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[ male announcer ] it's practically yours. test drive! but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today. . complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is the 10:00 news on ktvu channel 2. a holiday weekend escape to the water ends in tragedy for an east bay boy and now authorities are warning people to heed the warning signs. >> good evening, i'm ken wayne. >> i'm heather holmes. >> there is heartache for an east bay family an that young boy drowned. he was with a friend when he suddenly fell into the water. ate hernandez is live in antioch, with what she has learned from authorities. >> reporter: heather, the canal has fencing on both sides and even a "no trespassing" sign, but it wasn't enough to keep two boys from playing near the water's edge. with equipment in hand, contra costa firefighters couldn't bring good news to the family after he disappeared into the canal's water. >> the only thing i saw was a sliver, and nobody was in sight. >> reporter: he says the younger boy tried to save the 13-year-old, but when he couldn't, he ran for help. >> ways outside on phone and i saw the little boy running and he was soaking yet. >> reporter: they were playing in a area where no swimming was aloud. >> looking for lizard and throwing rock and things like that and i guess maybe they got too close to the edge. >> it doesn't look like it's moving quickly, but it's moving very quickly. >> the murky waters run 6-8 deeps and currents running 9 miles per hour depending on the time of the day. more than two hours after falling in, they covered the 13- year-old's body a quarter of a mile away. >> everybody knows that the current under the top of that canal. >> reporter: they do everything that they can to keep the kids out and barricade and do whatte can. >> reporter: the contra costa water district says patrols routinely check it. >> it was built for agriculture and now it's the primary water source for 500,000 contra costa residents. >> i think this canal needs to have more fences, newer fences. fences that are unable -- or difficult for kids to climb. >> reporter: we have been told that the boys were cousins and that the 13- year-old was visiting from oakland. in antioch, jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. a bay area waterways can be tempting especially for young people, with deadly results even for older and stronger teens back in february of 2011 a 16-year-old and 17-year-old fromthth walnut creek drowned. new video tote an alleged drunk-driving accident in vacaville. police say around 6:45 a 21-year-old fairfield man hit a 16-year-old walking across the street. police say the driver took off on foot after the crash. officers say his passengers called him up and told him he needed to return tot scene. investigators say that the driver turned himself in and was charged with felony drunk driving. pois say the teenaged girl is expected to survive of the one officer on the scene says he doesn't know how that girl survived the crash. that accident is another reminder why there is such a heavy police presence tonight and through the holiday weekend. happening now, dui checkpoints are in place in several bay area cities, ktvu's debora villalon is live in san francisco, where police are checking drivers to make sure they are legal and not impaired. >> reporter: ken, they are looking at driver's licenses and driving behavior. this checkpoint is on the embarcadero at broadway. a major thoroughfare for city visitors. it's a traffic stop, first of many. >> did you have anything to drink tonight? >> no. >> reporter: this driven accidentally ran a light. >> i am sure he would be disappointed to get a ticket or hit a car. don't distract the driver. >> reporter: a warring, but so many calls this holiday weekend won't end so please. ly. last night on interstate 280 in san francisco a motorcyclist hit the guardrail and flew off his bike, plunging more than 50 feet to his death. possibly impaired, speed and overcorrection hallmarks of dui. >> they realize that they drift off the lane and they hit hard to the other direction. >> reporter: in the 12 hours since special essence formats started chp has made 58 dui arrests on bay area freeways. down from 72 in the same period last year. and statewide numbers are encouraging, 375 arrests last year, dropping to 362 this memorial day launch. >> i would like to think that is part of the reason why we're here is to reduce the number of impaired drivers on the road and if the numbers are going down, hopefully it's because of our actions. >> san francisco is a year- round magnet for nightlife, but never more so than during holiday periods. the idea is to keep the impaired drivers from getting on the brings a moving menace. three weeksing into east bay a 20-year-old woman now accused of manslaughter drove the wrong way on highway 24 and drove headoon into a driver that was killed. >> law enforcement around the bay area is putting time and energy into sobriety sobriety checkpoints. >> you hear of these horrible accidents that involve people that are just random victims of someone who has been impaired. >> reporter: so far two hours into this checkpoint, they have screened about 150 drivers, but pulled only one out of line for field testing and breathalyzer test and he passed, but as we all know the night is young. more details on the federal push to lower the legal threshold for drunk-driving. earlier this month the national transportation safety board recommended states adopt a blood-alcohol level of .05, as the maximum. instead of the current .08. there is no sign of action from the california legislature. investigators are trying to determine what sparked a grass fire in the alta monte pass that shut down parts interstate 580. that starts obone side of the westbound lanes east of livermore. traffic slowed to a nail's pace. a fire battalion chief tells ktvu news that the fire at one point jumped the freeway and ignited grass in the center divide. nen was hurt. dozens of concord residents are back home after a brush fire prompted evacuations of three apartment complexes. this fire started behind the complex at the community park. fire crews contained that fire in less than an hour and say 8- 10 acres burn adyou been no one was hurt. six people are without a home tonight after a fire tore through a san josi home this morning. firefighters arrived at home on timerview court just before 4:30. a family of five and a guest were all asleep inside. they all managed to escape the flames. one was treated for a minor injury at the scene. family though was in process of selling the home. . >> the family is supposed to have a show and tell today, an open house for the house today. all of their worldly possessions were boxed up in the garage at time of the fire. >> it took firefighters about an hour to get the fire under control and investigators say this fire started in the garage, but they don't know what caused it. rallies were held all over the world to raise awareness about genetically modified organisms, including several rallies in the bay area. >> we have spinach and kale. >> demonstrators including occupy the farm members planted feedling plant seedlings at justin herman plause. in albany, activists returned to protest a planned development there. they remain camped there tonight. in portland an estimated 6,000 protesters held a peaceful march against monsanto, the st. louis company says it's generateical engineered seeds are safe and produce plants that are more newt risser and yield bigger crops and opponents say the gmos can harm the environment and the health of those eating those foods. activists call for labeling of genetical modified foods. turning to our continuing coverage of the disaster in oklahoma. families in moore are spending the holiday weekend going through the debris of their homes officials say about 1,000 homes were damage order deployed to moore and neighboring areas last monday. 24 people were killed, and about 33,000 people are directly affected by that storm. and the storm brought an abrupt end to the school year as classes were canceled early. today students from moore's three high schools gathered for back-to-back graduates in oklahoma city. as andy rose reports today tonight it because a bittersweet day for those who lost so much. >> well, i never expected to end senior year like this. >> reporter: sharon liston is a math teacher at westmoore high school and liston lost her home in monday's devastating tornado and says dozens of students showed up friday to help clear the wreckage where her house once stood. >> it looks'd like a wall of students with trash cans and sacks and they literally picked up every stick within the three acres there. they did an awesome job. >> reporter: liston isn't thinking about our own tragedy. >> today is the kids' day. today is nothing about tornadoes. today is for those kids, who are graduating and hats off to them. >> reporter: graduating seniors sierra tumblson's farther also lost his home and her mother is a teacher at briarwood elementary, one of two elementary schools leveled by the force of the ef5 twister. , but it's not getting in the way of the milestone. >> it's tough with all that is going on, but we have to just look forward and think of the best for everything and we happy that we're graduating and able to move on. >> seniors, please change your tassels. >> . [ applause ] >> reporter: and with the turning of the tassels the class of 2013 becomes a symbol of oklahoma's resolve to move forward. andy rose, ktvu channel 2 news. bay area volunteers are hoping a labor of love will help list of the spirits of some young tornado victims. organizers plan to send 100 superhero capes to children in moore, oklahoma. volunteers are kiss the toad creations gathered and worked all day on creations for boys and girls. the groups a founder says. q. children put on a cape, it sets their imaginations free. >> it's going to take they out of all of horror and what they are dealing with even now in shelters. it's going to give them a preponderant to open up and say wow, people really do care. >> along with the capes the group is sending clothing and other necessities to storm victims. since 2008 involvements have made thor than 12,000 capes for children with disabilities and life- threatening illnesses. >> the head of the ntsb is, deby hersman says it's important to pinpoint what failed in thursday's collapse to see if similar failures could happen across the country. that bridge fell into the skagit after being struck by an 18-wheeler. a subaru and truck were plunged into the river and three people survived. >> one survive says when he saw the bridge falling he thought it was a dream. >> i just watched the bridge collapse in front of my eyes going about 60 miles per hour and slam on brakes there is not much you can do. even though the car hit the water, the water was filling in so fast, i didn't think i would be around a who'll lot longer. >> bryce kenning was able to kick open the passenger door of his subaru wagon and escape. when he got him, his family cried, hugged and ate and calmed down watching a kweisi mfume of episodes of "the office." >> dozens of volunteers step up their search for a missing man. a dubious record reached this week at u.s. airports, the dangerous item found on dozens of passengers in j-dozens of volunteers scoured san francisco's ocean beach area searching for a man who vanished during last weekend's bay to breakers race alex saffage. >> reporter: dozen of searchers were out today, passing out missing person flyers. this is part of a growing effort to find 27-year-old beau rasmussen, who disappeared shortly after he finished wowing the bay to breakers. >> it's heartbreaking, it's someone's son, someone's brother and great guy and that is what friends and family are for. >> reporter: this weekend they attended briefing that was turned into the command center for the search. the klaaskids foundation is helping rasmussen's family who has come down from oregon and his dad told me he is trying to stay optimistic. >> i go barton between back and forth between these amazing scenarios between the feeling that my son drowned. >> his clothes were found at ocean beach, along with his phone and credit cards. rasmussen lives in emeryville and works for an alternative energy company. >> he was working on things that he loved. he had co-workers that he valued. i met them all when i got down here and it's like a big pavl. >> reporter: about half a dozen san francisco police officers took part in today's search, even though the investigation is heading up by emeryville police. so far, authorities don't have reason to believe there is anything criminal about rasmusence's disappearance. the family says they don't have plans for any more organized searches, but won't leave the bay area until they find beau. alex saffage, ktvu . we have new details in a shooting involving an alameda county sheriff's deputies. we know the name of the suspect who was killed. >> tell me who got hit! >> deputies have pulled ovan suv, when one deputy went to the passenger side, the driver sped off, dragging the deputy. other deputies opened fire and 32-year-old brodrick huggins was shot to death. one deputy was wounded and authorities say a loaded gun was in the suv. an investigation is underway aftera man being arrested by sacramento police died after he was struck he repeatedly with with an officer's baton and sprayed with pepper-spray. police say they were called to this metro store last night by a clerk who says she was afraid of a man who was acting belligerent. police say when we were unable to subdue the plan, he end up getting physical and overpowering one of the officers. >> a police officer is being held down by the suspect and beaten? >> yes, sir. and that officer, she was behind him, the lady officer was hitting him from the back. but because the guy is a big guy, so he was just beating the police officer. not feeling any hits from the back. >> police say at least two citizens and a security guard saw the struggle and tried to assist the officers by kicking and striking the man. officers say when they took the man into custody they noticed as we unresponsive. he was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead. cause of death has not yet been determined. the tsa says in the last week agents have seized dozens of guns, many of them loaded at airports across the country. the agency says 65 firearms have been found on passengers trying to get through airport security. 54 of them were loaded. that beat a previous record of 50 weapons seized. one of the firearms discovered this week was confiscated at salt lake city airport. agents say it was strapped to a man's prosthetic leg. this season of graduation speech one of the shortest was among the most powerful. >> find your purpose and go for it. starting tomorrow, you can change the world, the nation is counting on you. >> that is former arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords speaking to graduates at bard college. her speech lasted about a minute, but students say it will stick with them. gifford's house, former astronaut mark kelly also addressed the graduate and scissors his wife's shooting has redefined the word "courage" for him. >> thousands of runners and walkers finished the final mile of the boston marathon race. [ applause ] . marathoners said they ran and. >> they did a few surgeries to get the shrapnel out and the leg safely closed again and i can't run, but i can walk, so i am here supporting the whole cause and excited about it? >> the bombings last month killed three pel and injured more than 26-0. bomber suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev is due in court. ktvu's patti lee shows us the obstacle facing drivers, pedestrians and cyclists. >> reporter: crossing highway 1 at the road takes patience and courage. >> well, i try to wait for not too many cars, because i don't want to get hit. >> reporter: this stop light is supposed to make it safe for pedestrians and bikers. it was added last fa and supposed to go live last december. >> amazed that they haven't gotten the light light on. >> the spotlight is part of a massive renovation that includes building paths that connect mill valley and sausalito. you still copyright cross had road safely to use it:there is a detour under the bridge, but it's unpaved and often marshy. traffic is another issue. >> it was a slow, slow ride. >> reporter: the stop the is supposed to make it easier to turn to the popular beach. drivers have the same problems as pedestrians and bikers, trying to get across the highway without getting hit. margin county engineers and caltrans were unavailable to comment, but saying that their concerns about the crosswalk being ada compliant are and should go live by july. a flex soldier stabbed while on duty. the questions being raised about this brazen attack. first two trains collide that causes an overpass to buck. and federal investigators are now on the scene. flooding in texas leaves two people dead and what people are warned not ♪ ♪ [ engine revs ] [ female announcer ] small... [ engine revs ] wicked... ♪ and now... ♪ topless. ♪ the fiat 500 abarth cabrio. ♪ . in missouri all seven people injured by a train wreck are now out of the hospital. early today a freight train broad-sided another train, derailing it. those railcars then smashed into an overpass, support pillar causing it to publicly. most of the people hurt were passengers. national transportation safety board is on site, investigating the cause. french police are investigating today's attack on a soldier, that is connected to the brutal killing of a british soldier earlier this week. french police say a man with a nigh for perhaps a box cutter stabbed the soldier in the neck near paris that soldier is expected to survive. a spokesman for the french police union says the attacker appeared to be north african. scotland yard arrested three more suspects in the case of murdered soldier. the 25-year-old soldier was tacked by two men with knives. video foot autoage shows one of the suspects telling bitake the standers he was acting in retaliation against british forces for killing muslims. the two suspects were shot and wounded by police and arrested soon after the killing. they remain hospitalized. in other news of the world, the radicallic lebanonize hezbollah have been fighting along side pro-azad pro-assad fighters. fighters hezbollah is regarded as a terrorist group by the u.s. government. in the ukraine, about 100 gay rights advisits march in the country's first gay rally with the protection of police. a religious activist broke through the police line and started to slap down banners held by marchers. in all 13 people were arrested for trying to break up the march. gay-rights activists called today's march a victim victory in the fight for equal rights. food waters are receding in san antonio, texas, but more rains are forecast after flash floods left two women dead. the area was hit with 10" of torrential rain. one woman was swept away after climbing tot roof of her car. in another case, crews tried to save a woman trapped in her vehicle. >> we had firefighters in the water, on a boat, trying to save a 60-year-old lady in leon creek. broke the window, one of the firefighters ended up cutting his hand and ended up in the midst of getting her out and the currents changed and washed the vehicle away. >> they rescued more than 200 people today. the mayor is asking people in san antonio to stay home tonight and avoid driving if they can. an openly gay athlete makes history again. the major announce from soccer star robbie rogerses. we're not being rude . >> coming up in three minutes giant fans crossing picket lines and why food vendors walked off the job at ♪ [ roars ] ♪ [ roars ] ♪ [ roars ] ♪ [ roars ] ♪ [ male announcer ] universal studios summer of survival. ♪ . baseball fans who went to the gionet's game at at&t park had to cross a picket line to get in, ktvu's lorraine blanco reports that concession workers walked off the job over stalled negotiations. >> surround the silhouette of a hall of fame pitcher, a battle, between workers and concession centerplate. >> we want our wages and pensions and we want job security and respect. >> reporter: the workers including cashiers, prep cooks and bartenders have worked without a new contract sin 2010. union says the average worker makes $11,000, not nearly enough for julie nordman to live in the city. >> one stand clears at least on a day game about $25,000 to $30,000 per stand and maybe more. so there is a lot -- and we haven't seen any of that. >> we're not being rude, but don't buy the food. >> a hot dog and garlic fries might be standard at a giant's game, but today union workers want fans to refrain. as you can see, that might be too much to ask. >> they have to do what they have to do and i guess the people that come to the game have to do what they have to could. that is part of the game is having a beer and hot dog. >> centerplate offer a 1.7% annual wage increase that they say on top of the best compensation package in the industry and think that the timing of the strike on a holiday weekend is bad. >> it's an unfortunate and possibly illegal strike by and we think it's a slap to in the face to veterans on memorial day. >> they plan go back tomorrow hoping to return to the bargaining table. >> in san francisco, lorraine blanco, ktvu channel 2 news. long time talk-show host gene burns has died. he debated political issues often with a libertarian viewpoint and hosted a weekly food and travel show. in 2011 kgo changed formats and bushes along with other radio hosts was laidost. burns was 72. today president obama asked americans to remember servicemen and women. because of that courage, because of that america endures and that is the purpose of memorial day, to remember, with gratitude, the countless men and women who gave their lives so we could know peace and live in freedom. >> mr. obama will lead ceremonies at arlington national cemetery including the traditional laying of the wreath at the tomb of the unknowns. >> boy and girl scouts spend their holiday weekend honoring veterans, placing flags on the graves of veterans. and openly gay athlete is about to make history again. robbie rogers is returning to soccer as a major league player, becoming the first to play a major sport out of closet and told the associated press he will join the l.a. galaxy. rogers retired in february when he announce his sexual ownerration in a blog. he says he is touched by the support of family and friends and adds that being day is "not that bill of a deal." >> some of the top yo-yo performers wowed the crowds at golden gate park today. the moves there, dozens of people competed in the 16th annual bay area classic yo-yo championships. crowds gathered to watch elaborate yo-yo twirls, twists and loops. a panel of yo-yo judges happened out of the awards and turs out there was a tie for the main category. gentry stein and luis enrique shared the top honors. congratulations. >> pretty cool. all right, how about buying a piece of the king? i know this guy would love it. this is from elvis' estiate. >> that is a hunk a hunka . well, temperatures have been cooling off this holiday weekend and that trend will continue, even a few more changes that could include a few rain cloud as we do approach monday for memorial day. right now on live stormtracker, the fog is making a comeback coast side and already patches heading into the bay. the low cloud deck will increase in coverage over the next three to six hours across the region. all being transported by the wind, still a pretty gust winds out there, fairfield sustained sought identity of out of the southwest and more reports of half moon bay, 13 miles per hour. and you can see san josi out in the northwest, at 8 miles per hour. forecast headlines for tonight, partly cloudy skies, fog will be increasing. tomorrow some morning drizzle and once again gusty winds. for memorial day you can count on more clouds. santa rosa, 47 and san josi starting out sunday morning, 50 degrees. the overall weather pattern is this, quite a bit of activity to our north. this slides a bit closer for tomorrow. as a result morning cloud cover and could have drizzle around the coast and near parts of the bay. then for monday, memorial day, definitely more cloud cover and as rain line is close enough that there is a fairly good bet of rainfall in the north bay develop big mid to late morning, into the afternoon hours. showers will gradually work south into the evening hours. so you will notice with the forecast model, drizzle tomorrow morning, lots of cloud cover and into the afternoon hours, skies becoming partly sunny, but remember that brisk wind still pays us a visit, around 20-30 miles per hour. monday morning starts out dry, lots of cloud cover and as i run this through monday, by 2:00, best chance of rain in the north bay, but still scattered showers towards oakland and concord. this begins to increase in coverage by monday night. temperatures for tomorrow,60 and 70s. 60s towards oakland and san leandro and hayward, san josi forecast high of 68 and san francisco warming back into the upper 50s. carnival for tomorrow, temperatures as you can see mainly in the mid to upper 50s. a look ahead, your five-day forecast with your weekend always in view and heather and ken, there is that rain cloud for memorial day and we'll gradually clear things out and warm up especially by wednesday and thursday. at least at this point, good idea to think about a plan b especially for the north bay. >> thank you, mark. well, with the auction of a rare apple one computer was a record making today in germany. it was built in steve job' parents palo alto garage by apple co-founder steve wozniak in 1976 and comes with the original tape player and keyboard along with a letter signed by jobs. only 46 of 200 apple one computers made still exist and, in fact, this is one of just six that is still in working condition. speak of big bucks there is a report that elvis presley's surviving family is supportive of the possible sale of much of the presley estate. core media group is selling the operations that oversees the tours of graceland as well as the music copyrights and royalties for more than a thousand of presley's songs. the buyer who have film rights as well as costumes and cars, if you are ♪ ♪ [ engine revs ] [ female announcer ] small... [ engine revs ] wicked... ♪ and now... ♪ topless. ♪ the fiat 500 abarth cabrio. ♪ . good evening everyone and welcome to this saturday night edition of sports wrap a 162- game baseball schedule is a long haul. sometimes in the middle of that stretch, a game become and instant classic and giants played one of those today at home against the colorado rockies after winning ten straight over colorado, the giants fell behind 4-0 and they were in danger of dropping five in a row. tied at 4, they can take the lead, lemahieu throws to the plate and bell is called out at plate. it's obvious bell got to the plate before the tag of torrealba. the ball drops and marco scutaro keeps running and the throw comgoms into comes into arenado and bruce bochy reminds marr questions minds marquez he missed two calls and he is thrown out. tulowitzki with homer no. 1 on year. angel pagan at plate and crawford at 2nd, 1 out. >> pagan hits one high and deep to right. cuddyer back. it kicks away from everybody. pagan is being waved in! here is the throw to the plate. it is not in time! and that is the ballgame ! . >> the 2-run inside the park walk-off homer is the first in the major leagues in almost nine years and the first biability giants since bell terry did it in 1931. 6-59 final in 10 innings. giants have one of the most cohesive coaching staffs in baseball and pagan gave a big assist to flannery. >> i know he is going to score with me. [ laughter ] he is unbelievable. he goes with you and makes sure that you score. he gives you that support and i will be honest with you, i was running out of gas a little bit around 3-d and he helped me to get there. we have been doing a lot of comebacks, good come backs with five, five runs and that is fun. you know, that means that we're really fight and grinding every at-bat and we're not giving you. so that is good tpc the oakland a's continue to be just about the happiest team in baseball that the houston astros joine american league west? houston native chris young is even happier to be in his hometown. young with one to left-field in the 2nd, knocking in the first two runs of a big inning. young has now driven in 29 runs. ar's fell behind, but quickly erased the deficit with 6 in the 2nd. seth smith with two hits. he drove in the 6th run with that bloop to center. josh donaldson muscling up with a solo to left. he went 4 for 4. brandon moss up next. he rides one out to the other side of the ballpark. that isp on the year for moss as well. the r's able to coast the rest of the way to an 1-5 win and a.j. griffin with his 5th win of the year. they are 13-1 against houston all-time. well, in their playoff series with san antonio, the warriors found out no lead is big enough. that is something that the memphis grizzlies experienced tonight as well. down 2-1 to tim duncan and the spurs. the spurs never led nu until mano ginobili hit this. the game went to overtime, tied at 86, but duncan again rose to the occasion. tony parker misses and duncan puts in 2 hall of fame his 24, scoring the first 5 of overtime. parker has 26. of the spurs take a 3-0 series win, winning 104-93. well, there is no margin for error tomorrow for the san josi sharks who trail 3 games toin their stanley cup playoff series with the l.a. kings. that is the bad news. the good news is that the home team has won every game in this series so far. the sharks tied the series at home on wednesday with a 2-1 win before being shutout on wednesday. right now they are just happy to have their home fans behind them. >> the energy that they give you, the extra jump, teams, players, athletes talk about that all the time. there is something there. we are not just saying that to appease our fans w-we really do get a boost from them. >> if you are playing not to lose, that is not a good thick. you have to wind to stay alive. that is the facts, but you can't be thinking about trying not to lose the game because that when you tighten up and you don't play as good as you can. >> in two playoff games the blackhawks avoid elimination with the win ore detroit, but still trail 3 gazillions to 2. boston eliminates the rangers, 4-1 and will meet pittsburgh in the eastern conference finals. stil . the tie has been a staple of the year for the san josi earthquakes. the quakes and fc dallas in a scoreless tie in the first half, castile finds the corner post for dallas. this was the only goal. 3-5-and just two spots out of the western conference cellar after this loss. it's the european soccer equivalent of the super bowl. two german team, dortmund and bayern munich and, with the 2-1 win. >> pro golf tour in texas, playing another tribute playing tribute to the game's icon. last week it was byron nelson. among the group boo weekley got a 66. the guy they are chasing is matt kupar, who had to finish his second round and play the third. it will be a battle in tomorrow's final round. >> the seniors playing their first major of the year, the senior pga, where kenny perry had a round all over the place. an impossible stance from perry on this shot at 14, standing in the bunker he chips in for an eagle on a round of 6 and had five birdies and four bogeys. he leads jay haas by two strokes. well, this week feature one of the biggest nights in the bay area sports community. four new enshrinees entered the hall of fame hall of fame. mark ibañez with the story. >> since 1979 the bay area sports hall of fame has given more than $3 million back to bay area communities. while helping thousands of kids play sports. bashof has helped some 600 organizions with the bay area outreach and recreational program of berkeley. >> a kid in an everyday wheelchair is never going to see success on a basketball court and by this association, and bashof and having them provide us this sports equipment it gives the kids an opportunity to play and give them that opportunity to see success. >> i was just born an amputee. there wasn't much to it, really. you hear different stories, car accidents. william just woke up and he was paralyzed from the waist down. >> reporter: the sports program offers yearlong recreation activities for disabled children and adults enabling them a chance to compete in organized leagues and the opportunity to forge new friendships. >> every kid should have the opportunity to play and compete, and just to be kids out there. >> watch will -- watch will. >> where you are no longer somebody with a specific issue, but just out there as a teammate, playing and having a good time. for anybody that has competed in sports, understands there is something to be learned from competition. you have to learn how to propel. you have to learn how to win. you have to learn how to lose. if you don't, you are missing that whole learning component for that individual. >> reporter: in the end, it's all about the kids, making it possible for them to enjoy a game in the sunshine, or out on the court, while collecting memories that they will cherish for the rest of their lives. . and a reminder, you can see a special show on channel 2 honoring the fur newest inductees to the bay area sports hall of fame. the premiere is right after the 10:00 news and sportswrap on channel 1at 11:00. that will do for this saturday night edition of sportswrapment we'll see you again tomorrow at 5. >> boy, what a fun giant's game. >> an instant classic. >> for sure. >> thank you, joe. >> thanks for watching. >> join ktvu tomorrow morning for all the overnight news and holiday weather. >> maybe a few showers on monday. >> we're always here for you at and mobile ktvu. thanks for joining us a live picture >> on today's show, a former miss universe strikes a chord, plus a comic book legend tells us the story behind his stories, and later, we get our drill and dance on. only on "american latino tv." >> ♪ upside your head and inside yourself then you're over there and outside yourself ♪ [captioning made possible by latv] ♪ get inside yourself

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