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Close friends as well as a few enemies Jennifer's atheist skeptics lunatics weirdos and assorted bad guys and of course all of you good guys and girls out there welcome to the Sons of Liberty you have with your strolling Mr Bradley Dean Hey folks I can seriously have a hey day right now with what's taking place in your country if you haven't heard yet they found their man did you hear me they found their man and guess who we have he's a trump cultist Wow Just yesterday I was highlighting this will ensure be repaired and laid at the feet of their created opposition namely the right wingers Christians conservatives and Patriots. Did you see his face and his van folks live you can't miss it I mean you gotta you gotta put. Something over both of your eyes and you'll still be able to see he's got troops stickers all over his van his white van for the world to see like as if to suggest it's a billboard so he can expose himself to the world he's a trump cultist did anybody take the time to pay attention to what these packages had under them besides the names of their alleged victims did anybody paying attention to the fact that when you're watching the propagandist friends that the stamps trends are canceled they're not they're they're not canceled out they went through the post office and they went to the mail system yet there's no marking on any of the packages I just posted this on Bradley Dean Facebook. And I put here we go again give them enough rope as they say and they will hang them selves and guess what they just did friends I told you this is exactly who they're going to put it on and by the way this has nothing to do with Donald Trump It has everything in the world to do with his said supporters Ok And you're supposed to simplify if you are a supporter of Donald Trump the right Ok You're the one that they're aiming at here Ok but I want you to listen to this friends because this is the response that I'm getting so far this is from a guy named Jim. On the night of 31 August 19th 39 that's military a small group of German operatives dressed in Polish uniforms and led by knowledge jocks seized the glee with station. And broadcast a short entitled German message in Polish. Seriousness very on the content of the message the operation was named gross motor guessed bourbon it means grandmothers died in the operation was to make the attack and the broadcast look like the work of Polish and I German saboteurs Do you remember how we started the show yesterday friends I will tolerate no opposition said Adolf Hitler So what did he do he created his political opposition in an attempt to conquer them to polarize them to be a little of them so he could conquer them. Friends all across the board I'm asleep I got to be rejoicing a little bit because people across the country are seeing this even from people that I didn't expect to see this are seeing this for what it is. One guy Dan said none of the pictures have shown a cancelled stamp you're exactly right so it wasn't just this one but I posted it's all across the boards they forgot to post this stamps friends Thomas said set up to play their last card in their crooked deck the victim sympathy card he goes on won't work just like he calls them the left it won't work ha ha ha ha ha ha ha thanks you laugh it off all you want but it shows you to the degree and it also shows you how dangerous these people are they are destroying lives they are libeling their defame mean they're setting up innocent people just like folks what you're seeing play out today to a t. 2 Let's see. When you look at what's going on here and you see this fall guy that they put in place with chrome stickers all over his billboard van literally thousands of them friends of course they want a guy like that to be the fall guy of course are you going to use a guy like that's going to be the fall guy because they're they need a guy like this friends they're going to have a lot of answering to do to the public but I can say this and I'm telling you what I'm telling you is right friends this is completely backfiring this is an end to their show their scheme that Bucks people are wide awake to the scheme that's going on with these people but I want to say that that's not enough you have to deal with these people wofully under judgment because if you do not send that message friends you only add strength to tyranny Now I want to bring up something because I was talking to a friend of mine about this just the other day but you do know America I hope you do know that back in the turn of the 2 thousands. From the single digits to the double digits you do know that under the Brock Hussein Obama criminal administration you do know that they passed a bill folks Congress passed a bill to legalize propaganda you didn't know this right so in undermining the Constitution which is it legal again setting the record straight here they can go ahead and pass policies all day long that they want to they can stand back and commit crimes against the people and say well we passed a new bill it's a new law no friends it's not a law because it undermines the Constitution anything that undermines the Constitution of the. States of America is no employed so what you're seeing being played out here friends again across the boards it's people are folks they're laughing about this they see it for what it is they're speaking out about it it's they're calling it for what it is they're saying this is fraud a matter of fact I'm looking at another guy right now he said liar's Glenda said doesn't sound right something's off Wayne said blank that something stinks it's got left a stink all over it's it goes on and on Craig said it's the oldest trick in the books creating your own political opposition America your being there attempting to dupe you again and keep in mind this is nothing new under the sun ecclesiastics one 1st night just just sharing with you friends that the propaganda machine is on full throttle right now trying to convince you that they're the victims they're not the victims they're not being attacked they are the ones in fact attacking you. The sons and daughters of Liberty I know you've heard that name before but who are they and what does that have to do with the Sons of Liberty something that is a liberty our group of things from men and women who have decided to do something about the problems that we see in America today there are those who have made a point to face resupport on ministry on a monthly basis they have said I am tired of hearing about all the problems it's time for me to be a part of the answers they choose whatever level of getting is right for them and are consistently part of a team that is reaching this nation with the truth and the Gospel of Jesus Christ and you can be a part of it too how do you join a team go to some silly Radio dot com and click on the spread the word button there are different levels of membership you choose from you can create your own and plug in the amount that's right for you join today and have the satisfaction of knowing that you're doing your part to create a better future for tomorrow and our posterity we thank God for each and every one of our faces the prayers and hope that you will join together with us to restore this nation back into Christ the only hope for America at the Sons of Liberty we are in the trenches doing what it takes to protect our liberty if you are already supporting our work as a son or daughter of liberty we cannot say thank you enough we do is made possible by the generosity of faithful supporters like you together we are having a positive impact on the future of this country we all love so much if you have not yet parted with us financially we ask you today to consider becoming a son or daughter of liberty call 186-623-3074 extension 70 online at Sons of Liberty Radio dot com be a part of the team that brings responses like this Brian from Michigan here I have had the benefit of witnessing Bradley Dean and the other sons and daughters of Liberty fighting for our youth and delivering messages of truth I am honored to have this opportunity to share my thoughts and I want to thank Bradley his family and the other sons and daughters of liberty for continuing to support and fight on a daily basis become a son or daughter of Liberty at Sons of Liberty Radio dot com. 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The charade and the schemes that are being exposed by corruption in the media and the operatives in the circus of politics it literally is friends I just shared with you yesterday friends that the created opposition will be blamed Ok but they are the ones doing the attacking and I started to show off yesterday with that letter but by the way dictators all act the same. He said I will not tolerate He said I will tolerate no opposition forgive me he said I will tolerate no opposition. And I want to remind you friends that I had told you yesterday exactly who they're going to lay the feet they can lift these alleged crimes to the feet of and they found a Mexican dude with a white van with literally thousands of Trump stickers all over this white van today a lot of Blair the message out there look at look at these bullies are doing to us look at these these bad guys are doing to us no folks it's the oldest. Trick in the book it is blame your opposition this is totalitarianism friends at work Eve on said political prank. Tom said it will take time but you can bet your butt they will come up with a blank excuse and try to make you believe it yup it's a matter of fact folks just to prove my point all the more you're going to find that they're going to try to brush this under the rug as quick as they can because it's completely backfired for folks people in this country because people are telling the truth people are listening and they're learning the lessons of how these dictator want to be act and what they exhibit on a daily basis one guy said 6 stamps 5 pound envelopes we go on and on he goes on this is the oldest trick in the book. Owens said there are some mail that gets by every day processing of mail but not the same type of personal mailed from same individual Something smells fishy in Denmark. Danny said What a bunch of dummies in so many ways is what he said friends do some vile guarantees there. Don says none of the pictures have shown any canceled stamps whatsoever Ron said Good question oh my goodness friends nice. So people are again waking up to the lessons that these dictators these criminals are exhibiting on a daily basis. Going back to what I shared with you yesterday is when the propagandists came out with telling the American people through a headline from c.n.n. They labeled their their headline was acts of terror bombs sent to c.n.n. Clintons Obama soldiers and others such as Maxine Waters and John Brennan Well an act of terror really. And I brought up the fact that how many Muslims crimes have been committed against the people in this country since September 11th and yet when they're found out for their crimes they're then labeled by the CIA controlled media as just allegations or we're not sure yet are workplace violence or domestic abuse so on and so forth. But the media is doing their best today to avoid the use of the word terror intelligence convenience in naming their political opposition the terrorists this is what's dangerous they're there folks they're criminalizing you do you realize that since September 11th everybody that goes to be Airport Do you realize that the Department of Homeland Security and the t.s.a. Have literally pointed their finger at every american going through the airport to get on an airplane as a suspected terrorist and for those that have not taken the time to read the 4th Amendment do understand it's a complete violation of the 4th Amendment but folks it's interesting now when you go to the airport you have Muslim screening. It's interesting when you go to the airports now you have Muslims serving your food selling magazines selling you perfume whatever the case may be. This is judgment turned backwards and by the way I want you to remember this too the word terror in the original acts for the English dictionary is governments by intimidation Do you understand that this is a method of intimidating people do you understand that Donald Trump the point man he is there defending these very people that are calling us terrorists do you understand this. What are you talking about Brad Well in response to the headlines point man Donald Trump takes the stage and says no resources will be spared to fail weight of our government has been deployed to conduct this investigation he said we will spare no expense in this effort now I want you to listen carefully because you would have thought that these were the 1st initiative of Donald Trump right after his presidential victory concerning his intentions to prosecute these same people for their acts of terror towards the American people in Boy Oh Boy was I wrong I mean consider the source concerning each and every one of these said criminals that allegedly had a package sent to their location because every one of them is guilty of dismantling a republican form of government in an attempt to destroy the America that we all know read John 1010 and that by any means necessary that is a totalitarian slogan friends and a term read Matthew 716 and 2nd Clinton's 111315. And by the way in their words in out of the criminals own miles folks it's about the revolution that's what it's about. So let's go to some of these people George Soros and the organizations that he is funny he is funny over 200 organizations in the United States of America and tempts and attempting to dismantle the America as you know it folks assailing your foundations assailing 1st and foremost your mortality because if he can demoralize you friends guess what they can control you and who they met 1st and foremost the Christians. The constitutionalist and the Patriots and the conservatives that's Were there any man. But George Soros is funding these organizations which are running clear contrast to our form of government and don't forget about the Clintons and their crimes towards We the People and with the Clintons don't forget about Waco Texas don't forget about the Oklahoma City bombing and what what and as to what took place there the details folks remember the devil's always found in the details there was much about the Oklahoma City bombing that the people never heard about and if they attempted to get it out your friends it was stopped right in its tracks white in its tracks but look at the Clintons and their quote of their crimes towards We the people drug dealing in Mena treason was Russia in China both Bill and Hillary murder how many hundreds of bodies are strewn across the path of their political careers friends both of whom read Article 3 Section 3 of the us constitution what about Doc Hussein Obama read Luke 2248 Judas. To mankind friends not just to America look at Brock Hussein Obama who transgress the United States Constitution over 1180 times or whether of watch the apple because it doesn't fall too far from the tree when we look at the crimes of former Attorney General Eric Holder who committed during his tenure as a an attorney general gun running member fast and furious he also said foreign terrorists have rights here in America folks who are the terrorists government by intimidation. He also said no investigation because he didn't have the resources into the Department of Defense at the Pentagon were over 5000 members were found downloading child pornography wow this is craziness and Donald Trump here to protect these people but I mean you want to thought that this is where President Donald Trump's efforts were going to be made when he started his tenure no resources will be spared and that the full weight of our government is being deployed to conduct this investigation Donald goes out and says we will spare no expense in this effort to do a lot what are you talking about Donald Trump look at the crimes that these people are guilty of committing against We the people and I haven't brought up Maxine Waters was continuously attempting to incite the American people to resurrect against the administration this is a joke America and you know what they're doing they're withholding the enforcement of laws against themselves but they want to enforce the law against their political opposition that's what's going on here do yourself a favor and study a little history but apparently not. I also brought up yesterday consider that the false flags that have been laid at the Government Street when it comes to these type of allegations. And how many times has the f.b.i. And the CIA phone play in part in the crimes of which another has been accused. Where we're seeing that happen today just like I told you it was going to happen and it happened today and it's happening right now it's propaganda they're not they're victims they're the assailants they don't have the shield they have the spear of America. Comes to talk. To talk. America's. Largest syndicated radio show does your digital sound like this. It doesn't have to. Answer to some particular. Right by your side. In an off line. Each Saturday morning from. Party pizza. Looking for. The freshest ingredients daily. Infest salads. Free pizza Saturday night secular. Indonesian rescue officials say they're not expecting survivors from the crash Ryan Air 737 carrying 189 people in to see. Will Ripley reports the plane went down shortly after takeoff there were thunderstorms in the area but they were. Safe distance from the aircraft they were not in the immediate vicinity where the plane is believed to have gone down so this really only adds to the if the federal prosecutors want to seek the death penalty against Robert Gregory Bowers accused of killing 11 people 6 at a Pittsburgh synagogue Saturday Bay and Bowers will be in court this morning a new migrant caravan about 300 people from El Salvador has set out heading north toward the u.s. Border investors are nervous the Russian pre-market trading on Wall Street this morning following last week's trading stock futures are currently up slightly and the Boston Red Sox beat the Los Angeles Dodgers 5 to one last night in game 5 to run their 4th World Series title since 2004 Michael to scam. 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I mean folks people are thinking and they should read because the questions bed laid to your candor over and over again as to how many times are you going to play this stooge to these people lead better creating these crimes against you and it's always aimed at you losing more of your freedoms it's always aimed at you shutting your mouth concerning your political opposition this is America France Ok This isn't Russia but I'll tell you this you have Russian operatives coming this operative's behind. Pulling the strings of these. Agents of their special interest groups and these operatives in a circus of politics because they're actors they're nothing more or nothing less than actors. Wanted to let you know that Phil Haney former Department of Homeland Security which is not on the radio we can have to go he's going to be at the Phoenix event center 3904 county road 42 ne on Saturday October 27th at 10 am in Alexandria Minnesota just wanted to throw that out there again Phil Haney former Department of Homeland Security will be there at the event center $3904.00 county road 42 northeast Saturday October 27th at 10 am in Alexander Minnesota Alexandria cool little town if you'd like to check us out online please do if you like to call in please 218-665-8291 extension 33 What are your thoughts as to what's transpiring here is this a surprise to you Are you falling for it or do you see it for what it is 186-658-2993 extension 3 again 166-582-9933 folks if this is the 1st time listening to the Sons of Liberty Radio dot com Do remember that this is the radio show where we think for ourselves and make not the others the measure of our conduct and why is that friends because it's a terrible place to be when your brains are in someone else's head yesterday I had posted created opposition will be blamed guess what. They found a guy in California with a big white van with thousands of troll stickers all over it but they called him a trump cultist which represents those that support him Donald Trump is defending these people Ok he's getting out of the way he's doing his job this point man is and he's allowing this all to fall on his supporters. And keep in mind he does nothing about those that are attacking him not a thing. Again I highlighted yesterday created opposition will be blamed but they are the ones doing the attacking they are again Adolf Hitler said I will tolerate no opposition and the headlines on c.n.n. Where act of terror and I share with you friends during the 1st segment how many Muslims have committed crimes in the name of jihad. But a lot who Akbar. Being shouted as they're committing a crime in America since September 11th but when they commit crimes the CIA media is right there to give cover they call them allegations or workplace violence or domestic abuse this is an act of terror but the media is right there in their political opposition is being accused of a crime that we're going to find that they are responsible for committing you can mark my words because they've done it over and over and over and over again but they have no problem using the word terror when it's convenient in naming their political opposition terrorists let me remind you tears to find the original Oxford English Dictionary as government by intimidation Hey friends if what I'm sharing with you over the last 20 years wasn't true how is it that I have these. Communists in the United States and the media attacking my every move I'm just curious they don't attack the ineffective ones they attack the ones that are in the battle and boy oh boy does that sound familiar. The old boy does that sound familiar but I'm talking about probably just came to my aid. Just came to my aid. That when you look in Scripture you'll find. The ones that are prosecuted. Now those that keep the commandments of the Lord. Know. I'm pulling this up right now friends because at the end of Chapter 12 it says and the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnants of her seed which keep the commandments of God and have the testimonies of Jesus Christ they don't attack folks I could get on another branch here but they're not attacking those little pansies effeminate capitulating is walking around with smiles on their face acting like they have the joy of the Lord when they have no idea the fruits of the Spirit whatsoever read glaciers 5 when you get a moment's. Notice they will or against those that keep the commandments of God This is who the enemy were is where if he uses his little minions to do his bidding spear him. Revelations 1217 and the dragon was raff with the woman and went to make will or with the reminiscence of her seed who are they that he makes We're with those that keep the coming months of God and have the testimonies of Jesus Christ they don't attack those that are in effect if they don't it's not the cowards and the spineless capitulated. That easily outweighed the doors of the word in this country. I needed to interject that I also share with you friends and I am taking this in stride. That John Donald Trump took to the stage and said no resources will be spared to investigate these crimes the full weight of our government has been deployed to conduct this investigation we will spare no expense in this effort to cover. An investigation and protecting those that have committed the acts of terror against We the People. George Soros the Clintons block Hussein Obama folks don't forget about Obama to let me interject this remember that he was the one that stacked the d.h.s.s. With terror tied Muslim Brotherhood operatives. Just so you know what's going on you have been under attack since September 11th America. The perfect judgment of God is what it is. Tomorrow by the way I'm going to be talking about the American churches aiding in the process of its own judgment. That includes all of us the Good the Bad and The Ugly every single one of us are on the same boat friends and this ship thinks we all go the good and the bad and of course the ugly and I got to the point friends. Where I want you to consider that the false flags that have been laid at the government's feet when it comes to these type of allegations we see in Parkland high school in Florida we see it in the I'm just talking about of the president we've seen this at the end of a big day in Las Vegas we've seen this and I'm going to be talking about it in a moment in New Mexico and it's interesting to see friends every step of the way we see the fingerprints of guess who f.b.i. Operatives and the CIA operatives. And I'm just asking the question how many times has the f.b.i. And CIA been found play in part in the crimes of which another has been accused over and over and over again again we're going to get Pamela Geller we've had her on the radio before but we're going to get on the radio again and we're going to ask her and Garland Texas a couple years ago who was responsible for setting up that attempted hit there event. Can tell you 1st hand who's behind it and who aided these Muslims to the attack. And the reason they do what they do is because they don't believe that you think that they are that they're able to do it and that's by the way why they do it ask Josef Mengele. He was a s.s. Officer under Adolf Hitler Willow I mean you want to talk about a sick perverted distorted evil evil evil man he was it he said to murder we do to you the less you believe it's us doing it to you of course what did I hear you Truman President Harry Truman say the CIA American version of the Gestapo concerning the CIA what John Stockton say about the CIA friends it's their purpose to destabilize the world. So they can bring about change. I just watched Edward Snowden last night just folks I thought I watched it twice you got to check it out. The guy comes out exposes the government that he's working for and telling the American people and worldwide what they're doing and how you're being spied on by the n.s.a. You know what's interesting about that is you brought up the fact that Brock Hussein Obama went out and said you know we need to we need to rethink how we're using the n.s.a. And we're going to make it illegal for the n.s.a. To spy on the American people Edward Snowden comes out shortly thereafter that's what the president told the people Edward Snowden came out and said he expanded the n.s.a. Surveillance they do the opposite of what they say they're going to do they're represent Bates thanks these people were not raised like me and you they don't think like me and you. See we're peasants they believe that they themselves are above the law all right demi gods they can roll arbitrarily as they well for the moment. To come right back to this because this is important and by the way I'm doing this on purpose I need to take it slow because you need to get this information some celebrity Radio dot com Sons of Liberty Media dot com We'll be right back. At the sons of liberty we are in the trenches doing what it takes to protect our liberty if you are already supporting our work as a son or daughter of liberty we cannot say thank you enough and we do was made possible by the generosity of faithful supporters like you together we are having a positive impact on the future of this country we all love so much if you have not yet parted with us financially we ask you today to consider becoming a son or daughter of liberty call 186-623-3074 extension 71 line at Sons of Liberty Radio dot com be a part of the team that brings responses like this it's a conservative sort of state representative Anthony Kerr I recently attended to take back America to our host of the nationally syndicated radio talk show personality Bradley that was greatly encouraged by what I saw and heard that we stood by message of state and freedom is what America desperately needs to hear become a son or daughter of Liberty at Sons of Liberty Radio dot com the United States empire is opposed to claims the United States is the empire of the world George Washington and just against war in the United States of empires shows that Wars $1.00 and $2.00 are left and it's a colony of the us had to save the Empire wherever those who do we fight for a deep state began with the role of the United States of empire by James done at Amazon barracks. Group gold rush across the nation. From here every day it's transforming more and more Americans into millionaires. The former speaker of the House John Boehner reveals to become. For the content of this summit attendance is 100 percent free space to secure your spot text to 5 times the 1st of its kind ever. Stocks are primed to deliver life. Weeks and months ahead plus. How to Become a channel. Back to start ups for the potential to become worth billions of dollars to true American cannabis summit text truly. Free text joining. Us Most of you know that heart disease is the number one silent killer in the u.s. What if I told t. For just 5495 a month you could fight against heart disease naturally at heart and body extract we've been helping thousands of people get back to a healthier heart don't just take my word for it check out all of the success stories at h.p. Xtrac dot com or to order call 866-295-5305 that's 866-295-5305 h.p. Xtrac dot com Don't risk it when you can take charge of it. Welcome back again to the Sons of Liberty. Folks I'm sticking to this topic because it's that important that you understand what's going on I'm reiterating exactly what we were talking about yesterday and if being played out in front of your face today that. It's happening today exactly what we talked about yesterday France is happening today. When America are going to learn the lessons. Because we see many across the board right now live by comments right now friends. Are learning the lessons and have learned the lessons and have known the lessons for many years. Things getting better are they getting worse America if they're getting worse it means that you have not learned your lesson or you haven't learned to respond yet and what you should base without works is dead period. I was just highlighting the fact that. The f.b.i. And the CIA have been found playing part in the crimes of which another has been accused and you know that's exactly what's happening today and they're going to try to convince you of it. And it's probably going to be very short lived because of the response of the people and I guarantee you a lot of people are not happy with Mr Donald Trump right now jumping in and playing the man taking the stage and saying Man we're going to do everything in our power no matter what it costs we're going to take the full weight of our government and we're going to deploy it to conduct this investigation no resources will be spared said the president of United States of America we can't have people actually doing what we should have done a long time ago and I'm talking about enforcing the laws against their crimes I'm talking of course about the laws against their crimes long ago so we wouldn't be talking about it today but no I know too many Americans are caught up into the conservative talking heads today because they love to heap up teachers to teach their itching ears give me something else to talk about give me more information tell me another crime that's been committed so we can have something to talk about so I can gossip with my friends today and do nothing about the problems that at large. I said yesterday this will ensure be reported and laid at the feet of their creative opposition it will be blamed on the right wingers by the way they're calling him. A. A registered Republican. Because we need a registered Republican right again we're talking about unconstitutional topics that the American people have swallowed but the fact of the matter is this is what they need right they need this left right paradigm to war against each other well you lose every time and they win every time the right wingers are going to be responsible to Christians and conservatives and Patriots they're responsible for attacking us and the whole while America are you paying attention to that these are the people that have been attacking you for decades and decades and Donald Trump is not calling for an investigation into those that have committed crimes against us he's calling for an investigation of the ghost the man that they need to put in place so they can accuse friends somebody they have to have a fall guy to put themselves in the position of the victim well they attack and that's exactly what's happening just like I said it was just like I said it was going to be a focus and shortly after what's going to be what's going to take place that will be found to be a false flag which it already is or a hoax this is exactly what people are saying already then it will fade to black only to be forgotten until they again need to remind you the American people in this country that they are the victims of those who tell the truth and expose them for who they are and what it is that they are responsible for doing. They did it. Yesterday I brought it up I'm going to bring it up again he did it through Waco trying to make him out to be a what Yeah you're right Oklahoma City bombing that made him out to be a what oh that's right Ruby Ridge they made him out to be a what oh that's right and the list goes on and on in on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and isn't it interesting when they find out it's stuff as they call him the Democrats all the sudden it just fades away real quick you never hear another whine about it no because it wasn't what they needed they needed a different failed guy it had to be those Republicans see how this works and what people don't know is this is an all out attempt to further strengthen themselves against created opposition or are member Rahm Emanuel dead fish Emanuel member he said you know never let's never let these these crimes go to waste never lasts these things that we need ever go to waste let's use them for our advantage regardless of what it may be you know it's like for example when it's someone that's going around shooting somebody and they find out that he was a lefty or a homosexual or a Muslim or a communist or a Planned Parenthood supporter all the sudden No we can't put that in the media now that's not that's not the right type of guy. That's not the right type of guy. That's all they're doing Friends today strengthening themselves folks let me say it this way they're hoping you fall for what they're saying so that they can strengthen themselves against their opposition again by playing the victims of a crime which they're responsible there's pictures all over the board right now friends showing you the stamps were not. It didn't go through the mail system you don't see any markings whatsoever on any of them. And I want you to remember this this is just 2 weeks before the mid-term elections. They need you to be the enemy right now right and by the way this is exactly why Facebook and Twitter and Google and big tech companies are censoring people like they are right now with me I share with you friends that they've now censored my Facebook to shut it down for 30 days from a post from 2014 they're acting subversively to American government they don't want people to know what the laws they don't want people like me calling them out for their supporters of acts which one contrast antithetical to the Constitution they don't want guys like me calling them out for their crimes I don't care. I'm not asking the devil for permission to obey God I'm I'm not doing that but they want to shut me down how many other websites Christian conservative websites have they shut down 2 months friends before the elections do you see how this works want to go back to trump real quick did you see Donald Trump take the stage like this when it came to the compound that was discovered in New Mexico where the too heavily armed Muslims were trained 13 young boys to commit jihad and public schools and toward our law enforcement agencies by the way I talked to a local sheriff there during that time they were trying to figure out why the f.b.i. Was doing their best to shut all of their opposition down all the questions that were brought they were being shut down well once it was discovered what actually took place there they could hide it no longer in once it was discovered what did the American people get from the f.b.i. Well the f.b.i. Went in and destroyed all the evidence who were the terrorist friends I'm asking you who are committing these crimes friends why would the f.b.i. Destroy all evidence I'm just curious just want to know I just want to know. However the president said that's that it's his highest priority for the f.b.i. To engage that is when it comes to protecting in covering for themselves not you and I live I shared with you yesterday friends that I remember the constant media harassment the bomb threats to my ministry and street teams the pictures of my house and my address being put up on line by the minuscule homosexual lobby that endangered my family death threats week after week month after month year after year yet when the f.b.i. Was called in to action to apprehend these perpetrators we didn't hear a word Carse you see they work for friends they're not there these agencies are their friends to protect the little guy from the big guy they're there to protect the big guy and their crimes against the little guy and this is they history that we're seeing unfold on a daily basis I mean this is this is just crazy oh by the way just a side note but isn't it interesting that same CIA controlled media in America today that are suppressing the new movie guys now. They don't want you to have the truth but protecting those who are personally thanked sanctioning and advocating for the murder of the innocent home 520 Proverbs 617. We. See dictators of the past and present have taught and are teaching John 844 through their devilish examples just this they create their enemies and turn the mob on their created enemies in order to conquer them folks I can tell you right now that one's not going to fly this time it's not going to fly the what's happening here is there's light in this country and the dictators themselves because justice is a better justice has been left off or learning who would be enemies are and they're seeing that they're on television playing the good guy over and over and over again keep in mind they create their enemies and turn the mob on their creative enemies in order to conquer them. Right temperature. Just. Professional stands ready. For you. Comfortable. With your home's temperedness threatened call casing a mechanical and mountain home an 870-425-0744. Evolutionary. System can tell you. Whatever it takes. The death penalty I'm Dave Anthony Fox knows that's what Robert might face he's due to make his 1st court appearance in Saturday's shooting spree in Pittsburgh. That was at a vigil last night for the 11 murdered and 6 wounded at a synagogue on Saturday he entered with 3 handguns in a ar 15 style semiautomatic rifle they say he used all 4 weapons in his rampage and f.b.i. Affidavit coach powers during his gun fight with police saying they are committing genocide to my people I just want to kill Jews the u.s. Attorney has now stated that the process is in place to seek the death penalty that Fox's David Lee Miller in front of the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. He says are say Och also expected in court today he's accused of mailing those pipe bombs to 14 prominent Democrats and Trumka critics say AK is likely to be shackled by the arms by the legs and by the way so we are learning a little more about him as well both from family members and from coworkers his sister said she hopes he gets the mental health help that he needs and that he got weirder as the years went on I thought to Steve Harrigan in Miami they have found bodies and debris but no survivors in the sea where a plane crash in Indonesia with 189 people on board the pilot of the Lion Air flight asked to return to the airport 2 minutes after takeoff why we don't know the crash happened about 10 minutes later liner's president says the plane had a technical problem in its prior fly but that issue had been resolved the World Series is over and they partied in the streets of Boston last night after the Red Sox won its anything but a passing and easily beat them and then big with me to see that the chamfer match and we beat them and now with a new to the Red Sox beat the Dodgers 5 want to game 5 in Los Angeles Boston's 4th baseball championship since 2004 this is Fox News. 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Gubernatorial candidate Ron decentest a governor Rick Scott who's running for Senate against Democratic Senator Bill Nelson to Santas is running in a tight race against Tallahassee mayor Andrew Gilligan the president plans to headline several more rallies before Election Day which is one week from tomorrow at the White House John Decker a Fox News is getting a new president a controversial on job also narrow I right wing candidate who was a bitterly contested race that included politically motivated violence was never himself or stabbed in nearly killed back in September he vows to defend Brazil's Constitution to unite the country but as left wing opponents vow to fight I'm warning of a rollback and civil liberties I.

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