And the great news about this episode, we get to find out more about who she is. Bananagrams lighten the mood so does a dog and obviously were doing the gma big monthlong adoption series. You have a dog on set. And shes gone through a couple different ones but found her one true love in howard and he is the set pet. We love him so much. Thats howard right there. Hes just incredible and he was rescued from north carolina, i believe, when there was the floods. So hes just found his home with hayley. I think she might send out engagement cards with him. Her soul mate. Truly. Her soul mate. Its perfect. We are so grateful that you came this morning and happy adopt a dog. You have to do it as well. Go to our website for more. You have to know this, 10 00, 9 00 centra [ cheers and applause ] we have to head back in to robin. Ill learn more tips about how to be more stern like maxine. You got that, ginger. You got i its officially that time of year. Abcs rachel smith is here with the return of the believe campaign. Rachel. Thats right, robin. Yeah. So the believe campaign is back and were partnering with macys and makeawish to help kids with lifethreatening illnesses have a day theyll never forget and this year theres something new in the mix and a National Movement called the santa project and we ho, ho, hope youll get involved. Lets take a look. Dear santa. Reporter tis the season to believe. And macys and makeawish are asking all you believers to grab your markers and tablets and write to the big man up north, the one and only santa claus. Each letter that you write to santa, its going to help somebody, another kid out there who is sick. Just come to macys, mail your letter to santa in one of our red letter boxes or go online to macys. Com. Reporter for every letter 1 up to a million to makeawish and this year theyre hitting a big milestone. 100 million. Okay, wait, do the math again for us. Thats three wishes per day for the past 13 years. Really incredible and so proud of that relationship. Reporter a relationship that in part has granted more than 270,000 wishes across the u. S. Magic in its purest form. We see that it strengthens families at a time when they need all the help they can get. Winter you can inspire others to get in the ho, ho, hope spirit with the santaproject by posting messages of hope, generosity and why you believe. Santa is the best. Santa is the best. Reporter so lets start writing to st. Nick. I wish for the barbie dream house. Can you please give me a cat . And an ipad and a puppy, love more incredible wishes come true. All we believe yeah, we sure do believe. And this morning we got more kids here writing notes to santa, right . You guys wrapped them up. And now its time to drop them in the mailbox and send them up north to the north pole. Are you ready to do it . Lets see the letters. Yeah, good job. You can drop them in here or here. Go ahead. Are you ready . Yeah, there you go. Good job. All right. Come on, keep it coming. All right. There you go. And if you guys want to get involved with the campaign, just go to our webs robin. Oh, rachel, arent they so cute . I know. They love little arts and crafts too but coming up and in here. Yeah, because weve got diy guide to holiday crafts next. Oh, oh, oh. Whoo. . All right. We are back now with your diy the holidays are fast approaching and nicole farb, the spokesperson for our sponsor michaels is here with great decorating tips. Michaels is about creativity and the holidays is a great time to get creative. The best. The best. I love getting creative with my two little boys, theyre twins, theyre 2 years old. Were at michaels every weekend because they make it easy. Every weekend. Every weekend. I didnt make it like that. Im michael every day so im with you. So, we have some ornamts we got a little competition were going to do. A makeoff. We have a little makeoff. What are we making, first of all . We are making ornaments. Its a bedazzleoff so whoever can make the most bedazzled blinged out ornament and you only have 30 seconds. Ive been known to put my bedazzling skills to be honest with you, thats what im known for. Amy and ginger here. They were giving me the stink eye earlier because they think they had a shot. So what do we do . Glass ornaments. You know, look, theyre not glass. Better. Smart. Dont worry about that this year. Forget about dropping an ornament. So what do we have inside . So let me give you a couple tips. Glue, i say glue is your friend, we preglued these for you so focus on the glitter and stickers. Lots of glitter. Glitter is your friend. Use it a ton. Then you have stickers and just bling them away. This is all about you or w you want to give it to. Hold on, robach. No, no, no. We have 30 seconds. I did it off camera. 30 seconds. Okay. All right. Well let you get us started. We have a clock so ready, set, make. Go. Glitter it up. Glitter it up. Oh, my, getting crazy with two colors. You got two colors. Amy, awesome. Oh, my gosh. She has five colors going step up your game. Step up your game. Here we go. All eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Ornaments up. [ buzzer ] here we go. Cant get the top on. Ooh. I think yall are going to help me decide, right, who has the glitziest ornament. Mine just sits like this. I like it. Its beautiful. Patriotic. Thats not enough time. Not even close. You made this in 30 seconds. Imagine a couple minutes. Right . You know, i got to say, im going to i can tell you whose i like the most. Yours . You think im going to say myself. Im not. Im actually going to say gingers. I like that. Yours is very patriotic. It is very patriotic. I like that. Amy, i got to say you and i he thought i was actually going to do it. Oh, no. Theres a lot of ways for people out there, they have clinics at michaels to come in and learn to do some crafts. They have classes, free and some paid and this saturday theyre having a super cool event. Ornament making day. You can bring your family. Awesome. Yeah, and so thank you. Benefits the star light foundation. Even better, right . Even better. Nicole, thank you. Thank you so much. Hey, thank you to michaels as well for all these great ideas. Well decorate some more ornaments, everybody. Stay right there. . Sfx laughter . We all find fun ways to be good to our hearts. One hundred percent whole grain quaker oats is the delicious way to help reduce cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. Tomorrow morning the moment weve all been waiting for. Garth brooks. Live on Good Morning America. Were excited to see this man sing. For a gma concert event. Tomorrow, the only place to be is tell them, garth. Good morning, america. Presented by carmax. All right, everybody, we have some good news for our audience here. Everybody goes home with a craft bag from michaels with an ornament and a decorating kit. A warning right now for thousands of veterans this morning. The va says 2,000 veterans in compromised. One representative had information emailed to his account. Ssme names, partial Social Security numbers and diagnoses. Homeless clear in march and again now on lawrence street. Cleared out the same camps in march, but have grown in the last eight months. There was a notice saying the personal belongings need to be removed by the 15th, called a Public Health threat. Beautiful clear skies across the region again. Temperatures this morning in the 30s and going to warm to the 60s in denver, du, 68 and 70 in Congress Park and lone tree, 65. Tomorrow and 60s and 70s this weekend. Traffic on the westbound side, the accident near church ranch is gone, but the delay through bloomfield and boulder. Some problems with the crossing guards on the a line on york and 70. And now reporting 20 to 30 minute delays, trying to go to and from downtown and the airport. And slow on 25, 225 and c470 as well. 6th with such of the same. In boulder and 36, gour going live from new york city, Wendy Williams show. [ cheers and applause ] we wont judge. Its going to be juicy. . . Now, heres [ cheers and applause ] . . Wendy look. [ cheers and applause ] wendy thank you for watching

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