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Easy. Debora villalon has the story. Reporter san carlos has the lowest robberies, but that did not stop thieves. Stocking shelves, guillermo froze. He said you move, Something Like i shoot. So i just stayed and did what they told me to do. Reporter the men demanded bags of cash fresh from the register. They just wanted the money. Thats it. My whole crew is good so that was the main thing. Thats what i was worried about. Everybody is kind of shook up because its san carlos, guns and masks. Its just cay saeu. Reporter like this restaurant next year that cleared out. Next door that cleared out. They told us to get out of the restaurant right away. And get out. In case they came back. Reporter yes. Reporter surprisingly, the trader joes does not have surveillance. Another mistake that we made. Please do get surveillance. Reporter the store is strengthening surveillance. We noticed when it was closing time, someone locked the door and let people in and out. Today we learned the victim was 68yearold bill hoak. Witnesses say the driver got out of the car, looked at hoak and then left. His family tells us hoak is a retired postal inspector and lived in the area for 30 year. Police are still looking for the hitandrun driver. An angry confrontation inside the home after a mans wife was attacked by a drivers dog. About 10 minutes minutes later the dogs attacked a man on another street thats when police got involved. A confrontation as one victim came to the hospital. You dont know the whole story mr. When we first got that dog as a puppy it was abused. Reporter the family doesnt know how that dog a sharpei and labrador got out. The dogs were coming up to here. Reporter he suffered bites to the dog and hand. Police were able to grab the labrador. The sharpei was more difficult. He was trying to get out. He latched on to the screen. So they hit him with the taser. Reporter the dogs are now in contra costa animal services. The dog that they tased were right here. Reporter neighbors say they dont want the dogs to come back that they feared this would happen. They head butt the fence trying to break the fence boards. I knew one of these days they might get out. Reporter investigators will now try to determine whether these dogs should be classified as dangerous animals. If they may might be put down. An rubin, ktvu news. Today was marked with rallies. Police in San Francisco detained a number of people when they blocked 16th street and mission. The crowds then started shouting, let them go. And that caused major traffic problems and stopped the bus lines until police were finally able to clear the area. In oakland, protest organizers tell us they didnt want violence to take away from their message. And amber lee is in oakland where a large rally brought out students and the like. Reporter now at its peak there may have been 1,000 people here and organizers tell me they hope their message was heard. Their passion is undeniable. Were here today to stand up for migrants all over the world. Reporter in numbers, the call resinated with many. My parents were forced out of their country because of things that were happening there. Reporter Melissa Reyes says she was within the lucky. Her parents were able to migrate here legally. She sympathizing with those who are not. One protester told us that her father was working as a dishwasher and when he was deported, it was hard for the family. It was really hard. Reporter the butterflies they carry is the freedom to cross borders. If you have a voice speak for someone that doesnt. Reporter marchers say fair wages and Affordable Housing are basic needs. People that are willing to be hard working and members of society why do we try to criminalize them. Why do we try to do things like that rather than promote all people to live with dignity and respect. Reporter there was a Strong Police presence but the passion displayed never turned violent. Im here because i dont want to see any more families being separated. The march ended with aztec dancers back here. A celebration of diversity with a message that supporters want to last beyond may day. Live in oakland, amber lee, ktvu channel 2 news. In san jose hundreds of may day demonstrators danced across town from our lady of guadalupe. They called for workers rights and an end to deportations and a path for citizenship for undocumented immigrants. New at 10 00, the Berkeley City Council is expected to work tonight on raising the minimum wage. As soon as we hear the results we will bring them to you. Thousands of people rallied in support of the plan before the start of todays meeting. The end goal is to bring up the living wage to 13. 50 an hour. Tonight the minimum wage workers earn 8 an hour. I think its up to the local cities and states to take action. Weve already had several cities in california have already moved forward. I moved because of school. To further my education and move forward. Its hard when you have to constantly think about your economic inequality. Reporter supporters say a bump in pay is long overdue. Supporters worry that raising the minimum wage will push out. The minimum wage increased this year to 10. 15 an hour. Richmond gave approval to raise its minimum wage to 12. 12. 30 an hour. The league is moving to force sterling to sell as quickly as possible. They say theyre committed to ending his ownership as soon as possible. A 3 4s vote is needed. But theres word that sterling has no intention to sell and is planning to go to court. And a third party released the conversation. They say steviano released the audio. According to reports, sterling had donated 45,000 to the group over the past seven years. The naacp says those donations will now be returned. Firefighters say they are getting the upper hand on a wind driven wildfire that almost doubled in size today. The fire is burning north of rancho cucamonga. It began early yesterday and quickly grew to 1,000 acres. Then overnight it slowed and it jumped to more than 1,600 acres today. Right now Officials Say the fire is 53 contained and mandatory evacuations have now been lifted. Just one home has been damaged. And those same hot dry conditions broke temperature records today right here in the bay area. Our chief meteorologist bill martin with the warmest spots today and the changes under way right now. Changes were 20 degrees in some locations. These are some of the changes we had. Yesterday we had tied records. Yesterday we had three broken records. Richmond was 89 degrees. Temperatures outside as we speak are cooling off. Its not as hot as it was last night or warm as it was last night. Halfmoon bay was in the 60s. Temperatures in the mid60s upper 60s. They were in the mid70s. Upper 70s. The winds have shifted. Its cooling down. There are big changes coming after two days of above average temperatures. Things are going to come back down. Ill let you know how far they come downright after the break. Paying to protect your homes pipes . That puts spirit into your heart. Reporter two investigates the mail sent to skeptical homeowners and whos making money off safeway knows you dont want to fly all over town to find the best deals. Thats why they have lots of ways to save. Real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. This week, bite into a juicy, seedless watermelon. Theyre just 3. 99 each. Breyers ice cream is 2. 99. And start the fiesta. Corona is just 11. 97 a twelve pack. Theres more savings to love. At safeway. Ingredients for life. The father of a man suspected in two kidnappings told us today in no uncertain term that is his son needs help. Ktvu also spoke to one of the alleged victims who was very blunt about what happened. Robert handa has our reports. Reporter cameras were banned inside the santa clara courthouse. Where brook was charged with kidnapping, burglary, and assault with a deadly weapon. The charges are for two alleged kidnapping attempts on sunday. One of a 61yearold woman the other a 19yearold san jose woman Daniela Alvarez who says she agreed to drive him to his fathers house. But then he attacked her and tried to put her into the trunk of the car. He starts choking me. Im screaming louder and he puts his hand on my face and squeezed really tight and says shut up, get in the trunk. Is this going to be a complicated legal case . To tough to tell at this point. We just looked into the details of the case theres still work to be done. Reporter his father told us that his son is a iraq war veteran who needs help. My fear is he will be sent to regular prison where he will become worse than he is now. Reporter he is due back in court on may 7th to enter a plea. Robert handa. Oaklands police say they arrested a second suspect in the high profile killing of a man over a minor traffic accident. Police say 25yearold hunter was arrested last night. 22yearold douglas was picked up last october. Charles butler jr. Was shot and killed in 2011 shortly after police say he accidentally brushed against another car while trying to park. Butler was just 23 years old and had just graduated from the merchant marine academy. Last october his terminally ill father talked to ktvu about his son asking for witnesses to come forward. Police say tips offered in response to that plea helped lead to the arrest. Both systems deny having played a part in the killing. It was a hospital bed arraignment today for a 27year old woman accused of stabbing her son. Relatives say she suffered from depression. Newton did not enter a plea. Officers say they found her holding the lifeless body of her baby boy last saturday at a park in livermore. The department of Homeland Security today announced the arrest of more than 600 people including 40 in Northern California. They are all suspected of being members of the soreno gang. The arrest wrapped up last month as part of an operational called project southbound. People were also arrested in los angeles, new york, texas, and maryland. Agents say two of the people arrested in the bay area, a mother and her son had almost 5,000 marijuana plants, 85,000 in cash and weapons. Legislation is working its way through the state capital for an official gender neutral definition of marriage. Mark leno says the bill removes discriminatory language that says the takes the use of man and woman off the code. The bill was approved by the state senate today on a 25 to 10 vote. It now heads to the state assembly. Another graphic reminder of just how little snow weve gotten this year. They were out checking the sierra snow pack. Workers found for dirt than snow. It was their last survey of the season. A month ago they found the snow was at 40 of normal. The last really wet year was 2011 when the final snow pack measurement put the water content at 144 of average. A few record highs out there today. These were the last highs we had. Some places like San Francisco. 20degrees warmer than we would expect. Quite a bit warmer out there. Temperatures are going to start cooling off. Its cooling off out there already. We have more of an on shore flow developing. This weather system is going to push the winds on shore tonight and tomorrow. We have temperatures out in ocean beach that are in the low 60s. So thats pretty mild for this time of night. We have low 60s in pacifica as well. If you jump to the hill temperatures are in the mid 50s, upper 60s. Tomorrow at this time that wont be the story. Temperatures will probably be in the upper 50s. As we go into tonight the winds are continuing to be offshore. You see these winds, fairfield blowing at 12. And thats going to continue the cooling. So today, yesterday the warmest days. Tomorrow slightly cooler. Its still going to be very warm inland though. Not hot but warm inland like upper 80s and low 90s in places like antioch. Theres the fog and clouds that were trying to push in or at least the high clouds. You see the hot or higher temperatures the reds pushed further east. And then around the edges of the bay and the coast you have temperatures in the 60s. So cool down tomorrow. Slight cool down still kind of hot to warm inland. And then further dramatic cooling. As we come back, we demonstrate the cooling. Ferry boats that operate on San Francisco bay in the future could be hybrids powered by Wind Technology. The Wind Technology allows us to take some of the propulsion that would normally be provided by diesel engines and reduce 40 of the greenhouse emissions. The wind sail is being tested on a catamaran. Its less than 5 a month but is water line insurance worth it . I almost bought it. You know the insurance at that time. Reporter tonight at 10 30, 2 investigates after a viewer contactedded contac [doorbell rings] hey. Hey. Whats this . Its uverse live tv. With at t uverse. You can watch live tv from your device. Hey. Hey. Anywhere in your home. [doorbell rings] hey. Hey. So you wont miss a minute of the game. Call now to get a uverse bundle for the same great price for 2 years. Guaranteed. Tesla motors is being fined for an accident where three men were injured in their workshop. The men were not wearing protective gear. Tesla says it plans to appeal the fine. A lawsuit filed in San Francisco seeks to Block Company shuttles from using bus stops from picking up and dropping off their workers. That in turn is boosting Housing Demand forcing some long term residents to leave. Shuttle supporters say the buses eliminate single Passenger Car trips and will boost city revenue. An ad campaign has just been launched featuring the families of caltrans workers and workers who have been killed on the job. Theyre hoping this ad campaign will make drivers more aware. Ken pritchett is in oakland with a look at the campaign, ken. Reporter im along 880 and you can feel the traffic whizzing by. Our you can feel the wind of that traffic. Im about 10 feet from the lanes. But i have this big concrete barrier. Even times cal workers are far closer. We all know that. And this campaign is intended to remind the public of just that. Reporter drive fast and you can miss it a billboard off 880 with ads for the lottery and others. And then this, a caltrans worker that died. Were letting people know that our highway workers are husbands and fathers. And theyre sons and daughters and theyre wives too. Reporter sean baker father of four. Robert jones father of three killed in a rock slide while working on a highway near eureka. A memorial for workers who lost their jobs on the line each representeded in a circle of safety cones. Michelle grubs loved one was hit by an out of control car. Its been 27 years since her passing. And when i attend this event each year, i walked up from ninth street through that circle and im greeted with the same face of orange and green shirts. Reporter three names were added to the memorial this year. Those who are not named caltrans workers who are severely injured. 1,000 caltranss vehicles are hit by traffic every year. Little did i know that the big rig was going to smash the car in front of him and that car was going to push the car in front of him into me. Reporter more than just caltrans workers are at risk, most of the highway workers at night are contractors. Who were injured last month near fairfield when a driver veered into a construction zone. Caltrans says this first of its kind ad campaign will last through this memorial week ahead. And you can see these signs here in the bay area along interstate 80. In oakland, ken pritchett, ktvu channel 2 news. Accusations of Sexual Assault and harassment. The investigation now focused on dozens of universities including cal. Then at 10 45, 900,000 gallons of water wasted. The act of vandalism that caused this water tank in the north bay to be drained. Some homeowners are getting this letter from the San Jose Water Company representing insurance for the water line. Two investigates gets to the bottom of this coming up in a live report. A reminder that you can 2 investigates tonight, mailers offering insurance to protect your water lines and promising thousands of dollars in savings if a problem comes up. A ktvu viewer was skeptical of the pitch so she contacted 2 investigates. Asmeth smith joins us now. She tell us what people were being told. Reporter one viewer wrote to us wondering if it was a scam. The Water Company says its not and they profit from it. Six times in the last year cynthia liter has gotten this letter in the mail. Advising her to buy water protection. I almost bought it the insurance at that time. The water line is going to break. Its going to cost you thousands and thousands. Reporter the cost is 5 a month. While that may not mean like much it is to liter who is retired and on a fixed income. I look at it as a risk. Again i just dont know what the risk is of my pipes really breaking. The letter is signed by the San Jose Water Company but the insurance is through a third party. It claims that 3,500 3,500 customers have signed up. We want them to know that this service exists. Reporter john tang could not tell us how many customers signed up. But tells us that the Water Company does get paid. If it bothers you its worth it and the price is so small. Its like a little more than a gallon of gas. Its why not. Especially if you have an older home or if you have a plastic water lines. They installed those for a number of years. The plastic water lines will also have a problem. So you know for new home though, i would do it. Reporter this letter says the service is optional and those who dont want these letters anymore can opt out by calling the number listed. So for some it feels like pressure from the Water Company to buy something they dont really need. If you have an idea for 2 investigates we want to hear from you just email 2 investigates at ktvu. Com. Measure b calls for all City Employees to start contributing more to their pensions beginning july 1st. But this week the city and unions reached a deal to hold off until july of next year. Voters passed measure b in june of 2010 but unions are suing to block it. South bay Law Enforcement from promising to be out in force this cinco de mayo. The state office of Traffic Safety says there will be a focus on dui checkpoints. Authorities say those check points have been shown to cut alcohol related crashes by up to 20 . It is not a list uc berkeley wanted to find itself on. The school is now one of 56 colleges and universities accused of mishandling Sexual Assaults and harassment complaints. John sasaki spoke to a student who helped spark a federal investigation. Reporter on sprawl plaza one student said the school known for its world class education is also now known for problems with Sexual Assault. This school is on a list released today by the federal department of education. 55 schools that are under title nine investigation for alleged inadequate handling of Sexual Assault cases. I know so many survivors and im walking on campus and i know people who i know are perpetrators. Reporter esme is one of 29 students who filed federal complaints against the school hoping lead to this investigation. I cant wait to see what the results are. Reporter we met several other women on campus who are calling for help. One is friends with a woman who was recently assaulted at a party. She was explaining the story. Later when i was asking about it what they said. They said well were determining since youre under the influence that could still be consent. Which is not true. Its a scary thought that if something happened to me i could not turn to my university for help so im glad theyre changing that situation. I spoke to jackie spier who addressed this issue at cal recently and demanded the list be made public. Theres some real cultural problem that is have not been addressed historically. Its reflected in the fact that many of these investigations are under way now because they have mischanneled complaints that have been filed. Reporter two weeks ago the university put out a statement about the investigation saying much has been done but we understand theres always room for improvement. In berkeley im john sasaki, ktvu channel 2 news. More details now on other colleges and universities also under investigation. Among the california schools named, usc, oxidenal college. Ivy League Universities such as harvard, princeton and darmuth are also on that list. Microsoft released an update to protect users from internet explorer. A flaw can allow hackers to take complete control of a computer. Microsoft says it was aware of some attacks, Cyber Security experts say u. S. Government and corporations were targeted. The new patch also covers windows xp which microsoft stopped supporting last month. Amazon launched same Day Delivery Service today in San Francisco shoppers will see a get it today delivery option on their screen if their address qualifies. As long as customers place their order by 12 15 p. M. Items arrive by 9 00 p. M. Amazon also launched same day delivery today in dallas. 12 other cities including new york and los angeles already have it. Well google is providing some insight now into what people are buying when they opt for their same day delivery. Google today released data indicating people in San Francisco liked to order protein powder, serial and mouthwash. In menlo lead toward candy. While in san mateo people opted to buying coffee. 900,000gallons of Drinking Water gone like that. The city decided to drain the water from the tank even after testing the water and saying it was fine. How much lower temperatures could go this weekend. Up [ ] a man hunt is under way in Northern California tonight for a firefighter wanted in connection to the death of his wife. The search started this morning after deputies found the body of 26yearold Sarah Douglas inside a bedroom of a home she shared with fleming in southern sacramento county. Douglas was getting ready to move out something fleming didnt want to happen. Said that when she met him she felt that he would try to do something to sarah. Investigators say they believe fleming has left the sacramento area. They found flemings unoccupied vehicle a white calfire truck in elk grove two hours ago. The malaysian government released a preliminary report. The Malaysian Airline also said that it was going to close its assistant center in beijing. That was the reaction of loved ones who have found out they will have to leave the hotel and leave. Todays report from the malaysian military indicates officials did not realize the plane had gone off the radar for 17 minutes and a rescue operation was only initiated four hours later. During that time air Traffic Controllers contacted their counter parts in singapore and hong kong. At one point they thought the plane may have entered Cambodian Air space. The widow of one of the pilots of the hijacked 9 11 planes say that airliner cockpits are still not secure. This is what happens when a door is opened for just a few seconds. I cannot look another Family Member in the eye and say im sorry i knew there was a breach of the cockpit and did nothing. Reporter the secondary doors would cost 12,000 a piece. Airline legislations say it should be left up to individual carriers. Complete destruction. Thats how officials are describing the interior of a jail. That explosion rocked a jail in pensacola last night. There were about 600 inmates in the jail the time. Those who are not in the hospital have been transferred to other jails. Its not clear if flooding from torrential rain may have contributed to that explosion. Not so fast say the golden state warriors. A little later in sports. A must win game that came down to the final seconds and forced a game seven. Yeah, in five minutes, our chief meteorologist bill martin is going to detail a pretty dramatic shift in our weather. Anothe and what do we have here . Oh, look. We have a bunch of. Announcer babies who are talked to from the time theyre born are more likely to have a successful future. Talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. The fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. Talk. Read. Sing. Your words have the power to shape their world. Learn more at first5california. Com parents with water at a real premium, residents are wondering why 900,000gallon water tank was drained. What happened that caused officials to error on the side of caution. Reporter a sleepy retirement community, Water Conversation on the minds of many. I cut all my hair off so i take shorter showers. Reporter standing tall above their home the massive air tank filled with Drinking Water. But early one evening three critical locks were cut. And the lock was cut on the hatch after the top of the tank. Reporter an alarm sounded, an operator arrived. The tank was taken offline and the north marin Water District tested the water. We did find out that there were no bacterial contamination. Reporter but the district says as a Health Precaution it decided to drain the tank into the storm drain system. 900,000 of water drained. They shouldnt have drained it. Because theyre on our butt about watering or flowers and stuff. They did test it and they did say it was okay. Reporter chris degabriel said the district did try to recycle the water but because of the late summer rain there was nowhere to put it. We had just received a lot of rainfall. Nobody was using recycled water and the recycled water tank was full. Reporter the number one priority is Water Quality and that is why it says the tank was drained. In nevato, mike mibach. The Vector Control crews working abatement a month early. They said the mild winter never really got rid of the mosquitoes. You can help protect yourself and Family Members from west nile by removing or draining any standing water near your home. Wall street closed mixed today head of the months key. The dow jumped 20 points. Nasdaq gained 12. Gas prices in california are once again creeping toward record territory. The average price for a gallon of regular gas is within 10 of the all time high of 4. 61 sent back in 2012. Today aaa reported a gallon of regular costs an average of 4. 26. A month ago it was 4 even. And a year ago a gallon was 3. 90 across california. Benetia officers are on patrol looking for petting being left inside cars. Theyre also warning owners that they could receive a citation if they leave their pets inside a car thats too hot. Were able to cite that person and basically educate them not to do it again. Reporter they also say in one case over the past two years, two dogs ended up dyinged in a closed vehicle. And police say they can and will break window s windows if they need to. Now to our chief meteorologist bill martin whos in the weather center. We definitely have a cooldown already on the way. Temperatures today were pretty impressive. We had temperatures easily 20 degrees above the average. And we had records as i showed you earlier. 91 in san rafael. 80 in pacifica. Tomorrow it changes around and i will show you why. This weather system is not much. You can see the spinner up here. Thats the parent low. Then you see this area moving in here. As this gets closer to the coast its going to destabilize things enough that we will continue to see an on shore flow increasing. We had a little bit of an on shore flow and that cooled things a little bit. Its 53 degrees. That water as i speak or that moisture and that air has been pulling into the bay and starting to cool things down. The water temperatures today were like i said mid50s, low 50s. You can see that on shore ripple. Tomorrow they start to cool off. So heres where we were today. Temperatures tomorrow, come down. Especially along the coast where we could lose 10 degrees. Coastal sections and right around the bay well note the most significant cooling tomorrow. As we go into the next couple of days. The inland valleys will notice cooling as well. In the next 24 hours inland valleys are still going to keep pretty darn warm. Thats going to be pretty warm tomorrow in san somewhere san jose. Out in the Livermore Valley youre still going to find some 90s. This High Pressure center gave us the last hot day of the year or of the week. And temperatures now trending down. Tomorrow the cooling begins and as we go into the weekend, this system bumps up against us and continues the cooling. Major cooling as we head into the weekend. Sunday temperatures will drop another five or so degrees. Temperatures trending down. Cooler with fog returning to the coast. These are the forecast highs tomorrow then. As i said its still hot inland. 87 in fairfield. 90 in antioch and pittsburg. Right around the bay. This is more what you would expect 78 in alameda. 83 in fremont. 85 in santa clara. Along the coast, mid60s. Fog is not back tomorrow morning. But i think by tomorrow night i think well see the fog returning. That will usher in further cooling. The story tomorrow. Cooling down. Cooler on saturday. And then cooling on sunday as well. On monday and tuesday a few clouds out there. Theres the four day forecast. Theres no rain in this one but the heat is pretty much off for a little while. Were looking for temperatures to begin to trend back to where they should be. 20degrees above the average the last couple of days pretty impressive. Thats a lot. Its nice to have a little bit of comfort come in. Thanks bill. We didnt see it but boy it sound like it was an incredible end to the warriors game. We saw last night what a team shouldnt do in a do or die situation. But complete survival mode for the warriors. Theyve got it. The instincts there sheer will. I tell you what it was not their finest moment shooting the ball at all. Where they lost 11 chances to put up an easy point. But feeling that energy from the oracle cloud. As usual, he responds. Watch him go pillar to post. David lee fouled out in the third quarter. Mo picks up the slack. He is fouled. That helps stem the tide. Watch him on the board. Gets the outlet passed beautifully for clay thompson. That was the biggest streak. Heres a huge sequence right here because not only does Andre Iguodala bury the three but on the play he was fouled by Blake Griffin their star and he fouled out of the gain. 9686 lead. But you have to see the final second. The warriors leading by four. The clippers get several chances they cant buy a rebound and finally matt barnes hits the shot and final seconds to close it to one. Steph curry intentionally missing a free throw there and the final. 1 of a second are clicked off the clock and the warrior sends it to a game seven on saturday. With everything again all on the line. You know mark i was in the hall way here as coach mark jackson was coming back from the game and he was saying in a mock tone. I thought we were dead. I thought i was a goner in mocking style knowing that his mocking style knowing that his job was they just change boots. Thats why we made the allnew jeep cherokee. With an exclusive 9speed transmission and 31 miles per gallon highway. So you can keep going. On brand name mattress sets. Get three years interestfree financing plus, get free delivery, and sleep trains 100day low price guarantee. Sleep trains interest free for 3 event, ends sunday. Your ticket to a better nights sleep if youre just joining us. Warriors pull out by the skin of their teeth forcing a game seven. Our fred inglis out at oracle. Steph curry scored 14 of their 30 points. The other hero had to be dramond green. He scored 14 points, 14 rebounds. Five fields and more importantly held big Blake Griffin to just 17 points and afterward he talked about the craziness on this oracle arena court. He said we had to get a win and we got it. Tell us about the last sequence that ended with a three and and cut it to one. I should have gotten that shot but we have to do a better job in rebounding that ball in that situation. 52 fouls, 70 free throws this was not a pretty game but the warriors will take it. Game seven saturday, 7 30 in l. A. Should be another crazy ball game mark. Yeah, it should be and youre right they do have to do a better job shooting. Thank you fred. Appreciate it from the field but also the free throw line 19 out of 30 is not acceptable skwrtz thats it for a play off team. They missed 11. They could have wrapped this game a little earlier. Mark, thank you, very exciting. Thank you for choosing ktvu channel 2 news. The ktvu morning news begins at 4 30 a. M. If you missed part of tonights today on tmz donald sterling, he has enormous balls. Went to a restaurant in Beverley Hills that is the hub for the entertainment industry. Did you apologize to the players and staff . The funny thing is that he went out with two members of the minority community. One of them was the driver. We got t. I. He thinks all camera guys are snitches. He was calling you a snitch. If it wasnt for the camera guys we wouldnt

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