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Becomes an International Tv sensation. This is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley this is our western edition. The race is down to five days, and Hillary Clintons lead is down to three points. In a cbs News New York times poll out tonight, its clinton , two weeks ago, clinton had a ninepoint lead. Motivating voters to the polls is key, and today, both campaigns seemed to adopt a new motto if you cant win them, scare them. Donald trump was in florida with his version of a story in todays wall street journal about the f. B. I. And the clinton foundation. Major garrett was there. So, let me ask you this question, ive never done this before. Will justice be done or not . Reporter in jacksonville, florida today, donald trump seized on a new report that the f. B. I. Has investigated criminal wrongdoing at the clinton foundation. It was reported that anch avalanche of information is coming in. The f. B. I. Agents say their investigation is likely to yield an indictment. Reporter not quite. Cbs news has confirmed that the f. B. I. Has looked into thend finances of the clinton charges have been filed. In he certainly know how to shake things up, doesnt he . Reporter in pennsylvania, trumps wife, melania, made her First Campaign appearance since giving a partially plagiarized speech at the g. O. P. Convention. She said as first lady, she would focus on online bullying,n something her husband has been accused of doing. D children and teenagers can be fragile. Hu fu fun of or made to feel less in looks or intelligence. Reporter trump also deployed former archrivalturnedally ted cruz to iowa today, butnc campaigning with mike pence,s cruz kept his focus off of trump. I recognize some of you guys are wanting to write stories d suggesting divisions among republicans. Ill make a point im gettingc ready to get on a gigantic airplane that has Donald Trumps name painted on the side of it. Reporter trump rallies tonight in reliably republican eastern North Carolina, part of a closing strategy of driving u. The g. O. P. Vote in the reddest part of battleground states. Sc scott, trumps weekend schedule is at least partially set. It looks a little more purple and blue, stops saturday in nevada and colorado, sunday in wisconsin. Pelley Major Garrett on the home stretch. No now lets check in with nancy cordes covering the clinton campaign. If donald trump were to winct this election, we would have a i commander in chief who is completely out of his depth, and reporter with five days to go, clinton has concluded thate the best way to win the white house is to paint a picture of trump in it. If youre latino, you know what life would be like, because wed have a president who doesnt see you as american at all. Reporter the latest cbs News New York times poll helps explain the strategy. Only 49 of likely voters say they are very enthusiastic about casting their ballots, down from 62 in 2012. Us in the absence of enthusiasm,ne fear might be the next most powerful motivator. You cant make excuses for this stuff reporter in miami today, the president warned that the nations very character is at stake. If you discriminate against people of different faiths before you are president , then that is what you will do in office except you will have more power to carry out the twisted notions that you had before you were in office te reporter it isnt all doom and gloom. Clinton pairs her argument about trump with talk of how she wants to lead. I disagree with people on lots of issues, but i believe the only way we can get things done is to actually listen and respect each other and try to find that common ground. Reporter newly released state Department Emails show that at one point, secretary clinton and her top aide, huma abeddi could get a secure phone to clinton. Clinton suggested that perhaps an aide to abedins now disgraced husband, anthony could set up the phone. They say that would not be inappropriate so long as the phone was rendered inoperable. Ou pelley nancy cordes for us tonight. R nancy, thank you. Te now, we told you a moment ago how the popular vote is tightening, but, of course, its the electoral vote, state by state, that elects the Anthony Salvanto is our cbs news director of elections and our expert on this. Anthony, tell us first about trump . A well, scott, lets take a look at trumps path through those battleground states that will ultimately decide this. We think he has to win florida. Thats the perennial battleground state, and also get ohio, where the polls have been very tight. But then he also has to win North Carolina, which is also a tight race, and even then, he wont get above the 270 electoral votes that he needs. A couple of other state like, say, a colorado and a nevada in order to get past 270. If that sounds like a lot of work for the last five days, it is. Pelley and when Hillary Clinton looks at your map, what does she see . Heres why she still has an edge. Start with pennsylvania, where shes been leading in the polls. If she can hang on to that, then she just needs to win North Carolina herself, say, to go over the 270 that she wouldd need. That adds up to an easier Electoral College path for Hillary Clinton. Director of elections here at cbs news, thanks very much. Well, perhaps youve noticedea just how heated your own election conversations are getting. Mark strassmann got an earfulen listening to retirees for our weeklong series closing arguments. Reporter this is the villages north of orlando, sprawling and tranquil, home to 110,000 seniors lock her up reporter . And a bitter partisan divide. The american electorate. That is not true. Have you researched him . Have you gone in y yeah, i have and thats why im voting against him. Reporter linda fogg is a retired 61yearold chemical engineer. D 67yearold dale kennedy used to be a mortgage broker. Im about to walk out ofwh here, ill tell you what. Uc reporter we introduced these two lifelong republicans. O it did not go well. May i finish . May i . Well, be my guest. You always do. Er for Hillary Clinton, her first vote ever for a democrat. O was there a part of you that felt like a traitor on your party . No. I believe that donald trump has been a traitor to the g. O. P. I, hi, im linda fogg. Ev reporter fogg even started a club here, republicans for hillary. We have a candidate at the top of the ticket that insults women, minorities, immigrants, and mocks the disabled, i dont believe hes qualified to lead anything. Reporter kennedy is passionately protrump. Uc there is so much positive Energy Behind donald trump. He is definitely not a perfect person, and he has said some stupid things. Reporter has trump said anything that is so, to you,de stupid or offensive that it made you second guess your support . Momentarily, when the thing came out. T reporter which thing . Oh, you know which thing. Which one . You know which one. There have been many. Which one . Reporter are you talking about the billy bush interview . Whatever. Th of stupid things and, yes, some of them were they made me stop and think. Reporter what is it about trump that you find attractive . This man loves america. He wants to get us back to our roots to where we have morals in this country. I believe hes far more trustworthy than Hillary Clinton. I wouldnt trust her to go to the store for me. She has lied about benghazi. She has lied about her her emails. Yes, there are some issues i have with Hillary Clinton. I believe that Hillary Clinton walks right up to thne legality, and kind of flirts with it, and backs off. But we have had her under the microscope for decades and we have yet to find anything that we can lock her up for, as the Trump Supporters would say. Or reporter fogg and kennedy will both campaign for their candidates until next tuesday. I love riding around and having people honk at me and every once in a while i get shot a bird. I oh, really . Not the same person, hopefully. Reporter Mark Strassmann, cbs news, the villages, florida. Pelley whatever your side oi the line, we hope youll join us for cbs news Election Night coverage. Th thats going to be tuesday night at 7 00 eastern time. In in northern afghanistan today, two u. S. Service members were killed and four were wounded in a raid against taliban leaders in kunduz province. The americans have b they were assisting afghan forces. U. S. Air strikes were called in. Dozens of taliban fighters were killed, but so were at least 30 afghan civilians. 40 Million People watched the chicago cubs defeat the Cleveland Indians last night inv game seven of the world series. It was the largest tv audience for a series game since 1991. There was no tv or radio to 19 won, in 1908. Heres Dean Reynolds. The cubs win the world series reporter it was a game that will be emblazoned on the souls of cub fans forever. A turn of events that made grown men sob with relief, that the burden borne by their parents and grandparents had finally been lifted from theirm shoulders. There were enough emotional peaks and valleys to last an entire season, much less one game. When a fourrun cub lead evaporated, people started to lose it. Cindy lloyd spoke for many. Did you think they were going to blow it . Yeah, that did cross my mind. Reporter randy traub is agu big guy who was too afraid to watch even one of the 80 screen in the cubby bear bar. T i didnt want to look. T ive been down this road too many times. Reporter well, this road trip lasted 108 years, but it was no dead end. cheers acquainted with a fine vintage. It tastes great. It tastes so much better now that were champs. Te reporter this morning theme cubs came home, clutching the trophy that eluded this franchise for so long, and it took a white sox fan to explain how long. The last time the cubs haded won, Thomas Edison was alive and they hadnt invented sliced bread yet. Reporter Chicago Tribune Sports Writer Paul Sullivan i think the losing, you know, f you kind of got used to it over the years. Reporter happy to shed that lovable loser thing . Oh, my gosh, im happy not to have to write about the billy goat ever again. Reporter further confirmation that all of this id not really a dream will comet, tomorrow, scott, when much of the city is expected to turn out for a big parade, honoring baseballs new world champions. Pelley Dean Reynolds at wrigley for us tonight. Dean, thank you. Coming up next on the cbs broken taillight, in minutes, he was dead. An excop stands trial. And later, American Kids are piling on the salt. How much is too much . An. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With new car replacement . , well replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. Liberty Mutual Insurance. I have asthma. One of many pieces in my life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. 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Mark strassmann is covering the trial. Reporter Walter Scotts family arrived at the Charleston County courthouse looking grim. Theyve waited 19 months for the day Michael Slager, scotts killer, begins to confront a possible life sentence. Prosecutor Scarlett Wilson what Michael Slager did toas walter scott was wrong. T it was flatout wrong. Reporter it was an everyday traffic stop last april. Your license and insurance card. Reporter slager pulled overa scott for a broken taillight. Slager chased him. Moments later, in this cellde phone video recorded by ae passerby, the white officer shoi the fleeing black suspect five times in the back. One bullet entered scotts heart. Se the charge in this case is murder. Ep reporter slagers jury, 11la of them white, one black, willf hear his claim of selfdefense. The 34yearold former officer says he and scott fought over the cops stun gun moments before this cell phone video began. He physically and forcefully resisted, to the extent that they were both fighting on the ground. Walter is gone, but now we need justice for walter. Ep reporter anthony scott, walters older brother, told us the video proves slager killed in cold blood. What goes through your head andi heart when you watch that video now . Officer. Reporter the court also heard from judy scott, walters mother. Scott, she testified that she was on the phone with him during the traffic stop and heard him groaning in pain, apparently from being tased. Pelley Mark Strassmann for us in charleston. Mark, thank you very much. And well be right back. R ur imm weakens as you get older increasing the risk for me, the shingles virus. ve been lurking inside you since you had chickenpox. I could surface anytime as a painful, blistering rash. One in three people get me in their lifetime, linda. Will it be you . And thats why linda got me zostavax, a single shot vaccine. 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Reporter but that goto food could lead to problems like high Blood Pressure. Already, one in nine children have it. The recommended daily limit for milligrams a day for younger kids to 2,300 a day for older ones. Todays study found adolescents consumed 55 more sodium than recommended. Even younger kids were way over the limit. Y my favorite food would be pizza. Reporter pizza and mexican food headed the top 10 list of sodium sources, but the salt was sprinkled throughout their entire diet, and of the ten, only milk had naturally occurring sodium. For the rest, salt was added during processing. More than half of sodium intake came from storebought foods. Our little box here, four of the bagel bites, is going to be about 410 milligrams of sodium. Reporter Brigitte Murphy isy a dietition at n. Y. U. Langone medical center. For example, one tablespoon m of ketchup has 160 milligrams of sodium. Thats more than a slice of bread. Reporter the c. D. C. Says its important to limit the salt in childrens diets because eating habits learned early tend its easy to be intimidated bynu numbers on food labels, but if you remember the daily sodium allowance is from 1,900 to 2,300 milligrams, depending upon your childs age, you can figure out how to spend those milligrams wisely. Pelley dr. Jon lapook, thanks, doc. An American Ambassador gets married on his own tv show. V thats next. . Like a human fingerprint, no two whale flukes are the same. Because your needs are unique, pacific life has been delivering flexible retirement and Life Insurance solutions for more than 145 years. Pacific life to help looking to save with a Medicare Prescription Drug plan . At unitedhealthcare, we offer three plans including one thats brand new for 2017 insured through unitedhealthcare. It features 0 copays, low monthly premiums, and the convenience of walgreens. Open enrollment ends december 7th. 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On this one, im not certain that i can give you anything reassuring. S reporter hes the media star kind. Thank you, thank you so much. Reporter and this is his show. I have the best job in the world. And the only way you can really explain it to people is by living it. This is just your average wednesday. Reporter Rufus Gifford, ambassador to denmark, is a former obama fundraiser and political appointee, who took the idea of transparency in government to a place no man has gone before. He let danish tv cameras in to film his work and his life. Well follow you around. Excellent. Reporter the catchily entitled i am the ambassador from america, was supposed to draw a small cult audience of Foreign Policy geeks. We thought if we were lucky,s we might have 50,000 danes tune in. Hundreds of thousands. The shows executive producer, erik struve hansen, is still in shock. He looks like a Hollywood Star perfect smile, good looking, smart, and so on. Reporter an american from central casting, almost. Yeah. R reporter but apart from a character, a show needs a plot. Enter kitchen left, rufus. Partner, stephen. Should be home by 7 00, and i think the evening is free. Yeah. Reporter the two decidedhey what they needed, and maybe what the show needed, was a good, newfashioned wedding theirs. And i, therefore, proclaim that you are legally married. Congratulations. applause te reporter it was a happy day, a big hit, and more. And there was an element of thplomacy there. There or politics. Whatever you want to call it. Reporter what were you trying to prove on that show . We were, in copenhagen city hall, where the first samesex ce steven and i got married. Reporter naturally, the awards followed. Rufus gifford oh, my gosh oh, man reporter having conquered denmark, the show has now been picked up by netflix and is running around the world. You never know what sells on tv. Reporter that is true, that is true, yes, indeed. Hi reporter the ambassador turnedaccidental tv star is going global, and diplomacy may r Mark Phillips, cbs news, copenhagen. Pelley and thats the cbsom evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh suffering from an day long blackout. What that means for the guests and all their belongings. And how power was knocked out in the first place. Denise Valdez reeling in the big business of payday loans. The new rules in the works that could help protect people who some say are hurt the hardest by loan shops. Dave Courvoisier getting to mars wont be easy. The iteams george knapp gets a sneak peek at a program thats expected to help get humans to the red planet faster. And let thst tedd florendo its a thursday beauty with clear skies and decreasing winds. But expecting a warmup into your weekend. Details coming up on 8 news now. A construction worker cut a power line at the property this morning. Forcing hotel and casino guests to be evacuated. We have Live Team Coverage tonight. Shakala alvaranga is behind the hotel. But lets start out with Mauricio Marin out front. Mauricio Marin the bright lights have gone on all along the strip excpet here at paris hotel and casino. Its now been more than 8 hours since the blackout first started and some people are starting to lose the clark county fire evacauted about 3thousand people for safety reasons. No one is allowed inside until nv energy can get the lights back

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