Look at todays eye opener. Your world in 90 seconds. Ku klux klan values are not our values. They are Donald Trumps values. You are doing very, very well with latinos. Mixed messages on immigration. Donald trump sending out conflicting signals. He is not flipflopping. This guy is doing leading to water rescues on the flooded out roads. An arrest made in mississippi where two nuns were murder. Rodney early sanders has been charged with two counts of capital murder. A National Movement is under way. Just today, the death toll now 290. The fda is requiring all blood banks to start screening for zika. The goal is to keep the blood supply safe. It is a stunner. Minor League Baseball game was delayed because of a sheep. You wont see this at fenway. All that. The driver of a car trying to merge doesnt know the semiis already there and all that matters. Two missing boaters stranded on an uninhabited Pacific Island were rescued and a plane saw they had looking for them for days. On cbs this morning saturday. Here is gary sanchez. High drive. Oh, no he did it again a tworun home run for the magical rookie his tenth of the year can you believe it . Including a peek behind the curtain as the online retailer tries to get its sellers in the Big Box Retail shareholders and we will show you the shark tank for crafty stories. A book store as rare as the books inside. Find out why Three Sisters who run this gem refuse to close even though selling it would net them tens of millions of dollars. From books to movies. Later on, we will dramas and some fantastic films ahead. The top story this morning. Two candidates for president continue to ratchet up the racism debate. A new round of attack ads are taking aim at donald trump and Hillary Clintons comments about minorities. Meanwhile, trump continues to send mixed signals on immigration. Errol barnett joins us from our Washington Bureau with the latest. Reporter good morning. Latino supporters in las vegas, trying to map out a strategy in this effort to court hispanic voters. The meeting was closed to the press. A rare private move in an otherwise public battle over the minority vote. I have a great relationship with the blacks. Reporter on friday, Hillary Clinton released this attack ad against donald trump, using his own comments about africanamericans. What do you have to lose . Youre living in poverty. Your schools are no good. You have no same with clinton in this post on instagram. They are often the kind of kid that are called super predators. It was a racist term and everybody knew it was a racist term. Reporter the ad follow a speech in reno, nevada, where clinton tied the republican nominees policies to the socalled altright, an Extremist Movement of right nationalists. These are racist ideas and race baiting ideas and antimuslim and antiimmigrant tenants making up the emerging racist ideology known as the altright. A fringe element that has effectively taken over the republican party. Reporter clinton said Donald Trumps new campaign ceo Stephen Bannon is proof of her argument. He is a former chairman of breitbart, a conservative news website bannon himself described as a platform for the alt right. She is totally bigoted. No questab she has been extremely, extremely bad for africanamericans. I think she has been extremely bad for hispanics. Look at the poverty. Look at the rise in poverty. Look at the rise in violence. Reporter trump is now a full ten Percentage Points behind clinton in the latest national poll. The democratic nominee is above 50 support and while trump tries to clarify his policy on how to handle the 11 million undocumented workers living in the country. He spoke on fox news. Border like anyway been secured before. We are going to stop the drugs from coming in. We are going to stop certain people, criminal elements from coming in and then we shall see what we shall see. Reporter underscoring trumps dilemma is conservative commentator anne coulter who released a book this week titled in trump we trust. In it she observes, quote, theres nothing trump can do that wont be forgiven, change his immigration policies. Trump speaks today at the iowa state fair. Clinton gets her first intelligence briefing today and separately faces questions about donor influence from her time at secretary of state. It was announced yesterday her meeting schedule from that time wont be released until just before the inauguration. Rampell. Why are we seeing more terms instead of policy in terms of the attacks . One, voters dont care that much about policy. Maybe they should. Im not sure this is unique to americans but its attack. Often dry. Its difficult to get in a sound bite so i think its partly that. I think its also partly that both candidates have unfavorables that people find them personally very repellant. So probably each believe that his or her clearest path to the white house is playing you will what he is unfastbavorable aboue opponent. Republicans dont seem to be rushing to the defense of donald trump at this point. No. Because i dont know about pence himself but you may recall that other Republican Leaders have explicitly condemned remarks that donald trump made as racist. Like paul ryan said Donald Trumps comments about the judge who had mexican heritage. They are not defending him as nonracist. Moreover, seen as defending remarks that Many Americans also, the majority of americans in some cases have also viewed as inappropriate and bigoted. Even though congress is in recess, they are certainly tweeting a lot. They are not silent. Yes. Talk about clintons new ad release this week criticizing trump in an effort, it seems to appeal to black voters. How effective is this strategy . I think what is going on she is not likely to actually gain any new supporters. Has probably alienated as many black voters as he can. His support amongst africanamericans is in the Single Digits at this point. What hillarys best hope could be would be to mobilizing these voters saying i know you may not be excited about me and many voters are not, but think about how bad the other guy is. I think at this point, its a game of turnout, given that so many voters are turned off by both candidates that the best the candidates can hope to get their people to the polls. Errol barnett mentioned in his story that in his seeming shift on the issue of immigration, trump may risk alienating some of his base voters. How big is that risk at this point . I think its huge, actually. I think in hits wavering on the immigration policy, he is trying to appeal to some of these voters who are sitting on the sidelines who dont know which candidate to support. They are probably not so convinced, given that this is a core issue for him. Damage. Katherine rampell of the Washington Post thank you for being with us. Tomorrow morning on face the nation, the guests are be Kellyanne Conway and dr. Ben carson and donna brazile, the chair person of the Democratic National committee. You need to hear the Political Drama going on in maine. Jim axelrod reports on why one lawmaker wants an intervention for the states government. 95 of this state is white. Reporter maine governor paul le page, not shy about speaking his mind, the email he left for a state legislator was stunningly blunt. The twoterm republican governor exploded after a reporter told criticized for saying wednesday that 90 of drug dealers arrested in maine are, quote, black and hispanic people from out of state. A figure he cites using his own personal collection of headlines from newspapers. Reporter gattine called the remarks racially charged but never called the governor race i i was glad i wasnt in the room with him when he left it because he sounded like somebody who was about to commit physical violence and it was really a stunning message. Reporter lepage apologized for the people of maine having to hear the voice mail, but not for the voice mail, itself. Less insulting to me than being called a racist. Reporter after leaving the voice mail, lepage then said he wanted to challenge gattine to a duel and point his, gun, quote, right between his eyes. On friday, the governor backed off that, saying, quote, it was simply a metaphor and he meant no physical harm. For cbs this morning saturday, im jim axelrod, in new york. Now to breaking news overnight. An arrest in the murders of two Roman Catholic nuns in mississippi. Police say Rodney Sanders was a person of interest early in the investigation. They have not disclosed a motive for the killings but there were signs of a breakin at the nuns home in the town of durant, 60 miles from jackson. A memorial mass is scheduled for monday for the two sisters. New attention on the violence in chicago after a heart breaking and high profile murder. Aldridge was pushing her baby in police say aldridge is the cousin of nba star dwyane wade was hit when the gunman was trying to shoot two men walking near her. Wasnt bothering nobody. Just going to get her kids in school and bullets fly around that have no name, decided to find its way to her head. The baby was not hurt. Police say one of the men who fired the shots is being questioned. Dwyane wade tweeted, quote, my cousin was kil t chicago. Another act of senseless gun violence. Four kids lost their mom for no reason. Unreal. The was enough is enough. Dangerous weather is expected across parts of the central u. S. Today. On friday, heavy rain and flash flooding struck the kansas city, missouri, area. Some cars were nearly submerged in the deep water. The storm knocked down trees and power lines. For more on the nations chicago, joins us. Severe threats today are in the green areas from omaha to fargo and chicago, st. Louis, and cincinnati for a marginal threat of Severe Weather. Meaning an isolated threat that we could see some of these storms turn severe. Heavy rain this morning over central and southern minnesota. Also through the chicago area and northwest indiana. We have showers and thunderstorms. And, in fact, the rainfall estimates over the next 24 hours could be pretty hefty from the south side of chicago to champaign where we could see also southern parts of michigan and heading into indiana as well. All of this is because tropical moisture is riding along this area of low pressure. Its going to be washing out during the day tomorrow, but it looks like sunshine on the west coast. Meteorologist mary kay klise, from wbmtv, thank you. Stricken area, more than 1,000 aftershocks are hampering the search and rescue effort. Reporter good morning. Today is declared a national day of mourning here in italy. And the funerals today may begin to provide some sense of closure. Still, the longer term questions of rebuilding lives and beginning. The hardest hit areas key mountain roads are still being cleared, while aftershocks continue to rock the region. In camps set up for the displaced provide just a temporary fix. We have no idea what will happen next, this 12yearold told us. Despite the daunting scale of destruction, italys government has promised more than 50 kelly is a deputy mayor in the region. This is an area with a lot of seismic activity but these buildings were not earthquake proof. Why . Some of the buildings were just too old, he told us. Others were up to code, but collapsed any way. In a recently renovated bell tower was reduced to rubble and killing a family and should have been built to updated seismic standards. Authorities are invga the region has struggled to rebuild before. In 2009 quake in nearby laquila killed more than 300 people and today the city is still scarred. Seven years have passed, the deputy mayor said, and laquila, houses still need to be reinstructed. Some buildings havent received antiseismic certificates. Pictures of ancient are in sharp rebuilding this place as it was seems unimaginable. Lives have been lost, history has been too. The window for finding survivors alive in the rubble is closing so workers will be bringing in heavier equipment to clear some of the debris. Some here vow to rebuild. While others in smaller hamlets worry their small towns may never come back. Sdo zone this morning, thank you. The frustration in phoenix. Five months after a serial shooter began attacking, killing seven people, police have few leads and no motive. On thursday, city officials called a News Conference to say they are not even close to solving the prime. Mireya villarreal reports. Reporter the attacks have all taken place at night. People targeted at random in front of their homes. Nine separate shootings in primary low income latino neighborhoods. On thursday, officials increased the reward to 75,000 for the man being called the phoenix serial street shooter. No one deserves to worry about their kids being shot while they are in the playground or whether they are going to get attacked while on the way to the grocery store. Reporter the string of attacks began in march and pena is one of the seven people killed. You think about him every day . He is with me every single day. Reporter nancy penas brother worked with disabled kids and had just returned home when he was gunned down in june. She says the fear is still real. I want to take back our sense of security. I really do. He has us all in lockdown. People know something and to not have the right tips is very upsetting. Reporter residents of maryville where six of the shootings have occurred is the problem many people here are undocumented. Some arizona Law Enforcement agencies have taken a hardline stance against illegal we dont trust the police. They are not going to call the police. If im illegal, im not calling the police. Let me be perfectly clear. Anyone who comes forward to assist with this case, whether a witness or a victim, their immigration status will not be considered whatsoever. Reporter . The latest attack the gunman fired at a man and 4yearold boy. This time, no one was hurt, but even though its been over a month since that shooting, fernando says he and others are still on edge. I carry my gun everywhere i youre not peace or at risk. Reporter Phoenix Police Sergeant Jonathan howard says the lack of leads weighs heavily on detectives. Desperate, shock. As police officers, thats is what we have sworn to protect people from shock and we find it very challenging. File like im being followed. Its insane how much he has taken and now we are victims as well. Reporter do you think other families feel that way . Absolutely. He has changed all of our lives dramatically. Reporter residents here remain tense, convinced that until there is a breakthrough, the serial street shooter will strike again. For cbs this morning saturday, mireya villarreal, phoenix. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. News and observer of raleigh, north dont recall saying a federal judge is blocking the socalled states bathroom law and says it interferes with the ability of two transgen employee to attend school and work activities at the university of north carolina. The three will be allowed to use restrooms matching their gender eight and not as the law suggests in accordance with what is listed on their birth certificate. The New York Times reports the university of chicago is pouring cold water on political correctness. To a letter to incoming students, the university spelled out its commitment to Academic Freedom meaning we do not support socalled trigger invited speakers because their topics might prove controversial. Richard branson thought he was done for after flying headfirst off his bicycle in the virgin islands. He said i thought i was going to die. Branson is being treated in miami what is being described as a nonserious injury. If you fall flat on your face, at least youre moving forward. Good advice. The ledger of lakeland, florida, reports on fortune or misfortune. Kyle cook was bitten by a poisonous rattlesnake. The doctor told him the venus did not enter his bloodstream but not the first serious runin he had with mother nature. He survived an attack from a venomous spider and struck by lightning all in the last four years. I would say mr. Cook should get a Lottery Ticket but he is winning already. Coming up, eyes in the sky. One citys police force used aerial surveillance as a way to stop crime, but they didnt tell the public next. Later, a Court Decides what muslim women may wear at the beach in france. But the issue may still not be settled. Youre watching cbs this in football going for two can be risky. In pizza . Its a sure thing. Now get two medium two toppings pizzas for just 6. 99 each. Thats right just 6. 99 each. Its 300 dollars. You dont need an iphone to exist. I got two problems with that. His total heartlessness and her assertion that it is possible to live without an iphone. Does chef a galaxy . What is that . I dont understand. I do have an iphone, mr. Lb how about that . All right. Coming up, talking real money for a Fantasy Sports. We will begin as a casual way to enjoy the games is now a multiMillion Dollar business. We will explore the legal challenges. Later, got a product to sell . Well, vinita will take you behind the scenes and give a look at how to sell online to get the attention of major retailers. He wanted to come to manhattan. His father said you should never be a nothing in life. Love what you do. He had an own its on his shoulder he would be great at something and put his names on buildings and exactly what he did. However, his father told him dont go deeply into d donald trump said he is the king of debt so he did not follow his fathers advice on that. In fact, his father had to bail him out numerous times and give him or loan him money. When he moved into manhattan, that also was a turning point in some ways because he was then sued by the Justice Department, correct . Thats right. The Justice Department sued donald trump and his father by name for not renting to blacks at their properties in queens and brooklyn. This was one of the largest donald trump had to decide whether to fight this case or to settle. One night, he was in a nightclub in manhattan and he walks in there and lo and behold there is a man named roy cone there who was the lawyer for joseph mccarthy. Of the mccarthy hearings fame. They got to talking and roy cone said dont settle this case, fight like hell against the government and when they hit you, hit back ten times harder. Trump decided to do that and he did have to settle the case but he kept that philosophy today hitting back and hitting back ten times harder. What is Donald Trumps reaction to this book now . We dont know. Ahead of time, he told us repeatedly he wanted a true, accurate fair book which was exactly our intent, but he warned us again and again he would sue us and he has sued people in the past when they have written about him and what tends to trigger his lawsuits is anyone who questions just how rich he really is. So he gives all kinds of numbers more sharp criticism for an Embattled Police force. The Baltimore Police department admitted to using a privatelily funded came equipped with cameras to sfal the the program started a few months ago and came to light today. Kris van cleave reports its raising questions about security and privacy. Reporter cbs news. Com record about this last year when we visited the haueadquarters. The camera transmit the images live and instantly archiving them to allow police to essentially rewind time. Over baltimore to look to unrest the day goodson was found not guilty in freddie grays death. The only people that should be contender in the city of baltimore are criminals. While the cameras are not high resolution, people and cars appear as dots that can sync up cameras on the ground. Do you really feel like its fine . It is fine. Reporter jay stanley from the america Civil Liberties program wants the program shut down. I hate to use the big term brother but its so overused. Reporter the system was originally developed for the military in iraq to find people planting bombs. Police agencies in pennsylvania and california and ohio have washington. Its such an interesting and delicate balance between what we need for safety and want for privacy. Its a question that will keep coming up over and over again. Coming up, if you dont play, you know about fantasy football and baseball and other sports, but you probably dont appreciate how big Fantasy Sports have gotten. We are talking billions. Now here is a look at the weather for your weekend. Up next, medical news in our morning rounds, including the rai latest on the growing spread of coffee gene. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. . All you need is love plays . My friends know me so well. They can tell what im thinking, just by looking in my eyes. They can tell when im really excited and thrilled. And they know when im not so excited and thrilled. But what they didnt know was that i had dry, itchy eyes. But i knew. So i finally decided to show my eyes some love. Some eyelove. To find out more, chat with your eye doctor and go to myeyelove. Com. Its all about eyelove, my friends. A box is where you keep things safe. Which might be some peoples goal. But not mine. When you dare to move forward. So much is possible. And what helps me do it . New oikos greek nonfat yogurt. Now with allnatural ingredients with vitamin d, 25 less sugar than before im misty copeland. And i am unstoppably myself. Be unstoppably you. Get your home in gear with big labor day deals at lowes. 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The fda is now advising testing for zika in all donated blood. Infection numbers continue to rise. Most are still in the northern miami neighborhoods of and miami beach but a new case confirmed this week in pinellas county, 200 miles from the original zika zone. We all thought it was isolated and are we seeing it spread . I dont think any of us are going to be surprised next month when we are talking about cases in other states. This is something we expected to happen. That this will, in fact, spread and we will see locally transmitted cases in the southeast in particular in the gulf coast states. Projected models, however, infection are going to be florida. In september about 300 to 400 cases and other state numbers look in the range of 3 to 16 cases. Florida mremains the epi center because mosquitoes are found in high concentrations and the climate is favorable for mosquitoes and people are traveling back and forth from latin america where zika is present. This is a disease that is ym screening, you may not find it. Cdc is staying firm in their recommendations. Do we need to be more vigilant as it gets colder in the fall . I dont think we can take anything for granted. Ive been trying to ask around the cdc and show us the map that happens to these particular mosquitoes when the weather gets cold. Its still there in pockets of the south, in the houston area or southern texas or in southern florida. Here. For one thing, this is the warmest year on record. We have climate change. People talk about the effects of climate change. This is one possibility. It could be a long mosquito season. These projects, i take them really with a huge gigantic grain of salt because we dont know. Governor rick scott of florida says we need help. When they get back in session do you think congress will make it a top priority . If they dont, something is wrong. Wrong. Hard to imagine not a penny of new funding from Congress Even though the request was made in february. This is a Public Health emergency lasting seven months with no appropriate funding for this. You have states like florida scrambling to get funds so that they can fight what seemed to be emerging cases every day. The cdc director saying he is fighting this battle with one hand tied behind his back. We desperately need funds to many facets to this disease that we need research for and funding for. And i think that, unfortunately, we keep seeing the babies with mic mic micro incephaly in south mark. We will have had the ability to do something and we didnt so its hard. We already blew the opportunity to get ahead of it. This. Reporter mississippi firefighter pat hardson was 27 in 2001 when the roof of a Burning House collapsed on him there was no recognition. Reporter fellow First Responder jimmy neal remembers seeing his friend right after i have never seen anybody burned that bad that was still alive. Reporter for 14 years, hardison battled pain and stares from strangers and the loss of hope. But one year ago, doctors at a Medical Center replaced hardisons face with that of a 26yearold cycling accident victim, named david rodebaugh. Now people on the street could tell something happened to me but never looked at me and know i had a face transplant. Had you ever been so happy to be ignored . Its still unbelievable we can do this. Reporter the head of plastic surgery, dr. Eduardo rodriguez, told hardison he had a 50 50 chance of surviving the surgery which took 26 hours. Although wh added chin bone and cheekbone and nasal bones, the remaining portion of his skeleton are what built his face and why he looks so similar to his children. Reporter so his underlying bone is like scaffolding . Correct. Daughter addison wondered why do it at all, until she had goodbye to her dad before his operation. I said i wont have to wear my ball cap or sunglasses and ill look normal when i get to walk you down the aisle. That right then pretty much sealed the deal for me. Reporter normal has become a reality over the years because normal was nothing i never thought id see again. Reporter and normal never felt so special. It really is a medical miracle, jon. What is it like to have watched his progress over the past year . Well, i was completely and utterly blown away. Full disclosure, im a professor of medicine. This Technology Tour de force was done by a team of more than a hundred people when i first met him just a few days ago and the first words out of my mouth were, i got to say it, you look good he had a big smile. Amazing. So interesting they used the too. Exactly. Dr. Rodriguez who did the surgery say they push it down and why he still looks like his kids because the underlying facial structure is what provides a lot of what somebody looks like. Sort of a blend of the person who gave the donation to the face and what he used to be. Coffee, some people cant make it out the front door with a cup or two and others wont touch a drop of the stuff. A new study may play a role. So they dont have to drink the same caffeine most of us have. Aside from starbucks who might use it to figure out where to put their stores, its also interesting. I think more and more we are seeing this personalized how do people ma tetabolize different medicine. All of the things we think of as our habits and personality are actually genetic. And not programmed into us. I want to give me some of that gene. Thank you both. Up next, millions of americans play and bet on fantasy football and other sports every day with billions of dollars on the line. We will look at the changing nature and legal status of the games. Allergies distracting you . When your symptoms start. Saturday. Doctors recommend taking. Nondrowsy claritin every day of your allergy season. Claritin provides powerful, nondrowsy 24 hour relief. For fewer interruptions from the Amazing Things you do every day. Live claritin clear. . But theres a difference between the omega3s in fish oil and those in megared krill oil. Unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body. Which makes your heart, well, megahappy. Happier still, megared is proven to increase omega3 levels in 30 days. Megared. The difference is easy to absorb. Butter. I cant believe its made with real, simple ingredients. I cant believe. Were on a whale. I cant believe my role isnt bigger. Real ingredients. Unbelievable taste. Enjoy i cant believe its not butter the first person to survive alzheimers disease is out there. Theyre going to hold on to everything the disease steals away. That smile they cant hide. The dance class they love. Every single piece of them is going to make it through. Is going to make it happen by funding research, advancing Public Policy and spurring scientific breakthroughs. And by providing local support to those living with the disease and their caregivers, were easing the burden for all those facing it until we accomplish our goal. When we reach the first survivor. But we wont get there without you. Fantasy sports used to be an informal pastime for fans, but these days, its big business. More than 60 Million People play and bet on daily Fantasy Sports generating more than 3 billion in entry fees last year. A figure that could reach 14 billion by 2020. Players generate 250 million in revenue and 90 of it going to draftkings and fanduel. For more on how this came to be and how new state regulations are changing the game, joined by andrew brandt, the director of morad Sports Center in philadelphia. Thank you for being here. Good morning. I want to ask you unanswerable question is it the job of the 50 states or the federal government to regulate this stuff . A great question. It seems to have fallen to the states. The federal government has had some hearings, but it hasnt risen to the level of legislation. It all started back in 2006 when there was a carveout for these Fantasy Sports but they havent here in new york, we have the a. G. Snyderman shut it down and the legislation has led to legislation. Its now being run by the states with a Consumer Protection angle is the key factor with the state regulation. How do Fantasy Sports and traditional Sports Betting differ . Fantasy sports a matchup. Youre rooting for these players on this team and this player on that team and youre not rooting for teams. This is how leagues have held this sort of integrity issue and gambling issue at arms length, be outcomes. Its playerbased outcomes and how they do your little matchup team that you create. It would seem one of the main criticisms you hear is our states or the ferguson upset because they are not generating revenue. Is that why we are hearing so much talk of licensing fees. Is this to protect us or people making more money at the state level . It depend who you ask. If you ask attorney general snyderman and some of these attorney generals, its about Consumer Protection. We are protecting people from thousands of cards about Fantasy Sports every week. If you ask more cynical people, they are saying its about getting some money, getting some regulation money, like they do with other forms of gambling, whether its lottery, horse racing. They are bringing fantasy into that loop where they get a cut of it and its a revenuegenerator, obviously. Many experts believe it was the advertising blitz early in the nfl season ironically, that brought attention on these guys. Does that seem right to you . Was it looked at closely . There was a major blitz this time last year. We are not seeing it now. What it led to was mind share two the two companies we talked about, fandual and draftkings and the mind share way better than any other company. What happened was the heat came in terms of legislators and legislation and insider lawsuit. Responding to the heat, as ive and tons of that and legislation and states are regulating under the guise of Consumer Protection or making some money out of it and getting their piece of this huge fantasy primarily fantasy football but Fantasy Sports. These are really new companies and we have seen legislation in a year. To me it seems like people are paying attention because they are, obviously, moving the market. This is startups. These are startups and three, four, five years old, max. Is came last year, these two Big Companies achieve extraordinary mind share. In some ways it was marketed they get the two names out there and every is playing. The heat came and from litigation to legislation and now they are playing again without all of the ad, but its still big and everybody is playing Fantasy Sports. They are playing right now, too . This is the time . Coming up andrew brandt. This art has grown quite a lot. You that is coming up on cbs this morning saturday. Sponsored by pronamel toothp toothpaste. To me the acidity of foods and what they can do to your teeth. Thinning of the teeth and leading to being extremely yellow would probably gross me out my dentist recommended pronamel. It can help protect enamel from acid erosion. My mouth feels really fresh and clean and i stuck with it. I really like it. It gives me a lot of confidence. Ur enamel. Which you are you . Be the you who doesnt cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Be the you who ows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. Who is done with treatments that dont give you clearer skin. Be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara . Just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara . May lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before starting stelara . Ction or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Always tell your doctor if you ve any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara . If you are allergic to stelara . Or any of its ingredients. Most people using stelara . Saw 75 clearer skin in a world that needs a hero, justice is spelled box. Say hello to a powerful tool that gives you options to fit your budget. . Oh, im tied to this chair . Dundundaaaa i dont know that an insurancethemed comic book is what were looking for. Did i mention he can save people nearly 600 . You havent even heard my catchphrase. Im all done with this guy. Box him up. This week in nevadas sunbaked black rock desert, tens of thousands of people who continue a tradition that started 30 years ago. In 1986 a group of friends francisco beach. As the story goes once they ignited the eightfoot effigy of a man the crowd on the beach tripled. Three decade later, it became this. The annual burning man festival bills itself as a crucible of creativity and focusing on community, participation, and selfreliance. Festival goers, known as burners, build a temporary city in the sand, filled with art, originality. And each year, the weeklong event culminates the same way it all began back in the 80s, by setting the effigy on fire take a look how much burning man has grown in 30 years. The man on fire has gone from eight feet to more than a hundred feet tall and the crowd have grown from a few dozen on nearly 70,000 so if its sunday, that means it gets up to 90 degrees out there in the desert and its down in the 40s at night. You dont need to light a match. Up next, you can get anything you want on etsy longs its original or handmade and now they are expanding to include regular retailers for on some of its vendors and we will show you how. For some of you, your local news is next. For the rest, stick youre watching cbs this morning saturday. . And talking in your sleep i guess youre just what i needed i needed someone to you also said that you could have become a journalist and how your journalistic career started out. You tell a beautiful story in the book about going to interview dr. King. Yeah. I took a part in a mentoring program in harlem between my junior and senior year in high school, and it really changed my it enabled me to understand why it was why harlem was such an Important Community for black americans and also identified a lot of the things that needed to change in many of the black communities in america at that time. So it really it changed my life and it made it possible for me to understand what i wanted to do with my life and im still on that path. Did you watch the olympics . Ive watched some of it, yeah. And, you know, when i was a kid, we used to have races all the time. As the tallest guy, i never won any of the races. These are running races . Yeah. The kid in the neighborhood, who is the fastest . But usain bolt is the tallest sprinter. Yeah, 65. I dont know how he does it he is amazing. You are . Im 72. In particular because of the whole ryan lochte controversy and what happened there. Issue about professional athletes and others, even amateur athletes being role models and taking that seriously. Oh, yes. Its part its quite a responsibility. Because, you know, when you get that type of attention and you have all of the eyes on you, young kids are many of the people who are watching you and if you dont do the right things, you kind of send a bad message to kids. And that is something we need to . Station has more on the weather. Mary kay, good morning. Reporter good morning, anthony. Showers and thunderstorms through chicago and also through Central Wisconsin heading into green bay. In fact, the hot spots today for Severe Weather is the green areas from the tropics is getting busy. Moving into the peak of hurricane season. We have hurricane lester in the pacific drifting to the west. Further to the west, we are looking at Tropical Storm madeline. Right now winds at 50 moving wes wes west northwest. Hurricane hunters are interested what is taking shape here in the florida straits, an area of disturbed weather over the bahamas is sheared by upper level winds and get into the gulf of mexico. Wind 35 Miles Per Hour so we will have to see the next couple of days if anything develops in the gulf but we do know future cast showing showers and storms along the Gulf Coast Region this weekend. Mary kay, thanks. There is breaking news overnight. An arrest in the murder Roman Catholic nuns in mississippi. Police say Rodney Sanders was a person of interest early in the investigation. No motive for the killings has been disclosed but police say there were signs of a breakin at the nuns home in durant, 60 miles from jackson. A memorial mass is scheduled for monday for sisters margaret held and paula merrill. In the coming weeks, donald trump will unveil his detailed immigration policy. Last night in a phone call to exactly what he plans to do with the 11 million undocumented workers in the United States. We are going to stop certain people, criminal elements from coming in. And then we shall see what we shall see. The latest Quinnipiac University poll found clinton is ten points ahead of trump and more than 50 supporting the democratic nominee. The state Department Says it wont finish releasing Hillary Clintons daily schedule during her tenure as secretary of state until after the elec so far about half of her schedules have been released. Seven months since a federal judge ordered month disclosures. They show more than half of the people outside of government who met or spoke with clinton were donors. The governor of maine has a lot of explaining to do after he left an obscenityfilled voice mail message for a political that is just part of the message republican Governor Paul Lepage left for state representative drew gattne who criticized the governor for saying 90 of heroin dealers arrested in maine are black and hispanic. Muslim women in france are now free to wear socalled burqinis after one town banned frances Top Administrative Court stepped in to overrule the ruling. Reporter the burqini is back on the page. The ban has been overturned in just one resort on the fenrench rivera but expected to lead to the ban in all 30 coastal towns that had it in place. Frances highest court agreed seriously of peoples rights. This impact is huge politically because it sends a clear messarf triggered a fierc debate about womens rights and frances stout defense of secularism. For some beach has more important things to worry about, she said. He fact they are not banned is fantastic. The towns mayor doesnt see it that way. Lucas said the ruling would only heighten tensions. My hope, they are satisfied, ed. The rampant islamicization is progressing in our country. Nice and regions around it put the burqini ban in place after last months isisinspired terror attack. Was a risk to public order. The burqinis inventor here said her design was never meant to symbolize any political or religious statement. This is a swimsuit that represents freedom and sun and surf and happiness and swimming and family happiness. Reporter in other words, pretty much just what everyone else wants when they go to the beach. For cbs this morning saturday, charlie dagata, london. We may see higher Interest Rates before the end of the year. A much anticipated speech yesterday at the summit janet yellen expressed optimism about the Country Financial situation. Despite that optimism, the markets closed a bit down . Down a little bit. But sort of a muted response to yellens comments. I think, because there were no surprise, no shocks. Some point probably toward the end of the year. I think the market just took it as nothing happening any time soon. The market wasnt spooked. Yellen said the case of for a shift has heightened. The job growth has been very good, particularly over the past couple of months. When you look at june, july, and august, average jobs there, 190,000. If you look at just june and july, over 500,000 jobs created and she is optimistic about that and the economy and Consumer Spending has been strong as well so that is propping up the economy and raises the odds for a hike. If there is a hike, when should we get our mortgaged locked in . This is the Million Dollar question, right . Yellen was very ambiguous about that and doesnt want to jump there and start spiking up hikes until they know the economy can withstand the hike. Very ambiguous on that front. I think the ambiguity that we have that hike until the end of the year. That is certainly what the market is expecting. But monetary policy, no really set course. It depends on inflation, wage, jobs what the Economic Outlook look looks and a lot of moving batters and the fed will decide down the line. We have a jobs report coming this friday. Is that going to seal the deal here . All eyes on that report. Thats a big one. The expectations not as good as the july report. I think they are expecting 180,000, 190,000 jobs to be created. But i think that potentially has enough to tilt the fed in the direction of having an Interest Rate hike sooner, rather than later. Look at the negatives here. Business investment has been sluggish. U. S. Exports held back by strong dollar and economy is muddling along. Not good the last round. I think the head winds may stall the move from the fed. What about november . We are going to have a new president. Do you think the timing of all that could affect this decision hike before the election. The Economic Impact of 25 basis points would be small by i think the symbolic impact of an increase would be way too significant. I dont know that yellen wants to get in the middle of playing politic and get into that political fire necessarily. Historically, that doesnt generally happen but we will see. This is a strange election cycle, as you very well know. We have mentioned that once or twice. Yes, you have we have noticed. Vera, thank you. The u. S. Coast guard rescued s. O. S. On the sand. The u. S. Navy aircraft spotted the message in the sand on than uninhabited island. The sailors were there about a week. They radioed the position in guam which rescued the team. This is the way to go if you get stranded. We have seen that before. They do it in movies but i never believed it could actually work. Now we know it does. Here is a look at the coming up, our fall movie preview. Nearly a hundred films are due out the next three months or so and we will give awe look at some with a press release buzz. Up next, etsy the online retailer is expanding its reach. We will show you what they are up to. This is cbs this morning saturday. . Is depression more than sadness . . . Trintellix vortioxetine is a prescription medicine for depression. Trintellix may start to untangle or help improve the multiple symptoms of depression. For me, trintellix made a difference. Tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide. Antidepressants can increase these in children, trintellix has not been studied in children. Do not take with maois. Tell your healthcare professional about your medications, including migraine, psychiatric and depression medications to avoid a potentially fethreatening condition. Increased risk of bleeding or bruising may occur especially if taken with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners. Manic episodes or vision problems may occur in some people. May cause low sodium levels. The most common side effects are nausea, ask your healthcare professional if trintellix could make a difference for you. . Dogs sure can be messy. But with nexgard, their flea and tick killer doesnt have to be. Nexgard, the vets 1 choice for dogs, is a delicious, beefflavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. So its easy to give, easy to take. Reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. Why mess around . Ask your vet about nexgard. If you like unique and handmade items the chances are youve visited etsy where people can sell anything to anyone. 200 makers and sellers swear by the websites reach but they wanted to take it a step further and giving their sellers a chance to pitch their products we were there for a behind the scenes look to see what it takes to make a winning product. . Reporter from a keep sake to the top of your cake to this for the bottom of your baby. The brooklyn offices of etsee are handpacked with handmade designs and some made you stop and smile. So cute. I love it. Reporter some so intricate you wondered how they were made. Reporter thomas who works with his pattern patty to create these 3d designs. Im kind of a nerd so i like decorative objects. Reporter had you left fielder been selling on etsee . Yes. I quit my architecture job and throwing my eggs in one basket. Reporter whoha came here to get a major retailer interested in with his brand. He applied with and etsee whittled it down to these six. Kaitlyn mcclain has pitched her product at trade shows before, but nothing quite like this. How did it go . It went great. Its nerve wracking. To hear them say thg whatis t our customers are looking for us and that is gold to me. We can turn that into items that do well for both of us. Reporter had you ever tried caliber of your own . I tried to reach out to harder brands. Its hard to get the name of a decision maker. Reporter the Decision Makers today came from six different stories including macys. You make it yourself. Paper source. Thats pretty too. Reporter giggle. Beautiful. Reporter and hdtv magazine. Each vendor had to show they were ready for mass production to get their product into stores by the holiday. As soon as you see so you know . Yeah. Reporter instinct . Because we know what our shoppers are looking for. Reporter we took a stroll with amy vestkol who is a buyer for whole food for about four years. Why did whole foods want to be in a partnership with a crafts website . Because its crafts and its our customers. Our customers are crafty and artsy and the chefs and they are experimenting with all of these audience of 26 million and animal they generated 2 billion in sales. Dana morales says the idea for the open call came directly from the vendors. So we heard from our sellers that they really had all of these retailers they wanted to sell to but confusing how to do that so we wanted to create an event where the sellers could meet with the buyers who worked with them personally personal connections and learn from each other. Reporter after a full day of pitches, the retailers deliver. Its so hard to choose reporter any disagreements during your deliberation for who to pick . There is always some. We all have lots of opinions. And we have our own styles. This goes to mary claire. Reporter an hour later, the verdicts are in. Each retail team had to pick at least one vendor and give them a golden purchase offer. The golden to thomas. Reporter whoha got two. What is the lesson in your story that any retailer, any person who has an idea could take away . I think the lesson is very simple. You get clear with what you love to do and if you can make that the way you earn a living, youll be successful. So to me to make this a the dream. So the cool thing for tom and his partner patty is that the product is going to be in two stores. A smithsonian design and paper source which is across the nation. It comes like this. Simple laid out and you build it. Its about 20. Its such a cool innovative thing. Youre holding up an old atlas. This is made from a map. This is real cool stuff. Go from an idea like this to get to the store. A great story. Up next, more and more in earns read books on screens, but some independent book stores still sell the oldfashioned kind ill take you to one of the best. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Thanks, dad. Ill pick you up in two hours. Keep em high. Thanks, bro. Later, mom. Thank you. Have fun. Thanks, dad. Thanks, mr. Smith. Hurry in for toyotas annual clearance event, where you can find 0 apr financing for 60 months on the 2016 rav4. Offer ends september 6th. Im hall of famer jerry west and my life is basketball. But that doesnt stop my afib from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. Thatd be devastating. I took warfarin for over 15 years until i learned more about oncedaily xarelto. A latest generation blood thinner. Then i made the switch. Xarelto . Significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. It has similar effectiveness to warfarin. Warfarin interferes with vitamin k xarelto . Is selective targeting one critical factor of your bodys natural clotting function. For people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. Like all blood thinners, dont stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. While taking you may bruise more easily, and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding y for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising or tingling. If you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. To help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto. Theres more to know. If youve gone to extremes to escape your nasal allergies. Try clarispray. New, from the makers of claritin. And nothing is more effective at relieving your try clarispray today. A few things have had greater impact on human civilization than books. But while there will always be writers, the print on paper book is in decline, increasingly replaced by screens. Recently, i visited a holdout, a relic of the book selling past still thriving here in new york in midtown manhattan, squeezed in between the skyscrapers on east 59th street is a sixstory l literary oasis. The book store in business 91 years now is run by Three Sisters. This is . Moby dick. Reporter judith the first born is in charge of editions. The middle sister, naomi. This is an act of Congress Reporter runs the autographs department. Its early manhattan. Reporter and adina cohen, the youngest, presides over the art gallery. All in their 70s now, the Three Sisters have run argosy since their father died in 1991. Leach must come into this shop and wonder why youre still here. Every day. Reporter why are you still here . We are here because we own the building. Otherwise, we would have had to go out of business long ago. Reporter louis cohen, who grew up on the lower east side, reading to his blind father, opened the store in 1925. He and his wife ruth, who also worked as argosy, passed on their love of books to their three girls. You all decided pretty much at the same time that you wanted to do this . As we chronologica chronologically. I was here the day after graduation. Reporter you were . Yes. I couldnt wait. I took a week off. Reporter sisters and brothers tend to have their battles . We do that off premises. But here we have a common goal. If there is any major decision, all three of us have to agree. Reporter it has to be unanimous . Yes. This is the original elevator. Reporter the elevator in argosy will take you up to six floors of treasure. They are all first editions. Reporter on the fifth floor, youll find a 1930s popup cinderella or a reviewers copy of catch22. He willor signed it and said book would be written if not for the help and encouragement i received in your class. Reporter wow. What a shoutout to teachers. Reporter yes. Er reporter on the sixth floor, the autographs span american history. Is that jimmy hoffas signature . Yes. He signed across his face. Reporter you cant get that any more. Online order now come in from around the world. But the store, itself, isnt as bustling as it used to be, even at the bargain bin. How often do you get offers to sell . A hundred times a year. Reporter a hundred times a year . I had three calls last week. Reporter but the sisters have already planned for their succession. Judiths son, ben lawry, wont make sure this book store wont budge. Do you feel like youre protecting something now . Yes. Reporter what is that . Books. Books are in endanger. Reporter to louis cohens daughters, its not the real estate that has the most value, its the collection that it houses. And still they are, indeed, after 91 years amazing its a magical place. If youre in new york city, you should stop by. Ive been in that book store. As soon as you walk in, its so uniquely different. Such a good story. Summer gives way to autumn, so hollywoods blockbuster season is slightly more serious season for film goers. We will give you a preview coming up on cbs this morning the other thing is there is a quantifiable corollary, i suppose, to popularity. A kid that is famous at school. So they are a jock or whatever. They will tend to have more ke, say, a nobody, sad face. Nobody sad face . Youre talking about emojis. In fact, lets jump to that. You s that teenagers used emojis. I have learned a lot learning what some of these emojis mean. Oh, completely this is teens ive spoken to and anecdote to them. The smiley face for a death mail for flirtation. I have no idea. Its a polite thank you, but no thank you. Yeah. Here is some of the indications what all of these mean. Personal pat on the back for nails. What are you doing . I didnt know that signals fomo, fear of missing out . L. O. L. Is something entirely different. Also different generations. You think differently . Yeah. The moon emoji, that is my favorite catchall. That is just awkwardness. Its like, oh, no. Its so interesting to me that there is a very distinct set of rules here. Yes. And you write when you have the tools in which to stalk everyone all the time, the most seemingly aloof person wins. Absolutely. So its st its called thirst. That is the phenomenon, like youre doing too much and betraying your own interest in someone as opposed to being casually cool about it and cool has been around since the dawn of time. Hence, sunglasses. We all know how that works. People putting this stuff out there its uncool if youre too interested. Absolutely. Yeah. You cant just be this unbridled enthusiasm. Next week, wraps up the 2016 summer movie season. A lot of critics and movie goers thought it was pretty disappointing but the movies year on coming. 1 on 4 new what do we have to look forward to from . Lets find out from matt. A lot of these are based on reallife events. Thats true. Clint eastwoods new movie sully. And it has tom hanks in it. Its surprising. The first time he has worked with tom hanks which is sort of interesting. That is interesting. The last ten years, Clint Eastwood has made eight biopicks. What he likes reporter the trailer for this is kind of dark. It is. I dont want to spoil what happens at the end but it looks pretty intense. I think if you like those other eastwood biopicks, this is something maybe to keep on your radar and i deeply apologize for the radar remark. Reporter that comes out september 2016 and so does oliver stones new film snowden based on Edward Snowden . Oliver stone will make a movie about any modern figure. I cant think of a br than Edward Snowden. What happened here, the Surveillance Program he exposed. All of the paranoia. The fear of a abuse of government power and found like ove oliver stone movie when it happened. My big question is there a great documentary about Edward Snowden called citizen four. What is this meovie going to sa than the book . Off. Reporter bp oil rig and this movie is called deepwater horizon. Its based on the final hours on the deepwater horizon and actors are playing people who there were like mark wahlberg. The director is peter berg who made lone survivor and friday night lights. He likes movies about real life heroes and a lot of action and one. Magnificent seven . What is it about . A classic from the 1960s. Basically the same premise. Frontier town comes under attack and the rpts haesidents have to together seven gunmen to help defend themselves. I think this time is a much more diverse magnificent seven. Denzel washington is leader of team and korean as a member of the team among others. Fantastic beasts and where to find them. A harry potter prequel . Sort of. The idea was that harry potter had this book at hogwarts called fantastic beasts and where to find them. It was written by this wizard named newt commander. The film is kind of abo guy who is played by eddie red mayne there. Its the biggest movie of all time. Is j. K. Rowling involved in this . Even more the movies. She wrote the screen play for this film which she did not do for any of the harry potter movies. Time for one more. This looks scary to me, the preview. It looks like its tim burtons new movie. On the xmen and school of gifted youngsters. Instead of them having cool powers like controlling the weather and shooting lasers they have mouths in the back of their necks like that little girl creepy that is wonderland on steroid . That is what tim burton does. Could be interesting. Matt singer, thanks very much and a lot to look ahead for. Now here is a look at your weather for the weekend. Up next, the dish. He is as new york as they come and chef michael, which rurnof will join us. You love summer but its tough on your feet leaving them feeling rough. Discover amop . Pedi perfect. Its the beauty secret thats earning five star reviews for buffing away hard, dry skin leaving feet salon pedicure smooth. Feel the difference for yourself. Amop . Love every step. And right now save 15 at coupons. Com. An unprecedented natural outburst as soon as new updates come in. This house was literally invaded minutes after the mom came back from a grocery run. Hi , im stuck in an elevator with a cow. A what . We have a situation. Everything alright in there . Witnesses say this is where it all started, okay guys. Were comimg in now. Copy that. All natural, non gmo ingredients with vitamin d and whole milk. New dannon , natural is back. Ive been taking fish oil ek. Eating better, keeping healthy. So that no matter what happens in the future, my future self will thank me. Thank you youre welcome hey listen. Whatever you do, dont marry dan hey babe, im dan. Hey babe, can i get 14 dollars for. Thank you. 45 years of experience has taught us no matter what the future holds, youre always better off healthy. Natures bounty chef michael churnow has put empire. He started in restaurants as a teenager and heading to culinary store. He and his friend opened their first meatball shop and he has opened now another dream called seseymours. Tell us what you brought here from seymours. We got a seymours is a local sustainable really fun seafood restaurant. I always wanted to have a seafood restaurant. Today we brought mussels for you. Getting a lot of mention today in the city and actually around the country. This is our skate oboy which is a fried fish sandwich. Seasonal seared tacos up there food is fun and delicious. At the restaurant, we source locally. In the wintertime we have to go a little further south into the carolinas every once if a while and bringing it up from florida because the fishing is not as strong up here in the wintertime in new york and new england. Before we get to your story, i have three cups. What am i drinking . Im excited this goes into this, i understand . It absolutely does. This goes into this. That is a little tequila. Just a little. Fresca which is something we sell tu restaurant. Lets cheers, guys. Very nice. You started working in restaurants at 13. Uhhuh. You were a delivery boy . I was a delivery boy at the wee age of 13. You know, i grew up in new york city on the upper east side. I wanted a job at a young age. And the only restaurant or only place that would hire me was a restaurant. I quickly got a job. Actually, through daniel first restaurant gig. Ive always had a job in the restaurant from to the very day i sit here right now. After you got out of Culinary School and you had this dream, you had a Business Plan that essentially you wanted to open a restaurant that focused on drunkinspired food . I worked in a restaurant a long period in the east village. When i decided that i wanted to do something on my own, i wanted to do something that was super casual, understand by everyone. And i thought what better than to do a meatball concept . Everybody loves meatballs and specifically when you happen to be a little a little drunk, right . You want meat, you want bread, you want cheese, and you want sauce. Why deviate from the planet . The meatball business is very successful. Why did you decide to go into seafood then . I grew up fishing. Fishing and after five years of working on the meatball shop with daniel, we both thought that it didnt need two captains to steer the ship any longer. I just became really, really passionate about sustainable seafood. The ocean today is in a bit of trouble. Right. I love that your menu also has fish you dont normally see like porgi and blue stripe and black stripe, they are cool fish. The whole point of see maymos was to introduce new york fish to new yorkers. 90 of the fish we seat in the United States are not caught here and much of the fish we catch in the United States gets shipped out of here. I said, hey, lets put a little spotlight on new york fish or midatlantic region fish essentially from maine to mon tauk is where we get the brunt of our seafood. I grew up catching these fish and never see it on the menu. Lets bring all of these fish on and black fish. The fish that swim to the local waters why not bring them to the center stage. I love that you allowed us to woke you up and bring you in here on your vacation time. If you can have this meal with any person past or present, who would that person be . I got to say i think if i had an opportunity to have this meeting with anybody, it would be my father who passed away about 11 years ago who never had shine as a businessperson. Dad, this one is for you. Im sure he would love your seafood and your meatball. For more on mike chernow, head to our website cbs this morning. Com. Pine grove, two members of this band have been playing together since they were 7 see their National Network debut up next. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. You inherit lots of traits from your family. Greatgrandfather horatio went st during the gold rush. And aunt susan was a a world champion. I inherited their cando spirit. And their double chin. Now, im going to do something about it. Kybella . Is the first of its kind injectable treatment that destroys fat under the chin, leaving an improved profile. Kybella . Is an fdaapproved nonsurgical treatment for adults with a moderate amount of fullness. Or a bit more. Dont receive kybella . If you have an infection in the treatment area. Kybella . Can cause nerve injury in the jaw and trouble swallowing. Tell your doctor about all medical conditions, including if you have had or plan to have surgery or cosmetic treatments on your face, neck or chin; have had or have medical conditions in or near your neck or have bleeding problems. Tell your doctor about all medicines you take. The most common side effects are swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness, and areas of hardness in the treatment area. Find a doctor at mykybella. Com question, and be honest. Are my teeth yellow . Tissue test hold this up to your teeth. Ugh yellow. I dont get it. I use whitening toothpaste. What do you use . Crest whitestrps. You should try them whitening toothpaste only works on the surface. But crest whitestrips safely work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than the leading whitening toothpaste. You used the whitestrips. I passed the tissue test. Oh yeah. Would you pass the tissue test . See for yourself with crest whitestrips. They are the way to whiten. . . toilet flush if you need an opioid to manage your chronic pain, you may be sooo constipated it feels like everyone can go. Except you. Tried many things . Still struggling to find relief . You may have opioidinduced constipation, oic. Opioids block pain signals, but can also block activity in the bowel. Which is why it can feel like your opioid pain med is slowing your insides to a crawl. Longing for a change . Have the conversation with your doctor about oic, and ask about prescription treatment options. Made on behalf of those living with chronic pain and struggling with oic. Pine grove is a new jersey based group and founded by lead singer Edward Stevens hall and zach levine and played together since 7 following in the musical foot steps of their dad who also play in a band together. They released their new album cardinal and wrapped up a successful summer tour and now making Nation Network television debut, here is pine grove. . Was walking with my dad some ways i wish i was i was walking with my neck out some ways that i wish that i was . . Out on the bevel of sound it sounds like Everything Else youll know when you hear it because you know the way my voice felt . . Ignore the phone on your bed it rings rings rings . . Ringing me out my collar bone got all red . . Already sing instead . . I hold you out keep your youre my spurt . . When i went out i hung you behind your eyes . . And my eyes still flicker how quickly i was inside . . I tapped out dont it always seem to go that way . . Hold your right hand still i know your hands collapse in mine . . . . Say what say how it is with everybody i know . . I got no temper for that i send you this catch me on the walk every layer i shed i shed one layer . . Say what it is its so impossible but if i . . . More every i got it better than that ill be sitting on the outskirts if you want to talk about it things get to wild . . Say what it is impossible but just Say Something made them pay dont go away. We will be right back with more music from pine grove. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Announcer saturday sessions are sponsored by blue buffalo. Which you are you . Be the you who doesnt cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Be the you who ows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. Who is done with treatments that dont give you clearer skin. Be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara . And may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before starting stelara . Tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Always tell your doctor if you ve any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Or any of its ingredients. Most people using stelara . Saw 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara . . . One jar; so many delicious possibilities. Nutella spread the happy . All you need is love plays . Just by looking in my eyes. But what they didnt know was that i had dry, itchy eyes. I used artificial tears from the moment i woke up. To the moment i went to bed. So i finally decided to show my eyes some love,. Some eyelove. Eyelove means having a chat with your eye doctor about your dry eyes because if youre using artificial tears often and still have symptoms, it could be chronic dry eye. . . I will stay i will stay until the end of the line . . You carry . Have a wonderful weekend, everybody. Thanks for watching. We leave you now with more music from pine grove. This is aphasia. . So satisfied to say a lot of things tonight . . So long aphasia and the way it kept me hiding . . Its not so much exactly all of the word its more that i somehow was down to let them loose . . So complicated i cant wait to get explaining youre listening to stand it out since ive been crying . Ways it can be hidden . . So long the silent nerves and hesitant . . You cant send me out hurling in the street i felt impressed abouthi week . . You shook around and things will be all right . . You live with me once you can live with me tonight . . Something was said to let down all my pride . Some things in stride . . Look around the place so quiet . . Wake the next to see my silence unheld when i thought i had this pattern sorted out . . You leave my side and im all full of . Things go wrong sometimes dont let it freak you out but if i dont have you by me then i will cry out . . Now what you got is me so to help myself i wrote this little song . One day i wont need your love one day i wont need define myself by the one im thinking of . . And one day you wont need me to tell you you need me . . Narrator today on lucky dog, a lastminute rescue gives one senior dog the chance to live out her golden years in an exciting new role. Do is to help keep him company is get another dog to travel with us. Narrator but is 12 yearold dottie ready to reenter the workforce . Brandon im not sure shes ever been in an office so whats dogfriendly to one dog might be a foreign world to another. Im Brandon Mcmillan and ive dedicated my life to saving the lonely, unwanted dogs that are

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