Just not a good person. General Michael Flynn given top security position. People in the military love him. And the minute he endorsed donald trump suddenly like hes gary busey after the motorcycle accident. Not just senators, house members, should be saying something about these people being considered for cabinet posts. If you lose the white house to the least popular candidate in the history of america, when you lose the senate, when you lose the house, it is time new direction for the democratic party. In arizona an officer is on administrative leave after he apparently punched a woman in the face. Hey, you cant hit a girl like that. Wild fires are still scorching parts of the southeast. The regions parched by extreme drought. Did not let our guard down. Got some snow falling right now. The first blizzard of the season hit the northern rockies. A hint of snow for parts of the area. But the wind i think is going to be more of a menace. Record 30 million in fake u. S. Currency. Astronaut Peggy Whitson rocketing off into the record books. She became the oldest woman to ever go into space. A polar bear and a dog getting along. Cuddled up in northern canada. Stepping up in the pocket. Throwing. And there you go what a catch. And all that matters. My sixth visit to germany. It will not be my last. I have somehow continued to miss oktoberfest. What im trying to say is that im going to get [ bleep ] on cbs this morning. For the australian Prime Minister to get in touch with trump world he had to get the phone number from australian golfer greg norman. Greg norman is a great australian. One of our greatest assets you know. Greg normans nickname is the shark. So in order for the Prime Minister of australia to talk to our next president he had to say, this sounds like a job for this mornings eye opener is presented by toyota. Lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning. As you wake up in the west, president elect trump has chosen three more top officials for his administration. Sources tell cbs news alabama senator Jeff Sessions will be attorney general. The new cia director will be kansas congressman mike pompeo. Flynn will be National Security adviser. Mr. Trump is expected to announce the appointments later today. Major garrett is in washington. He was the first to report the sessions pick. Major, good morning. Good morning. Jeff sessions, senator from alabama, the first senator to endorse donald trump has been part of the Trump Campaign and part of the conversations about the Supreme Court and other key justice issues since president elect trump became president elect after the november 8th election. And his selection, as attorney signal to conservatives, that hes going to take not only issues of immigration very seriously as he said during the campaign, but also issues of the Supreme Court. When trump had a meeting earlier this week about who to select, who to nominate for that vacant position on the Supreme Court, the only noncampaign, nonfamily attendee to that meeting was senator sessions. A clear signal he was going to be trumps pick for attorney general. And now he, in fact, is. As for the transition itself, the teams today for transition will start meeting w state department, pentagon and Justice Department preparing for the january handoff. Its going really well. Reporter president elect donald trump has chosen retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn as his National Security adviser. A job that coordinates military intelligence and diplomatic policy from the white house. Once a top intelligence adviser to generals in iraq, flynn, a lifelong democrat, spent three decades in the army. He coauthored a paper criticizing the intelligence afghanistan. He retired in 2014, claiming he was fired as director of the Defense Intelligence agency for the stand he took on radical islamism. In the recent past flynn has called islam a cancer. And referred to it as a political ideology based on a religion. He told his twitter followers this february that, fear of muslims is rational. Lets get off the dime and just call it like it is. Which is . Which is islamic reporter flynn told charlie rose in early 2015 that president obamas Political Correctness is one reason why america cant defeat islamic terrorism. Even in the arab world the arab leaders, they will call it like it is. So why is it that the United States, has such a difficult problem. Reporter in washington thursday the head of the transition, Vice President elect mike pence huddled with Top Republicans and democrats, like House Minority leader nancy pelosi and Senate Minority leader chuck schumer. Conversation. Reporter this weekend trump moves transition business to his new jersey golf club. On the docket, a sitdown with 2012 gop nominee mitt romney, who has blasted trump in the past. Donald trump is a phony, a fraud. His promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university. Reporter the president elect has yet to emerge from trump tower to make any announcements but he does have his twitter feed handy and last night he tweeted that he spoke to the chairman of Ford Motor Company lincoln plant it planned to move to mexico here in the United States. Specifically kentucky. Now in a statement, ford said the president elect and congress will make it possible to keep production of this vehicle here in the u. S. There is one small caveat. Ford had never planned to move the entire factory from kentucky to mexico. Just one of the vehicles it was manufacturing there. And according to the united autoworkers, gayle, there was already a contract to keep all right. Thank you very much, major. General Michael Flynn was in the room yesterday when mr. Trump met with the japanese Prime Minister. After that meeting, shinzo abe called the president elect a trustworthy leader. The meeting lasted nearly 90 minutes longer than expected. It was described as a positive conversation over appetizers in trump tower. It was the president elects first facetoface meeting with a world leader since the election. Mr. Trumps daughter ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner attended the drawing new attention to possible roles for trump family members in the new administration. Our nancy cordes asked House Speaker ryan yesterday about government rules on hiring relatives and how they apply to the president elects soninlaw. Reporter your understanding of nepotism rules do you believe that Jared Kushner should be able to take a job at the white house . I have really no comment about what job he should or should not take. But look he was a very integral part of the campaign. Hes obviously a brilliant young man who donald trump trusts. Trump Transition Team to decide what role he place. Im just asking what your understanding of the nepotism rule is. I dont have a deep understanding of how they work. The federal nepotism law goes back nearly 50 years and it prohibits public officials, including the president , from appointing relatives to the agency they serve in or where they exercise jurisdiction or control. Its unclear if the white house is considered an agency and whether foregoing a salary is a way to circumvent the laws. The nepotism law also allows officials tomp temporarily in the event of emergencies resulting from the natural from natural disasters or similar unforeseen events. Hence, the lawyers are getting busy. In our next half hour were going to take a closer look at Jared Kushner and the role he mate play in his fatherinlaws administration. The u. S. Is at odds with ally jordan over its official explanation for the deaths of three u. S. Service members. Sergeant james moriarty, Kevin Mcenroe and Matthew Lewellen terrorist attack. Now one father is speaking out about his sons death. David martin is at the pentagon with the changing account of the attacks. David, good morning. Good morning. The three soldiers were working for the cia in jordan, training syrian rebels. We spoke to the father of one of them, who says the lone survivor of the attack gave him an account which differs greatly from the story told by the jordanian government. Jim moriarty says his son, Army Sergeant james moriarty, was supposed to be home this week. Following his third tour of duty in jordan. Theres nothing thats happened to me in 70 years that prepared me to listen to talking about my son being dead. Reporter as sergeant moriartys body arrived home, u. S. Officials said a video of the incident in which he and two other american soldiers were not, as was first believed, a tragic accident. I havent gotten a straight answer yet. Reporter u. S. Officials say the Security Camera video shows several american vehicles stopped in broad daylight at the entrance to the Jordanian Air field where the green berets were based. The first was allowed to pass through the gate, but then a guard suddenly opened fire on the second vehicle. Killing both americans inside. The americans in the third and started returning fire. The jordanian guard shot and killed one of them before he was wounded by the other. Moriarty says his son was in that last shootout. The killer clearly knew that he had those four americans caught by surprise. Reporter jordanian officials originally blamed the americans for failing to stop at the gate. But the u. S. Embassy in jordan said in a statement there is procedures. The jordanian government lied to our government, they know what happened. They know who this guy is. They owe us an explanation. Who was it that murdered my son, and why . Reporter the father says the survivor described the shooter as wearing body armor and wielding an ak47 against the americans, armed only with pistols and not wearing any body armor. The fbi the shooter, because he remains in a medically induced coma. Norah . Questions still remain. David, thank you for that reporting. Rescue workers say new airstrikes in Northern Syria this morning killed Seven Members of the same family. Syrian Civil Defense crews told us a 6yearold boy out of a destroyed building yesterday. He was trapped for hours. For four hours in fact after air attacks on his rebelheld neighborhood in aleppo. Rescuers say the boys mother was one of three People Killed president obama just left germany after the european leg of his final trip abroad in office. He is now flying on to south america, in berlin the president met with key allies and discussed security and economic challenges. He also reassured european leaders concerned about the transition of power here in the United States. Margaret brennan is in berlin covering the president s trip. Margaret, good morning. Good morning, well throughout this week, president obama has tried to strike a cautiously upbeat tone about what donald global security. But it is clear that there are some cracks in that optimism. Americas top european allies are all asking president obama what to expect from the next leader of the free world. Donald trumps election a controversial top advisers has raised eyebrows on what mr. Obama has described as the rise of crude nationalism. Im wondering as well if youve advised your successor to be some very worrisome trends, particularly when it comes to making his own potentially powerful staff picks. What i said to him was that what may work in generating enthusiasm, or passion during elections may be different than what will work in terms of unifying the country. European leaders also fear that the president elect, whom Syrias Bashar Al Assad has called an ally, will do little to stop the brutal violence in syria. President obama admitted that he has been unsuccessful. In these final weeks of your presidency, do you believe you have any leverage to stop Bashar Al Assad and Vladimir Putin from continuing to bomb aleppo . It would be naive of me to suggest that theres going to be a sudden 180 degree turn. But ultimately, the way this is going to be resolved is going to have to be a recognition by russia, and a willingness to you cannot purchase peoples consent through killing them. President obama urged europe to keep pressure on russia through financial sanctions. Hell cross paths with Vladimir Putin this weekend at the asia pacific summit in peru. Interesting. Well be watching Margaret Brennan in berlin, thank you so much. The seasons first big winter storm is pushing warm weather out of the Northern Plains this morning. Blizzard warnings are up in the dakotas and minnesota. Heavy snow and ice made driving west of denver. Interstate 70 was closed for hours in both directions after a crash involving 20 vex and semi trucks. Two people were hurt, forecasters say parts of minnesota could get up to a foot of snow today. Temperatures will drop more than 30 degrees in some areas from the midwest to the midatlantic. Snow is expected in the northeast by sunday night. Wow. An Arizona Police officers on administrative leave after Flagstaff Police say the recording shows the officer striking the woman in the face as he tried to arrest her. The officer believed she had outstanding warrants. But as cora evans shows us, that was not the case. You cannot arrest me until i know what i have a warrant out. Reporter cell phone video captured wednesday shows Flagstaff Police officer jeff bonner striking Melissa Morris outside her boyfriends home arizona while attempting an arrest. Hey. Hey you cant hit a girl like that. Reporter bonner, whos been with the Department Almost three years, was assisting another officer with an eviction when he noticed youre going to be charges i dont have a warrant. The investigation of warrants were in place for her at that time. He yelled at me that i had a warrant. I said no i do not. And just brutally attacked me failure to appear warrants for dui and resisting arrest but they were resolved before wednesdays incident. Im not going in any car. Reporter officer bonner was wearing a body camera but according to his own police report, he turned it off before approaching morris. We omar issa, her family, the flagstaff community, the officer and department a full and complete investigation. Reporter also in his report bonner says morris appeared to resisted arrest. Kneed him in the groin and leg several times. Bonner also acknowledged striking morris in the head several times. I know what happened. I have to live it every day. I have to feel it. Pretty embarrassing, actually. Made me feel like nothing. Reporter for cbs this morning, carter evans. New york city officials are expected to address safety concerns today surrounding president elect trumps penthouse. Creating quite a traffic nightmare in a very busy manhattan neighborhood. Charlie rose says yes it is. Secret Service Agents and new York City Police are working on how to protect the building and the people inside. Michelle miller is outside trump tower with a look at the complex plans. Good morning to you. Good morning. What a difference a week makes. After the election the front of trump tower here on fifth avenue was lined with heavy duty sanitation trucks filled with sand. Used as a barricade. Considerably tapped down. While you can see there is significant Armed Police Presence the front door here it hasnt prevented the public from accessing some of the stores inside, including that starbucks upstairs. What we can tell you is while there may or may not be any store closures, some of the ground floors may be adorned with blast proof glass very soon. How many days have you been dealing with this . Well, i guess since the election. Reporter the security effort to protect the president elects trump tower home doesnt stop with the barricades. Checkpoints. And officers outside. The entire skyscraper is posted with secret Service Agents. As Law Enforcement officials come up with a longterm plan to protect the building located on ritzy fifth avenue. According to a former secret service agent, t focus most heavily on the floors surrounding trumps 26th floor office and the penthouse he lives in with his family. Penthouse windows will be replaced with bulletproof glass. The elevators below the office and residence will be locked off and key coded. Only certain agents and staff will have access outside. Parking along the perimeter of trump tower will be heavily restricted. Theres also the potential for a restricted traffic lane and delivery lane on fifth avenue. Building staff, and potentially, some residents. Officers will also face increased pressure with the approaching holidays. More than 5 Million People will visit new york this year between thanksgiving and new years. Have you ever seen anything like this before in terms of the barricades . Oh, no. No. But i mean, new yorks always crowded. Reporter well bomb sniffing dogs could also be used in the garage bel u. S. Secret service is keeping their options open on whether to increase those restrictions. Norah . All right, michelle, thank you so much. I think we can say, charlie, theres going to be changes in your hood. Yes. Definitely. Have your why idy at all times. Packed. I can imagine. A recent discovery raises new concerns about the potential for a huge earthquake in northern california. Ahead why the anticipated quake could be muchclear and cold thih temps dropping to very chilly 30s as we expected. The winds have calmed down but the cold has set in. The afternoons will stay a little below normal for now. With highs in the low 60s today. But then a warm up through the weekend to around 70 by sunday, with clouds showing up through the day. A slight chance of showers will show up late sunday and a better chance into advice during the campaign. Will Jared Kushner now head to the white house . Ahead an inside look at the white house for the man who may become the most powerful soninlaw in president ial history. The news is back in the morning right here on cbs this morning. Announcer this portion of cbs this weekend at kohls announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsore its time to get ready for the holidays so deck the halls dress to impress for the School Concert then hurry home to cozy up for a family movie night. 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He would be lesswrinkly and winning at life. . Whats going on here . Im val, the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. Were putting away acorns. You know, to show the importance of saving for the future. So youre sort of like a Spokes Person . More of a spokes metaphor. Get organized at voya. Com. . Come on, wake up come on, why ya sleepin . Come on what time is it . Its go time. Come on. Lets go, lets go, lets go. Woooo hoooo yeah ill make the cocoa. Get a great offer on the car of your grownup dreams at the mercedesbenz winter event. Its the look on their faces that make it all worthwhile. Thank you santa now lease the 2017 c300 for 389 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Hurry in to lowes today for great black friday deals happening all month long. Like 25 off artificial christmas trees. Plus get 15 off all instock inflatables. Make your home happy with huge deals right now at lowes. Oh, look. Another antiwrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. Neutrogena . Rapid wrinkle repair works. In one week. With the. Fastest retinol formula. To visibly reduce wrinkles. The enamel on my teeth was weakening. The whiteness wasnt there as much, my teeth didnt look as healthy as others. My dentist said that pronamel would help protect my teeth. Pronamel is giving me the confidence to know that im doing the right thing the School Principal involved in a bullying lawsuit against ccsd is expected to take the stand in the trial. Two families are suing ccsd for allegedly mishandling bullying reports at a henderson middle school. Yesterday the mother of an alleged bullying victim took the stand. Mary bryan testified thai friend was bullied in band class at greenspun middle school. brian loftus meanwhile. Parents, teachers, and students just wrapped up a protest minutes ago at jerome mack middle school. Its one of the schools on the list that could become part of the Achievement School district. Meaning it would be run by a private Charter School company. Kirsten Joyce after 26 years in the valley. The first Hard Rock Cafe in las vegas is closing december 31st. This is the restaurant in the Company Wants to focus on the Hard Rock Cafe and hard rock live venue on the strip. Employees at the paradise location will get first dibs on open positions at the strip location. quick check on your commute tonight at 9pm, the 215 at the airport connector will shut down through 5am monday. All traffic will be forced off the freeway at the airport connector. The ramps will remain open, but you should expect significant delays mccarran. Freezing outside the valley just as we expected. The winds have calmed down but the cold has set in. The afternoons will stay a little below normal for now. With highs in the low 60s today. But then a warm up through the weekend to around 70 by sunday, with clouds showing up through the day. A slight chance of showers will show up late sunday and a better chance into monday. This will be our only chance of rain for a couple of weeks. . Remember earlier ithe remember early in the broadcast we showed you pictures of the first snowfall . Well they are laughing it up in key west. Look how gorgeous the weather is today on this friday before thanksgiving. Practically the end of november. And they can wear bathing s thats nice. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Meanwhile theyre wearing snow suits in minnesota. Thats right. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour, who is Jared Kushner . And why does it matter if he works in the white house . Donald trumps soninlaw has become a key adviser. Well take a look at the connections that go beyond the marriage. And u. S. Womens soccer team players say they feel like second class citizens. They won the world cup last year and now they say they want the Team Members Talk about their mission for change in a 60 minutes interview. Time to show you some of the headlines. Usa today reports on a spike in mortgage rates. The average 30year fixed Rate Mortgage jumped last week from 3. 57 to 3. 94 . That is close to the rate this time last year. The rise is a result of investors pulling out of government bonds, since the president elects victory. The Washington Post reports on whatt tell tums near the north pole. The arctic is 36 degrees warmer than normal according to a researcher at rutgers university. She says its a result of a record low sea ice and large jet stream thats driving warm air north. Fortune magazine says spacex wants to create an orbiting internet network. The companys plans call for the eventual launch of more than 4400 satellites. Its filing with the federal Communications Commission says internet worldwide. The Cincinnati Enquirer has retails from a federal report on the death of the gorilla killed last may to save a boy who got in his enclosure. Officials say barriers at the gorilla zoo exhibit were sub standard. New fencing was installed after the incident. And the New York Times says that Donald Trumps soninlaw, Jared Kushner, is talking with a lawyer about whether he can work in the new administration. The head of a billion dollar adviser in mr. Trumps campaign. He is now a central part of the Transition Team. An anna werner looks at the obstacles that could hand in his way. Jared kushner is known for being a real estate mogul and new york newspaper owner but hes widely believed to have been a pivotal force in paving Donald Trumps road to the white house. Jared is a very successful real estate person. Politics more than he likes real estate. Reporter Jared Kushner, soninlaw to the president elect, and husband to ivanka trump, has quietly exerted his influence throughout trumps campaign. Wall street journal reporter monica langley. The more he stayed with donald trump, the more he became like the trump whisperer. Reporter while mr. Trump was speaking with president obama last week, kushner was strolling through the rose garden with white house chief of staff dennis mcdou aspiration came as a surprise to his friend. I think he would provide a balanced opinion. Which i think is important to anybody that holds an office like the president of the United States. Reporter kushner and his fatherinlaw may seem like polar opposites but they have much in common, says langley. Both political novices, they are both real estate billionaires. And they both love ivanka trump. Reporter and their fathers 35yearold kushner took over his familys real us state company after his father was sentenced in 2005 to two years in prison for corruption related charges. The person who put kushners father behind bars . Thenu. S. Attorney chris christie. Mr. Kushner engaged in a conspiracy with coconspirators. Reporter christie was leading trumps Transition Team until he was ousted. Some placed the blame on kushner. A trump spokesman has denied that kushner played any role jared is helping to put this together. But ultimately these decisions are being made by the president elect. Reporter still kushners transformation from businessman to key political adviser may be complicated. Congress passed the antinepotism law in 1967 after president john f. Kennedy appointed his Brother Robert to the post of attorney general. With or without an office in the west wing, kushner is likely to play an outside role in the trump administration. Worry about the things you cant control. Just worry about how you react to and deal with the circumstances of the situation at hand. Well, if kushner takes a job in Trumps White House he could face other potential conflicts of interest including how to handle his Real Estate Company and media holdings. But its apparent he could have a lot of influence. We did ask his representatives to see if he would talk to us but they told us he doesnt do tv. There you go. Ever . Well, right now. I dont know about ever. But its the word for now. All right. Hopefully wed love we really would. We really would. Thank you, anna. The u. S. Womens soccer team is number one in the world. Theyve won three world cups, and four olympic gold medals. The women were honored by president obama and were the first female sports team to get a ticker tape parade in new york city. The u. S. Mens team ranked 24th in the world, but has historically been paid much more than the female players for 60 players about why they filed a first of its kind suit alleging u. S. Soccer of violating the equal pay act. We feel like were treated like second class citizens. Because, they dont care as much about us as they do the men. Carli lloyd is considered the best female Soccer Player in the world. And captain of the u. S. Team. We recently spoke to her, cocaptain becky saue their teammates. Theres a long history of athletes battling their employers for more pay. It happens in the nba. It happens in the nfl. Whats different about this fight . This is a social movement. I think. This is about gender discrimination. And i dont think that positive change occurs in the world unless it has to. How does this fight rank with some of the competitions youve i mean we have been in some major battles on the field. But this is this could be the fight that we are a part of. The team is made up of the best female Soccer Players from around the country. And for 25 years, theyve ruled the world. Until 1999 when Brandi Chastain scored to beat china in the finals of the world cup, her celebration announced the beginning of a new era in womens sport. For the 2015 finals, an estimated 30 Million People watched on tv in the u. S. Goal carli lloyds three goals sealed a huge win against japan. It was, and remains, the highest rated soccer match in american history. Including games played by the u. S. Men. Were americas dream team. And weve been at the forefront. Weve been at the top. In womens sports history. Its really an interesting story. Because this is a first of its kind suit. Never before has a mens team and a womens team worked for the same employer. They work for the u. S. Soccer federation. So this is the first of its kind suit with the equal Employment Opportunity commission as well as the same time trying to renegotiate a new collective Bargaining Agreement. Standing over your shoulder while you were talking with your team some of the things you raised, sound so egregious i cant wait tee but do you see a resolution any time soon . Theres going to be a resolution by the end of the year because their collective Bargaining Agreement ends on new years eve so if they dont have a new deal they say they are going on strike for the first time the entire team is united in this. Or if they they may get a resolution from the eeoc but this is coming to a head very quickly. And well go through this complex case on 60 minutes sunday. They have the evidence in hand to make the case . Theyve got some of the best lawyers. Theyve got some of the best but the u. S. Soccer federation has a case to make as well and theyve got some really good lawyers on their side. It will be an interesting, not just for u. S. Soccer but i think it may set priss dentz for other sports players. Looking forward to it. You can see my full interview on 60 minutes this sunday right here on cbs. Right after football. Thats right. Remember sometimes football runs late. Including the patriot. Including the patriots. Good night for you. Scientists make a discovery that could transform earthquake dangers in northern california. We flew over the danger zone in the bay area. Ahead, how a quake could actually be more devastating than Hurricane Katrina. And we have this invitation to you to subscribe to our cbs this morning podcast. Everybodys talking about it. Youll get the news of the day, extended interviews, and some podcast originals. 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Nourishes them. Scientists are warning of a new earthquake danger in northern california. Oh, boy. Theyve discovered that two fault lines link together north of San Francisco creating a new risk for the nearly 7 Million People that live in the bay area. Some 1200 Emergency Responders took part in an earthquake drill yesterday, and hundreds of scientists, engineers and politicians gathered today in los angeles to discuss the next Mireya Villareal shows us the new concerns. Reporter a magnitude 7. 8 earthquake hits california and the clock is ticking. National guardsmen are working to pull a trapped man from an elevator shaft while a specially trained dog searches for stranded survivors. This drill is meant to help Emergency Responders prepare for the real thing. You want to be the best prepared, the best trained, and the most efficient as possible. Reporter but these extreme usgs scientists recently discovered that two of the countrys most dangerous faults, once thought to be at least two miles apart, are actually connected creating one massive, 118 mile long fault. Using this acoustic device they confirmed that the hayward fault meets the rogers creek fault in the shallow waters of the San Pablo Bay near San Francisco. The longer a fault, the larger an earthquake it can produce. And if the hayward and rogers creek faults went together along their entire length it would be up to a what kind of damage are we talking about here . More damage than Hurricane Katrina in terms of loss. Reporter in 1906 the great quake leveled entire San Francisco neighborhoods, killing thousands. In 1989 the lower prieta quake killed 63 people and caused 6 billion in damage. Folks in the bay area hope to be prepared for a strong earthquake. The team is trying to produce the future by studying when when an earthquake occurs the sediment along the fault line shifts which creates a time stamp in the mud. Watts team drops down these long tubes into the bay floor to collect samples. The cores are pulled from the water and cut. Sliced open. Wow. Awesome. And photographed. You can think of it as looking down through time. We can find the date for the flat layers on top and then the layers that are offset we can bracket in the age of when that earthquake happened on that fault. Reporter watts research will help scientists better understand these two faults as their potential for damage makes emergency preparation like this even more essential. For cbs this morning, Mireya Villareal, california. Really fascinating. Isnt it . And scary. It is. Just a little scary. For those living out there on the west coast. All right, pioneering astronaut just made history. Ahead how a space launch overnight led to a new record in valley and near freezing outside the valley just as we expected. The winds have calmed down but the cold has set in. The afternoons will stay a little below normal for now. With highs in the low 60s today. But then a warm up through the weekend to around 70 by sunday, with clouds showing up through the announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go places . . You dont own me . . Dont try to change me in any way . . Oh . . Dont tell me what to do . . Just let me be myself . . You dont own me . Toyota. Lets go places. Uh, you asked to see me, coffee . Yeah, listen, sugar, were, uh. Lettin you go. Wait, what . People love sweet taste. Thats true, but sweet aint enough anymore. Its that splenda naturals gal, isnt it . Yeah. I knew it look, not only is she sweet, shes got natural stevia, no bitter aftertaste, and of course, zero calories. Ohh, not the calories again. Sugar, youre full of calories. I know ugh so all the partners agree . Even iced tea . Especially iced tea. Goodbye, sugar. Clinically proven to help reduce hunger between meals. New, from metamucil, the 1 doctor recommended brand. My dad gave me those shares, you know. He ran that company. I get it. But you know i think you own too much. Gotta manage your risk. An honest opinion is how edward jones makes sense of investing. Its holiday time, and no fruit is as versatile as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why were declaring it the unofficial official fruit of the holidays. The figs gonna be so bummed. [ chuckles ] liftoff. Soy uz rocket carrying crew members of the United States blasted off overnight from kazakhstan. A p board is making history. Peggy whitson is now the ole woman in space. In february she will celebrate her 57th birthday aboard the space. She is the first woman to serve as commander of the space station. They are calling her the oldest woman at 57. I call that young go, peggy, go youre a baby a great story. I love that. Me too. Dramatic images from space. Speaking of peggy in space. Dramatic images from space are the most powerful photographs in history. Ahead, we will show you some of Time Magazines pick for the 100 most influential flavephotos of all time. Youre watching cbs this morning. We will be right back. Ion more . . Its a tangle of multiple symptoms. . Trintellix vortioxetine is a prescription medicine for depression. Trintellix may start to untangle or help improve the multiple symptoms of depression. For me, trintellix made a difference. Tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide. Trintellix has not been studied in children. Do not take with maois. Tell your healthcare professional about your medications, including migraine, psychiatric and depression medications to avoid a potentially fethreatening condition. 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Up. Boost. Be up for it. My moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis made a simple trip to the Grocery Store anything but simple. Dermatologist about humira. He explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. In clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear, and many saw 75 and even 90 clearance in just 4 months. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask about humira, the 1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. Being found in pahrump. The Nye County Sheriffs Office seized more than a dozen animals, including a tiger, panther, and lions. After reports of improper care. Two people are being charged Jacki Freeman and abby hedengran. Both have special conditions, to have custody of the animals. Freeman, but she was not arrested, and cited instead for animal cruelty. The animal permit is being reviewed on whether the owners can keep it. Brian Loftus Metro is looking for the driver involved in a deadly crash that killed one person. On flamingo and torrey pines. Police say a ford mustang lost control, crossed the center median, and crashed into a pickup truck. The female passenger in the mustang died on scene. But the driver got out of the car and walked away. There were no signs the driver was impaired. Its unclear why he left the there are delays on northbound 95 and eastern leading up to the downtown area. Traffic is also backed up along southbound 95 leading up to i15 in the spaghetti bowl area. The colder air will take some time to mellow out. The afternoons will stay a little below normal for now. With highs in the low 60s today. But then a warm up through the weekend to around 70 by sunday, with clouds showing up through the day. A slight chance of showers will show up late sunday and a better chance into monday. This will be our only chance of rain . Good morning to our viewers in the west. It is friday, november 18th, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Theres more real news ahead, including what president obama was thinking in the final days of this years biography terre David Remnick is in studio 57 with what he learned from spending time with the president before and after the election. But, first, heres todays eye opener at 8 00. Cbs news learned Donald Trumps choice for attorney general, alabama senator Jeff Sessions, will get the nomination. First senator to endorse donald trump has been part of the conversation since president elect trump became president elect. Jared kushner is now widely believed to have been a pivotal president obama has tried to strike a cautiously upbeat tone about what post election means for global security. An officer on administrative leave after disturbing video surfaced showing him punching a woman. First big winter storm is pushing warm weather out of the Northern Plains, blizzard warnings are up in the dakotas and minnesota. They are laughing it up in key west on this friday before thanksgiving. Practically the end of november. And they can wear bathing suits theyre wearing snow suits in minnesota. A story for the ladies, a study published in the journal menopause revealed that as they age, women tend to have better memories than men. There is no way this is true. Back when i was single, every woman i met in a bar couldnt even remember her own phone number. Not a good time when a woman she doesnt want you to have it. Has that ever happened to you . Im charlie rose with gayle king and norah odonnell. President elect donald trump is set to announce key appointments today to his National Security team. Sources tell cbs news alabama senator jeff session will be attorney general and Mike Pompeo Nam named Major Garrett was the first to report the offer to senator sessions and joins us now. Major, good job. Senator and why do you think he was chosen . Quick biography, senator sessions, 69, born selma, alabama, eagle scout, country lawyer, got his law degree from the university of alabama and assistant u. S. Attorney and then u. S. Attorney and then attorney general of alabama. Elected to the United States senate in 1996, the first senator to endorse donald trump. Now heres why he got the position. Senator sessions not only endorsed trump, but was an immigration policy, he was a big advocate of, and he is a has been and will remain a crucial voice on the future of the United States Supreme Court under a trump presidency. Sessions was the only noncampaign member, nonfamily member at a crucial meeting earlier this week that trump had at trump tower to discuss the future of the Supreme Court, that was a key signal to everyone in the trump inner circle. Sessions, who could have been defense secretary, wanted to be attorney general, got the offer, major, let me ask you about general flynn, who had a respected military career, but does face criticism for some of his views including calling islam a cancer. How are they handling that . Well, general flynn was also, like sessions, an early endorser, enthusiastic one, on the campaign trail, a warmup act oftentimes for donald trump on the campaign trail, highly unusual for someone to then become National Security stump for their president s. Thats interesting about general flynn. Also, a hard liner on the question of counterterrorism, fighting more aggressively, talk ing about it more aggressively. And thats something that donald trump was a fan of from the beginning, and will probably be a fan of with Michael Flynn as chief coordinator in the white house of National Security, intelligence and diplomatic policy. Thanks, good work. As mr. Trump prepares to take office, were getting an inside look at president obamas thinking. David remnick is editor of the new yorker magazine and long time chronicler of the president , for his latest profile called it happened here, remnick interviewed the president in the last days of the Election Campaign and after mr. Obamas first meeting with the president elect. He writes, though obama and his aides were alarmed by trumps disturbing rhetoric and loose policy, they decided the best path forward was to assume the mask of decorum to avoid any once been so pronounced. David remnick is now with us. You say he said this is not apocalyptic. He said the end of the world is only here when the end of the world is here. This is the rhetoric of trying to buck up not only his staff, but the american people, and the tens of millions of people who voted against donald trump, because he doesnt want people to despair if in fact they are feeling that way. What worries him then as president of the United States sitting in the oval appointments like sessions or flynn, who he fired, or steve bannon, that is for starters what worries him. He worries somebody who had a National Campaign that was marked by misogyny and racism and all the rest is now president of the United States. Hes worried about a range of things. And his legacy included. His legacy from health care to the iran deal to so much else. But he says in the article, you say in the article that the president told you he does not repudiation of his legacy. On the campaign trail, he made it very clear, listen, if Hillary Clinton is not elected, all the progress we have made in the last eight years is thrown out the window. Has he changed on that . I think only in rhetoric. I think there is a worst case and best Case Scenario and the best Case Scenario is limited indeed and some of the appointments make that clear. The best Case Scenario is that he governs like a normal conservative, that hes not rash, that hes not impetuous, doesnt endanger so much our world arrangements and domestic policy that is good and decent. The worst Case Scenario, this is an administration that is chaotic, that makes good on its rhetoric of misogyny or racism and makes good on its kind of most radical speech that took place during this campaign. Remember these debates, remember what we learned about donald trump and if he makes good on presented himself to be, then the president is deeply worried. Your article is so rich with reporting, we have not seen anywhere else in detail first, that 90 minute meeting between president obama and donald trump, i think youre the closest to a fly on the wall as we can get. What did you learn about what happened inside the i want to be very clear that the president is not, in fact, i asked him about that naturally, as any of you would, and he said, well, and he smiled and he said, ill tell you over beer off the record. Meaning for the moment now, for the next couple of months, hes playing it close to the vest. What i do know about that meeting is lets just say that donald trump did not show himself to be any more sophisticated about policy than he seemed to be in the debates or in the campaign. But that he he was solicitous and he was kind of in shock and awe, to coin a phrase, about the responsibilities of actually and one thing that obama has revealed that governing is not the same as campaigning. Circus is over. Also said that donald trump understands the difference how facts and truth dont matter. I thought that was an interesting point. Well, i think we have seen from the campaign we have a whole new media universe. Great example of it, obama, i was with him on the campaign, he and his political director were obsessed about an article that town in macedonia, former part of yugoslavia, in a one town, where they were producing, just a small group of guys, producing over 100 pro trump websites that were filled with fake stories. Completely fake. Like, you know, pope francis is endorsing donald trump, or Hillary Clinton encouraged trump to run because he couldnt be bought, just complete nonsense. His concern about a media fiction. You cant penetrate it. If you create a media universe for yourself, where youre inhaling fake news, youre not going anywhere near the new yorker, the New York Times, cbs morning why does the president think that Hillary Clinton lost in. I think it is a variety of reasons. The president thinks that Hillary Clinton would have been an excellent president , but i think, you know, he thinks she lost for the reasons that are pretty obvious, that she probably should have campaigned much more heavily in michigan, wisconsin, and, you know, but also external aspects here. Wikileaks, james comey, you know, no one singular reason. You know, hindsight is 20 20, looking back. But it fascinated me during elections, speaking to the president s advisers and Hillary Clintons advisers, they wanted to use the president to reach millennials. And yet in hindsight, the michigan, to some of these states, to reach some of those white rural voters that eventually voted for him in two elections might have been a better use of his time. They realized it is Hillary Clinton on the ballot, not barack obama. And they also used him to get out the vote in africanamerican communities, thats where i was in North Carolina where i was in fayetteville and charlotte, the audiences were at least twothirds africanamerican. He and his wife. And Hillary Clinton won that vote in a dominant way, but not we have to leave it there. The article is really riveting. If that beer does happen, three of us would like to come along. Throwing it out there. Were very nice people. The beer summit. We like beer. Gayle wants a near beer. Thank you very much. Single photograph can change the course of history. Ahead, how some of the most iconic pictures from the worlds most famous kiss to the first the valley just as we expected. The winds have calmed down but the cold has set in. The afternoons will stay a little below normal for now. With highs in the low 60s today. But then a warm up through the weekend to around 70 by sunday, with clouds showing up through the day. A slight chance of showers will show up late sunday and a better chance into monday. This will be our only chance of rain for a couple of weeks. A chance encounter in a chance encounter in the Grocery Store transforms the life of an 82yearold widower. This is the first time for quite a while that ive been this happy. Ahead, a question from a little girl that spawned an unexpected connection. Youre watching cbs this morning. Whenever i try to grow out my hair, strands always break off. But pantene is making my hair practically unbreakable. The prov formula makes every inch stronger. So i can love my hair longer. Strong is beautiful. Pantene. During the ford year end event, brand. . Im on top of the world, hey . With the most 5star ratings. Awardwinning value. And the highest owner loyalty. Giving drivers what matters most. Thats how you become americas bestselling brand. During the ford year end event get an extra thousand dollars black friday bonus cash on top of all other great offers. Its an amazing time to visit your ford dealer. H the uncertainties of hep c. Or wonder whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients. Whove had no prior treatment. It transformed treatment as the first cure thats. One pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. Tell your doctor if youve had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. I am ready to put hep c behind me. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Three years ago, Time Magazine began a massive project to pick the most influential photos of all time. Now we are learning the incredible stories behind them. From the earliest nature to planet space and to the worlds most famous kiss. New book and on an interactive website. Times editor in chief nancy gibbs and photographer kira pollack are here. Congratulations. How long did it take to put it together, nancy . It was three years of curating. It wasnt the prettiest or wellmade. It was which ones can we quantify the impact that they had on how we think, how we act, how we view our world. These are the most influential . Thats right. First photo taken with a cellphone . Yeah. So that picture was made by felipe kahn. He made that in a Maternity Ward when his daughter was born. He connected his fliptop phone to his computer and wrote some lines of code and sent it out to 2,000 people and super influential and the treasure we found was precious. Its like an essay of america, dont you think, when you look at it . I remember going through the book and saying i remember that, i remember, that i dont remember that. It tells our life history as we are looking at these pictures. The beatle picture and pillow fight. Tell us about that. It looks like fun. Its the most fun picture on the list. How is it influential, guys . That was, you know, shortly after kennedys assassination and the pall over the country was still so obvious and palpable and after that picture the beatles came to the United States and there was like this, oh, its okay to celebrate. Its okay to be happy again. North korea, that inside north korea that picture that was posted to instagram, describe that. That picture was made by david guttenfelder. He made that picture on his cellphone and uploaded it to instagram. The first picture made by a journal ive out of the north korea directly to an audience. The next one is an oscar selfie that many of us remember. Bradley cooper and others got together. Bradley front and center. Bradley cooper made the picture with his arm. He had its his copyright. That picture was retweeted over 3 million times and it was a ashed also the face of aids. It came at a time when aids was not being discussed publicly. It showed not just the incredible tragedy of the disease but the toll it took on the people who loved those who were suffering from it. It really humanized and personalized aids in a way it no is this a picture of a moment of death . It is a picture of a moment of death. It was published in life magazine and then it was a benneton ad and had it such a wide audience as an ad. It was very controversial and benneton was talking about the role it played in bringing this issue to life. An interesting place where art and social commentary and the Migrant Worker during the depression. Dorothy langs picture of a woman in california in a camp who sold the tires off her car to buy food and is there with her children. Dorothy lang really captures in that face the toll that the depression was taking on women, on children, on families in a way that was just so iconic. Then there is Salvador Dali . It was made long before photo shop. It was many, many takes of cats, buckets of water and all made incamera. His wife is holding the chair to the left of the frame. So it just is a great conceptional moment for kind of the beginning of celebrity portraits. One of those days i love my job. I think that photo should be titled thankful for nine good christmas present, im thinking. Thank you both. Time magazine is out today and 100 photographs are available in book stores and online. The new movie Nocturnal Animals explores what happens when we throw relationships away. Tom ford is here. Ens when we throw relationships away. Tom ford is here. Dont tough it out, knock it out, fast. You know your heart loves megared omega3s. But did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too . Introducing megared advanced 4in1. Just one softgel delivers mega support. Yeah, im seeing the latest figures. So basically we have two Production Options that will impact the p and l that i think. Hello . Hi mom oh, hi sweetie how are you . Im good. I was just thinking of you. How is everything . Give a Keurig Brewer this holiday and they will think of you everyday. After brushing, listerine . Total care strengthens teeth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. Its an easy way to give listerine . Total care to the total family. Listerine . Total care. Wer to your mouth . I love my shop, but my back pain was making it hard to sleep and open up on time. Then i found aleve pm. The only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Now im back. A little girls simple question led to a powerful started in a Brian Loftus Donny and marie osmond will flip the swith at the linqs Tree Lighting ceremony tomorrow. The celebrations get underway at 6 pm. There will even be performances by the fern adair dancers. brian loftus and the annual holiday parade gets underway at downtown summerlin starting tonight. It starts at 6 pm. Followed by the Tree Lighting ceremony. And then nightly starting december 16th. Is is free to attend. brian loftus and another holiday favorite is now underway at Fashion Show Mall were talking about adventure to santa. This years theme is kung fu panda. Heres a timelapse showing work on it from start to finish. Its open daily through christmas eve. Packages cost on average between 35 to 75 dollars per family. now we want to get a check on southbound i15 and charleston, as people make their way out of the spaghetti bowl. Traffic along the south beltway is flowing smoothly, but tonight, the 215 will shut down at the airport connector just as we expected. The winds have calmed down but the colder air will take some time to mellow out. The afternoons will stay a little below normal for now. With highs in the low 60s today. But then a warm up through the weekend to around 70 by sunday, with clouds showing up through the day. A slight chance of showers will show up late sunday and a better chance into monday. This will be our only chance of rain for a couple of weeks. . . Welcome back to cbs this morning on this friday. Coming up in this half hour, visit to the Grocery Store. Changed the life of an 82yearold man. How a little question in the canned food aisle led to an unlikely friendship. A series were calling a more Perfect Union. And tom fords new movie examines how we become obsessed with things instead of people. The fashion icon turned director in the toyota green room. Ahead, his take on materialism. Now some of this mornings headlines from around the globe. Los angeles times, the airport delays this thanksgiving holiday, chicago ohare international, Newark Liberty international and San Francisco international. These airports had the highest percentage of delayed flights during thanksgiving week, over the last three years. The telegraph of britain says a major makeover is planned for buckingham palace. The queen and the rest of the royal family will not have to move out during the tenyear project. It will cost taxpayers 369 million pounds, which is more than 450 the plan needs parliaments okay but approval is expected. Good they dont have to move out since the project will be ten years. That could be inconvenient. New yorks daily news reports on a drop in americas divorce rate. The number of breakups is at a 35 year low. Figures show there were 16. 9 divorces last year for every 1,000 marriages. In 2014, it was 17. 6. The marriage rate rose in 2015. I thought maybe less people getting married, about the thats not true. Love lives. I like it. We like love. We do. We do. Pro love on cbs this morning. The news is back and so is love. So is love. It is good when they come together. Hes got a point. Its true. Its friday. Hope you have a good night. Okay. All right. Weekends here. Back on track. Our series a more Perfect Union skmz examines an unexpected but powerful friendship. Were looking at unique connections to highlight how americans have more in common than recent headlines might suggest. Steve hartman shows us how an 82yearold widower was touched by an innocent question in the canned food aisle of a Grocery Store when he needed it most. Not long ago in a cemetery outside augusta, georgia, a bouquet. The husband, buried above. In a mound of grief. Took me by surprise. 82yearold dan peterson says after mary died, he fell into a deep depression. Spent days just staering out at the squirrels. What were you living for . I was trying to figure that out, frankly. You had had no purpose . No. Were you just waiting to die in. Yeah. For six months, it was just that bad. And then one day you go to a Grocery Store . It all changed inside this publix. Dan was nearing the end of the canned vegetable aisle, he hates grocery shops and by all accounts the expression on his face confirmed his aggravation. But thats when this unapproachable man was approached by a 4yearold girl named norah wood. Norah randomly reaching out to him, her mom, tara, says it was quite embarrassing. She stood up and said, hi, old person. Its my birthday today. Old person . Old person. Hi, old person. She says this to this cranky old man . Yeah. And then had the audacity to demand a hug. I said a hug . Absolutely. Norah got her hug and then asked her mom to take a picture of her, with her new she zeroed in on him like a missile and she didnt want anything from him. She just wanted to make him feel loved and give him a hug. His little lip quivered and he was teared up and it was just sweet. I said, you dont know, this is the first time for quite a while that ive been this happy. Months ago and his grin has only gotten wider since. Hi, sweetheart. Come in. Come in. Today, norah visits at least once a week. How is my sweetie . Huh . And every time it is the Grocery Store all over again. I knew i would get a hug. It is unbelievable. Totally unbelievable. It is a bridge. A bridge . Okay. Dan does have grandkids of his own, but theyre all grown and gone. And norah does have grandparents, but her mom says i kind of bond that almost defies explanation. She fell asleep holding a picture of them. To dan, it is equally miraculous. But far less mysterious. He believes norah is quite literally an angel. She opened me to a love that i didnt know existed. Dan, let me ask you, when you didnt have any purpose anymore. Do you feel like you have a purpose now in. Of course. Norah. Watching her grow up. I know i made room in my heart for a lot more. Steve hartman joins us now. My god, steve. Wow. What do you think what do you attribute this bond to . I dont know. Norah is not one of these kids that goes out and talks to everybody she meets. Reaching out to some random stranger in a Grocery Store. This defies explanation. She saw something in him, when she goes up and says old person, of all the people in the dpr Grocery Store, she saw something it was senior day there. Lots of old persons there. She walks up to him. Dan thinks there is god at work here. I do too. To be blunt. And but he also wants he has a message. He thinks there is lots of other lonely old persons out there, hugs of plenty and he would like to see more of them come together. I love everything you do. You said this was your favorite story. Because because anytime you get different generations falling in love with each other, i mean, that gets me. He added to her life. I dont shes just i dont know. Because it is a little hard to talk to, shes 4. Couldnt do an interview with her. Was there for about an hour and there were about five or six hugs. So shes found something that goes beyond even a grandparent thing. I love her mother encouraging it too. I love that, she gets to go see him once a week. Yeah, beautiful story. Really, really nice. Another box of tissues, mr. Hartman. Fashion icon tom ford believes directing movies like nocturnal anim animals is more expressive than the most challenging part of making his new movie, but, verye valley and near freezing outside the valley just as we expected. The winds have calmed down but the cold has set in. The afternoons will stay a little below normal for now. With highs in the low 60s today. But then a warm up through the weekend to around 70 by sunday, with clouds showing designer tom ford is an icon . Designer tom ford is an icon in the fashion world, after more than a decade of rebuilding brands like gucci and yves st. Laurent, he created his own know, an Award Winning filmmaker, yep, returns to the directors chair for the movie Nocturnal Animals, a haunting thriller with a capital t about love and revenge, starring amy adams and jake gyllenhaal. Weird, ive been thinking about him a lot lately and then recently he sent me this book hes written and its violent and its sad and he entitled it Nocturnal Animals and dedicated it to me. Did you love he was a writer. And i didnt have faith in him. I panicked and i did something horrible to him, something unforgivable. Really. You left him . I left him. I left him in a brutal way. We are pleased to welcome tom ford to studio 57. Every time i say your name, i want to say it like the jayz song. Go ahead. Great things just fell. I have such terrific luck. Tom ford, lets talk about this movie. I watched it yesterday. It is haunting is a good word, it is scary, it is disturbing. There is a couple of times i was watching it that i wanted to close i hmy eyes and not breath. What does this say about whats going on in your life and in your mind . The thing that spoke to me about it is it is about loyalty. Finding someone in your life this you love and holding them. It is literally a cautionary tale about what can happen when you let and material things too. This is a female character who you say reflects a lot of what you feel and a lot of you and she has bought into materialism and then gets a book. She has. A book written by her former husband. Former husband, sends it all of a sudden he makes her rethink what shes doing with her life. Right. Did that happen to you . It didnt happen to me but im a very loyal person. One reason why i said it in this throw away culture is we throw everything away in our culture today and throw people away. Hold on to material things . You know there have been moments in my life where, yes, i have let the material side of my life take control and lost the spiritual side of my life. And my connection with people. And thats what this is, really, a romance wrapped in a thriller. But amy adams shocking thriller. Thank you very much. Amys character is by Jake Gyllenhaals character. She responds in a brutal way. It is actually the reverse. But yeah, yeah. But it is jakes character who is betrayed by amy. What he does, he sends her a novel, a piece of fiction, that is visceral and scary and i hope it scared you, and thats him saying, this is what you did to me, this is what it felt like to have my life ripped apart. And through that, she reconsiders their relationship and she falls in love with him because i wont give away the ending. The ending was a surprise to me, youre tom ford, will you play a game with us . Describe your personal style in one word. One word. Precise. Favorite item in your closet . My black suit. Film critics or fashion critics . Fashion critics. Good god, susie minkous, film critics, pete travers, i dont know. London, l. A. Or santa fe . You know, im one of those england has said that citizens of the world are citizens of nowhere. I lived in london for a long time. I grew up in santa fe. I lived in l. A. I feel comfortable in all those places and sometimes where is home . You lived in paris. Thats more than one word, but, came, tom ford. I know. I cant help it. This movie is really, really well done, beautifully done. I thought everybody was wearing tom ford clothes in the movie. You said, no. No. Because i really you know, i love my life in fashion. It is great. But i want to be taken seriously as a filmmaker. It wasnt meant to just be mission accomplished. Congratulations. Knock turn animals opens in tomorrow on cbs this morning saturday, Ground Breaking new film that tells a story of the debut of alex wagner and join Anthony Mason as cohost of cbs this morning saturday. We are so happy to have her on the team. That does it for us. As we leave you, lets blood back at all that mattered this week. Have a great weekend. Are you, in any way, scared about the gravity of what youre taking on . I respect it. But im not scared by it. Unified republican government. Advisers insist infighting and chaos are overblown. Ive been in 80 countries. We want to have a diplomat in charge of diplomacy. You dont want a bomb thrower the man is brilliant. He treats everybody kindly. The u. N. Is rattled by Donald Trumps election. Americas democracy is bigger than one coming here tonight wasnt the easiest thing for me. All of this comes from a mountain fire. It was up there at the top of the ridge and now down to here. Unnerving. There used to be a building standing there where you see that backhoe. There is where the building used to be. Officer yanez faces the charge of discharge of a dangerous weapon. 24 7 to bring you the latest news but they stepped out of character to try out the latest craze. Woo just kidding. . . Pick me up . 321 what about your husbands tweeting . You never say to him, come on . I did. She did. Of course, i did many times means one black person should get nominated for an oscar this year. When you were a little kid, you dreamed of having a drive. Driveway. I did because in new york you have no space for one. Bernie sanders is wandering around. Lets dont forget. She did win the popular vote. We just went through an election. What . We did . The cynical strategy of the doesnt but they are not draining the swamp. Mcconnell and ryan are the swamp megyn kelly has a new book coming out. Have you read it . No. Youre in it im not interested in making a mind at work look bad at all. Roger ailes was bad for the company. You plan to leave fox when . Gayle comedy, dressed or not, frank. What . Lets take a vote. Youre strutting around a lot in your underwear. I mean,my of a sex symbol. We were shooting in the bar and this really attractive woman hit on me did you tell felicity . I called her immediately guess what happened what did you say . She said im doing my best to share your joy. You are integrity wrapped in grace. Keep up the good fight. Ill be cheering you on. Maybe even time again from time pahrump police are investigating yet another instance of a person housing exotic animals. The Nye County Sheriffs Office seized a total of 15 animals from Jacki Freeman and abby hedengran. Everything from a tiger, panther. To lions. They do have special conditions to care and take custody of the animals. Police received reports of exotic animals not being properly cared for. Living in bedrooms in dirty conditions. The animals were living with freeman at the time. She was not arrested, but was cited for animal cruelty. The animal permit is now being reviewed on whether the owners can keep it. brian loftus this new animal case comes on the heels of a pahrump woman. Awaiting extradition to houston. Where shes facing charges for child endangerment. Investigators say trisha meyer let exotic animals roam her home with a juvenile. Animal control found three tiger cubs in the backyard. And eight monkeys, a skunk, and taken into protective custody. brian loftus the School Principal involved in a bullying lawsuit against Clark County School district is expected to take the stand in the trial. Two families are suing ccsd for allegedly mishandling bullying reports at a henderson middle school. Yesterday the mother of an alleged bullying victim took the stand. Mary bryan testified that back in september of 2011 her son told her his friend was being bullied in band class at greenspun middle school. And said the bullying pus paper to make himself sick and stay home. mary bryan victims mom he hates life, he hates school, and nothing was going to make it better. brian loftus during cross examination, the defense asked the mother why she didnt include the homophobic slurs her son had told her about. Bryan said she didnt find it necessary to go into detail. Near freezing outside the valley just as we expected. The winds have calmed down but the colder air will take some time to mellow out. The afternoons will stay a little below normal for now. With highs in the low 60s today. But then a warm up through the weekend to showing up through the day. A slight chance of showers will show up late sunday and a better chance into monday. This will be our only chance of rain for a couple of weeks. Temps stay in the mid to upper 60s announcer its live with kelly today, from the series shameless, william h. Macy. And from the new film lion, actor dev patel. Plus, gelmans mom is in the kitchen cooking up her family favorite gravy as we wrap up our lives homestyle thanksgiving week. Also, Ryan Seacrest is back for another day at the cohost desk. All next on live . . And now, here are kelly ripa and Ryan Seacrest [cheering and applauding] . . Kelly oh, hi ryan hello, darling. Kelly hi. Ryan i like that dress

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