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1256 we're going to have a great time this Saturday and oh after the Bible study those of you who would like to bring a dish for lunch a side dish if your last name begins with a through Am bring a salad and those whose last name begins with an through z. Bring a dessert unless you really have a great recipe that you want to bring So you know I'm I'm really a cooperating here so we'll have a great time on the patio again this month and I believe that it's going to be a good time for you again that number is 186-691-7725 extension 6 I think the left is becoming nervous and desperate after the Democratic debates last week all that they seem to suggest for a presidential candidate is can you believe this Michelle Obama. If I were a moderate Democrat I would be very confused about all these candidates that are running for 2020 they seem to be going over the edge with their political views and don't you agree it seems like they're touting utopia again all over again when we know that the writings of Karl Marx are not logical in any sense of the word nor do they have a reading quality for the people of this world it's been tried over and over and over again and you can say see with Venezuela it's been tried and it has failed it's freedom that people want not servitude and if they did if the Democrats get welfare and health insurance for all that's what the middle class and blue blue collar workers are going to be servants of the government no I'm going with President Trump America will never be a socialist country I really truly agree with him and after these tragedies this weekend I believe that we need to look deeper and deeper into the causes and I know what the cause is they've taken Jesus and God out of the classroom that's true it really is and we need to look back to. God I believe some of those people that were spared were praying to God when they were spared the ones in the restaurant on the streets and in the mall and I'm so sorry for those who were killed but I believe that God in His mercy and grace has had a wonderful hand in allowing those people to be with the Lord today so praise God we're we're going to have a great time in heaven with all those who have gone before who all those who have suffered it's it's a terrible way to go but praise God he's got an answer he's got a wonderful life he's got a for ever for those who trust in Him So thank you for praying for President Trump as he is a great president I believe he's going to get something going whether it's mental illness or I really believe that we should up the age for buying guns I really do I don't Andy's a k 47 so I don't think they should be on sale I really don't you can't you can't use an a k 47 and shooting a deer I mean it's just ridiculous so anyway pray for that that there will be there will be a solution given by the president and the cabinet for. Making these things less less dangerous these I don't even know what to say but God Bless America we need we desperately need Jesus memory verse for this week is 2nd Timothy 211313 I love this verse I've always it's always been a favorite with me every day every time I read it for these last 45 years I've loved this verse this is a trustworthy statement and there's some seriousness in this statement but praise the Lord for if we died with Him we shall also live with him that's going to 22 scuse me on my tongue today lation is to 20 says I am crucified with Christ so if we died with Him we shall live with him. If we endure we shall also reign with him he's promised that if we deny Him He also will deny us if we are faithless even in our salvation if we are faithless he remains faithful for he cannot deny himself I know it's quite a lengthy one but oh it all goes together so beautifully so well we'll continue talking about this this week my confession for today by Rick Renner I boldly declare that Jesus has provided supernatural protection from disasters calamities Naik scorpions and all the works of the enemy you know he promised that in Jeremiah 2911 he said my thoughts for you are not for evil or calamity or accidents even accidents but they are for welfare and for your good and for the hope and for your future Hala lujah that's a wonderful verse of scripture to remember he promised me Traveling Mercies and protection from all acts of injustice God isn't going to send me somewhere so I can die I remember when I 1st married Aaron and we were just going to the courthouse quite often it's just. I don't know why he just he just saw the inside of a court house more often than I had ever in my entire life and he just really declared that Jesus has given me all authority over the enemy and that's Luke 1019 he's given you all authority and nothing shall injure you so as Rick Renner continues he says God isn't going to send me somewhere so I can die I rebuke the spirit of fear and I press forward into the divine life a Jesus Christ I declare this by faith in Jesus name Oh you are not alone friend God can use one man or woman of conviction even while the rest cower in fear it can think of the great a Fannius who lived in the 300 years hundreds at that time the Deity of Christ had come under such enormous attack that it seems that them. Giora t. Even within the church were denying the very deity of Christ that he was God as any as was this bold defender of the Deity of Christ and seemed to be the only one willing to take a stand he was even banished from the Roman Empire 5 times but he came back he reminds me of Paul being stoned and he came back it is impossible that without his steadfast stance we might not even know about our divine Savior Jesus Christ if it weren't for the boldness of Martin Luther we might not even know about justification by faith I think about William Carey the 1st Protestant missionary who carried the gospel to India Kerry said one thing I can do is plod I thought I left that because I'm a plotter and so with determination he plodded along and he translated the Bible into numerous different languages do you sometimes feel like a plotter every day is the same Father God I feel like I've been doing this over and over and over again well think of William Carey he plodded any plotted and translated the Bible into numerous different languages. One time one of those trans translations went up in flames and he had no backup So what did he do did he quit Ah no he plotted with true determination and he did it all over again you know what this reminds me of this reminds me of Jeremiah and his wonderful scriber Rukh and I I looked it up and it's Jeremiah 3622 through 32 I gotta read this too huge for a little bit this is just such a sad incident and it talks about how we need to plod to some times and it reminds me so much of William Carey It was late autumn in Judah and King Kemp who was a puppet king for Babylon he was just there in name only Babylon was actually the country that was that was ruling at the time and King Joe Hall come was in a winterized part of the palace sitting in front of a fire to keep warm each time Joe hoody finished reading 3 or 4 columns of this scripture that Jerry or the prophecy that Jeremiah had sent to them in a scroll that's what he did he sent this scroll to the king and so every time Jehudi finished reading 3 or 4 columns of this scroll that King took a knife and cut off that section of the scroll He then threw it into the fire section by section until the whole scroll was burned up can you believe this neither the King or his attendants showed any signs of fear or repentance that what they heard even when elf Nathan Della and Joe Marya begged the king not to burn the scroll he wouldn't listen then the king commanded his son Jeremy l. Sarah Iowa and Shela Maya to a rest Baruch and Jeremiah but the Lord had hidden them how God has His wonderful ways doesn't he after the king had burned the scroll on which Baruch had written. Jeremiah's words the Lord gave Jeremiah another message he said get another scroll remember plodding get another scroll and write everything again just as you did on the scroll King come burned now I can't remember even what I did yesterday can you imagine having to go through 36 chapters of Jeremiah again and writing them down I just can't imagine that but Holy Spirit gave him such inspiration and gave him the words to say I know it was Holy Spirit gave him the words to say all over again and then the kids say to the King and this is the Lord talking to Jeremiah this is what the Lord says you burn the scroll because it said the king of Babylon would destroy this land and empty of people and animals now this is what the Lord says about King Jehovah come of Judah he will have no errors to sit on the throne of David his dead body will be thrown out to lie and buried exposed to the heat of the day and the frost of the night I will punish him and his family and his attendants for all their sins I will pour out on them and on the people of Jerusalem and Judah all the disasters I promised for they would not listen to my warnings and I love what the man and in that's the program right before me at $1230.00 said and this is Monday unbelief will never escape punishment there will be punishment for these kinds of people absolute punishment so Jeremiah took another scroll and dictated again to his secretary or his scribe he wrote everything that had been on the scroll King Joe Hawk him had burned in the fire only this time he added much more Eliza thought he was the only one standing for God in the days of wicked a have but God reserved 7000 who had not bow bow the knee to bail and God rescued Elijah from that wicked queen jazz a bill he did and he had a. Right up to heaven. And I was thinking of all the years that Sparrow's zodiac the Greek Bible scholars spent in not only translating the Bible and to commentaries and concordances but he gave us the key word study Bible with all the references and a strong concordance in the back and I suppose I studied that Bible today I've had I've been studying it for probably 20 years and I love the key word study Bible by Spiros Zodiac because he was raised in near the Kurds in north Greece and I'll tell you in scuse me in Iraq and I'll tell you he knows Greek better than any other person I've ever known Derren and I interviewed him on the air he spent over 40000 hours not only working on the keyword Study Bible from the original language but also gave us over 82 different commentaries and concordances this man how tell you wot he was working for God all of his life made the Lord find us faithful even if we are in the minority Almighty Father thank you for raising up men and women through the centuries who have stood strong against opposition raise up people in our time that will stand strong and show the world your truth by God's grace we will stand strong against the evil and the wicked world. It is getting worse people it truly is surround yourself every day with not only the armor of God but the blood of Jesus that precious blood from the top of your head to the soles of your feet cover your children in your grandchildren with that precious blood of Jesus as they go out into the world not knowing what will happen just like in Dayton Ohio they were out having a great time on the streets of Dayton and they were 9 of them were murdered and so many injured so remember that friend you are protected by the very blood of Jesus from e.-w. Canyon. And I have learned that no word from God is void of fulfillment and that that comes from Isaiah $5511.00 so shall my word be goes that goes forth from my mouth it shall not return to Me void but shall accomplish what I desire and succeed and prosper in the manner for which I sent it so no word from God It is void of fulfillment I remember sometimes I would leave this studio and say wow that's a show you can put in the dumper as I go to an elevator and is like Holy Spirit says Don't you dare say that when you speak the Word of God it will never return void or empty that program is valuable that program is worth something to someone who has heard it so I haven't said that sense of sin consciousness lose its still Mannion over you the moment you confess glorify God There is no room for sin consciousness when you know that you are a new creation created in Christ Jesus and when you know that you are seated together with him in heavenly places and know the reality of your Oneness the with a father in Christ John 157 illustrates it if you abide in me and my words abide in you ask what ever you will and it will be done for you the word caused you to abide in Christ it he causes you to he cause the word to a by scuse me cause the word to abiding you it is the living and doing the word that is getting the word inside of you relying upon the integrity of this word is the key to dynamic faith when you know that no word from God can be broken and that Jesus is the word then you know that the word is backed up by the throne the Father and the master of your Master Jesus Christ if one is occupied in leading men and women to Christ he will not sin if he is occupied seeking to build someone up in the faith life in helping someone in bearing someone else's burdens he will not see . When there is no sin in love and the sin is stepping out of love sin is never attractive when you have a deep rich fellowship with a father when fellowship is at flood state stage then sin has no seductive power over you so keep your fellowship with God at flood stage sin is breaking fellowship with love leaving the spirit realm for the sense realm sin is letting the desires of the senses rule letting the senses gain control when the senses run riot God is forgotten but you want love to rule and reign in your heart and in your life so you're leaving the sense realm as your main gathering site you may not understand what's going on in your life but you're running to God you're running to the Father in into his arms you find shelter on this 10th anniversary of Daryn's home going and I want to thank all of you for your cards and even your messages and flowers in remembering him remembering his teaching remembering his friendship to you and there been times I've had to run into the father's arms times when I just felt totally emptied empty and exhausted but when you run into his arms you will find shelter and in you thought the father's arms your labors cease when the storms of life are raging you will not be afraid for in your father's arms there is peace let's listen to Terry and Liz. It is. I. I. I hope that when the world is crashing in on you that you run to the Father and you just let him hold you all he's done that for me so many times so many times friend this world is dominated by the devil and you come in when you come into contact through your senses then you're going to leave some of the wonderful things that God has given to you and there is only one law that governs the new creation creation and that's love and you are to love even as he loved you he loved you and gave his life for you John says in 1st John 4 Beloved let us love one another for love is from God and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God the one who does not love does not know God For God is love he goes on in verse 11 beloved if God so loved us we also ought to love one another we ought to also love one another Oh praise God and he goes on in verse 16 and we have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us because he is love I mean he. Just talks about God's love in this chapter it's wonderful take chapter 4 of 1st John and just read that today and believe that God loves you with them everlasting love and intimacy that he just desires for you to have with him remember that love has no fear love has no fear so love and keep on loving friend and take joy and I'll see you again tomorrow . Thank you for listening to call to freedom with Barbara Carr Mag You may get in touch with Barbara and call to Freedom Box 370367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may leave your message adds 186-691-7725 extension 6 call to freedom is a listener supported radio ministry Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up call to freedom ministry our partners support call the freedom with prayer and monthly financial support you will be blessed Glad you go join us on this Monday afternoon for called a freedom with Barbara Carmack on Colorado's Christian station the body sick 70 Cayle t.t. Joined Barbara tomorrow at one when she's back live in the studio and join her as a partner in the ministry and become a power partner today also join her at the monthly meeting coming out this Saturday can do all of that when you call or 866-917-7256. And join us in a moment for Ron Darden born to win as he picks back up in his series in 1st kings he'll be in Chapter 21 today 2 pm brings you good neighbors with Angie Alston to end 3 pm it's Bob and your live here on the body 670 calle t.t. . This is a engram lots of his daily life for daily living only God has the power to forgive sin God promises in 1st John one that if we confess our sins He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness confess means they call sin by the same name God is not Worry is like a face it's not exaggeration it's a line it's not gossip and slander it's not safe sex it's fornication or adultery when we switch the labels of sin to make it seem less serious we're being this honest with ourselves and with God It doesn't matter if the sin his big or small it doesn't matter whether it was spontaneous or malicious What matters is that you honestly confess it to God Listen to me God will forgive you but you must say the same thing about your sin that God says about it so come confess honestly be forgiven today this is an Graham Lotz serving God and America this is the Crawford Broadcasting Company. To see them pleased to present Ronald l. Dart. Born until when my not everyone gets this but let me have a run at it anyway God does not care for centralized authority. Now asked not to say when you read the Bible and he hasn't allowed it and I realize when I say that in one sense if it happens God allowed it or it wouldn't have happened right so saying that God allowed something in one level. It's pointless but there's another sense in which God seems to say Well Ok what you're asking for is not the best thing for you but I will let you do it and I will work with you in it in that sense God occasionally does allow us to do things we'd really be better off not doing because he looks at and says well you're going to have more pain if you go this way but if you've got to go that way I'll see if I can help you with it now a case in point is the occasion when Israel asked for a king and God didn't like it he had never wanted a king he was their king they were supposed to live with maximum freedom a man ruling over his own household the priesthood taking care of the Tabernacle but not running the affairs of the people total freedom well want for one too many wars that came their way they began to whine about it and they said Well make us a king like all the nations around them so when they insisted God said Ok I'll let you do it I'm not going to reject you out of hand because of it but then he proceeded to tell Samuel to tell them here's what's going to happen to you as you go down that line there's one thing that comes through to me in that story and by the way it's discussed in the series of programs before this one and on the book of Samuel. If you'd like to get that series Drop us a note and we'll tell you how you can get it. The one thing that comes through to me in the story is that God indorse is and supports maximum freedom for a people and that he recognizes that power corrupts Consequently when Israel came into the land there was no king no central government the centricity of faith supplied the only central organizing principle for them there was one priesthood one tabernacle one place of worship but the civil government it was entirely in the hands of the tribal elders. They had a lot of trouble mainly because they didn't stay close to God but it was the freest they would ever be in all their history or ever could be Ok everything changed after they demanded a king and were going to learn a thing or 2 about the dangers and the abuses of power and why God preferred a decentralized governance for Israel. In chapter 21 of 1st kings a man has come to the throne who is according to the writer the worst of all the kings of Israel he is the worst of a bad lot the bottom of the barrel he is reigning in some area some areas in a region called just real it came to pass after these things that neighbor he was a jazz realized he had a vineyard that was in jazz real hard by the palace of a have the king of some area Ok ever open his window why did he say well he saw a really nice vineyard that well belonged to somebody else anyhow I have spoke today about that said give me the vineyard that I can have it for a garden of herbs because it's close to my house and I'll give you a better Vineyard than that one or if it seems a good deal I'll give you the worth of it in money you know he made an offer it's a deal I mean that's just fine it's a funny thing I hadn't realized are focused on this but I don't think they have is planning on doing any cooking with herbs in his garden of herbs but my wife brought home some herbs that she's going to plant in pots on our deck and I stuck my nose in that basket and I said. I see all of this aroma arising from these herbes Seasonal a coming in the window of your palace make things rather more pleasant specially since back in those days I think palaces probably didn't smell very good. Anyhow he wanted a center garden outside his window while Ned neva said a have no no I'm not going to do that I should there's no reason I should give the inheritance of my fathers to you this thing has been in my generation for generation after generation no I want to keep it Ok. A head came into his house heavy displeased because of the word which neighbor the jazz related smoke spoken to him for he had said I am going to give you the inheritance of my father's and he laid down his bed turned away his face and wouldn't even eat. Now you know if you think pouting children are a problem you haven't seen anything until you have seen a royal pelt and now we have a king who sticks out his lower lip gets into bed rolls his face to the wall won't eat anything and won't talk. But he had a wife and her name was Joseph. She came to him and said What do you down about why is it you're not eating anything he said to her Well I spoke to a neighbor about buying that vineyard out there for money or I said if it please you all trade you a better Vineyard 40 said I'm not going to give you my vineyard just a bill his wife said Are you in charge around here and not get up eat bread let your heart be merry I'll give you the vineyard of a neighbor off the Jets realize. So the woman went home she wrote letters in a Habs name sealed them with his seal and sent the letters to the elders and the nobles in his city all those who dwell there were unable to well she wrote a letter saying Ok Perfect proclaim a fast set neighbor off on high among the people set to man sons of b. They'll be for him to bear witness against him saying he blast frame God in the King and then carry a mountain stone him that he may die to get shoot orders under the king's name using a king seal to take this poor guy out and have him kill judiciously because he wouldn't let the King have his vineyard you talk about little reasons for killing people well the men of the city the elders the nobles who are that haven't sort of said he did what Jesse Bill said you know it would have been worth their life to not do what she said she did what was written in the letters that she'd sent them they proclaimed a fast they brought old neighbor off in and set him up on the witness dock and all there came in man and women and stood before him and the minute witnessed against him in the presence of all the people saying neighbor did blast fame God and the king and if they carried the poor guy out of the city and stoned him with stones that he died. And you know I just it's hard for me to imagine what was going through this poor fellow's mind as he sat there and listened to these the liars and as they drug him bodily out of the city the stone. I want to deed was done they sent letters to jazz a bill saying neighbor was stoned and is dead and it came to pass when Jesse bell heard he was stoned it was dead she wanted a habit she said Get up go take possession of the vineyard of nave off the Jazz relied which he refused to give you for money in a bath he's not alive he's dead. Perhaps you can see why the name jazz a bell has entered our vocabulary for a turn certain time of scheming evil woman in fact if you pull down your trusty collegiate dictionary you'll find as a bell and the definition is an impudent shameless or morally unrestrained woman and all that fit this woman to 80. Well it came to pass when they have heard the name off was dead he got up to go down to the vineyard unable to take possession of it as Mel Brooks said in one of his movies it's good to be the cane I can do all these things. And the word of the Lord came to it like. This is bad news for him he said Get up go down and meet a have the king of Israel in some area behold he is in the vineyard of name where he has gone down to take possession is standing right out there in the middle of it I want you to walk in there I want you to speak to him and tell him this does say of the Lord Have you killed and taken possession speak to him and say Thus saith the Lord in the place where the dogs lick the blood of neighbor. Shall dogs lick your blood even yours. Well when the ledger walked into the vineyard they have saw him and said Have you found me oh my enemy he already had of course as an enemy a man who stood firmly against him but he was afraid of him he couldn't do anything to him even jazzer bell had not succeeded he answered I've found you because you have sold yourself to work evil in the sight of the Lord I'm going to bring evil upon you I'm going to take away your posterity I will cut off from a had him that pissed at the against the wall and him that is shut up and left in Israel of the brutality of the language everybody's going to die every man is old enough to stand up is going to die he will make your house like a house of Jeroboam the son of need that like a house a bear should the son of a hijack for the provocation wherewith you have provoked me to anger and made Israel to sin Oh and by the way about Jess about the Lord said this the dogs shall eat jazz a bell by the wall of jazz real him that dies of a have in the city the dogs Shelley him that dies in the fields while the fowls of the air eat. Well maybe it's not so good to be the king after all not if there's a God in Israel not if there's a God who takes note of the things you do you know you might want to remember this curse will have occasion to see how it happened as time went by. Ahab it turns out was the absolute bottom of the barrel of Israelite Kings all of whom were bad but after this prophecy is given a funny thing happens I'll tell you what that is but 1st grab a pencil and pad we want to give you a phone number and address and some information the real prophets series is available in an album form if you would like to get in on the story from the beginning write or call and ask for your free cd titled The real prophets write to Born to Win Post Office Box 560 White House Texas 75791 or call toll free 1888 Bible 44 That's 188-824-2534 extension 4 tell us the call letters of the station the author of 1st Kings tells us that there was no one like a Hab who sold himself to work wickedness in the side of the Lord. Jesu bell his wife's 3rd up he did very abominably in following idols according to all the things the Amorites Did these are the people the Lord drove out before the children of Israel Well it came to pass when a have heard of what had told him. He tore his clothes he put sackcloth on his flesh Heath fasted he slept in sackcloth and went softly around the palace now I can only imagine what kind of a man they have was around the house and I have an idea there were some maids who got startled at how queer quietly this man slipped up on him from time to time everything has changed well the word of the Lord came to a lie Jude and said Do you see how a have humbles himself before me he said when he's done. Because he's done this because he has humbled himself before me I will not bring the evil in his days but in his son's days I will bring the evil upon his house behold the mercy and the compassion of God. Consider how much provocation it finally took before doom was pronounced and consider how easily it all passed away when a man humbled himself and repented and turned around. You know when you think about that for a while I know there are people who sometimes feel that they've just gone too far that God won't hear me anymore God's written me off I'm just a worm in his sight and he doesn't care about me well look if the worst king in Israel's history. Could be forgiven could have the cursed pass away from him surely you can too you just have to repent that's all. Now you may think that this was kind of hard on a have suds because the curse didn't go away from them it just was going to go or not come in his days well it would not have come if they had repented like today edited. In Exodus 20 verse 5 in the commandment it says this you shall not bow down yourself to other gods nor serve them for I the Lord your God I'm a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the 3rd and 4th generation of them that hate me you follow that sounds terrible Well it's not really because the 3rd and 4th generation and where this is put are still hating God So if they have sons could have gotten over that if they could have turned to God with all their heart the curse would have passed away from them the same way 1st Kings 22 they continued 3 years without any war at all between Syria and Israel as one of the times and it must be a remarkable time in history and sometimes Kings have a hard time leaving well enough alone this might have gone on but it came to pass in the 3rd year of this this piece that Joseph had the king of Juda came down to the king of Israel and this is a really rare interaction or intersection between these 2 kingdoms normally they don't talk to each other. Now what happens here is when Joseph Eid shows up on the scene Ahab says to himself hey if we can get together we will have enough power to be able to overcome Syria and a couple of issues that have been hanging out there. The king of Israel said to his servants do you know that Ray Martin Gilliatt is ours and we're sitting here on our hands and we're not taking it out of the hand of the king of Syria belongs to us he's got it. Now mind you they've had peace for 3 years I presume the people living in a mouth of Kili Ed were going about their business and having children and grandchildren and doing all the things that they normally did. And here's a king who thinks maybe I've got a little more power here maybe I can take that village back so he says that Joseph Will you go out with me to battle to Raymond. Because you're Hoshi if I said to the king of Israel well we're brothers I am as you are my people are your people my horses are your horses and Josh if I had said to the king of Israel he's a little thing here he's got a habit he's carried all the way down from David his father he says in choir I pray you at the Word of Jehovah today before we go do this thing I mean I never have and I don't I don't want to do this I want to know what God says so the king of Israel gathered all the prophets together about $400.00 men and he said to them shall I go against Raymond Gillie had to battle or shall I forbear and as one man they said go up for the Lord will deliver it into the hand of the King this is one of those cases of course where prophets telaprevir a man a king what he wants to hear now Joseph looked around these people and said these are God's prophets he said isn't there here a prophet of Jehovah besides that we could ask him and the king of Israel said Well . There's one man he was my Kaya the son of the law by whom we may inquire of Jehovah but I hate him for he does not prophesied good concerning me but evil and shows you had said Oh don't don't say that now this is incredible. But it really boils down to the problem that one of the fundamental things of human nature we are not going to be happy just having people tell us the truth if the truth makes us uncomfortable if the truth is bad if the truth requires us to do something we don't want to do so who do we go ask we go ask the people who will tell us what we want to hear. And the people who will tell us something else we don't want to hear it well the king of Israel called an officer and said go get my copy of the son of Emma bring him in here. The king of Israel Joseph the king of Juda age sat on his throne having put on their royal robes in an open space place in the entrance of the gate of some area and all these prophets were out there prophesied before them now this must have been an incredible show. Zedekiah the son of connive made horns of iron and he said Thus saith the Lord with these shall you push the Syrians until you have consumed them like I say it must have been quite a show back when all this took place on Mount Carmel when Isaiah bested all the prophets of Bale they were putting on an absolute ballet a dance leaping and jumping around the altar all the prophet saying go up to re mouth Gilliatt and prosper for the Lord shall deliver it into the King's hand it was so regular It was probably a song by this time called the messenger that was gone to call my kayak he said look the words of the prophets declare good to the king with one mouth. Listen to me be like them and speak what is good my kind have probably looked at him like he was crazy. He said as the Lord lives what Jehovah says to me that's what I'm going to speak I mean you know you really have to wonder why a person wants to be a prophet per say maybe power maybe money but why they want to be a prophet if they're not going to speak what God says because you know we're not talking about just a Sunday morning sermon that we throw together we're talking about having the word of the Lord come down and talk and whisper in our ear and says I want you to go tell them this he says whatever the king's to you know whatever God gives me is what I'm going to speak now something I had happens here he came into the King and the king said to him I can. Shall we go against Raymond Kelly had a battle or shall we stay at home and he answered Go and prosper for the Lord shall deliver it into the hand of the King Well that's interesting he did precisely said exactly the same thing all the rest of these people had said. But the king said how many times am I going to a jury you that you tell me nothing but what is true in the name of Joe Holder how many times I have to tell you this well I have my doubts that I am a times he'd ever told him to be truthful about this matter but the fact is I think the reason he knew was because of the tone of voice and the singsong way in which my and my kayak said the same thing all the rest of these prophets had said. Well having said I want you I'm a jury in you it's almost like the same thing as taking an oath in court except that they kind of read it to you in those days as today you're repeating it now Mike has to tell the truth listen through this short break and when I come back I'll tell you what my colleague said to a have. A free copy of this radio program that you can share with friends and others write or call this week only and request a program titled King's number 13 right to. Post Office Box 560 White House Texas 75791 or call toll free 1808 Bible. And tell us the call letters of this radio station. They have now will have nothing to complain of because he says to my kayak I want you to tell me the truth and my Chis said I saw all Israel scattered on the hills like sheep that have no shepherd and the Lord said these have no master let them return every man to his house in peace and the king of Israel they have said to Joseph that didn't I tell you he would prophesied no good concerning me but evil . And he said now hear the word of the Lord I saw the Lord sitting on His Throne my kayak is carrying on and this is one of the truly thrashin dating prophecies in the Bible here the word of the Lord I saw the Lord sitting on a throne and all the host of heaven standing by him on his right hand and on his left and the Lord said Who shall persuade a have that he may go up and fall at re mouth Gillie Ed. And one set on this man or another said on that manner and there came forth a spirit and stood before the Lord and said I will persuade him and the Lord said how I will go forth and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets and the Lord said. He will persuade him and you will win go ahead do it. What a story why in the world someone hasn't done a movie through this is beyond me and Gary Givens who was the engineer who does this program with me and I would like to sit here and say Ok Who gets to play this part in the movie we'd like to make this is really strong stuff I guess what you've got here in this spirit that come before God's throne is a something like Gaal of or what was his name some eagle in the Lord Of The Rings this slimy little creatures of gold and I'll deceive him and God says Well Ok the answer being you know if you will listen if this is what you want to hear God will let you hear it so you need to be careful as they tell us in the New Testament and try the spirits Ok but this also was a real slap in the face to all the prophets through their cause my Kaia has just said Behold the Lord has put a lying spared him out of all these your profits and the Lord has spoken evil concerning you who probably did this with a great sweep of the hand I am still thinking who I want to play this part well having seen this that of the other prophet went near and slapped him on the face and said Which way did the spirit of the lord go from me to speak to you and my clients are behold you'll see in that day when you go into an inner chamber to hide yourself. Well the king of Israel said Take him away carry him back to him and the governor of the city to Joe as the king's son and say Thus saith the king put this fellow in the prison and feed him with bread of affliction and water but flexion until I come in peace. And my Kaya said if you return at all in peace the Lord has not spoken by me and he said listen Oh you people every one of you poor Micah We don't know whether anybody ever let him out or not because we do know a have did not return. So the king of Israel the king of Juda went up to re muscularly had to battle and they have got you know he got a clue he got a big idea he said to Joseph that look I will disguise myself an interest in to the battle you go ahead put on your royal robes on what kind of a fool Joseph had was but he listen to this said I'm going to take off my robes you put yours on and the king of Israel disguised himself and went into the battle like he was an ordinary soldier the king of Syria commanded his 32 captains the head rule over his carriage chariot saying don't fight was small Don't fight with great fight only with the king of Israel don't worry about all these people you look for and you go after the chariot that's got a have an it it came to pass when the captains of the chariot saw Joseph they said oh that must be the king of Israel and they turned aside to fight against him and Joseph had cried out and they came to realize that's not a head they turned back and the captains It was it did and a certain man drew a bowl at a venture he just fired an arrow into the air and smote the king of Israel in the jaw between the joints of his harness. And you think about this if it hit him somewhere else that amounts to off but it hit him in that little joint where he could go through and the guy just fired an arrow in the air at a venture he said to the drivers to turn around and get me out of here I am wounded in the battle increased that day the king was held up in his chariot against the Syrians and died that evening and blood ran out of the wound into the midst of the chariot they went out a proclamation to the host about the going down of the Sun saying every man to his city every man to his own country so the king died and they took him home and they washed his chariot in a pool of some area. And the dogs licked up his blood when they washed his armor exactly like my Caius said the Born to Win radio program with Ronald Eldar it is sponsored by Christian educational ministries and made possible by donations from listeners like you if you can help please send your donation to born to women Post Office Box 560 White House Texas 75791 you may call us at 1888 Bible 44 and visit us online at Born Joe when dot net. At home on the town or on line this is your place for God's word Calle to come or city Denver in crystal clear h.d. Radio on the web at 670 Jael t.t. Dot com. 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Stakes and disobedience is a resurrection brings the promise of new life eternal life that can be yours through a relationship with Him The Creator of all nature to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ so that you can have a new life and forgiveness of sins 888 need him or go to chat about Jesus dot com. Infusing your day with the light of God's word your 2 to a m 67 calle t t k o t t h d Culver City Denver and no effort at 95 point one and streaming world one at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. You are listening to the good news with Angie Austin the podcast The Passion at a.g. Austin radio dot com Now here's Angie Austin with the good news. Well hello friends and it welcome back to the good news with Angie also this is Eric Grammer America's p.r. Media coach and sitting in the studio with me one of the good news gals. The the woman who smile goes on for hours hard based encourage bigger than the entire studio here that's Michelle raw and gay hairy good days so fun to be here and we're going to have that's the word for the day we're going to fun we always are going to Soul good and bodes well for you the listener listen if we put a smile on your face if you have the occasional chuckle maybe even a good far as like them.

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