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Rules despite President Trump support forum retired Navy Admiral James Stavridis calls that president and it's very rare for a president to step into that process and in the context of this particular case to step in what are convictions for war crimes I can't recall another case in the us in July Gallagher was acquitted of murdering a wounded ISIS fighter in Iraq but was convicted of posing for a photo with a dead president's body and devoted in writing last week Trump restored Gallagher's rank and yesterday he tweeted quote The Davey will not be taking away a war fighter a Navy Seal any Gallagher's Trident pin in the quote the Trident pin signifies membership in the SEALs the final reading of the Consumer Sentiment Index for November is due today Atlas expect to see the index tick up 2 tenths of a point from October the Consumer Sentiment Index will be out at 10 am Eastern Time a Border Patrol agent accused of hitting a bargain with his vehicle has learned his fate doll Nicci with more a federal judge has sentenced Matthew Bowen who resigned from the Border Patrol earlier this year to 3 years probation he will also have to complete community service and pay restitution the 10 year veteran agent was accused of intentionally running down a Guatemalan migrant who was trying to illegally cross the border near Nogales in December 2017 and then lying about it just before the trial was set to begin he agreed plead guilty of violating the man's rights and better health has a new c.e.o. For University Medical Center Phoenix he's danger post and he officially takes over January 27th he brings over 30 years experience in the hospital and physician practice operations to the table he replaces Dr Stephen Ryan who left better health earlier this year to take a job in Virginia that's a look at dues of build Irish for line 60 the pizzeria. A couple of accidents on the freeways 2 right lanes walk out to a to respond or Scottsdale Road as you approach discussed ala rural exit also another accident off to the side State Route $51.00 southbound your Thomas Road parties are at the Thomas Road exits at the gore point section also traffic lights are still flashing Bell Road both directions at Loop 101 and accident Neven Dale Buckeye road a main street just west of deicer and McDonald drive at Pima road you've got an accident over there in Scottsdale and Thomas Road At 50 I'm getting Davis Knight 60 the paper at today's edition of Terry's take on the topics is sponsored by modern round upscale lounge and Eatery I'm Terry Gilbert This is Terri's take on the topics before the House impeachment inquiry even when public there was much ado about whether Hunter Biden should have to testify Adam Schiff was an amount that Hunter wouldn't testify arguing that he's irrelevant to the story of impeaching Trump really the hunter story is central to the inquiry either to determine if Trump called Zelinsky to investigate a political rival Joe Biden or investigate a corrupt Ukrainian gas company that put his son Hunter on its board you see the shift Democrats want the American people to think this subject of impeachment boils down to something really very simple that President Trump had a call with Selenski to say you'll get military aid from us if you investigate Joe Biden who will probably be my rival for president in 2020 All right let's say it's as simple as that then shouldn't the hearings ask about Trump's motivation the why Trump would want an investigation into Joe Biden Joe was Obama's point person to manage Ukraine Hunter got a board position on an energy company taking in 50 k. Amongst without any energy experience and it was Joe who bragged on camera that a Ukrainian prosecutor looking into this including his son should be fired or a $1000000000.00 wouldn't come their way so if Schiff wants to make the case for a Trump quid pro quo how can he avoid a joke quid pro quo so let's get back to what is central in all this. Is somehow an impeachable offense but Biden's is somehow legitimate Ontario. 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Welcome good morning America Morning Glory to everyone Bongiorno high and Canada greeting to everyone in Israel who is listening and of course to our friends in the p.r.c. Who have begun to talk all the time with us it's time for the Hilldale dialogue Good morning how are you my friend Matthew Spalding dean of the Hilldale Graduate School of Public Policy. Good to see you we with you this morning has a great a great week or at least the in hopefully to part of the process and we move on now the president has just called into Fox and Friends and so I would like to see if we can bring that up to get your commentary on it in real time Matthew Spalding dean of the Hillsdale school of public policy while we look for that I'll remind everyone Hillsdale media was right on all things Hillsdale that we have the president take paypal Mr President you say it could be historic You have suggested in the past that this might go much higher than the Department of Justice with the f.b.i. During the Obama administration are you suggesting that could actually go into the West Wing of the Obama dealing at the highest levels of government they were spying on my campaign this is my opinion I said it a long time ago I remember when I put out a tweet and I talked about that wiretapping in quotes meaning modern day version of whatever the wiretapping may be and all hell broke loose how I did you know Mr President how high did it go your I think personally I think it goes all the way Ok because I think it's impossible rock Obama Brennan and for Clapper and for all of these losers that you had over there I think it's impossible for them to be doing things and let's see what it all says but to impossible Susan Rice at the person that worked at the United Nations to when they have to fight is the reports and when after reports like she ate them for lunch and you know you look at the previous administration they were they went after like a few and she was getting them at the level that nobody had ever even imagined before and it had nothing to do with their you know I think this goes to the highest level I hate to say it I think it's a disgrace they thought I was going to win and they said how could we stop them they wrote up the phony fake Vassie a the disgusting fake Dusty a and they tried to have it put out prior to the election just to show how incompetent they were they spent. Millions and millions of dollars Hillary Clinton paid for it and the Democrats. Lot of it had to do they say with Ukraine but Mr Nungesser interesting it's very interesting they have this server right from the d.n.c. Democratic National Committee who has the Pharaoh the f.b.i. Went in and they told him Get out of here you not get it we're not giving it to you they gave the server to Crowd Strike or whatever it's called which is a country which is a company owned by a very wealthy Ukrainian and I still want to see that server you know the f.b.i. Has never gotten that server that's a big part of this all right let me go back to Matthew Spalding the president clearly animated thinks he did well Matthew Spaulding and he believes that the new inspector general report on fines that is going to blow the roof off of a lot of scandal and still interested in Crowd Strike What say you. I think a. Step back from the way what we're seeing here keep the both these things in mind this impeachment proceeding that's going down one route being pushed by the Democratic Party and the houses. And the the movement that's going on by this president digging into these past activities writ large this is a debate about the role and the activities of this bureaucratic state and what people were up to as that bureaucratic has become politicized. The president looking back to what went on and 2016. The Democrats are trying to preserve that and use that and protect that Roxy to go after this president who wants to have so this larger debate about the status of the other broccoli which I think he's dead on about the other things I think this I think that I g report is going to be explosive I think this is one of these why the criticisms of attorney general Barr so intense to try to undermine him I think that will lay out a lot of things that are here to Phorbin been not seen and not understood by the public and I think that will set up between these 2 broad activities the movement of of impeachment and how it's been carried out and how it's been House is playing out and what's going on with the president pushing back this idea report coming out the the question about the server all these sayings I think this will be the larger narrative going into 20 into the next presidential election and I think it's a larger debate about the nature of bureaucratic government and whether we're acting under a system of consent because a lot of this is being uncovered that. That it turns out that much of government much activity is occurring actually without the consent of the American people and I think Bank president is Trump is animated because he's put been pulling that back and he's getting more and more traction in that debate. And if this public reports now u.g. If this latest out with that level of of detail that I would expect from the train general the i.g. It's going to be devastating to that to that argument now Dean Spaulding interesting that you would bring this out last night Salem has been running a tour called The War for America's soul named after 7 Barker's new book and 7 I are colleagues and I know him a little bit and we agree about 70 percent of time 30 percent of the time we disagree and we had a vigorous disagreement last night which Kosova the lie out there that we are all being told what to say every day in fact I argue almost every day with my. Senior vice president for programming at Salem Hill boys about what counts as breaking and I mean we just always argue in the company there is no party line but last night I said I don't like deep state I don't believe there's a deep States knock on the door in the night people taken away from They'll pull the digits that remove that that's a deep state I think we have a permanent government said disagrees vehemently believes that there is a deep state you without prompting just use the term permanent government but both of us go to the central question as outlined by our friend Dr Larry on present Hillsdale the central question of our time will the people rule the government or will the government rule the people and that is on display in this impeachment the asco and it's on you hear the president speaking to it this morning is that correctly stated No I think it is I have the same reservations as you do about the idea of a deep state I there's something to certain aspects of it having become very. Politicized within intelligence using secret I understand all that but the term deep state implies a certain conspiratorial theory of all this which I don't quite I don't like that part because I think it mask what's what's really going on which is I think is much something much more significant and actually goes back historically a lot farther I mean you go back and look at as one example Reagan's famous time for choosing speech in 1964 he warns of a bureaucracy that is undermining the consent of the American people go back behind that I mean the progressive argue about the rise of bureaucratic administrative experts there's the root of all this so there's a larger permanent bureaucracy that has come into being Congress delegate its powers to create this thing now in the midst of a huge battle over the control of it which has been going on over the whole course of the 20th century and aspects of that indeed are becoming politicized because they are not neutral in the way the progress is hoped they would be so there is this huge very sick of a battle going on about the nature of American government. It has something to do with the new form of government that's been created over the 20th century I think the president is engaged in that battle he sees it not necessarily the most. Articulate way but he goes to the to the heart of it he goes to the juggler on it I think that's the essence of what a training tool bar is talking about in his speech recently the federal society we're talking about in the break I think that is the battle upon us and I also think that's what's behind a lot of the impeachment push this president threatens that modern state can't have that and look at who's testifying against him. Our aspects the modern bureaucratic state which think that's that he is the one that's that is. Illegitimate and that is not the way to rule rez he actually for all of his imperfections and flaws is actually trying to restore what I would argue is a traditional understanding of the American presidency he is beat because of a Congress that said Corker got very animated last night and asked me when I left the government which was I've been confirmed the Senate in 87 and I left in 89 and said things have changed gotten much worse and he brought up the intergovernmental consensus just as no one votes for the interim government consensus that's the people say I just disagree but I nevertheless think we're all in agreement on one thing which is that the president's got to get back control of the executive branch and that there were at least 50 bad people operating as a rogue element in the federal government and we're going to find that out in the i.g. Report when we come back after a break Dean met Spaulding you know I had Amity Shlaes on yesterday Matt and I am probably the most important center right historian in America she laid down her new book Great Society yesterday this all gets it goes on steroids in the sixty's and it all connects up to today and we'll talk about that after the break we've got to get back to the unitary executive Matthew stalling and I talk about it during the break go to Hilldale daddy to you or all of our previous Hilldale dialogue great Q 4 Hillsdale dot com portions of the show are right you imparted by the Salvation Army. That happens in d.c. That you never hear about unless you're here when he returned. From Thanksgiving it's a beautiful day in this neighborhood the Beautiful. The sun the. Story of the friendship between Mr Rogers and a cynical journalist poking people like me to believe this for him and that's Ok starring Tom Hanks and Matthew Reed the people day in the neighborhood rated p.g. And a guy suggested in theaters now for tickets and Showtime resources out of useful data here here at airport Home Advisor dot com You know winter is upon us and 72 percent of the people that listen to the Hear hear which are the millions that listen to my program you own your own home well that chilly weather is coming the holidays are just around the corner and the days are getting shorter you may feel like you've got no time to finish up those lingering home projects on your own Well you don't need to do it on your own for minor repairs to major remodel Home Advisor dot com well connected with a top rated pros in your area who can help with any home project from painting and plumbing Yeah even hanging up the holiday lights the pros have been reviewed by your neighbors so you can see what others thought of their work you're not sure how much the project should cost get multiple quotes from the pros and use home advisors project cost guide to see what others paid for for similar Project Home Advisor makes it easy to get your project the now before the holiday rush to find the right pro at a fair price just ask Home Advisor go to Home Advisor dot com or download the free award winning Home Advisor wrap the day Home Advisor dot com Hi I'm Karen owner of Lone Star transfer if you are a timeshare owner getting out is probably a top priority and now that the animating skis are right around the corner this ongoing burden and expense is at the top of your list like I asked you for you what we have done for thousands of others our process is done legally ethically and quickly Don't let another day go by with making these taking your hard earned money even to call for a no obligation consultation at 8 or 4 to 8 or 4863 or online at Lone Star transfer dot com This is the huge. Mark Levin sees the president as a warrior I see Donald Trump as a freedom fighter within his own country I see Donald Trump as the great defender of our constitutional system within his own country fighting off the hard left truly mindless Republicans Donald Trump has done more to uphold the law than equal this country we have judges in this country who are making a joke of our Constitution says Mark Levin weeknights at 9 on intelligent talk 960 The Patriot. Hey folks at least in here are you tired of the I word I know I am you know who else is our friends at guns etc That's why they've created a $10200.00 square foot tribute to the 2nd Amendment and American freedom and no impeachment talk thousands of guns the most damage holsters knives in a full safe store even an indoor air conditioned shooting simulator run started his store 32 years ago right here in the valley he didn't have a lot of money but he wanted to create a place where patriotic Americans could gather to share their love of freedom guns etc is on almost school just south of got a loop in Mesa and it's worth the drive some people spend hours there and if you think what's happening to our president is a disgrace and believe in the principles that America was founded upon the same values our president fights for every day guns etc is for you take it from me suck leaps and visit Ron and his crew of guns etc and leave the impeachment talk at the door. We got an accident too right let's walk out to a through East on your Scottsdale Road as you approach the Scottsdale rural exit you're going to still exit past the crash tow truck is on the scene out there accident off the sides the roof if you want southbound there Thomas Road parties are on the a Thomas Road exits Gore Point section this report sponsored by discover get your free credit score card today even if you're not a Discover customer and include your flag on credit score and checking your score card won't hurt your credit or more discover dot com slash credit score card limitations apply Davis Knight 60 the baker. Got an i Phone Blackberry your smartphone download the Patriot app for your song just go to your app store or log on to 960 the Patriot dot com today. This residual power to meet contingency is essentially the federate of power discussed by Locke in his 2nd treatise and finally there are the executive powers necessary for internal mad announcement of the executive These are the powers necessary for the president to superintend and control the executive functions including the powers necessary to protect the independence of the executive branch and the confidentiality of its internal double liberations some of these powers are expressed in the Constitution such as the power of appointment and others are implied implicit in the Constitution into constitution for example the removal power. One of the more amusing aspects of modern progressive polemic is their breathless attacks on the unitary executive theory. I think you should be so. They portray this as some newfangled theory to justify executive power of such sweeping and unfettered scope. I think some of you may have seen that horrible movie vice bad Vice President Dick Cheney and there's this scene where the young Dick Cheney young I think he may have been 36 and his chief of staff at the White House he goes in to meet the young and you know Scully over at the Office of Legal Counsel and they talk about this. And this area's theory that will allow them to just take over the world and it's called the unitary executive theory. And some of you may recall when I was up for confirmation all these Democratic senators saying how concerned they were about my adherence to the unitary executive here. Or going back American as attorney general or your bar at the Federalist Society I'm here here at the Hillsdale dialogue all things they'll they'll they'll Diaby to you Dean Matthew Spalding is my guest he is the dean of the graduate school the Hillsdale runs at the Kirby Center in Washington d.c. That I played all of Bill bars beachhead was so wonderful but that's right. That was classic And what's especially in writing about that is the whole bit about the movie vice Yes actually not in its original tax cut off script. I didn't know that you know this is just riffing and so maybe explain to us his underlying point. Or emphasize that could be explained it very well but this craziness on the left permeates everything well but 1st let me say up front that I think this is not only a significant important goods great speech but I think this speech is of a comparison to the speeches that Attorney General Ed Meese gave in the Reagan administration the mid eighty's that picked a fight with Justice Brennan and actually started the debate the modern debate on originalism I think this is a very significant speech the heart of the speech is to to recover the idea of the executive power and he doesn't number of things here which we can talk about but one thing I think very clearly is is and here we see it in a very humorous way he undermines this notion of the theory of the unitary president as if it was made up which is of course the accusation the left made up some time to just try to exert power which the Republican Party wants to use for nefarious purposes but. Just a general bar here clearly puts it in historical context this is actually what comes out of the Constitutional Convention this is what is created indeed the Korean regime of the of the executive in that in the American Constitutional System that sank to create an executive with in constitutional government 2 Republican eyes the executive as Harvey Mansfield likes to say that actually is a significant a worldly historical significant thing that is accomplished in American constitutional and just try to bar says that that's actually the Americal that occurs here is to contain the executive in the Constitution but create a sufficiently powerful executive to do the things that the executives need to do in terms of executing the law in terms of doing sovereign functions in terms of doing the things necessary to defend the country there and I'll be right back we're going to stay on this we are going to stay on this bill bars is. Really Necessary deserving of the attention continues on the show right after this don't forget to sign up for the hewn of or all of you broadcasts on the after show which in my opinion is worth the price all by itself in all sorts of bonus content that universe if. You're in the middle of a nonstop action information let's hear it's coming right. Here here right here for Home Advisor dot com You know winter is upon us and 72 percent of the people that listen to the year here would show the millions that listen to my program you own your own home well that chilly weather is coming the holidays are just around the corner and the days are getting shorter you may feel like you've got no time to finish up those lingering home projects on your own Well you don't need to do it on your own for minor repairs to major remodel. Home Advisor dot com will connect you with a top rated pros in your area who can help with any home project from painting and plumbing Yeah even hand up the holiday lights the pros have been reviewed by your neighbors so you can see what others thought of their work you're not sure how much the project should cost get multiple quotes from the pros and use home advisors project cost guide to see what others paid for for similar Project Home Advisor makes it easy to get your projects done now before the holiday rush to find the right pro at a fair price just ask Home Advisor go to Home Advisor dot com or download the free award winning Home Advisor rap today Home Advisor dot com This is the huge. Here is 916. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina is investigating bullbars for the Joe Biden and his son the hunter for their alleged involvement with Ukraine Graham chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee and he sent a letter to Secretary of State Marc from Peo yesterday that asks for any documents dealing with Joe Biden's communications with Ukrainian officials and f.b.i. Official is under investigation for allegedly altering a document connected to the surveillance of Trump campaign advisor Carter page my power with this work for c.n.n. Is reporting the document which surfaced during a portion of the Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz review into the Pfizer warrants obtained on Page was reportedly altered enough to change its meaning but it was not immediately clear what role the document played in the investigation of Paige Horowitz turned over the document to federal prosecutor John Durham who's conducting the probe into the intelligence gathered for the Russian investigation by federal agencies Horowitz report on the Pfizer warrants is scheduled for release next month and the inspector general also testified before Congress after the findings are released at least one person here in Arizona has been sickened by a strain of e. Coli that they be linked to bagged salad the Centers for Disease Control says at least 17 people are known to a fallen ill in the outbreak in 8 mostly Western states all 17 had to be hospitalized but no one has died health officials in Maryland say a package of ready packed foods be stroked chicken Caesar salad found in one of the patients homes tested positive for. But only some of those who became ill reported eating this particular salad that's a look at news on film lash what I 980 The Patriot. We got tenacity to write like that to a true East runner Scottsdale Road as you approach discuss the Rolex and get a still exit pass the crash tow truck is on the scene out there accident off to the side say roof if you want southbound there Thomas Road parties are in the a Thomas Road exits Gore Point section of this report sponsored by the skiver get your free script scorecard today even if you're not a Discover customer It includes your credit score and checking your score card won't hurt your credit learn more discover dot com slash credit score card limitations apply Davis Knight 60 the Bayford now it's time for the market report brought to you by Grand Canyon planning for retirement plan you can count on call Grand Canyon planning this is a Bloomberg market minute stock futures are higher just ahead of the opening bell as investors assess the latest headlines on the trade dispute between the u.s. And China shares of the gap are moving higher in pre-market trading after earnings beat estimates in the latest quarter and the retail company maintained its earnings guidance for the year sales did fall 4 percent from a year ago and were down across the company's brands Nordstrom is also rising before the opening bell after reporting strong 3rd quarter results yesterday with sales and profits beating expectations you could be paying more for that morning jolt of Java coffee futures just posted the biggest Today gain in 4 years amid signs that an expected World short fall is beginning to bite for the premium beans favored by companies like Starbucks and Duncan Arabica coffee prices have advanced 14 percent this year international coffee organization projects a swing to a world shortfall from a surplus partly because of declining South American output Gina Serveti Bloomberg Radio. 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Thames divest the power to execute the law and someone beyond the control of the president it contravenes the framers clear intent to vests that power in a single person the president so much for this supposedly nefarious new theory of the unitary executive. Now we all understand that the framers expected that the 3 branches would be jostling and cow sting with each other as each threaten to encroach on the Parag case of the others. They thought this was not only natural but salutary and they provisioned each branch with the wherewithal to fight and to defend itself in these into branch struggles for power so let me turn now to how the executive is presently fairing in these into branch battles I'm concerned that the deck has become stacked against the executive and that since the mid sixty's there's been a steady grinding down of the executive branches authority that accelerated after Watergate more and more the president's ability to act in areas in which he has discretion has become smothered by the encroachments of the other branches. Welcome back America that was Attorney General William Bart is the Hilldale dialogue our weekly last Radio Hour I'm joined today by Dean Matthew Spaulding he Helms Hillsdale graduate school of statesmanship in Washington d.c. At the Kirby Center find out about it at Hillsdale dot edu in Spalding I should ask you how is this semester got not to start over there. It's going great we've got some students now we just made some decisions for January for a new class it's just it's fabulous We have great students from all sorts of places and we're often off to the races trying to say I do math I am Michael Anton on this week and what a great pack of the you have and are you close for January are you still taken application No we're set for January and we're already talking to people about the fall all right now let's go to what Attorney General barges said the Constitution gave the unitary executive that the president has been under assault as the Constitution intended actually by the judiciary in the Congress since the beginning but the executive has not fought back very well since Watergate what do you think of his analysis what do you think of his prognosis and what do you think of the likelihood of a successful rebound of the executive authority Well look I think his analysis of the the scope of what has happened is absolutely correct I think we can add to that or at least as expand on it a little bit in the sense that what the modern kind of progressive transformation of government is really actually create a separate cost or a different constitutional regime. And he's representing one and criticizing the other but let's the other has transformed all 3 of the branches such that today the Congress is actually on the one hand extremely weak because they've delegated a lot of their power to the executive. And they've practiced oversight over the executive the executive on the other hand as become weak and when it comes to is the core responsibility the executive yet stronger in a way because of the delegations of this bureaucratic power and the courts meantime have become kind of a star chamber. The larger thing going on here is what will 2 fold one is because the courts have become so involved which are turned your bar says is the prime source of the problem they have to intervene in the natural back and forth between the executive branch and the legislative branch that the forms the constitutional structure separation of powers structure but the the rise of this new bureaucratic state which we've already been alluding to has created this other entity out there which Congress has delegated and created and now practices oversight over and that blurs the lines between the executive and the legislative branch so there's this whole different way that government works that the back the background to do what he's raising here in the midst of that how do you restore executive power by which we don't just mean a stronger executive per se but in the executive that is strong where they're supposed to be strong in their core functions. But in doing so what you're actually talking about doing is restoring the proper role of the 3 branches of government and he's focused here on the executive branch which I think is especially in trouble given the other branches I would emphasize that well actually Congress is actually in dire problems the problems as well they're actually folks in the wrong things they're pursuing. Impeachment and in the in the Senate trying to block. Executive meant as opposed to doing things like budgets they're not sticking to their core functions either so this larger. Thing that I think is greatly transformed in the midst of that I think he is on he is absolutely correct that the best way to revive these constitutional structures is to make each of the branches in this case the executive more robust in defending and asserting its core functions and powers now message to all that's what he's focused on when you teach this speech and I simu will be teaching this speech I think there's another point to be made that is subtle but important as he attempts to revive the executive and to energize the legislative branch towards its proper function is also talking to the judiciary there are 2 ways to restore the judiciary for the 1st as direct you make appointments as president compass appointed 2 Supreme Court justices 46 members of the federal appellate bench with another 6 coming now with 52 out of a total of 167 will eventually appoint one 3rd in his 1st term and he has now 120 district court judges appointed approaching one 4th of the district court judges that's direct indirect he's giving this speech to the Federalist Society the Federalist Society is 30 years old it grew up in response to the collapse of legal academia in the leftward ideology it grew up in the response to a judiciary out of control it represents originalism in the Constitution so that he gave this speech to this group at this time is incredibly significant to me in its symbolism and in what it is suggesting we need to do which is to support and have the Federalist Society thrive your thoughts No I think that absolutely cracked all I would take a little a step further and this is why I think the parallel to Attorney General Meese is speeches are so important attorney general Mieses speeches in the eighty's. Brought into. Do I think prominent actually gave rise to the federal system creation of the federal site in the 1st place yes the argument that we should focus on judges and their appointment absolutely correct and I think for all the reasons you just laid out a tweet or a bar here in many ways going to the federal society where those originals miss me speeches were made were made in conjunction with. It's actually I think arguing suggesting we now need to turn to phase 2 of all of this and the subtle thing I've picked up on there is you're right the direct way is judicial appointments and we're going to continue doing that clearly they are but he's actually raising a nother this indirect idea which is we actually need to revive the the actual operational day to day separation of powers back and forth where each branch is actually defending itself and pursuing its own functions which is actually the Madisonian design of the Constitution and in that context you want to robust executive focus on executive powers you actually want a robust legislative batch branch focused on appropriate legislative powers not doing the silly things they tend to focus on here he talks about how they have become so focused on oversight Well that's because they delegated didn't create this bureaucracy and they gave up on budgeting so they do it after the fact by keeping an eye on the bureaucracy the administrative state this thing we're always talking about has so deformed the branches that the the way to get back to it is is not merely to. Do the immediate things but to actually revive that structure in the case of the court you not only need good judges on the court but I think you actually need a robust executive and the legislative branch but an executive who will push the court by asserting their own powers I mean he raises this. Great question I think absolute right about this about nationwide injunction let me play that district let me play that number morning it's a real problem this is important but 28 of Bill bars speech courts indulgence of such claims even if they are ultimately rejected represents a serious intrusion on the president's constitutional prerogatives. The impact of these traditional intrusions on the executive responsibility have been huge will be hugely magnified by another judicial innovation the nationwide injunction. First used in 1963 and sparingly since then until recently these court orders enjoying enforcement of a policy not just as for the parties before the court but nationwide against everybody now since President Trump has taken office district courts have issued over 40 nationwide injunctions against the government. By calm by comparison during President Obama's 1st 2 years district courts had issued 2 nationwide injunctions both of which immediately vacated by the 9th Circuit you see Matthew he understood exactly what you were getting at that he's challenging the judicial branch in his speech. No he is challenging Japan but he's challenged him and in 2 ways one you guys should keep an eye on your own shop which is you should be allowing lower court judges to stop the whole nation it's destroying the very structure of the judiciary the the you know the tearing if you will of how the court system works that's one thing he's doing but the other thing he's doing is he's putting a marker down here which is that the executive this is this is impinging upon the legitimate constitutional powers of the executive and the executive I actually think has the authority to ignore a local district judge issuing a nationwide injunction that's a real more robust response but I would actually suggest that would be a response consistent with a robust understanding the separation of powers remember in that speech just prior to those passages you were referring to when he talks about the courts getting intervening between the executive and the legislative branch he he actually makes a very strong argument that courts by themselves courts can't result many of these disputes these are political questions and you and the courts need to on the one hand back off on the other hand you need a robust executive legislature to fight those political questions and ultimately those political questions go to the American people and we're back to our consent issue again we will come back to that we'll come back to that after the break Matthew Spaulding dean of the Hillsdale graduate school in Washington d.c. As my guess all things Hillsdale at Hillsdale dot edu go and support the college watch their amazing online courses and every one of our Hillsdale dialogues collected here for Hillsdale dot com Next Friday an Iliad epic also want to remind you the red kettle is open over your Us dot com for the Salvation Army exiled from Chick fil a an extraordinary inexplicable deeply disappointing action by Chick play I shall not enter the restaurants again but I. Have double fetch him Mr Hugh and I have doubled our contribution to Salvation Army the last and least need your help please step up and go to you at dot com contribute to the red kettle at the top while you're there look for the relief factor not come back as well 995 get you your starter pack a really factor dot com I was asked frequently last night both on and I and I really factor in our wallet how do you keep up the schedule because it's been camping. Southern California San Francisco and then back to d.c. 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I can't believe the holidays are almost here again that's not all it's time to review our Medicare plan and see what changes are coming in 2020 pound now we're not that again that 800 number we call for help last year was so confusing. I don't have time to attend all those meetings not to worry this year we're calling Tina at t.r. B. Insurance service Tina and her team will meet with us answer our questions explain our options and help us make changes if necessary the t.r.p. Team has helped people with Medicare in Arizona for over 19 years and be insurance as an a plus rating with the Better Business Bureau So you're saying they'll actually meet with us and help us through all this Medicare stuff sounds perfect we only have until December 7th so we better call today what's the number 60275889986027588998 or we can reach or on the web at insurance all services are provided at no cost and with no obligation. Morning to more than just waking up heading to work or getting the kids out the door I'm Marcus Washington and I'm Laura Garcia with today in the van where we investigate a story that can change your morning whether you need an alternate route to avoid trouble on your commute or you want to Bayer is more accurate weather forecasts will help you prepare for the unknown with a newscast that won't waste your time I promise this to make your morning a little easier so get up get informed and get going with today in the back watch on channel 11 or cable 3 boys and girls you've got a crisis 43rd Avenue and Indian School Road Traffic lights still flashing Bell Road both directions it would want to one accident Scottsdale McDonald drive at Pima road plus some of the freeways accident cleared say roof if you want southbound loop through to its end just in the ramp to Eastbound I 10 has been reopened Yahav Danny Davis NY City the paper become a fan of 960 the Patriot on Facebook or follow us on Twitter today just go to 960 the Patriots dot com for more information. Looking for a radio station that cares about real news and not afraid to go beyond the headlines there's only one station for you 960 for patriot and 960 the Patriots dot . Welcome back America chew you in with Matthew Spalding dean of the Hillsdale College graduate school in Washington d.c. All things Hillsdale Hilldale dot edu I want to close by talking about impeachment historic week Matthew Spaulding in 1974 Richard Nixon resigned before he was impeached now he was weak not only was there the bad things that happened on his watch but there was an economy that had fallen off the cliff largely because of the high oil and gas prices that resulted because of the oil embargo when our unsaved Israel in November of 1973 a 4 percent decline in g.d.p. By August 1904 also Congress at the time had both parties both houses of Congress controlled by huge majorities of Democrats both of them and then most importantly of all I think the media was completely united in in an parroting a narrative about Nixon whereas Trump just went on This Morning to Fox News and the president talked for 45 minutes making his case he has a Twitter following all of these allow him I think to survive easily an impeachment push but I am worried that that which gets reported gets repeated Adam Schiff love this t.v. Time even though I think Nancy Pelosi regrets it do you expect more partisan impeachments as a result. Well that this is the underlying concern I have as especially someone who takes the rule of law in the Constitution seriously is we're undermining which is also an important aspect of the Constitution going back to our discussion with executive the idea of impeachment the very process of impeachment within the Constitution as opposed to taking them out the monarch out and cutting their head off isn't it a very important thing and I think we're watering it down so much by making it blatantly partisan in a way that that precedent I think will be very dangerous that's not what the founders intended they were against maladministration So I think the dilemma now is what does the Senate do this is why so I've been going back and reading a lot about Senate history of trials and rules and procedures and you know and you had a great column the other day about look you you either can dismiss the thing and get rid of it right away are you going to have this trial which you know makes Lauzon to make their case in front of the Senate. Why don't worry about is setting the Senate cannot and should not for conscience reason set the precedent that a hyper partisan impeachment has to go through the full Senate. In a way that I think would create a precedent but but a stablish that a president can be impeached for policy in partisan disagreements and I think that's extremely dangerous and I think there's another alternative here that they could they could pursue that that prevents them from going that way let me ask you Matthew about that because a member of the Senate staff comment said the standing rules of impeachment do not have the option of dismissing if the motion to proceed which is what I have been urging to which I responded under the Reid rule the standing rules of the Senate and the standing rules of the Senate regarding an impeachment can be modified by a simple majority vote to establish a procedure for dismissal a purely partisan impeachment and that's what I think they ought to do they said that's not what Mitch McConnell going to do he doesn't like to change the rules only when the Democrats have done so prior to it and they did that on nominations and I think here history urges that upon the Senate majority leader change the rules to allow for dismissal What do you think I think they they they needed to get around this but I'm not sure that they need to change the rules because there's the Senate standing rules but there are also particular rules having to do with impeachment trials now one of the problems I think this is where McConnell is also thinking is it's number people made very clear that there aren't votes for dismissal right away at least right not not right now so taking a dismissal vote and it having failed means you're off to the races the idea I have been in the procedures of the the impeachment procedure and history is clearly on our side is that. Several times going back to 1804 with Pickering but also put in the rules in the 1930 s. And then used extensively in the eighty's the Senate. Can immediately order a committee in a committee to gather evidence and consider whether that evidence is legitimate for going forward at that point that committee could come back and the Senate could dismiss it for lack of evidence there's a way to do this if they want to to not merely go on to the droning along of and Pietschmann try to remember the other problem with an impeachment trial is senators sit there in the hands and can only write down questions if you take it to a committee to collect evidence you can actually dismiss that rule which has been done before and in other cases such that senators can actually cross-examine and they can call witnesses so all those witnesses that were not allowed in the House procedure can now be brought forward under the Senate committee so that then goes forward and then the Senate can decide whether we should actually have a trial under the standing rules as they exist today. I understand that if you read the procedures it's clearly out they've done these committees many times before yes Alcee Hastings Yeah and Nixon Judge Nixon and there's there's but there's no language in here that says it is cannot be used in the case of a presidential impeachment nothing at all there's no reason why you couldn't do that wouldn't it be great to have a select committee with Ted Cruz Josh Hawley decisively Pran the sas and then after you go through that then I got dismissed I would argue they would probably could you bring in more witnesses and you show this what is a partisan impeachment underbite and the whistleblower Chalupa all on the table Matthew. Of the Hill Bill Graduate School of Government Thank you my friends thank you to everyone here in Cleveland a double edged a radio 1420 answer thanks for everyone who came out last night thanks for everyone contributing a Salvation Army think that Adam Ben and Wayne and I will talk join Monday on the next. 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Here's 916 now over the job of calling the revelation that f.b.i. Official was being investigated for changing the records just to start the President said on Fox and Friends this morning that by the time it's over it will be the biggest political scandal of the century there are reports the Justice Department's investigation found someone changed records related to the surveillance of the Trump campaign Well just when you thought Israel's politics couldn't get more tangled up bills him for Will Forte's that's exactly what happened as Israel struggles to come up with a government indictments were announced on Thursday Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will face prosecution on corruption charges Netanyahu responded by calling the action a coup attempt and denounced the charges as false and politically motivated complicating matters here.

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