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the Patriots dot com for more information. K k n t Phoenix where intelligent talk a lefse 963rd patriot service of Salem Media Group Nasdaq symbol s. a L. Am. Come on I'm wrong to rush to speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference or c Pac outside Washington d.c. Vice president Pence says President Trump's victory provided the nation with what could be a once in a lifetime opportunity to install conservative solutions to the nation's problems I just knew our new president would reignite our cause and renew it in our own day and he did just that President Trump one historic victory oh across. Penn says Press President Trump is not into slogans he's into action earlier in the day White House chief of staff Ryan's Priebus and Trump adviser Steve Benen spoke to the group civic and community leaders in Anaheim California calling for calm after an off duty policeman scuffled in his front yard with a boy who drew a weapon for the fight the officer that is drew a weapon and fired a shot into the ground after another teen pushed him over a hedge and others were surrounding him Los Angeles Police Department Assistant Chief Michael Moore says his office takes the gunshot investigation very seriously there is no more important investigation regarding the actions of Austin's police officer then his or her decision to use deadly force surprisingly no one was hurt in the scuffle San Jose City officials say more than 10000 of the 14000 residents evacuated 2 days ago because of floods are being allowed to go home but some say they're still not getting information from local authorities about their status when it happened last week was when you when you say you have come back and look at . So now that. They say no that's a good thing about 3800 people remain under the mandatory evacuation order and that was prompted by a creek that overflowed following heavy rains and innovative neighborhoods with waist high water more news and analysis at townhall dot com I'm Rhonda Rockstro. I'm down here at your feet weight you're a basketball yes the basketball the kids left me here a long time ago I missed you through the year and here in those shouts of joy could you give me a little air and remind the kids of how fun I still am Ok great. As Native American parents and caregivers are encouragement to help in lifestyles part is helping them get outside and get ideas get involved going at let's move to slash in the country actually if I u.s.d.a. H.h.s. And the council We are live outside the home of Joe and Rosie Goddard we're a pretty big tickle fight broke out just minutes ago sources say their father instigated the laughter Let's go inside for a comment I'm. Apparently they have no comment Dads let this be a reminder that it only takes a moment to make a moment Paul 8774 Dad 411 or visit fatherhood dot gov brought to you by the u.s. Department of Health and Human Services and he had. Every blessing class. Neighborhood any county and I'm a pretty good kid I'm every 5 min there. Please meaning American are you kidding and sign you. For ways to help every go are you. Able meals for kids like me we are feeding America back you. Can now. I rescued toast from a shelter in 2011 I love those because she's always the diva does whatever she wants obviously she's sleeping right now. She's so loving she is so comforting when I walked into the shelter I knew right then this year a special toast Instagram store and shelter that amazing adoption stories stored in shelters serves to that visit the shelter pet project dot org to find a pet near you brought to you by Matisse by the Humane Society of the United States and the council. Hey guys let's play some video games this new day plays the field. Sons but the challenge is live to. I never sent classified material on my e-mail and I never received any That was my classified. You know ready to lie and lie. To me and I guess you're right but I mean I'm not one person I. Know I'm sure you've got to concentrate but to get. It out right out you know they're going to close it or. They put it online and I got to put up with pretenses I can say kind of like your Big Mama I'm unable to stand that woman of 40 years ago. All those margins in social clubs and money grabbing all of the research that's got me on the number one secular book really a book and I think oh why can't you remember that you have got to live with it there's nothing the liberal member. Said she never said or received any classified information over her private e-mail with the truth our investigation found that there was classified information so it was not true probably because when you. Take legal right it just may learn some of the same. Held or. You'll hear the same from South Central the plenty of people you know this story common sense the great elders don't know Renzo Welcome to the program don't make the threads about because we've got better to say but. You're. Not. Going to go really only here in Tripoli 971 a g.e. AAA 17172. Agree that numbers on a 247 line call any time day or night leave a message vent if you like just make sure your ventilation ends after 60 seconds or so Ok. A lot of ground to cover between now and the close of the program we're going to spend some time going over this riveting I mean it really was riveting debate last night between the candidates to succeed Donna Brazil the interim chair of the d.n.c. . And the front runner is Keith Ellison and he was point blank asked. About how he came out against the 2nd Amendment and denied that he come out against a 2nd man who will be getting into all that in just a few minutes but 1st some sad news Fox News Channel's Alan Colmes has died at the age of 66 so he's roughly around my age she leaves behind a wife Joycelyn Crowley passed away this morning after a brief illness. Now I met Alan probably 20 years ago or so. And I was on the Hannity and Colmes show a number of times and Alan also had a radio show when I appeared on his radio show a few times I thought of him as funny as gracious as down to earth and not a maniacal leftwing person as so many left wing people in my opinion are maniacal especially in this era of Donald Trump he was not like that. He usually tried to make fact based arguments they were often fallacious but at least he was respectful and courteous and not scornful of people with whom he disagreed. Someone once asked me whether being a lawyer was a good training to be a talk show host. And I said I got a feeling that being a comedian is probably a better training a lot of people have gone into talk having started out in standup comedy and Alan Colmes one of them Brian Kilmeade of the Fox Morning Show also was our steely as maybe a stand up comic there are a number of people who've gotten into this field who 1st have entertained people standing on a stage with a mike I think one of the toughest things there has to do no music no band no nothing just you and try to make a drunk person laughed is it's a very difficult thing to do but anyway Alan Colmes was a very smart guy funny guy with a guy pleasant off the air pleasant a lot of people aren't pleasant off the air he was pleasant off the air a gracious down to earth guy and. He'll be missed especially by people who are. Liberals who felt that he was one of their spokespersons. Alan rest in peace. Michael Moore says he's going to lead a resistance against Donald Trump. Now I emphasize the word resistance on purpose. He's launched something called the resistance calendar. And the reason he's calling it the resistance Moore says it's far from just a small movement it's become a political movement. Now the term resistance was popularized during the 2nd World War. There was a French Resistance. Of occupied France. So when you're calling this every systems. Once again it trivializes with the French dead with the Poles there to resist occupied not to Germany. And when you called Donald Trump fascist Hitler like you were trivial I trivializing the Holocaust you trivializing the fact that there was a war that resulted in the death of 50000000 people worldwide. And to call opposition to Donald Trump's agenda the resistance. Is to demean the acts of heroism and valor by so many people who resist it sometimes at the risk of their own lives and that of their families Nazi Germany. I was watching a special on Jim Brown a documentary on Jim Brown last night. And there is no way you can criticize Jim Brown's Bonna feed ace as an activist. The activists most of his life defended Muhammad Ali when he was stripped of his title for refusing to be inducted in the military on the ground he was a conscientious objector. Jim Brown invited a number of gang bangers to his house in the Hollywood Hills and the reason he invited them in Hollywood to the Hollywood Hills not because he was lazy not because he's afraid to go into the inner city because he wanted people in the inner city to see there is another kind of lifestyle. There's another kind of neighborhood. And someday you could aspire to a nicer neighborhood in the one that you're living at if you work hard stay focused and don't make bad moral mistakes. So what is Jim Brown think about calling Cabernets need protest during the national anthem. And what he said By the way Jim Brown was an Army Reserve officer actually graduated from Syracuse. He said quote I would not challenge our flag I would not do anything that has to do with this respecting the flag or the national anthem I don't think it's appropriate end of quote. What's the over under on how quickly some of the called Jim Brown and Uncle Tom Jim Brown also met with Donald Trump and said he was impressed didn't vote for him but said he was impressed and he's going to help Donald Trump fulfill his agenda. Now does that make Jim Brown in the words of Mark Lamont Hill a quote mediocre Negro I'm just asking. I went to University of Michigan for a law school and I got a letter from someone who graduated from there with a story attached to it with the following headline University of Michigan students demand no whites allowed space to plot social justice activism Now bear in mind the university which is a public university is already building a $10000000.00 center for black students in the center of campus but the students for justice the organization that has put on campus demonstrations that have launched a petition against the president University of Michigan student for justice say that just having their own $10000000.00 center for black students in the center of campus is not enough. Quote We want a space solely dedicated to community organizing and social justice work specifically for people of color close quote. So presumably the students want diversity and inclusion and fairness while demanding that the college campus segregate them from other students it just blows the mind it blows the mind. We interview joy Villa the young lady who wore the Make America Great Again dress to the Grammys and now it turns out that her new album has debuted in the top 15 of the Billboard 200 chart the album is called I make the static. And also an album that she released in 2014 has really entered the list at number 12 so. She is doing quite quite well and as I mentioned. I didn't ask her whether or not she was here legally I'm assuming she is but if she is here illegally. You think maybe having worn a Make America Great Again dress. She might get an executive order exempting her from deportation I'm joking. Triple $891.00 s a g when we come back we will be talking about the. D.n.c. Debate that pitted one left wing candidate after another against each other it doesn't matter which one wins whoever wins the Democratic Party loses AAA 971 s k g I am Larry Elder don't leave town hall in now and join the conversation 88971 thing that's 88971743 setting fire to the airwaves kids go Larry Elder. Hacks are rich is now available on Blu ray and digital h.d. For Mel Gibson the acclaimed director of The Passion Of The Christ I saw hacks or rich I gotta tell you something it made you feel noble it made you feel small you could not shake this movie for days and days afterwards the hallmark in my opinion both asked mating movie is about a private who refused to carry a rifle let alone use it in battle but they made him a medic became the 1st conscientious objector to be awarded the Medal of Honor as an Army medic private doest singlehandedly evacuated the wounded from behind enemy lines brave fire was telling the soldiers was wounded by a grenade and hit by snipers nominated for 6 Academy Awards including best picture best actor Andrew Garfield and best director male Gibson I cannot recommend it more strongly hacksawing reiterated our own it now on Blu ray. Digital h.d. This is Ron Paul I'm a former congressman and presidential candidate we are at the beginning of a new year who knows what the future will bring hopefully the years ahead will be better I am betting on America but just in case things don't turn out as well as we would like I am going to tell you about something remarkable that I have recently come across it's a home freeze dryer from harvest right my family and I are using it to prepare for those times that we hope never come with our home for user I or we are preserving home cooked meals fruits and vegetables even ice cream it's really easy to use increase food that is healthy as no preservatives and will stay fresh for 25 years we may not know what the future will bring about one thing is certain because of harvest right my family and I will always have food on the table can learn more call 809269188 or go to harvest Ride dot com That's 896-9188. Dennis Prager can't trust science anymore New York Times May 9th 2016 California braces for. The climate change of the world's history of blogs and the secondhand smoke world hysteria there is a poison in the scientific community I mean anything that has to do with public policy but Dennis Prager Show Week days at 10 right before Michael Medved one on intelligent talk 960 The Patriot. Introducing the y.m.c.a. What you already know the one course so you think sure you know the why for a swim a workout even a game of hoops but did you know were more than that were because when you take your jump shot at the one someone else is getting job training take a cardio class once kids are in an after school in Richmond program practice or downward facing dog as a team practices or leadership skills that's the why we work with people no matter their age income or background and give them the opportunity to learn grow and thrive all with one simple goal in mind to strengthen our community and we've got so much more that does just that So while you might think of the why is that place but lifting weights We're also about lifting entire communities introducing a why we're so much more than a place because visit y.m.c.a. Dot net slash more. I spend a lot of time in the backyard the in the center of attention in summer barbecues in 96 I made some of the case d.s. Mars and it was me your backyard fire pit that accidentally started a wildfire when the summer breeze carried one of my embers into some dry brush spark a change not a wild fire visit Smokey Bear dot com brought to you by the u.s. Forest Service your state forester and the Ad Council own leave you can prevent wildfires. a. Michigan Mr President. We have 2 outstanding poll questions for the Zip poll. First one yes as between repealing and replacing Obamacare building the wall in the southern border which is the higher priority a repealing and replacing Obamacare be building the wall question number 2 are you concerned that President Trump's instanced infrastructure investment will turn out no better than Obama's $787000000000.00 stimulus program. Yes I am concerned no I am not concerned and those are your 2 questions go to the app store and download the Zip app. And use my code as a g.e. To answer either or both questions I'll give you the results from these questions tomorrow Ok to go to the Zip app download the app if you're not already a member of the community and when you enter the your answer make sure you use my code sage s a g e to answer. We're also going to talk in later on the program about all of these town hall meetings. You know people like Tom Cotton. The Republican from Arkansas. You know hard time I watch a town hall with Tom McClintock people yelling and screaming at him. And these are Republicans who are being hammered because of Donald Trump going to play you some excerpts of some of the people that were protesting at some of these town halls later on the program but 1st let's talk about. This d.n.c. Debate that took place last night. Mario Cuomo and then a bash we're co-hosting it on c.n.n. And listen to this these are the issues that keep people up at night thank you I mean a great man I want to get I've had various. Arguments of the guys and that's why sometimes Congress Nelson thank you so much for this is Dan abash asking Congressman Ellison a question now didn't you come out against the 2nd Amendment and how is that going to play Congressman. Gun control in 2014 you told Bill Maher that you wished the Democratic Party would come out against the 2nd Amendment How do you reach out to Americans who support gun rights when you don't support the 2nd Amendment 1st of all let me say I remember that showed very well and that is not what I said and I remember that show very well and that is not what I said at all when you don't support the 2nd Amendment 1st of all let me say I remember that show very well and that is not what I said at all you want to stop here and we're going to go back to the Bill Maher show in 2014 when he and Keith Ellison were discussing the Democrats' position on guns and Bill Maher said you know I was in the Democratic Party just come out against the 2nd Amendment to which Mr Allison said I wish they would. The problem is the Democrats love guns too now when Mitch McConnell did that and held the gun up here's what his opponent the Democrat tweeted she said someone tell teammates that's not the way to hold the gun. In Truckee that actually is Kentucky women. You had better see that's the problem is the Democrats are just as bad I don't think that's a problem best not really not right on with me here I've been a Republican I'm for gun control and it's 113 Olympic reducing I'm for the uncontrolled but I don't think you have got to you've got to eliminate ownership of guns in order to get some comments so you don't gun gun rules I mean 27 children were mowed down there's not another one of our own colleagues Gabby Giffords you know like this is your party come out against the 2nd Amendment really bad for lusterless. So that was Bill Maher and Keith Ellison with both of them saying that they wish the Democratic Party would come out against a 2nd Amendment right so last night I was asked about this tonight he said it these are the issues that keep people up at night thank you he said with a fresh and ready manner I want to get I've had various. Arguments of the guys and that is why sometimes that Congress Nelson thank you so much Congressman. Gun control in 2014 you told Bill Maher that you wished the Democratic Party would come out against the 2nd Amendment How do you reach out to Americans who support gun rights when you don't support the 2nd Amendment 1st of all let me say I remember that shield very well and that is not what I said at all what I talked about is my grandpa the shotgun the fact that I am an author and I can say that that was that was not an accurate statement really the problem is the Democrats love guns too they would Mitch McConnell did that and held the gun up here's what his opponent the Democrat tweeted she said someone tell teammates that's not the way to hold the gun I'm trying to there she is Kentucky women do it better see that's the problem is the Democrats are just as bad I don't think that's a problem that's not really no one on with me here on the Republican I'm for gun control and this might be a run for his or to the left it would just say I'm for the in control but I don't think you have got to you've got to eliminate the ownership of guns in order to get some comments so you don't gun gun rules I mean 27 children were mowed down is not enough for us one of our own colleagues going to give a general I guess is your party come out against the 2nd Amendment was better for us to listen. He said I wish they would deny having said I wish they would. Another one blame Tim Brown with an ask why did you say your job was to shut the right people down which is what she said recently at a town hall debate among the other d.n.c. Candidates. Here's what she said last night she was go to the issue of the perception of the party and how each of you would want to rebuild it Miss Brown let me bring you and others you said last month that your job is quote to shut white people shut other white people down when they try to say they are prejudiced this was seized upon by critics of your party saying See they don't get it she shaming white people and this is why they play identity politics and this is what white people went for Trump What do you say it's really unfortunate that the old right decides to take people out of context and have conversations and things that weren't said I was having a specific conversation with the Democratic Party about how we really accomplish the goal of inclusiveness and making sure Ok so she was taken out of context that's what she said last month. And that makes me sad that we're even having that conversation and that tells me that white leaders in our party have failed we have to accept that there is prejudice that exists within our own party and we have to be able to. We cannot sweep that under the rug that we cannot continue to hide it we cannot smash voices down when they are trying to scream listen to me you don't get it I'm a white woman I don't get it I am pleased and honored to be here today to have the conversation I am so excited that we're here and I am listening because that's my job my job is to listen to keep. My job is to listen and be a voice and my job is to shut other white people down when they want to interrupt I guess you could in the context right probably not have been one. Of the don't leave town. France America. With us are a news I'm Rhonda Rockstro speaking in Mexico City today Homeland Security secretary John Kelly said the u.s. Will not use military strength in order to with force immigration laws he said there will be no mass deportations he said all deportations will comply with human rights requirements and the u.s. Legal system the Justice Department will step up in force been a federal law against recreational marijuana White House spokesman Sean Spicer says the president does not oppose medical marijuana but added That's very different than recreational use Attorney General Jeff Sessions signaling his support for the government's continued use of private prisons by issuing a new directive replacing the old one issued last August by the Obama administration and more than 50000000 people being warned to watch for high winds or even tornadoes as severe storms ramp up Friday from Detroit all the way to Nashville this is s.r.m. News. Yeah you it's me your heart listen to me we've got to talk high blood pressure is serious and yours whoa what happened to us we used to be so much more active but lately you've been ignoring me I know you think I'm just going to keep taken away for ever but you're wrong you can do so much more to control your high blood pressure doing the minimum isn't doing enough I'm under a lot of pressure and can quit whenever I want but you don't know that but I like my job just treat me better check on me give me something green to number one every once in a while and maybe we can do some exercise on occasion let's get to it after all we're in this together listen to your heart don't let it quit on you high blood pressure can lead to a stroke heart attack or death get your blood pressure to a healthy range before it's too late find out how at Heart dot org slash blood pressure checked change control a message from the American Heart Association the American Stroke Association and the Ad Council you know every blessing class. Neighborhood in your county and I'm a pretty good. Candidate every 5 children. Please visit Feeding America. And find you. Know ways to help every go are you doing am I eating meals for kids like me. Feeding a mirror back to you by leaving. Town now. We are live outside the home of Joe and Rosie Goddard or a pretty big tickle fight broke out just minutes ago sources say their father instigated the laughter Let's go inside for a comment. Apparently they have no calm it down let this be a reminder that it only takes a moment to make the moment call it 77 for Dad 411 or visit fatherhood dot gov brought to you by the u.s. Department of Health and Human Services and the ad nauseam. Ok so just type the job Lipsyte address here that's it then you into a job you're looking for there. Trish. This is Peter recently he got help going on the internet for the 1st time to look for a new job Ok then you just hit search and in the past Peter's gotten word to people he knew but he heard there are more jobs online There we go these are all for me. Really he had no idea just how many I can't believe. This one looks good appears thinking the Internet might be for him after all and this is just one website Well why didn't I do this sooner see what the Internet can help you do that everyone on dot org or call 185-538-7916 extension 62 find a free training class near you brought to you by Connect to compete in the Ad Council. If you want to. Know. If you want to. I was one America we have a country to say and now here is cool Larry Elder the great completely correct however that the Democrats do elect the fellas or their head of the Democratic Party that will guarantee the Republican Party will be on top for a long time because the that might lead you to I don't care to the mark for me the minute you yanks are our critic on issues or that send a rep for governing military I think 90 percent of women were good people I brought out probably 500 per card just fine so why crowds who cannot realize that they need to tell the President thank you for everything AAA 101 s t thank you for calling more about Keith Ellison later on the program there's a tape of him in 20102010 arguing that if we all dominate foreign policy and a country of 7000000 ought not push around a region of 350000000 people that statement when it surface the a.d.l. Says that it was disqualifying for Ellison to have that attitude to become chair of the d.n.c. Also Allison compared 911 and the actions that Bush take took to the Reichstag fire in Germany and the actions that the German government took to curtail people's rights we're talking about that in just a few minutes I mentioned to you that I was invited by the vice president of spoken word here at Salem Communications field voice to go with him and others to want Tamala and we did and Phil said it was going to be eyeopening feel now joins us Phil thank you for taking the time I preceded it. Thank you for having me it was such a joy and a pleasure to go to Guatemala with you and show you some of the things that I've seen that this is my 5th trip to Guatemala and I wanted you to go because I think it's important for us all to occasionally do something bigger than ourselves and what we're doing this work we're doing in Guatemala is definitely bigger than any of us it's a huge problem the kids are starving there we were fortunate enough to meet some of those kids and the ones that we spent a lot of time with are those that they're not starving their back Chely being fed through the efforts of food for the poor and that's our partner so this was my 5th trip and you might say well why did a senior v.p. At Salem go for to Guatemala for 5 times I wanted to know if we're going to ask our listeners to donate will the money go to where we say it will and we definitely know it will because I've picked up those kids and you did too I've got some great pictures of you with some of those kids have met at the rehabilitation center of the 3 little girls sitting up on a table that actually were being fed fortified milk while we were there by the nuns these were girls that almost starved to death and because of food for the poor because of our listeners were able to save some and this this deal that food for the poor came up with this $50.00 that will feed one kid for a whole year and water for life it's just incredible how they do it but they do it because they have infrastructure on the ground they work with there they can do it incredibly cheaply and there are thousands of kids in Guatemala and in Haiti that are being fed every day thanks to this great organization and feel it was obvious that you had been there before I mean these kids knew your name they came running up to you they treated you like I would have treated Babe Ruth had I been a child that it was really really. It's something I get treated like a rock star now because of because they know I've probably got a little toy in my pocket for them which I do I had I might bring out the bubble gun which I do they haven't seen a bubble gun to like a list thing out and start shooting out of bottles but it's so much fun I saw the little girl. Who I remember when she was 8 years old now she's 11 and every time I go there I chuckle honor and she looks a little better a little bigger and she's being fed by Sister Martha there at the Santa hat run of all feeding shatter which is about 2 miles outside Guatemala City in this beautiful area I say it's beautiful but yet there's so much poverty there's so much starvation there that it's just shocking what you find so these little kids are alive today because of what we're able to do with this program and so I just encourage everybody to help Larry ration money for these people now feel initially we're going to go to Haiti but you were concerned that we might not be safe there so we ended up going to Guatemala and one of the things that we did as you know is after we went to the feeding center we went to a home nearby where that woman was making these look like lighters for for fireworks. If she was making out of a newspaper they do anything to raise or few bucks I mean that lady and many as many like her are fine anyway eking out of existence and so they make little firecrackers basically and they sell them but but you know one of the things that we saw this time Larry that I hadn't seen this before with the micro tunnels where we're actually teaching Guatemalan women how to raise vegetables like green beans and Oprah and that kind of thing and we ship them back to United States they were able to support. Families because of this so we're not just giving them we're teaching them how to raise their own food that's what's amazing though I didn't tell you that when we left Kuala Ma I got stopped in the Miami airport by security and the and they asked me where I come from and I said Guatemala she said what were you doing there and I said I was there for food for the poor she said what's that I said it's a organization that feeds starving children the $10000.00 countries in the Jamaica in Haiti it's been around 35 years it's got a $1000000000.00 budget $0.96 of the dollar that you donate gets down to the intended Finally she felt so bad she stopped me at that you know without a checkbook. Well you know all that stuff but you rattled off you learned on that trip right so I think that it was so great to get you there just so you could pay for your help with your own eyes so we got we got you know we got to go go to Larry Elder dot com banner and play the top food for the poor Thank you all across America Larry Elder. Was. Doing this is Ed Rollins president Donald Trump is nominated Neil Gore shots for the Supreme Court and we need millions of Americans to pick up the phone right now to deliver your voice directly to your senator this is the most critical moment in modern history that will define the future of our country radical liberals like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have bowed to block President Trump's nomination by all means possible we need millions of Americans to call 809-395-8852 send your voice directly to your senator demand the immediate confirmation of Judge Gore should say to the Supreme Court this could be the most important phone call you will ever make for the future of our country please call 80939585 put the pressure on the u.s. Senate to confirm President Trump's nominee again call 80939585 please help pressure the Senate to confirm Neil Gore shots and help non-trial make America great again call now paid for by Great America Bank which is responsible for the country and its message not raise money get it working its committee Great America Back dot com. Dennis Prager can't trust science anymore New York Times May 9th 2016 California braces for on the ending drought the climate change and world hysteria belongs in the secondhand smoke world of hysteria there is a poison in the scientific community of anything that has to do with public policy but Dennis Prager Show weekdays at 10 right before Michael Medved one on intelligent talk 960 The Patriot. My friends you wouldn't think about do it yourself surgery or doing complicated car repairs on your own fact I wouldn't even do non-complicated car repairs on home to be autos So why do otherwise careful rational people try to handle their biggest financial decisions all on their own Hi this is Dennis Prager Fortunately here in the Phoenix area you have John Dombrowski and his team at Grand Canyon planning they can help you prepare for your retirement and make wise decisions regarding your retirement accounts they can also help you put a secure state plan in place and can assist with annuities long term care and life insurance John and his wife Tracy have been helping folks in Arizona with these important issues for nearly 20 years for your complimentary retirement review called John at 480-991-1055 it's 480-991-1055 tell them tennis told you to call or visit them on the web at Grand Canyon planning dot com at Grand Canyon planning you'll find the expertise personal attention and integrity that you deserve and as John always says don't run out of money before you run out of time I'm driving home and I'm not far cry pretty when I'm. Fair. They how many don't you want. Back in print they found 40 and I'm certain you're. Not why don't you read them that. I really think that's what happened. In the book they have no idea no want to be a working on putting on a bird and report Larry thanks for your program I'm. Praying for me but I don't plan and. I will pray for you to the late 91 s g Well the people you ought to be angry at are your fellow California that was a proposition the voters voted for that. Proposition $57.00 voted for effectively allowed convicted criminals to leave early if they commit it takes so-called low level of offense close quote. In one of those who apparently got released early was the man that shot and killed the Whittier Police Officer Keith Boyer. Released early under the prison overcrowding measures that have been implemented since the Supreme Court said that California prisons are too crowded and that California. By implication is not spinning the appropriate amount of money to house people in a way that's consistent with the Constitution. Thank you very much for the call I appreciate it now that big Republican win in November it shocked the media elites and it also shocked the political establishment of both parties it was a wake up call and now the fight to make America great again it's upon us one organization been standing up for conservative values all along and for working class Americans everywhere a Mack the conservative alternative to a r p a max been fighting for smaller government Social Security reform and religious freedom from the day it was founded and while r.p. Was busy supporting Obamacare a man with opposing the bill every step of the way if you're over 50 or urge you to join the Conservative army of a mic members now and if you act right now a 5 year membership is only $59.00 a minute delivers the very best member benefits and discounts to its 1000000 plus members on everything from health insurance to hotels to restaurants so go to my website right now Larry Elder dot com and look for the banner ad or call AAA 262-2006 AAA 262-2006 join aim at right now and become part of this growing and important organization that fights for your values year in and year out I forgot to mention when I was speaking with the the p. Salem a moment ago that any gift for food for the poor that $500.00 or more of the great old earth he will send a special gift. Suitable for bragging to your friend to be the 1st in your mansion to. Get a special gift from the great illiteracy so please go to my website Larry Elder dot com you'll see the big banner ad food for the poor and give generously as you can. We're going to be getting into these town halls with people screaming at these Republican politicians talk some more about the d.n.c. Debate between the various left left and left wing candidates one of whom is the front runner Keith Ellison and Free Beacon put together a montage about Mr Ellison with some insight Democratic Congressman Keith Ellison of Minnesota me down as the single worst person ever to win the nomination of contributed to the construct of Israel says I want. Your game and be like the countries you compare yourself to that means you can hear something. Other people cannot literally subsidize you citizens to take over land from a broken record it's stunning to me how Steve Bannan can be accused of being anti-Semitic by people on the left. Same people who want Keith Ellison to become the chair of the d.n.c. . He was a supporter of the Nation of Islam Minister Farrakhan. Made statements that the a.d.l. Said were disqualifying. In 2010 where he suggested that our Middle Eastern policy foreign policy is dominated by Israel. And his answer to their defeat. Is to double down and become harder left. Incredible more on this trail us in just a minute but 1st this is from Michael from North Carolina about really factor I have had long term lower back pain along with other kinds of pain mostly from my line of work complying combined with being in the gym and running I've been taking relief factor for almost 2 months it has done an excellent job in reducing my pain levels there are 100000000 Americans just like Michael from North Carolina who are suffering often quietly. 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And the folks that are sought will never touch your money but they will hold your hand throughout the process making it quick easy and totally legal they'll set you up in 2 weeks and they'll give you an exit strategy so that 34 or 5 years later you'll put the phones back and have the corporation carry on by itself you have the business and the security retirement funds to trust dot com to help you and your family start a profitable business that could help make your dreams come true invest in yourself call 866 my earth stop that 866 easy r s o p 866 my earth stop that's 866 my earth sob. Unexpected reactions to smart financial decisions brought to you by Feed the pig dot org Well I finally did it my student loan is totally paid off I can't believe it I can't believe it either I paid more than the minimum each month and soon enough it was gone so you're just giving up giving up on what the life of luxury Egyptian cotton caviar Thursday is designer everything whether you're talking about our plan of what happened to winning the lottery and mastering the art of the perfect most hosting galahs wearing enough jewelry to acquire a bodyguard vacationing in the French Riviera and then buying it I just thought maybe it was time to prepare for my future you know set some financial goals make some smart investments open a 4 a one k. Financial goals investments of 41 k. Or Ira horrifying right now listen if winning the lottery were easy everyone would do it when it comes to financial stability don't get left behind get them tips for saving and feed the big dot org This message brought to you by the American Institute of C.P.A.'s on the Ad Council. Maybe it's time to take a fresh look at everything we thought we knew about landing a great job for instance what if the nominal careers start at the middle school Now back to the sage Larry Elder really really. I don't know if. You. Need 40 about you. But you can 'd be a. Far out. Person that you kept away or. He. Really could see talk about. If he was the. Wife that. He would read about it not all the products that have kept apart. Not exactly of course. If you read but I would. Never have a great get you to titillate 91 s k g we talked about. Her yesterday on the program. So thank you very much for the heads up but obviously you were not in class yesterday otherwise you would have known discussed on what she said about the w n b a that she was. She was bullied for 8 years she wanted to play another 2 years but she couldn't take it anymore and you're right she did say that 98 percent of the w n b a is gay and that is their culture and if you're straight like her and a proud straight person she said she got bullied she follows me on Twitter so let me try and contact her maybe I forgot man we get her on the show to talk about her experience Triple 8911 s a g e is the number. Now on March the 9th we're having a wealth summit at the Pasadena Hilton That's March the 9th as I mention go to Larry Elder dot com you'll see the ad and if you are at or near retirement in fact if you're 45 years of age or older you should be there it's a must see even for anybody who's add or near the retirement age I'll be joined by an economist named Dr Mark Scott Wilson who is a fellow at Chapman University editor of forecasting strategies which is the monthly investment newsletter also Amy Smith is writer for. Investors Business Daily she'll be there so get your ticket before they sell out and we always sell out go to a.t.m. 870 dot info and type in the keyword wealth w e a l t h Larry Elder dot com. There are a number of people I want to talk to Johnny in Denver Colorado wants to know when the next Jim Brown going to step up fill up in Encino said he called University of Michigan this morning. And Levi in Dallas wants to disagree with me about Israeli influence but 1st let's go real quickly if we can to Jan Jan is in Waco Texas Jan How you doing. And how are you Jan unfortunate you have about 20 seconds I'm sure you can do it. I'll be too shocked to hear about how little I no longer will that right that's right 66 years old. I understood that. I don't really have a lot of. Pride that he was such a great guy and I could you know look when. One of the people you know when He would happen Janet Janet Janet tell you what just hold on and we'll talk at the top of the hour Ok Don't go don't go anywhere Jan AAA one.

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