Transcripts For KMGH 7 News At 11 AM 20160302

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Still awaiting the arrival of the ntsb to investigate this small plane crash. We got pictures from witnesses who happened to be taking picturion nearby. You can see it crashed on the hillside just off highway 105. More than dozen houses just that close to the crash site. As for why it crashed, the El Paso Sheriffs Office and soon out. It appeared the plane of the some mechanical issues and obviously there have been high winds but theres no investigation at this time to indicate what exactly was the result of this crash. Reporter after that fire was all put out you can see just a metal shell and as we really all thats left of the plane. When it did crash and all that fire shot everywhere it did cause a fire in the area, but crews were able to contain that to only about a quarter of an acre. It is quite windy out here today, a lot of dry grass, high fire warning today. But again, they were able to contain the fire. A small plane has crashed the Southeast Side of palmer lake. We still dont know how many victims if any victims are involved here. Thank you for theeupdate. This story is clearly developing right now. As soon as we learn more we will brrng it to you here at denver 7 and thedenverchannel. Com. Look at that thing shake. Extreme winds are definitely across the state. Reporter that shot is making me sick. Traffic wasnt too bad, and the winds werent bad but the last few hours it really gotten strong. The airport 2040 Miles Per Hour. Strong north westerly flow loft and it again going to keep things very gusty across the plains. Most of the wet weather is going to be up 000 mountains. We just get the gusty winds. Things are start to go clear along i25. A live look farther east, here is a view from our vieira wireless in akron, you can see some dark skies lingering and we are still going to pick up a few storms this afternoon but that will be well off to the east of us. We will take a look at the red flag warning in a bit. Boulder Police Arrest a man accused of sexual assault. Police say the female victim was assaulted somewhere near the hill that evening. He was arrested at the air force academy and taken to the jail. A water main break causing some headaches. Right now near holly and the intersection is closed. Four residential customers, one commercial now without water. No word on when it might be fixed. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton both faced super reporter a confident donald trump telling the republican establishment to accept him as the nominee. I am a unifier. I am going to go after one person after all this is finished, thats Hillary Clinton. Reporter Hillary Clinton moving past the primaries and focusing on trump. Instead of building walls we are going to break down barriers. Reporter but Bernie Sanders not out of the race. Picking up his home state of vermont and wins in oklahoma, minnesota and colorado. This campaign is not just about electing the president , it is about transforming reporter marco rubio winning his first state of the primary season, minnesota. He insists his campaign is in it for the long haul. E will not just save the it to reach more people than every. Reporter ted cruz says its time for ooher republicans to rally around him to beat trump. So long as the Republican Party remains divided so does the concern for donald trump, for conservatives and for the nation. Reporter ben carson says despite the complex, hes not dropping out. It will be very very difficult to untangle it, but im not ready to quit trying to untangle it yet. So llt focus on our state. You can see the updated results here from overnight. Sanders the big victory with 59 of the vote. You wont see gop president ial result from colorado. Our state decided to eliminate president ial straw poll. Instead they voted delegates from county this year i feel diss enfranchised because theres no chance to vote for any of the republican candidates. The Republican Party elected to eliminnte the straw poll will have forced the colorado gop to bind delegates to the result. Voter turnout exceeded expectations. The Colorado Democratic Party is exstatic by all the voter numbers, but some not so eric lupher caught up with some. Reporter some lines were too long. Thousands of people flooddd the 22 caucus sights scattered all across boulder county. The Boulder Daily Camera reports thousands of would be caucus goers were denied the chance to partake. I caught up with one voter who was lucky enough to cast his vote. I asked him what he thinks about it. I think the people are hungry for change and were tired of towing the line and going along with whatever the parties throw out and personally i think bernie is exciting and hes not playing the game thats been played for so many years. Any time a voter doesnt get to vote, the buck stops with me, and its a huge problem and can to make their next experience not just better but excellent and that starts with me calling my representative this morning saying it is time to go to primaries. Voters come from team hillary, she lost by a wide margin here in boulder county. but for those who could have voted, would it have made a difference . Thats a good question. At 10 15 well have another politics unplugged special and joined by some of colorados top legislatures. Getting ready to introduce a of School Districts on allowing medical marijuana. Longmont representative passed a similar bill last year allowing cannabis oil and patches. I followed up on that and found not one district in colorado changed policy. He says this legislation gives the schools no choice. Reporter a Jefferson County student with severe epilepsy was the reason to change the law. Even though he has a private nurse at school, he still cant use his cannabis oil or patch at school. They have recommendations from their doctors are able to go to school. Reporter representative singer expected his law would bring change but it didnt happen that way. Left and right we are still seeing schools turning theyrr backs on kids. Reporter i was told despite the state law they were funding if they allowed any type of pot. Jacks pill part two risks students taking their medicine or losing state funds. Maybe they wont be able to use those for school construction. Reporter he says his bill could open the door for districts to be sued. We need to step up and represent these families. Reporter he is not tryiig to force School Employees to give the medicine, it would be a caregiver or parent. Police are still searching for a person who hit a pedestrian and droveeoff near treemont place and park avenue the victim was left severely injuredd a plate kqi285 colorado plate, police are asking people to look out for. Bankruptcy has been looming since january for Sports Authority company. We know of three Stores Closing in colorado including the sports castle in downtown denver. Still details on the train derail. Evacuations and people describe we are following new developments after a train derailed in ripley, new york last night. 55 homes had to be evacuated. First was the house shaking real bad and then the train derailed right over our house. It sounded almost like a tornado coming through. A loud screeching noise. The cause of the derail. Is nottknown. The leak was contained around 2 30 this morning. A 2 year old boy fell out the back of a car. Fortunately the driver behind the mini van jumps out and gets him before he get hurt and another guy chased down thh grandfather. The child was not in a car seat, clearly. Well, apparently sometimes not following the rules could be a good thing at least for a little boy in nebraska. If hadnt disobeyed his mom if we could move his bed and she said no, but he didnt listen. And an hour later a car slammed through the wall. If i was still there i would be hurt or dead. And god was with me. The driver was arrested accused of driving under the influence. Good thing he moved that bed. Her life in a tornado louisiana. 140 Miles Per Hour winds wwre hitting this business. Manager and employees were hiding inside. There was a woman that came up toothe business trying to flee the tornado. Two minute later that tornado was over her. I just braced myself right between the coke machine. It wasnt even holding on, it was just to brace myself. She works for fedex out making deliveries, she said she didnt note how bad the weather was until clearly it was almost too late. You watch them and they are just going, going, going all the time. If it were lisa out there you would be thinking, hmm. Packages, its different. Reporter wind have really picked up. 2040 Miles Per Hour winds gusts today. You get up into the mountains and foothillssstill wwndy. Even up into the mountains a very windy day. Gusts about between 5060 miles r hour. County shaded in pink under a high fire danger red flag warning. Castle rock picked up a bit of rain but still too dry out there to see much moisture. You are going to find anything we get today up and through the mountains. A live look from sterling and the fields are dry. We have got at this point just a few clouds out each and temperatures already in the `pper 50s to low 60s. Greeley 63. City park 57. 30s and 40s as you get up into the moontains and ski resorts. Closer to 70 in south eastern colorado. Denver high of 62. So most neighborhoods will be at about 58 to 62 near denver, castle rock 64. And evergreen 50, estes park low to mid 40s. Again we saw a wave of showers role through this morning. Our mountains will continue to pick up some light snow. We will see a couple of inches there and a few shooers are possible across eastern colorado this afternoon. No threat of any Severe Weather, but a little lightning and thunder, you are going to find by tonight and tomorrow morning things start to dry out and sunshine. Clearing skies overnight also in the mountains. Temperatures are going to stay normal as we head into the weekend. Windy today calmer tomorrow, then they pick up again. Kind of an every other day situation. Better chance of rain by next week monday into tuesday. Need that. We really do. Ill take rain, snow, any of it. Thanks. Let give you a quick recap of the super tuesday results. The democrats Hillary Clinton wins seven states all but democratic nominee. Bernie sanders picked up four including colorado. Donald trump continues to come out on pop. Marco rubio first state is minnesota for him, and ted cruz won in texas, oklahoma and hollywood missed the little fact that there were only certain places for caucus voting. How was your poling place this morning when you voted . It wasnt too bad. Just the buzz, the excitement. Theres actually a lot of people out voting which i wanted to see. Did you vote this morning on super tuesday . I did. Who did you vote for . Donald trump. How was that . Pretty smooth. Did you have to pay a little bit they were charging 5 . Yeah a little bit. Or 10 . Tenement. Oh, really . It. Thats like the colorado people saying yeah, i was at the u2 red rocks concert. Hot on the internet today two off road bikers in australia had a bear run in front of them. One puts the brakes on, the other guy was a little slower to react. Nearly hit it. The bear high tailed it into the woods. Just about every kid want to be like daddy and do what daddy does. Thats what this kid did by shaving the front part of his head with daddys razor. And australias mcdonalds is serving cadbury cream egg mcflurry. Looks like the petite version of the commodor dog mistaken for a mop. `ave a pretend pet to play with or wash in a tub. Okay. You be the judge, does this cat here have the mostle eyes on the planet . Does it . Gi mo has 165,000 instagram followers that say he does. There are comparisons of him to an owl, but the most adorable . Im not so sure about that. Thats a look at whats hot on the internet on this wednesday. Crazyy its a wild peacock case. He is now back where he belongs thanks to social media. Wrangling him was pretty tough. Found him several times, im just not able to contain him and keep him in one spot because theres only one of me and hes pretty quick. I can tell a difference in him now. Hes very skittish, scared, he doesnt quite know what to do with himself and at this point he would probably rather be home. Shes talking about the peacock, not her husband. All end well. We are following breaking news today at 11 30 after a small plain crashes near palmer plane crashes near palmer lake in el paso county. Jayson gruenauer is there with the latest. Reporter this plane came down so fast, so violently and the flames so big that at this point Law Enforcement does not know if or how many victims there are. Now take a look at these pictures. These were sent to us from a witness. A. M. Palmer lake. You can see the flames and just metal left behind. Witnesses say the plane appeared of the some mechanical issues. It is windy here, but theres still no official word on what caused the plane to go down. Also it crashed dangerously close to a neighborhood. It is literally hundreds of yards from the crash sight itself, so this could have been potentially a lot worse than what it was. Reporter now after the fire was all put out just a metal shell was left for investigators to sift through. Now that rash did cause as you saw in those pictures a little bit of a fire. That was actually able to be contained to just a quarter of an acre, the net of wildfires wildfires is high today. But a small plane crashee just south of palmer lake. Weaver still not sure how many victims there may be. Jayson gruenauer denver 7. Youve got to wonder if wind was maybe a factor. Early in the morning we saw gusts around 2030 Miles Per Hour. Its gotten a lot worse out hours. We have seen speeds increase to up to 50 Miles Per Hour. This morning at about 7 00 a. M. We had already hit our normal high of 50degrees now were in the upper 50s in denver. You can see skies cleared. It was pretty dark this morning. Cloud cover over town, had a few light rain showers and that has move to off and now it is going to be mainly broomfield the winds have been closer to 50 Miles Per Hour. It will be calmer tomorrow but speeds along i25 that are really tough. We have seen past examples of a car fire something jjst setting the burn on the side of a way brush on the side of the highway on fire. Its a big possibility today with it being so dry. A few snow showers up in the mountains and a few showers off to our east. We may see a little more rain out east, but this montt we can `e all over the board. Month, the least just a trace, the snowest just over 35 inches. It will be interesting to see where we fall. Super tuesday was pretty good to Hillary Clinton and deliver a complete knockout to their rivals. What a super tuesday. Reporter both the democratic and republican frontrunners came outlooking stronger than every. Clinton won texas and georgia, and overwhelming support by African American voters. Now this moves to the crescent city, the motor city and beyond. Reporter Bernie Sanders won four contests and says he is far from out of the race. This is not just about electing a president it is about transforming america. Reporter for republicans super tuesday cemented that donald trump is far and away the favorite. I feel awfully good. Reporter whiie trump won his home state texas, nearby oklahoma and alaska. The pundits say were underdogs ill accept that. But we will win. Reporter but despite poor showing for kasich and carson, no one dropped out. Leaving everyone bickering about the race. Soloing as the field remains divided the donald trump remaining is more likely and that would be a disaster. Turns out a huge number of caucus goers were pretty upset they never got to vote in boulder. They were just jampacked. People waited for hours in long lines and in the end some of them never voted. Followed, the problem they say they cant predict how many people will come out to vote. The party as whole very excited about the voter interest, but the chairman said,i congratulate both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton for engaging and inspiring colorado on issues which led to more than 505,000 colorado democrat rats coming out for the caucuses. Reppesentative singer passed a measure last year that made it optional for schools to allow medical marijuana. Not one of them has started allowing medical marijuana. Singer says his new bill will say let kids take their 3 medicine or loss money from state taxes. Jersey said if you cant provide services for these kids you risk losing state funding. Its only allows Cannabis Oils and patches. He plans to introduce the measure next week. We now know the cause of the fire from the breaking news yesterday morning. `something on the cooking stove started it. The mobile home was destroyed and nobody was hurt. Westminster Police Arrested two men after police believed a hash oil sparked a fire monday night. The two men are now facing drug reeated charges. And more about the craigs list robbery that ended in a shooting. Police are still looking for the man and woman. They went to 26th and pearce monday night to buy drugs, a man and woman drove up, shot him and took off in his car. Patrick furman is giving the department. The department has been given 400 recommendations. He says one of the biggest problems is a lack of staffing, so he plans to hire 200 deputies this year. The sheriff says hes focusing on giving deputies alternatives to the use of force. They look at different methods to deescalate situations different conversations they can have, different words to use, they go out and they visit different facilities. Another big issue, a mental health. Sheriff furman sayss26 of denvers inmates are being treated for some kind of mental illness. Medical experts now using ecstasy mdma to treat ptsd, some in boulder have permission to try this treatment again so veterans james casey is one of it was like a light for me to see all throughout this cave and the therapists were like guides. Patients like caseyundergo undergo three different treatments. Could approve it. We checked into some weird campus. Of threat. A youtube appears to show someone drawing symbols and leaving a flash drive on campus, still a mystery. What crews just discovered from the Malaysian Airlines reporter we have another warm day, upper 50s to low 60s right now in denver 58degrees. Just how tt2w`tkfd bt qzj tt2w`tkfd a qjfd tt2w`tkfd bm qamh tt4w`tkfd dztq h tt4w`tkfd entq m tt4w`tkfd gzt tp tt4w`tkfd hnt d < tt4w`tkfd iztq. d tt4w`tkfd jntq bad news for colorados lindsey vaughn, this comes after the crash this weekend in italy even though she competed in the event she found out she has three fractures in one of her knees. The overall standings, this is one of the toughest decisions of my career. Astronaut scott kellie is back home fter his mission in space. He took part in aground breaking Research Study a groundbreaking Research Study. Read binnion reports. Reporter scott kellie back on earth after 334 days in space. The longest period of time any astronaut has spent in space. Kellie descended in the desert along with two cosmonaught. Brothers body is different after spending a year on the frontier. The thin vail of the atmosphere on the limb of the earth, i wouldnt say it looks unhealthy, but it definitely looks vvry vvry fragile. And aweinspiring majesty shared from outer that unique experience from kellies tone leaving space. So Colorado University is 10 labs involved in the study. They will look at blood samples from him and his twin brother marc. Think will see if it could increase scott kellies chance for cancer. And all the sudden come down and feel gravity again. I think talking to another too. Just getting back down to family its got to be crazy. Reporter we have temperatures in the 40s, 50s, well into the 60s. Winds have really picked up. Calmer. We are going to see light warmer come saturday and our temperatures are going to be well above normal dueeto the gusty winds. Right now ft. Collins and greeley winds near 50 Miles Per Hour. Statewide winds are an issue. Pueblo wind gusts with up to 55 Miles Per Hour. Plenty of red flag warnings, as blow 15 and in some cases 10 . We have some reports of howling lens but off into the distance we might pick up a light shower. No threat of any Severe Weather with these storms. Mountains will see clearing skies tonight and tomorrow morning we are expecting plenty of sunshine, but its another wave moving through the state. We have the same story come friday into saturday. Right an hour were in the upper 50s. City park 57. In greeley right now 63 and you have more 30s and 40s in the mountains. Conifer 33. We are expecting by this afternoon a few of the spot to climb into the 40s and 50s. Pueblo and lamar highs in the low to mid 70s. Still pretty cold and very windy overbertha pass wind gusts up to 60 Miles Per Hour. A touch cooler on friday, warms up saturday and sunday. In fact close to 70degrees both days. Now the chance for showers next week come tuesday into wednesday. A chance for a little bit of rain, it will be nice, cross your fingers, but the first week of march going down as an extremely dry one. I hope the fire danger doesnt turn into anything. Well a 7. 8 magnitude earthquake struck the coast of indonesia. No widespread destruction to report in the aftermath. Large earthquakes are pretty common in and around that area. Its part of the ring of fire as you may know, also volcanic eruptions. Have found a piece of wreckage from a boeing 777 off the shore of mozambique. It is on its way to ma lay sha right now for further examination. The myself of what happened to that plane remains unsolved. And investigators breaking this story. A professor in gunnison just arrested we are told. Daniel cress. He is a professor of criminal justice. Certainly more on the denver 7 app. We will tell you why you need to move on if you want your kids to attend summer camp. Plus a stooy that will warm your heart. It that time of year for parents to find summer camps for their kids. Some are sold out and others are vanishing by the minute. Confusing and sometimes expensive. Some camps can cost up to 500 a week. The y Program Directors say regardless of what route you go getting kids involved over the summer is very important. When you think about what experience they get engaged with the community, with their peers have their brains active we checked with the department of health and Human Services and they tell us all campers and workers have background checks and weekly bag checks to keep your children safe. A little girl is battling brain cancer and the make a Wish Foundation told her she could have anything she wanted and she wanted to give back by i know some kids might want to go the disney world or stuff or meet fames people but i really feel like i picked the right wish. I asked her last night are you excited about tomorrow . And i said why . And she said because i get to pick up trash. Another reason is because they can get animals hurt. The mayor of that Missouri Town declared this town amelia meyer take care of your world day. Who wouldnt want this job cuddling a newborn all day long. 3 thats what volunteers get to do at this hospital. These little ones born too early really do need this extra special touch. The statistics would show massage is very important to babies of all ages. Its a happy day to be able to see your child but it was also hard because its not how you wanted to see your child. At least somebody is taking care of her watching over her. Well these cuddlers go through extensive background checks, they have all their immunizations including the yearly flu shot to keep the babies safe. The dream job is tough to come by. Theres a waiting list across the u. S. A look at whats coming up at noon on the denver 7. Reporter first at 4 00 on the now come see us. Today chief meteorologist mike nelson checking that windy `ester alert forecast. Also a watch on today high fire danger. Plus cooking, cleaning, ann grocery shopping, how much do you do . Some numbers might surprise you. And shaping up barbies appearance. Thank you, theresa. Mike will be here soon. Were going to keep an eye on announcer brace yourselves for deliciousness, because were about to bring you the chews easy familystyle spread. If you think you know salad, think again. Were kicking things off with a crunch classic that has a surprising tasty twist. Spoiler alert, its bacon. Then, marios making mouthwatering shortbread that will leave you absolutely stuffed. Plus, clinton is in the kitchen with the fabulous Chrissy Teigen and shes brought along a recipe for chicken thats positively legendary. Get ready to serve it up familystyle, right now on

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