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Where firstinthesouth primary is just over two weeks away. Heres nancy cordes. Hillary clinton has been there. Reporter nearly 20 members of the Congressional Black Caucus vowed today to campaign for clinton. Hakeem jeffries of new york was one of them. Hillary clinton has been there from the very beginning to deal with the gun violence epidemic and its impact on African American communities across the country. Reporter she has prayed with black pastors, met with black lives matter protestors and is airing this new ad in the south. You have to face up to the hard truth of injustice and systematic racism. Reporter her Campaign Says sanders is a johnnycomelately on race issues. He says he got his start in activism during the civil rights movement. Georgia congressman john lewis scoffed at that today. But i never saw him. I never met him. I chaired the student nonviolent coordinating committee, but i met hillary clinton. Reporter sanders does speak frequently about incarceration rates and poverty. 51 of young African American kids in this country are unemployed or underemployed. That is a national tragedy. That has got to change. Reporter the influential writer Tanehisi Coates called sanders the best option, and performer Harry Belafonte endorsed him today. I think he represents opportunity. I think he represents a moral imperative. Reporter when clinton and sanders face off here in milwaukee tonight, shell argue that she will actually do more to carry on the legacy of the nations first black president , while hell argue, scott, that hell actually do more to help minorities with his proposals for things like Free Public College tuition. Pelley nancy, thanks very much. The republican primary in South Carolina is just nine days away, and the attacks are getting heres major garrett. We win here, were going to run the table. Reporter donald trump in South Carolina by turns optimistic and vulgar. What the hell is this guy talking about . I dont know what the hell i was doing. What the hell are we thinking . Senator marco rubio. Reporter marco rubio campaigning in a state with more conservative culture instincts criticized trumps language as an assault on decency. You turn on the tv, you have the leading president ial candidate saying profanity from a stage. Profanity from a stage. I mean, all these things undermine what we teach our children. Reporter jeb bush also piled on. He says, were going to bomb the blank, blank, blank out of isis, using a vulgarity. Thats not leadership. Reporter in 2012, about twothirds of republican primary voters in South Carolina described themselves as evangelical or bornagain christians. That represents a challenge for trump despite his large lead in voters we spoke to here were divided. When he claims hes a christian and he can only quote one verse from the bible, i mean, come on. I think thats what a lot of people like about him. He says what he means and means what he says. I love it. Reporter trump today pulled an ad criticizing ted cruz and said he would only run positive ads from now on. Scott, john kasichs campaign has been doing that for weeks and described bushs efforts in South Carolina of having all the joy of a texas chainsaw massacre. Pelley thanks, major. Cbs news will host the next republican debate. Thats saturday evening at 9 00 eastern time. And John Dickerson is the moderator. In another important story tonight, the zika virus, suspected of causing birth defect, keeps spreading. 79 cases now in the u. S. Territories in the americas. Brazil is the hardest hit. With the olympics there this summer, hard choices have to be made. Heres dr. Jon lapook. Morgan in the box. Reporter the u. S. Womens soccer team started on the road to rio last night with a win in their first olympic qualifying game. The teams goalkeeper, hope solo, is raising concern about the risk of zika infections during the game. The olympics, if they were today, i wouldnt go. Fortunately the olympics arent today. So we have six months. We have a little bit of time to figure things out. Reporter u. S. Olympic committee c. E. O. Scott blackmun tried to address questions and doubts in a memo to perspective olympians. He said the organization is working with the c. D. C. And Infectious Disease specialists to closely monitor the situation, but no matter the preparation, he wrote, there will always be risk associated with international competition. An official with the rio games Olympic Village will be air conditioned, and venues will be inspected daily to remove standing water where mosquitoes might breed. The population of the mosquito that carries zika goes down significantly in the cooler, dryer months of august and september, when the games will take place. The main worry is the suspected link between the virus and microcephaly, an unusually small head at birth. That link has been strengthened within the past day by reports both in brazil and the united states. The virus has now been found in the placenta of mothers who miscarried and the brain tissue of newborns with microcephaly who died. I spoke with an official from the Rio Olympic Organizing Committee today and asked, are there any thoughts of canceling or postponing the olympics or it is full steam ahead, and he said, full steam ahead. In fact, this weekend theyre having a test event in rio for the driving competition. Pelley jon, thanks very much. Stand whereof between f. B. I. And armed antigovernment protesters ended peacefully. The final four holdouts surrendered. One refused to go quietly, though, ranting, liberty or death. Tonight weve learned that the isis terrorist group in syria and iraq has chemical weapons in its arsenal. In a rare interview for 60 minutes, we spoke to the director of the c. I. A. , john brennan. We have a number of instances where isil has used chemical munitions on the battlefield. Pelley artillery shells . Sure. Pelley isis has access to chemical artillery shells . Uhhuh. There are reports that isis has access to chemical precursors and munitions that they can use. Pelley the c. I. A. Believes that isis has the ability to manufacture small quantities of chlorine and mustard gas. And the capability of exporting i think theres always the potential for that. This is why its so important to cut off the various transportation routes and smuggling routes that they have used. Pelley are there American Assets on the ground hunting this down . U. S. Intelligence is actively involved in being part of the effort to destroy isil and to get as much insight into what they have on the ground inside of syria and iraq. Pelley well have our full interview with c. I. A. Director brennan, including the threat that he says keeps him up at night. Thats this sunday on 60 minutes. Millions have fled syria, but there are tens of thousands who cant get out. Theyre trapped between russian bombers and a closed turkish border. Holly williams is following this. Reporter imagine the terror, never knowing where and when the warplanes will hit next. These videos, but they appear to show the aftermath of air strikes on the town of tel rifaat this week. In the syrian regimes new offensive, which is backed by russian air power, civilians are once again paying with their blood. Crossing the border into turkey, we met abdul karim bahloul, who runs a school in tel rifaat. The shelling and air strikes are random, he told us. Homes are destroyed and childrens bodies lie in shreds on the ground. He told us he came to ask the turkish authorities to give refuge to children from the town, but after absorbing more than two million syrian, turnys reluck tantd to let any more in. Syrian Regime Forces have now nearly encircled the city of aleppo. Civilians could be cut off as they were in the town of madaya during a siege by the regime. More than 40 starved to death. Dalia alawqati told us that her charity, mercy corp, feed and clothe 500,000 people in Northern Syria every month. Its not much, but its essential to keep a family alive. Reporter now theyre racing to get food parcels to families in aleppo city, fearing more starvation in a country thats already exhausted by a senseless war. And as if syrias war wasnt complicated enough, today some americanbacked rebels told us they were attacked by kurdish fighters who were also supported by the u. S. Now, the kurdish fighters say it wasnt deliberate, but, scott, this shows just how difficult it is for the u. S. To unite different factions on the ground in syria. Pelley holly williams, thanks. The war . For that we turn to Margaret Brennan. Margaret . Reporter well, today the u. S. Is trying to broker an immediate ceasefire. Today secretary kerry pushed both russia and iran to stop attacking syrian civilians in aleppo and allow in aid to besieged areas, but the russians havent been quick to agreed agree to that. In fact, Vladimir Putins military has cut off supply lines to the u. S. Backed rebels, and u. S. Officials warn that that strengthens both isis and assad and it leaves the u. S. With little leverage in a war president obama has resisted getting involved in for five years now. Pelley Margaret Brennan at the white houseful margaret, thank you. Today cleveland mayor Frank Jackson apologized to the family of tamir rice after the city billed his estate 500 for ambulance services. The city also tore up the bill. Rice, who was 12. He was holding a gun that turned out to be a toy. He died the next day at the hospitals. The officer was not charged. In a Big Development today, scientists have announced what may be among the greatest discoveries in the history of physics. They believe they found gravity waves, predicted by einstein but never observed, two huge antennas, one in washington state, the other in louisiana, detected a gravity wave last september. This confirms einstein was right when he described the universe as like a fabric, woven from the three dimensions plus time. What physicists call space time. The gravity wave was set off by two black holes that collided, sending a ripple through the fabric. The effect is so tiny one scientist estimated the ripple galaxy about the width of a thumb. Observing fa the fabric of the universe stretches and compresses may open an entirely new understanding of nature. Coming up next. How explosions like this are improving airport security. And a scoop by a newspaper sets off an uproar when the cbs evening news continues. Hm kept coming back on my longterm control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. 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[explosion] reporter theyre going through a new Program Designed to address troubling security gaps when the transportation security association. A damning report last summer found screeners failed to detect 67 of 70 suspicious items brought through airport checkpoints. Peter neffenger became the tsa administrator in july. What the inspector generals results have told us is you can never take you eye off the mission. Reporter shawn weeksfreeman is one of the academy instructors. On august 11, 1982, she was a Flight Attendant on pan am flight 830, standing just rows from where a terrorist bomb exploded while the 747 prepared to land in honolulu. One person was killed, more than a dozen injured. When i talk to my class, i tell them, youre not here by accident. And i wasnt saved at that moment by accident. Because that threat in 1982 is todays threat still. Reporter the academy marks Security Officers will have standardized training. Previously new hires were largely trained on the job at their home airport. If theyre getting through checkpoints today with one of their teams trying to bring things that should be flagged, will those things be caught . I think well catch them today. All of them . I dont know if well catch everything. I sure hope we catch all of them. Reporter the students will work at this mock checkpoint. Its complete with all the equipment, scott, theyre going to use in the field. Pelley kris. And well be right back. If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me, and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira giving me new perspective. Doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. 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It all began last month when the Student Newspaper reported that School President simon newman wanted professors to identify struggling students in the first few weeks of school so they could be encouraged to drop out. Some faculty members resisted and the school paper reported that newman told them, this is hard for you because you think of the students as cuddly bunnies, but you cant. Bunnies. Put a glock to their heads. Many students and faculty were outraged. Its not just the words, but described. The plan . Weeding out students because we think they might not do well look better, thats not mount st. Marys. Reporter eagan was the faculty adviser to the school paper and says hes being punished for accurate but embarrassing reporting by the students. You did not tell them what to write . I did not, not in any way. Anybody on campus that knows the students knows that nobody would manipulate these students. Reporter they cant be manipulated. They are independent, strong, bright people. Reporter a petition protesting the firing of eagan and another professor has been signed by about 7500 professors across the country, and, scott, the university declined our repeated requests for an interview. Instead they issued a statement saying the two professors had violated the code of conduct. Pelley chip reid, thanks, chip. In a moment how a mothers words joy. Its just a cough. If you could see your cough, youd see just how far it can spread. Robitussin dm max soothes your throat and delivers fast, powerful cough relief. Abdominal pain. Urgent diarrhea. It could be ibsd new prescription xifaxan is an ibsd treatment that helps relieve your diarrhea and abdominal pain symptoms. Do not use xifaxan if you have a history of sensitivity to rifaximin, rifamycin antibiotic agents, or any components of xifaxan. 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Pelley our final story tonight is written on the face of a young child whose joy mere words cannot describe. Heres elaine quijano. Elsa had magical powers and could create things out of snow and ice. Reporter fouryearold Mattie Zapata cant get enough of her books on tape. Anna was delighted. Reporter because the voice is her mother, mandi balderas, locked in a prison four hours away. I told her how i missed her. Even though im not there physically, i know shes sitting there listening to my voice, spending that time with me. Reporter each month balderas and other selected inmates choose a story to record, then mail it home. Its called storybook project, and it runs in six womens prisons across texas. It was a sunday afternoon at the end of may. We werent scared as long as we were together. Reporter 64 of incarcerated women nationwide lived with their children before prison. Storybook tries to ease the pain of separation. Mattie was 18 months old when her mother went to prison for a d. W. I. Crash that killed the other driver, a crime of manslaughter that victimized her daughter, too. I was crying for mmy. Mommy. Reporter how come . Because i miss her. Reporter if it wasnt for the book, she wouldnt be able to have the bond we have now. I know that means something to her, and i know it means something to me. Reporter but the fact is you got behind the wheel of the car when you had alcohol in your system, and a person is dead because of that. Didnt you forfeit your right to do things like this when you made that decision . Yes, i made a decision, but anymore. Its about how we handle the circumstances. And thats how im choosing to handle the circumstances, by helping the kids the best way i can from where im at. Hey, mattie, its me, mommy. Reporter balderas has four years left of an eightyear sentence. When she finally reunited states with reunites with her family, she hopes her children wont mistake her voice for a stranger. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. Reporter elaine quijano, cbs news, columbus, texas. I love you always. Mommy. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs media accece this is the Jeopardy College championship. Here are our three finalists from bethesda, maryland. A sophomore at the university of california, berkeley originally from boise, idaho. And a senior at the university of pittsburgh from jamison, pennsylvania. And now here is the host of jeopardy alex trebek [ cheers and applause ] wow. Thank you, johnny. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. And welcome, folks. Hey, no matter how well you thought the quarterfinal games went last week or the semifinals earlier this week, this, the twoday finals, is really the most exciting part of the college championship, because of the payday. At the end of tomorrows program, one of these three players will be 100,000 richer. Therell be 50,000 for second place and 25,000 for the thirdplace finisher

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