Bridge. A guy gives a helping hand to some green sea it turtles. See where they wind up op their odyssey. Riding a sled on pavement going 40 Miles Per Hour. What could possibly go wrong . Talk about a story of friends helping friends. Listen to this. Hollywood, florida, this video from wplg. You see two guys in masks creeping around an exxon gas station. So i think you might know whats about to happen. Police say these two men are cory miller and joshua stewart. Before they make it in the building, a friend of the clerk working, a man named hasab was watching. Behind building is two guys with masks. Hasab runs in there ahead of them to warn the clerk about whats about to happen. Then you see miller and stewart crawling close to the front door. Hasab on the inside tries to sort of block the door here but miller immediately starts shooting. Oh. At hasab. You see him run for it, and see millers hand gun right there, pulling it directly at hasab. Keep in mind the clerk, leo carr, had a few seconds to prepare for what was about to happen. Oh. What did he do . Leo carr also has a weapon. Oh. He shot and killed miller, protecting his friend hasab who warned him about what was about to happen. He saved my life too. Because the guy was going to shoot me. Oh, my gosh. After millers shot, stewart, the other guy in the mask, see him fleeing the scene, falling all over the place. Police were able to catch up with him later as well. The people over at disney are not just responsible for putting many smiles on peoples faces, theyre also saving lives. This video is from the disney dream cruise ship. They were sailing between the bahamas and florida when they got a call there was a boat stranded out at sea. They decided they were going to respond to it and this is a cruise from the disney dream coming to rescue the people that were in this stranded boat. As you can see here, they finally pull up to the boat and you see two people come out and jump on to the yellow rescue boat. They end up bringing them back on. Thats a huge ocean and theyre so lucky this cruise ship was close enough to see them. What did they do with the boat . Looks like they sadly left it behind. You do see the boat off in the distance as the cruise ship is going away. I dont know that they have a way to tow it. They transfer the people in. They were given medical attention and food. Im surprised that donald duck wasnt involved in this rescue. He often does wear that like sailor outfit. Actually, if you look really closely, we may see him peek his head out in the yellow boat. He may have been the captain. In this part of the video you hear who i think is the captain of the ship letting everyone kn the rescue was completed successfully, he tingin distres. They did call the coast guard to let them know what had happened. Oh. Youve got to hope they get to stay on the cruise ship and not have to just get shipped out to the mainland. Thats a free vacation. As a matter of fact they did end up staying on the ship until it docked again, although this was the last day on the cruise. Oh, man. Youre a storm chaser and go out and chase tornadoes. The last person you expect to be along for the ride is mom. How do you like me now . All right. Coming at us. This is in mapleton, iowa. Storm chaser jordan wreck and his friend darren brunin went to chase this tornado and darrens mom was along for the ride. When did this tornado happen . This tornado happened in 2011. For him this is found footage. They just uploaded it even though it happened two years ago. Uhhuh. Yeah, baby. Mom happened to be in the car . Mom has been on these road trips, so to speak, before, and darren called donna, his mom, his good luck charm. Thats big. Kind of got an ominous look. This tornado is pretty dark. It looks like nightfall is coming. Here it is, them going into it and mom is along and providing her commentary. This thing is intensifying. Maybe you better get off this bridge. Of course, voice of reason. On a bridge during this thing . Uhhuh. Look how big it is. When this tornado touched down in mapleton, it destroyed most of the town. 100 homes were destroyed. Even though theyre Storm Chasers after they shot the footage they went into the town to help with the rescue effort. I feel like theyre almost in the middle of the tornado. Theyre going to be headed to oz if theyre not careful. Donna, i have to give it to her, this isnt her first rodeo. Shes been with them before and thought, ill do it again. Look at it right there in front of us, crossing right in front of us. It seems there are conflicts brewing all over the world. Well go to mali in africa for this video. Currently troops are fighting extreme islamists in the country of mali and france is involved wanting to make sure they secure mali from extreme islamists, but here are malian troops training. Boom, boom, boom. Boom, boom, boom. What . They cant afford ammunition, according to reports for training purposes, so in this video we hear them making noises with their mouth like children would playing in their backyard. This should not make me laugh this much. This is what they have to work with. It may seem comical to us but its not funny. Reportedly a u. S. Marine who saw this video said even u. S. Troops train this one in some instances and their sound for the ammunition is butter butter jam. I hope this doesnt carry over to the battlefield. Hthey need the guy from Police Academy who can make all the sound effects. Michael winslo. This is a big deal video. Its showcasing what the troops are up against. Last week, the extreme Islamist Forces had a pretty big victory which is why france is getting involved because theyre wanting to make sure they secure this country. It could affect the security of many countries in africa. Boom boom boom. Grandmas opening up a small package with big news. She didnt even get the wrapping paper off and chukds that thing in the air. See whats got grandma all crazy next. And coming up, a little dash cam action. Theres kids on the road. On a sled. See all its best of rtm time on this monday. A bonus video on our site. We found yahoo screen called the flip side. Showing what valentines day might be like if the roles were reversed. Thanks for everything, babe. Anything for you sweetie. Telling me the second we walk in, what up. The ladies are acting like dudes. Thats always funny and why you should watch the video, head to our website, rightthisminute. Com and click on best of rtm. A dash cam round up. Threefer today. Start with this one in southern russia. Keep an eye on the left of your screen. Youll see a bus. Watch closely whats underneath the bus. Oh. Is that a person . Thats a person. What . That woman was hit by a bus just off screen. A man runs around, pulls her out from underneath the bus. She seems to stand up and not be seriously hurt, but definitely shaken up. Apparently she tried tos cross the road and slipped on some ice. Oh, no. How did the tire not run over her . You see how much of an overhang is on the bus before you get to the wheels and axle. Knocked her down and bical drove over her not crushiway. To china, this guy pulls out of a parking lot, goes up the street and up ahead you see whatting loose like maybe some reverse lights and a guy standing outside his vehicle. The car is not moving yet. All of a suddens the man takes off. You can see obviously see the road is slippery. What is happening here . Ice. Behind it. Why would you get behind this moving vehicle. Youre not going to stop it. Youre slipping on ice. Seems to be crunching up against other vehicles. The guy in the dash cam was smart enough to throw his car in reverse and get out of the way. I would scoot past them and keep going straight to get away interest these guys. Wonder where he ended up. Scoots off camera and never see him again. Back to russia. Old, dark, snowy road. Barely see the road. Oh theres kids on the road. On a sled . Yes. It was a woman dragging two small children on a sled. They seem to appear from nowhere because of the glare in the dark. Oh, my goodness. I know. That was my face when i saw it. Thats where youre going to cross with your kids . On a sled . What an irresponsible parent. Whats 150 million years old, but is still cute as ever . These right here. What is that . Theyre green sea turtle. Theyre babies. They hatched and now theyre going to make their way to sea. And this is a volunteer in mexico helping carve out a little, you know, road, a little way for them to get out. Its weird because they just know where to go. This is so cool. This is one of the guys that was there and you can see his excitement. Theres, of course, the overachiever and they keep pointing him out in the video. The one thats way ahead of everyone else. Look at the guy in the front. Hes way ahead. Hes flying. Flying. Hes in first place. There he goes. Probably steven. The poster of the video kind of puts his hand in so he can get a little bit of an idea of the scale and how small these turtles are. Theres so many of them. So tiny and to watch them. Do we see them hit the water . When they hit the waves their bodies start flapping around like saucers. There is another video of them hitting the water and there they are. There they go. Tossed around by the waves but its absolutely beautiful. Look at them go. Theyre ready to swim along. Theyre Perfect Little creatures. According to the poster of the video, there were 82 turtles that were hatched and made it to the water that dayp. First were going to go to a frozen lake for a little extreme parachute sledding. A sled with a parachute attached to it and theyre just waiting for the wind to pick them up. Is there that much wind . Youre about to see it. Theyre going to be carried pretty far and pretty fast. Two sleds tied to this parachute because you have the guy with the camera and the person in front. Weve got kind of a tandem parachute sled ride. The people are having a blast, trying to set things back up. The wind is kicking it. Watch what happens. Come out here. Comes off her sled and shes being dragged on her bottom. Im hoping she has some pretty water resistant thick pants. From one extreme fun winter video to another. This one is not on a frozen pond but across the pond in the uk and this is carl, he and his friends have tied a garbage can lid to the back of their car and carl gets going. Hes going 40 Miles Per Hour at some point during this video. At some point carl is not even on snow. There are points where there is no snow at all. You hear the lid scraping across the cement and carl has a huge smile on his face. At one point he has the hood of his jacket up and takes it down i would zip that up if i were you. Surprisingly its working pretty good. I have a feeling carl is their guinea pig. Every time they have an idea carl will do it. Its time to check in with ebaums world for real or fake videos. We have a magical sky kris. I think its real. No explanation. And an egg with a big problem. What . Thats fake. Three individuals, see them and pick a side. Real or fake [ woman ] ring. Ring. Progresso. I just served my motherinlaw your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much. I told her it was homemade. Everyone tells a little white lie now and then. But now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] shes right behind me isnt she . [ male announcer ] progresso. You gotta taste this soup. Of green giant vegetables its easy to eat like a giant. And feel like a green giant. Ho ho ho green giant all right, everyone. Its time for stevens monday announcement. Thank you very much, beth. Starting next week, we will be giving away ipad minis. The new rtm ipad mini giveaway. More details next week. Jocelyn and dave are expecting their first baby but they hadnt told their family members. When they went to visit them, they had the camera rolling and gave them kid blocks, handed out to individual family members, spelled the word baby and they were going to see how long it took them to figure out they were announcing they were going to have a baby. Watch grandma. Its a block. A baby i think she just got it. She didnt get the wrapping paper off and chucked that thing in the air. They had four and they thought they would put it together and unscramble the words, but grandma has been waiting so long and saw one block and said, im going to be a grandma. Mom and dadtobe expect the baby in august but dont know what the sex is even though they gave grandma a blue block. I think grandma is counting down the days. Grandma has a good reaction. You want her around for all kinds of holidays. Christmas presents. Birthdays. Wouldnt it be funny if she was wrong and they werent having a baby, this was some other kind of gift. Book end. Im glad they did not trick Shirley Brown because shes been excited. Oh, my gosh. Jocelyn, the mommytobe said her best friend and sisterinlaw told her, make sure you record this because you know how she reacts to stuff. They were in the right position for when grandma reacted. Theyre having a baby its monday, that means matt dreidel time, joining us via skype with real or fake videos. Were going to hop into todays videos. Magical cyclist appears from nowhere. Out of the way. That way. Are you sure . Play that again. I think we missed it. I think its real. The cyclist could have been going in this direction covered up by the guy and made the right. Totally agree with steven. The guy was just behind the dude in the hat. I think its fake. How many reals . Real. Real. Mac, you think real. This is real. Probably some type of quantum leap were witnessing. Are you kidding . He goes back and forth so hes not there before the shot. And theres no explanation besides quantum leap. Next video, usually large chicken egg. This is the biggest chicken egg ive ever seen in my life. Little long. Thats a normal one. Come out of the shop, and that beast is the one that has come out of my chicken. The moment of truth. See how many yolks are inside this egg. Oh, my goodness. You watch him. Oh, my what . Another egg inside of it . Thats fake. How did that not kill the chicken. I think this is fake. Fake. I was going to say real because you see mutations in nature, but fake. That would have to be a really big mutation. Yeah. Two different fronts. We all say fake. I think im going to have to agree with you guys because i did a Little Research about this. I think this is possible. Im going to go with you guys. I think its fake as well. I say real. Last one, just a bird singing. Im going real all the way. Real. Real. Youre seeing his little neck move with all the sounds. You see his feathers move in and out. They have this ability. They can do this. Ive never heard a mimic of that sound. Its not so perfect it sounds like its fake, you know. It sounds kind of like real. Real. This is definitely real. I used have a cockatiel myself, mines name was herbert. I would play a song like the same song repeated he would start to get some of the choruses down. Im going to say this is real. And my bird also laid eggs as well but they didnt hatch. The bird would sit on its eggs for months unless you took them out. Excuse me. You said herbert laid eggs . Herbert. He was a boy . No. Oh. That story went to [ bleep ]. Im calling fake on your story. Im flush now. This is the first time where you got me on a fake. These guys hit the streets to do some extreme kite drifting. And theyre on an active road with cars going up while theyre going down. Some of the guys are not wearing helmets. At right this minute, weve determined that you two have a kind of distrust for robots. No. Its rolling silverware. You have an army of angry robots with a blade in their hand, surely theyll be able to scalp you later if they want. Were giving them too much. Too much power. We have to draw a line somewhere. Theyre going to start dominating theater. I have proof. [ inaudible ]. What you are looking at is robot theater, the brainchild of ozaki university and a theater company. Theyre taking this tour of six American Cities where they have robots and actors in two one hp act plays. These are real robots doing dialog for humans. That must be boring for the humans. I dont have a problem with this. I have a problem when the robot is now were just a robot play. That would be stupid. Clearly i did not convert you in this. Youre never going to convert. You did not convert us, gale. Were never too old to pretend were all kids again. Thats what these guys are doing to the next level. Weve seen this before. Big time trike drifting. These guys have overgrown big wheels out there. The way theyre going down this hill and sliding back and forth and doing these tricks, its almost like theyre dancing kind of. And theyre on an active road here with cars going up while theyre going down. Thats a little nerveracking. Some of the guys are not wearing helmets. You see three people on one of these trikes. I like this video, because we get to see the inspiration for the big grown up adult trikes. The big wheel or kind of a big wheel that a little kid on tykes little trick. The roads are slick so its that much easier to kick the back end out and have fun. This is on the bucket list. It looks awesome. I wonder about their foot wear. What are you wearing on the bottom of your shoes . You are wearing the shoes you are wearing to burn up. Platforms, a thicker sole you can wear down into regular shoes. Thats our show. Well see you tomorrow

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