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The Sons of Liberty is a politically neutral organization we believe that the Judeo Christian ethic has provided the principles upon which this nation was founded it is our belief that these principles provide not only the foundation and framework for American government and society but are also essential to the maintenance of a fair and just society all program content based on a Christian Biblical world view. That peaceably we should. Vote. With ladies and gentlemen. I want to tell. You. A boat. Close friends out of all the key Want to me is coppers atheist skeptics lunatics weirdos and a sort of bad guys and of course all the good guys and girls out there welcome to the Sons of Liberty you have with yours truly Mr Bradley Dean folks in just a couple minutes we're going to get over to the fire lines on the puppets of American churches are teaching sheep to submit to the wolves brand new on news that would be used as a matter of fact it seems to be head over there right now so we're going to cover that today let me rewind back to Monday so what we did is we just got back from Pennsylvania Edenborough Philadelphia and New York within just a couple days we finished up the radio show on Monday we drove 500 miles that night we want to Wisconsin met with some people that we knew in Wisconsin. And when we got up the next morning we ended up then going to Tennessee Nashville so we drove another 500 miles so we're at about a 1000 miles right now we're at a hotel room right now we're doing a little video work and in the process we're going to be out at the other end of Tennessee about 4 more hours out tonight and then I'll be preaching Thursday Friday and Saturday and then after Saturday is over we're going to drive 20 hours all the way back to Minneapolis to stay home for 2 days and then end up flying out to Montana this year has been like no year we've ever had in ministry and I thank God for what we are doing the great commission Mark 1615 Luke 1910 so on and so forth and I would have it no other way is a matter of fact I'd be complaining if we weren't doing what we're doing today but friends I just got to take a minute here because we're in a hotel right now Holiday Inn Express and suites and Goodlettsville Tennessee and it's just an interesting that every far and few between friends will get these people I just you know they'll support us every step of the way and I want to give a shout out to our friend the General Manager Vic trivet he who made not only a room for us but also emptied out one of his offices so we could broadcast live and by the way if you want to jump on before it's news you can watch us live or you can go to Sons of Liberty Media thank you to my friend Michael Roche over there before it's news and you can watch us friends we're broadcasting live across the country as well as a broadcasting into 115 cities in the United States of America and we are also broadcasting into 53 countries and with that said we thank you very much Victor Evadne general manager over here at the Holiday Inn Express in Goodlettsville Tennessee thank you for your trust and thank you for your hospitality in a great way folks are great your friends to say the least and what a clean clean super clean hotel and it's reasonable to stay here to just want to give me a shout out so with that said friends again thank you to our friend Vic if you want to check us out online do so Bradley Dean Sons of Liberty Radio dot com Sons of Liberty Media dot com or you can jump over to our. Facebook which is Bradlee Dean double the Twitter account is Bradley Dean one if you want to call in any time we are hooked up with com racks we're right now that is 186658299331665829933 I also want to let you know that if this is the 1st time listening to the Sons of Liberty Radio dot com for the 1st time this is the radio show where we think for ourselves and make not the others the measure of our conduct and why is that friends because it's a terrible place to be when your brains are in someone else's head now I want to cover something really quick just last night the food that my children eat in a spiritual sense Jesus is the Bread of Life as we all know and in the natural when my children get to watch are those that feed on the bread of life as well it's a little house on the prairie right everybody watches Little House On The Prairie regardless if you want to acknowledge it or not that is what we watch if we watch anything because it's based on a true story and there's good values throughout the teachings throughout these little statements these sitcoms that were played back in the seventy's and early eighty's now with that said friends there was a segment or Little Albert He's a really smart kid he was the son of Charles Ingles and he got really good grades and because he got really good grades his friends were angry at him and they said You make me look bad in front of my parents so what they would do is they would disown him because he had such good grades now the vital does tell us in the spiritual I'm going back from the natural to the spiritual read 1st Corinthians 214 . Keep in mind Jesus always taught in the natural So again you can understand what he was teaching you in the spiritual Now the 1st prerequisite to those that come to Christ are to deny themselves take up their cross and follow Him matter fact that goes on in John 717 it says If any man will do his will he shall know of that doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself to. This said let me say that again if any man will do God's will his will he will know of that doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself you know it's interesting because I had a guy that I knew probably about 10 years ago tell me how much he loved the Lord but he had no desire to know His Word. What's that that doesn't make any sense I love my wife but I don't want to know who she is I want to get to know her come on folks let's think about what's been said here it's called idolatry people want to live under themselves but again remember Jesus said If any man will do his will he shall know all the doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself and when he read 2nd Timothy to 15th it says study to show by self approve done to God a workman that need is not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth now with that said it also says in Matthew 7 that straight and narrow and difficult is the way and there's few there that be that find it well folks guess what I meditate upon the Word of God day and night in my life I have over the last 20 years not because I have to but because I'm thankful I want to and it's going back to the analogy of Albert and Little House On The Prairie his friends were angry with him because he gets such good grades I want to say this Charles Spurgeon the prince of preacher said the closer that I walk with God The lonelier I get why because his desire was to be filled with nothing but the presence of God like King David said that he desired to walk in the light of the Lord's countenance he stayed in the Word of God because he wanted to be in the presence of God at all times he also said I'm a companion of all them that fear the and of those that keep my precepts and I want to tell you what they are hard to find in this country and I say in the spiritual sense friends the closer I get to men the more I understand why Jesus said that he committed himself not to men in any state in the presence of God That's in John to when Albert was accused of his. Friends of getting too good of grades it was almost as if they were same so you know what why don't you become more of a loser why don't you become more slack in your study time you know what your grades because they're so good you're making us look bad compared to everybody else the fact of the matter is he was doing it is on to him self and I'm saying the closer that we walk with Jesus Christ we are doing it because we desire to be in his presence more than we care about the presence of men when the Lord said to come out from among them be separate it's not the unclean thing that's what he meant friends just that that's infecting print being sick starting to entrap over 17. And when you read James $44.00 it's come out from among them right in 2nd printing but when you go to James for sort of you adulterers and adulterous There's no you're not that friendship with the world and with the with God no friends really what it comes down to is do we love God more or do we love the approbation and the approval of men more we're going to come right back down to Liberty Media dot com founder Liberty Radio dot com Pew from Wisconsin Christian News I'm proud to partner with This parcel right now written for the rim far conference coming up October 25th through the 27th at the Angel theater in Columbia Falls Montana if you're a man seeking real truth and real answers to the really seems that we face in our society today than this conference is free our speakers include Bradley Dean coach day Dr Mike Spalding and rob you just to name a few so boot up and get your tickets today at Coach Dave live dot com slash or. 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Welcome back again to the Sons of Liberty broadcasting live out of Goodlettsville Tennessee friends and I want to give a shout out to Vic Trevethick the general manager Holiday Inn folks great people they moved everything out of an office so I could actually broadcast live because it would have been considered a late check out right most old fellows would have said well you're going to pay for another night well these folks stepped in and said you know what we're going to make this happen so and I offered to give him the shout out so you know if you're in Goodlettsville Tenn stop and say how to Vic The guy is great he really truly is in the hotel is phenomenal it's the macula it's super clean and relatively cheap folks were talking about hirelings in the puppets of American churches. The news of the use just put it on their site I'm on over 40 outlets across the United States of America every week 2 columns form and I got a phone call or actually I'm sorry taxed here let me see what time it was I get this text early in the morning it was 5 50 am and he said great article a friend of mine did he's got a radio show too and he says going to use it on my show today I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet but I had a call and say you know what you were the one that actually when we were in Edenborough. In Edenborough their friends I said to him in Pennsylvania I said you don't want to give me the idea because you're the one that said it and I said right when you said that I knew that that was that was revelation for the church. Frederick Douglass a former slave and abolitionists that this former slave an abolitionist that's what he said he said I prayed for 20 years but received no answers until I prayed with my legs. Did you hear what he said. A former slave an abolitionist Frederick Douglass said I prayed for 20 years but received no answer until I prayed at my Like how often today in America we hear people say Pray pray we just need you to pray you know the prayer but friends let me say this do show the world your face by your works show the world your love by what you do that's 1st John 318 friends show the Lord how much you love him by keeping His commandments John $1421.00 Jesus didn't walk around telling the world how much he loved them he told them through a demonstration of love to repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand and then he showed him how much he loved them by going to Calvary and believing the cross of Calvary red with his blood as a propitiation for the sins of the world did Jesus just talk that he just cry No he did Ok now just recently as I just said Well speaking at this event in Eden borough Pennsylvania I heard my friend say asked the question when he was talking to the congregants he said. You know I'm just curious why is it that in the state that America is in today that there's ministry such as Franklin Graham James Dobson Pat Robertson and the list goes on because there are so many of them that have not taken to the streets and protest concerning the corruption within the government read Matthew 161-7219 he said why is it that they just pray how come they're not teaching the people to get out into a matter of fact I called him deceptive noon and I said you know I wanted to tell you something you know I got your text this morning early in the morning you were the one that gave me that idea he said rather you know what he said I just ended up going to a Franklin Graham. A rally and he was talking about how the l g b t Q That they are not going to submit to them he said that arena was filled with $25000.00 people and there was more people on the outside of the arena he said not one time did Franklin Graham push those congregants to get out there and do more than pray he said I don't understand it I said it's important I said it's a broken arm of the evangelical church they want to stand back and they want God to do for them what God has commanded them to do on their behalf but they refuse see what foreign to the American church today is is doing you know and the Bible says that if you're a hear of the word and not a doer of it you're deceived. And I don't how I don't know how to make that any more clear than how I just said it because Scripture tells us that show the world by your works the faith that you have within you show the world how much you love God and mankind by what you do but he said they didn't talk about none of that he said no matter what Franklin Graham says he said the people would get out there and do it and see it's interesting that Franklin Graham and James Dobson and Pat Robertson and so many other ministries across the United States of America are just simply telling the people to pray and do nothing more folks I want to tell you some it's on Scriptural you know John Quincy Adams said do all that she can do and leave the results up to God The problem is is everybody standing back waiting for God to do what they're unwilling to do on their behalf the Lord is not going to do that but I'll tell you where the Lord will interject He will judge a nation that refuses to keep his commandments so I'm telling you in conveying to you America that you better do what you ought to do through the commandments of God rather than what you want to do well you have the time to do it because you might not have tomorrow to do it and the fact of the matter is if you're sitting there waiting for a crop without actually plowing and planting the seed you're not going to reap the harvest. And the Bible tells us that we're not to pray that there's yet 4 months before the harvest he said Pray that the Lord of the harvest would send forth laborers into the fields didn't the Lord say to the church Lord didn't the Lord say to the church Lord send me isn't that what I was there responded with he said send me he said Give me the heathen is that inheritance remember in Psalm to David it was said told by the Spirit of God to ask he said ask of me and I've given to the heathen as an inheritance they're not asking for the heathen is that in their tents what they want to do is they want to appease themselves by steering their conscience and again sitting back and saying Well God's on his trone I prayed if he didn't answer to his fault not mine in your lack of doing what he commanded you to do so here we go what we're seeing today is again these major ministries doing everything but what they should be doing and what's missing is the doing right there teaching the people how to pray it's also interesting to know that they're driving support to created opposition teaching men to submit to corruption rather than God's moral law to ground the forest for 6 tells us that it's our wisdom in the sight of the nations to obey God's moral law and that's what makes us the light of the world read as they have 51 for also read 1st Samuel and 2nd Samuel see Scripturally the American church has a completely backwards upside down on its head read Isaiah 59 Deuteronomy 1719 now after I heard this preacher bring forth this question my friend I thought that it was a good question to those that were not paying attention and this is the reason I wrote on the topic yet there is an obvious answer to those who are paying attention namely those that are seeking the face of God Those that are doers of the word and not here is only deceiving themselves they're not that they are George of the word . If you look at Isaiah $31.00 through 5 Listen carefully Ok I'm going to bring it to the present whoa is a curse word the Lord said whoa to the rebellious children say it's the Lord that take counsel but not of me and that cover with the covering but not of my spirit that they made add strength to sin that walk to go down in the Egypt the world and have not asked me they trust the government more they trust the powers that be more then he goes on to strengthen themselves in the strength of government and to trust in the shadow government therefore shall the strength of the government be your shame and the trust in the shadow of your government your confusion read Daniel 9 as well for his princes were redzone and his ambassadors came to hands they were all ashamed of a people that could not profit them folks that is exactly the modern church today they are a people that do not profit the rest of us they're called to go out and seek in save that which is lost there and make an appeal to the world friends by the spirit of the world in hopes of winning the World it will never happen that's not what we're called to do but this is what the church is teaching people in this country to do today they're also the hirelings are teaching their congregants to stand down when they should by the Word of God preach that they should stand up in protest concerning what's taking place in this country on so many different fronts folks it's not about just holding the ground that we have it's about taking back and repossessing what God has given us possessed means to drive out the previous occupants to to possess in their place we want right just as we want light we don't want evil in we don't want darkness Therefore if that's the case then we as the church need to stand up and be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving themselves I want to make one more point we're going to take a quick break the 1st. That I want you to take note of notice of is that America's favorite preachers favorite preachers and I want to tell you why they are their favorite preachers because they look and act and talk just like their favorite politicians and these are the very people that Isaiah 30 just warned us of but I want you to understand that America's favorite preachers are not the standard of Christianity Jesus Christ is the standard and it tells us in Acts 412 that neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved and here's my final point before this break if that coach is in the National Football League have lost as many games as preachers in America have metaphorically lost like prayer and abortion and marriage folks they would event turn off their teens long long ago so why is it that these favorite preachers no matter how many times in the how many games metaphorically they lose why are they still there why are they still the standard rather than Jesus Christ for so many I'm here to get your eyes fixed on the author and the finisher of your faith he was 12 too and not on man Sons of Liberty Radio dot com Sons of Liberty Media dot com We'll be right. I'm Joe Jake was c.e.o. Of the Patriot trading and I would like to encourage everyone to make sure they are prepared financial as the Federal Reserve continues to destroy the value of the dollar since the closing of the gold window in 1971 the Federal Reserve has led the way in the explosion of debt and the devaluation of your money they openly say that they need 2 percent inflation which simply means they hope to devalue your money and they want to do this every single year year after year I know it's hard to understand but the Federal Reserve believes in prosperity through dead end growth by of the evaluation of your future to learn more about how to protect yourself visit us at all American Gold dot com or call us at 809510592 protect yourself against the deep alue we of your money. 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Welcome back again to the Sons of Liberty broadcasting live out of Goodlettsville Tenn want to give a shout out to my new friend Vic. General manager here at the Goodlettsville Holiday Inn Express and Suites folks great place great people they truly are they moved the whole office. Out so I could broadcast live today and we totally appreciate it want to tell you to thank you for making us the number one and the number 2 show across the country and over 115 cities we just picked up a couple more radio stations to highlight them next week once we get back into Minneapolis there and again we're broadcasting live out of Tennessee I'll be here Thursday Friday and Saturday still have 4 more hours to drive tonight and then we will preach 3 hours a night so 9 hours in a row friends and then after that we will be back on our way home 20 hours and then a couple days later will be in Montana doing what we do here and we are being spent to willingly here and I thank God for the opportunity because we are as blessed as those that we're reaching out to our paydays to be out there with the people friends not to play the paper tiger or to hide behind a microphone in any sense of the word and that's one thing that we do as a ministry for those that are considering supporting this ministry do November and December are very hard for ministries like ours as well as ministries like ours that are telling it black and white according to the word not according to the appeasement or approbation of men and helping steer their consciences and I am saying that for the. Very reason to consider the source for preaching the word in the constitution here on compromising Li if you are considering supporting us go to Sons of Liberty Media dot com and go to membership become a son or daughter of Liberty or feel like they just donate please do so as well and we greatly appreciate you guys for keeping us out of here the way that you have for so many years and we are a ministry that comes and shows you what we have done rather than what we're going to do so we're on the road telling you that we're going to be in Tennessee preaching Thursday Friday and Saturday and next week we will be in Montana so we'll see what happens after that but in the meantime do consider supporting If you want to call in and book a set any time 1866233074718662330747 we're talking about folks the hirelings and the puppets of American churches are teaching sheep to submit to the wolves and I was just highlighting the fact right before the last break friends if the coaches in the n.f.l. Or the coaches on your favorite sports teams have lost as many games as preachers in America have metaphorically lost like prayer and abortion and marriage just to name a few they would have been thrown off their teams long ago but why are these favorite preachers of the day why are they still put up I want to tell you why they put up their put up to keep the people down there put up to keep the flocks settled and to feel secure under their headship you know I think people forget that Jesus said that think about that I've come to bring peace but a sword I think people forget that he said that he was going to bring variance between family members I think people have forgotten the fact that he didn't come to bring peace friends. He came to bring division truth divides for the right reasons not the wrong reasons if the truth divides for the right reasons praise God If the lie divides for the wrong reasons that's the accuser the brother and right that's found in Revelations 12 down and remember the accuser of the brother and always the key uses others of what he himself is guilty of you know how many times I've heard people say Well Bradley and now you know for you to correct or for you to instruct or for you to teach people it's it's just it sounds so Judge Mental what it what it's like and what bible aren't you reading that you would say something like that hoary dequeue is to overlook judgement because of kindness than love ones itself by killing justice think about what your same when you say stuff like that read the word don't put a false balance which is an abomination in the sight of the Lord in your conversation understand thoroughly what you're saying when you're saying it according to what the Word of God and what the Spirit of God teaches in so many ways. I was just I was just thinking about this yesterday and I actually read this you know when Scripture tells us. But the letter killa right but the spirit giveth life there's a lot of people out there that may have a knowledge of the Word of God but because they don't know the giver of the word by the Holy Ghost they falter they fail how many times did the fairest seas who claim to be the children of God which they were through the seed friends but they had not the spirit know that they have the love of God within their hearts Jesus said to him in John 8 but it's interesting that how many times that people go to Jesus like the Pharisees and the sad you see he's trying to catch him in his words like for one of the examples is you know if if a brother dies that's married to a wife and he left no children the Bible says that the the brothers supposed to pick up the wife and bear seed in his name and then they went on and they said it went to 7 different brothers and then finally the wife dies and they ask the question to Jesus so we have a question for you Jesus then we just want to know then whose wife was she in Jesus looks back and says he neither know the power of God You don't know of the operation of the Holy Ghost you don't understand the things that your same. And when I read when I read scripture like that it's like there's 2 different language that's talked about there's a spirit of the world there's a language of the world and there's a language of the Spirit and even Jesus when he was talking to Nic it Demus and he said listen what am I supposed to be when he was talking about the Born Against experience nicotine was said to Jesus he said How how is a man to enter back into his wife from the home and Jesus said to me said You be a teacher of Israel and you don't even know these things he said if I tell you things in the natural and you don't understand them how much more will you not understand when I teach you things of the Spirit folks they must be spiritually acknowledged and received and understood and if the Holy Ghost doesn't teach or any reminds me of what Martin Luther said the great reformer he said I can talk to people until they're blue in the face he said but and tell the Holy Ghost gives them revelation because he said it goes all for not that's exactly right folks we need the Holy Ghost in what is the missing element in the church today and so many different ways the Holy Ghost Zob Holy Ghost Of The Father said Jesus prayed and he said if you know how to give good good good son to your children how much more will your heavenly Father given to them that ask him the Holy Spirit bask the Lord for the Holy Spirit and also understand the Holy Ghost comes to convicted sin right just sense and judgment if you're in known stand it's the blessing of the Lord John 16 starting in verse 8 I know I'm talking to somebody here he comes to convict you of your sin to bring about gather repentance 2nd Corinthians 714 Isaiah 662 some 5117 and some 3418. He's bringing you about so you might understand but he comes to show you what you are not to the death of the cross to show you who he is if things are as as the world would say all hell breaking loose it is the Lord is kicking the hell out of you as he's getting the heaven in you you need to understand that this is no joyride this isn't a game this isn't a let let's let's just go have some good times in the church and God's going to take everything from you know he's just going to make everything work for you well listen it's a process but the Bible says he needs a body he is looking for those that love them enough to empty themselves out because of the cup is filled friends how can you fill a cup it's already filled with self you can't be for a man makes a man I'm sorry before God makes a man of God he breaks them 1st into a 1000 pieces let me say it this way that was Charles Spurgeon Martin Luther said this the great reformer and tell him and becomes nothing God can create nothing out of him so I tell the Lord comes in and starts to break you down to nothing friends and it's better for you to break. Then for the rock to break on you folks it's better that you learn it now rather than end up in hell and wish that you would but keep in mind for me to live is Christ to die is gain said Paul for to me to live is Christ to die is gain I'll give you one more scripture I'm going to get back to this topic Galatians 220 for me to live is Christ to die is gain that's what John said in chapter 3 but he setting Galatians 220 I'm crucified with Christ Nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ that liveth in me and the life that I now live in the flesh I live in by the face of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me let me say this in the natural I know I'm speaking to some people right now here's the thing a soldier is not a soldier and tell you 1st realizes that he is dead he cannot function properly and so is that in the things of the spirit and it's also interesting to note that those that are born of the Spirit they find themselves awaken and alive in full vigor in the battle not outside the battle and when you follow the Christ guess what you can see that's exactly where Jesus was all the time he was the one that was wrecking the parties raining down the parades taken the hell out of the devil and getting the Holy Ghost and answers from heaven into the people that needed it the most and so should we be in this country now let me get back to this and again I know I'm talkin to someone here as a matter fact there's more than just one I know that I am being used by the Holy Ghost right now to just go to all those little bunny trolls because that's what you need to hear today and by the way take the time when I'm when I'm being used this way to contact me and let me know exactly how the Lord is speaking into your life because I love to hear how he's using this ministry for His glory and the Bible says that you're to find your faith not in the wisdom of man's words but in the power and in the demonstration of the Spirit of God If that's you then email us go to sons and live. The media info in email us and tell us how you're being touched by the power of the Holy One of Israel now I need to get back to this just for staying on topic sake but the hierarchy's as I was just talking about 10 minutes ago if the coaches in the n.f.l. Have lost as many games as preachers in America have metaphorically again through prayer abortion marriage so on and so forth there have been thrown off their teams long ago but they're not they're still being put up why are they fitting the image of Christ that you would have well then guess what if you go to Exodus 20 the 2nd commandment is that we shall not make any self any graven image a god to shoot yourself in Ok Christ again is the standard man is not but what do we see the hierarchies in the American church friends they are the problem because they have forfeited our possession to the other evil team through false doctrine through their Internet and actions and we don't see it just once in a while we see it over and over again folks these are the reason that corruption prevails in the walls of government and why. Because they don't preach out against the band that they themselves are guilty of really look $641.00 and how could it be all their white one corruption prevails within the walls of the church 2nd Peter to 19 tell them Well they've I'm told promised liberty they themselves are the servants of corruption probe whom I managed to overcome all the same and be brought into pot at the Sons of Liberty we are in the trenches doing what it takes to protect our liberty if you are already supporting our work as a son or daughter of liberty we cannot say thank you enough for all we do is made possible by the generosity of faithful supporters like you together we are having a positive impact on the future of this country we all love so much if you have not yet parted with us financially we ask you today to consider becoming a son or daughter of liberty call 186-623-3074 extension 7 or online at Sons of Liberty Radio dot com be a part of the team that brings responses like this I am a son of the liberty of the listener I listen to Bradley almost every day it tells us what we need to hear instead of what we want to hear unlike most shows that you listened till once you join me and then up to be a son or daughter of the liberty to day become a son or daughter of Liberty at Sons of Liberty Radio dot com Sons of Liberty Radio dot com consummate your health with him to write can of that we've always believed that the closer to earth the better it is for our bodies aren't derived cannabinoid oil is vital Canada would reach full spectrum and regain a cli Gruen finally made easy clean and effective d.c. 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Welcome back again to the Sons of Liberty Radio dot com Sons of Liberty Media dot com broadcasting live out a good let's Bill Tennessee want to give a shout out to our friend Vic Trev Eddie general manager thank you for your trust and thank you for your extra effort to make this happen my friend if you guys are in the area friends stop at Holiday Inn Express these guys are great sincerely I'm here to tell you right now it's what they've done now what they said they were going to do and that's exactly what we're talking about here today we're talking about hirelings and the puppets of American churches and how they're teaching sheep to submit to the wolves they are is an interesting you have the church going to the government in support of the government yet if you see throat church history it was the church that established the government and when judgment was to go down it was the priests that were called before the judges war so it was the priest and the judges that were to judge the cases Ok And that's exactly how we are set up through common law in the United States of America through the mosaic institution and friends so I'm saying that for the very purpose that we need to get this straight I was just talking about and 2nd Peter to 19 the modern day hierarchies in the American church are the problem see if they promised you liberty but they themselves are the servants of corruption because they said Mitt to what Isaiah 30 tells us not to submit to work to submit to no king the king Jesus not to the governments we have established the government and when you look at the documents that we have they work for us as we all know but it tells us in 2nd Peter 219 well they promise them liberty they themselves are servants of corruption from whom a man is overcome the same he is brought into bondage that's exactly why the church is stuck outside of the fact that you have the pastors leading the church which is named one time in the New Testament which is found in the fusions for 11 when in fact 1st Corinthians $1220.00 tells us 1st the Apostle then the prophet then the teacher now friends also keep in mind that these are. Also the ones that have somehow convinced the rest of you 86 percent in this country Crichton them that luke warm is the temperature that the Lord has set when it comes to his children and how that they are to live out their walk and yet again friends Jesus stated just the exact in the contrary Revelation 316 tells us so then because of our lukewarm in neither cold nor hot What did Jesus say he said I'll spill you want to my mouth. I'll spill you want to my mouth you know how many times people say to me brother why you're such a you're such a radical preacher good now you know what I think is radical how you have submitted to a government that sanctions what God commanded not to do in the killing of the babies I'm I think it's pretty radical that you submitted to a government that has institutionalized that which is an institutionalized or a bowl a b. L. E. Addy right concerning homosexual marriage which has never been in the history of mankind what else are you going to let them do America I mean this isn't Paris seem . It's totally embarrassing you know but it's funny when I preach out against the sins of corruption within government and in the church isn't it funny how I'm a radical but again I've used the analogy over and over again friends you go to one of your favorite games during a hockey game sometimes go to a football game or a baseball game you want to talk about over the top ridiculous I'm embarrassed for you when you go to a football game in the state of Minnesota these guys take off their clothes they put on horns on their head they paint half their body yellow the other half purple and they shout their lungs out concerning their favorite teams and the Lord already told us that was a sign of judgment because they are offering the incense to their favorite gods they're praying to their God Well they claim their Christianity friends nothing could be further from the truth that is ridiculous that is radical friends how the American people have been conditioned to submit to corruption that's radical and by the way that is exactly what Jesus said He said because you're neither lukewarm neither cold nor hot I'm going to spew you out of my mouth reminds me of what watchman me said by the time the average Christian gets this temperature up to normal Everybody thinks he has a fever and yet the Bible tells us again how diametrically opposed to scripture can Americans become friends Hebrews 17 tells us who make it his angels spirits and his ministers of flame of fire how do I explain. John Wesley said he was the great field preacher in England. He said Every morning I set myself on fire by the Holy Ghost and he said so the world can come watch me burn how foreign that is to the church in this country and so many different ways Benjamin Franklin stated that by the way Ben Franklin used to support none other than the great field preacher in the Great Awakening preacher Mr George Whitfield for those that didn't know how is that working for the atheist or the revisionist of the day Ben Franklin stated whosoever shall introduce into public affairs the principles of primitive Christianity will change the face of the world will change the face of the world folks there's no negotiating with the facts because facts are stubborn things so what the church in America has become is a group of saltless effeminate and spineless men who fail to judge themselves you know King David said that he so walked in the fear of the Lord that he desired to walk in the light of the countenance his countenance he said that he chose the way of truth he set his judgments before him he also said I have had the Word of God in my heart that I might not sin against God Lord we need more grace to keep your commandments better read Romans 6 as well and by the way that's one and Psalm 119 verse 30 and therefore because we have a famine it's in spineless men and women that fail to correct themselves in the sight of God repents writes therefore they have no power to confront the world Matthew 73 with a message of Repent for the kingdom of heaven is that hand Matthew 32 mark 115 Luke 2447 the list goes on Acts 238 friends the church is called the bear witness. And testimony against corruption read Matthew 1018 I want to say that again that church is called to bear witness against corruption Matthew 1038 but you can't without the element of the Holy Ghost you just can't resist I'd be holy as I am only a folks without holiness no man shall see the Lord that's a work of the Holy Ghost to regeneration and renewing creating me got a clean heart and renewed that right spirit within me I've been praying asking for for you and now Lord for all of us that are listening I've been praying to ask you for now Lord again the church is called to bear witness against corruption and because they fail to be the salt they are simply trodden under the foot of man just like they are today that's why they are reproach that's why they are laughed at by everybody and so it is the spirit of the Lord will not bear witness to their compromise and their lies read 1st John 59312 I remember a story told about Charles Finney and I shared this with you last week as well but it comes to my aid even now Charles Fanny a great awakening preacher love him or hate him folks he was a godly man interesting only enough he was after he was born again he was approached by some of the church members who said Would you like us to pray for you and Mr Fannie understanding now that he was born of the Holy Ghost with power and by power he said why would I want you to pray for me when you yourselves don't get your prayers answered and folks by the way that is a great gauge of your spirituality right there to get your prayers answered you know when people try to talk me out of my faith they need to understand that they are fools for their pains because it wasn't man that talked me into the faith and if it wasn't man that talked me into the faith I can't be talked out of my faith. No devil in hell can take out of me what God has put in me Ok And unless the Lord puts it in you we hear about all these young people these these millenniums I can't stand the names people come up with but these millennial a lot of them are walking away from the faith I want to tell you why they're walking away from the faith they're walking away from the faith because they never had the faith Ok. They were proselytized by men concerning our most of the flesh that compass to land in sea making these proselytized ones these young ones these millennia old to be made more twice the more sons and daughters of hell and that's exactly what we're seeing today but because the flesh cannot convert only the Holy Ghost can do that Ok so the Bible tells us you are the salt of the earth but the salt of lost this favor is favor or what shall it be salted it is pence good for nothing right is just what we see in the church become good for nothing it's not the church it's not Christianity it's a lack of Christianity it's not the sheets it's the goats it's not the right choice it's the un right his friends it is Spence forth good for nothing but to be cast out to be trodden under the foot of man Matthew $513.00 but again what do we hear from the church hierarchy today let's pray God out of straw and Jesus is coming back just trust Jesus throw your hands up in the air and hopelessness there's nothing you can do about it yet again Scripture commands Christians that they are to occupy Kelly comes Luke 1913 friends these higher Ling's are teaching the congregants to stand down instead of standing up and protest with their lives if need be Luke 12 for the church is to be the barracks not the soldiers of the Cross folks again listen the church is to be the barracks that soldiers of the Cross are to be spiritually equipped the fees in $612.00 or 18 but what do we see there opening the gates to the wolves John 1012 so that the she may be devoured by corruption and that's what we're talking about today Matthew 26 verse 15 now if I had some more time friends I could go on and on with this but I want you to listen carefully and Andy these ministers have taught their congregants to submit to what God is commanded to throw off and we're talking about how hirelings in the puppets of American churches are teaching the sheep to submit to. What was that our current I and what the prophet John not. For now but common problem of all men and we must obey our king be they good or bad for god of command is true it is got a schematic things to be obeyed the pay which commit the care is glory He has commanded no obedience. Why does it seem America is slowly sinking whose fault is it it's not the Obama's or the Clintons it's not Republicans or Democrats it's not corporations the military or foreign countries it's the Federal Reserve the central banking system made up of private bankers that corrupt and control virtually all aspects of the world money supply and the economy all of the major problems of the world can be traced to the Federal Reserve and central banks of other countries I'm Jason with the Colorado front range News Hour catch my show with co-host Brian here on Cape h n c 3 to 4 Monday through Friday we sell gold and silver the best way to protect your hard earned money call 809510592 keep those blood sucking bankers out of your wallet. Enter promo code k.h. And see when shopping it in for Store dot com That's promo coach agency. Rocky Mountain News Network one Kristen Dover Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser said yesterday that he does expect sheriffs in the state to uphold and follow the new red flag law that would allow judges to order guns taken away from those believed to be dangerous dozens of sheriffs across the state have openly opposed the law and several cities and counties passed laws not requiring their officials to follow that statute that will go.