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where law enforcement officials are breathing a sigh of relief. they say these felons are very dangerous. two are charged with murder and the third, assault with a deadly weapon. at around 4:15 this afternoon, the sheriff's department received a call from the juvenile detention center in san leandro asking for help after they escaped. they scaled a razor fence to make their get away. in about an hour, law enforcement tracked them down less than a mile away in a residential neighborhood with the help of helicopters and canine units. >> one of the deputies saw three males matching the description running from the area, and at that point, they put up an inner perimeter, and one was taken into custody very quickly. the second one was taken into custody shortly thereafter, and the third one after a little bit of a search and being tracked by a sheriff's canine, was bitten by that canine and taken into custody. >> reporter: the three felons are now being treated for injuries they suffered when they scaled the razor fence, and one inmate suffered bite wounds from the dog that helped capture him. reporting live in san leandro, amber lee, ktvu channel 2 news. for the third time in six weeks, a woman has been attacked in her home in an apartment complex in an unincorporated area near walnut creek. the sheriff's office says the latest incident happened at 8:30 this morning at the park regency apartments on oak road. investigators say the woman was awakened by a man with his hand over her mouth. she was able to struggle free, and he ran away. investigators say the front door was locked. now, a similar incident happened at the apartment complex back on june 30th, and another woman was raped there on july 6th. oakland police have revealed new information today about the disappearance of little hasany campbell. the freemont boy was five years old when he vanished one year ago today. jana katsuyama is live with a vigil going on this evening. >> reporter: this vigil just wrapped up and people are staying to honor this little boy. members of this church wanted to say they're doing this to show they're still thinking about him and praying for a safe return. as they lit the candles, each held a spark of hope, and although no one in this congregation knew hasani campbell, his face has touched many hearts. >> we want people to pray for this child, we want people to remember him. we want californians to know, he's a foster child, he's everyone's child. we should know where he is. >> reporter: it was one year ago when the 5-year-old freemont boy was reported missing by his foster parents. his foster father said he left him waiting outside a shoe store while he went inside to get the mother, jennifer campbell. the couple has since separated and moved out of state. today they hope to file charges against ross. >> the case is still classified as a missing person's case but based on the investigation i believe he's missing at the hand of ross and he remains our primary suspect. >> reporter: ross and campbell were arrested last august but were later released due to lack of evidence. >> this country's judicial system is not you're guilty until proven guilty, it's innocent until proven guilty. >> reporter: today they met with alameda county district attorney's office. they want to keep his name and face in the public eye. >> i feel he's alive and just need to look for him. >> reporter: today in several neighborhoods they had his photo posted. >> while they walked by the picture they had sitting out in front of the church every day, and i think about it every day. >> reporter: and at tonight's vigil, a cake with his photo, for the missing boy whose 7th birthday will be next month. >> whether we find him alive or whether we don't, we need to find him. >> reporter: people here at this vigil and investigators are hoping that anyone who has any tips will call the oakland police department. reporting live in hayward, jana katsuyama, ktvu, channel 2 news. >> to view more of today's police briefing, you can click on the link under the bay area news tab on our home page the san francisco district attorney's office issued a statement this evening saying it has decided not to charge an 18-year-old man in a shooting death of a german tourist. a da spokesman told us no charges will be filed against philip steward at this time and there is no positive identification of who fired the bullet that killed 50-year-old mesile choker. earlier today, we spoke to the taxi driver who phoned police after the shooting who told police he saw someone pick up the man and sped away. he didn't want to be identified. >> they went to the red light and pulled over at the next light, half block, right at the top of union square, and picks up these three other guys. i follow them and i'm watching them and i'm they're trying to drive decently to get out of there. >> the driver says he stayed on the phone until officers swooped in on that vehicle. police say the shooting victim was hit by a stray bullet. he was in town with her husband celebrating her birthday and their anniversary. santa claira officials took the first step toward requiring pit bull owners to spay or neuter their dog. they voted to have county staff draft a law mandating sterilization for, quote, pit bull type dogs. supervisor ken yeager says he decided to pose this new law after a 2-year-old was mauled to death last month. wants to prevent a similar attack from happening in santa clarra county. san francisco announced it's renewing its crackdown on fare cheats. they began riding trains today and will ride various busses on thursday. it announced an informational campaign to let fare evaders know they will be cited and fined. the union's first attempt to crack down on fare jumpers failed last year when many of the riders mistook the agents as immigration agents. fresh express has issued a recall of salad products because of ecoal icon tamination. it has a product code of i208. there have been no reports of illness. the salad producer says it's acting out of, quote, an abundance of caution. fresh express also issued recalls for other salad products back in may and july. governor schwarznegger was on hand to greet several troops returning back from iraq. >> reporter: the police brigade returned to this base today on the way back from baghdad. they received a warm greeting there. they also stopped in colorado and it was nice but they say it was nothing compared to the homecoming they received here today. it was hugs and kisses all around travis air force base this afternoon. the 49th military police brigades say the last 5 minutes of their flight home after a year-long deployment was filled with anticipation. >> i was excited and nervous and everything. >> reporter: the 49th is based in fairfield and was greeted by governor arnold schwarznegger. they were training iraqis to take over law enforcement duties over the last 12 months. >> i think we were successful but time will tell if they'll be able to do it themselves. >> reporter: their homecoming is part of the troop draw-down in iraq and they should be able to stay home the next two years. family members say now that this latest tour is over they can get back to living their lives state side. >> he came back and proposed to me, so it's definitely exciting just getting prepared for our wedding and getting it all together. now it will be wonderful. it's been hard but it will be wonderful. >> reporter: the 49th is the same brigade that lost isaac lawson in their tour in 2006. this time around the unit didn't suffer any major casualties or injuries. ktvu channel 2 news. president obama signed a $26 billion jobs bill today. supporters say the legislation will keep some 300,000 teachers, firefighters and police officers from losing their jobs. house speaker nancy peulosy summoned lawmakers back to capitol hill in the middle of their summer break to vote this bill. the house passed today and the vote split mostly along party lines. the the vote amounted to an election year give away. >> this should not be a partisan issue. i heard someone say this was a special interest bill. i suppose if america's children and the safety of our communities are your special interest, then it is a special interest bill. >> the dobs bill will be paid for by closing a tax loop hole used by multinational corporations and by cutting food stamp benefits for the poor. the federal reserve board kept its key interest rate unchanged and announced new plans to stimulate the economy. in a statement, the feds say the economic recovery now appears more modest than it did one month ago. the board kept its target federal funds rate between 0 and 1/4 of a percentage point. they also announced plans to purchase about $10 billion of government debt each month, a move government economists say should help. the dow lost 54 points today while the nasdaq dropped 28 points. major news from alaska where people are mourning the death of a long-time us senator. coming up on bay area news at 7:00, new details about what may have caused a plane that crashed that killed ted stevens. one academically challenged group of students are taking charge to boost college admission rates. we have fog pushing back into the bay again but we have changes on the 5-day forecast. a few spots can be approaching 90 degrees. i'll have more on that coming up in a few minutes. >> highway patrol officers staged a one-day crackdown today on people using hand held cell phones while driving. it is illegal to talk on a hand-held cell phone or text while driving, but as you can see from these pictures, the law is often ignored. the chp says cell phones are the number 1 reason for so-called distracted driver accidents. last year during a similar crackdown, the chp issued more than 550 citations here in the bay area. governor schwarznegger today appealed a ruling from an alameda county superior court judge that temporarily blocks a new round of friday furloughs for tens of thousands of state workers. judge steven brick ruled the governor doesn't have the authority to issue an executive order calling for the furloughs. his ruling late yesterday prevents the furloughs until a full hearing next month. the first of the new furlough debts had been sent friday. former long time us senator ted stevens was killed last night in a small plane crash in the western part of a state he once represented. samantha hayes reports. >> reporter: former senator ted stevens died in a small plane crash in a remote area in alaska. at least four others were also killed in a crash outside billingham. the group was reportedly on a fishing trip. former nasa administrator shawn o'keefe who had several top level jobs, including secretary of the navy and his mentor were aboard the aircraft. he and his son survived. bad weather was reported in the area at the time of the crash but officials aren't sure if that's what caused the crash. the national safety transportation board has assembled a team to investigate. >> they can look at the crash and they can determine precisely how it came down, how it hit, what angle, how fast, more or less, etc.. >> reporter: stevens was appointed to the senate in 1968, won election in 1970 and was reelected by wide margins until a narrow defeat in 2008 following his conviction on corruption charges stemming from failure to report corporate gifts. the conviction was thrown out the following spring due to prosecution misconduct. in four decades on capitol hill, it made him the longest serving republican senator in us history, and his rise to the chairmanship of the powerful appropriations committee made him one of the most powerful members despite his state's small population. in his statement, the former senator ted steven's family praised his dedication to alaska, including the significant role he played in making it a state. in washington, i'm samantha hayes, ktvu channel 2 news. 66 years ago and world war ii, a b 24 bomber crashed in germany killing an army sergeant from oakland. today, that army sergeant was finally buried with full military honors. a us army honor guard carrying the body of john bonastillo to his family plot. after his plane went down in '44, he was declared missing. his sister promised their mother she would find him and the search began. documents led family members to a field in germany where the body was discovered. dna from his sister later confirmed his identity. fire officials in alameda say they aren't sure what sparked a blaze on an estuary peer earlier this morning. officials say the fire was difficult to find because it started underneath that vacant peer, but they got some help. the san francisco fire boat crossed the bay to put water on the blaze, and the coast guard helped out as well. it was used last year by a company that renovated shipping containers, but that company has since moved out of the peer. the jet blue flight attendant who slid down a chute after an on board altercation showed up in court. he was cursing at a passenger and went out an exit. he was struck in the head by a piece of luggage and the woman began swearing at him, he said. the incident was at jfk airport, and he says he was under stress because his mother has lung cancer. an ohio woman who flew into a rage when she couldn't get chicken mcnuttets at mcdonald's now has plenty of time to think about it. surveillance video shows her throwing punches and also threw a bottle through a drive-through window. she said she was drunk at the time and the judge gave her a 60-day sentence and ordered her to pay for the window. community organizers say there's an alarming trend among high school students in east san jose. more than half who graduate don't qualify to attend a four-year college. students are demanding changes. >> reporter: classes are not in session yet but today many students showed up in this high school to talk about going to college. >> you're going to have a lot more opportunities to determine what your life is going to be life. >> reporter: members of the summer youth leadership program today held the latest in a series of call to awareness events promoting college as a goal to students, provided by the california nonprofit for justice, students are trying to drive up community support for severe policy changes in the district. organizers are upset that less than 40% of east side graduates meet the requirements for a four-year college. they want standards by the csu and uc systems to meet graduation requirements for the district. >> my family doesn't know what i need to be able to go to college and i recently found out in my sophomore year that i'm not on the way to go to college, which was a really big thing to me. >> we have less than i believe five counselors here, and you can't expect five counselors to consult every student in our school. >> reporter: why is it happening in this community more than other places. >> i think it's important, you know, in our district, we need a lot of resources. a lot of our schools are under-funded, especially with the budget cuts. >> reporter: the students plan today to take today's feedback back to the school board meeting on september 16 to ask that the current graduation standards be upgraded. in san jose, robert handa, ktvu channel 2 news. wild life officials said today they have an approval to counter act the effects of a diesel spill in the sasoon marsh. the 100,000 gallon spill in 2004 happened when a pipe line burst. kinder morgan has contributed about $1 million to mitigate damages caused by the fuel. the money is earmarked for a restoration project. coming up on bay area news, the end of a very long journey for a feline mysteriously cat-knapped in the bay area one year ago, and parts of the bay area should be how soon in the forecast. [ man i was deciding what to do with my citi thankyou points when it happened... [ glass breaks ...again. ♪ [ child run! [ man first it was the mailbox. then my squirrel. and now, this. so i used my points to make a donation to get the park down the street built. when it finally opened, i also used my points for... car repair. [ male announcer use your citi thankyou points for almost anything, even local charities. what's your story? citi can help you write it. fremont free mont elephants strolled in the bay today, a sure sign the circus in town. the elephants walked about a mile and-a-half along city streets. the ringling brothers and barnum and bailey circus are tomorrow and runs through sunday at the orracle arena. looks like it should be fun. seemed like there was a little bit more sun out there today but not warmer temperatures. >> not much, just very tiny changes, but finally i have something to talk about. it's been a long time. we have a warm-up in sight, especially inland. in fact it might be too hot by the weekend but at least tonight and tomorrow no major changes. right now on the maps i can show you live storm tracker 2 , a few patches moving into the bay for san francisco and berkley and the emoriville area. to the south you can see half moon bay, clear skies for mountain view and san jose. if we show you this, just a few high clouds in the upper 60s, it's 68 degrees. this was the scene earlier toward the estuary. you can see the fog thing out in the distance toward san francisco near the immediate shoreline. fog increasing tonight, pretty much identical forecast for wednesday but temperatures will be warming up by the weekend. for fremont tomorrow, starting off with the cloud cover at 7:00, 54 degrees, 12:00 64, 3:00 in the lower 70s. this has been the persistent weather pattern. it sticks around tomorrow and we'll call it cool to mild and we'll have the breezy on-shore winds approaching 20 miles an hour, but it will gradually be on the move by thursday, friday and the weekend. and we are talking about the warming trend, still that fog near the shoreline for the coast, minor warming and the inland areas, upper 80s to 90 degrees. the one trade off with this, fire danger will be on the increase, especially sunday and monday of next week. here we go for tomorrow morning. areas of fogs and drizzle, temperatures in the low to mid-50s. the range of 58 to 80 degrees. the warmest locations inland, 80 degrees. half moon bay in the upper 50s. here's a look ahead at your 5-day forecast. notice the trend. we are warming things back up. in fact, by sunday, warmest locations inland, right around 90 degrees. heather. >> thanks, mark . after a year and a 3,000 mile plane ride, an abducted cat is back home. i want to introduce to you jack daniels. he was reunited today with the san francisco spca which had been caring for him when someone stole him last july. he was wandering around new york last week. his microchip identified him. he arrived on a jet blue flight. he is mostly blind but the spca will put him up for adoption after making sure he is otherwise healthy. that's the report tonight. i'm heather holmes. keep it here. cnc is coming up next on tv36. u owi stgoth n csechkint al?ye cckhiou t'noepitsls es u stakthchkan-phh-rhtn ern't eyott? h.oht's t rei. itlswos thas t'noepitsls es al?doouha a o.. u stakthchkan-phh-rhtn ern't eyott? a!'s ol t'noepitsls es al?doouha a o.. u stakthchkan-phh-rhtn ern't l's . y,ai wr'my0?'s ol t'noepitsls es al?doouha a o.. aschki. lcetoanitche.n ern't y,h'updu . aswh mte

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