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This is. A guy. Who's talked to 57. If c.b.s. News on The Hour real news real reporting I'm Allison Keyes President Trump wants big changes in the nation's immigration policy saying right now the nation discriminates against a genius and once his new plan passes he says that won't happen anymore C.B.S.'s Paula as details this plan only deals with legal immigration and it shifts the current system to a more merit based approach for example right now many people come here illegally to join a family member was already in the country or they win a visa lottery now instead of doing that under this new plan how you would be assessed and various merit based factors including English proficiency but some Democrats including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are questioning the Republican party's commitment to families she says any immigration plan must include a path to citizenship. Missouri is now the latest 8 to pass legislation aimed at chipping away at Roe v Wade c.b.s. Adriana Diaz with the latest Missouri joints 14 other states that have proposed so-called heartbeat bills in 2019 alone 4 states have signed them into law Alabama passed and near total ban on abortions the most restrictive law in the country anti-abortion organizer Kathy fork hopes Missouri's bill will create a path to overturn Roe v Wade we care about these women we want them to be safe and I think that the legislature is doing everything they can to keep things well and say a pilot is alive right now after crashing his f. 16 fighter jet into a warehouse in California the fighter jet planes inside a warehouse not a military airplane or building Eyewitnesses say the f. 16 fighting fell onto the roof shortly after taking off from a runway at the March Air reason. The pilot ejected before the plane went down were able to evacuate the people that were inside that building a lot of those 12 people were treated for exposure to debris from the aircraft impact most people would be current and were transported with minor injuries to a local hospital John the big reality c.b.s. News Los Angeles on Capitol Hill right now the president has no more right than others that is Pennsylvania rep Mary Scanlan is among more than 25 House Democrats taking turns reading the entire redacted Russian meddling report from Special Counsel Robert Muller Scanlan says her party wants Americans to see the depth of what she calls unseemly acts by the Trump campaign and administration science mystery around. The end of an era the Big Bang theory ended its run as a top rated t.v. Comedy with an emotional double finale there were big changes for the geeky misfits loved by so many the show had the most episodes for a multi camera series ever this is c.b.s. News. 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If you live in Chicago and haven't seen the musical Hamilton yet you might want to get a move on the show is ending his 3 year run in the Windy City in January producers say more people have seen Hamilton in Chicago than an any other city the show had more than 1300 performances for more than 2600000 people Allison Keyes c.b.s. 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Off again Good afternoon and why we're out here on the roadways here during this rush hour traffic I may know it to rally now I usually would have gone to trial and pod builder or a doctor telling Pagano and then eventually into money allowed to me going back to consummate but I decided I wanted to see what the party was like what we are with it always being so very busy and it is still very busy here in the moment but the mighty area as you are planning to make your way to the end they're gonna try intersection and some stopping go but mostly just stopping in the waiting to go to be quite honest and the line well what I was here the line was a new law I know earlier I said it was at the Mobil intersection and it was but now it's a look at the time to clear up just a little bit which is great and hopefully will continue like that for the rest of 5 hour but that doesn't mean that you just read on through here Ok I love you to look out for ourselves and each other now which is something I wanted to bring up in the east to buy the area I want to stay in the new area after the impasse see a lot of spiders they do have a so they have the ideas of how to talk out there that's kind of blocking the 80 hour rain so the middle and the 3rd is the only one open I would suggest already switching through there if you're planning to make your way if you're going to head south on a route what and you're going to pass that was by area I believe in 2 on a car or I'm not sure the situation is but there is no joke. Martin you know the outer lane so just please be aware that and get yourself situated and then of course not to pass all of that you can move on back those days lead to the way that you originally you were in and that's pretty much it's taken a look at traffic elsewhere it's really big in the asset area like after for those are coming to the sounds heading northbound on Route one right after the as he asked them each fired just because we do have that little road work happening where the elderly man being blocked off for good it's going to mount a road so that might be cause a little bit that the you know people are injured I would always they resigned to tell you to merge and then they tried to merge but it's just so busy I was so he is not yourself already in the inner lane and then asked me about side you can move on to the elderly drive safely out here go on and continue to keep a log he's reporting back to you by more boiled want and energy you would hear from down to Main $30.20 collect $100.00 worth of the new improvement will financially gasoline or eat and you can get a $10.00 Macy's gift card while supplies last of the quam local stations are gone about melismas dot com for more details also be racked by one of those spots that they have an amazin deals happen and one on the spot you get the g.m.c. 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Goes further with every fill lead mobile drive into our redesigned stations today fill up with $100.00 worth of the new and improved mobile synergy gasoline to get $10.00 worth of Macy's gift cards for free quit synergy supreme plus purchases and with 10 smiles points for Synergy extra our synergy diesel truck she says the motion is valid to make $32094.00 while supplies last visit global stations are warmed up mobile smiles dot com for details mobile energy lives here. Now it's time for a cold break freshly made ice cream cakes feeding $25.00 to $50.00 people customized with your grad high school colors or a special graduation theme Coldstone Creamery ice cream cakes for graduation parties give us a call you up with a graduation ice cream cake. Stone at 649-4800 or Micronesia 633800 We know too well the inconvenience of not having power after Ok let's do that $500.00 more times. Welcome to the subway ad for The New Sweden Smokey steak and walk signature How would you like it take my ex-girlfriend just checking in. Just checking in I'm doing great just got to sweeties you know he can back signature reference that way creamy guacamole speed we humans keep sauce and double the tender steak just you know what I want to for I do you think you're doing through really great for me so when I know you what you want when it had only a restaurant still needs an average 60 I mean I hate Kristen Cavaleri what's better than watching the hot. Titian Paradise Hotel on Fox watching it live on Fox tonight one sexy single will be packing their bags and leaving paradise then you get about 5 to help decide who the next guest will. Tell you we're testing to find a date for the door Prince Charming we're. Going to love life on Paradise Hotel catch the 2 hour episode tonight starting at 8 Only on Fox 6 long. 57 cameras brought to you by the Guam Visitors Bureau making Guam a better place to live work and visit biggest night one music is coming to 2019 I'm a music awards presented by Burger King we're going to always be our 98 let's talk to the 7 there sure can ysu sell them sick. This is Francis and. I have been certified. For over 10 years. For a comedian who continues to be a Stevie York. Because we are passionate about the health and well being of your pets. To puncture to help boost your pets natural process when the call is today at 6 for 6. We are your other family doctor this by local messages. Hospital drama trauma. Away. From Marley. And listen to cover. Stories of the. States 19 is trapped in a fire storm please go away wow. We all know that good show the season finale of for the people you were hired to disrupt a federal election the hours of nonstop season finale drama tonight starting at 7 only on a.b.c. 7 pad. It's just. Like I hear Here's insured for $10000.00 I hear she does car commercials things planned her favorite movie is the blue. Color she was pretty she country in the face of it was. I think it's. Trying to get. Me. Even to. This. Ok Paul I am unfamiliar with the this. I'm guessing it sounds like it circa early 2000. And 9 years of your own 8 years ago Ok love and Ok Michael Morris and Michael Morrison and summering Ok not to be confused with documentarian Michael Moore No I think you skinnier Ok. Well I both of us soaking wet Ok Well hopefully you're not getting caught in the rain 518 in the afternoon and we're caught welcome by the way to your 4 hour Phil brought to you by Khalil select care and t.g.i. Friday's check amount in the heart of 2 mana I definitely think that like there soup that big potato soup would definitely hit the spot over at Friday's especially as you can get loaded if you ask real nicely. But we're caught up in the middle of legislative session we're just a few minutes away from live here and the senators in the 35th legislature are about to vote on a pair of measures discussed in in session this week a bond borrowing a bill to finance the construction of a new cell of the loads on landfill and an appropriations measure sort of a corrective one that the legislature already passed to get some money to g.p.d. To install security cameras around the island Let's find out how the legislature is going to whether they're going to pass or not pass these bills. 35th on legislatures back from recess. Clerks. Number 7935. As amended by the Committee on General Government Operations appropriations and housing introduced by Sabina Florrie's is as soon Augustine Rose Mooney a Barnes. William m. Castro James. Marsh Titan 0 and act to add a new section 1512.4 to Article 5 of chapter one title 5. Relative to authorizing him and the governor to issue. Government for the purpose of financing a new land for the. Senator . Senator. Senator. Senator Lee I Senator March. Senator I senator. Senator Moylan I speak. Senator. Senator Monia excuse by Speaker Nelson by Speaker Nelson I Senator Paris. Senator Peres I Senator Ridge l. . Said overage El pass Senator soon Augustine. Senators in Augustine I Senator Shelton. Senator Shelton I Senator title. Senator tightly I Senator Peter. Senator paedo turn i.e. I Senator Teresa. Senator trees July here I Senator Taurus. Senator Taurus I. So this is the time Senator Ridge I'll pass oh this is the time that the clerk gives for. Said it would tell pass because you're passing you know theoretically you need more time to decide your final vote and so that's why we have these periods of silence where the clerk of the legislature gives the passing senators some time to figure out what they want to do a 3rd pass in this case would be in effect of no vote. So we're just stalling for time until the clerk allows for Senator rebel to either vote yes no or pass for a 3rd time which would be an effective no vote as recorded on the legislature's you know voting would that be the only no it would be the only no yeah. Everyone else has voted yes says far as my tally shows. Senator Mitchell. Senator. Ok now you know I mean to you there would be a little bit of splaying in I think that would be merited if if you're the only senator in the legislature that didn't support this $35.00 or receive. 14. 1 excused absence number 7935 is duly passed by this body headed to the governor's office the governor's desk and I would expect a signing because it seems like everyone including heard ministration onboard with this financing plan Bill Number $3132.35. Clerks Please read the title. Bill Number 13235. As amended in the committee of the whole introduced by. Tina Roseman yards and out to amend Section 8 of chapter $1134.00 dash 116 relative to reducing the retirement security plan appropriation by $200000.00 and appropriating the same from the general fund in fiscal year 2019 to the police department for security cameras and related equipment. Police Sen cash Sen cash I senator. Senator pass Senator Marsh. Senator Marsh I Senator Moylan Senator Moylan I speak your mind your bar and speak only of Aren't I Senator Mooney Senator Mouna excuse by Speaker Nelson. By speaker Nelson Pass Senator Paris. Senator Paris I Senator Ridge l. . Sen Ridge l. I senators in August. Senators and Augustine I sen Shelton Senator Shelton I Senator title. Senator Titus we I senator people to lie here Senator Pete alter Like I said or. Senator to reach or lie here I said or Taurus. Senator tourists pass. So there's 3 senators Senators lean Elson in Taurus passed on the 1st vote. Again 3 nos would be enough 3 passes a b. In effect of no vote. In our rules for the legislature Senator Lee Senator Lee I. Know everyone got time one gets on my speaker Nelson. Who says there is a drama in the legislature to hang in on every word here by Speaker Nelson I. Last Senator Mary Taurus Republican or us Senator Taurus I. Tell you not to miss passage again of this bill sounds like if I'm keeping score correctly. Again set to head to the governor's desk this bill number 132 dash 35. 14. 1 excuse absence bill number 13235 c o r is passed by his body. On the nomination of Vincent Pierre to serve as director of the Department of Public Works Madam clerk please. Senator. Senator I Senator Lee. Senator Lee I. Know Senator I Senator Moylan. Senator Moylan I speak in your barns and speaker when you're born Cy senator. Senator Monia excuse by Speaker Nelson. By speaker Nelson I sen Paris. Senator Paris I senator a gel. Senator Joe I senator soon Augustine Senator Sonata Steen I sen Shelton Senator Shelton I Senator title when. Senator Titus we I Senator Piotr lie he Sen people to lie here I sen to return I he said he I sen Taurus Senator Taurus I. So that's unanimous confirmation for the Director of Public Works of Vincent previously served as executive director under a Democratic led legislature and was also I believe it was the deputy director of the Department of Administration under Republican governor Eddie cow vote he's continuing public service now the confirmed director of Public Works for governor. 527 in the afternoon let's confirm what's going out in the middle going on in the middle of rush hour Friday I believe workers also are dealing with a little bit of depending on where in the island you are. Going to let us know what your commute is looking like on your way home on your way to spend your paycheck with this report. And Mobile. The Beast. In the roadway. Or maybe you're calling from above the over. You're going pretty. Down for the long line of cars. I mean the the 2 other lanes the middle and the in early and then the turning lane that was a huge Amber road is not looking too bad I mean it's getting busy but I think that one will clear out real soon just try to save lives you're making your way through Harmon and then taking a look at traffic elsewhere in the Chilean Pongo an area like right in front of me in Chelan Pago charge there is some traffic going on there doesn't look like any heavy congestion or anything like that it just looks like maybe a little stop and go I mean which on homeowners which is always so very busy especially during the rush hour traffic so drive safely go on also I mean I'm not going to say that the roadways aren't out of the way as they were earlier they're definitely much drier which is awesome so drive things was Ok do you drive safely and Athena keep a lock here to these reports being directed by Mobil Oil gone how did you guys hear from nuns made $30.29 teams collect the $100.00 worth of the new and improved mobiles and you got what you received and it just felt a 10 dollar me give card was my last visit while mobilization to go on down the list on dot com for more details we also have our friends at wam autos now they have a amazin deals happen in for you they got the 2019 g.m.c. Canyon I 24995 so you should definitely go and check them out and get pre-approved on line a qualm Otto's by dot com today my name is reason and I'm out in the go I'll catch you one more time later in the 5 o'clock hour people are cute in these countries so the amazing deals are happening right now is almost down to the get low interest rate on your work. For brands. Like the 2019 g.m.c. Canyon starting a 24 night dive card with a 29 Cork as well as 197 so you can take advantage of amazing deals before it's too late call put them in a bottle schedule a test drive pre-approved online auto spot dot com. This is the sound of your car mobile synergy gasoline. With those new and improved synergy gasoline formulated for fuel economy you can get more out of your journeys driving experience are redesigned stations to go further is it. Energy lives here. The news 1st has brought you by live without limits with unlimited 4 g. L.t.e. Data at i.t.t. Freedom is the only own limited plan with no throttling just speed streaming and staying connected this is the. Pager call 922-4483 forward details. Explore your world this newscast being blocked by the People's Bank the Bank of qualm. 532 in the afternoon here are your latest headlines. Allegations of sexual harassment surfacing about high school principal you Linda Hernandez a villa has resulted in the launch of an investigation and her removal from campus preliminary findings have led to a formal review of the school's handling of its responsibilities under the rules and regulations no further details have been released however dealy may widen the scope of their inquiry as more information is discovered. A bond barring measure that seeks to generate funding by the end of June for a new cell at the sun was passed by the legislature this afternoon the bill authored by Senator Sabina pairs seeks to borrow 30000000 dollars by a general obligation bond backed by the full faith and credit of the government of but will be paid through tipping fees assessed by Solid Waste get administrator Melanie Mendiola reassured News Talk a $57.00 listeners that this bond will not affect the ability of lawmakers to roll back any increases noting that this measure is different from the ones that were backed by b b t And Section 30 funds Mendiola also reassured rate payers that bond payments are flat meaning it will not have a bearing on tipping fees having to be raised tune into new stock a $57.00 for more on the story the relocation of Marines from Ok now what to Guam is not too late according to Mr Don Baldwin deputy officer in charge marine corps activity on Guam who told k. $57.00 quote the plan of record is on schedule Iran is reports of a delay through 2000 and $25.00 are not accurate as Baldwin stated that 2024 is still the target timeline tune in to news 1st tonight for the full story acting governor Joshua chin Norio has weighed in on drug free workplace policy stating that those who are going to be entitled to use medicinal marijuana to mitigate a health concern should be protected their response was to address concerns raised about the news 0 tolerance drug and alcohol free workplace policy that will be implementing which expressly prohibits employment for medical cannabis patients who test positive for t.h.c. The acting governor told his talk a 57 listeners that there are layers that have to be peeled stating that more research is needed the governor has issued an order for a policy review by the Department of Administration due in October listen to the interview in full on k 57 dot com. Also the end of Police Week is the start of Emergency Management Services week which started with the proclamation signing by the governor this morning it added loop they will also be awarding the provider of the year for e.m.t. . Paramedics as well as lifesaving awardees from fire Navy fire Anderson fire and Mariana's medical response 9 emergency transport. These are your headlines . News 1st brought you by live without limits with unlimited 4 g. L.t.e. Data at i.t.t. Freedom is the only own limited plan with no throttling just speed streaming and staying connected this is the ice 100 Facebook page or call 92244834 details. Explore your world this newscast being brought to by the People's Bank the Bank of the search for the world's best bartender says join the party as we witness. Compete to demonstrate their expertise and skills of the $29.00. 47 pm at t.g.i. Friday's into law and put a face to the here on the radio with the cave 57 cam on Fox 6 we'll see about hosts in studio guests talking about the hottest topics all of us nationally and locally get news updates live hit the streets mornings and afternoons in traffic with on the go News and a little bit of minutes to get you through the day it's the case 57 on Fox 6 brought to you by visitors bureau. When word Memorial Day It's crystal capillary what's better than watching the hot new dating competition Paradise Hotel and watching it live on Fox 160 single will be kept in their bags and leaving paradise you get to live to help decide who the next. Will Tell. You to find the date for the. For live life on here to touch the 2 hour episode tonight starting at 8 Only on Fox 6 long. 537 in the afternoon Welcome back to your for our fill and Happy Hour is in full of fact thanks to our friends at t.g.i. Friday's I just want to start our conversation with Ron Kaufman with you know some tech news I don't know if you saw Samsung started rolling out and released her reviewers early their brand new foldable phone Oh Ok so it's like a big screen it's like a big tablet like 7 and a half inch tablet and then you can fold it so that it's a you know like a 3 sort of 3 inch. Screen there too yeah there yes so the phone side has a screen and then you unfold it and it's now a tablet by the Samsung actually pulled it because reviewers are having lots of problems and the test units were you know the folding that screen started getting worn out people were getting like blank spots in it the reviewers are saying that they're worried that the thing was going to fall apart because they were folding and unfolding it so many times Samsung found a low tech solution because apparently one of the things that was messing up the folding screen was a screen protector was being removed by reviewers because you know we when we get the new phones Paul you've seen it those screen shields that you're supposed to take office soon as you start using it you know the reviewers assume that that's what it was but actually it's integral to the you know to the to the health of the folding screen. That protective thin layer. Stuff that comes on all of it is specifically designed to protect your folding screen from wear and tear so what's the solution the solution Samsung is just going to make it go all the way through the front of the phone instead of stopping at the screen so that you can't peel it off oh yeah and well it's not that you can't pull it up peel it off it is going to be harder to peel off and Samsung is going to let everybody know by the way don't peel off this thin little layer. I don't know that a $2000.00 smartphone is the right gift for a 4 year old graduating from pre-game but it's the best segment that I could come up with to congratulate your class Rand Yeah. High school graduating class of 2032 yes so we always you know put that in there is to give the parents a little it really is the kickoff to what one would hope to be a very successful and fruitful 10 year I only regret to be honest with you Phil is not selling them trophy cases. Because the parents are going to need them over the years. Yeah yeah you know it's really exciting you know we take these kids who have such a talent and of course they have to be tested on their screen and to get into the program and it's kind of the testing is ending up now I think we got a full load for next year is what we're what we're hearing but it's so exciting like I have one family where the 4th daughter from this one family is in my class so this is the 4th right child right from one family that you've been teaching Yes Ok yes and you get these phenomena and you know with these families and you think well you know what what where or are they coming from you know and there's some good genes apparently Oh yeah you know absolutely and independence you know you see this and how unbelievable you know these little. Folks are 4 years old and they how they well they demonstrate you know we're just doing that inside the emotions I think and you know we have joy and sadness yes you know and where is joy when it's joy and then the no matter how sad they are they make they have to show the jury yeah you know it's it's all part of the ball game but they were out on word on where it is the water park and we signed him out right away right so they're with their parents and it's an old Also after the ceremony they enjoy the waterpark with their Yes Oh that's fantastic of the family . And they dance they did 7 dance you know they don't know any you know you know they want to they just want to perform Oh yeah yeah yeah where the mikes I don't care that they're subjecting their parents to 30 minutes of little kid dancing they don't know their parents or you know what I'm saying is like they're happy to or they would they would have done 10 dances No they just keep standing there you know Mr Kaufman says Ok. And we thank you know Mr Santos Jerry Santos our principal You Ok supportive of what we're up to and Mrs Ray just my age you know she's really powerful. No. 16 great grands grand and I think. You know like that so you know she has that you know the mother type thing yeah and it's it's a working. Absolutely unbelievable you know working sensation you know that you when you see these students come up to the plate I know that we've covered this several times but you were the one who broke the news to me that this pre-game you know gifted and talented education program for 4 year olds universal like your own I mean you know you it's available Island wise if you have to since 1977 has been the only one jurisdiction offer district wide pre-K. Gate program that was legislated. Through our legislature so it was or as a bill signed into law. I think Terry Knapp as we mentioned you know I think she said she found something in Topeka Kansas but it was it wasn't was for like low income or something like that you know bet it wasn't anywhere near you know what we're doing here it's really unique it's really great you know I think early childhood education in such Well the education in those early years is such a critical thing and and for young kids for young gifted kids who may run the risk of I'm not going to take an interest in my schooling because it's boring because it's not challenging because it's not peaking my intellectual curiosity you know that can be the difference between realizing your full potential and just coasting in skating because you learned that you can get all right grades with very minimal effort right well that's that's where the teacher comes in you know the teachers have to recognize the students it's very important maybe only have like maybe 3 or 4 room and they have to get different really hooked up with a librarian and they have to have other activities through 6 you know every school has a gate program and so you know that's something that yeah I'm glad that you mention teachers recognize that they can recommend Yes these students yeah sometimes you know we want to keep everybody to do in the same thing yeah and if you have a 4 year old who can read at the 9th grade level you know it's a really really high exaggeration is it as an exaggeration you know we never really always kind of same age you know socially is important but then we and I Smethwick came out from Hawaii and she had these great D.V.D.'s interviewing these young students who got accelerated you know to the level of their reading level their actual reading levels and they were so happy. And so thankful Yeah finally they weren't teaching anymore right and they were just walking around the class or they were just like bored out of there. All the rest of the kids are learning one plus one is too bright and you know they're A.B.C.'s and all that because they're ready for so much more oh yeah absolutely as they should be and this is something that within our educational system we have to be able and again I'm just happy that we're addressing the needs of children of all skill levels of all backgrounds because you know just like if we're going to have the kids that need extra help if we don't give them the extra help we're doing a disservice to them they're going to be left behind and you know these kids have to be challenge and have to be given you know curriculum that is above and beyond their grade level if they're not then we're also doing them a disservice because they're going to lose interest quickly they're going to learn to coast quickly and then you know what could have been a Merit Scholar student is just happy with the c. Average because it means that I don't have to do any higher and the interesting thing is this next year be my 3rd Japanese student full on Japanese I have I've had 2 Japanese students didn't speak any English Wow And then this year I have mainland Chinese student 4 years old speaks unbelievable English and I had this beautiful blond hair kind of a light colored eyes walked in the classroom raise your arms and yelled out I'm. A 3rd generation Yeah you know these people are emerging and it's so beautiful it's so wonderful you know this universal. 4 year old and you know the really the only time they ever really look at me in the classroom is when they're about to do something. Otherwise their world is. The rand confident in educator not just as movie job but a lot of people know him being a pre-K. Gate teacher and Verna from Harry as true. And also a teacher of note it's it's a promotional season so let's go ahead and talk to our favorite 5th grade teacher out of that center read a campus are you having a hard time saying goodbye to the kiddos Verna. I'd like to say yes for all of them but I know there's. Been quite a year old boy we had our great promotion today. You know it was pretty good and the parents love their song we we found the song online that are going to why only being. Called like an eagle by Carl I can't remember that they may not there but you know the parents were commenting on how beautiful the words were and even though we think you don't really think it would be willing apparently we were wrong . And you know I mean and that's what we want well I think that parents are always going to be in an emotional state of mind when their kid is graduating from like let's say elementary school to middle school because everyone has to confront you know that that that unavoidable feeling of oh my God my baby isn't so much of a baby anymore that's right and you know what I want to also talk about my son. Is finishing up 10th grade and 2021. He went through the rebate program on Michael and I have to do on what it agree with Rand because that program is off for him and he can. Keep it thinking that are already like up to par with regard to knowing their letter sounds and what not you who think they need that constant belief in because they're ready they're just ready to move on and create really help and if you you know if you if you get let him catch the bug for learning at that age if you show him that there is a way that you can be challenging that there's always new stuff to learn like you want and then that sets them up for success. And on the other hand if you have a gifted kid and they are associating school with nothing but boring you know boring stuff and I already know this and why are we going over this again I knew it yesterday you know that you're also setting him up for failure so I do think it's such an important program I'm so glad that it's continuing I'm glad it's in trying to do legislation for posterity seek Yeah and I think that you know when you've got a young and early education is really important. Well and you're a part of the early childhood education Verna for so many years so congratulations to the 5th grade graduates of Harry s. Truman elementary school I hope you're excited for for middle school what's the main feeder campus for your for. Your middle Ok I've heard from oh my kids are actually going to be living off island and on in part but the good kid that it was in was going to miss out on your idea. We have to get going. And by the way Monday we have our Pilcher you know end of the year going on promotion today and Monday the field trip to watch a movie and I don't what movie watching we're watching the I want to be could you and I'll just have to peek at you yes I mean Miles but I really love that I can really tell them about Ryan Reynolds because you. Verna you know what you call a tree moral person that is too busy being investigative and shady on Facebook. You can't you call them detective. I know you're going to. Buy ever know have a do week. Run I I just think I come from a family of educators and so I can only imagine that sense of like professional and personal fulfillment when you see a kid at the end of a long academic year and you know that they're the better for it you know I just think it's it must be like the main Like reason why so many teachers hang on for as long as they do because it must be such a inspiring feat to see these kids develop you know Phil is nothing really like it if you think about it you know you're in a 180 days 6 hours a day you know of course like besides your siblings and parents you're the person with the most contact with as an educator you have to continually have something exciting to do and this is the important part you know that you're organized the is not any moments where the child isn't challenged and of course you just watch this fast growing individual you know go from the 1st day oh I can't do this. But you pass the test Yeah you can do it yeah and then then they merge right you know the gift. And talented and every day for 15 minutes you know they're performing on the stage learning how to do this or using the microphone they're doing all these things and it's just you just see this blossoming like as you said it's like almost as good as being a farmer sure you know watching those produce come out of these beautiful flowers merge and then of course you watch the parents and you ask the parents well if you notice any differences you know and we had one example there was a young lady who was very shy and hiding behind her mom hiding behind her dad you know holding on to the leg and. By Christmas the father was a car salesman and she was singing and dancing at the car place. Now that is. Tearing up I hope you're ready yeah. Yeah yeah you know. You know parents. You know it as well and you've also been at it long enough that you get to see you know what starts 4 year old kids and now they're full grown. Year seniors Yeah she was my 1st year seniors no to a baby or I you know we keep in contact with all these fine folks and get in and contact with the seniors this year to have a little meeting right and we do some consolation you know if I don't there's anything that they need and things like that it's it's very powerful but the key is staying in contact with with the students and of course that we have our little beach house every Christmas we asked the kindergarten the 5th grade the 8th grade the 12th grade to come down to have a Christmas party so let me just quickly shout out all the gate teachers that helped me along the way this is Pablo was my pre-K. Teacher Mrs Clement Rosemary Clement was over at again Unites for all 6 years there when I went into sort of the gate performing arts program. Obviously Terry Knapp was instrumental concurring. Vegas now I wonder if the coaches are still here though I don't know and then and really how can I forget. I I remember distinctly watching when I was a little kid version of the King and I it was I think both Tory and Melvin speaker want Pat's kids were in the production I just remember I want to do this and Ray left for a little bit and then they came back you know so it's. It's just really great and again all of these Not to mention academic challengeable and all the coaches I had the national forensically going all the coaches I had you know that this division I'm sorry it's the program under the division of special education really does. Struction now oh it is Ok to know that just shows how old I am because. Man And you know one of the things I want to I want to bring up a sure thing this is the thing about us humans that's a little bit challenging you know Phil we're having such a problem with these folks are getting these raises and you know even though you know it's not necessarily done in the way it's supposed to be done of course that's pretty obvious but you know how alluded to people who get raises if you want to think about anything at all you know we have to embrace that thought of really not putting people down for being achievers and doing well and if they are deserving of a bonus and the people who are around them who see what they do every day and they're the ones who are giving them these bonuses hats off to you you know I mean there's nobody would rather have you know here's our incentive if you came in here and pop $5000.00 bonus for everybody you know around the table because you know Sorenson's doing well then there you go and we would never think that that's that's a bad thing I so one of the things that you have taught me over the 10 year of me sitting in this afternoon chair is we are spirits having a human experience let's let's start identifying when we are being anchored down by terrestrial nonsense and I do think that if if I'm being completely honest some of the things that drive the criticism of of pay whether somebody oh my god you hired him how much or Oh my God he got 50 $3000.00 in raises over 5 years I think if I'm being completely honest that some of the criticism and opposition that fuels that is based in for instance terrestrial feelings like Andy and Genesis on this strongest emotion and as a human and so understanding that maybe part of. My opinion. Is informed by these terrestrial feelings that are weighing my spirit down maybe if I take a different approach that will just help me ascend it will take the weight off my shoulders I won't be you know I won't be so angry for. I think driving up again your neighbor coming in with a brand new type with an 85 in sand and you run over there and instead of say what did that so and so do to get that you'd run over and say hey man can I help you set it up as if I know you know I'll polish half your truck you know you polish the other half and you know you're engaged in this house. With folks and that's when the string theory that we have as humans we have to rise above it and by the way Phil you know you know why they are landing there's no public bathroom. Well soon they'll be able to use the mirrors. We've got we have to be even. Lately can you tell me what the schedule is for when it's going to be open I mean you've got to call the Mer I guess so there's a size of the thing that I want to do is park on the condo property and have you know the security of my car because I left and I'm not going over. To get that schedule Ok sign you know I'm a joiner resident Oh yeah I know you're downtown yeah so it would be nice to figure out when when I can go and I hope that it I hope that the chain isn't related to that actually private property that we've been trust passing upon all this time you know I'm trying to think we had a concert down there Crazyhorse Neil Young Ok back up group beach we mowed the whole thing down we had a great big great big canopy that Ricky had from those political endeavors and of course he got up and talked and and it ran for a week it ran Friday night Saturday and I all through Sunday we had food it was it was a very while I was. I don't know maybe 510 a car. We're just charge of the cars and all night long there's a car going on back also all you saw all you did was when a car came up like 5 people and you have dollars in the car. And it was you know very heartwarming you know such a beautiful venue that place that hill is perfect for a concert and so that it's a natural right and so you were saying that that sort of was along the hell that it was not we had a stage. You also said that there are people in the water oh yeah well there was you know you can there are steps that go down to the water yeah that Ricky's be number use that would you also say that there are like boats out in the water well no there were boats out of the while some of the guys got busted for skinny dip that's what it was Ok Jody rector. I don't blame the chain at to got chain being up like you know past a certain point because like you said you know moonlight dips usually have you know not let's just say not the most family friendly of intentions no no you know unless they start like a Rastafarian nudist colony or something well we got to run the news 1st is headed your way we're going to take a commercial break to lead us to the news don't go anywhere Rand going to be in the studio for the Edge Of Heaven let's just end with our favorite montra and thank you Holly Lydia for the read there you go and how you for the Rays Yes And Holly for the weekend let's make sure it's filled with love with our favorite montra. Why is that work a job to get you know amazing deals are happening right now. Is a good one. Because he she used the 2019. 2049 or the 20. 197 for take advantage of me. To call for 70. 5 pre-approved on the. Spot dot com. With every film. 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News 1st is presented by the bank of the People's Bank Pizza Hut where taking pizza to where it's never been before Taco Bell the only place where you live mosse Colgate the number one brand recommended by Bendis and i t m b. E n c m M's 1st broadcasting my high definition to man. In the media and our game a.b.i. On sideband here is your p n c news team. When it's a half a day you're watching can see news 1st we arrive at our broadcast center a contest I'm sure they're not and I'm going to have us thanks for tuning in topping our newscast tonight more allegations of sexual harassment other islands public schools have surfaced.

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