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In this same phrase with forgiveness is healing. Healing and forgiveness go hand in hand. Because death forgiveness brings life. Sin brought death. So forgiveness of sin brings life so forgiving power is also healing power the same power that forgiveness also heals forgiveness brings life so if there is forgiveness there is life if there is a life there is healing. Praise the Lord and that also then deals with another issue that I want to mention and that is condemnation. Condemnation is the sense. And feeling of guiltiness and unworthiness. And that is also a faith blocker just like a question mark a doubt is what's going under mind and rob your faith so is guilt and condemnation it will undermine your faith it will cause your faith to not work because you you feel that you are unworthy guilt and condemnation. Makes a person feel unworthy to be healed. And there are people who have done things and whether it's just a little what you think of a little sin or a big sin although and really reality there is no difference. But some people say well you don't know what I've done it doesn't matter. Because of that or what you've done if you have repented then there is forgiveness. Now forgiveness only comes through repentance. So through you re Panta if you did you ever repent did you say Lord I'm sorry forgive me if you did then the blood of Jesus cleanses you from all unrighteousness. And it doesn't matter. What it is let me give you a quick side note on the revelation of righteousness. Guilt and condemnation comes to everybody including every Christian. And unfortunately it doesn't just go away as soon as you get born again. And you can be a very good person and still have condemnation. Lord ministered this to me years ago many years ago and. I was. I do all that I love God I was born again when I was 3 years old. And I didn't live a sinful life ever. But I always felt I wasn't good enough I was plagued with condemnation so much that even a profit. One time calling me out. Proper sighing over me a plan of God on my life. And said get rid of the condemnation. Was there is pinpoint it it was called out I just always felt condemned and the Lord I mean it it wasn't even them that I was free of it it was years but the Lord spoke to me one day. And I was dealing with something and feeling so guilty about something that I had done by that time several years earlier that I had repented of a 1000 times that every time I thought of it something I said. And I felt so bad about what I said I shouldn't have said that that was so bad oh God forgive me and every time I thought about it for about 4 years that was a passion of that so sorry Lord every time because my mind who are so sorry I should have said that I'm so sorry so bad I should have said that. And then that plagued me for 4 years. And the Lord said something to me he said Cheer you have more faith in the power of your sand then you have faith in the power of the blood. The power of the blood and the Lord said turn it around put your faith in the power of the blood. That wow yeah the blood is so powerful the bladder is super powerful it can cleanse the most wicked the most evil person just think on the cross when Jesus on the cross there were 2 other criminals beside him being executed for their crimes one of the many panted. And he said Remember me Lord and Jesus said today you'll be with me in paradise where is he forgiven Yes he was on death row wasn't me. He was on death row. He was he was given the. Capital punishment. Death Row know that death row doesn't just go to everybody. But he did something and Jesus forgave him right there instantly. With repentance. Forgive me so is soon as you say forgive me the power of the blood the power of the blood it does it matter what your past is and Jesus said to me you have more faith in the power of your sin and then you have faith in the power of the blood Wow. Think about how powerful his blood is to cleanse us and wash us from all. Right. How much more so the blood of Christ cleanse us from a guilty conscience and Hebrews says amen So that is a blood cleansing of a guilty conscience because we're talking about hindrances to healing condemnation is another one it's one of those blocks that will be between you and your healing get rid of it get over it say Lord I receive my forgiveness I'm washed in the blood I'm clean I'm pure by your bladder I have faith in your blood that I stand clean and pure before you and right now in Jesus' name now I thank you I can receive my healing because this same power that forgives also heals God is ready to heal you right now yes praise the Lord and then there is healing in forgiveness because as I said before sin brought death forgiveness brings life and healing praise the Lord now let's look at the next one we have in Matthew Chapter 12. We have the man with the withered hand another example to look at going on from that place he went into this in a God going to man with a shovel to hand was there looking for a reason to accuse Jesus they asked if it's lawful to heal on the Sabbath he said to them if you have a sheep falls into the pit on the Sabbath will you not take hold and let it out how much more valuable is a man than a sheep let's look at that verse 12 everybody say it together verse 12 how much more valuable is a man than a sheep that's another thing is that God calls you valuable your life is valuable that means your body is valuable. Your body is valuable he will lift you out of that pit if it's a sickness disease pain or any other problem he'll take hold of you and lift you out because you are much more valuable there again that goes with condemnation that goes with unworthiness you need to know you are much more valuable and God wants to save you heal you deliver you and set you free praise the lord amen Now Mark Chapter 5 and there's 2 stories in Mark 5 1st let's look at J. Iris and the raising of his daughter we're actually not going to go all the way to the very end but let's look at J. Iris and Mark 5 verses 22 to 24 then one of the synagogue rulers named Jay Iris came there seeing Jesus he fell at his feet and pleaded earnestly with him my little daughter is dying please come and put your hands on her so that she what. She. Will be right there there is a declaration of faith. Here is not wondering. What we see here is this man already has faith. He is not wondering he's not like this leper Lord if it be that I will if you're willing he already has faith she what will be healed. I know it just come from your hand on and she'll be healed this man has faith. Everybody say this man has face all right but. He is being set up for something. We're going to skip right now over the story of the woman and pick it up with. J. Iris in verse 35 mark 535 to 36 while Jesus was still speaking that's when he was talking to the other woman some men came from the house of J. Irish the synagogue ruler your doctor is what. Dead they said why bother the teacher any more verse $36.00 ignoring what they said Jesus told the synagogue ruler don't what be afraid just what believe King James says fear not only believe OK this is another thing you need to be aware of fear is also the opposite of faith doubt is the opposite of faith but fear is the opposite of faith. Fear comes from the enemy. To rob faith. Faith was there that man said she will be healed he had faith All right good go and Jarrod's you're doing good. But the devil has set up for him. And what is it it's a bad report. A bad report you know there's been a lot of Christians and I've seen it in services they come they get hands laid on em. They believe in the name of Jesus I am healed. They go back to the doctor. They get what a bad report. And sometimes the bad report is it's worse than it was before. Well what are you going to do now. What are going to do now what are you going to do now you already took a stand of faith but Satan knows you're in a stand of faith and before that manifestation comes he wants to get you off your stand. He's trying to get you off the stand make you fall off of it into fear and doubt because if he can get you into fear and doubt then he can rob the healing. You've got to stay no I'm standing on my stand of faith so battery ports come to shake you to rattle you to try to move you. You already prayed. You already believe God you're doing really good yeah good going Jr is good go and you're on the road good go enjoy and you prayed a good prayer I know you released your faith you believed. But Satan's not going to just always lay down. They prayed the prayer of faith shucks it's all over. Is the devil going to. Say it's all over not at all. Other times before the manifestation comes he's going to try to get you to lose your faith. And so there comes an other bad report and there comes this bad report bad reports come to shake your faith to rattle you and to try to make you fall off of your stand. And fall into the fear and the doubt. Let me show you something and math Psalm turn with me to Psalm 112 turn to Psalm 112. You need to take hold of these scriptures when you're in a faith stand. Don't just think that once you say Lord I believe I receive my healing I believe I receive this thank you Lord in Jesus' name I got it I have got it I got it that the devil is going to go oh shucks it's all over. The Devils not going to do that he is going to keep fighting. As long as he can so some 112. Praise the Lord blessed is the man who fears the Lord this is Psalm 112 who finds great delight in his command says children are his seed will be mighty in the land the generation of the upright will be blessed should skip down to verses 67 and 8 underline these scriptures if you haven't. You should underline the whole song I like verse 3. And riches are in my house you should say that right now wealth and riches are in my house Amen I like that that's the blessed man. But let's go down to what we're talking about right now in verse 6 surely he will never be what. Never be white. And OK The devil is trying to shake you surely he will never be shaken a righteous man will be remembered forever verse 7 Look at this he will have what no fear of what bad news a bad report his heart is what. Fast trusting in the Lord verse 8 his heart is what. Held his heart is secure my translation secure steadfast and secure he will have know what fear in the end he will look in triumph on his foes on his enemies you need to say I will not be shaken. I will have no fear of bad news. My heart is steadfast trusting in the Lord my heart is secure. I do not fear. So this is where we need to stand and let me say something else about fear fear is an evil spirit. Fear is a gripping spirit and a choking spirit every one of us here has felt it not one person alive has never felt fear and how does it feel it's gripping and choking when fear comes. Grips when fear comes up. Well notice where my hand is. Right now my hand is on my throat. But notice what comes out of my throat right now my words. My mouth and my throat I'm speaking words but what if I choked so much. I couldn't speak. You see satan is trying to choke you to silence. To stop speaking the word. Because fear comes in it grips you and it will try to choke your voice and make you silent. And that's what you can not do not allow When you feel fear starting to grip and starting to choke you must speak. Speaking is how you will cast down the fear. And if you don't speak you're going to be wrapped up in the fear you cannot get free from the fear without speaking. Your speaking is what's going to break the choke he's trying to choke you but if you will speak out the Word of God I'm going to tell you what to speak in just a moment. But if you will speak it will break the choke it will break the spirit it will break the grip. Don't be silent you must speak out loud and let me share with you some scriptures about. Declaring. I will not fear. I will not be afraid. Some 23 for some 23 even though I walk through the valley of the Shadow of Death What I Will Fear No Evil why for you are with me your writing your staff they come from me and one thing I want to point out to you regarding fear and God commands Fear not I don't know how many hundreds of times in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation God again and again came to people and said Fear not fear not from Genesis to Revelation. But what did he always follow that next line with for example in Isaiah 4110 do not fear why for I am with you. I'm with you do not visit be dismayed for I am your God I will strengthen you I will help you I will uphold you with my righteous right hand in every command that God says Do not fear he says Don't fear because I am here don't fear I'm helping you don't fear I'm upholding you don't fear I'm strengthening you don't fear I'm delivering you so if you're fearing it means you don't believe he's with you you don't believe he's helping you you don't believe he's delivering you. To fear is to believe that God is not there. To fear really means to believe God is not there. But you've got to believe God is there in your situation. And so that to some 23 before I even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of that you could say through bad reports bad news I hear something bad about from the doctor about my health I see here something bad about my children I hear something bad about the finances I hear something bad about my job you know going to lose my job I hear bad reports come to steal your faith that reports come to shake you. But even though I walk to the Valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me your rotten years staff comfort me now the right is the word the staff is the Holy Spirit. The Word of God is going to comfort you and the Holy Spirit is your comforter. You listen to the Holy Spirit meditate the word it will be your strength in your comfort every time well then some 271 The Lord is my light and myself. Shall I fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life OK if you've got a strong hold that means you're not shaken. Some 271. The next one some 34 for. You need to say this some 34 for I sought the Lord he answered me and the next part he delivered me from all my fears are ready say he delivered me from up all my fears so you have to say he delivers me from all my fears and there are some people who are full of fears their fear feared they're afraid. They're afraid of the dark they're afraid of the day they're afraid to go outside they're afraid of. Ants and the dogs and they're afraid of you and they're afraid of everything you know some people are just afraid that this is he delivers me from how many Ottomar a fear is and that includes all bad reports. Now what you just heard was part 2 of one of the messages that I have preached in one of our healing services called Lessons from Jesus healing miracles part 2 and so join me tomorrow as we will play part 3 of this message and the conclusion of this message tomorrow and before we close I want to remind you to come and join us this Saturday September 21st at 6 30 pm for our next a victorious face service in North Denver in Jordan and we're meeting again at the Holiday Inn Express and Suites on the northeast corner of 120 S. Avenue and Grant Street you can go to my website at Victoria's FISA dot SEO victorious like a champion VI C T O R I O U S C S F A I th dot C O C A like Colorado and go to the meeting schedule page and there you will see the details for the time and location and I'm. The directions say Come and join us this Saturday September 21st at 6 30 pm for our next Victoria's face service and noise. And now join me again tomorrow and remember God loves you blessed and highly favored by the Lord. We're glad you joined us today for Victoria's face with Cherry Campbell we invite you to visit our website at Victoria's faith C.E.O. Where you can listen to the victorious faith radio broadcasts 24 hours a day find a biblical study helps context Cherry with your prayer requests and praise reports see charities I 10 or weekly broadcasts on CD and make donations each week's broadcasts are available on one CD for a donation of any amount Victoria's face is a partner's supported ministry as you so seed and partner with this ministry we believe God with you for the full harvest of victory you need in your life you may also write to us at P.O. Box 1418 Castle Rock Colorado 80104 Please join us again Monday through Friday at the same time to begin your day with fresh and remember faith is the victory that overcomes the world you are blessed and highly favored by the Lord. The preceding program is sponsored by victorious International Church. Morning News we're broadcasting God's word on the mighty $670.00. In high definition digital radio and streaming online at 670 calle G.T. Dot com. Come worship under the stars. On September 16th. On the back with Ella. Nation worship music. And many more come celebrate with thousands of others as we lift up the name of Jesus and invite his kingdom over to worship on the rocks is sponsored by Save the story on Monday September 16th read write Get your tickets today at worship on the rocks dot com. Hi Conny PAC And I want to welcome you to knowing the where the goal of this ministry is to explore the riches of God's word line upon line and precept upon precept thanks to your continued financial in prayer support we're able to keep sending the word each week day to those living in Northern California and even to listeners around the world via the Internet. And join today's bible study no matter where you live that's incredible we're continuing in our new study of 1st Corinthians 110 Paul had every right to as an apostle to take authority and just require their current the ends just as shaped up but he didn't approach them that way he pleads with them lovingly come together look how we need to be in unity as believers you see the Greek word for division that's used here is scales Mada and we get the English word schism from that but that doesn't really give us Paul's full meaning Paul's plea is is more than JUST DON'T faction off and have your little Paul group in your little Peter group in your little I follow Binny hand and I follow this one and know I'm of this and I love Kenneth Copeland and don't you like Marilyn he and all this now he's saying Don't don't even talk about that I'm talking about this idea of being so divided that it's like taking a piece of paper just ripping it apart you'll never get it back together he's saying instead of these schisms you are actually tearing the body of Christ apart he says you need to be joined together and you noticed that each one of these little clip acts had its own leader the. One person that they were following life principle God expects unity but not uniformity you see it's not wrong to make distinctions between churches and ministries you're here tonight because you chose to be here there's lots of wonderful churches in this area who are having meetings tonight but something caused you to come here tonight I'm glad about this preaching the gospel is too big for any one person or any one group or anyone the nomination there are many churches many ministries many callings many personalities who are spreading the word of God God uses different individuals and this is how it works I see that different individuals are given different revelations of aspects of the character of God and for some people it seems that the Lord reveals maybe just something particular about faith and it doesn't make any difference what scripture they pick up in the Bible they will come right back to faith and they have such insight and that is shoes someone else may have something wrong water bad tism someone else may have a truth on holiness someone else the Lord imparts something else to I believe that the truth is bigger than all of us the only one who is the embodiment of all truth was Jesus Christ the rest of us have a revelation and we feel like well I really know this and then we get with another denomination we're going to wow that is great insight that is good I know. Look at it like that before people I love the Assemblies of God I am Assemblies of God but I can learn from other denominations I need my Lutheran Methodist bad as Catholic now as the ring and all the rest brothers and sisters I don't want to be exclusive and think such a prideful thing that I've got it oh i don't we need each other say it with me we need each other I need to embrace my brothers and sisters in the Lord who are emphasizing a different aspect of the truth of Jesus Christ is of our differences God still requires unity don't worry so much about what the other church is doing wrong bless what they're doing right don't get me wrong we can prefer one ministry or one minister or a pastor but don't place them on a pedestal don't play sure faith in a man a ministry origin nomination all of our allegiance needs to go to Jesus Christ who alone is worthy he is worth the he is worthy evidently and Paul's day many were placing great emphasis on water baptism and who bad ties through and Paul says well I remember Bab ties in these these 3 guys and this particular family but I don't really he says but to preach the gospel he says I don't even remember if I begged to answer your dills for Christ is in need of bad tires Well obviously he was a sense of the term. Christ the Church of Christ would have done it the very 1st thing they give of teaching and water bad tism you see that's where they have such a light on the preciousness the sacredness of water baptism if they were to been sent down to 1st Baptist they wouldn't give them the 4 Spiritual Laws and definitely they would have made a decision you see we all have our own role to play and Paul is saying I don't remember whether I baptize them or not what I do remember now is going to tell us what's important to me I remember preaching to them I remember preaching not with words of human wisdom lest the cross of Christ be empty of its power the power of the gospel is the message of the cross Paul was one of the greatest intellects Oh he was a brain he was sharp he had the words he could have used that mind or his way with words to manipulate people to force people to bait people to try to dazzle them with his mental abilities or his giftedness but he didn't try to do any of that to manipulate people he could have stood his ground he could have said bring on this public speakers I'll challenge anyone here to a debate he didn't do that no doubt that that debating spirit had made an impact and influence and probably even the head way into that church in Corinth remember that's what they love that's the 2 big forces that were at play in Corinth was this sexual immorality and this philosophizing or debating these great weighty issues the people in the church probably spam. Lots of time discussing all those questions that are so hard they probably love to discuss things like where did Cain get his wife no doubt they said why doesn't God just kill the devil maybe they said I wonder who the end I priced is I wonder if he's alive today at this very moment is he alive you see they were Bible students they were theologians they had the greatest preachers they were thinkers they love to talk about ideas they love to debate they probably were all in a big issue over are you pretty trippy or mid trip or post trip what were they doing they were waiting for the coming of the Lord so they're probably sitting around debating all this kind of stuff that we're still talking about a couple 1000 years later thinking we're so clever even to some new thing we know one thing they were saved they were Trinitarians we don't know their position on well on the rapture but we know that they weren't afraid to tackle hard issues so Paul just speaks plainly to them he says listen I'm not coming to my own power and my own wisdom because that just makes the gospel the preaching of the gospel to no avail quat you can preach the gospel and make it in effect if Absolutely Paul says you know how did make the gospel ineffective come in your own pride come in your own spirit of independence come like I'm going to show you what I know I'm going to really lay ahead are you ready for some heavy to night well get ready right then pride is just flare up see he says I'm not coming to you to him Pray shoe with my preaching I want to put all of that aside my braininess my power to influence you I want to talk to you about what the message of the cross. Christ verse 18 for the message of the cross is food ration is to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved is the power of God Paul now shows us why trying to impress an unbeliever with the wisdom of the Cross won't work it makes no sense to the natural mind remember that when he's talking about the message of the cross they're getting the mental picture of an electric chair we've sanitize the cross so that we can think of the cross is a beautiful i can hanging on the wall or hanging in some cathedral or maybe some diamond encrusted. In gold hanging off of a piece of jewelry not this audience when you said Cross they didn't think of any of the stuff that we think of the cross was like our picture of a low light trick chair it was shame it was humiliation it was reproach it was weakness it was defeat it was associated with scandal it was associated with the worst lowest criminal so when he says I come to preach the message of the cross they're deep thinking brainy smart pointy heads are going well what does that have to do with me what does that have to do with me this makes no sense so he says you know we don't even discussed class in polite society we don't want to discuss that from the kids we don't want them to know that you know we take care of criminals in that horrible hideous way of the cross. Yes So when he brings this up and he says in a fire I want to just Linder my message in effect of the message the power of the cross then I start talking in my own wisdom I bring out my own ideas on what you need to do like the 10 point program to get ahead no it won't work like that what if somebody told us that the power of God to save us lied in the message of the electric chair look at the 2 words in verse 18 the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved is the power of God. Principle you help us to take the good news to others who haven't yet heard it's a real privilege to share this time of Bible study each day we need you to give and pray for the ministry you can give online with your credit card on our website at knowing the word. Meal your response in prayer requests to knowing the word heal bots 576641 Modesto California 95357 USA truly little is much when our God is in it the preceding program is sponsored by the word this is calle T.T. Commerce City Denver broadcasting in H.D. Digital radio and online at $670.00. We don't often hear an honest review of what's happening today that's about to change as Crawford broadcasting launches our national Crawford roundtable podcast you'll hear about current events hard news stories cultural ideas and other pertinent topics but without the smoke and mirrors of the left. National Crawford. Is Available on Amazon can stitcher and Crawford broadcasting dot com Listen to the national conference Friday mornings at 9 and Saturday nights at 730 and hear full pod cast and pattern website at 670 K. L. T. T. Dot com. Welcome to enjoying everyday life with New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer. On today's program Joyce will be teaching from her series of let God fight your battles when you think of bad you probably imagine war more than your old life hardships but if you stop and take a moment there might be one or 2 struggles that do feel like a fight no matter of the battle is physical emotional or even spiritual it's not about how hard you fight but how you approach the fight that matters are you facing those battles alone or are you allowing God to help fight for you the single greatest tool you could have in any battle is your intimate relationship with Jesus Christ so take a moment right now and let God help you with whatever battles you face now here's Joyce with today's series let God fight your battles. Don't think you've always got to go to somebody else. Don't you love them some 91 mourn he who dwells in the secret place of the most I do Wells Maine is lives and remains not visits on Sunday morning. He who dwells in the secret place of the most time shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty whose power no foul can withstand . Sounds amazing like spiritual warfare. God is going to fight my battles I'm going to hang out with him and he's going to fight my battles. Don't you love that. Kind of like when I can't get a lid off a jar I just take it to Dave. No problem. He's got it covered. Say just hang out with God just love him just love him I'm not 10 you want to have a problem but don't don't get all flustered about it one thing's for sure God can't solve it you can't sound 3120. Jesus. Oh I love this one when I found it because you know how many of you think that there's a possibility that somebody somewhere in the world might be talking unkindly about you. And I think anybody's judging you or criticizing you. Well I know for sure. I mean there have to always be people that are saying things about anybody that's in the public eye we all have it even in our personal lives so you know I mean it's like I don't have time to fight all the devils that might be cheating arrows at me but listen to this some 3120 in the secret place of your presence you hide them from the plots of men you keep them secretly in your pavilion from the strife of tone as. That means when you hide yourself in God Even the things that people say about you can't have any real effect on you God will protect you from those evil wicked words that are being spoken no weapon formed against me shall prosper every time that rises up against me in judgement I was shown to be and the wrong. I want to give God a big shout. OK Now listen for a few minutes why are some people closer to God than others it's obvious that some people are closer to God than others they have a reverent familiarity here actually talk about God like the No one. Like they've got some personal thing going on between them and God They speak of him as their friend why some are not all does God have favorites. Is God a respecter of persons scripture and experience teach us that it is we not God. Who determines our level of intimacy with him let's think about Jesus for a minute there were 70 that he sent out 2 by 2 to minister to preach and cast out devils 70 disciples and then there were 12 that he chose to be more intimate. There were 3 out of that 12 Peter James and John that he took in the special situations and circumstances it seemed that he must a trusted them more than most of them more stable or mature and then even out of the 3 there was one John. He actually called himself the disciple when Jesus loved . We're going talk about that tomorrow. I know exactly why Peter had problems with John. I got it. I'm the disciple he Jesus loves. And he said it 4 different times that I can find in scripture. Oh what happens oh my god you do not want to miss tomorrow morning what happens if we know that deeply that God loves us and that he loves us perfectly I shouldn't say is still in the morning but I gotta say it. God will never love you any more than he does that this moment right now. He loves you. Perfectly and 1st John Force is perfect love can't stand out here when you know that line out of fear not for I am with you. Well if you're was me then you'll take care whatever needs to be taken care of you see even if you go spend a lot more time with God doesn't make God love you more. Is go make you better. You're going to have an intimacy and closeness with God Your character is going to develop and you're going to become more Christ like because you become like who you hang out with. A man. As Pastor Barnett Dave and I asked Pastor Tommy of our need to be our pastor because we are majoring in love at our ministry and he is such a lover I wanted whoever was going to have any spiritual authority over my life to be somebody was going to drip loved. One on me. Because the anointing comes down from the head. At this moment you're not going to like this but here comes. At this moment every person in this room is as close to God as they want to be. Told you and like. At this moment. Every person here every person watching T.V. A man life you just knew absolutely nothing about personal relationship with God which is a possibility I had a time in my life where I didn't even know that was available so if you didn't know that was available we don't give you a free pass. But now you can't claim ignorance anymore. But if we know. What the Bible says then each one of us in this room watching by T.V. Where everyone around the world were as close to God right now as we want to be. And let me tell you something one of the biggest problems we have in our society today is people don't want to take responsibility. And we must take responsibility for our walk with God because God is no respecter of persons the promises of God are for who so ever will step before you life and death Cheez life that you and your descendants may live a couple more things and then I'm going to close Mary and Martha we know the story Jesus stopped by Mary immediately seats herself at his feet Martha continues to work Martha gets flustered now she gets mad at Mary. Malam I'm going to have to do all the work. Martha Martha you are anxious and troubled about many things Mary has chosen the one thing that is needful for you time to work is time to worship we have to talk tomorrow about priorities we have to talk about balance we're going to reset some priorities there's no condemnation it is going to reset some priorities going to get rid of some of the stuff that's not bearing any further you're going to find all of a sudden you've got all gobbles and Googles of time for God. Amen a lot of you are busy doing stuff you don't even know why you're doing it. You don't like it you hate it it makes you miserable you just keep doing it. We clearly see levels of intimacy in the Bible the 70 the 12 the 3 the one. We see the same thing with Moses when he went to get the 10 commandments God said sanctify the people and in 3 days I'm going to come and I want you to bring them to the base of the mountain but you put a barrier around the mountain Don't let him touch it because if they touch it they'll die so all the people could only come to the base of the mountain they couldn't even touch it because God was going to come on the mountain where God is holy and they were still so immature that if they would have touched God's holiness in that way it would have literally killed now thank God we are now brought near through the blood of Christ. You're not going to die if you don't spend time with God but. You're not going to have that intimate relationship that you can have I'm not even going to tell you if you know you could not do what I'm talking about and I believe that you still go to heaven if you really believe that Jesus as your Savior you believe in the grace of God you know he died for your sins I believe that you still go to heaven I mean maybe you know you can't just live an outright sinful life and just make excuses far but I'm just talking about you know you're I mean you're a pretty nice person you're not robbing banks and stealing things and you know killing people and you you know but you just used to I'm just I can't do that I'm not going to do that you know well here's what I'll tell you I'll stay in Heaven but you've got to be miserable why you make your trip. I mean like miserable. And you're going to miss most of the life that God had for you because he can't give. Power to babies. You would not love your 3 weeks 3 year old if you gave them the keys to your car. And God is not out of one of he's not going to give us a bunch of stuff if we have no maturity and we can't on Hanoi God didn't keep those people away from the base of the mountain because he didn't love them any love Moses more he didn't want them to get hurt you say well why why couldn't I Why couldn't they come close Well if you just read a couple of chapters over an exodus they were the ones when Moses didn't come back quick enough that made the golden calf and worshipped it. But then there was 75 that God let go up higher in the mountain 70 elders 3 men that were mention and Moses and Joshua they got to go a pirate they actually saw manifestations of the presence of God but then God said only Moses can come to the top. So I'm just going to ask if there's anybody here that wants to go to the top. You can hang around at the base of the mountain outside the barrier. Will be much fun you can worship the golden calf. And a lot of people do that today still by the way. Maybe you would even say Well I know I don't want to do that I want to I want to go a little farther Yeah I want to go on with God So maybe you could be one of the one of the 7 day that goes up and I mean they saw Manifestations of God I don't have time to read all these scriptures but. And that must have been awesome to see the manifestations I saw said that his feet looked like they were just standing on Sapphire I don't know that might have been good enough and might of the Oh I think I'll just stay here. Who need to go any further. But God descended on that mountain and Moses went up into that cloud and he talked to God as a man talks to his friend who wants to go to the top. Come on give God parties tonight. Want to go to the top. While Thanks for listening discover how surrendering your difficulties before God can help you face any challenge when you order today's offer Joyce's newest book your battles belong to the Lord this hardcover book is available now for a donation of any amount in U.S. Funds and we do accept all major credit cards you can order today's offer from our website at Joyce Meyer dot org Or you can call us toll free at 18789008 not again the number is 187-9008 not. The Bible our instruction book for life spending time in God's Word will change our lives but consistent and effective study can at times be challenging that's one reason why Joyce is here to help at Joyce Meyer dot org slash Bible study you'll find ways to make your study time come to life with helpful resources study suggestions and encouragement from Joyce get the most you can out of your time studying God's word with every day study sign it today and Joyce Meyer. Thanks again for listening to enjoying every day life our mission here is Joyce Meyer Ministries is simple sharing Christ and loving people remember Together we can do more. The preceding program is sponsored by light Quest Media Incorporated join in for Joyce Meyer weekdays at 11 45 am here on the body. Search 70. 60 minutes of good news starts from now on the nation's most pulse Christian Voice THIS IS A M 670 calle T.T. Entail T G H D come a city Denver and streaming live and 670 calle T.T. Dot com and no F.M. 95 point. Your enemies chief weapon is killing your chief weapon is dying listen to Adrian Rogers if you live for the Lord Jesus Christ that doesn't mean nobody's going to love you much OK as the days get darker the persecution will get more intense and hatred against the godly will intensify our friend when we all persecuted Islam or greatest platforms we'll ever have this is a lovely fine featuring the dynamic and biblical teaching of master and author Adrian Rogers as we're learning in our current series of Revelation the days are getting darker and hatred toward Christians is intensifying around the world but we haven't seen anything close to what it will be like in the Great Tribulation today will encounter 2 prophets God raises up at a time of intense persecution and their example will encourage you today turn to Revelation 11 as we hear Adrian Rogers reveal what happens when prophets are persecuted there is one day coming a temple is going to be rebuilt on the Temple Mount there is coming a world leader who one day will ensconced himself and that temple in the holy place and say Here you are looking for God. Here I am here I am this man is San this abaya nation. And the temple of God declaring himself to be God When this happens when that man moves into the temple of God showing himself that he is God He will do it in the middle of a 7 year period known as The Great Tribulation and we have seen in that great tribulation the opening of 7 seals and we are getting ready for the blowing of 7 trumpets now God has given a warning as to what will happen God will bring his ministers his messengers to mighty prophets now we're going to look at 5 factors concerning these 2 prophets OK And as we look at these factors we're going to see what happened to them because and many ways we can apply toss selves now we're not those 2 problems but there's some lessons we're going to learn about what happens when prophets are persecuted now set the stage the Temple is rebuilt then the Christ is ready to ensconce himself here are some factors about these prophets and number one they are spiritually prepared you out that they are spiritually prepared look in verses 3 and 4 and I will give power under my 2 witnesses and they shall prophesied a $1200.00 threescore days clothed in sackcloth and these are the 2 all of 3 years and the 2 candlesticks standing before the God of the year now these men are described as. Olive trees and candlesticks literally the Greek is lamp stands a candle burns awake a lamp stand burns oil and the Greek word is really a lamp stand and so God says I've got 2 prophets they're all of 3 years that speaks of fruitfulness their lamp stands. That's speaks of life. And that speaks of every witness. We are to be fruitful and we to give light the light in the lamp stand in the temple burn the olive oil and this is symbolic oil in the Bible is an emblem a symbol of the Holy Spirit of God. These 2 man crew member they may be were spiritually for care they are all of trees and plant stands and they're clued in sack cloth the drab garment. That a person would wear when in mourning and sorrow. They're going to preach judgement the 1st thing about these prophecies I want you to see is they are spiritually spiritually prepared Number 2 they are solver inly protests good looking verses 5 and 6 and any man will hurt them fire proceed with out of their mouth and of our thing enemies is this literal fire I think not I think it speaks of the power of their word These have power to shut heaven the word power means authority better reign not in the days of their prophecy and have power over waters to turn them to blood and to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will look at it over a dead power draw our power over disease what is all of this talking about Jesus said when he sent out his apostles I give you power over all the power of the enemy and say well because I mean I don't have to be afraid of the devil in him Oh no it means the devil before you. Hear these men have power well what is the principle here when I said this sovereignly Prokop listen to me pressure.

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