The Lead. Let. Me. Cut. Love love. Never. Becoming one of my favorite song Hold on me from Twisted pine Charlie thing in the thing gets played Greenlight is just fun music. Turning to get our way through the end of the work day and you are listening to. Let us take a look at the short list. As always they are good friends in Eureka natural foods helping you live well and be healthy naturally a low calorie fare is going on even as we speak judging for the surf and turf barbecue contest goes a tell 6 there. May be many blacks tonight night. Tomorrow night and they're doing Friday night flicks at the ballpark in our. Concessions and donations will go. Towards the ballpark improvement fund they are showing suit o.b.i. Which I love playing the farmer's market on Saturday is digging dirt. Saturdays also the white thorn volunteer fire department dinner and dance events go from 3 until midnight that's also we are today and the top of the table blog. I got some things out of order tomorrow night is barn. That is a fundraiser for the. Trust in the home of Wildlife Care Center. As I said I got some stuff out of order sorry the c.r. Is doing a sweet corn field day at their educational farm in Shankly tomorrow over 50 varieties it's a tease. To get some tours and the corn pretty cool tomorrow is also the summer nights harvest dinner for the farmers market and food waste commission I told you about that earlier. On Sunday the Kevin Albert Memorial trail run is happening of course tomorrow and see all weekend long tomorrow through Sunday is the Trinidad day our new music festival Paula Poundstone is headlining at the Van Duzer theater on Saturday night tomorrow we will feature on Friday morning funnies and then Bailey's going to be broadcasting live from the home support 25th anniversary party shindig extravaganza in Arcadia and giving away that one your gold membership and I've got a couple more chances to qualify you which is pretty exciting right here and if you'd like to check out the things that are going on in our community can always go online to him dot com and click on the good time guide or if you are prudes in the news last post office dot com It's a Local Lowdown Hi This is from a month bakery and cafe when I was young one of my fondest memories was walking to our local park which was overgrown with Bunbury vines and I take my dog and my sister during by pre-season and we'd pick berries seemed to take forever to get 4 cups of berries for one pod my sister could barely stand it because I always wanted to stay longer and pick just a few more. My dog would get bored and. The best part was getting into the kitchen . I use my mother's full made with just the basics and filled it with the berries. All these years. The pure basics only I have to say improve. We make lots of different. Specialties. To find your perfect. For you know my kids were hammered me could we rent the fire truck again I said guys you know mom doesn't have that kind of money anymore so what we could do is torch a neighbor's house. This is hard to. Turn into an insurance company. So to the top morning 730 right here in the kitchen how did the laughter a. Bit me. Would you call. Me. a way. That. Makes me say. That Betty. That is caravan palace in Black Berry Well that song was playing who keys most Ok so 1st of all let me just start by saying stay away from the Samoa bridge right now traffic is at a standstill so at 4 o 7 there was a 2 car collision on the bridge and one lane of the bridge was blocked by a disabled vehicle and 4 people who were associated with a van were seen walking on the bridge towards Eureka and nail the e.p.d. And see h.p. And all that are trying to find those folks so stand still on the Samoa bridge try to avoid it please this is the James Hunter 6 who played this in a long time but I love the song this is minute by minute on. The Been. Coming. To you. To check my mom wants. To get. 6 on. My watch. Last. Long. At least some. News. The be. Global. You're an album from 25 years ago and that was sweet all world and 6 blocks away is the song I've played you the James Hunter 6. I've been distracted sorry caravan palace and Andrew Bird started us off the scanner traffic on the loco is amazing right now 1st of all traffic is still a standstill in a small bridge be aware of. 2nd came in a man is waiting he sort northbound 101 near North Bank road have. Been to patch the notified and there is a horse stuck in a hole near Mitchell lane and Len tell Road east of Eureka over the years is Ok if you see the guy with us or take a picture maybe. Things are bizarro today what can I say let's do something that is more normal around here on trying to be united with his owner So Brandon found a dog running on 14th Street in Eureka yesterday he says he's safe and sound last night not in the streets great picture brown dog big smile Here's the tender flop a little black on his muzzle and a distinctive red color with some maybe peaks stripes in it branded Has your dog really wants to find his family Brandon's contact information his phone number and stuff is a. Dot com website. Dot com We want to thank the folks who support that like the farm store in Ferndale unfortunate event and Myrtle Ave veterinary hospital you will also find a link for it. My friends at Miller farms tell me their new Apple press is awesome it's made in Washington it's mostly stainless steel with an electric when they gave it a test run it worked perfectly. Into small pieces and pressing them almost dry when your apples are ready be sure to give Miller's a call to schedule a time to use the machine and see for yourself how cool it is this Saturday at 11 millers is hosting a free workshop for kids ages $5.00 to $12.00 insect motels with the ball. In the garden where they're safe from being raked in this class the kids will learn how to make their own insect motel with easy to find materials more helpful hints and workshops from your one stop place nursery 28 Central Avenue in McKinley Miller farms nursery. Daughters there's. Everything as prices fell as we close out Eureka home furnishings That's right we're closing our store if any streets in Eureka and you get to see me now seen up to 50 percent on brand new home furnishings we have major credit and debit cards cashing checks no refunds or exchanges as all sales are final. And mattresses all price as we close your economic pretty things hurry to Fifine streets for the savings Friedel Embryon purchases shop now for best selection open today but clothing food. If you have a brain or know someone who does this message maybe for you when the weather is good kids of all ages get out and play get some exercise increase your blood circulation and increase the positive chemical reactions in your brain that make you happy and active body is an active brain of course wearing a helmet when appropriate maintain proper hydration and a good night's sleep and being aware of prescription drug and alcohol interactions is really helpful if you hit your head when in doubt sit it out wait until you feel better and in many cases make sure that you were medically cleared to get back on the field of fun sometimes you just missed a game to save your brain this message is brought to you by this station at a making headway center for brain injury recovery making headway center where your brain is always on our mind. You are listening to them apparently c.h.p. Were unable to find the swordsman So that's being struck off the books still looks like. The bridge the Samoa bridge is having issues. So please avoid the area if you can. And I would like to give some stuff away I've got way too many things here so I'd love to qualify you for the drawing for the one year gold membership for health sport Bailey is going to be there tomorrow for their big party so give me a call 786-786-5486 I will take the 1st color and get you qualified and if you would like the price of tickets for the kids to go to the pool party tomorrow I can do that as well there's obviously an emergency here in Ferndale So we're going to say these are the scary pocket 2 and their cover of the song faith on those will be nice. By. The. Way. Place. Wrong. Time. But. He. Can. Get. All this will. Be coming. Slowly. With it's a long. Slow. Got . To. Come. Mom. Come see. Tom. Son. And some other. Zone. Because a guy. Comes Be on Mars in there and blue moon and simply moon you are listening to. Get lots of have to give away so if you'd like to go see Joan Hart and The Black Heart John John John Jett and the Blackhearts heart on Sunday they are playing up at. The wonderful Brit fest up in Jacksonville Oregon it is 2 tickets for the lawn it's all ages and it's a 730 shows you need to be able to get there and all that stuff 1st call or at 78678654. 6 I will send you to see them she's lots of fun Bailey says really sweet person too this is a very sweet person this is her good friend Earl Thomas on came home and look at Granny run run. Joy. And. Song. With the. Ladies happy. To. Hand. In the business means to. Call. From our friends Cooper mountain and their album finally a band you can trust that is the Boat song play Decemberists and Sun It also our friend Earl Thomas Van Morrison and scary pockets started us off block going on this afternoon here on k. Home let's see. They have the unit out to help the horse that stuck in a hole over in Mitchell road and and lentil road and they've got a fire engine going to help them out so that's good news but they're rescuing a horse. Still no word on the stand still on the Samoa bridge I would still avoid that if I were you I also want to check in on the check Co fire because there is a lot of folks being evacuated their fire is within 5 miles of Brookings as of noon today 2 areas of evacuation that school district in the area is pushing back start of school by a whole week across the board mandatory water mandatory water restrictions with in the town and because they want to make sure that there is water to fight the fire at least 7 houses have been destroyed thus far so and there are definitely places where you can take your animals they've got as part of the evacuation. They've got the curry fairgrounds shelter for caged animals and livestock and the rightly Creek Elementary School in Gold Beach is where the evacuation center is. We wish everyone the very very best and hope that firefighters can get a handle on that weather doesn't look favorable for that. So we'll definitely keep an eye here. Tell me it ain't so somebody said The summer is almost over and so we part ways well it all depends on how you look at it. For the 1st time some coming back. And some. It's a great place to be and there's lots to do my kids are heading out to the river today. Heading back to school in a few days or a week make the most of your time. And family and most importantly enjoy visiting. With everything from. Your choice of. 1900. Intel the next time. You want something else but can't seem to find what you're looking. To save a little money by getting a. Take a look at a. 100 years they've been helping. Find the perfect and they still spend hours each day each vehicle they have truckloads weekly and specialized. Vehicles. Has a giant selection of vehicles with over $100.00 to choose from vehicle can be scary which is why vehicle history. Is fully inspected every. Day. Every vehicle they sell a Porsche every vehicle gets a full tank of fuel and a complimentary 1st oil change check out Harbor motors on the web at Harbor Motors dot com or look for the carousel 2 miles north of Eureka you know what's pretty neat sport is to ask a home to be part of their 25th anniversary celebration going on these Friday we'll be broadcasting live from 10 until Tuesday at the Arcadia hell sport location if you want the details on everything that's going on for their anniversary celebration just head on over to help support dot com and click on the glitter and don't forget broadcasting line this Friday from 10 until 2 at the arcade to help support location I'll see that and that is tomorrow and one of the cool things that's happening as part of that is we'll will be doing the drawing on the air of the person who gets the one year gold membership so you don't have to be there to win but I can qualify you right now 1st color 786-786-5486 you're in the drawing for tomorrow this is wonderful music from Andrew day from last year Cheers The follows the album This is forever mine on k. Home. Mom Now that's my mom's all time favorite song. Simon and Garfunkel and Bridge Over Troubled Water it's a minute before 5 o'clock close enough you are listening to one of 4.3 in one of 4.7 k. Each you am cotton Eureka Arcadia and all those folks who are just placed by the check up our fire and online it came dot com And everybody's favorite translator k 2 e 2 e d Ferndale it is time for the little game 1st doc let's thank our sponsors showing this to Del Mar big fish paper lab last Frenchman pizza and Fred's body shop Ok That feels pretty good today's price the highly coveted $25.00 gift certificate to reconnect food 1st correct collar and 786. 786-5486 will be the winner. Today's question is a history question no no no you can't call now because you don't know what I'm going to ask. READY READY me READY. That's just not that's cheating when I put the phones on hold be that way. You just can't win that I'm sorry it's just not fair it's a history question on this date in the year 79 a volcano.