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Investigation. It's. Called factual content is probably going to undertake to be open to. Every hour. Explains the facts of this case Pietschmann to impeach readies our system. One of. His visit to Saudi Arabia a success particularly for u.s. Businesses Fox's John Roberts in Riyadh a former secretary of state taking aim at the Trumpet ministration and the news media I hope we get less drama out of the White House we we need to have everybody settle down and work on the things the American people are worried about tax reform deregulation health care infrastructure we need the press I think to hyperventilate a lot less Liza Rice speaking at the Richard Nixon Library in California where she was promoting a new book it's a day to pay tribute to the military on this armed forces. Your commander in chief and every American who lives under the protection that you provide. Will stand up this day. And simply offer a word for it and we salute you for your service vice president Mike Pence speaking at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio a fast moving wildfire has forced several 100 people out of a campground south of San Diego Fire officials say the flames are spreading at a dangerous rate a Cal Fire spokesman says it started near a shooting range Fox News Radio they are invalid. in. Don't miss out on amazing Memorial Day holiday time specials at your local Sears Auto Center and take advantage of our best higher prices now to room Oriel day you can buy 3 tires and get the 4 already in stock tires only with purchase have an installation package and don't forget to ask about our free oil change offer the associates the details a vocal series out of center we put your life in drive exclusions may apply installation packages include 6 months one year or lifetime alignment June 3rd. Week. Of. Download the free i play out for your p.c. 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Oh so heroes a lesser. Welcome to another edition of hometown heroes a program that reminds you no matter where you live in this great country of ours no matter how big or how small your hometown might be there are some stories just waiting to be told if we take the time to ask a few questions and listen we want to honor our veterans for their service and sacrifice we want to preserve their stories so we never forget the price has been paid for our freedom and along that journey boy do we learn a lot we're educated were entertained and often inspired by these stories from our greatest generation we're going to meet a gentleman today who is 99 years old you'd never guess it by looking at him or shaken his hand Frank cost of Las Vegas Nevada originally from Geneva New York is our guest today so frank I got to hear about this growing up in upstate New York in the twenty's and thirty's with 2 brothers and a sister your parents were both immigrants from Italy is there a co-write So what was that childhood like Ira life seemed to be around Scotty clearly lot of scouting and the small town there was nothing else to do but my parents had to go ashore and. Between scouting and they were showing we were camping someplace or on the lake send a flake What a pretty part of the country especially in the spring and fall is a beautiful park the 3 boys on the sculling I was an Eagle Scout my brother. Start of this part of our life what did you get out of that I don't know it just it was always doing something and learning about the outside going outside all the time when I wasn't working in the store I was running a scout troop and scouting to us was 2nd to none I guess it's not like here that he's gotten his He's very strong but here in Las Vegas I don't plan him they have to scout troops but they're not like the tooth we hate Well the times I'm sure change that's 99 years is a long time to be alive and I know you're looking forward to number 100 next year you mentioned working in the store how young were you when you started working in your folks grocery store were in diapers. Where you counting pennies or what not she said Nana Florence to put these over there to pick up stuff and put it on the shelf growing up under store then when I graduated school I bought. In the heart of town and now it's a 937 and I stayed there until Sam called me then I turned over to my sister while I was gone and she was running my dad still working with my dad so they have to do or was over at the bank or to the store with her and then I said I'm going to California says story yours turn a story over to her and I came to California and stayed here I mean I've been married for 16 years yeah he just lost your wife Lena a couple years ago and of course it was a girl that brought you out West but you never would have had a chance to meet that girl or marry or Anyway if you didn't survive World War 2 and I'm curious to being in that family grocery business during the Great Depression I bet you witnessed some things that gave you a little perspective what you remember about those years. In the 1930 s. When so many people faced hard times you don't notice the hard time as long as people work together I used to have people come by the course you show say can have a bull or knee and. Just come on top of sizeable only you would give it to him taking enough another then you get another guy coming hey you got something you give me he said I'm sorry your boss is gone but most of the guys from men are real nice Most someone in a cigarette are below me and they didn't Efren think big That's all they wanted to go down thing and I asked one day I asked one man I said Why do you guys always pick up my story yet there's of course the show next door and the stores above me he says because you always come to the town we mark who's good who isn't and that's why they come here sure they knew you had a generous heart they had a bar down a sidewalk with chalk and they would come in and be nice and they got a piece of baloney I guess hotdog or whatever it was they wanted dead always says always feed somebody to starve to death it may not be his for everyone that I've talked to who was alive during this time period seems to remember something about December 7th 1941 so you were already out of school your work in the grocery store what do you remember about that day ecologists haven't had a party that night they had been planning it and they wanted to take a beard they came out or the Burning Bush picked it up that morning and. They came in and says hold the beer we're going to enlist a whole bunch of kids who are college and listen and I had to cancel my order. It affected business our December 7th did you have an idea at that point that it was going to affect your life for the lives of your brothers no had no idea but I do remember my dad seeing this we were to dinner table and he says Boys Oh I say something you have relatives in. Italy so you are an American and we would be fighting Italy and he says you forget them he said this is your country my dad told me that that was the thing I remember that table didn't take anything more over one long with my business they drafted my brother in the 1st draft he said the whole 5 years in Europe that was and when they bore a broken 41 and 42 my younger brother was going to get drafted but he didn't want to be an army so he went and listed in the Navy and he deferred to me because I had a business and he can take 2 in the same family same time and then 6 months later they drafted me and that's when. I realize hey I'm in this. My sister said I'll take over the store when you come back and take he said trying to buy Dad His between a tree of us his mother dad and sister the 3 boys in the service everybody said it's not fair to take in the cost to board the ship least for now my home and all. My dad said if they want the boys the boys will go. So I went in the service and April of 43 did you get a sense for how difficult that was on your parents and your sister to have all 3 of you gone and with your lives in danger you don't think of that at the time he's one of my going to get out. So my dad says right he told us before when you do the best you can when you go any place you mentioned your father statement about we have relatives still in Italy but you guys are Americans a lot of people today don't realize that there was an effort by the government to keep Italian Americans away from that theater and they're also camps where Italian Americans were set much like Japanese Americans on the West Coast they were actually held prisoner by their government for a while it's so unfair the ball for us today were you aware of any of that at the time no kind of crazy to think oh yeah but here your father made a very clear who said you guys your own yeah so you had to take destroyers. You know 1st I want to quartermaster school because had a grocery store while I was there they made me or an officer and I didn't buy a bit worn off as you alarm me says this is basher the elf it may have been a good little Italian boy a good Catholic boy when this is a bastard to me that that's not me so I didn't want to I said I don't want to be worn off so they sent me to take the show school I graduated they sent me to San Lucas in January the 44 so they sent me to join the 81st wildcats and from there we put that one to Fort Roberts picked up our tanks and then went to Marysville California for our training session from there we went to hole why and I became lifeguard. Walk he Beach tough job or the guy through training I wasn't getting any training so then we get to ship the captain says to me to get your gear ready could move shipping out to war was gone he would going and I said but I haven't any training he said forget about you so they got the teacher's purpose and there for the ship showed me all the jungle training was told to have made a dry run quite a canal I want you to flesh this out a little bit because I mean it sounds kind of crazy these days to think about what they're said and you had to with no preparation whatsoever but when you guys when your outfit the 81st Infantry Division is in Hawaii to train to go to the Pacific you end up a lifeguard on Waikiki Beach correct didn't have to do any military training at all you know how to pull that off I was a lifeguard for I was in the service in the scullery then when I got to Marysville I became a lifeguard and mirthful pool train a guy jump off the high dad like jumping off of a high ship that was my job as teacher guy doesn't break a neck with a strap for sure and they're jumping from off the hide board which 2030 feet near my job. Teach him that's all I was doing I can't imagine a better army job the lifeguard on Waikiki Beach No that was the best but I had the pleasure of telling the Colonel to get off the beach oh yeah. That happened this could happen to be a friend of mine and Geneva when I was on life guard aka fry come over me should have then finally said how about having lunch with me this is sure great I didn't know anything about rules regulations so after I shift at 12 o'clock I'll walk over to the hotel and he show me a nice is here a private. So I can eat with you I still can't go buy it back and teetered me off to the next afternoon here he comes down threaten down in his suit to the unsealed beach. Was the law says hey you're off the wrong beach and I run the. Going home and told my parents about it oh I thought it was the n.c.o. Beach he's got his own beach right and right so you're doing this lifeguard stuff and then the 81st is get ready to ship out and you say wait I don't know what I'm doing right so they train you're actually on the ship heading over going to dry run me for 10 a war yeah so he got to be to go out again now because that had already been secured by American forces right but you guys do a market vision just to practice correct so what was your role in that I just had my take is all I just for now in my tank did my job then we'll come back captain says sharper of your tools this is the real McCoy is coming so we got ready and I just a few days later we were at the beach and what kind of tank was this How many guys would be on a crew for that day I think it was 7 and what was your job inside that tank at that time I was an LNG ammunition and then I was on the outside call and then we hit the beach the 1st time I was outside the tank we come off the beach and we had to hit the railroad train. Which will then amount to going up to phosphate plant so my driver says we're take the high road and you will direct be a big company on her side be our bodyguard light so we started going up but if we were going to appear like this here were a little faster than the jungle going through they all like or rock so we started to get ahead of them and then when we got ahead of them they thought it was Japanese Up ahead flighty take or firing for they had squad where we were on our own troops start a fire at us it's about that time the airplanes ships coming across and one of them was coming down you get the machine gun to you could see the dust coming up. Through a tray and that's when I I jump over the side of the tracks off the tank maybe 1520 feet down and 2 other kids going down with one for me from Abel company one was a blond kid I remember him and he landed in front of me I was in the center and this other kid and. I against a tree I lost my helmet because I was on the phone and I just I wrote my hand still gun not in my head please don't let me end. With a bomb and saying the kid against a tree cash strapped on helmet he didn't die the medics picked him up and I didn't get it scratch on me and the kid and trying to get a chance to kill him outright Wow medics were there and one guy says to me said God was on your side I says yeah good 103 after that that's where the 103 come out well and you're just 4 years away so I want everyone to understand what we're talking about here this is your very 1st taste of combat right the 1st few minutes the 1st hour of your combat this time I added it and are. So this is part of the pull out chain you guys had a bunch of violence but your very 1st taste of combat you're going in with the tanks you get out in front so your old guys are firing at the Japanese planes start strafing you that's why. You dive off the side of a tank but this is not a bank man or something you follow along way about 800 feet now that in itself could kill you yeah you lose your helmet and the machine gun bolts are still coming in yeah it kills one guy next year the other guy gets hit the helmet the bomb hit the front of the tank and shrapnel all around us so one of the Japanese planes bomb to the tank destroyed the tank right wounded one guy next year killed the other guy you don't have a helmet but you don't have a scratch right I'd say That guy was right I think I have your side but how do you handle that at the time you know I think you do anything but keep going. Medicare rid of me I wish I was gone back to my tank they disable the tank and then so I had to go do another tank and then there was a rough day or yeah and that sounds like that was just the beginning of the day yeah so what happened after that what was the rest of that day like we got up to the trellis top to here on that we saw the fire suppliant we didn't know was there but then we said camp right there so watching the placer play Able Company in big company around it we still got over top and they needed fire they could fire then he wouldn't come in and I was a security part why was that he didn't know what was alters also black and this is a brand new experience for you never been in combat before did you sleep at all that night nobody not at all what goes through your mind while you're sitting there in the dark hoping nobody comes over the top of that thing you got your gun ready all the time they score a rock was hard you can even think so we got under our tanks you know and I don't Yikes too bad too much. Well yeah you have shared with me that when the war ended you put it away you came home you got to work this is not something that you've do well to ponder for the last 70 plus years you know this from a back well and I know your recent trip to Washington d.c. With honor flight Southern Nevada triggered a flood of memories coming back. I'm very thankful you're willing to take us to some of those places today when Franks said too much he meant too much was coming back it was just too tough to talk about think it's a good time to take our 1st break when we come back we're going to hear more about his experiences in the invasion of Anbar island and if you want to get an even more thorough picture go to hometown heroes Radio dot com because I have a film the War Department shot with the 81st Infantry Division on an Gar in 1904 you'll see the action of Frank's describing and I think you better understand why it's so difficult to talk about. We're going to hear about the time he says he would have been dead if he had been in his usual spot in his tank and we'll also hear how he met the young lady who had become his wife hometown heroes We'll be right back after this if you'd like to sell your low mileage well maintained r.v. In excellent condition bring it to Paul ever it's r.v. Country and they'll sell it for you that's right consignments are welcome any type of motor home travel trailer or 5th wheel with 8 locations in 5 states there's probably a Paul ever it's within driving distance of this radio station helping our viewers get the most out of their R.V.'s is another one of those things that make doing business with Paul's such a unique pleasure Paul Everts r.v. 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Saving 15 percent or more in car insurance is always the great answer what color is the White House. I know this I know this I know this. 5 seconds Oh switching to Geico could save you a bunch of money on car insurance Ok Judge. That's true Kevin Miller Las Vegas yes I did say 99 he's originally from Geneva New York and the beautiful Finger Lakes region in the center of the state I want to thank Belinda Morse of Honor Flight Southern Nevada for letting me know about Frank one of 3 brothers who all served our country during World War 2 Frank was in the Pacific with the Wildcats of the 81st Infantry Division he took part in the invasion and capture of Anbar island in the poll Aus in September of 1944 moving on from there to relieve the 1st Marine Division on payload who there was mop up duty. On the island of Lady in the Philippines before training for the planned invasion of Japan and eventually occupation duty right after the Japanese surrender but those tents dangerous weeks on and Gar was that the most intense action you ever experienced they all seem the same to me you know on the ground going to hell you know going to see how far you get without getting hit it yes and when you said initially with this take you're handling ammunition what does that mean you're grabbing it handed to someone else to load it ammunition Comus there's so many part of bags right they all say for 34 how many harder by not say says 3 people 3 part of a break the other through the other way then that shell is only going to go so far if you want for it you put 4 and then I go that much further then we lost our tank in 2nd or 3rd day going through Bertie Gulch around the corner cut in the canyon in the mountain as we took that corner the Japanese has set up the gun in a foreign they caught our tank tour which disabled our tour you couldn't turn around and brought up on an edge disabled our stuff where were you when the tank was a hose outside. Nobody a horse but shelter was leg the 2 drivers got back of the head shown in the back side of the inside the tank and the travel at the back to the neck so if you had been in the tank for that you probably regard you to be dead yeah I've been dead because the shell hit where I was loading the gun and how recently had you transitioned from that job I was gone maybe 5 minutes you bit of a tank 5 minutes before you know why did you go outside I really don't remember all remember they open the tour and says do this and I went out to a nice and cold way so 5 minutes if you hadn't left that tank if you'd been still in there 5 minutes later again and then gone but so that you see this your buddies are all her. Your tank is disabled you can't move so what you guys do was stay there to protect them what we could then Major General Sherman tank come up from I think it was a Marine Corps I'm not sure Bill Riley from my hometown was on a tank he hollered Get that thing out of the way and they put a chain and drag their tank then I found out those on that tank what a small world small world you're about as far from Geneva New York as you could be there was it and he moved now and I moved down were you scared so scared. Of. Yes I was scared how did you keep going how did you deal with that I mean you still your buddies you really will keep you going you know you got together with says Paul do you hear that yeah I heard that Ok I watched it say you watch that side of me you are cause you're depending on each other. Here to doubt the word for it is just beat that it would try to describe it but if I would just stand up and think I'd be so shaken but I was with me shaken with it the minute we were we were all scared and how did you process losing guys around you seen guys killed right next to. Us wish them luck when they went by and that's about all of the want to wind down is done much you could do it. And I talk about I guess the question that comes to mind in light of that is did you ever feel like maybe I'm next yes more than once. Take a better family back home I think it's seeing him everything back east. You ever get an email from them while you're over there every day every day they delivered me and I got mail from mom my sister or every single day and Lena wrote every day but we didn't cover that So Lena is your wife of 69 years you just lost her a couple years ago so you guys do each other before you went overseas. Yes I've met her at the 1st chance to marry so I was at the barracks I was up on the 2nd floor right now home letter to my mother and the girls from the city came in and danced night it was on a Wednesday night dinner walked in the door Nama the far end of the dance hall and I spotted her clothes letter says Mom somebody just well can I want to meet the 2 later you wrote that no matter. And I closed the letter I walked down the side of balcony down the stairway the girls went up the stairway that way to the room take the coats off there were come down the stairs and the guys and this I came downstairs and they met in the bottom there was a dance party done 1234522 and I count 22 might go wait a minute this way that way I got 22 and they're going down. 8 sheets and I'm just sent a bunch of non-coms come in they take the next 10 or 12 girls are confined Lena being short 4 for the 11 they took her and she disappeared She's here in the crowd up here you can't find her because she's sure looking around looking around and find. A little Jewish friend of mine from Connecticut and Leo Kaufman come up to me is Frank and I met somebody I know you like to meet I'm not looking I got somebody I want to meet I can't find her it's all there sure sit there at that table over there. That's to go on looking for it's only a matter of do speak to her I asked her for the dance she had the dance all or dancers were taken so when the tag dance came along I tag. Tag Somebody take me back so I went over to tell us is get a gang and keep the guy Joffrey I want to dance with her. So he got $45.00 to follow as they danced around. Now you had dance that's how I got to meet her that's quite an effort there was enough for. Her last name she wouldn't give me her last name she says his church with the sea ice just a minute be right back I want to run the corner to the telephone booth and telephone those only for disease so I got on with John and want to Gaetano So I went back. To the would be no only would it how did you find that out as a little birdie told me that your father got ton or John and she said you know more than I thought you did she said. My dad so then I said Ok Have you got a couple dad today has to figure I have a date. To go to Grass Valley no bus no train no nothing going to Grass Valley 30 miles away tractor I had to hitchhike just to get a date midnight curfew oh oh oh is right I don't know you no body so. You're so they're missing Martin says Who are you going to say tonight Sara No you have to get a kid a place to stay at my place tonight I speak at a kid from Massachusetts and I got to stay at her place next point get a bus nothing you know you have to get on the corner people are dice you gotta write regularly That's how I get to meet Linda what was it about her that made her so desirable to you that you had to pursue her to that extent I don't just look and that's that's the woman I want but then you had to leave did you have an idea before you left that this might be the one you're going to marry someday I was pretty sure but I didn't tell her that I didn't want to get married before I left and I didn't want to be gay before I left I said pretty habit I don't want to be heavy hanging over so my mother caught on right away well you had written the letter I said somebody walked in and when I said I'm going to California she knew. Right away oh after the war yeah but so when you go overseas she was writing you know you know we were I wrote every single day you get to have any of those letters and about. When you're overseas the guy next to you is just being killed you've almost been killed you finally have a chance to rest and you open up a letter from that girl back home what did that mean to you Bill you write up made everything. Go home to he she kept me alive I guess both couldn't read or write some he was a pilot or he says I wish I could get a letter from home watch a regular letter can't write as you can't write a no. Go Home Alabama or someplace so I say all right your letter so I put in your the post office please read this for him Perera letter about a week later Bush will come back to me with a letter mailed to him he brings it to me to read to him postmistress it was a good gesture for me to take my time to write somebody they couldn't read or write so I wrote 3 or 4 letters for Bush when he got out of the service Sanders 10 my captain sent him to school made him go to school took care of them while I don't get a member of my company that I think they're all gone we used to have a real you know it's a Mr everyone know something always came up and then the last letter last meeting him passed away and a wife wrote and says I don't think we have anymore Jim is gone and I think Frank you about the only one from the candy company left I don't have any high school classmates I don't have an army classmate my. Sales going to go on all died while just wait till you're 103 I don't know anybody left you told me about both show and I'm sure that touches a lot of people to hear that seemingly little thing that you were able to do for him that meant so much. What else can you tell me about the guys that you served with and what you guys did for each other over there you're always doing something for each other if you don't feel good I take over a year job we would send to the sick man we wanted you and it was just one happy group we were 20 we looked out for each other. You know. He started and Gar you move through this pullout chain pale that was one of the major battles for a lot of smaller ones you had up in the Philippines later on at Lady throughout all that time what was the most difficult thing for you to deal with Yes Is it a body. Too much is coming back. Adequate sure you know I'm sure you can look back on a lot of moments where it could have been you and those are individually for you but there are some big picture things that happened to that maybe were the difference between you living or dying you guys originally were scheduled to take part in the invasion of Yeah what happened that Treme boat that I would dysentery somebody did wash out the dishes in the soapy. Just the pro God of the whole ship so they brought us to the Philippines and in 98 took our police so you guys are actually on the ship headed to Captain I the only ones who are sick . My captain said to me here come in with me Frank we're going off shore alla guy just shore the Navy guys are. Cleaning up today and he says you and I stay here cleaning them up you're going with me but that break a dysentery as miserable as it was for those affected probably saved a lot a lot maybe yours too yes I often wondered about and then another twist that I guess you might look at and say hey maybe that saved my life would be Truman's decision to drop those bombs I'm sure because you guys were training to invade Japan right now he would be standing for Japan but we never made it so after he dropped the bomb we were the 1st troops landed Japan Where'd you come ashore Amaury what you see what we got there it was about 30 degrees below 0 I didn't have any heavy coat I just read regularly I was put out of the hills be the page and when I got there I had nothing company a kept It's for your check to soldier I'd put the out of bounds it put me in the ship so he got a blanket for me so I wore black instead of jacket we walked into town we walked down the street 50 feet apart be here here all around 8. And as we walked down the street nobody was on the street but the police and when we come up to them they put their hand behind their back. Their back to us they were ashamed. And we walked through downtown Marsha to the airport and we had to sleep on the ground because the barracks were all full of blight and a we stepped on the ground on the runway out in the open with that cold against upstate New York has nothing on that nor did we how long were you there in Japan I got there in November and we left in February during that time did you have much interaction which. Apennines people yeah they they turned out to be pretty nice I was kind of lariat for and then I got a t.d.y. Temporary duty so they sent me to Tokyo so they sent me there for a 3 day weekend and that's when I got to talk to a lot of the Japanese people in the bar too bad to talk to and they were ashamed of what they've done how about just as far as witnessing the destruction the way some of these places were decimated did that make an impression on you and the pirate Japan where I was it was really no destruction it all did where there was just a 100 miles a say from where we were gosh I was referred to Tokyo where the fire bombing from what I've seen and read and heard was so widespread destruction was just overwhelming time for another break but we're going to hear what Frank experienced on his honor flight to Washington d.c. Including a moment that wasn't planned but added even more emotion to his wreath laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and remember when Frank was describing that scene and gars bloody gold Schwinn his tank was hit and it was blocking the other tanks from getting through if you go to hometown heroes Radio dot com and pull up that war department film recorded on Anbar in 1904 you're going to see a very similar scenario and whether it's Frank's tank or not you'll see exactly what he was talking about and what he was dealing with and maybe you'll imagine what in the world you would have done if you were in that situation hometown heroes will be right back after this remember when the bank gave you a free checking and savings accounts even making money for you when you kept your dollars there Paul Leffler here to say I've recaptured those days and you can too with e.c.u. 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Welcome back to hometown heroes our guest today is Frank cost and 99 years old originally from Geneva New York where his Italian immigrant father sat his 3 boys down after America was drawn into World War 2 and made it very clear where their allegiance was to be all 3 Costa boys would serve in the u.s. Armed forces during World War 2 all 3 of them came home and Frank says the memories he's sharing today were completely buried for the last 7 decades we've heard about his close calls on an Gar Island his 1st action in the Pacific with the 81st Infantry Division most of us will never experience anything like it and I think it helps the rest of us really digest it when we realize how powerful the emotions can be all these years later so I'm really grateful for Frank's transparency and candor today I don't want to skip over anything you told us a couple of the close calls early on in your time in the service are there some other things that you still remember where it could have been you it almost was you know I guess it was I don't think one reserve any more then the other because you have maintained was a city that you say live I just wondered if there are any other examples you want to share that your family may or may not have heard that might leave an impression on them to know what dad and grandpa great grandpas been through and nobody knows what I went through this the 1st time ever talked about it. And when I left Geneva I left my horror stories but I did I did say not send. My brother didn't even know what grade I was in I left the service he used to I was in the army and here we talked about your 2 brothers your older brother was involved in Normandy and the bolts all the big stuff and your younger brothers in the Navy so you all 3 had these experiences you all 3 come home the 3 you never traded stories No not at all my brother John would not say boo my sister says you mention the war to my brother . Don't talk about the war to me he went to hell he wanted to do more than my brother other brother NY put together and you know that just from knowing the outfit he was in and the battles he went through he was in the 4th Army not because he actually told any stories he see anything they send a telegram to my mother he was missing and nation next days is mistaken identity next day killed in action next day mistaken identity. 3 telegrams What do you think the mothers are going through yeah seriously Well speaking of what was it like to come home and see your mom and dad and sister again . For gate one made duffel bag yet in a bus I arrived home while cold. I did no fanfare just something tells me your mom gave you a little hug when you got when he showed. There's a question for you Frank I married an Italian girl whose grandma was quite a cook and I know how that gets passed down those family recipes all that time in the Pacific where you're eaten out of a can or out of the jungle gym ever think about a home cooked meal for Mama or the watch. I've said more to day that I said and 70. Well it's a privilege to to be here and listen to a little bit of it after you had that reunion with your family in upstate New York as you told us you put the war behind you headed to California because you had to go see that girl that you had worked so hard to meet at the dance of Marysville did Lena know you were coming yeah I would call her how long did you wait before you put that ring are going or. Merge in August she didn't make you work too hard she didn't say no no she didn't hesitate. You know I know this isn't easy to talk to you and I appreciate you and your candor in telling me when it's stuff that's too difficult for you to go there but have you ever had the thought as you approach your 100th birthday that if that bomb killed the guy next year and wounded the other guy next year if that would have got you know some of those other close calls you described if you had still been in the tank 5 minutes later when it got hit that if you didn't survive all that you never would have made it back to marry Lena that your sons and your grandsons and your great grandsons would have never been born his friends know his son of that how do you make sense of that I was a positive person I always attend the positive side and you told us you put the war away so it was never something you and Lena talked about never something you talked about with your sons but now here just recently you go to Washington d.c. With honor flight Southern Nevada you get to see that World War 2 Memorial that honors all 16000000 to you including the 3 Costa boys who served our country but specifically those 406000 Americans who didn't come home what did you think about why you were at that memorial today gotta chill. Were there any surprises for you on that trip here getting the honor of putting the wreath unknown showed his tomb and no idea I was going to be asked one of the veterans of my roommate had. Okinawa he was my pusher and then it was our nurse 40 years in the service she also came up that's when everything opened up. So I want our listeners to hear this you've shared with me this story I think they'll be touched by it too so when you get there at Arlington National Cemetery and you make your way to the Tomb of the known soldier you're watching that incredible display of precision of that guard detail and that eternal patrol that happens there in front of it and it wasn't raining when you got there right then rainy but it's stopped So tell everybody what happened and we get up there they give us a rate coats and everything and said you might be a little bit so just as we got there seem like a stop completely They put us on the end of the runway and when they give us a signal go we shall go on Star district. We walked up so many paces turned right to go to to the tomb and a little more rain got up pushed to read to guard the guard picked it up on the rock just as you put it on the rack cloud opened all the rain came down it was a thunder storm like and we moved back and just then one wanted a guy just pushing me says God is crying. That's when I broke it. We move move back a little bit better and then you start playing Taps and playing Taps just how do you get harder and harder and face in the tomb and it between me and the 2 there are no shows you. Know I could take go hey guys right. That's the most meaningful thing that you got out of that water fight experience. How lucky I was here is how well you really have a day I think every veteran she get it to go well. Everyone should see this. You told us how many letters you got from Lena and from your family in upstate New York while you're overseas do you get an email on that. They had a life and that when they said mail call. I said Go write me a mail call so you get up there on the bus in a state of colleagues different names out every head by the head it may be true. Then they kind of my name I can. Think I thought it was a joke so there is letters on they want to read and I was never so surprised in my life. Because I later the trip. Well what I hear a lot from veterans Well there's a few things sometimes if they have a police escort in Washington they really loved Yeah they did. Makes you feel like a king right they tell me about the mail call and then the reception when they land back at the airport and a lot of them say they didn't think anybody cared and now they realize people do and it sounds like for you maybe it's more than realizing that other people value what you did. But maybe being reminded yourself what you went through and how significant it was because this is really something I haven't thought about for a long time I never thought about it so what are you most proud of now at 99 years old I guess it listening to my dad when he told you you're an American galley here well if there's anything else that you want to share I want you to have that opportunity but I don't want to forget to say thank you thank you for serving our country and thank you for taking us places that we couldn't go without you and I can see you welcome but I just still can't talk about it. I didn't think you'd be just. Well I know it took courage to go and it took courage to keep going on and I appreciate the courage that you've shown and going back there and talking about it as much as you have I have one last question for you you're almost 100 years old as you said you're probably the last guy from your company there aren't a whole lot of World War 2 veterans a general left and most of us alive today didn't live through that time so when you think about your kids and grandkids and great grandkids what to all of us need to know about you and those 16000000 Americans in uniform and World War 2 I don't know how to get you there do you feel like you accomplished something significant here and I think I did I didn't realize it it time I'm going through life thinking about the war period I've gone through 75 years after the war and then I was talking about the war I thought it was going to be easy and I didn't realize it thing could pop up like today yeah maybe they'll be a day where you're sitting with your kids and it's a little easier to talk about now from now on out of poverty talking about some to be asking questions good gives them some perspective you know the rest of us have never been through anything like what you went through we don't even understand how do I get a decent life as your little brother bent on honor flight yet you know my older brother was it was be. John Sams the other one Sam hasn't made a year or Samara Geneva while he's only 97 so if a 99 year old can do it I know he can too and will make sure to connect him with the volunteers who are putting together Honor Flights from Rochester and Syracuse since Geneva and those beautiful Finger Lakes are kind of right between the 2 wherever you're listening today there's most likely an honor flight hub near you you can find a listing and a map of them at on our flight dot org And remember there's absolutely no cost to the veteran for this trip to Washington d.c. And so many monuments and destinations like Arlington National Cemetery where Frank was able to lay that wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier but the impetus of course is getting World War 2 veterans to the National World War 2 memorial it wasn't completed until 2004 thanks to $190000000.00 of private donations mostly from World War 2 veterans themselves and most of them never got to see it most World War 2 veterans were long gone by the time it was finished and those who remain often have a difficult time getting there on their own but the Honor Flight Network makes it possible as Honor Flight Southern Nevada did for Frank anything else you want to say about that Frank I wish everybody had a chance to see it hollow veterans it's an eye opener the reception at that airport that was out of this were you know anything above you know the sun you know all about me. Did you know who I was a new army makes you feel like you're somebody doesn't Yeah how do they know that about me well they know a whole lot more about you now and hopefully those conversations will continue with your family so they can learn even more about what you did and what you had to endure during World War 2 That is Frank cost 99 years old of Las Vegas Nevada you'll find some photos from his trip to Washington d.c. At Hometown heroes Radio dot com or the hometown heroes Facebook page you also find a link to the honor for. Network so you can look into signing up the veteran in your life thanks so much for spending this hour with us today here on hometown hero Paul after reminding you again that freedom is not free businesses need to grow their team they do a proven to deliver dot com According to an independent study and delivers 5 times more hires than any other job site hires than the rest combined and right now we're giving new users a $50.00 credit to post a sponsor job posting your listing and relevant search results claim your $50.00 credit in. Credit indeed the world's number one job. Of a. $1000000.00 What color is the White House. I know this. Second. Switching to Geico could save you a bunch of money on car insurance. That's true. Because saving 15 percent. 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