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This too shall pass. You know I mean I went to a very good doctor you know what is great advice was it is what it is that I get well ah. So you know that's why I don't know what kind of allergies you guys have here in Arkansas but they are. Nasty was he have some kind of special brand of allergies here or was I don't. So I'm just making a point that you don't have to be unhappy because you don't feel perfect or everything is not going exactly the way you want it to God's power and able is you to preach with fractured toes with out fractured toes. Brain a genuine throat without drainage in your throat. Come on are you with me tonight Ah. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens Vade Lieutenant Cain Behold I have given you power. I have given you authority and power we're going to talk about that authority tomorrow morning to mama to trample upon serpents which means evil spirits and scorpions and physical and mental strength an ability over all the power Now please notice that we have power the devil has power we have authority there's nothing there that says the devil has authority. This is really. The only authority that the enemy has is what we give him. Through lack of knowledge. Are through passive 80 which is just sitting by lays a lady letting him do whatever he wants to do and not aggressively coming against him. You know if you don't plan to be here all weekend you ought to change your plans. And you ought to go get some of your beat down broken up messed up downtrodden Christian friends. Who want to do nothing but complain all the time. And bring them over here and say I got your answer let's go. And then it goes on is that as scripture and nothing shall by any means harm you. Doesn't say nothing whatever come against you but it won't have ultimate victory over you. And then if Eason's 119 will actually starting a verse 17 Paul prayed 3 prayers for the Church of the forces that are so important 1st is that I pray that you will know God personally for yourselves no god don't have 2nd hand faith have your own faith have your own relationship with God have your own experience with GO know your Bible for yourself don't try to have it through somebody else. The 2nd thing is pride is that they would know who they were in Christ you got to put on righteousness be confident and hold your head up high I am a child of God and I will not be defeated. And then the 3rd thing that he prayed was that those believers in episodes would know the power that was available to them who would believe. So even back then we had believers who didn't know anything about the power of God you know why because the devil wants to hide that from us. You have power available. To you power to overcome temptation power to see addictions broken all for your lives. Power to deal with annoying irritating people was. And I actually feel sorry for them instead of getting angry at them. Come all we can get there. Granted it may take all the way to Saturday morning but we can get there. Are you with me power. We have a power because we are finally. We have the power to be peaceful in a storm. We have the power to be joyful and adverse circumstances. We have the power to help other people we are hurting so bad ourselves that we can hardly stand it. We have the power to wait. And to wait while we have the power to be patient we have the power to do whatever we need to do through Christ who strengthens us a magnet. In Joel chapter 3 verse 10 it says Let the weak say I am strong. So just in closing and I let me give you a little encouragement to be very careful what you say. You're going to when it's when things are difficult you're going to have a thought I can't do this thing well that's not God put in that your mind the mind is the battlefield that's where Satan attacks us and hopes to win the battle if he can get us thinking weak thoughts and speaking weak words then we will have weak lives. The moment you hear one of those items and. I really had to laugh on Wednesday morning I was working out with my trainer and I've been doing it now for 7 years diligently 3 days a week if I'm in town sometimes twice on. And off. I was. Doing these things they call Cici squats and trust me they're not for sissies. And. I was down with the pulley get ready to push myself up and I heard my flesh they to me loud and clear honestly and it was really comical seat but if you don't recognize these things then you can be defeated I heard this loud and clear. I really need a break from all of this. I mean just clear I really need a break from all of this and I thought right away well you get more. You're not getting one let me taste something the enemy will talking your flesh will talk to you. And we have to know the Word of God I mean no the word of God far ourselves is not good enough just to have somebody else preach to you you need to take the Scriptures that we've talked about and you need to look them up and you need to meditate on them. But as Mark Chapter 4 say the measure of thought and study that you put into the truth that you hear is the measure of virtue and knowledge that will come back to you again is not how well somebody else preaches to you it's the measure of thought and study that you put into. The work come on don't be a lazy Christian. Don't be somebody who wants you just park on a pew somewhere and have some preacher spoon feed you the Word of God and then pray all your problems off of the you when the devil gets after you. Come on I'm trying to put a little fire and unite. Your life won't be so boring if you'll get busy doing what you're supposed to be doing. And then. So if you know the word then when the devil lies to you you can recognize it right away. And you can say that's not God because I know God's word and I don't believe that and furthermore I'm not going to repeat it. Here the enemy whisper in your mind I can't do this but you say I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me like the weak side I am strong. And that doesn't mean that we deny problems but we deny them the right to rule us. I'm not saying deny your problems I'm not saying that you never asked anybody to pray for you I'm going through this pray for me sometimes you need to talk to a friend sometimes you need to vent a little but we don't need to talk about them from day live till dark. And just rehearse them over and over and over and over you know the more you rehearse something the better you get at it. Did you hear me. That I was to where to meditate on the Word of God Well want to stamp me. I thought meditation was an Eastern religion and we needed to stay away from that. Come on The devil never had one good idea in his whole life I mean God was the one who 1st said meditate on the word and that means to roll it over and over and over in your mind and moderate under your breath and speak out loud. He said Why I don't know how to meditate yet you do you meditate on your problems all day long. And if you can spend the whole day meditating on what's wrong with the person you're married to. Come on now how many of you can spend the whole day meditating on how pitiful and pathetic you are and how nobody ever does anything for you and you do all the work around here and you're just so pitiful and old pros say you don't know how to meditate. Well you better be glad I'm about out of time. Let the week say. I am strong let's all stand up thanks for listening grow stronger in your faith with today's offer how to release God's power in your life this teaching series is available now as either a 4 CD set or digital download for a donation of $20.00 or more in us and we do accept all major credit cards you can order today's offer from our website at Joyce Meyer dot org Or you can call us toll free at 1800. 789008 not again the number is 18790089. The Bible our instruction book for life spending time in God's Word will change our lives but consistent and effective study can at times be challenging that's one reason why Joyce is here to help at Joyce Meyer dot org slash Bible study you'll find ways to make your study time come to life with helpful resources study suggestions and encouragement from joints get the most you can out of your time studying God's word with every day study sign it today at Joyce Meyer dot org slash Bible study. Thanks again for listening to enjoying every day life our mission here is Joyce Meyer Ministries is simple Christ and loving people remember Together we can do more. Join in for Joyce Meyer weekdays at 11 45 am here on the body search 7 day. Your tune tt's Weekend Edition inspiring your Saturdays in standard and high definition on AM 670 Commerce City Denver and online at 670 calle T T V dot com. Jane me we're glad you could join us today for the concept of faith broadcast this program is dedicated to teach you how to put the word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life and now here's Charles Capps. March gospel of 1st chapter gives us a classic Just example. Of a man that had great faith that Jesus could but did not know where they would or not this seems to be a major problem especially in a circle the people say well I know God's able Well the devil knows that. But will he now here's a man in verse $39.00 says and he preached in their synagogues that all Galilean cast out devils demons there came a leper to him beseeching him and the yelling down to him and saying to him If thou wilt Arkan's make me clean Jesus moved with compassion put forth his hand and he touched. Now I want you to notice the whole multitude got healed in many places if they even touched him now he booed with compassion touch the mind and nothing happened he just as lepers is or was not one bit a powerful load nothing happened. Why because the man has a question mark he said if if will make me hope he knows he can't doesn't know where they will or not. He has released his faith he's waiting for a word they've come up here so you know he had a reason for that there was no record of lepers being healed that Jesus ever healed drafters before this but we don't have that excuse. So see if that was a legal doubt for that man but then Jesus see he's already tested now and no power flowed he just as lepers as there ever was and then he says I will be thou clean and as soon as he had spoken immediately the leprosy departed from him he was clean what happened he removed the question mark if you have one question mark whether it's God's will for you to be healed or not it stops the flow of the unknowing of God. People to just touch Jesus God healed when he didn't even know that there are but then he deliberately lays hands on somebody and no power flows. Because they didn't believe. They didn't know whether to believe it or not. So your faith will always stop with a question mark. But if you remove the question mark faith would rolled in on see these people made a demand on the annoying that was a poem Jesus. The one with the issue of blood establish their own point of contact or Roberts are supposed force on oh he Cohen this phrase maybe didn't maybe God somebody else but I member in the fifty's or sixty's that he would say touch the back of the seat is a point of contact a relief because you know instantly when you touch something. Sometimes people say well you know God can heal me sometimes well when I don't know where I don't know I'd like me come in in the airport out here you know on land and it midway and call in Rob Rob we all get together how launch Well yeah that big good well when I'll just any time. Well where you want me all just in you are just hang up the phone. How long you think you'll take us to get together. We had stabs time nor place. I see a point of contact that's what the laying on of hands is for point of contact for you know when to believe you receive. You believe you receive it then not necessarily the manifestation of many times it comes instantly sometimes it doesn't say healings a process. I remember Robert some of the story I heard to take a story about a lady that in Oklahoma. In the sixty's own radio and television he would say now I'm a pretty The Prayer Faith lay you hand on the radio. And I'll pray the prayer of faith and God will heal you well this little lady all crippled up off rattus said and over the kitchen table and she heard Brother Robert say lay your hand on radio contact pray the prayer of faith and God will hear you he's already started praying and so she gets up and in her hurry to get to the radio which was over on the cabinet she stumbled and fell she fell up against the refrigerator. She just cried out and said Dear Lord Jesus let this refrigerator be my point of contact she reached over to touch the fridge reign of power of God went through her and healed her she got up and danced all over the kitchen healed by the power I'm gone now you know and I know there's no power not for injury or healer. If they had been she'd got healed when she made breakfast. It is a lot of contact to release her faith to know when to believe she received her he did see there's a difference in believing you receive whether or not the manifestation comes that that is true or not that's a time you can point back to 10 days from now and believe I received my heel and back then like the lady did that said all no you don't say last night hands were laid on me in the name of Jesus she pointed back to the time of the point of contact. She established you see this woman with the issue of blood established her point of contact this woman that fell in the floor she established her point of contact to release or flee. The laying on of hands I believe is the method that Jesus used mostly especially when Faith was low you see it is own hometown I believe you get more people healed by that method. Especially in some places that you can't any other way because it is a tangible contact and you know when to believe you receive how and. In 1973 when I had finished the little booklet Well it really was a booklet that time is just a sheet of paper confession she called God's creative power work for you. 2 o'clock in the morning I'd finished putting the thing together swore to direct me and I knelt down in my office. Had my hands raised and I heard the Spirit of God It was an audible voice and stand up of the feet when I was to to stretch forth your hand so I stood there is Rich Mantei like this and it felt like a person because the WON'T fact it was so obvious to a lot just my eyes to see but I would stand in a cloud and think it was a dense and close the wall and then he said I've laid my hands up on your hands and then I realized that's what it felt like to get say and finger get found he said of the knowledge your hand for the minister the laying on now he said it'll come to pass after this night if you will tell people that I've noted your hand for the minister and if they'll release their faith in the unknown Now listen very carefully what is it he said in the unknown not in me. God is not confirming me he's confirming it were he says they will release the faith and then an audience said that a moaning at the point of contact your hand with their body it will flow into their body in effect healing it appear. And here's the exact words he said he said minimal be healed instance thank God to have but he said others over a period of time now somebody said why is that I don't. He didn't tell me. But it proves i'm not do it because if I was doing it there but again he lives to me. But you see I just simply did what he said. And we have thank God we've had people healed it's done one lady had 5 cancers over face roll cancer. Laid hands on I didn't feel you think she didn't feel a thing she did she didn't say a thing about it. 5 days later totally not assigned her face just cleared mine. But meanwhile another cations that tangible annoying you can feel that annoying rush out of you lack it did Jesus. A memorable one occasion in a certain city lady when I touched her it like a not me down it did knock her down she slid up on C. And never experience is thing right before or after but it was almost like a faith explosion but you see when people believe in the I. See God doesn't confirm people if you study what Jesus said He said Go forth and teach all nations you know on its own and lay hands on the sick will recover said they went for them preached every word of the Lord working with now the King James says with the I'm the D.M. Is added to the translator work with them. And confirm his word with signs follow but see take them out it was added he worked with and confirmed his word which sounds follow. God doesn't confirm people he confirms his word. When they believe in the. Father we thank you for your word tonight as we lay hands hold the sick tonight we fully expect you to confirm your word with signs follow that the knowledge of God show flow. As people believe and release their faith the power and then on ing of God shall drive out sickness and disease and bring forth healing health and their bodies we thank you for it we praise you for it we give you glory and on and praise and thanksgiving for all that should be done in Jesus' name. If you do not you like to be ministered to by the laying with hands. Just step out come up here we're going to do exactly what the Scripture says to do Hallelujah bless it be God. Thank you Lord Jesus now remember won't Jesus said. Jesus said they shall lay hands on the sig and they shall recover I say you don't have to have any special annoying to do that. Can do that through faith. James says the prayer of faith Hill save the sick and the Lord shall raise them up. There are several ways of receiving healing. But the way the Lord has directed us to minister by the laying on of hands sometimes we praise I'm done with. Them time people get offended go didn't pray when you laid hands on me. But Jesus said they shall recover now notice he didn't say that till have to recover yourself he said they shall recover he didn't say I'd have to recover you and I'm glad he said that because I caved in if you could recovery as if you'd already been recovered. But he said they shall recover that's the words of the Son of God. Don't believe in me tonight. Believe in the words of Jesus and the annoying of God. The same as garden on a Jesus of matter of the Holy Ghost and power went about doing good healing all impressed of the devil Jesus said even so send. So as I lay hands upon you. Release your faith in that unknown. And receive your healing in the name of cheats . Tally lived in Jesus' name in the name of Jesus Christ of natural. There it is in Jesus' name from the top of the head to the Souls that he a thief in the name of Jesus God bless ya do pre-set you joining us for the concepts of faith broadcast today now before I leave the broadcast this is the last day for book all for number 750 for its entire out of your spiritual authority now this book was formally an authority. In 3 worlds some of you may have it but it's $180.00 page paperback for $11.00 plus $4.00 postage and handling a total of $15.00 now in this book we take you through the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation laying out God's plan and how that God sent His Son Jesus to this planet he was the Word of God He had a physical body God annoyed him to destroy the works of the devil and by the way did you know that your physical body gives you authority on this planet God gives in knowing so you can destroy the works of the devil and overcome the world the flesh and the devil the same way that Jesus did on the Mount of temptation Jesus said it is written it is written it is written every time temptation came he just quoted what was written in the Word of God you can overcome the world the flesh and the devil the same way by using the word of God James said submit yourself into God resist the devil and he will flee from you well as you submit yourself to the Word of God you speak the Word of God You proclaim the Word of God and the enemy will sleep now this book will give you inside discover these powerful principles in your own lives Dominion through words you body gives you authority on earth being born of the Spirit gives you the ability to use the name of Jesus the power of binding in losing. Power bonding forces of hell losing the blessing of God your authority and 3 realms earth heaven and hell and more at home for number 7 if they're all for your spiritual the party it's 108 it page by back for $11.00 plus $4.00 postage and then only a total of $15.00 We have a toll free 187-7396 not of her 101877396 not 100 m till Monday this is Charles kept reminding you that the enemy is defeated not as a cult and. Is coming soon. To order the product offered today a call 187-739-6940 extension 4 right Charles camps P.O. Box 69 angle and Arkansas 720468 complete list of C.D.'s books and D.V.D.'s are available online at Charles Capps dot com through the website you can listen to this radio program again can subscribe to our podcast this broadcast is sponsored by Charles camp's ministries and our listeners in this area. Weeknights at 730 on K L T 2 men for concepts of faith with Pastor Charles Kemp's God's word is powerful and he states is full of life finding courage meant for everyday living from Galt's words on concepts of faith that's 7 30 pm on cable T.V. The Monday 670. This is calle tt's Weekend Edition broadcast on AM 67 E.-Commerce it even in stunning high definition and online at 670 calle T.T. Dot com. Welcome to Victoria Street we believe you will be encouraged and receive free to begin your day of listening to today's message with international missionary and Bible teacher Sherry Campbell. Good morning welcome to Victoria Street I'm Sherri Campbell we're studying the subject of healing and we're looking at the proofs and evidences that it is absolutely positively unquestionably undeniably God's will for you to be healed God wants you healed and he wants you to live a life of perfect health and strength and vitality as a matter of fact I'll remind you again of the definition of zoé which is the Greek word in the New Testament most commonly translated life and you often read it with the word eternal or everlasting life well that zoé life is actually defined as the absolute fullness of life a life active and vigorous Well that shows health and strength and vitality a life active in vigorous devoted to God blessed and and it says even in this world for those who have put their faith in Christ and so it's the absolute fullness of life it includes strength how. Vitality it's a life active and vigorous and sell that is God's will for you and so we're looking at other evidence is improved that was one of the evidences and this last several days we were looking at scriptures. That pertain to specific par. It's of the body and then specific conditions and now today I want us to go on to another proof and actually I don't quite remember if I maybe have already mentioned this perhaps I did but I'm going to mention it again and this is another proof that it is God's will for you to be healed and it is that God's word is medicine God's word is medicine Proverbs 4. 2222 say my son pay attention to what I say listen closely to my words do not let them out of your heart out of your sight keep them within your heart. Verse 22 for they are life. Life Now remember Jesus said My words are spirit and life in John 663 John 6363 Jesus said My words are spirit and life so back to Proverbs 422 for they are that's my words are life and that word also means sustenance and maintenance but it is the very life giving force to those who find them. And health. To a man's whole body now that word health many translations translate it health but when you look at happy in the Hebrew dictionary it is also meaning healing and some translations will translate it healing it also means cure medicine and remedy. Cure medicine and remedy so my words verse 22 they are life that is the life force to those who find them and health healing cure medicine and remedy to a man's whole body to the whole body so what does that mean if you take the word of God into you you are taking life into you you are also taking health cure medicine. And remedy into your spirit which then affects your whole body because your spirit is the life of your body. And so if you take the word into you it actually says it is healing healthy link your medicine and remedy to your whole body. So we see God's Word brings life healing cure medicine to the body to the body and then let me show you one other scripture there some 107 verse 20 Psalm 107 verse 20 he sent forth His Word and healed them he sent forth His Word and healed them so what do we see when you receive God's word you do not get sick on the contrary you get healed you get life you get medicine you get cured you get health. You get healing. And when so that is proof that God wants you healed because if God wanted you sick. Then when he spoke to you it would make you sick and when he laid hands on you or touched you it would make you sick if God wants you sick and we're still addressing this question because millions of Christians still today believe God wants them sick for a purpose and that is an absolute lie from hell. And I'm giving you this proof because if God wanted to use it for a purpose then when he spoke to you it would make you sick or when he touched you it would make you sick if you want to do sick if he had a purpose for you to be sick if his will for you was sickness then when he touched you it would make you sick and when he spoke to you it would make you sick but the fact in the truth of the matter is every time God touches a person. What does it do it heals them that's why even millions of Christians who think that God makes them sick or wants them sick for a purpose they'll say oh Lord touch me touch me touch me why because you believe that when he touches you you'll be healed. And it's the absolute proof of the ministry of Jesus that every person Jesus touched they were not made sick no they were made healed they were healed when he touched them and they were healed when he spoke to them to be healed so the touch of God brings healing and the Word of God brings healing that is proof I mean how else will he transfer sickness to you if you want to use it. Well he uses the devil know that God does not use the devil the devil is self employed and self-motivated having his own agenda according to John 1010 to steal to kill to destroy Satan is God's enemy and because you are made in the image of God and because you are a child of God You are the the devil's enemy also and God is the death the devil's enemy and because you are made in the image of God and a child of God You are also the devil's enemy in the devil is your enemy and God does not use his enemy to bring about any of his purposes or plants no God uses his Holy Spirit to bring about his purposes God uses the Holy Spirit to teach you God uses the Holy Spirit to move in the earth God uses the Holy Spirit he never uses the devil. And we started this series about God not using the devil the devil is self employed it self employed self motivated on his own agenda to steal kill and destroy. And so he is the one who is the agent of death the spirit of death. And bringing the curse to pass he is the agent as we've said from the beginning God does not use the devil for anything God only uses his Holy Spirit and He works through His Word His Word and His Spirit now what do his word in his spirit do what do they bring to pass life healing restoration deliverance when he touches you you're healed you're made whole your strength and you're delivered when the Holy Spirit comes upon you you are delivered from bondage from sickness from disease Every time God touches a person they are healed they are delivered they are made whole they are made alive God's Word and His Spirit bring life and only life and health and medicine and cure and healing and deliverance. Praise God So the fact that God's touch and God's spoken word and His Written Word His Word bring life and healing to you they never bring any sickness to you that is evidence again that God wants you healed. Because if he wanted to you said that when he touched you it would make you sick and when he spoke to you it would make you sick but it doesn't makes you healed when he touches you that's why again let me repeat that millions of Christians even though they may have crazy stupid idea that God wants them sick they'll say oh Lord touch me Lord touch me Lord touch me why because they know that if they get touched they'll be healed. You will be healed when you get touched by God's power by God's Spirit because it is life. His spirit is life reappraise God Praise God So that's more proof his touch and His Word bring healing. And life it is evidence that God once you healed and then let me give you another evidence and we had looked we've looked over these last 5 and a half months. Healing and you say Cherry Why are you spending so much time on this because this is a big big issue in the church and I've said it before there are many many sick Christians and if you look at any church and you ask people raise your hand if you have any physical problem that you would like to be healed from the majority of hands would be raised whether it's a bad back or or whether it's headaches or whether it's terminal. Doesn't matter Kai blood pressure diabetes anything stomach problems the majority of hands will be raised there is way way too much sickness in the body of Christ and in the church and tradition has taught it was God's will and God put it there and those are lives the blame has always been placed on God and it can be placed nowhere but on man and number one reason because of ignorance because of lack of knowledge because of wrong thinking and wrong believing because people think wrong and believe wrong they receive and allow the sickness to remain and I've said this before and I'll say it again acceptance and toleration. Acceptance and coloration. Of a sickness. Is the enemy of healing. It's the enemy of healing toleration of it is the enemy of healing you have to get aggressive against sickness know and understand it is your enemy and it is God's enemy and Jesus already bore it for you you are we doomed from it so you don't need to carry it now get aggressive against it. And we'll be talking more about how but in these last 5 months we've given you point after point after point after point how to do this and we'll review again. But you need to believe God Once you healed and then don't tolerate sickness don't put up with it you get aggressive against it and then we'll show you we've talked about other things that are also hindrances to receiving healing and we'll go over those again will read will do some review but in these 5 months I've given you many reasons why people are sick and we'll review those again. In a few more days but let me go on to another proof and evidence that God wants you healed and so we have given you many scripture promises like in the last 2 weeks we gave you scriptures out of Deuteronomy 28 that named specific diseases and problems. Under the curse of the law. In Deuteronomy 28 and then we look to the New Testament to glaciers 313 that Christ 3 deemed you from that curse and the curse of the law is also the same as the curse of sin and death and we looked at Romans 8 to. That the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus makes you free from the law of sin and death and that's the healing scripture you are free from the law of sin and death which is the curse of sin and death why because of the spirit of life life heals you from all death and symptoms of death. Products of death which are include sickness and disease now let me give you a list now this is the next proof and I've had these all mixed up so over the last 5 months I've kind of jumped around and toggled my proofs but according to my current number I believe this is now number 38 I think that I have given you now 37 proofs of different kinds different categories different reasons that God wants you healed different evidences in the Bible that God wants you healed and now this is going to be number 38. And this is a lot of reasons I hope that by now you are absolutely convinced this should have already convinced you long long ago but number 38 according to my counting is I'm going to show you all inclusive promises. All inclusive. Promises of God because up till now I have given you specific promises that unlike the last week on specific parts of the body we looked at. The hands of the knees the back the feet the arms and we saw specific conditions sleeplessness weakness pain. And then that's besides all the other Scriptures we've gone over again and again they have to do specifically with healing. Promises that are specifically to do with healing but I'm going to now show you some all inclusive promises of God and people often times will not relate these to healing. Because they use words like anything whatever whatsoever. And when you see these words anything whatever whatsoever or everything people often say well that is everything except healing and they try to X. Glued healing they don't think of these scriptures being pertaining to healing but when it says everything it means everything and that includes healing. So these are all inclusive. And actually let's start the Old Testament will move to the New Testament. Some 231 some 23. Many For many people this is a beloved psalm Psalm 23 verse one you can start it the Lord is my shepherd what's the next phrase I shall not want. Another translation I shall not be in want. Now I want that means anything. I shall not want. That is referring to there was shall be nothing that I lack or am in need of or am in want of another translation the baby basic Bible in English says I will not be without any good thing now this is an all inclusive promise it doesn't just mean any material thing it means anything this is a general promise I shall not want. I shall not want what if anything there shall not be anything that I am in need of I am in want of that includes healing it is an all inclusive promise I will not want another translation I will not be without any good thing and healing in health is good and so there is a scripture that is general and can be made and conflict at all inclusive if there if there is not anything that you are in want of. Then most people who are sick they want to be healed most people very rarely do find someone sick and they say no let me keep this. I want to stay this way so most people want to be healed Well this says I shall not want well if you want to be healed then get rid of that sickness then this is included in that promise you see so receive some 231 as a healing promise I shall not want well if you want to be healed this is a promise that you don't want for healing any more because the Lord is your shepherd and that is the picture of the Good Shepherd who heals and takes care of his sheep Now let me let me ask you this I heard a preacher say this one time and it's an excellent example using Psalm 231 The Lord is my shepherd and then also Jesus said in John 10 I am the Good Shepherd Jesus called himself the good shepherd the Good Shepherd OK let's consider that if we took in the natural in physical reality we don't have very many shepherds in America better around the world there are still many shepherds in many countries having their flock of sheep out in the field now what if you heard let's say that you also have some sheep in and you wanted to see the good example of a good shepherd. And then one day you hear all the good shepherd is coming now this Good Shepherd is the best shepherd he is the very very best shepherd what a great shepherd he is and he's going to come through town today and so everybody's out looking watching and waiting for this good shepherd who is actually the best of the greatest Shepherd he's renown for how great of a shepherd he is so everybody's eagerly and excitedly standing beside the road waiting to see this shepherd come through town with his flock of sheep. And so up the main street somebody calls here he comes here he comes the Good Shepherd is coming so everybody rushes to the street they want to see who is this good shepherd and then they see a man coming and he is beautifully clothed gorgeous white glorious rolled and gold trimmed and he is just glorious and he is walking along beautifully dressed and robed in just great looking and then behind him comes trudging this little flock of sheep that there in May she added They're hungry you can see that they have their dirty there they haven't been washed they have open wounds that haven't been cleaned they're limping along some with a broken leg. And others that they look like they're so diseased they're about to fall over. Now what would do you think if you were standing there beside the road and you saw this glorious Shepherd come through renowned for being a good shepherd and behind him comes this small weak emaciated dirty camped flock of sheep and some of them are limping some of them are having a hard time breathing some of them have open wounds some of them have boil some of them you can tell that there is different diseases on them would you look at that shepherd and say this is not a good shepherd just because he is gloriously robed he is certainly no good shepherd because look at is she. Looking at this she. Is the evidence that proves the quality of the shepherd. Looking at the sheep. Proves the quality of the shepherd now that is all to say he is the good shepherd and he wants you healed. But there is the devil. And there are sheep who are listening to the devil about lies about their sickness and disease that you need to keep this and this is God's will for you and they are not taking the healing that God is offering now God cannot and will not force you to do anything. God doesn't force. So he has offered healing to everyone God has offered healing to everyone but there is a devil a liar who is a thief who comes to steal kill and destroy who has deceived the sheik and through deception and they believe this sickness is their lot in life they believe this sickness is God teaching them something well it's not god that wants you healed that God has provided healing for you and now it's for you to accept and receive the healing God has for you he is the good shepherd and he wants you healed and His promise is that you shall not be in want of any good thing that includes healing in your body Well that's one of the all inclusive promises I'll get to more to next week so join me next week on Monday Remember God loves you you're blessed and highly favored by the Lord. We're glad you joined us today for victorious faith with Cherry Campbell we invite you to visit our website at Victoria's faith dot SEO where you can listen to the Victoria state radio broadcasts 24 hours a day find the Biblical study helps context Cherry with your prayer requests and praise reports see Cherry's itinerary order weekly broadcasts on CD and make donations each week's broadcasts are available on one CD for a donation of any amount Victoria's faith is a God and partners supported ministry as you so seed and partner with this ministry we believe God with you for the full harvest of victory you need in your life you may also write to us at P.O. Box 1418 Castle Rock Colorado. 80104 Please join us again world war 670 calle T 2 dot com. This is Barbara Carmack with called a freedom heard weekdays at 5 30 am and 1 pm on K L T T I'm grateful to live in our nation where I can still practice my faith freely Please join me now in saluting the United States of America with our national anthem. Cuts. Remember to honor God in this country as you pray for the leaders of our nation today and every day this is Barbara Carmack with call to freedom for young people who care to be here present the bio near constant coast Gulf to telecast. On the much of what he a century crusade. American history reveals that our nation has been built by young men with a vision this vision was based upon a sincere reverence of both gone and country such a man of today is Percy Crawford gone his raised up to challenge the youth of the 20th century to preserve that foundation and to build upon it for a greater tomorrow. Right. There I need you ladies and gentlemen we're certainly glad to be back here once again on television the 1st in our series this fall the 2nd year on television on A.B.C. And we're certainly happy to have you with us we hope you'll stay tuned for the own half hour and enjoy this program and we have a lot of good old favorite hams and lot of good old favorite cars but I'm sure you'll enjoy. The car test our local car tests back again and they're looking pretty good bargain as bad as ever and they're all right to say my heart you are in car and B. And O. My wife they sang Oh happy day. Big guy.

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