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A flag right now with it is not going through the public testimony and also the even the transcript that is not Mr Lee I will make you does somebody between now and the founders into the jury pool here. Well 1st of all only I will speak for James Madison. No no we all will speak for change Madison with about the same level of accuracy I do find it rather surprising that you would have George Washington in this jury pool I would strike him for cause George Washington was the 1st guy to raise extreme executive privilege claims he had a rather robust view of what a president could say if you were going to make a case to George Washington that you can impeach over a conversation he had with another head of state I expect his hair is powdered hair would catch on fire Fortunately George Washington Law Professor and constitutional expert Jonathan Turley was there to bring the cold reality to the cruise to fantastic cool abuse of power so. What I would caution the committee is that these crimes have meaning. It gives me to no joy to disagree with my colleagues here. And I really don't have a dog in this fight. But. You can't accuse a president of bribery and then when some of us noted the Supreme Court has rejected your type of boundless interpretation say well it's just impeachment we really don't think up right there this is a longer report John Brown did not time there the last 3 minutes or so that wasn't it said in force dot com It's a ban on video shot down section a mission it out in the newsletter email today needs to go viral that's why they're blocking everybody on Facebook Twitter and Google so they can get away with these criminal attacks we need to get these things out. And. On to the. Net but. If you lived around here 70 years ago you were probably listening to my grandpa Paul wine guards music a big change since then utility prices the average cost a month in 1950 was around 9 dollars it will never be that low again but there are ways you can lower like insulating air sealing your attics walls and crawl spaces call Bestway insulation at 303-469-0808 we'll help you through the process set you up with one of our energy assessors and make sure every dime spent and give your return on your investment best to insulation serving Colorado since 197-630-3469 extension 0808 or on line at best way insulation in a dot com building look at it. Rushing program I mean I was telling. Him and I was going to get into a big story about Lattimer put in the fact that I've had some breaking news I'm going to have to deal with and I have to go off air for a while now. But. I have to understand ladies and gentlemen that everything the system is doing is. Done here awareness and down she can hurt you and treat you like an animal and if you act like an animal and if you submit to the system like that you get in this incident tile position where you just expect the system to take care of you and anybody that gets in the way of that that doesn't know the system to take care of us in spite of us. That attack those people you're never going to find the you tell peer looking for I know this awesome audience fully understands that let me start of the broadcast with a piece of their my brain put out just the latest world out of left just acting like on the end is a she says she will demonic creatures. That it ties in to report that Paul Watson has put out that's up on in force dot com a news Wars dot com Again I know you're awake. But this isn't a spectator sport we need to get watch and report out and in front of everybody because each one of these critical pieces of information is game changing now we have as a rule of the hand of rebel media so much great work not just here in the u.s. Not just in Canada not just in Europe all over the world to get his take on where the planet is right now and a big breaking news. So he's going to be joining us coming up at the bottom of the hour I ended up on the phones up in the 3rd hour and I want to get next segment . To this report puton in some countries the word mother is being replaced how big a statement that isn't in and why that's so important on so many levels so we're going to cover that next segment but I meant to get to this one Skowron I'm trying to get more of these important clips and here. Because it's really important and we are having Arrested Development the infant has ation for the infant tal the station of popular culture and that's really what the minions of the left and who they are and what they're like show let's go ahead and roll that report. Why do you think that the relentless parade of 5 page comic book superhero movies remained so popular Alan Moore creator of the iconic comic book from hell and v. For Vendetta was roundly condemned by surprise surprise the very people he was referring to when he dead voice of don't say of all truth the reason comic book superhero movies are so popular is because an entire generation of 30 something the line yells and even some Gen x. Is of chosen to freeze their brains in a state of permanent adolescence the West is overrun by fragile mind babies regressing back to that childhoods because of the Shia Tara at the prospect of adult hood. But. Why exactly did Alan Moore say I think the impact of superheroes on popular culture is both tremendously and Barrus thing and not a little worrying while these characters were originally perfectly suited to stimulating the imaginations of the 12 or 13 year old audience today's franchise to mention aimed at a supposedly adult audience seem to be serving some kind of different function and fulfilling different needs primarily mass market superhero movie seem to be abetting an audience who do not wish to relinquish their grip on the way that relatively reassuring childhoods or be the relatively reassuring 20th century. What went on to point out that superhero movies made for children remaining so popular amongst adults is not only an indictment of the increasingly infantilized nature of the individual it's another telltale sign that our culture in general is mired in a state of in stagnation the continuing popularity of these movies to me suggests some kind of deliberate self-imposed day of. Tional arrest combined with the numbing condition of cultural spaces that can be witnessed in comics movies popular music and indeed right across the cultural spectrum Alan Moore is right we've all been socially engineered to over share to become emotionally incontinent blubbering testosterone deficient wrecks to the point where we can barely handle reality and react by sucking Athens and embracing the cotton wool infancy of superhero safe spaces that poll you love to the Joker that's a superhero comic book movie No it isn't it's a deeply disturbing intimate all region story that's nothing whatsoever like for example the mall full movies Joker is for adults Marvel movies at the children Martin Scorsese's right superhero comic book films a not cinema that theme parks and cinema and theme parks for children Star Wars that's also for children when I was growing up in the eighty's and early ninety's the only people who liked Star walls were kids below the age of 12 2. Notice how an army of won't come brained rushed to the defense of this guy because they're also mental juvenile stuck in a permanent state of stunted adolescence. One with a fully developed prefrontal cortex should get this emotional over a children's movie it's not normal adult behavior and show I can look forward to seeing a movie an adult movie because it was if the children but the only time when I can ever remember getting this excited over consuming a product was when I was about 7 years old crying over the anticipation of consuming a product that is for children. The 38 year old cons Suma doesn't ask questions just consumes product and then gets excited for next product thinks watching comic book movies doing politics. Political views appeal to no one of the no the consumers political views entirely focused around being vindictive towards people who were mean to him in high school in 1997 and pull white people suffering in the Midwest should have consumed the correct product thinks everyone else has political opinions both to the left and right of him all based simply on chauvinist it biases which he obviously does not have on ironically thinks doing video reviews of movies for children is a significant contribution to society Halloween that the children but every year adult Americans appear to become more obsessed and stop preparing earlier and earlier for something that's clearly meant for kids but children throwing violent tantrums because you didn't get your food. This fights car crashes even murder yeah this is going to sound pretty ridiculous but all of that is over a chicken sandwich all because he didn't get it quick enough. I don't want to. Hear. What the children throwing violent hissy fits because you didn't get the opportunity to consume a product quick enough. For children emotional support pets that's for children the rise in popularity of adult coloring books for children pretending to be a baby in diapers while frolicking around in a playpen to satiate you and your boyfriends we had fetish ageplay is not sexually stimulating to me in any way shape or form that's not for children millennial just so innately infant child that they had to invent a word to remind them how to behave like adults adult trying to carry out one or more of the duties and responsibilities expected of fully developed individuals paying off that credit card debt settling beef without blasting social media etc exclusively used by those who adult less than 50 percent of the time inventing words to make normal adult behavior sound like some kind of astounding achievement just to make yourself. Special that children it's not just movies but also t.v. Shows that are becoming increasingly mole lowbrow to meet the needs of a sophomore it cold in the late night shows which was at least reached 1st in pretense of sophistication now reduced to pure raw in the chew and don't you look human the up until today I had to go off air here I wonder the 40 ways to get such huge news that I've been working on behind the scenes and I'm not ready to break this we may break it today but just. Maybe not today not tomorrow but you need a plan in place to survive for good bankers not to live underground culture you need survivalist keep the ultimate fully functional off the grid mobile survival bug out house that's well equipped and custom built to outlast any other or b. Or trailer. You it seemed a lot survivalist camps dot com That's survivalist camps Doc Tom trust your family's survival to survive was Games dot com Hi I'm Dan Pilla I started fighting the iris over 40 years ago when they tried to seize my mother's house I sued the i.r.s. And won I beat the Irish then and I've been beating them ever since I wrote the book on tax debt settlement and I've helped thousands of people deal with tax problems they thought might never be solved I can help you too if your taxes you can't pay don't wait another day there's no such thing as a hopeless tax case call 834 no tax or go to my Web site Dan Pillar dot com That's Dan Pilla dot com Dan dot com We can all agree these are troubled times right so do you know who's on your wireless network whether it's a big company selling your data or for a hacker if you're not protected everybody sees your information that's why you need Flash routers a custom wife I router created for privacy blast routers use a virtual private network or v.p.n. To protect your online activity from hackers trackers and large corporations and not just one but all your devices with one out of the box plus fly. Also enhances your wireless network performance. 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Does the American hog and you call 1800 leave America if not call 970-460-8873 book a fly fishing trip on the North Platte River come experience peak dry fly season this summer in the North Platte Valley or chase big browns this fall through November 8 hours on a drift boat experience guide launches and flies included visit trout tamers dot com and they keep supporting teaching us was to buy gold just about anywhere in the world from all kinds of different dealers so why do you use the Patriot trading group 20 years of service just like that a plus rating with the Better Business Bureau just like that most prices just like that no solicitation just like dad buying or selling just like that for all your gold and silver needs call the Patriots trading at 809510590 just like that enter promo code kid agency when shopping it in for Store dot com That's promo coach agency. I. Defending the republic. Is boring. Alex. Mann It is such an incredible crossroad that we could all feel a lot of anxiety is a lot of anger out there. Because what's going on this planet around natural. I meet people almost every day. Who said family die from. Overdoses that have been added to what people think if I could enter what they think is opium or heroin you know it's not just Eric Bolling Stein that thought he was taken some pain pills and had no wonder he can't walk 5 feet without running into some by the dad from the Chinese government hitting us with a chemical weapon we'll talk about that with us Rove and a lot more next segment and Trump is trying to block the Democrats that run m s 13 all this ship and end their parish that's why. Can't you Plus he calls him a 13 God Sheldrick is God's children is a man group that's according to her that's what you choose to call him Mr t. Got children now it's nice to inform callous sick joke isn't it and my lawyer that I had like 6 years ago I ran back into a good friend and talked to a few years. His son died the same day his mother died they got the call 5 minutes later that they found his son dead in college. Somebody had put. In the heroin and people just bring up the everywhere you just tell you how my cousin my wife my husband got upset Gnome last month you know really let me get everywhere and you don't hear anything about that I mean it's killing millions of people a year guns kill $24000.00 half of those are suicides a couple 100 are what they call mash still terrible but boy are they personalize those dead people and then blaming you as a gun owner that somebody did something wrong with a tool and then millions and millions dead illustrates hundreds of thousands of no year of the hundreds of thousands of this type of that type but you add it all together and complications it's huge in the millions. And it's all being done on purpose. Tall they are not on purpose. They want to drug out of our minds you know I almost started the show with this really is the most important. And our just out of time. Or is there really a way to cover this properly. I'm not trying to build suspense you know I just mention this article and just half ass cover it I'm not doing justice to it I need to tie everything into it and about why it's so important and if I can't do that just right I'm not going to do it and I had one of my complaining had my mind all focused and ready to lay this out it was all crystal clear the angles that the you know the systems the decision we have to make the important speech that I would spend a week writing I just write my mind from the truth but it got blown to bits that's not a problem with important stuff right to meter in the break. But I'm going to try to reconvene my thoughts around this and then I'll probably never covered actually so that's not a problem because even something just as big in the same area came in there on the right that very exciting and very incredible and not an x. Files episode but the real world and we have it confirmed that we have the documents. And we have the witness is. What they're doing to the homeless in Austin with a microchip. You know just think the mayor gave them a former hotel and a warehouse and everything paid for for free from the rays and they're now testing doing medical experiments on them and once they get him in there is a reeducation camps really what it is what they do in Latin America and Africa and the Middle East these reeducation centers they scan and they check people in their background who they are and these companies quote take one of their When they finally got assets they don't know about they find out they don't have family they thought who they are and then they're signing up to go to nicer digs and they do medical experiments on the pope's course they did I mean do you do you just think they injected poor whites in Appalachian and poor blacks in Alabama for 40 some years take really was of course and had him spread it to hundreds of thousands and that was only then they did know there's thousands of the classified legal studies done and man they're doing it all over and because we reached a point where people just can't handle it anymore. It's all 9 yards you know there are white vans going around picking people up. And they're taking them to the field camps. Member Hillary 70 fund camps for American men and there are these reclamation centers where they help you and they get you cleaned up and they help you know she who you are and find out Suppose that there was trouble makers going to another area after they've been processed and this was all in Obama's executive orders and they would use the term re-education can't remain an army document and they're even telling the people oh this is a small beta test by next year it's going to be much bigger and they're getting ready for a total economic collapse and millions of people per famous actor to be processed through it and update it as they're doing it with the homeless and of course they're doing it in a un meaningless Asian treaty Shadi where Op members forcing a few years ago said oh we're going to climate change taxes through at the city level because they couldn't get the country to do it and it's illegal to do it but number one a member will redolent almost left office when Obama was almost gone it was in the military news she wants the un to take over policing and the un to be in our local cities the un has contracts and is priming the pump with the indigents homeless who can contract their rights away basically as indentured servants and so they put the fountain on the street there's killing people all over the place then the dissolution as they bring in the u.n. And then they find that all the people signing on for medical experimentation and microchip him ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha oh and i almost forgot the best part so you is run by communist China to standardize the face scanning of the controls all of it so that was another discussion I had during the last break and I'm not complaining. Just you know it's killing I'm a police murder investigator and they're digging up 10 kids in the Shard 5 in the Shard and on trying to dig out the next group of dead bodies and all we found 25 more cross the street over here and it's just more more more more more more more more than 10 and mayors around here there are Watkins and kids missing and people from our neighbors some gratitude to the homos for what's going on here. It's called evil and it's called just the background noise that they bring us into an artificial cheval war martial law becomes clearer and clearer and clearer what they're planning that all the different stories armies ready with their petrol bombs with their mock cocktails ready to burn America down they give the order Stay with us. You want to break some globalist ribs you want to crush them skulls politically you want to drive ice picks to their eyeballs spiritually there's nowhere you can spend money there's nowhere you can place your bet. In a fight where it's going to have more power per dollar you're bang for your buck here get you great products great prices that literally run the system with the spirit of resistance lives to drive the home to the enemy and so it's very simple if you don't want to be slaves and you want to see the fighting of the enemy which God wants to see you see we have to make the effort 110 percent God will finish the movie and I know I need to stay in the fight in the back. I want to attack I want to go out of the globalist and just believe me ladies and gentlemen if he wants my to give it to your family to fight for all of our future together you've got to guarantee you keep me in the game on the bus my ass with everything I got for us for myself my family and your family because we're in this together and for Store dot com. This is Joe Chait with owner of the Patriot trading I'm sure you're probably aware of the reputations of many of the precious metals dealers here in the front right I talk to customers all the time that know gold and silver are strong investments but they are a hedge against the volatile economy but these customers don't know where to buy gold and silver and are very justifiably concerned that they'll get ripped off so want to make you this promise a patriot training group there are no commission sales people we don't make outbound phone calls you don't try them up so you into some scam or packets that we created we don't disclose your information to anyone ever the majority of our business comes for free for alls and long time repeat customers if you're looking to learn about or invest in precious metals give us a call at 809510592 go to all American Gold dot com That's 89510592 or go to all American Gold dot com The Patriot trading group no salespeople no calls just old fashioned service. Grandpa's pawn and gun just celebrated 25 years of business they are a family owned and family operated store and the only non corporate pawn shop in Longmont Colorado according to Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms they are the state's 2nd highest volume firearms dealer grandpas has over $500.00 guns for sale at this time plus an excellent righty of archery equipment hunting season is just around the corner and protecting your family is always in season grandpa staff has over 100 combined years of experience including Chris Lewis and Brady to pale who are licensed gunsmiths with 25 collective years won't be Grandpa Jason here I've known rod the owner of Grandpa's pond since the mid 1990 s. When I manage his watch at Pizza location along he is our 1st advertiser Rick h.n.c. He is trustworthy and honest I trust him and you will too call 303-772-7952 that's 303-772-7952. The following is made possible by dad was the basketball court. Because the players kept dribbling all over. The debt joke Corning grown or the but also one of the simplest ways to share a moment with your kids why do you have to be careful when 3 and. You make that better Trudel. And kids that spend more time with their dad grow up to be smarter and more successful. Just kidding. And with any luck money or adults why didn't they go to the bear because he didn't have any body to go with dad jokes. Take a moment to make up and give your kid away that's when it's as easy as going to fatherhood dot gov brought about the u.s. Department of Health Services and the Atkins. From Austin Texas broadcasting worldwide. Alex Jones. You mean the. Game. Ladies and gentlemen I'm working on some just gigantic unbelievable stories that are like something out of the x. Files dealing with microchip in a home one medical experiments can show this stuff is just incredible and it's all going on right under our noses as they get ready to try to implode the economy and bring in the civil war the Democrats meant that they talked about plunging the economy to get rid of Trump you've got the ongoing impeachment where they're going to picture the president in the house that's indict him and they'll say Oh there's no evidence you want me problems the Senate I believe they're going to trigger civil war violence during that period and they're going to trigger Racial of ads and false flags to ram this through you could feel it you could see it. To very very serious time we also have the un officially adopting the communist Chinese system for the Internet and for a digital world id and as a rule of an investigative journalist and man that founded runs rebel media and show me other reporters actually joining us just a moment and this comes full circle back to this you need to do your Christmas shopping in force for a calm the products are amazing the prices are fantastic and it's fun this operation we have a lot of products that have been sold out that are now back in stock at the super silver can crane that has the patented Nanos over to create that the fin shield that's comfortable a nice machine and with a high around it cash it and with a bunch of other vitamins and minerals and women love this women are probably 40 percent of our audience but it's mainly women that you know by the shops got 5 star reviews because it was really a high end skin cream for about half the price of a tube that you would get this big at someplace like Ulta Here's a market up 5 times really market up 150 percent then we discounted it's only marked up less than one percent challenged but sold out for a while it's back in stock 25 percent off the super silver ones here we have it and the want to and we have it in the $3.00 ounces the $3.00 ounces have been sold out but they are now back in stock that's the want to see is the 3 pack all the while she was there that's also a great great weather check that out as well that's a great stocking stuffer but whatever you do just commit to spread the word there shut down almost everybody else it's incredible what's happening and we need to be on air we're Garley So what happens and it's going to come down to the last man standing I don't want to be in that position. And it's good to know that as Laura Vance out there with rebel media it's good to know that Dad McGinnis has got his free speech the t.v. It it's good to know that you know we've got shows otherwise to Daily Caller Fox is getting worse and worse because the deep state is baggage of all everybody with levels of harassment that are on president show true. Well Patriot points the biggest ever right now is 15 percent of your next order. Strive for shipping 50 to 70 percent off these are the biggest shells I ever saw last of it cost just to move it through the year so we can move in the next year in the black in a 2020 and we need to show a lot of product to stay in the game because we're self funded they don't have Soros rather global assured at a show at the end inforced or dot com or AAA 253-3139 it's all in the impeachment hearings you know saying we should be shut down and bragging about Roger Stone being arrested and saying we're enemies and you know that Jesse doesn't know George Soros we just serve the key board member of his main foundation and she doesn't know about globalism she just what she writes for the globalist dot com Fiona deal that we 1st exposed it's a total lie it's total deception and when I say we are really the tip of the spear in a massive attack that's not hype that's the truth and my problem is I'm rising to the occasion and have more energy and more focus than ever but I am like a bull in a china shop but you know what I'm awake at least I'm fighting back and I know you are as well so. Step up and get great products you already made fund our operation get the best deals ever take action now on him for Stuart dot com And again we have d.n.a. Force plus he'll show up for Christmas won't get more until probably February with a p.c. The kids you can and it's got all the other great ingredients that are so good for yourselves create pneumatic Ondrea inside yourselves it's all padded it's all proven it's all admitted it you that 50 percent off points and a free bottle of brain force plus our best selling your tropic That is right a loss leader even though it's going to sell out I want have some for months I want you to see how great it is to take advantage advantage of d.n.a. Force plus with the free bottle in for Store dot com Ok as low. As a real event joins us I am so wound up right now as you are well Dan is with rebel News dot com And still on Twitter for now as are a low van on Twitter. And I wanted to get him on about a host of issues but I said hey shimmy other topics you want to get into well most yesterday at 2 or 3 days he sent me like 30 things are all right almost same page I'm on because he gets it he's on the side guys as well. But I knew about the government trying to shut down his news service and trade old trying to do it how uncut idea is that how on westerners that how on America's I mean how dangerous. And yes what Trudeau lost but of course he should never have tried to shut down rebel the shore as did others about it lawsuits against just like us so as an event judge to get into that in just how dark the days are for free speech and where is Trump standing up to the center ship love Trump to death but my God this is a dereliction of duty as recession coming on with us oh it's a pleasure to to be here he said it's on Canadian censorship Unfortunately it's too Canadian because unlike you we don't have the 1st Amendment to protect us and if you think it's bad here well you know our friend Tommy Robinson in the United Kingdom who's literally being put in prison in solitary confinement several times per doing journalism that would be unremarkable in America and finally I've been looking at how social media censorship in China is directly connected to their police state and I feel that that's the slow I mean we are about 5 years worse than you the u.k. Is about 5 years worse into the future than us and China today is the direction we're headed in if we don't change the course we're all Communist China is where we're going to show these dogs we come back they admit that they've signed on to China to help create the model for all of us so where is China now that's where we're going and where is China going to go what's the next step. Yeah well I mean China is has perfected this surveillance state but the trouble is they have one of the world's leading telecommunications companies it truly rivals Google it's called Huawei and they're actually world leaders in 5 g. Technology so they're building the Internet and cell phone backbone not just in China but around the world who would be crazy enough to let the communist Chinese government put communications hardware into your home your country your police service your military it I think that in the olden days they had to plant a bug and our camera in your house or office now we're literally signing up for Huawei to bug us all the time I think it's a genuine worry and. The example of what China did to the African Union office in that country in that call it is something we can talk about over the next you know it however much time you have today I'll tell you stay with us at the bottom of the next hour to take calls next hour but you're right in line with the breaking regional research we're working on that is just so insane and want to keep you with us to church of walk through this but we're going to break in a minute but just the outrageousness. Prime Minister of your country trying to take you off the air and all the persecution again you're not a victim you're an overcomer but there's nothing anybody else out there has been persecuted as much as we have media wise except you they are really scared of you. Well I mean think I haven't been thrown in prison like our friend Tommy Robinson has in the United Kingdom. But again that's because they don't have a 1st Amendment and they're disarmed so I regret that the land of Churchill you know the land of the great British Empire is they are disarmed and I regret to say a lot of Brits are passive I don't think Winston Churchill would recognise his own country the people that fought the battle of Britain and held the line against the Nazis they are now allowing themselves to be censored and silenced I find it terrifying and so whenever I visit the u.k. I come back and I think oh my God we have to preserve what we have now or will get worse and I you wouldn't even believe what's going on in Canada but we can talk about what's happening in church right you've been around. For how to treat him and you face the challenges and obstacles. Let me ask you something what are you doing when you put money in. Your store jumper cables and. Preparing your. Money for retirement repairing for when your car battery dies. Major unexpected medical bill that. You're preparing for when emergencies are. The best way to prepare Patriots supply. Hundreds of items including dozens of emergency. Supplies it could be an earthquake. In our banking system or disaster that shuts down our power grid for all these emergencies and more. Today. Because you are too late do it now so you're ready. Have you checked your Google. Search results are usually the 1st impression that people. Make sure that they create a positive impression with. What the Internet can have a big impact on your life. Even if it's not true Fortunately you can control. The reputation if you have negative material from. Paper article legal issues social media or other source showing up in your. Reputation are dedicated experts and patented technology can help make. Their best. I'm Joe Jake Wood c.e.o. Of the Patriot trade and I would like to encourage everyone to make sure they are prepared by nature as the Federal Reserve continues to destroy the value of the dollar since the closing of the gold window in 1971 the Federal Reserve has led the way in the explosion of debt in the deep valuing of your money they openly say that they need 2 percent inflation which simply means they hope to devalue your money and they want to do this every single year year after year I know it's hard to understand but the Federal Reserve believes in prosperity through debt enthralled by of the devaluation of your future to learn more about how to protect yourself visit us at all American Gold dot com or call us at 809510592 protect yourself against the devaluation of your money grandpa's farm gun we are a former owned and operated those we run a one store on thought that lawnmower Colorado for me that's sort of the front room for the record but we're currently we have over $400.00 guns for sale or $4200.00 square foot the room from postpartum one according to Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms is one of the state's highest volume gun or we're also the bills he's on stuff a lot more going to be offered the lowest on the streets on the Long for Northern Colorado seriously why would you ponder valuables in the world's we've sold over $45000.00 tons of sanctimony to those on Colts and Winchesters or Lugo oxytocin police local to cure you people you can trust in a pawn shop keep them close that's Grandpa's on Gun 3037727952 that's 303 down to 327 mile fun too. Waging rules on corruption Alex Joel. You know if you're awake in your informant hearing hey. You know things are urgent and dangerous gone from Arjen al to I'm physically. Having urges to. Do physical things and only the mean violent but I'm going to have him go down and start just demonstrating. It all different types of leftist and globalist points we've seen have been a lot more active lately r.t. On the straight shows or crew just because now is the time for maximum action and you cannot underestimate how there is a collapse of all of our western values all the basic freedoms that we fought so hard for and how dangerous it is every time those values are 1st taken and when you think about the persecution of journalist and when you think about the persecution of independent media and you think about the roll out of this and the assault on nation state of the assault on borders and the assault on families and Putin having to defend the word mother because all over the world are saying don't say mother he think that's like a cult isn't it it's beyond a call they think well that's because the left and saying well they want total power and we've always done what they've said and submitted to them like they're the moral authority and so at a certain point the dam is broken as are a well van but rebel News dot com. Has had a bird's eye Crows Nest view of all this and you want to get into China 1st and I'm glad you do Chinese tech group shaping un facial recognition standards times China brings a mandatory facial recognition a mobile phone users the ones looking at it as a global id system for global governance and this is a major news here so they've gone from denying world government the yeah we're going to face can you buy and sell in China has got the model and you know they got millions of people in a literal death camp and as a rule that the left is in bed with China they have the Washington Post headline she's heaping need to destroy Trump to save America I mean it's like a Twilight Zone episode where the child comes into a way more than Stalin or Hitler or Lenin combined of their own poor people and now they're the pantheon to be like Hitler 2020 and he's the model and everything he wants is being done and we're putting Hitler's communications systems everywhere they had better watching and controlling us just what the hell dimension did we wake up and. Well I think there's 3 things going on with the sign Ofelia that you're referring to I think part of it is plain old left wing ideology even though China is a form of corrupt crony capitalism now there are many communist vestiges there so there's an idealogue the logical sympathy some people support China simply because it's the leading counterweight to the Free West These are the same people who would've supported or been sympathetic to the Soviet bloc during the Cold War. But finally I think the biggest corrupting factor is plain old cash that's why the n.b.a. Cracked down on its people for supporting Hong Kong even just in tweets that's why Michael Bloomberg did an interview essentially saying China is not a dictatorship that's why Hollywood would no longer portrays China as the bad guy in movies because it's all about the money now and Donald Trump is trying to take on the economic strength of China through tariffs he's also you know trying to blunt their stalking horse North Korea but I want to can I sent you a link to a video Alex and I wonder if you can have your producers put it on there we don't need the sound because it's just Chinese language conversation there's on screen captions it's a ordinary guy not a political activist not a big shot who was on a Chinese social media app called We Chat which is pretty much as big as Facebook has got about a 1000000000 users it's got its own payment plan it's like a he it's like a combination of Facebook and Amazon it's that big. So this guy like a regular guy was on some chat group and he criticized the police for seizing a motorcycle like so he's not saying I want Democracy Now he's just saying something like I wish the cops didn't take that motorcycle but 1st of all look at this terrifying device he's in it's a form of a torture device his wrists are strapped in it his feet are walked into bars there he's obviously uncomfortable he looks like he's being sleep deprived and and they show the cops grilling him saying What's your screen name when were you all and what were you talking about was it a group chat by the way they knew all those answers in advance of course because under Chinese law we Chad has to give full access to the People Liberation Army and it goes on and they say will you apologize to the police say you love the police say I'm sorry Uncle police promise you'll never do this again so this is a few things 1st of all it's outsourcing censorship to corporations which I think we see in America and Canada too and 2nd of all it shows the total blending of this survey of the social media Internet state with the surveillance state and finally and you know this because Paul Joseph Watson of your team has been the real leader on this and I know you have to Alex the concept of Social Credit where you get points you get points taken away for saying bad things you get points given to you for doing good things I believe all of the seeds to this. This authoritarianism are already planted in North America you don't see that's all and I mean we're all adopting the exact same thing this was built by Silicon Valley and exploited there because that's the authoritarian regime where you can test it all out show and the damage broken and we were. Her and all that protected us is being destroyed and it's good to trump standing up too while you coming in here but it's only from a business perspective it's a national security issue and we have Google Apple's move to China as you know and said well we let the Chinese government and they have access to everybody's Apple i.d. That was in Reuters in February of 2018 and Apple admitted that So basically we are just marrying communist China Communist China is our uncle now just like the man being tortured who I guess disappeared off somewhere in there is like say you love your uncle you know before we send you to the re-education camp and this is what the police put out to tell everyone submitting so they learn that will do this to you Have you don't submit I mean this is this isn't 94 this isn't a netflix movie about it is Topeka is what we are adopting this is what we're in Congress with you know if this is what we're literally merging with. What's so incredible about that video which you showed is that the police obviously released that and other official propaganda arms of the communist regime they publish details about their social credit system there's an English language Chinese propaganda arm called Global time so it is absolutely dedicated to spreading Chinese propaganda in English to people in head of the United States Australia u.k. And they positively brag about the millions of people every month who are banned from taking a train taking an airplane getting an apartment simply because of their quote social credit score that is again when your social media spies on you and just last week new legislation was enacted in China that you need facial recognition before the early vote even install internet in your home on January 1st and. Probably know this there's a new edict coming into China that automatically gives the government backdoor encryption access decryption access to all the social media all the systems in China it's just automatic There is no longer any balance between what tech companies and China know and what the government knows that comes in on January 1st so it is the total surveillance state and as you correctly point out a lot of that technology was sold to them by Silicon Valley to make money and as a template for trying those things out in the West. The big thing people have to understand is we're not talking about again some fiction or simulation this is happening it's unfolding it has been a view it is being abused it is. A post human world where they admit a I is going to make all your decisions for you making humans obsolete is what all the big tech heads say is the singularity where their company takes over reality and they're all competing for this it's beyond any megalomania I've ever read about in the history books and it's happening now. You know. I think a lot of. Dystopian futurists like George Orwell they had some glimpse of what a surveillance state might look like your t.v. Screen spied on you in 1904 so that was very futuristic for George Orwell to imagine that but you were still able to leave your apartment and go out into the wilderness or something and there were still things that were underground I don't think even the most imaginative stay there back in treatment Jake was in big trouble with the i.r.s. He owed how much $92000.00 and the i.r.s. Left no room for j. Debris they put a lien on my house took all the money out of my bank account took money out of my pay checks to you was a nightmare he needed help fast I figured that all these companies were the same until I called general management you could just tell they knew what they were talking about right then and there I felt like I have to mow the leavings levies and garnishments fast and qualify for one of several special i.r.s. Programs that could reduce or even the limit age or tax debt so now to go for Jake they did what they said they would do thank you truthfully I ended up saving an unbelievable amount I was so jazzed that was extremely happy if you will more than $10000.00 in back taxes take Jake's advice give it all tax management a phone call if they help me they can help anybody call the federal tax management hotline now 805038625805038625805038625 . Do you remember the energy crisis of the seventy's a lot of people panicked week came up with the solution a best way to insulate your house save you money and increase your comfort a best way to air seal and add insulation to your attic a best way to insulate your wall cavities whether your house has brick aluminum steel vinyl wood lap stucco or plaster walls even if your walls were previously insulated a best way to perform energy assessments in a best way to help our customers qualify for Excel and other utility rebates 43 years later a lot has changed a lot of our competition has come and gone a few things that haven't we're still family owned and operated we still develop new methods and techniques we are still saving energy and more importantly saving our customers money best way insulation founded in 197-630-3469 extension 08 we're on our 7 inch i was sure they were right here on their relationship the heart of Northern Colorado stay tuned right here on. Defending the Republic from Fannie Mae's foreign and domestic. Alex Jones. Has room for what about you the person. Much further you discard one of the biggest conservative media outlets in Canada what shot of that old hour to talk about that came after you shut it down that was successful your promise was very successful. And now all you've been through there it's not that you're a victim Egypt illustrating who you are why you did this how you persevered how you haven't backed down how you haven't given up because. I I'll tell you I think the globalists these evil people that have bet against humanity but then when I see how many men I know that are successful business and life they go I'm glad you're there doing this because you know I'm going to go play golf we're glad you're out there we're looking out for interest we're going to lose everything our fundamental freedoms this is dangerous and I really get pissed off at men who are successful and smart you don't get engaged in this so I know you are to successful in business separately from media but still like you had to do it to say I admired people like you I don't admire Le Bron James I don't admire you know he was the star quarterback of the of the doing on Patriots even though I like Tom Brady. Because he doesn't save my children's future people like you are the heroes and even with the audience of listeners our audience you know you and I prefer admire them because they admire people that are standing up for common sense but since when is it heroic just to stand up against your communist evil I thought it was survival as really it's not really why you do what you're doing. Well I mean I I share your view I think not everyone's built for fighting though some people are calling click a verse some people have too much at risk they will be personally punished in some way so I'm lucky in that I have the ability to speak out and no one can fire me because I'm my own boss that's why I'm worried about this contracted out censorship where an authoritarian style prime minister or president can just pressure Facebook and it's not like it's coming to start getting I mean this is a short time a long time coming up I mean they're trying to silence you the prime minister just lost in court against you yeah and that's that's an interesting point see he banned us from covering the Prime Minister's leaders' debate it we just had an election here.

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