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Was to. Cut the. All right thank you record rich for a terrific show and Lars of course his sidekick on this particular day. You're listening to k k u p Cupertino or 91.5 on your f.m. Dial and it's 3 o'clock and this is of course the oldies marathon My name is Jim Thomas I am here with my partner in crime Gresham Ranken and we will be here for the next 3 hours playing playing little records with big holes or playing 40 five's and so this is going to be there's going to be a lot of scratches and pops and surface noise because these are original records purchased at the time and since are all under 3 minutes are still going to be a lot of screw ups and jumps in chasing back and forth and you know pandemonium will ensue so bear with us we're going to have some fun 260-2999 is the number in the for a weight area code 255-2999 in the 831 area code k k p is of course 100 percent listener sponsored all volunteer radio we don't have any affiliation with a college or university or a foundation all the money comes into cake comes directly from you our listeners So if you're listening this weekend you're diggin the oldies that means you like this kind of stuff and perhaps you should be supporting If you haven't already or even if you do already support. You want to throw your hat in the ring is a vote for keeping oldies on the air now's the time to do it give us a call about Operators standing by we have of course the Chuck Berry. Shirt. Memorising or memorializing the great Chuck Berry who passed away earlier this year . A loss like that the you know the William Shakespeare of rock n roll we had to memorialize chuck on a shirt this year and we have a dark burgundy shirt with a cream colored image and you're going to want one so we go ahead play some music and get us started and you can be the 1st one to break the ice on this program and get the phones ring in and make a pledge on the show the we are currently at $14640.00 oil we need about $360.00 to get to $15000.00 on our way to $16000.00 hopefully by the end of this 3 hour segment so let's get the ball rolling with Buddy Holly and the crickets. 50000000 in home. Alone to go to sleep. All right the Big Bopper and the Big Bopper sweating there before that we heard but he knocks and rock your little baby to sleep and we start off with Buddy Holly and looking for someone to love that's the flipside of that will be the day but it's a really good tune. Get that great line drunk man street car foot slip there you are but he has mom wrote that. It's a wonderful line and for a $75.00 pledge you can get the very best of Buddy Holly in the crickets you get a $54.00 song cd set of Buddy Holly and the Chuck Berry t. Shirt for a $75.00 pledge and you get to help take a piece stay on the air for another year and you get to say hey I like oldies on k.k. You like hearing it I support that I want to continue having this kind of programming and if you think that's worthwhile then do something about it pick up the phone and call 2602999 if you're in the area code 255-299-9831 area code in help keep the peace stay on the year it's a simple as that we don't have a plan b. We come to our listeners you folks you are the you and. And we ask you to support us and lots of you do we have there's a lot of familiar names I've seen this weekend of people who have over the years supported over and over again we have people who support us you know every marathon and we have people who'd support us once a year we have people who don't maybe pledge it all in for them now would be a good time to go ahead and do it we have any calls yet on this show so you can be the one to be you could be the 1st one to break the ice we're at $14640.00. So a $60.00 pledge will get you the Chuck Berry shirt as a thank you gift and a cd of your choice and a membership to. 14700 dollars so you can be the one to do that by picking up the phone and calling 2602999 if you're in the code or 255-2999 in a 31 area code I know there's a lot of folks out there listening and if you haven't gotten around to making your pledge yet now would be the time to do it we are closing in on $15000.00 and that's money that goes you know the oldies Marathon is $1.00 of the heavy hitters here and we have a few marathon to do very well and we really count on them to you know bring in the bread some of them the some of the smaller departments don't do quite as well although they do fine for you know themselves but all these is something that we count on to line our pockets a little bit as we go into her head and for her and for the fall guy sort of feather our nest and put our notes in the tree so give us a call Help us help us out to 60 to 999 if you have you know I've said this several times over the years if you have. On your telephone I mean telephone on your car if your car radio is plugged indicate. You got now you won 5 on one of your buttons then you're probably listening to us enough that you ought to be a subscriber you know this is not a free service we're offering we we've got a lot of bills here and we ask you to help us because you're the only one with the pay and we don't take any underwriting you're never going to hear somebody sing the following program is brought to you by. It ain't following the proceeding and all the programs are brought to you by your listeners so please 260-2999 in the 408 area code 255299 in the 31 area code call and help take a piece stay on the air for another year and a simple as that but he pays more music for you I said I'm playing 40 five's I'm playing original vinyl as they say it ain't version any more by a long shot but it's original and this is all stuff that I bought back in the day when they were $0.99 for a record this is Dickie do and the don't this is that something you hear all the time. If they. Let. Through. A Long Tall Sally. Brand new Lobo named song that fans love. And a heartbreak. Band. For the. Both. Of them oh. Man as. We thought. We. Wanted that night. Then it. And I. Love my. C If I write. Do you want to dance I'll be free man what a great song I really liked that song before that we heard Larry Williams a short white fat short fat Fanny teaser for me to say and we started off with Dicky dude in the don't in mini 9999 Uno pick up some play on American Bandstand I guess with a name like that you it pretty much would have to have. 260-2999 is the phone number if you're in the 4 OJT area code 255-2999 in the 831 area code had a couple of calls I'm not getting a total yet but thank you and keep them coming this is the the 7th is even 1000 to the 18th Annual all these of goodies a marathon that we've been having here to station every year about this time we come around and ask you to help support k k u p and specifically help support. All these programming we have a really fairly large amount of oldies programming on the station I think probably more than any other station in the Bay Area and focusing on you know all the hits from back then but also a lot of obscure stuff and you're just not going to hear it anyplace else it's you know if you think that this is worthwhile then it behooves you to go ahead and say yeah I do think this is worthwhile I like what I'm hearing here and I would like to keep it going so let me become a member of Kiki let me pick up the phone and call 2602999 or if you're in the moderate based on a cruise area 255-2999 you can also go on our website at k k u p o r g and there's a donate now button there and that will take you to our secure Pay Pal site and you can go ahead and donate that way but if you call you to talk to and you know you talk to some people we have phone volunteers and they like talking to. Our listeners and going over stuff I mean there's some great premium to get a $60.00 premium is the Chuck Berry shirt in dark maroon with a cream colored image for $60.00 pledge that and the definitive Bo Diddley collection great stuff there's also as I said the Buddy Holly in the crickets for a $75.00 pledge $54.00 classic songs there's the absolutely essential Little Richard collection $32.00 song killer box set so there's Elvis Presley stuff there's stacks there's the Tammy show and the Stax Volt review there's the ultimate fifty's rock n roll collection for a $60.00 pledge there's you know there's a bunch of stuff. And our phone volunteers would love to walk you through what's available and what's on that stuff so you can pick out the gift that you like and that would most fancy but in order to do that you got to make the call to 60 to 999 in the 4 to 55 to 999 in a 31 area code you want to. Own goodie years an update $14715.00 so we're only about $300.00 shy of $15000.00 it would be really nice to get to that point before 4 o'clock in thank you to Steve in Lincoln City California Lincoln City you know Oh no kidding terrific Steve thank you so very much I'm not familiar with Lincoln City I'm sorry for everyone who's in Lincoln City going guys and half. Geology is not Mr geography is not my strong point I guess. But thank you so much Steve we appreciate it greatly and you too can have your own name Bogle in your city fooled around with by calling and pledging to. We would love to thank you of the year for making a generous donation to k.p. And picking up one of these many really cool marathon premiums be it Elvis Presley that's the way it is Sony Legacy limited edition Ellison Memphis Sony Legacy editions various artists Giants Volumes 12 and 3 you can imagine what that's like. So give us a call 260-2999 or 255-2999 become a member of and help keep all these programming on the air kick e.p. Is the last of the 100 percent listener sponsored radio stations to the best of my knowledge left in the United States and we do it because we think it's worthwhile we think it's important we think that by not taking any underwriting advertising sort of stuff or having an affiliation with a college or university or a foundation that that allows us to play stuff for you directly for you and not be dictated to by outside influences you are outside influence when you call up to a program like this and make a pledge it says to the folks here at Yeah all these are important people like that people care about this kind of music we want to continue to put this kind of music on the air for our listeners you know is an island of sanity in an increasingly turbulent world out there if you just bang your head on your coffee table when you're looking at your t.v. And say My God what is going on you turn off the t.v. Turn on and listen to something you enjoy hearing and makes you feel a little better well if you have some can give you some solace please allow us to do that and maybe slip us a pledge and say thank you for being that island of Solace there's more music I think you know this guy is. Oh if. Alone don't. Believe you. Can. Bring. All the. The. No. I. Don't mean. To you. What. Do you. If you ever think of that. If. You have. To. Do you do. In and. It's. I don't think I've heard that this weekend so far that's raunchy but Ernie Freeman great song and before that I told you each grew something up I told you at the onset of this program has said they're going to mistakes will be made and I said I made a beauty there I child to the Q On that and we start off of the group there is something on your mind the great big nearly with little sonny Warner doing the vocals on that and then before that. Was well as Presley of course. Originally recorded on the sun label but. That was on r.c.a. Victor after Victor took over the sun cattle there reshoot all that sun stuff on r.c.a. Victor 40 five's and that was one of those I was too young to buy in $45.00 when that came out in 1954 originally but I caught up with it a little later when I was old enough to spend my allowance on records. Baby Let's Play House. Thank you there's a nice little flurry of phone calls in those they'll be some more thank you for coming in thank you from Tom from Campbell and 2 more people who pledged I will have your names and cities I guess by the next break so we are currently at $14815.00 with a couple more pledges to come in so I'm going to go ahead and place more music 260-2999 is the number I would really like to get to 15000 dollars by 4 o'clock because we would like very much to get to 16000 dollars by 6 o'clock this is going to keep. In p.g. Any money you know we pay a lot of money on royalties ASCAP b.m.i. That kind of thing see 2nd we pay a ton of money for insurance we have to insure the studio we have to insure the tower up on the hill we have to insure anybody who walks in here and trips and breaks their leg and insurance is well if you have insurance you know and if you're trying to work your way through all the Obamacare world you know that insurance is the insurance is hard like Donald Trump said imagine that. But it's also expensive and a radio station has to have a lot of it and they really sock it to us so we need to pay our bills and the way we pay our bills is by asking you to support. To take the time to call 260-2999 if you're in the forward area code or 255-2999 if you're in the a 31 area code and say Yeah I I like oldies I want to I want to continue to hear this kind of music especially the stuff you're playing today that you don't get to hear very often you know you hear Jerry Lewis all the time but you don't always hear Ernie Freeman You don't always hear Big Jay McNeely you don't very often hear Dickey do in the don't so this is a station that plays a kind of stuff and if you want to educate yourself or you want to just fall back into. Either way we're here for you plus more music this is this is an interesting thing there was a lot of people got into rock n roll quote unquote back in the mid fifty's. Because they were doing something else they may have been country and western singers and they started doing rockabilly then they started doing Hard Rock. They may have been gospel quartet singers who like Sam Cooke switched over to start doing popular music or they may be. Some big band guys who you know are working with Cab Calloway or workin with Lana Hampton are you know some like that who went out on their own and one of those guys was a drummer by the name of cozy Cole and he had a big hit with Topsy parts one and 2 and who played out a little later today but he also had not so big a hit but with a really good record called bad. The. Thing and the big thing the big thing the big thing the best thing. The bad news the big thing the big thing the best see. The big thing. The best thing. To do no. Good thing. The bad news. The big thing the big thing and thing the big. The big thing the big thing the big bang bang bang bang bang bang bang. Bang. Bang bang bang the band thing. Daughter was I don't make the way I. Really. Think you know. The I. Love. To call it that May or May of 0000. 000000. 000-000-0000 extension 0 maybe. That's mean. It. Caught. Fire. Thing. First of all shout out to Tommy in Kansas City thank you for listening or extend his best. We are thrilled that you are listening to us on line in Kansas City Kansas or you in Kansas City Missouri you can say which one any who Thank you to Pamela from Santa Cruz who called with a generous pledge Donald in San Jose. Ron also in San Jose and Robert in Union City thank you all very much I don't have a total yet of what that little flurry has brought us to but I will directly so thank you all so very much for calling and supporting and being a person who can serve to show other listeners what you should be doing just like Donald did just like Robert did just like Pamela. Take up the phone and call 260-2999 in the area code or 25529998 we want to area code and become a member of. Help keep 100 percent listeners sponsored all volunteer radio on the air all of the money that comes in to kick goes directly into programming expenses it does not go into personnel expenses we are all volunteers here nobody gets paid . We just heard the bell Vikings doing a great song that is Come Go With Me and before that I continue Turner with think it's going to work out fine. That actually wasn't I can Tina Turner all it was like Turner was not playing guitar and was not in the studio that day the classic Ike Turner guitar riff and the Rip are tape that is so well known and that song was actually done by Micky Baker the great rhythm and blues and Studio Guitarist Mickey Baker sat in on that one and then played the guitar end did the oh really and before that bad cozy Cole and. I told you that was a good song in people's people responded to that and called it a yes it is great stuff Ok Well again 260-2999 if you're in the 408 area code 255-2999 an 831 area code I need to get a update here on the board so I can see where we're going but we're trying to reach 15000 dollars by 4 o'clock that gives me another 10 minutes to to get there we are currently at 14890 but I think there's some more money coming in so we'll just see we're getting close to that $15000.00 mark we need to get to $16000.00 by 6 o'clock tonight that is our goal and we would very much like to meet that because that means that kick e.p. Can keep the lights on and we can keep the turntables turning in the cd spare spinning keep the heat turned on or keep the cold turned on depending on what time of year it is you want. To remain here you want to turn on 915 and have be here. Look at all the radio stations we've lost over I mean we've been here for 45 years doing this the same format eclectic format for over 45 years that's amazing there's an awful lot of radio stations who didn't make it this long on call circle it used to be Radio Central k.s. J.-o. Is here Kim k. When he was here are all gone and we're still here that's that means something and this is. This is a service to the community that we've been providing for a long time and we take it seriously and we take it as a a duty to go ahead and play music that you can't hear anywhere else. And if you think that's worthwhile then you should give us a call at 26029992 Yeah I'd like to do that I'd like to become a member I would like to show my support to keep you know I would really like to help you guys stick around because the world is nuts enough out there without having to be there so go ahead and make the call it's really simple you call up and you say Ok I give up you know you got me and we send you out. A form a reminder with a self-addressed envelope in there and will stick in a bumper sticker and a program schedule so you know what's going on a q.b. At all times and when you're paying your bills this year you pay your k.p. Bill and you'll get a nice premium to get a Chuck Berry shirt for a $50.00 pledge you can get the cake e.p. Tote bag you can get it for a $60.00 pledge your choice of a number of very very cool C.D.'s and the Chuck Berry shirt there are a lot of $75.00 pledges that are double C.D.'s says are box sets and those are available so just you know talk to the phone guys and they would be more than glad to walk you through it everything is but you got to pick up the phone and you can also put it on the visa or a Master Card if you'd like to go ahead and just or pay it off over a period of time. You know jobs job rates are up in the Bay Area there's there's some there's a little bit of discretionary income in the Bay Area and if you're a person who has got a little bit of discretionary income and could possibly go ahead and help us out make a donation to is tax deductible so you not only get a premium and you became a member of. For a year and you help us out and you can write off on your taxes so there's a lot of there's a lot of perks there you know if you were a member of and you pledge last year during the oldies marathon. Guess what your subscription just ran out so it's time for you to go over to the phone pick it up and dial 260-2999 or 255-2999 say open your right eye I pledge last year during the marathon and it's time for me to pledge again it's time for me to renew my membership and that way I can pick up to school Chuck Berry shirt. You know we lost chuck this year and we decided that this was you know a proper way to do a memorium for him would be to put him on a t. Shirt and it's a dark burgundy t. Shirt with a cream image of Chuck Berry you can go to the website if you want to it's him doing the splits with his guitar in front of him it's a very cool picture and you're going to look good in it walking down the street this summer so. And they're in you know they're a limited edition shirt we we put them out during the marathons we count up the number of heads during the marathon that pledges form and we make that no number shirts and there aren't any more after that you can't you know call up in a month later and say oh I got to get me one in Chuck Berry shirt doesn't work like that they're not going to be here anymore you put the order in if the end of the week and they're done to please 260 to 999 make the call become a member of k k u p almost 4 o'clock let me play some music for a real quick. The. Oh uh. Uh uh. The far. Bottom never. Got him from a project. Talk that out of. An endowment I've placed it. Damn anything to. Take him. Money I'm gonna shoot big on that now bandwagon fan I. Find it hard to find. God he's got. It.

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