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There'd be a lot fewer religious hospital soup kitchens homeless shelters etc government can even begin to fill the vacuum left should these institutions be forced out of business Americans must be reminded that believers ought not be made to choose between obeying their conscience and serving their neighbor and it would help if Christians understood this better in too many churches being a Christian is about how God can make your life better not how you can work with God to make the invisible kingdom visible This is where the battle of religious freedom will be fought and either won or lost no matter who sets in the Oval Office for breakpoints I'm John Stone St we're now accepting applications for the Colson fellows our intensive 9 month Christian worldview program to find out more or to apply go to Colson Fellowes dot org or we'll link you up at breakpoint dot org. You're listening to calle d.c. Denver 82 of 28 and 95.3 f.m. And streaming online at 1220 train or d.c. That comes across for broadcasting God and country station. In our culture and God's name is all too frequently trivialized and treated with contempt that's a far cry from his name being callow as Christ said in the Lord's Prayer Well today here on the turning point Dr David Jeremiah explains the meaning of this term and shares several ways we can put it into practice from prayer the great adventure Here's David to introduce his message hallowed be Thy Name Well you've prayed that prayer many times perhaps you were taught to pray this prayer when you were a little child and you learned it and you've prayed it over and over again and you've pray your Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name but do you know what that means what does it mean to how low the name of the Lord. How do we understand that and what does that have to do with how we pray. Ok We're going to talk about that in just a moment and we're going to give you 5 ways that you how low the name of God hallowed be thy name and a we'll get to do that in just a moment we'll explain what the word hallow means and how it plays out in your praying every day friends I have been telling you pretty much every day now for several weeks about the opportunity that Don and I stand to you to join with us and a wonderful conference cruise that takes us to the beauty of Alaska the event is July 15th through the 22nd and you will be with us on this exceptional travel experience as we visit catch a cab and Juneau and Glacier Bay and Skagway Alaska aboard the beautiful Holland American ship that will carry us to all of these places and you cannot imagine the excitement that you will feel as you see I often refer to it as the pristine beauty of the Lord it's still untouched by human hands and it seems to be some of the most beautiful scenery you ever see in your life we've traveled a lot in different places of the world but when it's time to go to Alaska I always have this little sense of excitement in my heart that we're going back to this place that always just makes me feel so calm inside and gives me such a sense of peace and then we would love for you to come along with us we'll have a great time teaching the Word of God I'm going to be teaching from a brand new series that we're working on called a life beyond amazing and we're going to have some great guests with us and you can find out all the details about this when you go to our website which is David Jeremiah dot org Thank you so much for being with us today for this Friday edition of turning point let's open our Bibles to Matthew chapter 6 and focus our attention on the phrase hallowed be thy name. Well the caller has written a contemporary book which he introduces by. Telling. An experience that he and his wife had which has been enjoyed by a number of folks from the West Coast he was invited to hear the great tenor. And they were told that the performance would probably be his last performance here on the west coast and so even though they knew how much the outrageously priced tickets had cost they had accepted the invitation and they went to hear the saying . In his journal he said that the concert exceeded our expectations we were stunned by the masters of music in our area after he demonstrated his remarkable talent talent that set him apart from the thousands who had come to hear him. But that set apart as was revealed in his generous giving his uniqueness was shown in a gracious offering of himself. He held back nothing every single note was filled with boundless passion and glorious beauty. And we had to respond we jumped to our feet said McCullough and we clapped and we hooted and we whistled and we did not stop not for a long time wave after wave of grateful applause was sent up to the platform calling for encore after encore in the midst of this mayhem of gratitude when my hands were beginning to hurt from the pounding they were taking I thought to myself this is deeply satisfying this is a profound joy if right to offer praise and response to such excellence and this sense of appropriateness created a kind of girl in sin which my life my little world at least for a moment seemed perfectly ordered. And then McCullough said in a similar way God's gracious self giving in Jesus Christ calls for the response of faith and worship and when we worship God for that moment as we worship. We find that our lives are little worlds. At least for that moment seems perfectly ordered. The Lord Jesus is teaching His disciples to pray and as he teaches them we are learning as well we learned that we come to address our Father who art in heaven and today the phrase which is before us is this one hallowed be thy name. I must confess that of the 7 statements in the prayer we know the least about this one. Hallowing the name of the Lord or we say the word hallowed. It's an archaic word it's a word we don't use in our vocabulary today but the translators of most of the various translations of the New Testament have kept the word in the prayer because of its very special nature. Actually the word hallowed it comes from the Greek word so which is a very important word in the Bible for the noun means holy literally we could say as we pray this prayer Our Father who art in Heaven holy be thy name. The word means to be sanctified or set apart or to be praised John Calvin said it this way that God's name should be hallowed is to say that God should have his own on are of which he is so worthy so that men should never think or speak of him without the greatest veneration we should hold his name. In the sense of the holiness which it represents. But what does it mean to hallow someone's name. Does that mean that the name God or the name Jesus says some special significance in the combination of the letters that make up the word My name is David there are 5 letters in that word and we are to honor the name of David we would be honoring a lot of folks because there's a lot of Davids in this world. And we don't hold up that little 5 letter word and say Isn't that a wonderful name let's hallow that name when we haue a name when we ascribe praise to a name what we're doing is we're a scribe being praised to the person who stands behind the name and the name represents the person the name oftentimes gives us a clue to the kind of person that is. So when we pray with reference to Christ or to God hallowed be Thy Name the deep and sincere desire of all who know the Lord should be that men and women everywhere would revere his name and in so doing we would recognize and honor the one that that name represents for he alone is worthy of our adoration. When Jesus taught his disciples to pray Callo be thy name he didn't specify which of the names he just said the name and behind that name is all that God is we know that we're to bring honor and glory and ascribe Holiness to the name of God But how do we do that. When we pray Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name what does that mean how do we enact that. I've written down in my journal 2 or 3 thoughts one of which is that when we hollow the name of the Lord we do so by rehearsing who he is. 8 of your toes are said that no church will ever be greater than its concept of God. Unfortunately in many of our churches and in many of our own personal lives in these days we do not have a very high view of God that is reflected in the way that we go about trying to address our expressed feeling toward him Soren Kierkegaard a theologian said we have gotten very confused about who is doing what and worship he said we think of worshipers as an audience pastors as entertainers and God as the. In fact he said worshippers other performers pastors are the prompter's and God is the audience. And when we gather for worship whether with a handful in a storefront chapel or with thousands in some large church we perform a drama with different parts speaking and singing and praying and giving money and baptizing and eating bread and drinking wine and we do it all for the delight of God and at the end of the show he said the only applause that should matter is the applause that comes from God. When we worship God we ascribe praise to him and we lift up all that we do to his name. It is an interesting thing that the word Name is here because in the Bible there are many names for God are there not listen to these names this is who God is in the Old Testament He is Joho was said to new job our righteousness he is Joe Hova and Ted ish Jehovah who sanctifies he is job was shallow Matt when we know who is our peace he is Joe hope Jehovah is there he never leaves us he is Joe whole the rough way one that I have come to know and love he is our healer Joba gyre of the Lord will provide Jehovah in this city the Lord my banner and Jehovah are all high the Lord my shepherd that's who he is and the Lord Jesus said When you pray pray like this our Father who art in heaven hallowed be Thy Name each one of those names gives us a little glimpse of something about God that is not only important for us to know but it's important for us to know about us and how we relate to Him For instance I took my notes wrote down all those names and was reminded that each of those names responds to some particular need in my life at one time or another have you ever thought of that. I am a simple creature and you are too you are all sinners and I'm a sinner let's just get that out of the way right up front that's what the Word of God says. Well when I think about being a sinner I think about the part of God That is Joe said can you God is my righteousness when I think about my need to be holy I think of Jehovah and caddish the Lord my sanctification once in a while I have some anxiety believe it or not and when I have anxiety I like to worship. Show loam God who is my peace and there are times when all of us are lonely and then we need Joho Bush when we're sick and we need healing we need to hold the Rafi when we have needs financially and we don't have enough it is just over gyro the Lord will provide and when we are lacking in self esteem in who we are we discover that the Lord is our banner and when my life in my direction and my understanding of what's going on in my life is not clear I need Joe hold the role high the Lord is My Shepherd do you see every part of the name of God every name that is given does not reflect all that he is but reflects a little of who he is and his we focus on the names we come to know who the person is behind the name when the Lord said when you pray pray like this our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name he wants us to not just know the name of God but He wants us to know all we can know about God so that when we worship Him we can lift back up to him praise for all that the Word of God reveals him to be when you come to the New Testament we discover that the greatest of the names is Jesus the God man and then all whole new list of names comes through doesn't it he is the bread he is the way of life he is the truth is the resurrection the good shepherd the branch and all of the New Testament is filled in the Gospels with names to help us know the one we worship. Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name and here are the things about God that we know from the names that have been given us I have on occasion selected just one little name of God. And tried to think about it for. A whole week. Jova Gyra the Lord provides How many of you know that God provides that he does this and that a wonderful thing and just for one week just say Lord this week I'm going to hallow your name and I'm going to consider for my own praise what you have done to provide for me you are Joe hope a gyro the Lord provides every day focus on some time to reflect on his provision not only do we how low his name by rehearsing their meanings but we hollow his name by respecting his greatness. God is uncommon he's extraordinary he's an earthly he's separated from sinners he's undefiled and the Bible says he's holy. And we are to speak of God in reverence we are to sanctify him to hollow his name means to hold his matchless being in reverence so that you will believe what he says and you will obey him and you will honor his name we are given here in this prayer a wonderful tension so that we don't go off in some crazy direction when we talk about our Father who art in heaven and remember he's Aba father he is according to the New Testament language the daddy is our daddy that is intimate but in the same sentence we're told our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name and God is not pleased when we forget that he is. The great and majestic one to whom we come he's the creator of the universe and he deserves to be treated with respect and honor so whatever we may do whatever we may say that would in any way diminish his greatness we ought not to do we ought to hold him up. With great reverence and respect we how low his name by respecting his greatness thirdly we hollow his name by relinquishing control over our own lives Martin Luther said how is God's name hallowed among us when both our doctrine and our living are truly Christian we how low the name of God By the way we live when we give ourselves totally to him and allow him to control our lives when we say hello be thy name we are praying like this May the whole of my life be a source of delight to you and may it be an honor to the name which I bear which is your name Allo be your name. Some 1914 is a prayer that we sometimes pray in church it goes like this let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in dice sight ole Lord my rock and my Redeemer that out to be the prayer of each one of us every day Lord I hollow your name by giving you the control of my life and living in obedience to you. Fourthly we how low his name by recognizing his presence in all of our lives. We hollow his name when we are constantly aware of his presence David said in some 168 I have set the Lord always before me that's the key we live our lives in the presence of God and we honor and respect him and when we come into His presence not flippantly quickly just sort of with oh by the way Lord. We come into His presence. We prepare our hearts to come and to pray and to honor his name and I want to say to you men and women that if we learn to pray as Jesus taught his disciples it will make an incredible difference in the way we live. The God does not wish us necessarily to always be rushing into His presence with our grocery lists of things God wants to be worshiped the Bible says He seeks those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth and when we come to him we need to bring our gift of worship to him 1st before we ask him to fill our hands with other things. I am so confident that this is a critical part of where most of us are in our spiritual walk with the Lord and I'm still just learning I'm a student like the rest of you. And I wrote down 6 things that entering into the presence of God with worship changes in everyone's life it will change your life just as it's changing mine we're all in the growing process we're not there yet but hopefully we're on the road toward understanding more and more about who God is and how he works in our lives every day. And here are some of the things that I reflected upon number one. When I worship when I come into the presence of God with callow be thy name worship in Hansis my appreciation and my love for God. I am cause to see him as he is is God's greatness changed by my worship not in the least. Can I add or subtract one whit to who he is not at all but when I reflect in my own heart upon his greatness when I come and my prayer and maybe I've learned some of the attributes of God Some of the names of God that tell me more and more about who he is when I reflect those back to him something happens within me the greatness of God is impressed upon my spirit so that I see. And I understand a little bit more about who he is and the greatness of God is enhanced in my life I remember preaching a sermon some years ago talking about a lot of folks who have a big God and some who have a little god. And I got all kinds of mail when that went on the radio because some people thought I got into idolatry I had the straight not all out and that's not what I was talking about I was talking about the fact that sometimes the way people respond to God their god is very little he is. Circumscribed by their own restrictions they have never seen God is the scripture presents him and they have never worshiped that god. It's as if. God were out there waiting for us to come and see him. And in the back of our mind we have an image of who we use and it's not a very enhancing image it's sort of not a very great image of who God is and then the day comes and we're allowed to go into his presence and for one moment we see him as he really is and all of a sudden our whole expression in appreciation for God changes that's what worship does for me every time I really understand what's going on in my own heart as I worship the Lord I begin to see God and he has enlarged and enhanced in my own heart not as he is but in my heart. Number 2 when I worship worship expands my vision. You know one of the things we're prone to do is to look at life in terms of our own limitations that's the way the average person does. When I worship God I begin to see life not in terms of what David Jeremiah can do but I begin to see life in terms of what God can do through David Jeremiah. There's a big difference my friend I am a very limited flawed human being and if it's just me doing my thing for God It's not going to accomplish very much but when I worship God something happens within me it expands my vision to think about what God can do through me what he can do through you. And I'm reminded often of one of my favorite stories in the Old Testament about the spies who went into the land. And remember that story it's like a lot of things that happened the majority report came back and they all said we can't do it. That's the way a lot of majority reports come back you know we've got the idea that majority is always right but a lot of times in the Bible majority was wrong. And the majority came back and they said we've been to the Promised Land and we've checked it all out and we want you to know what our appraisal is our appraisal is like this those are some big people . Those Giants were 8 feet tall and taller the end of Kim They were called and the majority report came back and they said we've checked them out and we check them out and you want to know what our praise was we are like grasshoppers before them. And we don't think we should mess with them we don't think we should go in God told them to go in they said no we don't we saw them we saw us we're like grasshoppers Joshua and Caleb the minority report they came back and they said you know we were in the same land walk down the same street saw the same Giants saw the same situation but what we want you to know is those are some big people but they are no match for God. And the only difference in the majority report and the Minority Report was the comparison. The majority compared themselves to the problem and the minority compared the problem to God the large group had a small god the small group had a large God and what happens when you worship my friends when you come into the presence of God and you say my father who is in heaven hallowed be your name and you reflect upon his greatness all of a sudden you begin to see things in a much different perspective. We'll have more about this phrase when we meet on Monday after the weekend and hope you will join us then we are studying the Lord's Prayer and the series is prayer the great adventure it's based on a book that I wrote by that very name in that book is available this month for a gift of any size to turning point it's 260 pages of teaching and illustrating and pointing in new directions on the subject of prayer I'd love for you to have this book if you don't have it already so when you send a gift of any size to turning point please ask for the book prayer the great adventure if you happen to have already ordered that book in years past here's another opportunity for you this month we've conducted a little survey about the kind of prayers people want to pray and how to get started with those prayers and we've built together as a team a little booklet called 30 Days of prayer and in this leather covered devotional booklet you will find different kinds of prayers that will start you in the right direction as you pray for the specific things that you need in your life either ask for 30 days of prayer or prayer the great adventure when you send your gift a turning point today and I don't forget this is Friday and because it's Friday I have a little speech that I give every week about the importance of you and your family being in church that turning point is not Tune in Monday through Friday to calle d.c. 12 20 am and 95.3 f.m. For c.b.c. Broadcast Christian ministries business talk and conservative talk only on the all new k l d c can a church send money directly to a foreign missionary with another critical legal issues for your church or ministry there's attorney David Gibbs to today legal or a church in Tennessee was wanting to send financial support directly to a missionary in a foreign country the pastor contacted the Christian. In Law Association to make sure that all the donations made this way would still be tax deductible for the donor the giver our attorney at c.l.a. Explained that the i.r.s. Looks at 4 criteria and uses a set of guidelines to determine whether a gift to a u.s. Charity a church is tax deductible when it is ultimately used to further charitable purposes in another country does your church send financial support overseas we would be honored to walk you through the i.r.s. Criteria and their guidelines Contact us today at the Christian law association it would be our privilege to help you. The Christian Law Association has the experience the staff and the legal expertise to help you work through your legal challenges all services are offered without charge by our team of legal missionaries visit Christian Law dot au argy Christian long dot org or call 888-252-1969. If you are found yourself knowing that God is in control but then living as if you Greetings to the broadest audience in the country Welcome to real science radio. Creations speaker and software engineer today this is our it our show the Emperor show if I wore a rich man great I mean he's an eyewitness to. The plagues of Egypt and the master meth in Fred I'd like to do something that's never been done in the history of broadcast the never ever What's that probably for good reason. I'd like us to share with the audience what if Paul were really was all about how because when you read articles about it the atheists say well that's ridiculous it poor has nothing to do with the exodus no similarities it's just ridiculous but when you read it to where he's just shouting out I saw the play I saw a Moses I saw the whole thing it's horrific oh yeah it's just example after example this guy is a eyewitness to the Exodus yet slaves it is so cool how many people know that this even exists or have the vast majority of people have no idea so I'd like to do that but a little of our due diligence 1st let's let the audience know where this book piracy is right now today in Leiden hall and it's on display at the Dutch National Museum of antiquities Yeah and it was discovered way way back in 1988 so you know almost $200.00 time ago when they translated it almost a century later 1909 this professor Alan Gardner a British guy Sir Alan Carr. And he misnamed it right off the bat he missed titled it yeah the admonitions of in the Gyptian sage no admonitions that's not quite right no because admonition is a warning this is a lament Yeah that's what it is it's a be wailing a b. Moaning I can't believe this is happening of the destruction of the land there's 17 sections this is your goal the humanity Yeah if you printed out the whole thing of it were it be 11 pages in total so it sure in only one section could possibly be considered an admonition but that's because the anti Exodus experts totally misread that section Yeah it Section 11 and it poor is mocking them as we'll see as we go through the excerpts he is being sarcastic like the king is so happy yeah people are so happy there's happiness everywhere obvious sorry it had all in ruins and so in that section 11 'd to its sarcasm he said Well go ahead sacrifice your gods that's what we gotta do you know that's what they've been doing the whole kind of reminds me of Alija karma Yass Wow exactly when he said to the prophets of Bal What did he say yell louder to your god yell louder is the is the in the bathroom for pretty much right he's probably in the bathroom yell louder so we hear you yeah he's on vacation and then he executed all of them all of them too and the prophets of Bell and God really loved Eliza Oh absolutely yeah he's one of the 2 guys that been see death right that's right enough in a lie ship went to be with the Lord and I believe they'll come back during the Great Tribulation to actually believe those on the prophets Yeah and all man's appointed to die once a little have to die eventually yeah right why even though it Ok something to another story Ok so here's our analysis of where he's giving eyewitness testimony of the collapse of Egypt because of the plagues and then the aftermath. And his major theme is that the rich are now poor and the poor are now rich Yeah well. Yeah in the excerpts what would it if taken Fred if say the wealth of America back in the 800 s. Were to be transferred to black people I mean it's inconceivable Yeah it is it could never happen and that's what the experts the Egypt ologist say well this could never have happened the poor and Egypt cannot be destroyed in the poor become wealthy that's their main argument that the nation is destroyed and the rich become poor and the poor become wealthy that is their number one argument that they repeat most often of why this cannot be true it has no connection to x. . But if the poor have a supernatural champion Yeah and God is going to war against the gods of the Egyptians and making a point then this isn't the way they are enforcing our point they're saying this can't ever happen it's impossible right and so but the fact that there's one place in the history of man that this is documented in historical writing I mean the Bible in many regards is also horse story Kobach human right it's documented there it happened yet and then if it were says this and I'll give a hint dozens of. Evan Bayh ages the times that the poor have become wealthy because they took everything they wanted from the rich I mean how do you just make that up exactly the atheists think it was an amazing thing to him that's why I repeat it so much Yeah like I can't believe that right that would be the reality of your reaction to seeing the Exodus occur the stunning parallels that are in it who were with Exodus the Egypt ologist quote them to say well this could have nothing to do with the exodus chaos oblique we can't even . Imagine it so if they could drop their hubris just for a moment because really that criticism comes from only one place their insistence that there is no god that's right that's right spiritual and that God never intervene in their own affairs Jesus Christ is not the fulfillment of prophecy he is not the Passover Lamb none of this has anything to do with reality if they could drop that hubris just for a moment they would see the stunning agreement between a fuller and totally obvious Yeah so Genesis prophesied of what would happen and then the Book of Exodus tells us so this was the probably of God back in Genesis Chapter 15 was predicted Israel's and slave in a foreign land so here's our goes the nation whom they serve I will judge afterward they shall come out with great possessions Wow So that's the prophecy it was written back in Genesis back in Moses who did write it afterward that's right and so in Exodus 12 Moses writes Now the children of Israel had done according to the word of Moses and they had asked from the Egyptians articles of silver articles of gold and clothing and the Lord had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians so they granted them what they requested thus they plundered the Egyptians plundered them that's where the up in Egyptian swer giving him the stuff so if it were reports that as Egypt collapses the poor became wealthy and it is canny he reports that the river turns to blood yet the Palestinians firm and why is that because Pharaoh's heart was hard yet eventually that one didn't yes eventually his residence the palace is in ruin so now Fred let's do what's never been. It was like we're interviewing an eyewitness to the Exodus Yeah sort of and we let him talk yeah it poor Tell us what did you see and he begins Section one of 17 begins with the servants he's quoting the servants saying let us go and plunder the wash men refuses to carry his load. And so I'd like the audience or maybe you and I to count how many times the poor says that the poor become wealthy Ok so here the servants say let us go plunder and the wash man refuses to carry his load but let's not count that because it says that the slaves want to plunder and they refuse to work yeah but it doesn't say they got rich so let's not count Ok the inhabitants of the Delta carry shields remember the Nile Delta that's where the land of Goshen one so the Israel lights had left and then the foreigners came in and invade it through the tell you that was very much exposed yeah so then it bore says there's confusion the virtuous man into it beware that be the leading a gypsy essence he's an Egyptian yet the virtuous man goes in mourning because of what has happened in the land the tribes of the desert have become Egypt Shin's everywhere and what does that mean the tribes of the desert I think it means that they can't keep the foreigners out anymore yeah so law and all the nations around them just come in they become Egyptians and they just take whatever they live in their homes they take whatever they want he says the faces pale wrongdoing is everywhere and there's no man of yesterday yes willing the old days are. Indeed the plunderer is everywhere in the servant takes what he finds which you say that's yeah I think that's definitely So that's our 1st the 1st one Ok indeed the Nile overflows yet none plough for it so it but we're is writing about the devastation of the plagues and the aftermath so now he has the hindsight of perhaps a few years and he's writing about what life in Egypt is like. In the Nile overflows yet none plow them you know we all learned in ancient history the course cycle for Egypt's agriculture was the inundation of the dial and there fertile floodplain so here it is in the aftermath and they haven't recovered enough to work the land in fact as he just said if an Egyptian does work the field he has to take a shield for self defense Yeah amazing so by the way the Nile the height of the Niles flow is from mid July to October so everyone says we do not know what will happen throughout the land so what's to come of us indeed the women are barren and none conceive so Fred after the 10 plagues and that was one of the play very no it was not Baroness but they're reeling in the aftermath and women would think well how can I bring a child into this world yeah so you'd have a drop definitely in potencies we'll see more of that you know so that's the short section one Section 2 of if we were 17 sections indeed poor men have become owners of wealth Ok that's the 2nd time 2nd time and he could not make symbols for himself is there now a possessor of riches while 3rd time might say indeed men's slaves and then it breaks off. Pestilence is throughout the land blood is everywhere death is not lacking the mummy cloth speaks even before one comes near it wow now that's creepy that is I mean he's really pushing home the point of all this death yet the rituals that they use to the burial rituals it's like they're reaching out to those who are still living in expectation of their suitors or my you know there's a bible verse like that we just completed our 1st by 1st study of Isaiah and in chapter 14 where it talks about the fall of Lucifer it says hell from beneath is excited about you to meet you at your coming it stirs up the dead for who that is so creepy big time Quimby that's like what if it were say here the mummy cloth speaks out before the people even come near the mummy club its trying to wrap itself around them indeed noble men are in distress while the poor man is full of joy Well obviously that's another example it's number 4 Yeah 4th time every town says let us suppress the powerful among us while so suppress the powerful you know who's doing the suppressing probably the poor and so that could be I don't know if we want to call that a 6th squalor is throughout the land indeed the land turns around as does a potter's wheel the robber is a possessor of written while again the 7th time and I love the potter's wheel analogy of the land turning its like its turning over Yeah so that now the rich or poor and the poor rich. Indeed trust the servants are and then the text can't be read there it's called the look you know it's when there is something missing in abortion of a manuscript a look. Yuna and there are a number of those here and it borders piracy and you get that a lot through a lot of historical texts throw history right from Shakespeare tons of his stuff missing what's missing from the New Testament by the way from the New Testament nothing nothing and nothing and because there are 110-0000 transcript there's thousands of handwritten menu so yeah in the church fathers letters you can almost recreate the entire New Testament some of it is this incredible comparing the Bible in the ancient record for the Bible to all other ancient literature the Bible stands head and shoulders. In the most extraordinary Oh yeah blows them all away so there's this look you to hear this missing text but it says indeed trust these servants are and then there's something missing and then something about the poor man but we can't make it out another look Yuna then how terrible what am I to do indeed the river is blood you know the river of blood and you have meant to make of it what choice did they have the right even the water in their pots look like remember when Moses struck his rod on the Nile and it turned to blood and all the standing water turned to blood everywhere so they were digging next to the Nile to try to get fresh water right exactly indeed Gates columns and walls are perked up so if he were says now and there was fire Fred on the internet I saw an atheist mocking a Christian who was quoting from it where and the Christian mention this line and said it was the plague of fire yeah and so the atheist said there was no plague of fire you idiot. But he was wrong remember the 7 player Yeah well Moses described that in a very interesting way he did in Exodus 9 the word sin thunder and hail and fire darted to the Gras. And yes so it was right absolutely Moses was right and that atheist was wrong of course and then it poor immediately writes this The Hall of the Palace stands firm and endures So the Palestinian's firm that is pharaohs that sued for and Moses just a few verses later after that plague writes in Exodus Chapter 9 when Pharaoh saw that the hail had ceased he hardened his heart so the way it were worded that verse was like this the hall of the Palace stands firm and endures and you get the sense that he wanted to add about Pharaoh you. Know you fool for Moses actually did add something like that and the very next verse he did he said so the heart of Pharaoh was hard neither would he let the children of Israel go. And so by the way that translator in 100009 Gardner Sir Alan Gardner purpose of the war yes the Egyptologists he sees this as a contradiction he says you know they like to argue Well this has to be just some imagination because the yappy historical you know the number one reason is because if a nations destroyed the poor can't become rich but then he says here he says well it's a contradiction because it says the palace was firm but then it says the palace is overturned Yeah and it can't be firm and overturned it's like why not isn't that the way it always goes Saddam Hussein was firm and then he was in a spider hole a spy a spider hole found a meth actual him and then he's dead so that is the way it goes you know I like c.s. Lewis how he says it right everybody says you can't have your cake and eat it too and I've always thought why not. Have my cake and then I eat it if what I do have it to not. It of course you have you know but c.s. Lewis puts it the other way around he says you can't eat your cake and have it too that's much better because if you eat it then you don't have it Ok but at any rate that's the thing here with the poor Pharaoh was firm but then he was destroyed so how these Egypt ologist with all their learning you know the Bible describes these kinds of people with all their learning they have become full absolutely the calisthenics they have to go through but we see it with everything of course we see it with you know our number one topic here of evolution yes evolution the big bang all the things that they do to come to try to get around these obvious evidences against their worldview exactly indeed towns are destroyed and Upper Egypt has become an empty waste indeed it is the destruction of the land the frightened man cannot distinguish because of terror indeed men are few and he who places his brother in the ground is as they were aware Yeah I mean they were seeing all kinds of stuff not a great time to be living in Egypt and then of course the 10th plague right through the biggest one of all the death of the firstborn sons the oldest sons of every family of the Egyptians every family Yeah and you know their cattle and then Bibles speaks of the loud wailing throughout Egypt worse than ever but for the Israelites not a dog will be heard barking out of animals what a difference right so in poor continues indeed the well born man. Through lack of recognition and the child of his lady has become the son of his mates or while Yeah that's the 7th that I can I think that it is because the well born man now lacks recognition and his servant even claims his heir so that's got to be the 7 Yeah Ok now we go to Section 3 of the it were pirates indeed the desert is throughout the land and I'd say that's because when the crops that I the desert encroaches Yeah exactly soil be retained by the roots and it blows away the desert encroaches So the desert is throughout the lens the gnomes are laid waste remember we talked about the air we talked about that in a prior show you know the gnomes that these are these like provinces Yeah Riri left are you authority that had big time power these were Yeah you know each as a threat is or hours of government Yeah it was read out over different large groups from in this apology is what I want to call them they were called gnomes and at one time the nation had about 40 of these and 20 each in the Upper and Lower Egypt so I think Fred this is a poetic reference to the entirety of the lands you know he knows are laid waste Yes and barbarians from abroad have come to each ups and that's exactly what happened after that yeah Army is this true entire army is destroyed in the Red Sea Yet trends the government is the capitated the land ravage So people come in to take what they want what would happen today if Israel's army was totally destroyed oh boy this is exactly one play happened right where you have what every short period yes indeed men arrive and then look Euna and indeed there are no Egyptians anywhere and so I think that is there no Egyptians to repel the invaders that's what he me. And if the men arrive all these barbarians from abroad come to Egypt there are no Egyptians to defend the land so this is the aftermath of the collapse indeed gold silver in turquoise are strung on the necks of the mayor servants of being being being being that he ate time a time 8th reference that were is making this his theme good things are throughout the land so now that's interesting I thought the land was destroyed but the good things well they're among the servants you know the Jews didn't lose any of their livestock and then all the servants in slaves who remained who were not Hebrews they took whatever they wanted of the wealth of the rich so it poor writes good things are throughout the land yet housewives say oh that we had something to eat if. Indeed noble women their bodies are in sad plight by reason of their rags and their hearts sick when greeting one another so I don't think we call that the time Fred because of the rich are now poor but it doesn't say that the servants are rich yeah so to continue indeed the builders and here the translators believe this is the builders of pyramids have become cultivators Another words the architects are now planting there's a survival a garden see if the hind there yes. There's something about mummies something about the priest they're buried and then continuing gold is lacking and God told them take all the gold exactly right gold is lacking in materials for every kind of craft have come to an end the palace is boiled while so this is where you know Pharaoh was standing firm by his hard heart but here if he were remembers that then it was destroyed and then it poor write something about indeed elephant time and that's that well known city in the middle of the Nile it's the Elephant Island Southern Egypt Yeah and it poor says indeed elephants and thinness and thinness was Egypt's capital 1st their 1st known capital then the rights of Upper Egypt people come but without paying taxes owing to civil strife lacking our grain charcoal and then something about the profit of the palace so this is really interesting to watch purpose is the Treasury without its revenue assistance on anything like the Exodus no right it sounds so much like the Exodus not only because Egypt is the sra 8 but the implication here in fact it comes right out and says it that people are not paying taxes but they are lacking in grain and what good is a Treasury without revenue and something about the profit of the palace remember just have set up a system of storage grain or yes that was revenue to the governments so that probably continued Now there is the grain and the palace is not making a profit and what good is its treasury any more then he writes happy indeed is the heart of the key. While of that yeah his mocking absolutely as if in a way Fred how could it be that the Egypt ologist miss that when they get to 2nd left it they miss the mocking sarcasm because they want to make the whole thing. Non exodus like the up and really historically irrational so happy happy happy the heart of the King and every foreign land comes that's to plunder Well yeah. That is our fate if it were rights and that is our happy that is our happiness brother so the foreigners have their way with you here repeating that again to the foreigners coming in yeah he describes as our happiness that what's happened so he's mocking notice the irony of it all then he writes What can we do about it all is ruined while indeed laughter is perish So here he's not being sarcastic he's coming out of character so to speak and he's saying the truth laughter is perished and it's no longer made something like that it is groaning that is throughout the land mingled with complaints and the Bible says the wailing was throughout the land throughout the way and. Section for indeed every dead person is as a well born man Wow So it's almost like they're the lucky ones right there like the well born men those who were Egypt Shin's have become foreigners in our thrust aside in other words they're foreigners in their own land that's right. Indeed the man of rank can no longer be distinguished from him who is nobody. I don't know how we count that one maybe not where the poor I mean it implies that the poor have become rich because the man of rank is yeah the men of power who they're like the people who were nobody but Ok let's knock out it indeed there is no end of noise and again the wailing throughout the land and not just for a night of course but from then for a long time indeed Great and Small say I wish I might die and now Fred if I were uses poetic language to say that a terrible thing infanticide has occurred and that the Egyptians evidently killed their own children thinking them better off dead because like you said every dead person is as a well born man yeah so fortunately this is kind of like pro-abortion Americans today right oh exactly they think that they kill their children because they'll be better off than pro poor Defenders that's what they say hey we're running out of time in this broadcast so go to our website to catch the rest of this program Real science Radio dot com. Soon I'm talking about. Helping believers develop a deeper relationship with God king l d c 95.3 f.m. . History was made on today's day stay tuned for American minute with Bill Federer . May 5th 1980.

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