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Garcia Navarro good morning Nate hit the u.s. Coast the 4th hurricane to make landfall in the u.s. This year it's now a tropical storm we'll have an update and in the aftermath of Las Vegas We'll talk to a gun store owner who sold the shooter a shotgun he's been asking himself a lot of questions about what he could have done differently when dealing with the man he called an everyday guy plus Lin Manuel Miranda the creator of the smash Broadway hit Hamilton on his new song to support for 30 cool j. Lo reader Maranoa Gloria Estefan and so many more pitched in to help it's Sunday October 8th the news is next live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Louise Schiavone hurricane Nate has been downgraded to a tropical storm but not before heavy rain and lashing wind left storm surges and power outages in Mississippi no deaths or injuries have been reported the storm is moving north expected to travel all the way to the Northeast at the National Hurricane Center in Miami John Candy says the storm is expected to weaken significantly by the time it gets to the end of its path we are expecting need to continue to move very quickly to the northeast later today like we getting further pretty rapidly probably to a tropical depression tonight or early on Monday. And then weakening further changes what we call a permanent well by the time it makes its way over the Northeast as the midnight high tide approached in Biloxi a storm surge from day pushed over beachfront highway u.s. 90 Israel is easing restrictions on some Palestinians joining the jurors holiday Asuka Jessica gall her reports the move affects Palestinians who work in certain sectors of the economy some Palestinians with preexisting work permits are being allowed into Israel if they work in hospitals in agriculture and Israeli army spokesman adding they will be let in according to the needs of the market as after the Army last week declared an unusually long closure of crossings into Israel from Gaza and the West Bank for the Jewish holiday of 2 caught initially the closure was to last 11 days from the start of the holiday last Wednesday through Saturday October 14th and midnight that move was seen as a reaction to a Palestinian attack on a West Bank settlement on September 26th they killed 3 Israelis in the Palestinian had a work permit for the settlement the incident raised fears of more attacks during the holiday Israel controls access to the Palestinian territories it's not uncommon for crossings to be closed during Jewish holidays due to security concerns for n.p.r. News I'm Jessica her in Jerusalem in North Korea Kim Jong un has promoted his sister to a powerful position within the ruling Workers' Party Kim Jong was given a rank within the Politburo the top decision making body in the country we get details from the B.B.C.'s Danny savage the promotion of Kim Jong un system of the ruling center of power will be seen as further evidence of the Kim family's iron grip on North Korea commute is 28 years old and is already blacklisted by the United States alleged human rights abuses she replaces her aunts in the Politburo another promotion worthy of notice is that a foreign minister re young who who called Donald Trump president evil at the u.n. Meeting last month and said that America had the cat war on North Korea he is now a full votes carrying member of the Politburo. The B.B.C.'s Danny savage authorities in Las Vegas have begun to collect the remains of personal belongings like backpacks and strollers from the scene of last Sunday's mass shooting 58 people were killed this is n.p.r. After a visit to Las Vegas vice president Pence's slated to fly to Indianapolis to attend today's Colts football game before traveling on to Los Angeles Pence is scheduled to join House majority leader Kevin McCarthy tomorrow for a fundraiser at a country club in Newport Beach an intriguing Twitter exchange about rebuilding in Puerto Rico caught the attention of Tesla creator Ilan Musk and the island's governor and p.r.s. Chris Arnold has details environmental advocates say Puerto Rico's storm ravaged electrical grid is a big mess but also a big opportunity some are calling for the government to rebuild the island's infrastructure using reinforced solar panels to replace damaged oil burning facilities one tweet asked of the line must go to hell and must replied quote The Tesla team has done this for many smaller islands around the world it can be done for Puerto Rico to the governor of Puerto Rico Ricardo was seo it like that idea he tweeted back to Muskat let's talk and suggested that it could be a flagship project Musk noted such a decision would of course lie in the hands of government utilities commercial stakeholders and the people of Puerto Rico Chris Arnold n.p.r. News and he used in the family of a 17 year old high school student is suing the girl's school after she was expelled for not standing for the Pledge of Allegiance the students sat for the pledge in class and was expelled Monday for her continued refusal to stand the student contended the American flag in her view did not stand for liberty and justice she did return to the school Friday after the principal reversed course on Louise Schiavone n.p.r. News Washington. Support for n.p.r. Comes from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation providing scholarships to rob the nations who exceptionally high achieving students with financial need from middle school to college application for community college students is open. Dot org and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Good morning. Turners include. On 2nd Street and town. With brunch on the weekend too there's a full bar and specialty cocktails too. Can be reached at 443-3663 . This is Weekend Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Luke r.c. And of our own good morning like many Americans Chris Michael woke up last Monday to her effect headlines of a massacre in Las Vegas I didn't know who or what was going on at the moment and then as soon as I was into a couple different news feeds his name cropped up and I remember exactly you know who he was and that he had been in our store the shooters Stephen Paddick was a customer Michael's constant in St George Utah he visited 3 times earlier this year every day guy he'd be the guy that you'd sit next to in church or the You'd bump into in the grocery store and he'd say excuse me and you'd walk right on what was he telling you that he wanted in and why he wanted guns you know he just told us he had moved to the area recently and that he was looking to get back into his hobbies Did he seem to know what he was talking about I mean did he seem familiar with the different weaponry and caliber bullets and all the other stuff you know he was familiar enough with everything to pass off as a novice you know he came in and he would ask different questions about firearms or ammo or this excess or e. Or how would this accessory work on on this firearm and things like that but again just normal everyday questions that I'd get from from any number of customers Michael sold Patrick a shotgun and in the aftermath of the mass shooting in Las Vegas Michael is asking himself a lot of questions did I miss anything did I miss a red flag could I have stopped this he was a perfectly legitimate customer that acts the right questions that would get rid of any red flags you know I've I've been up you know multiple hours of the night thinking about all these kind of things and it just keeps coming right back to the same. Thing is that we did everything that we could have done to stop this in any shape or form but yet it still happened. Talk me through a little bit how you screen custom was do you turn people away what are the red flags that you might be looking for when you are talking to people about firearms Yeah the 1st off is that we do have federal paperwork that has to be filled out with every firearm sale but at the same time we as gun dealers in my opinion were the front line were the people that are supposed to be kind of looking for those wrong wrong signals or red flags things that we look for is specifically pointed questions if I have somebody that comes in and they could care less for everything else in the store they're just looking for one specific firearm and they're looking for that one specific m.o. Those are red flags from time to time I get angry people that just come in and little by little Again we try and talk to and we try and figure out what's going on if they're angry we try and figure out why are you mad did you just get cut off in traffic did you just lose cell phone service during a really important business meeting you know those kind of things we want to find out what's going on with them so that we can turn around and look at it and go Is that really your motive are you looking for a firearm for the right purposes or the wrong purposes I'm wondering how often does this happen and could you give me an example of a situation like that you know I had a person not too long ago in the past that I could see was really really angry with their spouse and they were looking for a pistol a small pistol that they could conceal the way that they were talking about it the situation was you know I'm I'm angry with the way that they did this to me and I'm angry with the way that they did that to me and I finally just walked over to this person and i j. Said You know I don't think you're in the right mindset to be purchasing a firearm do you report them yeah I mean I can call up you know different agencies if I have enough information and in this instance I did I do know that you know a couple days later I saw the same person was booked into the jail for domestic violence you know for me that may help me to sleep at night because just maybe that firearm that I would have sold that person what it would have done if it would have been used in a crime where there are other instances where maybe something bought from Mr you know was can use to commit a crime or is this the 1st time that you've had to deal with something like this you know it it comes around this is the 1st time where it's been national and we've had all kinds of coverage of it but it is not an uncommon thing to have the f.b.i. Or the a.t.f. Call up and say we need to know this person's information or what happened with this situation that happens probably every couple months. You know many Americans are very supportive of gun rights but many Americans especially after an event like this feel that they'd like to see stricter gun laws there are people who are scared who feel powerless in the wake of these mass shootings do you understand that point of view. You know I'm not saying that I can understand it because my point of view is a little different I definitely get where they're coming from and the fear that it can bring I don't believe we need more regulation there's thousands upon thousands of firearm laws that are on the books right now I do believe though 100 percent that we should have more enforcement of these laws. Again there is no way in my opinion that we could have put a ruling in place that would have stopped this this individual from receiving these firearms so you've mentioned that you're on the front lines and you almost scanning people to see what their emotional or psychological state is when you turn them away are you worried that they're going to go to another gun dealer and is that where enforcement comes in. You know here where we're at we have you know a number of dealers and most of them we can call up and say hey that's why I or Usually when I call up the law enforcement and say hey this is what we just experienced they will turn around and call up any of the other dealers that are around town and kind of spread the word as much as possible does that feel structured enough for you that it's sort of word of mouth as opposed to an actual process. Who that's was that's a great question. You know my gut is telling me that there probably should be something that is a little bit more formal but at the same time if you did that. Every time we experience somebody in the grocery store Ok that if it's angry about something would we want to put them into the same system or into the same process it's not the grocery store it's a firearm store you're correct right now but it's the next thing the hardware store the guy that goes around and does the same thing in the middle with a hammer again what happened in this situation is that somebody was bad bought stuff legally used it illegally and now we're trying to look back and say how could we have stopped that and I don't know or have not heard of one process that would change that outcome that was Chris Michel owner of Dixie gun works he sold a gun to the Las Vegas shooter. It's been a busy hurricane season for the United States and now another storm has come along Hurricane Nate 1st made landfall yesterday in southeast Louisiana then again on the Mississippi Gulf Coast it's been downgraded since to a tropical storm Nate hasn't had the punch of Harvey or Erma but it still managed to leave more than 100000 people without power across Mississippi and Alabama we're joined by N.P.R.'s Debbie Elliott in Mobile Alabama for an update good morning Debby good morning so was this storm as bad as the authorities feared What's it like there. You know it it's calming here now just a little bit of of wind remains here in Mobile but downtown streets are flooded there is no major structural damage as you said this came ashore twice it kind of crossed that marshy tip of southeast Louisiana that's right at the mouth of the Mississippi River before it then made its major landfall on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and that sort of dampened its impact you know at one point yesterday authorities were saying that the storm was rapidly intensifying it was moving faster over the Gulf of Mexico than they thought and it was likely to be a Category 2 storm when it actually came ashore it had maximum sustained winds of about 85 miles per hour so it was a Category one storm so not as bad as anticipated but still a hurricane striking the Gulf Coast Yeah indeed tell us about the damage from the storm and were people prepared. You know people that evacuated low lying coastal areas that are prone to flooding in that were in danger of of a storm surge that would come from from a hurricane like this so people were prepared you know it's early yet there are no you know officials haven't gotten out to see what the damage was but it looks like the main issue is going to be flooding here in downtown no Beals some streets around or water south of here in some neighborhoods there were some high water rescues overnight people who lived along waterways stranded in their homes where there are flood waters and as you mentioned earlier like something like more than 100000 people out of power and this is over a wide area Mississippi Alabama and then the Florida panhandle as well so now it's time to sort of see what the damage is and what's next and the storm is still moving it's moving up through Alabama as a tropical storm so they're going to be impacts felt for the rest of the day just briefly we have about 30 seconds left are there enough resources to cope with all these disasters it's been such an intense hurricane season it has you know officials here say they have what they need to respond to this one but the question is at the federal level you know there are going to be more people who qualify for Fema assistance as they try to clean up and repair from now yet another hurricane That's N.P.R.'s Debbie Elliott in Mobile Alabama thank you so much You're welcome. You're listening to n.p.r. News. Thank you for listening to N.P.R.'s Weekend Edition. And it's 78 am on your Sunday morning support comes from Marketplace where the meat department staff works to create. To take home or eat. Braised or shocked. Meat department a wide variety of options. Street in our. Support comes from. A wide variety of storage solutions for kitchens bathrooms home offices and more featuring cabinets by Diamond from for visits on West End Road and then arcade cabinet dot com phone number is 826-2680 m Louise Schiavone with these headlines after making landfall twice once in southeast Louisiana then again outside Biloxi Mississippi Hurricane Nate has been reduced to a tropical storm no deaths or injuries have been reported in St Petersburg Russia this weekend anti Putin protesters rallied to pressure authorities into letting opposition leader Alexina answer the presidential race and of on the is in jail Saturday Night Live paid tribute to the victims of the Las Vegas mass shooting and the late rock star superstar Tom Petty country star Jason Aldean saying I won't back down he was performing when the Vegas gunman opened fire on Louise Schiavone and p.r. News. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from c 3 i.o.t. Enabling corporate and industrial digital transformation with artificial intelligence cloud computing and i.o.t. Big data software solutions learn more at c 3 I o t dot com from the financial services firm of Raymond James offering personalized wealth management advice and banking and capital markets expertise along with a legacy of putting clients financial wellbeing 1st learn more at Raymond James dot com and from the listeners who support this n.p.r. Station. This is Weekend Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Luke Garcia Navarro next Sunday is the deadline for the trumpet ministration to tell Congress if it believes that Iran is in compliance with the Iran nuclear deal and the president is expected to announce this week that he will certify that agreement saying that it is not in the u.s. National interest to understand what that means and what happens next we're joined by Barbara Slavin director of the future of Iran Initiative at the Atlantic Council an International Affairs think tank Thanks for taking the time this morning Sure my pleasure so decertification Could you tell me exactly what that means well I think the 1st thing that it's important to recognize is that this is an internal American matter this was legislation passed by a Republican led Congress that was suspicious of a Democratic administration that had signed this nuclear agreement now we're in the odd situation where we have a Republican president who says he's going to decertify when this was really I think not what Congress had in mind when the legislation was passed in another itself it does not violate the Iran nuclear deal but it will cast a very big shadow over it what does that mean that the Iran deal will come to an end does it have any actual impact No it doesn't mean that under the agreement the United States the president has to waive certain sanctions against Iran every 120 days and President Trump actually put out the necessary waivers in September so he doesn't really have to do anything until early next year but under the Iran nuclear agreement review x. So-called in or out which Congress passed Congress could impose new sanctions against Iran in the next 60 days if the president decides to decertify it the main thing it does is that it puts a cloud over the entire agreement it creates more uncertainty and that's likely to have an impact on. And businesses that are returning to Iran on Asian businesses that are returning to Iran and it just it just makes an agreement that was already somewhat uncertain after Trump selection even more uncertain you say it opens the door for Congress to impose new sanctions how likely is that well that's a really good question I think it's interesting Congress which was not very enthusiastic about this deal when President Obama agreed to it now seemed suddenly to like it and I think you can make a certain analogy perhaps to to health care and to Obamacare it was very easy for the Republicans and others to oppose this when Obama was the president he would veto any legislation against it now that the responsibility is in Republican hands we're beginning to see some prominent Republicans people like Bob Corker the head of the Foreign Relations Committee and others suggest that you know maybe we should stick with this deal another one is Ed Royce who's chairman of the House Foreign Relations Committee so it's not at all clear what Congress would do they might pass entirely new legislation that would take away this requirement that President Trump certify compliance by Iran every 90 days this is something that the president obviously doesn't like just briefly why is the president doing this I mean Iran is complying with the terms of the deal as we understand it that's a really good question the president says that Iran is doing a lot of other things that we don't like Well Iran has been doing a lot of other things that we don't like for a very long time and decertifying the nuclear deal is not going to help that situation in fact it will most likely strengthen the most hard line elements in the Iranian government that don't trust the United States that's Barbara Slavin of the Atlantic Council She joins me on the line from France thank you so much You're quite welcome. Before Hurricane Maria put the Eagles on the cusp of an agricultural Renaissance local farms were a bright spot in the island's struggling economy offering more produce milk and coffee than ever before but since the storm about 80 percent of the crop value on the island has now been destroyed for more we're joined by the cardless hadn't done this in San Juan he's president of Puerto Rico farm credit they offer loans to farmers all over the island Welcome to the program Hi So you've been traveling I understand it all over the island checking in on farms we have and what are you seeing a lot of destruction complete devastation the poultry barns for example some of those barns are completely gone or the hardest when dust head it was psych that Sheila came and just pulled everything off from the ground with the banana plantations you know you can see when the weakest palm trees failed and broke when they've started feeling the wind because they're leaning one way and then when the hurricane changed direction then you see the other ones going to the other side and broken so you can see the power that the hurricane had and what are we looking at in terms of how quickly they can start working again it will depend on the problem for example the coffee growers the Abbey go being coffee it was being harvested right now so they're working hard to collect from the ground whatever's left so they can sell it in the market so we're given them or can capital to we have to pay their payroll and then we'll start planning for next year's harvesting because it's a one year crop on the other end so all pious on stations. Growers they also have that on a sentence change they have younger trees so if they cut down the trees in 89 months they'll be able to. Get on their feet what does this mean for Puerto Ricans and the access to food it means. That we need to rethink our whole food distribution and supply chain we're highly dependent on imports we import 85 percent of our food and this is actually gives us an opportunity to rethink that business model and say hey we need to produce more here want to have fresh produce etc so that we can have enough supplies in then in case this happens again where do you think put it because Agricultural the in the next 5 years my main concern is that will have less of the smaller mom pop family you know farms and we'll see bigger farms but obviously you would like to see those small farms to go away because a they feed the small communities around the area but I think in a year will be in most of it will come will have come back can you tell me what maybe one farmer told you when when he saw you about what happened to farms one of our ornamental growers he told me you know because I go I couldn't make it to my farm until 4 or 5 days after the event when I got there most of my employees had been working there seems the day after the storm or the hurricane and when I asked them you know how they were doing how the power their families doing day they all told me they had lost their homes and even with that they had been working clean off his his farm since his dad Thursday so they were putting their own individual situations on the side to make sure that the farm was taken care off so that they can continue rebuilding their lives and when you hear those stories obviously that that touches you significantly that's the kind of head on this of Puerto Rico Farm Credit thank you so much thank you thank you for the opportunity. Next week with a look at giving hurricanes wildfires earthquakes not to mention the tragedy in Las Vegas and many of us are wondering how best to help what do you want to know about what to give and how to volunteer do you have questions about where your money is going and how relief needs change with time. With your questions. Contact. That number again 206. Farming has been in the Hammonds his family for 6 generations Rick Hammond has harvested soybeans corn and cattle in Nebraska for 40 years in this blessid earth by Ted Genoways within this family confront climate change family tensions and a recently revived pipeline project that jeopardizes their land to generate a new book this blessid earth documents a year in modern farm life in Nebraska and he joins me now from d.c. B.-e. In Columbus Ohio welcome to the program thanks so much for having me and can tell me a little bit about Nebraska's land and what it means to its residents the farmers you know so Nebraska is in many ways a typical Great Plains state because the Missouri river cuts through along the eastern edge of the state that's where all of the population originally settled and so you have major industrial centers and south to city and in Omaha and then you have the capital educational center of Lincoln but when you travel west of Lincoln there's almost no one there it's a small farming communities have gotten smaller and smaller in the last 50 years and you can drive for hours a sensually seeing only flat lands that are planted to corn into soybeans and occasionally dotted with hog barns and feedlots for cattle speaking to that disappearing landscape I'd like you to read a page from your book page 69 to understand 1st remember number ask is a place it sits square is an anvil in the center of our maps and yet somehow everyone manages to forget it exists. Maybe that's because Nebraska is also a land of ghosts of small towns dwindling to the point where in another generation they might simply cease to exist why are they disappearing where are they going the biggest thing that's happened in the last 50 years is a lot of mechanisation that has been aimed at trying to save labor for farmers at the same time farm operations have gotten bigger you can do more with this high tech equipment and do it with fewer people and what that means when you have fewer people on the farm is that you have less need for all the things that you need when you have a community you don't need as many doctors and nurses You don't need as many schoolteachers and we're now reaching a point where the farmers who have remained on the land are quite isolated and often face long trips just to get to any place where there might be a school or there might be some sort of cultural activity and it leaves them relatively separated from the national conversation even as the politics of the country and of the world directly bear on their lives how does that impact them in their views on the rest of the country I think one of the things that has certainly happened is that when you lose your population when the town start to die you lose your local newspaper for the towns that were large enough you lose your local radio station so now the way that the news arrives to farming communities is through am radio which is often conservative talk radio and it arrives via television and the Internet. And that means that those local issues get less coverage and they make it into the national conversation less but it also means that that all of the polarization of our current political moment has made it all the way down to these tiny communities and how that played out what one of the great conundrums of where we've arrived at this particular moment is that farm communities across the middle of the country voted for Donald Trump at a rate of about $3.00 to $1.00 and carried about 75 percent of the farm vote. And yet he was running on a platform that he would end the trade agreements that farmers are wholly dependent upon and now as he has come in and cancelled the Trans-Pacific Partnership has talked about wanting to renegotiate NAFTA it introduces tremendous amounts of uncertainty. What do you think the future is of some of these communities you're talking about them dwindling about increasing isolation but they are at the center of a massive industry to which we are all so indebted and tied to well I think the future of the communities themselves is that they're going to continue to shrink and I think that many of them will disappear the movement with the technology is aimed toward fewer and fewer farm workers but I also think that we're not very far away from a point where the large interests in agribusiness will be pushing for an ag system that has no farmers. And so as we've already been more and more divorced from the food system I think our connection to our food and our sense of how that roots us in placing connects us to the planet has been radically reshaped and not for the better Ted Jenna ways is the author of this blessid Earth a year in the life of an American family farm thank you very much thanks so much for having me and. You're listening to Weekend Edition from n.p.r. News. For the more than $500.00 people who were injured in the shooting in Las Vegas the recovery process is just beginning and it comes potentially with a very high price tag a new study in the journal Health Affairs finds that hospitals charge gunshot victims anywhere from $5000.00 on average up to $100000.00 Dr Joseph sack on co-author of that study He's the director of emergency general surgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital and he joins us from Baltimore Welcome to the program Good Morning your study mentions 5000 dollars to 100000 dollars I'm assuming because of the different types of injuries that's why the costs vary so widely yet so part of it is the type of injuries initially the 5000 number that you're talking about is people that were seen in the emergency department and then ended up being discharged versus those being seen and admitted and had the you know some sort of hospital stay so maybe it was 2 days and maybe it was a month 5000 dollars to $100000.00 this is a lot of money. How do people pay for it how do people get to the other side of paying for those very high costs a lot of our patients are uninsured or their self pay patients and those individuals lack often negotiating power and so they either bear the entire financial burden of their injuries or these costs remain uncovered and you know that then adds to the uncompensated care provided by hospitals physicians and health care systems you said in your study that research on this topic is limited by funding can you explain why that is so in 1986 when there was something called the dicky Amendment and that resulted in federal funding being taken away for gun violence research even after Newtown and after President Obama issued a executive order for the c.d.c. To. Able to study the cause of gun violence there's still been a lot of hesitation to do that you know gun violence is responsible for about as many deaths as sepsis is but funding for Gone research is equivalent to point 7 percent of the funding that's allocated for sepsis when you think about this in the big picture we have such a public health crisis that we're dealing with yet not enough research and evidence that's being put into the system to figure out how we can develop solutions that are going to really make a difference you actually experienced this from the other end you were shot when you were 17 Tell me what happened after a high school football game one evening I was nearly killed after being shot in the throat with a 30 caliber bullet a lot of 17 year olds don't appreciate the fact that their mortal don't realize you know the importance of their family and other aspects like that and when that injury happened to me it really changed my life it inspired me to want to be able to give other people the same 2nd chance that I was given Dr Joseph saccharin is the director of emergency general surgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital thank you so much thank you so much for your time. Tomorrow on Morning Edition we'll meet 2 young surgeons whose lives were changed by the events in Las Vegas have been out of the job for just a few days when the shooting occurred That's tomorrow on Morning Edition. This is n.p.r. News. With their island practically destroyed the people of Puerto Rico didn't think anything could descend from the sky worse than that then like the threatening fumes from Jaws they heard hail to the Chief I'm Peter Sagal we'll toss around jokes like some people throw paper towels Andy Richter try sitting on our couch on this week's Wait Wait Don't Tell me from n.p.r. . And that's coming up this morning at 10 am right here on Cage's Hugh and daughters include 6 rivers optical offering a large selection of I wear sunglasses and contact lenses same day if service is available for prescriptions in stock 6 rivers offical celebrating over 36 years of keeping life in focus open Monday through Saturday and Harrison Avenue next to lean this pharmacy in Eureka 6 rivers optical dot com. I'm Louise Schiavone with these headlines Nate is now a tropical storm the National Hurricane Center says the system is expected to weaken as it moves inland and Mississippi there are power outages and flooding in the aftermath the storm is expected to move across the south the Tennessee Valley and into the northeast in Spain today thousands opposed to a plan by the Catalonia region to declare independence March through Barcelona the demonstration follows a recent and banned independence referendum Turkish media is reporting that Turkish artillery fired into northwest Syria today the military is supporting an operation by Free Syrian Army rebels I'm Louise Schiavone n.p.r. News Washington. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from visit St Petersburg Clearwater home of 35 miles of white sand beaches along Florida's Gulf Coast and a daily sunset celebration on Clearwater Beach 90 minutes west of Orlando at visit St Pete Clearwater dot com. And from Babble a language app that teaches real life conversations in a new language including Spanish French and German battles 10 to 15 minute lessons are available in the app store or online at Babel be a b b e l dot com. This is Weekend Edition from n.p.r. News I'm the Garcia Navarro October is National adopt a shelter dog month the following puzzle is brought to you by my new little dog Kiko who puzzles me every day. Joining me as always is Will Shortz he's puzzle editor of The New York Times and Weekend Edition's puzzle master Will good morning good morning to live so it turns out we have a quick correction to last week's On air challenge Well last week's example to the on air puzzle I said that Savannah is a city in South Carolina course it's a well known city in Georgia there is a historic community in South Carolina Savannah town that's probably what I was thinking about anyway as Savannah Georgia apologies to the great state of Georgia and with that out of the way will remind us of last week's challenge came from listener Steve bag of Arlington Massachusetts I said think of a 4 letter food move each letter one space later in the alphabet so a would become b. The would become c. Etc I said insert a use somewhere inside the result and you'll name a 5 letter food what foods are these and answers flan and gumbo I love good stuff it's like a custard you know we eat a lot in Latin America this week we received more than 900 correct responses and our randomly selected winner is Phil jacked us of Dix Hills New York Congratulations Phil thank you very much so how did you come up with the answer to this one to eat a lot of Flann a lot of gumbo Well actually neither. Based on the way the public was worded I thought it would be easier to find 5 letter words that had used in them and came across a combo back out to you and there was. Ok well you got your just desserts but I'm all right are you ready to play the puzzle I guess I am. Nervous you'll do great we'll take it away all right Phil I'm going to read you some sentences each sentence. Contains 2 words that phonetically sound like a world capital for example the Sigma Chi house can be found on for turn of the row you would say Cairo combining chi and Ro In other words will be and always be in left and right order but not necessarily consecutive Here's number one Ok the opening bell rang for the grade school. For the grade school operate Belgrade you got a grade survey a good mom got a bag of golf balls for dad on his birthday. And there you go Baghdad the Russians watched a black car whisk past Lenin's tomb. I don't know what I'm getting that little northern Africa it is. A capital city of start with car one of the words is car car yeah. You know the capital of Sudan you know how to Khartoum Sudan or not go good after a meal at a time. I rose to pay the bill well. Tyrone Bill I know the word and what's the word in to me when I pay Taipei Taiwan is it if the kids bang your car don't let them give you some cock and bull story Bangkok the Bangkok was fast now and each of the last few sentences there are 3 words that sound like a world capital and here's your 1st one it sounds like hell when you sing off key how saying yes after taking the cat to the vet the man wondered what should I do now. That I see yes cat is good Ok. I happened to Kathmandu Nepal is it and here's your last one even in the poor light I could see the dinosaurs toe Prince or white dinosaurs or trying to Tope Prince hope. Even in the poor light I could see the dinosaurs told Prince so I would start with poor Yes Who may I say who are not poor and that's important what a prince Port-Au Prince is it Phil that was really great that was a tough one though I feel like that was a really hard one because it combines a lot of things geography and other things when you think well it was going to but as I thought of my. Words to live by it never is for playing our puzzle today you'll get a Weekend Edition lapel pin as well as puzzle books and games you can read all about it at npr dot org slash puzzle Phil what member station do you listen to w. And white New York City Phil Jackson as of Dix Hills New York thank you for playing the puzzle thank you very much Ok Will what's next week's challenge yeah it comes from listener Chris Stuart of Los Cruces New Mexico take the name of a country in certain east somewhere inside it and you get a phrase that answers the question What did Henry Ford do. So that's it take the name of a country in certain easy and you get a phrase that answers the question What did Henry Ford do what country is it when you have the answer go to our website N.P.R.'s org puzzle And click on the Submit Your Answer link just one entry per person please our deadline for entries is Wednesday October 11th at 3 pm Eastern that's a day earlier than usual so take note again our deadline for entries next week is Wednesday October 11th at 3 pm include a phone number where we can reach it about that time and if you're the winner we'll give you a call and you'll get to play on the air with the puzzle editor of The New York Times and Weekend Edition's puzzle master Will Shortz thanks so much Will thank you . Women and football almost half of the fans are women but most n.f.l. Jobs are held by men this week and out of bounds Jen Welter she made history twice 1st as the 1st woman to play running back in a men's professional football league and then as the 1st woman to ever coach in the n.f.l. Her new book is called play big and John Walters joins me now from our studios in New York welcome to the program and hey thanks so much for having me you were the 1st woman to coach in the n.f.l. You were hired as an intern coach for the Arizona Cardinals during the 2015 preseason Tell me about those days coaching and did you feel like you had to win any skeptics over you know I would say those days coaching were some of the best days of my life internally we were really solid you know from the players coaches they were all very supportive I think the skeptics came a lot of the times as they do from the outside looking in and they saw us as being very different you know men working with women and what they didn't realize is that we were more alike than we were different we were alike in the game and in what we had dedicated to be great and those guys knew everything about me and my story before I got there right like they were literally like coach we want your game from like you were a beast off the edge like they couldn't believe that I had played a season against guys like getting tackled by guys their size and there was definitely an energy within the team that it was something very special and those guys were proud to be a part of history there's been a lot of focus on the culture for women in the n.f.l. I'm thinking particularly of the Ray Rice scandal and what can be perceived as a tolerance for abuse by male players does that make it harder for women do you think. Well you know I think in lets slip back out of that for a 2nd great domestic violence is not specifically an n.f.l. Issue it's a societal issue we discuss it more because these are guys that we put up as heroes so we care more now when you look at how punishments have been structured on say you know a 2 to game suspension there verses I don't know 4 games for deflated footballs should we see that there might be a a perception problem Yeah and what has to happen from the top down and the bottom up is that we say certain things aren't acceptable right it's not acceptable and we're going to we're going to send that message across the board Why do you think it is important to have women coaches and more female presence within the ranks of football Well you know I think in anything it's important to have the most qualified people at the table and to realize that every voice is valuable and it may be a different voice you know for me I think. It was good for me to be there because not only you know yes it's a woman but it's also somebody who had a doctorate in psychology and my focus was on getting to know the players as people and to bring that empathy into the equation whether it was you know was a guy was in an argument with his wife at home my wife is so mad at me and I don't even know what I did well come on let's talk about it I'm an expert in male to female translation see if we can figure this out I had the perspective to be able to help from that where maybe the guy coaches wouldn't and I think anytime you increase diversity into an equation you're going to maximize the opportunities for connection and hopefully to make sure all Vice voices are hurt. Football has been at the center of a cultural controversy in recent weeks I'm sure you've heard so I'm glad to just get your temperature on how you feel about n.f.l. Players choosing to kneel on the field to stand up for racial justice Well I like that question a whole lot better because usually people are saying should they kneel for racial injustice or should they stand for the flag and I don't think that those should should be an either or because a lot of the people who are are kneeling are doing it because they believe in this country and what that country stands for I think that any time you're in a power point in society it's your job to look out for those who may not have the opportunity in the platform to change societal norms now on the other hand you know my father's a Vietnam veteran and it upset him at 1st when they were kneeling during that national anthem because it felt like they were going against the flack and I think that that's where we got. We lost sight of what was important and what's important is standing up or in this case taking an e for to make a statement to try and promote cultural change I would rather see it not during the national anthem but to unify for the greater good takes a lot of bravery and that's what our soldiers fought for is for that right John Walter Her new book is called Play big thank you very much thank you. Lin Manuel Miranda was watching Hurricane Maria devastate for the recall and was moved to help the genius behind the musical Hamilton writing songs is Miranda specialty The result a new song called almost like praying and running got some famous friends in on the track leader Miranda Ruben Blades j. Lo this posse those Lewis fancy and others length of voices all the proceeds from the song go to hurricane relief on the island as for that title almost like praying sound familiar Miranda says he connected Maria the hurricane to the song Maria from West Side Story. I am. So he took that and he came up with this cello Bailleul they. Say I told all employees are leaving. To sell over. To the soldiers. To. Please you know I was very aware even as it was happening that this was the worst hurricane to hit Puerto Rico in a 100 years so I just sat on the island. For a long time since a Category 5 hurricane and I knew that Maria would for ever have a different connotation on the island as a result of that and that's my favorite song from the sites. Like I like the guy to cello supply. Cutler. Play. Calling. For Puerto Ricans who live all over the world to have a connection and family on the island. There was a terrible silence several days where we were just waiting for word and my Twitter feed my Facebook feed was just filled with family members listing the names of towns where their families were living from my grandmother's and not is my uncle as he I feel my uncle is invade Gaza so on has anyone seen them has anyone heard from them and I thought well the only lyric that really unites us and that makes the most sense for a fundraising song is if I can somehow write twerps write a lyric of that includes all $78.00 albums but will she go so that no one feels left out and no one's talents he has forgotten. That they believe they've got all. These people. You know some of these people are old friends read a Miranda a lot has been a friend for many years and so you make those calls 1st and to a person everybody said yes having not heard the song I was recording with readable I thought Oh shit and she said the glorious stuff on all this and I said I want from Gloria Estefan snob she whips out her phone just here's Gloria stuff and the next day we're recording glorious stuff and. I hope it provides catharsis and certainly provided catharsis for me to write it and I also hope the names of these towns will never be forgotten and I hope that people have looked upon this as to quote the kids they cry in the club and then they go back to work. The a lot of work to do. This . That's Lynn Manuel Miranda talking about almost like praying all proceeds from the purchase and online streaming of the song go to the Hispanic federations will leaf efforts come forth with you. This is Weekend Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Lugosi and of our own. Support for n.p.r. From this station and from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation providing scholarships throughout the nation to exceptionally high achieving students who have financial need for middle school to college application for community college students is open more it j.k. C.f. Dot org from the Kauffman Foundation working with communities to develop on common solutions that advance education and entrepreneurship more information is available at Kauffman dot org And from listeners like you who donate to this n.p.r. Station. And this is diverse public radio from Humboldt State University k h s u n k h s u h t 90.5 Arcadia k h s r 91.9 Crescent City and cage s g 89.9 Garberville Good morning it's a minute before 8 o'clock thank you for starting your Sunday with Kaye to see you and Wendy about our N.P.R.'s Weekend Edition continues next this hour reports on concert security political pod casts a book called The rules of magic and much more please stay tuned as a clue to rev a capital bank locally owned and operated since 2004 with 3 branches in Eureka Fortuna and arcade rebel capital bank provides a full line of financial services from checking and savings products to consumer and commercial lending learn more at rebel capital bank dot com Number f.d.i.c equal housing lender and daughters include humble Area Foundation since 1972 thousands of neighbors have made a difference to local community one person Nancy held Ficker left of gift to benefit the Sequoia Park Zoo into perpetuity the area foundation can help grow gifts to support our community now and into the future. From n.p.r. News and washed.

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