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I hope it'll be all over television radio and the newspapers I would like to take all the credit but I think government is not the solution to our problem government is the problem channel. 6. They say they had information about the lack of a liability even when they went for the 1st time for the war but but in January after the election the entire case collapsed when the principal source says I never told I never told me all this stuff and and this was all speculation and I have 0 information to support this stuff at that point when their entire case collapse what they did they kept on investigating the president and they well into his administration after the case collapsed but if. The channels and channels. The introducing today a 12 page House resolution detailing misconduct at the highest levels of the part of justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation. Will be outlining Pfizer how and why the Hillary Clinton e-mail probe ended and how and why the Trump Russian probe began chores allusion also calls for the appointment of a 2nd special counsel to investigate the gross misconduct with the understanding that the Justice Department cannot be expected to investigate itself it's very important to know that the ranks of the d.o.j. And f.b.i. Are filled with amazing patriotic Americans who love their job take their oath seriously and perform their jobs objectively with much respect for the rule of law these are historic legendary agencies that require transparency and accountability regarding the misconduct that took place is important RINGBACK for these exceptional public servants to and these important agencies to continue their work moving forward stronger than ever before as the resolution states the concerns of the American people are serious and the issues requiring an immediate unbiased independent and thorough investigation are brought. In just the past few days we learn that the d.o.j. F.b.i. Or both appear to have planted at least one person into the dock into Donald Trump's presidential campaign to infiltrate and surveil the campaign. This action alone reminds us of just how necessary this resolution is as well as the appointment of a 2nd special counsel. Generals and she says it has. Not. Been Well certainly lost in the translation and transliteration them be deliberate obfuscation by the mainstream media. Compromised and utterly traitorous as they are in the. Era where Democrats are no longer Democrats but communists. Thoroughly and in some cases even owned by the Chinese Communist. Corporate planned economy super state that is extending its tendrils and tentacles all around the world and into the United States in order to compromise our most powerful institutions and turn both American government and especially American media against the American people through the artful use from Asian misinformation and deliberately fostered foisted psychological warfare in order to create the cognitive dissonance that is now the hallmarks of this era I've said it previously if we come to a point of civil conflict in the United States the blood or whatever societal and cultural violence takes place at that pivotal moment is going to be squarely on the hands of the Democrats and even more thoroughly it will be on the hands of the media masters and minders who a put the deal information into the water supply of the American culture. Right there the House Republicans now moving forward they are going to seek an appointment of a special counsel to begin to start looking into in a congressional inquest look into the face of abuse and everything else that has come out this week part of the Inspector General Michael Horowitz inquest investigation into the Russian collusion hoax So finally at long last May remember we spent almost 3 years saying the Trump needed another special counsel look at the way the chess pieces are now moving even as impeachment polling is falling apart even as the Trump base has been. Energized like lightning bolts by the impeachment effort every single thing Brad Parr scale out yesterday saying that impeachment is one of the biggest political mistakes in the history of American politics saying it's energize the base and India's depressing because of lack of results and lack of impact it is depressing the Democrat base well energizing the Trump base beyond a fever pitch I Anybody want to argue with Brant Parr scale bad parts the technical guru and genius that helped get the likes of Donald Trump elected to the presidency of the United States despite having every single power structure and the establishment mainstream aligned firmly against Donald Trump in the 2016 election cycle place welcome into the show at today a good friend of the program and a good friend of mine personally as well Sam kept part standing by he's not in studio today but he joins us via Skype Samite this has been an eventful week you and I have been waiting and watching and hoping for some kind of movement in terms of the a blowback against the Russian collusion hoax and against spygate we finally see it in the form of the inspector general report there's parts of that to be upset about obviously but $31.00 instances of abuse identified in that report 17 is the number that they're putting out but if you go through it repeated $73.00 times in the 3 applications and then 10 unique and additional errors and that that gives a total of $31.00 not 17 just your thoughts about what we've seen this week well I think the biggest subtle danger and it is right. In Asia as an American you and I were both raised to hold the f.b.i. And the Department of Justice as above Caesar's wife that sacrosanct. Right and there's just no questions asked period the G.-Man And yeah there might be some bad apples in their case like if they go off the reservation but in general you could bank on them and now it's very clear that there is dry rot or political motive but equally motivated dry rot and cheating throughout that organization and I'm sad to say and I will say this on National Public Radio here that get it out that if the f.b.i. Person were to come to my door today the den a fight them and wanted to have a conversation with me I would not invite them in and I would not I but declined to participate or help in any way shape or form I say send me something in writing I mean it's literally I have flipped so badly on the f.b.i. I don't trust those people as far as I'd throw a baby grand piano when I think about your house and. You're absolutely right about that and I I've been in recent situations where I had reason to be in contact with the f.b.i. And I did I did precisely what you say I said I would be interested in and in person interview but this deal where we're just going to have a phone conversation has been absolutely under no circumstances I said if you would like him in person interview with my attorneys present I'm I'm more than willing to do that that don't with me. Certain personal remain unnamed who had issued some threats against the trumpet ministration and against Trump supporters here locally in the state of South Dakota where this program originates I dropped the dime in terms of reporting that person to the u.s. Secret Service there was an investigation and they wanted to interrogate me about my interest or my motivations about doing the right thing by the way Title 18 Section 871 of the federal code says you shall not make threatening statements about the president the United States that's fairly clear and I made the call and then lo and behold I'm the one who's questioned about why it is that I would want to report a private citizen about a threat to murder the President of the United States so yes it's very interesting times we've come to your You're correct about these agencies but just your overall take on what the what the Horowitz report shows and didn't show well the overall take that there was a concerted effort globally not just domestically global we were many moving parts and subterfuges that were operated from Great Britain and Australia Italy etc Yes so called NATO partners and major major beneficiaries to the United States to nullify a legitimate. Presidential election no fly in other words we have elements of the federal government and the State Department and the Department of Justice and the military and the CIA and the DEA I act and the n.s.a. Actively involved in saying we don't like how you folks vote and we're going to put the s.n.p. Out of office that's essentially what all this says now there's a lot of moving parts and 408 s. But that's the soft stuff that's it's absolutely right you put the thumb on the of the crucial difference that I've been talking about all week between what. William William Barr and John Durham are doing as compared to Michael Horwitz who as inspector general is limited in the scope of his investigation you know only being able to talk to a current in good standing employees of the federal government that's what the inspector general's office is all about he's limited in his scope of who he can who he can talk to we know that William bar you mentioned. These other nations and NATO NATO partners and players and you know friendly foreign agents as they were termed in the documents that went into obtaining the face of warrants William Barr and John Durham of deposed these people and they've talked to Joseph Masood why in the world with the never be why would you never told George Papadopoulos him for an interview immediately and give him a defense a briefing and say you know we kind of get chatter that there's going to be some intensive effort on the part of the Russians to interfere in the 2016 election we want you to be aware of this because you know for your protection and the protection of the campaign this is something that you should be aware of. It never happened yeah you throw that on top of the fact that they altered a document alter the CIA e-mail to conceal the actual identity of Carter page was a CIA asset if not a full blown agent. More than enough evidence to prove what we always knew and what we've always known that this was a conspiracy that with all the way to the oval office January 5th meeting Barack Obama all the spygate players let's transition this to a criminal inquest to Donald Trump doesn't get briefed on a few minutes intelligence briefings. Only idiots are confused about whether or not this was a conspiracy. Whether network. Shyness issues. First we'll discuss some of the misconduct related how and why the Hillary Clinton e-mail prevented them will go into details relayed to the files if used that took place and finally we'll discuss the misconduct with regards to how or why the dollar Russia probe began. With regard to Secretary Clinton there a law in the State Department rules regulations of protocol were violated with her use of a private e-mail server to Chappaqua New York home official communications were transmitted on an unsecured server and including e-mails that contained classified information when they were sent edition other e-mails which will retroactively deem classified by the part of state. Former f.b.i. Director James Comey has acknowledged at 65 of these illicit e-mails were classified as secret and 22 were classified as top secret. Mission to 66. A president can be impeached more than once there is I think Shanice and yet also Joe from award winning journalist and author saddles and comes the all new book Tales from the Red Rooster cafe in old men building a ladder to the dogs and hiding a deadly secret for his enemies a social media moguls the last day on earth and a dire warning for our future a mysterious man offers a housewife a new chance at happiness leave it all behind for true love tales from the Red Rooster cafe by saddle one critic right if Ray Bradbury and O'Henry had a literary love child they might write like saddles and tales from the Red Rooster cafe 30 powerful and humanizing short stories in a page turning portrait of the human hearts available now at Barnes and Noble Barnes and Noble dot com Amazon dot com and a select booksellers near you tales from the Red Rooster cafe by shadows and your adventure away the shadow also the shadow also show. What a different radio is and I've got to tell you that you're the best and I mean that literally a lot faster and you want to promise from your. When you have you're on national television. You don't get a knock. But even if you're going to. Communicate well what. Channels and sound channel. Is the reading them. This is James Morgan with Grisham and associates l.l.c. Buying or selling real estate call me at 720-203-0731 or visit my website the Colorado properties dot online or office has more than 3 decades of real estate experience and we will treat you like family today for all your real estate needs at 720-203-0731 keep listening to kid. 1360. 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Of the Patriot trading and I would like to encourage everyone to make sure they are prepared financial as the Federal Reserve continues to destroy the value of the dollar since the closing of the gold window in 1971 the Federal Reserve has led the way in the explosion of debt and that the ballerina of your money they openly say that they need 2 percent inflation which simply means they hope to devalue your money and they want to do this every single year year after year I know it's hard to understand but the Federal Reserve believes in prosperity through debt and brought by of the evaluation of your future to learn more about how to protect yourself visit us at all American Gold dot com or call us at 809510592 protect yourself against the devaluation of your money. And your problem code kitchen and see when shopping it in for Store dot com That's promo coach agency. Which is channel messaging to share. Reading them. And previous editions of the. Shadow dot com That's. Got our bond. Hearing this You Tube And this morning on national television he said in talking about the whistleblower complaint relative to the phone conversation the president I stayed had with the president of Ukraine and the president's conduct relative to that country he said today's Justice Department has been corrupted is that an accurate representation of the statement you made sure it is and you were making that relative to the complaint that was filed and that you guys were talking about in the as a group discussion on on the show this morning is that right yeah. If you read the Department of Justice statement relative to this matter I have and use written for the I'm I just read here so we all have the president has not spoken with the attorney general about having Ukraine investigate anything relating to former Vice President Biden or his on the president has not asked the attorney general to contact Ukraine on this or any other matter the attorney general has not communicated with Grant Ukraine on this or any other subject nor has the attorney general discuss this matter anything relating to Ukraine with Mr Giuliani you're familiar with that I am and you stand by your statement I sure do I meant is is corrupt and it's based on what the whistleblower said in the complaint No it is not based entirely ask you what you were talking about the whistleblower and you said it was based on the West you said the just part was corrupted based on what you saw in the complaint it was just. You know you just about cannot even make up the of the level of bizarre world 180 degree flipping and projection is. That the Democrats are engaging at that was Jeffrey Toobin trying to assert that it is the trump Department of Justice that is corrupt. That it is the trump Department of Justice that as well but no pay no attention to what the Obama Department of Justice. In formulating the most egregious example of political high treason the nation has ever seen committing unlimited numbers of crimes in order to rig an election that they never believed would either be discovered in the depth of its malfeasance and an election that they truly believed they never had a possibility of. This this was as close to a sure thing as you can possibly get for the Democrats and yet they were still willing to engage in this criminality because they believed they were so assured me . That every single thing was going to get drug swept and relegated to the circular file and then a funny thing happened on the way the ballot box in the 2016 good turn of the show former us Senate candidates m.p. Apart to joining us from remote location today as. Weather permits in the in the state of South Dakota from time to time Sam your thoughts about to I know you're probably a big fan of Jeffrey Toobin what do you think about this effort to try to try to project the Trump Department of Justice is corrupt now that they're they're seeking . Some kind of justice about Spygate and the Russian collusion hopes Jeffrey Toobin is the poster boy for someone who is bright educated and connected and is morally bereft of any compass and intellectual. Honesty whatsoever yes the man is a phone he's a jackass I'll say that on radio. I come from 100 years of attorneys judges and politicians that man is it discreet and he is such a sellout along with his fellow people c.n.n. And the other mainstream media no t.v. Networks Well let's let's never ever forget that this c.n.n. Is the only employer in the business of employing the likes of. Andrew McCabe and McCain who happened to be in the room for that famous infamous January 5th meeting that. Susan Rice were kind enough to document for us revealing that Barack Obama knew everything about Spygate and revealing the deliberate transition of that counterintelligence investigation into a criminal inquest in order to hide it from the incoming Trump administration you place that in stark relief does everything you need to know about the the corruption of the Obama Department of Justice and you can't make the audacity to use the word Audacity a lot. He had some good experience with exerting a dastardly in his version of reality. Back with more channels in Show and radio network. Reading them. But if you lived around here 70 years ago you were probably listening to my grandpa Paul whine guards music a big change since then utility prices the average cost a month in 1950 was around 9 dollars it will never be that low again but there are ways you can lower like insulating air sealing your attics walls and crawl spaces call Bestway insulation at 303-469-0808 we'll help you through the process set you up with one of our energy assessors and make sure every dime spent and give your return on your investment best to insulation serving Colorado since 197630346908080 online at best great insulation and called. The. Razor. Gold brought to you by the Patriot reading group at all American Gold dot com. Reason number 647 most people don't even know that the courts have already ruled once Bonnie is deposited into the bank the bank owns the money and that a positive is merely an unsecured creditor of the bank which means if the bank goes under you get paid laughs after the financial crisis and stead of breaking up too big to fail the government in the Federal Reserve created Dodd Frank and made too big to fail banks. Even bigger while putting your deposits more at risk I'm Joe Jake went c.e.o. Of the Patriot trading group poll or more visit us at all American Gold dot com or call us at 89510592. Channelise and she shall. Be reading that. Joe Biden is a low i.q. Individual that Obama warned Biden aides to make survive and didn't embarrass the. 4 kids you just described it just challenges one kid because the further support. You and the the ability with the whole to get the whole thing is so I you know my I look as if. That's what I think does cause the text of strength to this. Is not sending to I mean and nobody I mean think about me I it's not about I know with the person to give the ring to God and I got hairy legs that turn that in that that that that. There are definitely moments when you listen to Joe Biden and you just wonder how to row 300. Channels and channels. Ladies and gentlemen it's never been more clear of the beeps they use trying to scuttle the global economy and plunges into a worldwide recession they're doing everything they possibly can to kill this mobile populist resurgence and win a political battle that they're in the process of losing all my friends today at all American Gold dot com All American Gold dot com Find out how you and your family can build a hedge of protection against the coming economic storm now this isn't buying into all the fear mongering and everything that we're hearing on the nightly news what it is a prudent evaluation that they will do anything they possibly can to bring this economy to come. There number 800. 2 that's $809.00. 1 to find out how you and your family. Your protection against things to come. Dot com. I was. Going to bring you in and I've got to. Bothering you I want to promise that when you have your television you don't. Have a son. But even here I need. communiqué. Us. See. How long. Puppies are allowed to stay with their mothers after a dog has given birth I don't hate week so the market has decided that women and people who give birth deserve less time with their children than a dog and I think that that at its core has shown that the market has failed to treat people with dignity and with basic fact and so when that happens I think it's our job as the public to redefine the rules of society it's a peek into treat people who give birth with the dignity that they deserve Thank you. Shannon says she will be the world's most famous living brain donor Alexandria Ocasio Cortez failed bartender from the bank a restaurant in the Bronx. Elocute in articulating so vehemently and so passionately about very interesting comparative between. I guess dogs that give birth to litters of puppies and she was illustrating some complaint I guess about the length of maternity leave. For female employees I it's a stunning oversight to realize you know what we also don't do we don't abort puppies. We don't surgically remove the sacks of puppies from the inside of a female dog. When they're about to give birth so if you want to talk about the differences in the way that we treat humans and the differences in the way we treat dogs Alexandria Council courts as you might take note the Planned Parenthood doesn't abort puppies. I. You just can't make up the level of a she didn't think that one through but then I guess it would be a surprise if she ever thought anything through. This before you. Buy Office in Washington d.c. . Me and just absolutely leave me gobsmacked that we have to put up with the likes of a o c in this in this. Time's Person of the year. Just can't make this stuff up your thoughts about. The bartender. Well the bar tender actually falls Interestingly enough I was listening to the European court but assumed the fall and leader of the Labor Party Great Britain yes and he and a o c although there's a huge age difference and share a lot of the same agenda it's basically socialism. Bristling socialism agreeing Yes and which is which is just code speak for n.i. Human right. And. These folks just don't get it and the working man is beginning to figure out that you can't do all this and not you know when the music stops someone has to pay for it of course they're beginning to figure out how to fall back on on the working man so my feeling is and I'm hoping that we will see in November 2020 something similar to what just happened over night in Great Britain and let's let's talk about that you and I had talked on the air but in this election the district placed in the in Great Britain massive gains by the Conservative Party massive losses for the Tories and the the Labor Party and the it would appear Boris Johnson not just solidifying his grip on power but. This seems to be a nation that is on the move in terms of an awakening Bracks it was only the beginning is there any doubt that if they held that branch the vote again realizing that the power structure in the same way they're trying to nullify Donald Trump in the United States that they've been doing everything they possibly can to notify to scroll. Swartz the bricks that movement and you know keep the United Kingdom in the . European Union by hook or by crook chiefly by crook subverting that election that took place just just a few weeks prior to Donald Trump's election we we see this wave of populism that's that's sweeping the world but you have the power structures are doing everything they possibly can to nullify the democratic rights of the of the average person. Well essentially what's happening in these western democracies like Great Britain and the United States among others they want to continue to have sham show elections with it's on both sides frankly conservative and liberal I spent simply battling each other when the globalist elite the state types you know the CIA n.s.a. And the military industrial complex here the m I 6 and the global bankers in London but what they want to do is have a hero now for the average person so they think their voice and vote count. You know somewhat having a big battle right now and the battle is a distraction from the fact that essentially the the deep state and the globalists annoying for facts if you will who think true. Winners going to big and that's even obvious now down down that the level of our f.b.i. I mean it shocks me and it's shocking and the votes are being rigged and engineered not just with manipulations of the vote but with the. With knocking conservative voices as a for instance off of platforms media platforms you know Twitter or You Tube or any of the Facebook there is a concerted effort flotus all in the shoot to use a cattle that's where you take the cows out of fields and you put them in the squeeze but you're going to doctor him and maybe slaughter them well is there any doubt you and I have said it so frequently but that the desperation of the desperation rises and it gives me number one it gives me hope it's also very dangerous tell about potentially the lengths that they'll go to to try to to try to stave off this political loss that they're in the process of taking whether it be crashing the economy you know Donald Trump you know now bringing the Chinese to the bargaining table they've already signed the 1st phase of this. Economic policy overhaul between the world's 2 giant economies and that is and I've said of a 4 if you have Trump was able to get a Chinese trade deal there is absolutely no way in a fair election that he's going to not be reelected in 2020 we could be looking at a $4500.00 points spike in the Dow over the over the coming 10 months or 12 months we could be looking at the g.d.p. Quarterly g.d.p. Back up about $45.00 maybe 6 percent quarterly and of course unemployment has nowhere to go with so low that's only going to rise wages and increased benefits for the working class in the United States are your thoughts about what the deep state might be willing to do in terms to not just impeachment but other options on the table that you and I have spoken about previously Well I think there's 3 or 4 meet your risk and I'm very serious about this on one obviously it's to trigger a flash war overseas in the Middle East or some other place maybe in the South China Sea a 2nd thing would be to crash the economy domestically a 3rd thing would be to have significant civil unrest to mess. And or a 9 to another 911 type thing and then lastly and this and that on my mind lately. I don't put it past these people to trigger another bioweapon incident where we have the ball or something god awful like that get let loose in the United States and I totally agree with that we see interesting things that are happening in terms of the deployment of one of the vectors and I'm always dubious about. One of the greatest potentials to be a cloak which binary weapon or binary bio weapon are you that the World Bank scene program the Bill Gates and the world elites are so fond of others a story that's brewing over in the American Samoa involving the the deployment the mass deployment they basically swooped into the island and they're forcing the entirety of that island to be inoculated against measles and the measles vaccine because now the arrival of this this mass program this mass inoculation program on American Samoa just just this year literally thousands of people have died as a result of the the vaccine that they're administering it's being covered up there's not a lot of talk about it but Sam you and I both know that this is the way that they interject these bio weapons into the population Well I'm going to go into an area that maybe some of your listeners are going to think I'm wacko but I just listened to the sec and this may or may not be accurate but I think it's likely hold water for me I have read articles over the last several years that it is possible that. Late disease of some type of a carrier can be put in a common vaccine you know like you go for measles or whatever yes but there's there's there's basically side bar if you will bio information you have to sleep that is in that vaccine and that it can be awakened to a digital signal that same bedded in digital television or radio and I just like just a bit of you know just for the benefit of the listeners when I said binary weapons system that that's exactly what I meant in other words it takes a triggering event an ancillary you know triggering event to actually activate the the malignant portions of the weapon that's already been administered or been injected into the population then you use some other some other factor as the secondary the church or ery or tertiary triggering moment so that that binary weapon used then activated and begins to do its dirty work correctly and I the physics I'd say essential like when you watch a digital t.v. Sic on the Government's obviously been pushing subsidizing digital t.v. Is there a phasing way inexpensive today that there are what you see that signal in here that audience there's a side bar of transmittable information that's sitting empty and that can be used to transmit a certain frequency if you will imagine a little Morse Code type of signal coming across that's in a lot of bowl but it resonates in your body and wakes up one or more sleeper cells literally of bad acting elements that were introduced into your system in people systems through the vaccination program that was sensibly posed for some unrelated illness this is what you and I are speaking about is not just a it's not in the Roman theoretics it's actually been used and we know that you Samara Fort Dietrich. There's there's history there and familiarly there for me in a way that I'm not I'm not going to get into but you can't I can't but to you set you Sam rid. Has been has been toying with the. All the world treaties specifically for bid what are singular or alpha weapons in terms of bio weapon delivery Those are all forbidden by the. Rules of Engagement and the the the war crimes tribunals and the the treaties that have been signed by the majority of the civilized world what are not covered in those treaties are the use of exactly the kind of mechanisms that Sam is talking about in these in the deployment of these binary weapons against either your own domestic population or against a an enemy and they they can be so specialized and so refined as to only impact and affect certain Geno types and certain genetic code in certain ethnicity even in the way that they're deployed and that that is all confirmed science every single thing that we've talked about and every single thing that we've we've mentioned in regard to that is absolute documented science the American military and other militaries around the world have literally honed these kind of mechanisms to the point that they're able to wipe out specific Geno type when we say that that's the genetic marker of certain ethnic groups certain ethnicities and races they've literally attuned these and attenuated them to the point that they would only affect infect and kill certain races Sam anything I've said that's not true no it's true and correct me if I'm wrong here but I also like that it is possible in addition to distributing these these sleeper weapons if you will by sleep or by a weapon simple as yes Sleeper by weapon it is my understanding and please comment Yeah you're now a that the carrier of that that the sleeper cell can also be energized of that then obviously by vaccination but also and certain instances by aerosol where you can spray it over an area in other words something from from an aerial from an airplane or. There you could literally you could literally cropduster stadium and introduce this what you could do much more much more. Than that you and I. Talked for years about the camp training program only to be called conspiracy theorists lo and behold John Brennan is out the other day several months ago talking to the Council on Foreign Relations praising the new technologies others are going to be deployed and he called them new technology they've already long been in use and that's the aerosolized particular matter that's been injected into the atmosphere as they try to terra form and respond to this this phony baloney climate crisis which is nothing more than an. It's a badly cloaked iteration of world government only reason they're talking about the climate is to be able to control your daily behavior down to the very decimal point on your thermostat and your consumption of food and everything else lump it all in with your social score and well guess what either comply with the mark of the beast or you don't get to eat. For covering you agree that that's the totality of the world mutational transgenic transhumanist movement that's the totality of it in about a 5 minute span. Jagels joy also asked whether or not what. The shuttle is it should say. Very significant every picture here's going to snow so here's the question I'm struggling with which is worse is it worse to have a foreign government trying to meddle in our elections or is the worst have our own government meddling in the elections there's one actor here I think who has not gotten the credit that they collectively deserve and that's the Democrat National Committee I just think you know I've heard my friends on the other side we all complain about Hillary Clinton's campaign and how ineffective it was and how the d.n.c. Didn't do do a good job and 2016 I beg to differ this is the most uncredible the d.n.c. Pays for the steel dossier solicits the steel dossier and then gets the Federal Bureau of Investigation to go get spies a warrant surveil an American citizen surveil a presidential campaign all on the basis of this manufactured garbage that they paid for I'm. Going to listen. To. This is the answer when reading them. Honorary forest ranger Betty White here lending a hand to my dear friend Smokey Bear because for 75 years he's only said only you can prevent wildfires but there's a lot more to say like if you book your car home told dry grass the hot exhaust pipe can start a wildfire so be careful out there those well prepared come to learn more about wildfire prevention brought to you by the u.s. Forest Service your state forester and the hand comes I'm Joe Jake Wood c.e.o. Of the Patriot trading and I would like to encourage. Every week to make sure they are prepared financial as the Federal Reserve continues to destroy the value of the dollar since the closing of the gold window in 1971 the Federal Reserve has led the way in the explosion of debt in the devaluation of your money they openly say that they need 2 percent inflation which simply means they hope to devalue your money and they want to do this every single year year after year I know it's hard to understand but the Federal Reserve believes in prosperity through get embroiled by of the evaluation of your future to learn more about how to protect yourself visit us at all American Gold dot com or call us at 809510592 protect yourself against the of your money. There are so many amazing health benefits from the canal Benoit's and hemp oil now legal in all 50 states hemp oil is not marijuana which contains high levels of the psychoactive t.h.c. Our bodies have thousands of c.b.d. 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Buying or selling real estate call me at 720-203-0731 or visit my website Colorado properties dot online our office has more than 3 decades of real estate experience and we will treat you like family today for all your real estate needs at 720-203-0731 keep listening to Cajun see 1360. Find today's episode and repeat. The fucking. Dot com and day to get you. Down. To the shadows and Channel. Just a couple of minutes as we close out on this edition of the program I've been wanting to get into that situation in American Samoa and the. Just the invasion that has been the the World Health Organization arriving any knock elating these people this mask an occupation program that's happening with deadly results according to reports that are coming up from that beautiful paradise of paradise cove on the. Western side of the island I've I've actually been there and it was used for some time France a sort of a boot camp and a destination for trouble stateside and other stories behind that as well but this situation where these weapons are being used and we have not even touched on another topic that I know is. Well within Sam Kimper it's wheel house and that is the deployment of the 5 g. Cellular system the use now underway and the rollout of that Sam according to most indications it's going to be nothing short of cataclysmic. In regards to human health just your thoughts about that briefly Yeah folks need to because I'm sure some of them probably think they should mail us that access to oil but what they. Do I'm going to give you a bunch. And some google research on scalar waves and millimeter and I like the word millimeter waves millimeter waves are the one who's essential used in the scanning systems that the t.s.a. Uses that yes one of the principal ways anyhow 5 she also operates in the millimeter waves super short but intense energy and essentially that can also be used to program people and it affects their mentality as well as their physicality their biology Yes And you know and I think that's a show when it's really well we need it we need to dedicate one to it you know in short order as well once you know other topics start to kind of settle down and settle in just a little bit but what Sam is talking about these waves literally have the ability to rattle yourselves to the point that you're so you are in the integrity of your cell walls breaks down and eat you it destroys the cell the cellular integrity of the human body and it can literally rattle your d.n.a. To the point that if it falls apart just to put it in simple and in layman's. We will at some point we'll dedicate in the tire program to being able to talk about that and what are the perils and lo and behold it's being banned in places like Brussels Belgium it's being banned in places like Amsterdam it's being banned in places like Berlin and doctorate what they know about it that you and I don't and what are they doing about it in the e.u. That we should be doing here in terms of avoiding the cataclysm the cup. When the. Channel some show dot com This is the radio network. Thank you for. That we're going to South Dakota and Oregon and Washington and that's Ok. And then we're going to Washington d.c. You know like I was. Last. Week. Channeling $66.00 and I'm Joe Jake with c.e.o. Of the Patriot trading and I would like to encourage everyone to make sure they are prepared financial as the Federal Reserve continues to destroy the value of the dollar since the closing of the gold window 1971 the Federal Reserve has led the way in the explosion of debt and that the ballerina of your money they openly say that they need 2 percent inflation which simply means they hope to devalue your money and they want to do this every single year year after year I know it's hard to understand but the Federal Reserve believes in prosperity through debt and growth by a the evaluation of your future to learn more about how to protect yourself visit us at all American Gold dot com or call us at 809510592 protect yourself against the devaluation of your money. One in 3 adults has pre-diabetes bet means it could be you your best mom your worst my. 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Says the $737.00 Max might not be certified to fly again until February and then it would take time for airlines to get their planes and pilots ready American Airlines has removed Boeing's Max jets from its scheduled until April 7th that your Fox Business will force I'm. Invested in u. . Fascination is the streaming service that celebrates America every day and now through Christmas we're getting new numbers 35 percent off yearly plans and do the promo code celebrated Box Nation dot com for 35 percent and get can't miss original Christmas specials we are so happy you're joining us on this special night plus classic Christmas movies from Johnny Cash being Crosby and Frank Sinatra very very right everybody enter the promo code celebrated by station dot com The streaming service proxy by Fox News that's trouble could celebrate for 35 percent taxation start. 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