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Though beautiful I think is the beautiful little oh really i do get through it everybody is still not that you miss the arrow right down right here the last thing and we're going to dedicate this version to those who will not think. All right this is k k u p computer you know 91.5 an f.m. Dial I want to thank flat head bob for a phenomenal show with radio really there you guys just rocked the whole time you did really well we're currently it I believe 2775 for the 2017 all these marathon this is Dave hook here for your 3 to 6 pm Soul Patrol it's a classic celebration of about 65 to 75 plus or minus in the soul and r. And b. And things that relate to that I'm not privy doctrinaires you can hear a lot of things in there wanted to let you know you were heard when the only is marathon give us a call please that I think the phone calls will slow down a little bit 408-260-2999 or 83 when 255-2999 we have people standing by to take your calls but we'll be doing the next 3 hours of soul r. And b. On a little bit of this little bit of that it's vaguely climatological it's just you know things that I liked kind of help with mix of things that are both big hits and things that are maybe didn't really bad but I thought were great songs I will be prioritizing requests that come in with pledges So when you call and make a pledge and I really encourage you to do that think about if you haven't heard something you'd like to hear you can pass that on if I hear if I have it and it's you know within throwing distance of solar and being Motown I'll play it. Let's just get into the music it is so great to be back on the air we're going to start with a wonderful song by the marvel that too many fish in the Sea This is the single October of 64. Slightly. On the truck. Comes to comes. Obama. A mug. Chances. Against the ban. Slow. Death of frying pan palm. Good. Luck. To. You just. All right hope you're enjoying the soul and r. And b. And whatnot tonight this is or this afternoon is our it's funny I'm not used to being on the air in the afternoon I have to use this probably going to 3 or 4 years since I've been on the air in the afternoon so this is great to be here today this is Dave talking and we just heard 3 from some good going to different areas that was the last when there was engine double soul by Edwin Starr and that originally came out as actually a single on Rick tick which is another Detroit label that was bought by Motown I'm quite fond of at one store an agent doubles all that was kind of on the James Bond kind of exciting year in the sixty's when spies were really and before that we had people get ready a single version from Curtis Mayfield impressions came out in 1965 and I really like that song it's just a great song a lot of people have covered that and we started it off with too many fish in the sea by the Marvelettes and that came out in October of 64 that particular one I have on the complete note him singles Volume 4 and if you're into Motown you're into things like that you know those are really great things to have because they have not heard every darn single but it's like hundreds of music so we're about 10 minutes after 3 o'clock today and Friday afternoon if you're stuck in traffic out there take a deep breath and just enjoy the music when I came in maybe half an hour ago you start to get a little tougher out there so take a deep breath and don't let it get to you and just remember the music will get you through I did want to thank you of a couple people to thank have Paul from Mountain View and Mike from scene as a Frank you both You're very generous pledges. To everything else to report yet Ok well I did want to mention also we have a lot of really really appealing gifts and went on and I think I think Jim would like to talk to you about that so I'm going to put Jim's Mike why I was going to say that we're currently it's $2775.00 are only a couple $100.00 short of that $3000.00 mark so that would be our next year mark certainly and we have all of these wonderful. You know for a $50.00 pledge you get Chuck Berry t. Shirt as a thank you gift a $6.00 pager get you the t. Shirt and a cd of your choice but we have these box sets and stuff for $75.00 that are just amazing in order that there's a 7 cd just Ray Charles box set and there's a 5 C.D.'s lead best of the Atlantic rock n roll C.D.'s There's stacks stuff that's goes right along with what your play and there's a ton of stuff so be sure you'll call in ask with the operator what's available and they'll walk you through 82602999 is the number in the 4 way to recode and 255-2999 is the number neat 31 area code that's absolute correct you know I'm looking through this collection you know there's stacks of all there is a lot of Otis Redding Retha Franklin Chuck Berry Oh diddly Buddy Holly Little Richard it is just a really really great selection Elvis Presley you know whether you like soul and r. And b. You're like other kinds of oldies Ray Charles is just a lot of really good stuff and it's very good value it is of course tax deductible to the full extent of the law which is a wonderful thing yeah and you'd be losing money and I have to do what is right and furthermore you know I'll give my once I'm trying to do this rap too many times and I'm pledging because people get tired of it but you know we're such a unique station and we're so lucky to have the station here you know we're completely listener supported which means no commercials no underwriting no corporate sponsorship no pressure and we have a show on this radio station is about 4 things you have to do. And it is going to gyms curious about what I'm going to say here but. So number one is of course you have to comply with the f.c.c. Obscenity regulations that's just our policy. And it's not that we have a moral judgments about these things just that we just do not want to spend the money on her to her lawyers not not in our budget number 2 is that you do have to show up and do the show number 3 is you have to do a show that's like what you said it was going to be so it's grapple if you're given a country show. No you can't just show up and decide that it's going to be reg you know that doesn't work out for the station and number 4 and most importantly is that you have to show up and do a good show that has no nobody gives you a playlist nobody gives you these are the hot things you have to play you know that it's just up to you to put together a good show and I view it as like curating a musical experience for our listeners it's we just throw you in the deep end and say so him and it's so wonderful because you can play the depth and the breadth of things that people play on the station it's just amazing you'll never hear most this on other radio stations because you know even there and there's money there's no excuse and it's technically no excuse but I think it's all about the money a lot of times you know you hear some of the stations in there they're so shallow in their playlist you're the same darn Jimi Hendrix song you know and you know I mean I love Jimi Hendrix Ok Don't get me wrong or Ray Charles or you know Diana Ross whatever it is but it's such a narrow playlist you can you play something else because these people did a lot of other material a lot of it is very good in we play that other stuff so please help us stay on the air and help us remain your community public supported radio station yet you are the u n k k u p s a simple as that and if you are driving down the street listen indicate to pee on your car radio and you have now you 1.5 on your button then you're using this. Service that we provide enough that you should probably go ahead and be paying for it it's very you know $50.00 for an entire year is a subscription rate it's still a $25.00 membership rate after 45 years it's still there but you know if you use pony up an extra 25 books you get a t. Shirt and it's a really good look and he should and you're going to if you don't get one or you know wish you did you trust me this is a very good looking t. Shirt you know if you want to see what it looks like on our website I believe it's there but it is really good looking I am going to be wearing mine very proudly The only question in my mind is how many my going to get I don't know I had to think about that a little bit Chuck Berry was was the Shakespeare of you know of rock n roll music and we lost him this year and this is a commemorative shirt for him so it's run you can be representing and support take you to all those things in time so I don't really know where and when I want to mention once again that when you call in and have a pledge if you have a request that's within Iraq's distance of what I'm doing I'll move heaven and earth to play what you're requesting So think about that you know I have a phenomenal show put together but you know you can only fit so many things in and I'm not next I think about what you want to request when you come in pledge and I will give it my best try to play that for you during this segment if I don't get this segment I don't have it you know I'll be back on the air sooner or later helping record Rich out or something like that and I'll play them but this to be the time to do it because we need the money and let's face it you can be part of experience like you said we're just Jewish $3000.00 to a couple of calls will get us over that Mark let me give you the numbers one more time because you can't get the phone numbers out enough 260-2999 in the forward area code 255-2999 in the 81 area code and if you just can't bear the thought of talking to another human being on the phone you can go to dot org And we have a secure Pay Pal safe there. You can just do it via electronics you can remain anonymous although I have to say the people on the farm are very nice and they would they'll be glad to walk you through all the premiums if USA will Ok I've got a 7 cd Ray Charles that what's on that no Bobby a little put up is Ok You know there's. Just Number one there is what I say they're very good at it a good run you through the whole thing these are very knowledgeable people they are enthusiastic and it's so help them out and you know I have to say having been there on the other side of this you know when nobody calls gets a little. Quiet on the phone you know you're kind of like Ok I'm not feeling well so give us a call help those feel help them help validate their self-worth you know California is all about that so you can you can help us out there down there eating potato chips and tortilla chips and stuff you know make them earn their keep or at least help them keep a pound off it so we'll go back to the music here for a little while and we're going to pop in with this is a nice song off of Otis Blue are you sing soul and this is funny too I heard this I didn't even know he did this song but he does wonderful world by Otis Redding So what's enjoyed that. Do. You. Foresee the. Morning. You. Are going to get a. Clear . A. Long. Cold. Morning. Lead. All right we're back this is k. Q.p. Cupertino 91.5 Under f.m. Dial on your l.c.d. Screen or just you know in your brain when it comes in via the ether so however it gets to you this is k k u p Cupertino this is the 2017 all these marathon we're just in the early days we're doing Ok I really want to thank Peter from San Jose Peter I got something coming up for you after the break here I think you'll like but thank you for the support and keep those calls coming you know when we get those calls it really makes our phone people happy they're like oh good my existence was validated I'm not just here you know you know I mean it's not like they have a bad time but when calls come in it's just much better for all of us it's better for me it's better for the station I don't want to mention you know we're a totally community public supported radio station and that means that nobody's paying for us but us it's you know every single person on the station staff is a not getting paid and be as a member so we're paying and then see of course we're the people out there in our listening audience that support us so we really appreciate that but it's us it's nobody else and we're such an efficient organization you know our budget is I can tell you what the percentages of one of the big big big people like you know k.q.e.d. Or whatever but if it's a very modest annual budget I'm thinking it's somewhere in the neighborhood of $100000.00 a year which covers aren't for the studio or rent for the transmitter on top of the mountain r.p.g. Bill which is pretty substantial our phone bill which is pretty substantial We do have to pay the licensing fees. It adds up you know we did the labor is pretty darn good you know we all work for essentially free we do have to pay some vendors and service people occasionally there's equipment breaks that we just can't do anything with that we have to send out but we're an amazingly amazingly efficient organization but we still need your help to stay on the air so we've been on the air I think since and I know somebody will correct me there's somebody down here or somebody saw it out there and listener and will cry. It's either 72 or 74 when we really came on here. I think we're the only station left in the country of this nature where there's no other support of in us so help us stay and you know you know you have to be kind of proud about this the Bay Area the Central Coast we're just weird enough to pull this off and I think we do it proudly you know and now that we're I don't think we're barest about it that's definitely us and we're in a lot of different ways so it's big tent here you know it's not just like we're weird on the left we're not just we're on the right we're just playing a little different you know a really positive way but keep us keep us in your thoughts we need the money we got a couple calls it was great but we need some more and we did thank Peter thank you very much and I think I might have something else coming in here now I'm about to be handed something and all this keep blabbering Until then I do want to tell you what we just heard we heard what becomes of the broken hearted which was by that was the Jimmy Ruffin version other people have done that song darned if I can number who they were but that's a really nice version that came out in 66 before that when a man loves whom I Percy Sledge which is one of my all time favorites single in $65.00 there was a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush it's a single by the velvet lets came out in November of 65 and Mr That set off a very interesting to me version of wonderful world by Otis Redding of Otis Blue overseeing the soloist I'm going to play more songs from it as he is one of my favorite soul and r. And b. Performs without a doubt as I don't want anybody calling in to correct me about whether he saw the r. And b. I am just really vague on those things and I'm not particularly interested in categories I mean I was close enough Ok but I don't want to get in an argument about that you know you if you want you can call in and make a pledge and provide your opinion but if it's anything other than that I don't want to hear about it thank you very much because it's just it's not worth our our effort and I think we had oh you know Roland from Boulder Creek Thank you Roland for keeping helping us stay on the air and it won't have a 0 or a $3050.00 and $1.00 did not have a request. Ok will roll and I'll be in a my committee as I want to play lots of great music and so. It's for you thanks so we're going to move on back into that I did want to mention if you think you know we have all these wonderful things you me you know we just take money if people want to give us money you don't want to see that sometimes people literally going up I just want to give you money I don't want a premium we can do that totally and some day I'm still hoping because we do it in Silicon Valley and you know there are some. People really great great cash flow and all that around here some day I'm hoping that I'll get a call during my show or somebody will pledge a $1000.00 and then I can just shut up about the pledging enjoy the rest of America you know read maybe or read a music you have to come up with something you know but you know if somebody can do that this avenue that just I just blow my mind so you know go for it please but if you like the premium just want to know we have we've got these great tote bags I use them myself to carry my keiki be stuff when I don't take them to the store we've got the coffee mugs we've got the good looking baseball cap but I think I think it's a better it's a better look from the old days ball cap as far as I'm concerned of all higher quality there's the license plate holder I think I'm forgetting something those are all the standard ones and then we've got the marathon specific ones are just great looking Chuck Berry t. Shirt I just suggest if you want to know what it looks like just go to our website it's on the website at k k u p don't worry that's also how you can listen or other people you know can listen by streaming if they're out of good radio range and that does happen to people in the hurry I mean it happens to me my house so it's you know it doesn't take that far it's depends on where you are compared to the transmitter. And then we've got all these great premiums you know or. Our book of goodies there is the big special is that we have a pair of tickets to see Johnny Mathis. October and that takes those texts along with an Earthman teacher does $200.00 or more but it's here and if you're going to Johnny Mathis the seats are you know we know where the seats are and you can give us a call please. We have a whole lot of. Sets of you know you get a t. Shirt you know either a cd or a cd set there's Chuck Berry there's soul collection and there's stacks there's Wilson Pickett. Elana Salters Aretha Franklin Chuck Berry. Deadly Buddy Holly I was going to go through some of these Little Richard Elvis Presley Ray Charles a lot of great Ray Charles there were either Franklin. Stax Volt can't go along with I love that stuff more Stax will for Jeff this is interesting a rare Japanese rhino for a cd package if you're into that stuff that is the one to get it's a very rare thing and I will go to $100.00 bet on there are some really great things we got the Beach Boys for Pet Sounds and another something else sunshine tomorrow so it's kind of like some you know they put together some sets of things or more for Tammy shows oh my gosh D.V.D.'s it is just really astounding so. I'm going to go back to the music but please give us a call and if you have any questions about that because I realize I blew through that stuff you certainly don't have time right now our phone people have that information they'll help you find what would help make you happy in that context we can't make you existentially happy but you know it's beyond our control so so with that way to go back to the music we're going to take it out of here with something from the 4 Tops enjoy because I know I will trust me I don't put anything on here than joy. A. Autoclaves is a mom but. Where are the. I'm but I was part of that I was beatin some bombs up all of it. Was will be made I'm sorry about part one of our. Hero but it's all something. If you come from a comfort zone sometimes my. Please. Follow a blanket over my. Head. I'm such a bad it's. Tough. To imagine some bombs that Obama. Was really mad. About blah blah. Blah all plagues of my every. Time for the. Oh it was going to happen so was. Was she would be bawling in the. Sorry about that the d.j. Was falling asleep there we just heard there was a request that came in with the pledge of thank you very much Peter I was under the boardwalk by the Drifters hope you enjoyed that as much as I did because it was a great request times when I was about our listeners as you guys have great taste and I hate to say it and I don't I'm not a really long time k.k. You program I have been doing this for 30 years but I've been doing it for a good 6 years new 7 years now and I've never specially during a marathon I've never had a request that was just going it was so bad I couldn't play it I got a few things that were just like you know kind of out of left field in terms of can I play it because it doesn't pertain to the show I was doing but it's never been like oh my god I just cannot play that song on the radio so thank you listeners thank you for calling in we really appreciate your support so that was the Drifters before that we heard heaven must have sent you by the Elton's that came out you know it's a Motown it's a Motown a label but it came out on what's called hippo select one of their sublevels and I did I had to look at it because I had no idea what is that but yeah it's one of their one of their subtitles came out in 1960 secs. No apologies I'm going to I'm going to run back on now and suppose like what that came out on today originally was on V.I.P.'s at that point when more sense and we started that set out with the 4 Tops with reach out I'll be there and that's from the album reach out and it also came out as a single in August of 166 so things got a little quieter out there and please give us a call for 08 to 6 there to 99983125529991 of the things that they teach us here is to slow down when you give the numbers because some of us have a tendency to plough through those numbers and when you blow through them you know people can't possibly write them down and that took me a while to learn and I think I'm still working on it we're currently at $3050.00 which is great I would like it to make $3500.00 during the show we have another 2 hours to go you know we're doing Ok but please keep it going keep the calls coming in don't let our phone volunteers be quiet and sad and you know you have this vision of a room full of had volunteers that's it's not it's not a good thing we do need your help to stay on the air and keiki peers proudly listeners supported for through their 4345 years and somebody will tell me I know that it's a long time but we need your help to do that because nobody else is part of our deal here we're going to move on with more. Great material and I want to mention of course that you know when I get a pledge when a request comes in that pledge I'm going to work really hard to play it I just did that for Peter thank you very much for that and I see we have a new total that are oh it's so we're doing pretty good there it's 3475 and I think what that means is that more people pledged and carry my body my body from Richland Washington Gary thank you so much you're a great guy and did Gary have it to give you have a request. You know what I think that's coming up already so if you can be patient for an hour or 2 it's coming if you can be patient call me back and I'll move it up and then I want to thank David from San Jose you guys are awesome out there. So we'll get back to the music now but thank you both and Gary it's good to hear from you. You're a great person as you're one of the only person I know that's not a family member from high school and a great has good taste in music too that's not a big surprise you know one of the reasons I'm still a good friend of it. Thank you all right we're going back to music that's probably not that will play a couple songs that will do the 4 pm station id stuff so here is a little more Otis Redding and I'm sorry but there is going to be more of this reading and you can say it's too much but for me he's just one of the top soul figures of the era and I cannot play too much Otis Redding I had to cut down you know talking to my friends were concerned about this you know I started out to do put a show together and you know 1st thing use or what I like to play Ok it's 3 and a half hours and I got a 3 hour slot and when you put the pledging in there it's really time for about one hour and 50 minutes of music and it was like choosing your favorite child and to get down to that time so Ok here's the Otis Redding let's just enjoy it thank you for your support Keep the calls coming for a week to 6 or 2. Or 831255. She may be. The young girl they do. then they. Go. a clue. On

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