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The glory of God Now is the glory of God dependent upon their believing or as a dependent upon Jesus he's saying Did I not tell you that if you will trust me and put your faith in me that you're going to see the glory of God Your faith in me and going to cause me to raise Lazarus from the dead your faith in me is going to say I'm trusted you to do whatever you've said you're going to do. And if you've said that you're going to raise Lazarus then you're going to raise Lazarus so they took away the stone why because they believed what Jesus said and then Jesus looked up and he prayed he said Father I thank you that you have heard me now he's going to explain here that the reason he's praying is not that he has any doubt that for the father is going to hear him but so that we who are listening would understand something and so he said Father I thank you that you've heard me I know that you always hear me but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here so that they may believe that you sent me when he had said this Jesus cried out in a loud voice Lazarus come out now why did he say Lazarus because had he not said Lazarus they just said come out you and I had a mass exodus out of the graves. So he isolated it the Nazareth still asterisks come out and the dead man came out his hands and feet were wrapped with strips of linen and a cloth around his face and Jesus said to them take off the grave clothes and let him go now folks this is a picture of resurrection. You may have been raised from the dead but you're still in the grave clothes of legalism the grave clothes of legalism those are closed for the day and the law is closed for the dead and what he's saying is you may be alive but there's something else to do if you're going to be alive you need to take off the thing that killed you as Paul said it's through the law that I died to the law you got to take it off you're alive I just still got these old grave clothes hanging on yet this law hang on you're condemning you to death the law is the glug grave clothes of the day Ed and the law can be the grave clothes of those who are also alive and there are many people walking around who are alive in Christ still closed not in the righteousness of Christ Jesus but still clothes in the grave clothes of the law and what he is saying to us until you die to the law you're never going to come alive to Christ Jesus when the Bible is talking about died to yourself daily What's a talking about how you got to die to yourself when yourself to live what do you die to the law that's what you died to you die to the law because the law is what demands the self to behave so if you're going to die to self and keep the law alive you're never going to die to self because the law is always demanding the flesh to do something or telling what not to do something and so when you have to learn that this law is not our friend as a saved person the purpose of the law was a mirror to show me by faces dirty but you cannot wash your face in a mirror. You used the mirror to identify your condition and then you turn to Christ Jesus for the cleansing do you not you don't go to a wash rag to see if your face is dirty you go to a mere You go to the wash rag to cleanse your face and so the law was given as a reflection the law was given to show you that you're a sinner that's the purpose of the law and in the scripture it says this is the purpose of the law it showed me my face was dirty so that I would turn to Christ Jesus for my cleansing and turn to Him for my resurrected life when you've turned to Christ Jesus you leave the law behind the law has now done its work it showed me my condition now I'm going to turn to his provision and I'm not going to be camping on what showed me my face was dirty for the rest of the life I'm going to be camping on the one who cleanse the me once I saw that my face was dirty the law keeps you preoccupied over here where a grace period keep you preoccupied with him and what he's doing the law keeps you preoccupied with you and what you're not doing and grace if you preoccupied with him and what he is doing do we understand that. You take these brave clothes off of. Some of you came out of a terrifically legalistic background God still peeling off the grave clothes. But there comes a time when you've got to get rid of them you cut them off and get rid of them so that you can walk free not free with no leading that would be horrible wouldn't it but free now to be led by who. The Holy Spirit of God living in you and as we get into the next chapters in the book of John you're going to see why he could tell him to take off his grave clothes and tell you and me to take the mom because he explains in detail what it means to be led and guided by the Holy Spirit of God the law condemns but the Spirit gives why life and so as living people people who have now been made a lie spiritually we need to be led by the living Holy Spirit of God living in this he's the one who's going to lead you into all truth the guide you and all truth to take the things of the Lord Jesus Christ and make it known to you and will study that in detail over the next few weeks take off the grave clothes and let him go out there for many of the Jews who had come to visit Mary and had seen what Jesus did put their faith in him they finally saw 4 men can do this that would get your attention when that unit would have a tendency to get your attention had you seen a person dead for 4 days walk out of a grave and then say take the grave clothes off and all you said you seen that would get your attention and they put their faith in me on the other hand there were those who went to the fair cities and told them of Jesus had done now can you hear that the utility is God I do. You know what this guy did what kind of a magic trick or some kind of hold he said he raised wiser from the day now would that get the fair sees attention and it did it really got their attention so one people say I'm going to put my faith in Jesus and other groups say I'm going to go tell the leaders see what they think about this. Have you ever heard that how many times have you ever come to understand some truth. That God really reveals to us I'm going to run to a pastor see what he thinks about this. You know to run a cab and see what he thinks about this one I want to Luther thought about this when what Billy Graham thinks about this we're going to go to anybody to find out what they think about it because if they think something about it maybe that's why out of that why because we don't trust the Spirit of God limits we don't trust the fact of the Spirit of truth he's going to reveal to you and you don't need to confirm. It's nice to get it confirmed when I was 1st understanding that through the finale of The Cross out of dawn anybody to get a confirmed good find anybody. But the issue is you don't need it confirmed by man if it's confirmed by the Spirit of God. Well immediately course the leaders did what you always do when you don't know what to do you call a meeting and so they call the deacons meeting. The chief priest and affairs he's called a meeting of the Sanhedrin get the whole group together here and here's what the here's what they said this may and we just heard a report from these people and we have no reason to doubt them that this Jesus of Nazareth that we've seen turned water into wine seen him heal a blind man on the Sabbath and we know he's a Sabbath breaker what are we accomplishing it doesn't say this but this is what they're saying and what are we accomplishing by allowing this man to live or to accomplish it we're trying to negotiate you can't negotiate with this man. He does not negotiate he just tells what he says is true and what he says is true is the opposite of what I think is true what are we accomplishing Where are the leaders where the big dogs were the ones on television what are we accomplishing here's this man performing many miraculous signs now you would think that too much your attitude would be this man might be who he's claiming to be it's not what are we accomplishing what is he seemed to be accomplishing Could this be the Messiah that we are teaching everybody about could this be never thought never thought this man is performing these were actually signed they're not denying he raised Lazarus in the dead they're not designed any of these miracles they're just saying he's performing these miracles and look at this if we let him go on like this everyone will believe in him and then the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation. If you're enjoying the book of John check on our website Bob George dot net there you'll find a whole collection of messages from the Book of John as well as other D.V.D.'s C.D.'s and Bible studies available for purchase That's Bob George God Net Let's join Bob now as he continues the radio program. What killed Jesus job security. Job security. Harriet if we let this man continue on no one's going to come to me for advice no one's going to come to me for my biblical interpretation. They're all going to go to him I can't raise anybody from the dead I can't turn water into wine I can't do these things that this guy's doing. Who does he think he is doing that in front of us. But if you just understand the mind of these people it's really tragedy that here they're looking straight in the face of God doing miracles only God can do and all they can think of is if we let him continue. The Romans are going to come take away our place to lose my job lose my nation then one of them named Caiaphas who was a High Priest that year he spoke up and he said you know nothing at all well that's true finally spoke some truth you guys don't know anything look at this prophecy do you not realize that it is better for you that one man die for the people then that the whole nation perish do you not realize that it's better for you that 1 May end die. For the world than for the whole world or the nation to perish of the prophecy he did not say this we're told on his own but as High Priest that year he prophesied that Jesus would die for the Jewish nation prophesied there and not only for that nation but also. Not only is he going to die for the Jewish people but also for the scattered children of God That's the Gentiles to bring them together and make them into what one new man that my friends is the ministry that is predestination that is choosing that is all of these things that is a heart of God that He predestined that the Gentiles would come to Christ the same way that the Jew would come to Christ and the whole book of the fish and is around this statement how he's going to make the 2000000 into one make the Jew in a gentile into a brand new man called a child of the Living God I talked last Tuesday to a man who came with these little bill on the back of his head and that's Ok but he made a statement that was strange to me that if he had to give of being a Jew or give up being a child of God he'd give up being a child of God. That was strange to me and I said to him. What's the big deal about being a Jew What's a big deal about being a Gentile when she'd rather be a child of God I mean people come out and say I'm a Messianic Jew praise God I'm a messianic Gentile now let's get on with who we are. What's the big deal about all of this. I say I'm going to have to give up my tradition you gave up your tradition years ago if you had to give up your tradition to be killing bulls and goats you wouldn't be eating pork and. You gave up your traditional long ago is there anything wrong with being a Jew who has come to Christ and celebrating as an example Passover You know that's a celebration of God delivering the Jews out of Egypt that's the wrong with that if I was a Jew I'd probably celebrate that too if I understood that the final Passover was Christ. Nothing wrong with that you're not asking a person to give up their Jewish heritage any more than you're asking me to give up my gentile heritage I've got a great heritage hedonistic. I don't worship thing we've got a great heritage don't was Gentiles. The won't give any that don't need to God didn't call us to hang on to our physical heritage he called us to let go and to become a new creature in Christ if any man be in Christ is what a new creation until you're a new creation your own creation What's a whole creation I'm going to do what's whole creation I'm a Gentile now I got a new creation I'm up a child of God He made the 2 into the one that's why I said I do not believe that God never intended to have messianic groups where only the Jews sent over worship on Saturday or whatever day they want to make a difference and then the Gentiles get together any more than he wanted to divide up the body by gifts one group sit around just blow their nose all day long another group just sit there in a mass wagon all day another group sits in with something else hidden want that he didn't want people dividing themselves up by their gifts or dividing up by their natural heritage he said I want you to become one new me and I want you to find unity in the midst of your diversity there is a big deal about having unity among everybody that is identical like you is but when you got diversity and you have unity you know God's bringing that about. So we have people divided up like that I don't believe that was of God I think they are choices they want to do something. But I believe what's of God is to have June gentile in slave and free and every color and every creed together in one group unified around Jesus not around her I whether I'm a Jew or Gentile or whether I'm black or white or brown but my unit is around I'm in Christ we're brothers and sisters in Christ that's a unity that no one can break down that's also unity my friends that if the Jewish people. Just like in World War 2 ever got in trouble the one group they could count on to help were born again people so you had the Corrie 10 booms so I had in Amy's villages where they hid the Jewish people not a soul ever turned one in when the Nazis were trying to kill them so unity and so he said. That the high priests a prophesied Jesus would die for a nation and not only for that nation but the scattered children of God bringing them all together and making them $11.00 person one new man out of the 2 so far that they own. They plotted to do want to take his life. The Jewish leaders not the people the leaders plotted to take his life it was a plan they planned how to take his life you cannot say that the Jewish leaders had nothing to do with the death of Jesus. You cannot say that that is anti-Semitic because it was Jews killing a Jew Jesus was Jewish. It was Jewish leaders not liking a Jewish brother because he taught different than what their interpretation of the Bible was and so they plotted and planned in detail to put him to death why what are we accomplishing what are we accomplishing allow this guy to continue before long if we let him go the whole world's going to follow him we're going to lose our nation and we're going to lose our position what are we accomplishing let's get rid of it so they plotted to take these life and therefore Jesus no no longer be moved about publicly among the Jews instead he with he withdrew to a region near the desert to a village called from where he stayed with his disciples Now when it was almost time for the Jewish Passover many went from the country to Jerusalem for other ceremonial cleansing those were bad like bad tism those were ceremonial cleansing you had those bad his well pools all over Israel where people got into the bad and then ceremonial cleansing What is that the cleansing of the outside of the body could it ever clean the inside no just the outside so they went through those ceremonial cleansing before the Passover they kept looking for Jesus as they stood in the temple area and they asked one another what do you think isn't he coming to the feast at all but the chief priest unfairnesses that given orders that if anyone found out where Jesus was he should report it so that they might arrest the arrest him and. Kill. 6 days before the Passover Jesus arrive to Bethany where Lazarus lived whom Jesus had raised from the dead and here a dinner was given in Jesus' honor. Martha served as usual while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him and then Mary remember he had Mary and Martha Martha was always the worker and Mary was when I was at the feet of Jesus Mary took about a pint of pure nard of expensive per fume and she poured it on Jesus' feet and wiped his feet with her hair and the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume but one of his disciples Judas Iscariot who was later to betray him objected why wasn't this perfect sold and the money given to the poor dead that sound just like people. Why you wasted all this money on this man named Jesus that money could have been used to feed the poor now in as much as God knows what's going on underneath the skin we're able to give an account of what was really going on he said this was worth a year's wages down he said he did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief as keeper of the money bag he used it to help him self to what was put into it there's a lot of people who talk about the poor their billionaires talking about the poor poor old ones you get the word Serve your money and help of I just say it's always let them help the poor I am for you all y'all help in the polls don't ask me to give up any of my money I'm paying taxes to do it you see how easy that is I'm not going to take responsibility that if I see someone in need to help them I'm going to pay taxes and let you all do it because I don't want to dirty my hands down there with the poor have you ever noticed how the rich support the rich. And the poor support the poor if you get down to reality. It's the rich that support the self-sufficient. As the poor that support the struggling all you have to do so look at some of the big churches you see around who supports it the rich and the bigger the church the more the rich supported. So there we can walk in and say this is much or . Thank you so much for tuning in to classic Christianity with Bob George will be even joined today's program we truly hope that today's message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online in Bob George that net There you'll also find available C.D.'s D.V.D.'s and Bible studies of bailable for purchase it's through your help that we're able to spread the Good Word of Jesus Christ until next time walk in faith be good to one another and praise the lord amen. Jesus. Hi this is Bob George and this is Amy George we are so grateful to God for the effect to need to be back on the air Join us weekdays at 11 am to hear more about God's unconditional love that is ours in Christ Jesus tune in weekdays at 11 am to classic Christianity with Bob George on Colorado's Christian station the mighty $670.00. God's words worldwide at 670 calle t.t. Dot com and all over Colorado in digital age d. On a m 670 k l t t Commerce City Denver. There was a lady of who were cute in the Bible who had the audacity to crash Creating So the broadest audience in the country welcome to Bubba here live on the pastor of Denver Bible Church in the aftermath of the Charlottesville tragedy I'd like to continue to discuss racism from yesterday's program including the roots of racism and will use it as an example because it helps to see things more clearly will use anti-Semitism why do so many groups hate the Jews before that though a quick note about Donald Trump and the standard that we mentioned of course there are many conservatives Trump supporters who have been saying that Trump needs to just clearly come out and condemn neo nazis just do it. And the standard that we gave yesterday on the program was a little bit different because then yesterday Donald Trump did that but what we proposed as the standard that Trump should strive for is to get the neo nazis the white supremacists these races to hate him also they hate almost everyone else so he should work in an aggressive way to make sure that these neo Nazis hate him too and when they hate him too then he would have satisfied the requirement even from many of his enemies that they would be able to recognize that he is their staunch opponent Ok now. Now why do so many groups hate the Jews will think about the Jews because it helps us to focus better why does so many people so many groups hate the Jews if you just thought if this thought went through your mind even briefly if you thought well it must be partly the Jews faults then this is your lucky day of course there's no such thing as luck but you know what I mean this moment is a good opportunity for you because you now have someone telling you to your face. Or Well we're on the radio so at least to your ear you have someone telling you straight out that you are a racist if you hear the question why does so many people hate the Jews and you think well it must be partly their fault then you are a racist and it's very important for you to realize that because like being an alcoholic and unable to overcome it unless you 1st recognize your problem you can overcome being a racist when you recognize that you're expressing your sin in that way among other ways so I'm going to give you the 5 main reasons for anti-Semitism and then a 6th also but some of them relate to racism against other groups and this exercise should help us better understand racism generally and better understanding it should help us to overcome racist tendencies temptations as we honor God and His command to love him and his 2nd greatest commandment which is to love our neighbor as ourselves so the 5 reasons for anti-Semitism and then a 6 that only applies to Christians the 1st is and I'll list these and then we'll talk about them. It's because the Jews are an identifiable group that's the main That's the number one primary reason for anti-Semitism because of man's sin the only thing necessary for a group to be hated is for it to be identified that's it you got Jew and gentile the gentiles will hate the Jews because there are other. There are cultural success factors that lead to the Jews generally speaking being successful and because of man sin human beings envy others who are successful including other groups who are more successful than them 3rd reason and I try to order these in the ones that make the greatest impact that explain most of the hatred 3rd reason because the Jews are God's chosen people that set the Jews up for quite a bit of difficulty you know being chosen is not what it's cracked up to big so we'll talk about that and then 4th and this is perhaps the most controversial the inherent talent of so many Jews and this comes from nature and nurture genetics and nurture the inherent talent that Jews grow up with 5th the historical success factors things that have happened in history that have tended to make the Jews more successful like for example not being part of the age of the Crusades that went on for centuries century after century not being a part of that was a tremendous benefit economically to the Jews in Europe a 6th reason applies only to Christians so I'll get to that a little bit later but for now let's talk these through so being an identifiable group think about how the British and the Irish can so easily hate each other the Sunni and the Shia Muslims hate each other. Catholics and Protestants who can hate each other blacks and whites who could hate each other but go over to Africa and you have one black tribe hating another black tribe and here in America with Native American Indians one tribe scalping another tribe and you go over to Asia where the Japanese hated the Koreans hated them with a burning passion just as the Chinese despise the Koreans and the Koreans hated the Japanese and you could do this through out all identifiable human groups men hate women women hate men. Calvinist hate Armenians I mean pick your identifiable group and because of man sin nature liberals claim that men are basically good and they claim that because they've never read a history book and they've never read a newspaper that's why they claim that the men are basically good but history is written from one tyrant to the next from one assassination to the next from one war to the next and so on the Bible teaches us that God created us in a sense and that we have rebuilt against him and because of that as Jesus said Why that is the road and many are on it leading to destruction and narrow is the way and few are on that way that leads to forgiveness to salvation to reconciliation so we have the great white throne judgment coming when everyone who's ever lived the great and the small the rich and the poor will stand before God in judgment except for those who ask Him to forgive them except for them and so man is basically sinful that's what the Bible teaches the Bible teaches us that from the fall we have all repelled against god given the opportunity we have sinned against God And so our sin finds ways to express itself whether it's some type of drunkenness or sexual immorality or laziness or an addiction to being entertained and on and on and on you want money you want power and you're willing to do things that are wrong to hurt others to hurt God to hurt yourself in order to satisfy your own selfish lust. Man is basically sinful and because of that we have to be taught to love our neighbor we have to be taught to love God and as your sin expresses itself there is a target in anyone who is other Anyone who is other so when you have an identifiable group other groups easily can express their sin by hating that group so think of Jew and Gentile and think of how global that is and think of how enduring that is for 4000 years for 4000 years you haven't added Sunni and Shia for 4000 years you've had them what for less than 1500 years but Jew and Gentile around the world globally as God's Word spread and as the Jews were dispersed the Asper and as Gentiles learned about the Jews well the Jews are different and because they are different we hate them and that's sufficient that is a sufficient cause for people to hate the Jews because they're the Jews because you can identify them and if you think about it generally speaking there are not terms for this group and everyone else in the world right think about that generally speaking like there's Jew and Gentile. There's God's chosen people the Hebrews the Jews and then the goyim or the Gentiles and that's everyone else if you're from Brazil then you're part of the Gentiles if you're from Vietnam you're part of the Gentiles you're from Italy you're part of the Gentiles and you're not a Jew So it's the whole world that is different from the Jews now let's say you're a Sunni Muslim is there a word for Sunni's and everyone else in all the world know there's not a word for that let's say you're Canadian Is there a word for Canadian and everyone else in all the world know now some culture you know cultures have ways of identifying themselves and those who are outside of their own group but I mean there are not common terms that are known globally in extent that identify all the world except this one group except for Jew and Gentile and so that is the number one reason for anti-Semitism the number one reason for it's in durance and for the severity of it is because the Jews are a very distinct people group. And for being a distinct people group they should be loved love your neighbor as yourself and Jesus use the example of the Good Samaritan where he said that the Samaritans they don't even know God But look at this one Samaritan he loved this man who was left for dead by criminals that's love that's love and it was even love from an unbeliever in Jesus used him as an example and of course we as Christians of course we need to love our neighbors all of our neighbors our unborn neighbors doesn't matter what race what color it doesn't matter now if someone is sinning aggressively Let's pick about one of the worst since let's say somebody is a child pornographer a child molester Well you love them enough even that person you love them enough to warn them to repent to stop committing their wicked sins and turn toward God and ask Jesus Christ to forgive them for he died on the cross and was raised from the dead so that they could be saved and so even your enemy you love you love even your enemy it doesn't mean you tolerate or look the other way or support no it doesn't mean any of that you could condemn rebuke admonish judge. Withhold forgiveness all these things obeying God in the Bible but under it all you love this person and some people who God says He must be put to death somebody is a murderer you put him to death and just like the murderer the criminal on the cross next the Jesus he was being executed and in the last minutes of his life he turned to the Lord so you love your neighbor the Jews are an identifiable group therefore there hated blacks. Asians Sunni's to unbelievers Christians to Protestant Christians Catholics to Catholic Christians Protestants if you're an identifiable group you will be hated by other groups if some more some less some times you are satisfying your need to express your sin let's say by your sexual addiction or by your drug addiction or by your lust for money and power and so you don't feel a need to express your sin in a racist way because you're expressing it in some other way all right so that's the number one factor the Jews are an identifiable group just like every other group that is the target and the victims of racism. 2nd cultural success factors think of the Bible and its teaching for the Jews in the Hebrew scriptures the pentatonic the 1st 5 books of Moses and then the historical books in the prophets the law the prophets and the writings think about what they say about how to live your life in the 10 Commandments and let's compare that to let's say the Hindus because the Hindu is they make a great comparison with that. So you grow up a Jew and you learn the 10 Commandments that God wrote on stone and gave his law to Moses to the Israel lights and one of those commandments is 6 days you shall labor and on the 7th day you shall rest that is a healthy pattern for living your life that's healthy that's a cultural success factor work is part of worship you are obeying God When you work and you work hard and you work long long hours long days a long week and then you rest Now let's contrast that and say a rabbi who has lived his life and has taught all this with Hindus think of the photos you may have seen I've seen a number of them of Hindu holy men the mendicants or the sad who's as they're called many of whom will sit around for days on end or worse not just sit around like in the same spot but they'll bury themselves in the sand up to their heads. To show how holy they are now my producer right now is questioning this Oh just look at up just you know Google sad who's a sad as a d h u they will bury themselves up to their heads some Hindu ascetics will spend years with their left hand raised into the air if you ever heard of that I remember when I was a kid I was probably like 7 years old and I was throwing a ball against the wall let it bounce and catching it you know I did that musta been doing that for 20 minutes I want to see how long I could do it for you count how many and I thought maybe I could get into the Olympics by doing this just doing well Hindu holy men will spend years with their left hand raised into the air why because they're being weird because they're calling attention to themselves they'll stand on one lake or the lie on a bed of nails or on cactuses they will do these things in public to get handouts money or food and while some of them bury themselves neck deep in the sand others will stare at the sun and by the way for the great American eclipse on the 21st you might want to listen to our Friday shows the one a week ago and this coming Friday but don't look at the sun without protection. And neither leading up to nor at the end of the eclipse don't be tempted get protection if you can so some of these Hindu holy men will they will sleep standing up not just for a night or 2. I mean they'll meditate while hanging from a rope and then they smile pop either way I'm not kidding to ease their aches and pains from doing all these weird things some will even bury their heads and I hear tell that it takes years of yoga technique to pull that one off for any length of time but they work at it they talk with monkeys so they think after they smoke. They drink milk from a large bowl while rats are drinking from the same bowl they let their children drink from the same bowl as rats including while the rats are drinking. One Hindu stayed in the same spot on a road in his village for 22 years he moved in 1902 another stood not sad but stood for 17 years until November 1973 because he was performing penance and when he slept he would lean against the board so now look at the 10 Commandments 6 days you shall labor and on the 7th day you shall rest so we have in the scriptures the importance of marriage that God institute it marriage and the blessing of children and to teach your children to honor the Lord and to love their neighbors and so there is not only the identifiable group aspect of anti-Semitism which is the number one motivator that makes the Jews a target. And victims but it's also the cultural success factors I could have called them the religious success factors except that a lot of rabbis are atheists a lot of Jews are secular and these teachings from Moses have just permeated Jewish culture so whether you're religious or not you're living generally speaking a more successful lifestyle than many other groups 3rd after you're an identifiable group just because you're the Jews and not a gentile 2nd the cultural success factors but then there's this they're God's chosen people so let's say you look at black and white black and white these are 2 different groups identifiable and so they can hate each other and they will hate each other tragically they shouldn't but they will many with the case of the Jews there's something else added to it they are God's chosen people they are identifiable because God selected them God chose Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and then Jacob's 12 sons the 12 patriarchs of the 12 tribes of Israel and so on through the 2000 years of Old Testament history and then leading up to Jesus Christ our Jewish messiah who died for the sin of the world who is our Creator the savior to those who trust in him and ultimately the judge of all the earth and so God chose Israel and since of course the time of the gospels the New Testament the Apostles the Jews have gone on to live and endure tremendous persecution and survive to this day. And in the Bible we are told that even in the end times Jerusalem will be a source of tension for the whole world and so it is so this very day so because God chose the Jews he set them up for quite a bit of difficulty being chosen is not what it's cracked up to be you know Fiddler On The Roof Tevye a says to God I know that we are the chosen people but every once in a while couldn't you choose somebody else you could relate to him saying that a main reason that liberals grew to hate America in the 20th century in 1900 is because America became a beacon of the Gospel to the world so liberals tended to hate America because America was the source sending out Christianity to the far reaches of the earth and so they hated that so that if they could give America a black eye marred the reputation of America they could discredit America in the eyes of the world and that is the number one explanation for the hatred of liberals for America and American culture now. They prefer even the Qur'an and Islam with hundreds of millions of adherence who would be happy to see terrorist decapitate these selfsame liberals Isn't that something the liberals prefer. Muslims because Muslims are not Christians that's why they prefer Muslims it's not that they understand it it's not that they thought it through but the left prefers Muslims because Muslims reject the resurrection of Jesus Christ Moslems do not teach that Jesus Christ is the savior of the world of all those who trust in him so liberals hate America because America is identified with Christianity that's why the left hated George w. Bush he was pro-abortion promo sexual pro-evolution he's a socialist but they hated him because they thought he was a Christian they thought he was a fundamentalist Christian therefore they hated Bush and because of the competition the same reason that socialist hated the communist I mean they were kissing cousins the Nazis in the Marxist but they hated one another because they were competitors All right so regarding the Jews being God's chosen people because God chose Abraham. And then not Ishmael but Isaac and then not Esau but shake up because God chose the Jews and then Jacob's 12 sons the 12 patriarchs of the 12 tribes of Israel because of that the flesh within men that is in rebellion against God will repel against God's word against God's law against the gospel against the scriptures against everything that is that is right and good ensure we tend to rebel against all that so if there is a people even if someone doesn't believe in God If there is a people who are said to be chosen by God then that's another reason to hate that group specifically And so that's the 3rd reason why the Jews are hated and hated widely by the way it's not only unbelievers that express their rebellion against God in different ways Christians do also when Christians sin they are giving into their selfishness their expressing their selfish desires and for many Christians that expression comes in the form of racism and other forms including Martin Luther who is an intense racist intense if you have any doubt just go to our website cake of dot com slash Luther and you will see from Luther's own writings the intensity of his hatred for the Jews and then there is the reason for the inherent talent that the Jews have which leads to envy. Other people and the they're success and I believe this is nature and nurture and it might be the most controversial of all the reasons I'm giving but the Jews have been extraordinary in continuing their line with the utmost attention to education and to integrity in families and fidelity and so that has helped also then the historical success. Factors like the Jews not being part of the crusades for centuries when the Crusades I read a history of the Crusades back in then 1980 s. And nation after nation in Europe they would be utterly depleted of their wealth because the Christians would go to fight the Muslims not unprovoked by the way but the Jews avoided all of that and so after 12 years the Christians would come back dead diseased and poor and the Jews had just kept prospering tune in tomorrow for the completion of this discussion may God bless you this is Bob and you're inviting you to read our Manuscript the plot for an overview of the whole Bible call us at 808369278 that's 836-9278. The good news of Jesus for you in high definition radio and streaming at 670 calle t.t. Dot com This is calle t.t. Commerce City Denver. I just bought in York we expose the liberal in the conservative you're invited to tune in for Biblical Christian news talk on Bob in your lives weekday afternoons at 3 right here on am 67 the hail t.t. Colorado's Christian station. Hello everybody this is Brian Lee I pastor a church in Northland Colorado called Boost church we meet at 555 West 112 Avenue Sunday morning at 10 Wednesday night at 7 o'clock you can look us up at boozed Church dot com I love you I will see you in church all right I'll be looking for you change reach multiply. Celebrating God and His Word in America time is jam for 2 verses $11.12 say the grace of God to bring salvation. And has appeared to all men it teaches us to say no to on godliness and worldly passions and to live self controlled upright and godly lives in this present age from the New Testament Titus Chapter 2 verses 1112 let God's word come alive in your life today. Reach the ones you love with a message of hope Tell your friends and family about k l t t today. Your body mind and soul are 2 am 6 a tale t t k o t t h d come or city them and know that 95 going and spring morning one at 67 dk l.t.g. Dot com. Is still on the throne and Per changes. Friends there's a special Larry and I want to extend to every listener a warm welcome pray for us as we work on our new format if you send us an email or called and let us know what you think of the new format I want to thank you we will certainly consider prayerfully every comment and every suggestion this is your show and we want the end product to glorify God and be a blessing to you. Dr Marc h. Caucus a gifted writer and speaker he has written a book that deals with a topic that affects all of us heavenly rewards in a day one hyper gracious lady many astray and sapping the Church of its vitality markets Cox book is one that we all need to read Here's an interview that I recently did with Mark Hitchcock. You know friends and I think of all the battles that we have and the trials and tribulations there are a lot of struggles in the Christian life and yet the Bible speaks about eternal life the Bible speaks about heaven and it also speaks about heavenly rewards our guest today is Dr Mark Hitchcock he is a pastor he's a seminary professor read about 30 or more books on Bible prophecy and then we're going to be talking a little bit about his book heavenly rewards Mark you know it seems that a Christian's greatest reward will be in heaven I mean what what could be better and yet aren't there earthly rewards to be enjoyed in this life to sure you know God blesses those who are obedient to him you know when you go back to the Old Testament in Deuteronomy 28 it's kind of a key chapter really in the Old Testament and when you read the chapter we find that disobedience from God's people brought discipline and he also says that obedience would bring blessing or bring reward and we're not under the old covenant we're not the nation of Israel today but I think there's a principle there that still applies today even to us as believers that when we disobeyed God as believers God will discipline us we obey God God will bless us and he'll reward us now again it's not always you know tit for tat and I do this for God and God does this for me God's ways are beyond our wise but when you live an obedient life there's the blessing of just joy and the peace and the contentment that comes from will bang God there are a lot of reward spoken out for those who give faithfully to the Lord and. Malakai chapter thrill up in the windows of heaven all porn a blessing you can't contain So God blesses faithful generosity on the part of his people you know back in Genesis 151 the Lord told Abraham he says you Abraham don't fear I'm a shield to you your reward will be very great and I think that look to the future and heaven but I think it also looked at Abraham's life God rewarded Abraham greatly for his obedience so all the rewards we receive won't be in the future you know there's a fellow I met years ago and I asked him one time how he was doing and he says well I'm doing so well I think God has me mixed up with somebody else you know it's a.

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