Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20170328

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all these hot ladies around in austin, texas. >> to make it fun for the fans, how about if you're impressed, i get your number. >> he might be out there doing magic but he's trolling for digits. >> it's like real life tinder. >> i think a lot of people would swipe right on that guy. >> he brings out his magic. then just ties a knot in the rope. he takes the rope with a knot in the middle and starts placing it behind his shirt. the magic he challenges them to do is find that knot underneath his shirt. what they're going to do is pull that knot through the shirt. magic, ta-da. everyone goes crazy. >> i like where this is going. >> one, two, three. >> oh [ bleep ]! >> oh, wow. never saw that coming. >> connor has found another way to get his ridiculous bod out there on the streets of austin. and of course now they are also impressed. he's getting an avalanche of digits into his phone. ladies, we like many flavors here at "right this minute." >> oh! >> connor is getting sthus guy to say i could get a youtube too. >> i want to poke them, like, their abs. >> i think they want to poke you too. that's all for now. but please catch the next brand that's all for now. but please catch the next brand new episode of "rtm." -- captions by vitac -- forged out of bravery, sacrifice, and duty. from all corners of the country, a family for life. ♪ but whether they served in lands far away or communities close to home, some of these men and women may face difficult times or even crisis. but sometimes reaching out for help can be the most challenging and worthwhile mission of all. thankfully, friends, family, and communities are standing by their service members and veterans now more than ever. ♪ we're all in this together. when you recognize something isn't right, make the call to the veterans crisis line or military crisis line. during times of crisis, reach out and call. dial 1-800-273-8255 and press 1. northern california commuters witnessed real horsepower on the road during morning rush hour. the four-footed fugitives broke through a fence about a mile away. we're told they did observe traffic rules. however, by using the freeway on ramp. >> oh. >> then it looks like they were running against the flow of traffic. >> i think they were just jealous that they were making their way somewhere. >> on the shoulder, need to keep that clear for the ambulance, guys. >> come on. >> come on. jeez. enough more serious story involving a teenager security patdown at the dallas ft. worth airport. his mother took the video. posted it on facebook. she calls the pat down "horrifying" and says her son was detained for well more than an hour. >> jennifer williamson claims she requested her son aaron not be patted down because he has sensory processing disorder. condition that can cause anxiety in children when they're touched. the tsa says all approved procedures were followed. now to another airport controversy, that growing backlash after two teens were barred from a united airlines flight because they were wearing leggings. >> the airline continues to defend its policies despite growing number of people who say the decision is unfair. now another airline is jumping on the bandwagon. >> reporter: this morning, united airlines is dealing with a different kind of turbulence. after two girls had to change clothes before boarding a flight from denver to minneapolis sunday. >> we heard the gate agent say you know, "these aren't my rules, i just enforce them." that was when they looked panicked. outraged fellow passenger, activist, shannon watts took to twitter writing, "a united gate agent isn't letting girls in leggings get on flight. since when does united police women's clothing." to me it seems like a pretty sexist policy. united says the family was flying under its pass rider program. where employee relatives can fly free or heavily discounted prices. the airline tells abc news when "taking advantage of this benefit, all employees and pass riders are considered representatives of united. the passengers this morning were united pass riders and not in compliance with our dress code for company benefit travel." >> with the buddy passes, there was very specific language about what is appropriate and what is inappropriate. the airline is saying if you are going to fly for free for us, you are going to meet certain standards of dress. >> reporter: the response is getting mixed reaction among other travelers. >> why should they be banned? that's crazy. i don't agree with that at all. >> if you are flying on a friends and family pass, and you know that they have certain rules that you should abide by those rules. celebrities weighing in too. chrissy teigen writes, i have flown united before with literally no pants on, just a dress. now, delta seizing the opportunity with a tweet of its own. reading, flying delta means comfort. that means you can wear your leggings. in the end united says the family was still able to travel on the next flight using their passes, and reassures its regular customers, leggings are welcome. >> i think my favorite tweet in reading all through social media outpouring on this, the man who said it is not going to be pretty, but i am going to wear leggings on my next united flight. >> oh, god no. oh, god no. >> was that not you? i thought -- thought maybe you adopted a new twitter handle. >> i, i have, flown on a buddy pass before. and have gotten, worn a full suit. i understand. >> didn't wear leggings? >> no. those are, just for other flights. where it's not highly inappropriate. every flight. all right. when we come back, who's hanging up those dancing shoes for good? >> we will have the good, the bad, the ugly -- and the very ugly from the ballroom. >> nobody wants to see me in leggings. >> speaking of the very ugly, "the skinny" is coming up next. stay with us. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this. ♪ skinny ♪ so skinny >> all right. time to head to the ballroom. and it is the second week of competition in time for a celeb to hang up their dancing shoes. >> we'll get to the losers of the night. let's start off with the winners, winners that is. running back, rashad jennings, my fave. showed off skin. >> is it in slo-mo. >> hope so. he and his partner, emma slater danced the waltz. they got the top spot. with a score of 32 out of 40. >> they were great. >> also, top of the leader board, fifth harmony's singer, dancing to give me your love. apparently, the judges did. she is touring in asia. got off a plane from japan, four hours before show time. >> that is commitment. >> yes. speaking of commitment. val's brother max suffered an early injury. >> oh. >> he may not be able to dance. didn't dance tonight. heading to the doctor soon. looks more serious than just icing. so, hopefully gets better soon. >> mr. t tried to knock out the judges with a paso doble. but the routine wasn't much of a knockout. it fell flat. scoring only 22 out of 40. >> and. >> good flexes. >> charo, scored 25. but let's be honest. real entertainment came when she stormed off the dance floor. she even stole the host's microphone. tom's microphone. had this hold me back moment where she tried to lunge at the judges for giving her a low score. >> ha-ha-ha. i love it. >> they said last time they needed a security guard to protect people from rushing the stage, during ryan lochte's performance. this time they needed a security guard to protect them from charo. >> judges from her. the team that did go home. featuring "snl" alum, chris catan, and partner. this week learned more about, the neck injury which made it very difficult for him to dance. so, he was never really going to win this thing. but he didn't let that, ruin his experience. even thanking his partner. >> she is amazing inspiration. and i couldn't have gone, done this without her. i had an incredible, incredible time. incredible time. >> one down. 11 more to go. speaking of more. ♪ tell me more tell me more apparently. ♪ the one that i want ♪ ooh ooh ooh there is a reunion planned for the movie "grease." olivia newton john, sandy, and said that she and john travolta thinking of ways to mark the film's 40th anniversary. >> though no official plans yet, we can't help but get excited for them to pair up again. but if this isn't true, you will be cruising for a bruising. >> tell me about it, stud. ♪ ooh ooh ooh we can stage our own reunion. think i know all the dance moves. >> i practiced the moves in my office before this. all i got was the hip part. i don't want to take anybody out. ♪ the one that i want ♪ ooh ooh ooh honey >> the little. you got it. we got it. we are ready. >> reunion. finally. ♪ ooh ooh ooh photo bomb worth 1,000 words. check out the lovely couple on vacation. wait, who is the random guy in the background? >> that, my friend, is actor chris hemsworth. thor himself, posted the picture to instagram. telling the pair, "get out of my shot." the real question who is photo bombing who? while we are on the topic of celebrity photo bombs. you and i had an encounter at the u.s. open some time ago. >> yeah. so we were singing to phil collin's song, because he was performing. and we were so excited about phil collins. way down there. we didn't realize that susan sarandan was sitting behind us. don't think it counts. she didn't know. one of these days a real photo bomb. one of these days. >> yeah. photo bomb. one of these days. >> yeah., and my sweethearts handsome,gone sayonara.rance... this scarf, all that's left to remember. what! she washed this like a month ago! how's a guy supposed to move on! the long lasting scent of gain flings. ♪ lysol max cover kills 99.9% of bacteria, even on soft surfaces. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. two kids barfed in class today. it was so gross. lysol disinfectant spray kills 99.9% of bacteria, even those that cause stomach bugs. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. ...better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. but... ...they're not all the same. turns out, they're really... ...different. who knew? i had no idea. so, she said look for... that's shaped like a dental tool with a round... ...brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to... ...gently remove more plaque and... ...oral-b crossaction is clinically proven to... ...remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b! the #1 brand used by dentists worldwide. oral-b. brush like a pro. ♪ ♪ >> the song out there. >> i love it. missy elliott the queen of hip-hop in the late '90s, early 2000s. one of the artists you knew every word to every song except one. >> now people are discovering she didn't just sing about flipping it and reversing it. she actually did it to one of her songs. yeah. we're up all "nightline" with dan harris. ♪ is it worth it let me work it put my thing down flip it and reverse it ♪ >> reporter: it's been 15 years since missy elliott first released her hit song "work it." ♪ >> reporter: from the amas in 2003. ♪ take down flip it and reverse it ♪ to her surprise super bowl halftime performance in 2015. ♪ let me search it ♪ they go ♪ bah-tah-tah >> reporter: no question, missy's 2002 track proved timeless. timeness. but a recent tweet about the catchy hook, from the hip-hop star herself, has sent the internet into a frenzy. missy took a moment to shout out to fans who recently figured out that the widely accepted mumbling that follows -- ♪ put my thing down flip it and reverse it ♪ was more than just gibberish. the rapper confirming that lyrics were literally reversed. ♪ put my thing down flip it and reverse it ♪ social media erupted this weekend, fans announced their surprise over the mysterious lyric. as for missy die-hards they were less than impressed with how long it took so many people to realize. one fan tweeting this gif of judge judy saying, wow it really took y'all this long to figure out what missy elliott was saying? 15 years later, looks like the case of mumbling missy has finally been solved. now could somebody please tell me what young thug has been saying? dan harris, abc news, new york. >> a whole another matter. >> i don't know if we can say any of those lyrics on television. >> yeah. i -- >> i always knew this. i have to say. >> i had a dirtier version in my head. >> i am a better missy elliott fan than you. missy, you hear that? >> i am just a naughtier person than you are. >> yes, also true. >> that is established. i had no idea -- >> missy elliott huge inspiration for you, right, with your new budding rap career? can we take a look at k.g. money one more time. ♪ >> that's my best part. we have producer signature in there. ♪ kg money coming at you >> oh, god, it's awful. >> maybe try to reverse the words. since you couldn't figure out how to sing them. >> maybe try singing it backwards. that may work better. >> favorite parter, producer, brianna, our video chick in the background. >> just laughing at you the entire time. >> as you should. >> it would be funny if it wasn't so sad. ( cheering ) ( grunts ) ( buzzer sounds ) now they're beating us on the boards out there, guys. this is your territory, grimson. do your job. grimson. hello? hi, honey. what? now? all right. ♪ the itsy-bitsy spider - ♪ climbed up the water spout... ♪ - ( giggling ) ♪ down came the rain ♪ and washed the spider out ♪ ♪ out came the sun... - shh. - ♪ and dried up all the rain ♪ ♪ and the itsy-bitsy spider - ♪ climbed up the spout again. ♪ - ( rock music playing ) i love you, daddy. i love you too, sweetheart. - ( laughing ) - ♪ do you believe in magic ♪ ♪ in a young girl's heart? - ♪ how the music can free her... ♪ - hey, it's my girl. ♪ whenever it starts? - ♪ and it's magic... - you know, my daughter? ( announcer speaks ) a message from the foundation for a better life. good tuesday morning. everyone, i'm kendis gibson. >> and i'm diane macedo. a huge cyclone is ripping up australia right now. officials fear the storm could do real damage. the most in years. we have new video ahead. the pentagon is exam anyoning civilian toll in its fight against isis. the defense department looking at recent strikes in iraq after a jump in civilian casualties. there are reports this morning that say more than 200 people have died this month alone. two undercover miami dade police officers are in the hospital after being injured in an ambush. it all happened during an anti-gang operation. we have a live update coming up. the clock is ticking towards a move by the raiders from oakland to vegas, baby. that move approved by the nfl owners, team will play in oakland for two more seasons. those are some of our top stories on this tuesday. it is march 28th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." we do say good morning, everybody, on this tuesday morning. we are actually going to start on the other end of the world. and a monster cyclone that is right now making landfall in australia. >> it's pounding a popular tourist area right now, forcing thousands to evacuate. >> so the early fall weather there, down under, went from bright, sunny to what some are now calling a debbie downer. >> the most powerful tropical cyclone on earth so far this year roaring ashore overnight. battering australia's northeast coast with gale-force wind and torrential rain. debbie making landfall as the a category four storm with winds gusting 155 miles an hour. slamming a set of islands with popular with tourists heading to the great barrier reef. this view from international space station showing monster storm on approach to the australian coast. the diameter, 621 miles across. its force downing trees and whipping up the sea. covering this beach in foam. but more pressing concern, the possibility of widespread damage and power outages. tens of thousands of residents along low lying areas evacuated ahead of the cyclone. >> we are asking people to maintain safety and inside of their houses. stay safe. ensure that your family are safe. >> the storm expected an all day event for the coast. it will be several hours before authorities can survey the damage. back here in the u.s., the southern plains and the mid south are on the receiving end today of two separate severe storm systems. a new one is moving into texas, oklahoma, while another makes its way through tennessee, mississippi, and kentucky. >> residents of southwestern kentucky took refuge sirens blared, warning of possible tornadoes. some schools sent students home early. emergency services in tennessee says several mobile homes "pretty much imploded" because of severe storms there. luckily, no injuries reported. >> sort of severe weather is going to be the story for the south all week long. >> right. the west will also see storms today. accuweather's paul williams has the details. paul, good morning. >> good morning, diane, kendis. we have a problem with gusty winds along the west coast. right now winds are picking up. fresno, san francisco area, strong winds, between 40 to 60 mile per hour winds. associated with the sweeping through of the front. going to cause downed trees. and power lines. difficulty travel, along with even blowing dust. that low and that front will sweep across. then begin to bring the strong winds into arizona going into new mexico and throughout southern portions of utah. diane, kendis. >> paul, thanks. the house intelligence chairman is facing some growing calls to recuse himself from the investigation into russian interference in the presidential election. >> this after it was revealed that devin nunes met with a secret source on white house grounds. democrats say he is too close to the administration to run an objective investigation. abc's cecelia vega at the white house. >> reporter: top republican leading what is supposed to be independent investigation into russian election meddling facing serious question as but impartiality. house intelligence chairman devin nunes now says his trove of classified information allegedly showing intelligence officials may have inadvertently picked up the communications of the president and his transition team was actually given to him by someone on the white house grounds. >> not going to tell you where i was at on the grounds because i of course those are classified facilities. >> reporter: the california congressman, member of the president's transition team, now admits he met his source at a secret location on the white house grounds last week. the very next day, nunes briefed reporters on capitol hill about his findings. and then rushed back to the white house to brief the president. >> what i have read bothers me. i think it should bother the president himself and his team. >> reporter: the president said the findings vindicated his claim that president obama wire tapped him. >> do you feel vindicated by chairman nunes? >> i somewhat do. i must tell you. somewhat do. >> reporter: nunes admits he has no evidence that trump tower was wiretapped and hasn't provided his own committee with any proof of his new claims. now, top democrats calling on the chairman to step aside. >> chairman nunes is falling down on the job. and seems to be more interested in protecting the president than in seeking the truth. >> reporter: as for the trump administration, they will not say who nunes met with on the white house grounds. >> i'm not going to get into who he met with or why he met with them. i think that is something he has made very clear. i will let him answer it. >> back to nunes as for those calls by the democrats for him to step down, they are growing louder. no indication that is about to happen. house speaker paul ryan standing by him saying -- that nunes is conducting a thorough, fair, credible investigation. cecelia vega, abc news, the white house. >> cecelia, thanks. now to new details in the crisis involving lead-tainted water in flint, michigan. there is now a new deal to replace thousands of pipes. a judge expected to approve the agreement. and will dig up 18,000 lead or galvanized pipes by 2020. the state will set aside $90 million for the projects. and residents will be advise to use filters for six months after those pipes are replaced. and the full dakota pipeline could be up and running very soon. the developer says oil has been placed in the line under the missouri river. the goal is to deliver that oil to southern illinois in a few weeks. meanwhile, two native american tribes are still trying to go to court to object to the project. they say that would threaten the water supply and religious sites. let's get to a couple sports items now. starting with possibility tom brady could play for several more years. brady turns 40 in august. this upcoming season will be his 18th. with the super bowl champs, patriots of course. team owner robert kraft says brady is willing to play another six or seven seasons. if that happens, and brady stays with the pats, he would smash the record for most nfl seasons played with the same team. >> if it ain't broke. don't fix it. and brady most certainly is not broke in any way, shape or form, including his bank account. why would you stop? right? >> no, he's looking great. >> making millions of dollars. married to a supermodel. >> what more do you want? just won the super bowl. >> won the super bowl over and over again. >> yep. fighting legal battles. winning. losing. >> winning in the end. did it really matter? >> did it matter, no? coming up, sometimes you just need to -- um, get away. want to get away? why not travel in style and hit beaches and resorts like a celebrity. but first, are you prepared to handle a small fire in your home? most people think they are. but you might be neglecting a very important tool. you are watching "world news now". >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by trivago. trivago. weather, brought to you by trivago. with tampax pearl. you get ultimate protection on your heaviest days and smooth removal for your lightest. tampax pearl and pocket pearl for on the go. no matter who was in there last... protection. new lysol power & fresh 6 goes to work flush after flush for a just-cleaned feeling that lasts up to four weeks. lysol, what it takes to protect. they have to be great on the inside and outside. my hygienist said to think of my teeth like an apple. to strengthen both, she said to go pro. go pro with crest pro-health advanced. it strengthens... ...teeth inside, and is better at strengthening the... ...outside than colgate total. best check-up ever. you knmegared omega-3s... but did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... just one softgel delivers the omega-3 power of two regular fish oil pills... so give your body mega support with megared advanced 4in1. don't let dust and allergens and life's beautiful moments. flonase allergy relief delivers more complete relief. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause all your symptoms, including nasal congestion and itchy, watery eyes. flonase is an allergy nasal spray that works even beyond the nose. so you can enjoy every beautiful moment to the fullest. flonase. 6>1 changes everything. florida jeweler found an airtight way to stop a suspected thief. he locked her in his vault. the boca raton jeweler said the woman tried to take nearly $7 million worth of stones and replace them with fakes. but he caught on. walked out of the vault. locked her in. and then called police. investigators say she might be part of an international crime ring. she is free however on bond. >> that's one way to do it. >> yeah. new york's fearless girl will continue to stare down wall street's charging bull, at least for a little while. the statue of the little girl installed on a temporary basis for international women's day. as the a call for more diversity on corporate boards. now it was supposed to be removed on sunday. but fearless girl has been so popular with tourists, and the mayor says it can now stay until next year. >> okay, yeah. it's been an attraction down there in lower manhattan. >> i like her. she is sassy. >> she is. a fire extinguisher, as you know, can stop a small kitchen fire from becoming a raging inferno. many of us forget they're there. >> yep. experts say you need to check your fire extinguisher once a month. if it is more than ten years old, you have to replace it. abc's gio benitez has more. ♪ >> reporter: we are in morris township, new jersey. going door to door with the local fire department making sure residents and their fire extinguishers are good to go in the event of a blaze. just having one isn't always enough. and now we are putting residents to the test. first up, expiration dates. experts say you need to replace an extinguisher every ten years. here's why. ron stanziale has a perfectly good extinguisher in the kitchen. out in his garage. take a look at that. this one is in the red. when is the last time you checked this one? >> i don't know. >> is this possible? >> 1981? >> yes. >> reporter: outside our fire team setting up a controlled blaze, he squeezes the handle, but its pressure gone. nothing. >> reporter: now when you look at that and you think, oh, boy, if there was a fire -- >> oh, yeah. >> in the garage. >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: you would be in trouble. >> very much so. >> reporter: 1981, unlike a bottle of wine, it doesn't get better with age. also crucial, location. experts say fire extinguishers need to be easily accessible, definitely not under the kitchen sink. in the event of a kitchen fire, fire chief says you might never get to it. >> basically you want it away from the stove where the fire might actually start. >> yes. >> reporter: the safety pin is missing, compromising its integrity. down the block we meet this mother of two. hers also under the sink. her issue. she doesn't know how to use it. >> let's test tip. >> reporter: sure enough, when the heat is on, she doesn't pull the pin, wasting valuable time. >> i don't even know how to. >> reporter: after 20 critical seconds she finally figures it out. >> right. >> reporter: it was hairy for a second. didn't know huh to use it. didn't know to pull the pin out first. experts say there is a simple acronym to remember. pass p-a-s-s, pull the pin. you are going to aim. you are going to squeeze. and you are going to sweep at the base of the fire. but if you are not comfortable, or you can't put it out in 30 seconds or less, just get out. >> do not try to be the hero. let the fire department handle it. equipped, trained to handle larger fires. >> equipping all of our families with two brand new fire extinguishers. one suited to tackle small fires in your home. gio benitez, abc news, new york. >> i could have used that visit, gio. don't remember the last time i checked my fire extinguishers. >> i don't know where mine is in the apartment. don't think i even have looked. you had a good point. >> if they would make them prettier, then you will just leave them out. right? could have a little fire extinguisher. cozy right her on the wall. >> if our emmy awards were like fire extinguishers, yeah, put it right there. right there in the middle of the wall. >> emmy awards. many emmy awards. >> by many, one. but seriously, it would be very nice, good tips from gio. coming up -- >> time to pack your bags. >> we are hitting the road with the most interesting traveler in the world. smells nice... breathe happy, with new febreze. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but can it fix this teen's skateboarding mishap? nope. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. >> announcer: "world news now" ♪ oh, to be there right now. >> traveling in style we think of flying first-class. how about where you land? >> it is important. i sat down with mark murphy. he has one of the coolest jobs around, gets paid to travel the world, hitting all of the best destinations. >> he has been to more than 70 countries around the world. he is the most interesting man in the world. >> he can speak french in russian. >> who isn't the guy from the old dos equis commercial. seriously, mark murphy has been and done quite a bit. >> oh, wow. >> reporter: i mean, that's him eating duck embryo, gross. who else to ask about everything travel than murphy himself. your favorite most luxurious, ridiculous spots around the world. >> all right. tahiti. specifically bora bora and you go and stay at the saint regis hotel. and you stay at the overwater bungalows. 2600 square feet. bigger than apartments in new york city. then you have room service in the morning bringing you breakfast. you sit outside on your little deck. these overwater bungalows could set you back $4,000 a night. popular for celebrities. popular for honeymooners. >> reporter: among them -- nicole kidman, keith urban, honeymooned in a secluded tahitian resort in 2006. say you are an american couple. apparently the foe neegs in scottsdale, arizona, is the place to be, at least one of them. >> reporter: great golf resort. spa resort. want to know if it is a luxury property. guess who stayed there? >> oprah. >> the first family. >> okay. >> very private. very luxurious. you want fresh cut fruit. you want to have champagne. you can, literally, at your beck and call, have five star service. in season, see the rooms climb up $500, $800, $1200. >> reporter: but if heading to the desert isn't on your level, perhaps heading up to the hotel jerome in aspen, colorado, would be more to your liking. >> you have three amazing restaurants. you have the chill vibe. that is like old school aspen. that's what people fall in love with in terms of the service and the experience. aspen is a real celebrity hang, right? jessica biel, stayed there. you can request the room and suite that jessica biel stayed at. >> reporter: that's not creepy at all? >> no, you're always staying in somebody's suite. >> reporter: jessica biel's suite with her in it. if you do pack your bags for a lavish trip to london -- might want to pack your wallet as well. and entire bank account. >> one of my favorites is the baglioni, great location. and it has the this really cool hip bar. there have been many sightings at this bar. so, we're talking will smith, halle berry, al pacino, i think i had most expensive drink i ever had there. >> how much? >> $180. >> wow? gold in that? >> no. no. it was an aged bourbon. >> what do you like in capetown? >> 12 apostles hotel. amazing ocean views, table top mount, 12 apostles range. you can dine outside. arranging helicopter chopper for me so we can just hop over, as opposed to waiting an hour when the next shuttle goes. that's luxury. >> reporter: rooms go for upwards of $10,000 a night. but with these benefits, probably priceless. if you are loaded that is. >> having dinner in the restaurant. and you brought your kids. they will actually take your kids away from you as a couple and they will entertain your kids. be out of your hair as long as you want. >> reporter: hopefully until 18 years old? ♪ >> ha-ha-ha. >> that would be worth it. i do want to thank the pierre hotel here in new york for lending us their lavish penthouse suite for the interview. thought it be for longer, the night. no, just for, one hour. you are done. >> most people, you know would pay ransom to get their kids back. kendis is offering thousands to give away the hypothetical children. >> take my kids, please, to borrow a line from comedian. some very nice little places down there. >> i would say so, yeah. >> we just need more -- >> money. >> money. h. >> just need more -- >> money. just need more -- >> money. tand, our adulte children are here. so, we save by using tide. which means we use less. three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. those are moms. anybody seen my pants? nothing cleans better. put those on dad! it's got to be tide. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but can it fix this teen's skateboarding mishap? nope. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. if parts a and bcare and want more coverage. guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn't cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. these types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. rates are competitive, and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - these plans let you apply all year round. so call today. because now's the perfect time to learn more. go long. ♪ oh, i want something just like this ♪ ♪ ♪ i want something just like this ♪ >> chain-smokers, cold play. pretty good there. >> team work. >> yes. finally the story of one foster mom. and speaking of teamwork indeed. and her year's long effort to become a permanent mom. >> she now wants her little girl to one day look back and see all the people who made it happen. abc's david muir is telling their story. >> reporter: little graham is 5 years old. right there in her glasses, playing with her soon to be cousins outside courtroom 6. >> a special day for little wren. wren, you want to come up here to make this official? >> i love you. >> i love you. >> billy from north carolina has been waiting almost three years to officially become wren's mother. stamping the adoption papers to make it official. [ applause ]. >> reporter: and we first heard from that mom on "gma." >> i knew from the first time i met wren i wanted to adopt her. but i wasn't able to quite yet. i had to wait a while for that to finally happen. billy asked those who played roles in this journey to help document it for little wren, with signs each of them would hold. >> i wanted to do something for wren that she could look back on in a few years to know how much we loved her. wren's proud grandparents to. day we welcome our sixth grandchild. the presiding judge, his smile as wide as wren's. and their adoption attorney, signed, sealed, delivered, she's yours. the cousins are ready. and we learned, so is wren. >> hey, wren, you love mommy? >> yeah. >> oh. >> of course she does. >> show them how much. show mama. >> i love this story. they love this story. >> this much. >> i love you baby. >> there was millie with perhaps the most powerful sign of all. today i became a mom. david muir, abc news, new york. >> there was one more photo in that collection. >> uh-huh. uh-huh. >> with some one holding a sign, i'm next. millie is in the process of adopting an 18 month-year-old. she is now fostering as well. >> young sibling for her. you have to have the coldest heart to not melt at that story. >> quite an exciting year for wren. i love when she says how much do you love mommy. she goes this much. a lot. how much do you love me, kendis? >> where is the violin -- awe >> come on. i e violin -- awe call on. of lung cancer. at the number-one cause that's why the surgeon general issued this warning -- now you're looking at the number-one cause of lung cancer for non-smokers. that's why the surgeon general issued this warning -- radon is an invisible, radioactive gas that seeps inside your home from underground. whether you smoke or not, radon can cause lung cancer. protect your family. have your home tested. call 1-800-sos-radon. radon problems can be fixed. this morning on "world news now," damaging storms sweeping across the u.s. >> flash flooding forcing evacuations as the south central region gets slammed. the storm system is also bringing damaging hail with it, and apparently it's far from over. we'll have the forecast just ahead. breaking news across the pacific, a major storm barrelling into australia. hitting an area popular with tourists heading to the great barrier reef with winds gusting more than 150 miles an hour. the powerful cyclone forcing residents as well to take cover as it makes landfall right now. and there's new details in an alleged plot to kill fellow students. police say a teenager planning a massacre at her high school, pointing to her diary where she apparently outlined a columbine-style attack in detail. we'll have the full story ahead. ♪ not going to give you up never going to let you down ♪ ♪ never going to run around >> functional fashion piece some are refusing to give up. >> yes! >> we loved them in the '80s, didn't we? but fannypacks making a comeback? christmas in the spring? who is making it cool again to wear your belongings in a pouch around your waist. >> whoo-hoo! >> let's celebrate on this tuesday, march 28th. ♪ never going to say good-bye never going to tell a lie and hurt you ♪ >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> i don't know if i have ever been happier than knowing the fannypack is making a comeback. >> just so that can justify what you have been doing for the last 20 years in wearing them? >> i love fannypacks. >> they're great. >> you know how many times i lost my purse or forgotten my wallet. if it's attached to your waist, you don't have to worry, then you're free to dance. >> because you packed your flask in it. practical. >> for the office. >> going to delve into the big story later on. flashback to the '90s. id say. but our top story this morning is the severe weather expected nearly every day this week, especially in the south. >> yeah, i want to show you the radar right now. you can see the storm system moving east ward into tennessee, mississippi and kentucky. and tennessee residents were evacuated because of flooding. many roads closed because of high water. >> 90 miles south in mississippi there was large hail. at least as big as baseballs. so why not get a little practice in after the storm. >> yeah. that's what a texas teen did. after the hailstorm passed through his town on the way east leaving behind golf ball sized pieces of ice. so, yeah -- >> still waiting to see what his new handicap is. he may get another chance to practice that swing today because there's a new storm heading his way. >> let's get the forecast from accuweather's paul williams joining us. paul. >> good morning, kendis, diane. looking out for a round of severe storms, to rumble its way throughout portions of texas and into oklahoma. we're expecting damaging winds, up to 50 to 60 miles per hour winds. hail between an inch in diameter or even bigger. flash flooding likely along i-20, i 10, i-35. and we're watching out for the potential of tornadoes, tuesday during the day towards oklahoma city and tuesday night over towards dallas and san antonio. kendis, diane. breaking right now, powerful storm slamming australia. cyclone debbie, it is called, just made landfall, packing wind gusting as high as 155 mile an hour. sustained winds. running more like 110 miles an hour. >> tens of thousand of homes are also without power and many people have evacuated the tropical northeast coast because the storm is moving so slowly, officials worry it could do some major damage. many businesses, and most schools are closed today. let's move on to politics at home. top democrats asking the republican leading the house investigation into the russian election meddling to recuse himself. calls for house intelligence committee chair devin nunes to step aside were sparked by revelations that nunes met with a secret source last week on white house grounds. nunes reviewed classified information allegedly showing president trump and his transition team may have been inadvertently swept up in u.s. intelligence surveillance. house minority leader nancy pelosi and the ranking member on the house intelligence committee are now suggesting that nunes is too close to the president to be impartial. >> i think it would be in the chairman's interest and the committee's to recuse himself. it is my hope he will do so. >> nunes was criticized for sharing information from the source with the media. the president before informing other committee members. on twitter last night, the president questioned why the committee isn't looking into connections between russia and the clintons. and he declared that the trump/russia story is a hoax. the president's son-in-law volunteered we are told to go before the senate intelligence committee also looking into russia's interference and possible ties to the trump campaign. jared kushner will answer questions about his meetings with the russian ambassador. to the u.s. and a later meeting with the head of a russian bank. the white house says kushner was doing his job by reaching out to foreign officials. the top u.s. diplomat at the united nations says there's a new sheriff in town. nikki haley told a meeting that she was upset at the amount of israel bashing at the u.n. and promised them the trump administration will not allow it to continue. >> i didn't expect an israel bashing session. until you hear it and see it, you can't comprehend how ridiculous it is. >> she declared the days of israel bashing are over. house speaker ryan praised her, for her tough stance and accused the obama administration for hurting relations with israel. ryan said president trump's commitment to israel is, quote, sacrosanct. neither the president nor prime minister benjamin netanyahu are attending the high profile american/israel public affairs committee meeting. meanwhile, the u.s. is among countries boycotting u.n. talks on banning nuclear weapons. haley among two dozen ambassadors outside the general assembly showing opposition to the talks inside. she said such a treaty would disarm peaceful nations and benefit countries like north korea. others boycotting talks, russia, china, britain and france. police in maryland are convinced they stopped a potentially deadly columbine-style attack at a high school. an 18-year-old girl is facing charges this morning that could result in her spending decades behind bars. authorities say the attack was foiled by the girl's own father. abc's pierre thomas is there. >> reporter: these the weapons that school and police officials had feared would be used in a massacre planned for april 5th. shot gun, bomb making materials including pipes for a pipe bomb. columbine-style attacked allegedly plotted by an 18-year-old student at this high school 90 minutes from washington. >> there's no doubt in our minds that we averted a disaster up there. >> reporter: according to the sheriff, that student, nicole severio has kept a diary with a time line and details about the school procedures. her alleged plot was fueled by her father who alerted school officials and police thursday when he discovered the diary. end of the day, the parents put the community in front of everything else. >> you know, obviously had to be a tremendously difficult decision, but they did the right thing. >> reporter: police say the girl's diary specifically mentions columbine. it's part of a disturbing trend. an abc news investigation found that in the last 17 years there have been at least 79 thwarted school massacre plots. more than half of the would be attackers mention columbine. police have given no information about a possible motive. they say there's no evidence of anyone else being involved in this alleged plot. as for the young student she has been committed for an emergency mental health evaluation. pierre thomas, abc news. thanks. a stabbing suspect who allegedly told police he came to new york city to kill black men is now accused of terrorism. james harris jackson indicted yesterday on charge of murder as act of terrorism. prosecutors say he stabbed timothy kauffman to death last week. according to the new york daily news, jackson said he did it as, quote, practice run to stop interracial dating. and we now know the name of one of the jewelry suspects in the bellagio jewelry store store burglary in las vegas. sebastian gonzalez was captured as fur ran from the scene in suits and animal masks. the other three are still on the loose and may be armed. police have not put a dollar figure on the heist just yet. speaking of vegas, the nfl's raiders are coming to town. the league's owners voted overwhelmingly to approve the team's move out of oakland. they will play the next, two, three seasons in california while a new stadium is built in las vegas. team's owner says he is responsible for the move. he knows he has got work to do explaining it all to raider nation. >> it wasn't the players, it wasn't the coaches that made this decision, but it was me that made it. if they have anybody to talk to about it, it should be me. i will in the coming days try to explain to them what went into making this difficult decision. >> well, some raiders fans weren't waiting for explanation. they brought their raiders gear to team headquarters and left it in the trash. i don't know what they will do about the tattoo. this is the second time in team history that the raiders will be leaving oakland. that has some supporters hoping maybe they will come back again in the future. >> tattoo on the head. >> yeah, can't take that back. all right, 7:30 p.m. sunday night north carolina tar heels forward, luke may, sent the shot that sent them to the final four. 12 hours later there he was getting a standing ovation at his 8:00 a.m. business class. he is the bmoc right now. his professor says he hasn't missed a single class all semester. >> good for him. he would be allowed to do that. >> studies are important. scholar/athlete. >> yes, he is. >> so the north carolina/kentucky game was still epic. one more story about that. >> chapel hill, right? >> yes. not unc wilmington. >> as you thought. >> there was literally just ten seconds that made the difference. so there was a camera that was capturing like kentucky fans. there in lexington for the last ten seconds. so there they are, excited. this is all in one shot, folks. [laughter] >> look at this guy. pans over. it sums it up. >> oh, no. >> how quickly the tables turn. >> yes, it does. oh, well. it was a great three second while it lasted. coming up -- what you don't want to say to the next robo call you receive. >> uh. despite all the voice prompts, automated technology has not been that helpful, but it apparently is helping thieves. we'll tell you the one word you should never say when that call comes in. and she's the provocative real housewife on "dancing with the stars," but her star was born in a rather unusual way. see where erika jayne really gets her inspiration. and speaking of feeling inspired, check out our behind the scenes pics on the instagram's abcwnn maybe a few selfies. or nine. you're watching "world news now." you're watching "world news now." you're watching "world news now." they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. do you think i'm gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field? defy expectations any day with always infinity. made with flexfoam. absorbs 10x its weight. rewrite the rules. always. it's your glass of willpower that helps keep cravings... ...far, far away. feel less hungry with the natural fiber in clinically... ...proven meta appetite control. from metamucil. no matter who was in there last... protection. new lysol power & fresh 6 goes to work flush after flush for a just-cleaned feeling that lasts up to four weeks. lysol, what it takes to protect. clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn! it only worked on the acne. can it hel... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. and now there's new clearasil overnight spot patches with patented technology for faster healing. we're back now with an urgent consumer warning about a new phone scam that we told you about at the beginning of the year. authorities say it is amping up. whole thing starts as soon as you answer the phone. >> abc's rebecca jarvis reveals the one word they need to start hacking your life. >> reporter: the new government warning of a growing phone scam. >> can you hear me okay? >> reporter: teresa she got the call at home in minneapolis. >> she was giggling. she said i didn't expect you to pick up, can you hear me? >> reporter: seems innocent enough. here's how it works. you pick up. the voice on the line asks, can you hear me? when you answer yes, the scammer is recording can use that yes to authorize future charges. teresa was lucky. >> if it sounds fishy, hang up and don't provide any information, of course, about you. >> reporter: experts urging caution, don't answer calls from unknown numbers. take advantage of any free robo call blocking service from your phone carrier. report suspicious numbers to the fcc. one more possible red flag in this scam. the caller on the other end of the line asks if you want to be added to the do not call registry. the government will never phone you with the question. instead just hang up. rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. >> so it's the key. so when your mom is calling you -- >> no, mom, you have to answer. >> she's like, are you home? yes or you just hang up. coming up, the pop star turned reality star turned dance floor diva. >> so how did erika jayne became the larger than life personality she is today? that's next. han-life personality she is today? that's next. without any harsh chemical residue. lysol. what it takes to protect. - ( snaps, clatters ) that sounds awful. ( music stops ) but a lot better than last week. ( rock music playing ) ♪ we weren't born to follow. ♪ so she had a mansion, private jet, just about any material possession imaginable. yet she was insecure and unhappy. >> that's real housewives star erika girardi until she invented erika jayne. here's abc's abbie boudreau. >> reporter: with her bombshell curves and platinum hair, erika jayne is more than just a real housewife of beverly hills. now she is heating up the dance floor on "dancing with the stars." ♪ >> i think that my life could not be any better. you know? it is pretty incredible. ♪ >> reporter: before there was erika jayne, the sexy persona on stage. there was erika girardi, mother and wife to high-powered attorney. >> i had everything that you want, every material object, everything but inside my core i still wasn't satisfied. >> reporter: this is when about ten years ago, erika jayne was born. a sultry temptress without limitations, empowering women of all ages. >> i just don't see the limitations in life. someone said, "how do you feel about dancing against simone biles she is 20 years old? i said i don't want to be 20 years old anymore. i'm happy to be 45. women my age are valuable and we have a lot more life to live and so much more to give. all those old rules they have been broken. that's old way of thinking. >> reporter: the georgia-born star still considers herself a smalltown girl. and admits she still struggles with insecurities, despite the fame and fortune. >> i think that i suffer from what every woman suffers from which is never being pretty enough, never being thin enough, never being enough, never being smart enough. you can really whip yourself into a frenzy about all the things that you don't have. instead of all the great things that you do have. ♪ ♪ i want you crazy >> reporter: she says her anxiety gave way when she transformed into erika jayne. >> it wasn't overnight. i became this fearless badass that said i will jump out on faith and do whatever i want. that was a slow process. >> uh-huh. >> but what can i say? it's what i created. i don't know. >> reporter: sharing that signature wit her husband of 20 years, tom girardi. that they met at a restaurant. she was his waitress. >> reporter: and he asked you out or did you ask him out? >> i think i gave him his number and said did you know i was single? and he called. >> reporter: there you go. >> and he called. >> reporter: of course he called. >> he called. >> tom, 33 years her senior. >> reporter: a lot of people wonder about the age difference? has it ever been a factor for you? >> i think you have to look at two people and how they view the world d how they view life. we have much more in common than not. and we see life the same way. we enjoy each other. >> we are the same. >> uh-huh. >> in terms of how we look at life and everything. we're exactly the same. >> are you proud? >> yeah, so proud of her. proud of her about everything. >> erika jayne is a dreamer. >> i dream big. there is a lot of stuff to do. i like to be busy. and i love to continuously create and set goals. i'm not going to tell you what they are. >> reporter: i'm abbie boudreau in hollywood. ♪ it's expensive to be me ♪ it's expensive to be me >> what would your alter ego be? >> 20-year-old. >> opposite. >> the opposite, yeah. coming up, a fashion trend making a comeback. stay with us. , a fashion trend making a comeback. stay with us. d. >> opposite. >> coming up, a fashion trend making a come back. stay with us. ♪ ♪ time now for "the mix." i'm very excited for this one. because fanny backs -- fannypacks -- are making a comeback. i was so excited. >> fannybacks are a different thing. >> mixed fannypack and comeback. i said fannyback. >> let's celebrate. they went away. >> celebrities. didn't know they went out of style. but celebrities are bringing them back. jared leto, leo, kendall jenner, matthew mcconaughey, kate hudson, rihanna, sarah jessica parker. the list goes on and on. celebrities photographing themselves wearing fannypacks. i've been trying to do this for years and it did not catch on. everyone looked at me weird. here is the rock in the day. >> when he was dwyane. >> he can now be proud of this photo and start wearing it again. i don't know about the turtleneck and chain. >> the jeans. >> mc hammer jeans? >> they look like mchammer jeans. >> or are they z-cavaricci? >> looks like it. >> happy the fannypack is back. you can carry around, europeans have been doing it for years in new york. with their passports. >> go out to the club. >> go to the club. >> don't have to worry about losing your wallet. gave us an excuse to bring up the rock and his fannypack, which is one of our favorite things ever. >> it's the gift that keeps on giving. there's this brah at a gym. a brah. his name, he calls himself the balance guru. here he is completing this feat of nine sets of dumbbells vertically stacked on top of each other. then does this amazing balancing -- oh my god, look at the old guy in the corner is hitting shots. >> he hit another one! >> that's cool. you think he can do another one. yeah! yeah. >> this poor guy goes through all this trouble to do this stunt and nobody cares. everyone is too focussed on the senior citizen in the background -- >> nailing one after another. >> sorry, buddy. speaking of impressive moves. check this out. this is at a monster truck rally. where monster jam world finals '18 in las vegas, the mad scientist does the unthinkable. >> first time. >> that is the front flip. in case you don't know how big of a deal that is, the front flip has never been done. >> incredible. >> in monster truck history. boom. >> my favorite video of the day, this ♪ every day it's getting closer ♪ ♪ going faster than a roller coaster ♪ ♪ a love like yours will surely come my way ♪ ♪ hey, hey, hey ♪ every day it's getting closer ♪ ♪ going faster than a roller coaster ♪ ♪ a love like yours will surely come my way ♪ ♪ hey, hey, hey babies aren't fully developed until at least 39 weeks, which means babies born even a few weeks early can have breathing, feeding, and learning problems. if your pregnancy is healthy, wait for labor to begin on its own. a healthy baby is worth the wait. this morning on "world news now" -- the republican congressman under fire after it was revealed he met in secret at the white house. democrats are outraged. pushing for him to step aside. we'll have the latest. breaking overnight, two undercover officers shot in miami. investigators are trying to piece together the scene. the officers raced to the hospital in the back of a pickup truck. and new this half hour, why breast-feeding may not make your kids smarter. >> we've been learning about the many benefits. but there is now news about what breast-feeding won't do for your kids. things are heating up on and off the dance floor. there were some naughty numbers. some angry actors. one pro is now out with an injury. how long will it take for him to return? and find out who was the first star eliminated this season on "dancing with the stars." it's all coming up on this tuesday, march 28th. >> can't be rashad. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> you know i think this may be my favorite season of "dancing with the stars" yet. >> just because the shirts are off this early. >> nothing to do with rashad jennings taking his shirt off or shaking his hips. >> "dancing with the stars" takes maybe halfway through the season for them to take their shirts off. >> no. >> jennings is like, i'm no dummy at all. >> give the people what they want. now the congressman who has been under top fire. >> after acknowledging he met with a source on white house grounds, house intelligence chair devin nunes is facing growing calls to recuse himself from the investigation into russian election meddling. >> democrats say nunes who served on the president's transition team cannot objectively run the investigation that he's been in charge of. abc's lana zach gives us an update from washington, d.c. >> i wasn't sneaking on. it wasn't at night. >> reporter: representative devin nunes appearing on "the situation room" and defending himself against accusations he is too close to the administration. others have said he snuck around white house grounds at night to get classified information. >> at least once a week if not more than that we have to go to executive branch in order to read classified intelligence. >> reporter: the day after he met an informant, the republican chairman of the house intelligence committee told reporters there was information allegedly showing intelligence officials may have inadvertently picked up communications of then president-elect trump and his transition team. >> what i read bothers me. and i think it should bother the president himself and his team. >> reporter: the president said the findings somewhat vindicated his claim that president obama wiretapped him even though nunes and fbi director james comey said there is no such evidence. >> i somewhat do, must tell you. i somewhat do. >> reporter: the dustup around nunes spurring calls for his resignation as chairman of the intelligence committee. >> chairman nunes is falling down on the job and seems to be more interested in protecting the president than in seeking the truth. >> reporter: seeking truth about russia's alleged meddling in the 2016 election and possible ties to the trump campaign. >> i think it would be in the chairman's interest or committees to recuse himself. >> lana zach, abc news, washington. and on to health care and that vote. president trump sounding defiant in the wake of the stunning failure of the republican health care bill. the president tweeted a few hours ago. the democrats will make a deal with me on health care as soon as obamacare folds. not long. do not worry. we are in very good shape. and after acknowledging that obamacare was the law of the land, house speaker paul ryan appears to be reversing course overnight. he told donors they will not just abandon the effort to repeal and replace the affordable care act. attorney general jeff sessions put so-called sanctuary cities on notice. sessions warned that the department of justice will cut funding to cities that ignore federal law and protect undocumented immigrants from deportation. but officials in many of the cities remain defiant. they say undocumented immigrants who commit violent crimes are the exception not the rule. turning now to the weather. the south is in for another date of severe storms. it will be mostly strong winds, large hail. some isolated thunderstorms are also possible. like this funnel cloud spotted in mississippi near the tennessee border. people in tennessee, about 80 miles north of there were surprised by how fast their backyards and roads flooded during the heavy rain. the storms today will be centered on oklahoma city, dallas, with possibility of tornados, hail, damaging winds and heavy rain. australia is dealing with extreme weather, cyclone debbie slams into the tropical northeast coast overnight. it has wind gusts as high as 155 miles per hour. the area is very popular with tourists. and tens of thousands of people have already been urged to evacuate before the storm made landfall. now, because it is moving so slowly, officials are worried about how much damage it will actually do. the pentagon is taking a close look at its operations in iraq. amid a rise in civilian deaths. military officials say multiple reviews are under way on march 17th residents say more than 100 civilians were killed in mosul. you see the blasts there. another 150 reportedly died in the strike over the weekend. defense secretary james mattis says the u.s. is always concerned about civilian deaths. >> there is no military force in the world has proven more sensitive to civilian casualties. we are keenly aware that every battlefield where an enemy hides behind women and children is also a humanitarian field. we go out of our way. >> human rights group, amnesty international says the u.s. isn't taking adequate precautions to prevent civilian deaths. the pentagon is examining all available strike videos. two police officers in miami have been shot conducting an anti-gang operation. both undercover members of a violent crime task force. a miami-dade county police spokesperson says they were ambushed during a surveillance operation at an apartment complex. the wounded officers rushed to a hospital in the back of a pickup truck. they're expected to survive. but the suspects remain at large. it's possible that a candle may have caused a deadly fire in an oakland building used as transitional housing. three people confirmed dead in the early morning fire. and another person is missing. four people including two children were injured but are expected to recover. it happened a few miles away from december's ghost ship fire which killed 36 people. and police along florida's gulf coast want to find the pilot who flew a small plane a little too close to a tourist attraction. this happened at treasure island near st. petersburg. a city ordnance prevents takeoffs/landings in the area. unless there is an emergency. many advantages to breast-feeding, but a new study says making children smarter is not one of them. the study tracked nearly 8,000 irish children from 9 months until they were 5 years old. when filtered for factors, parents' income, education. little difference in cognitive development between the children breast-fed and those who weren't. other benefits however such as fighting infections, well established. and pediatricians do still recommend breast-feeding. okay. now on to some video that we have to show you just because, well, it happened. check out this. this kid is karom, a 16-year-old from bosnia. >> so he is the owner of a new guinness world record for smashing concrete blocks with his head. >> for those counting at home, that is 111 concrete blocks. all smashed in 35 seconds. of course, there is a front flip in between all of them. >> that is impressive. how many concussions come with that? a world record for how many concussions? one can sustain in 35 seconds? >> had to do with the previous story. karom, it turns out, was not breast-fed. >> i see. okay. >> let's see. think i could do it? i don't know. may get a hang-nail. paper cut. you know how i hate paper cuts. all right. coming up, the video sparking a huge debate online. >> a mom posts a clip of her son going through a security patdown. it's now getting a lot of reaction. question is, was it excessive or was the agent just doing their job? and in "the skinny" -- ♪ you're the one that i want ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh >> could "grease" be heading for a reboot? >> that's pretty. >> pretty awful. you're watching "world news now." >> okay. i'll try. ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by -- clearasil rapid action. by -- clearasil rapid action. wow! but what other teen problems can it fix fast? will clearasil act fast to help this teen concentrate on his math test? darn! it only worked on the acne. can it hel... nope. no. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. and now there's new clearasil overnight spot patches with patented technology for faster healing. ♪ new lysol kitchen pro eliminates 99.9% of bacteria without any harsh chemical residue. lysol. what it takes to protect. northern california northern california commuters witnessed real horsepower on the road during morning rush hour. the four-footed fugitives broke through a fence about a mile away. we're told they did observe traffic rules. however, by using the freeway on ramp. >> oh. >> then it looks like they were running against the flow of traffic. >> i think they were just jealous that they were making their way somewhere. >> on the shoulder, need to keep that clear for the ambulance, guys. >> come on. >> come on. jeez. so a much more serious story involving a teenager security patdown at the dallas ft. worth airport. his mother took the video. posted it on facebook. she calls the pat down "horrifying" and says her son was detained for well more than an hour. >> jennifer williamson claims she requested her son aaron not be patted down because he has sensory processing disorder. condition that can cause anxiety in children when they're touched. the tsa says all approved procedures were followed. now to another airport controversy, that growing backlash after two teens were barred from a united airlines flight because they were wearing leggings. >> the airline continues to defend its policies despite growing number of people who say the decision is unfair. now another airline is jumping on the bandwagon. >> reporter: this morning, united airlines is dealing with a different kind of turbulence. after two girls had to change clothes before boarding a flight from denver to minneapolis sunday. >> we heard the gate agent say you know, "these aren't my rules, i just enforce them." that was when they looked panicked. outraged fellow passenger, activist, shannon watts took to twitter writing, "a united gate agent isn't letting girls in leggings get on flight. since when does united police women's clothing." to me it seems like a pretty sexist policy. united says the family was flying under its pass rider program. where employee relatives can fly free or heavily discounted prices. the airline tells abc news when "taking advantage of this benefit, all employees and pass riders are considered representatives of united. the passengers this morning were united pass riders and not in compliance with our dress code for company benefit travel." >> with the buddy passes, there was very specific language about what is appropriate and what is inappropriate. the airline is saying if you are going to fly for free for us, you are going to meet certain standards of dress. >> reporter: the response is getting mixed reaction among other travelers. >> why should they be banned? that's crazy. i don't agree with that at all. >> if you are flying on a friends and family pass, and you know that they have certain rules that you should abide by those rules. celebrities weighing in too. chrissy teigen writes, i have flown united before with literally no pants on, just a top as a dress. now, delta seizing the opportunity with a tweet of its own. reading, flying delta means comfort. that means you can wear your leggings. in the end united says the family was still able to travel on the next flight using their passes, and reassures its regular customers, leggings are welcome. >> i think my favorite tweet in reading all through social media outpouring on this, the man who said it is not going to be pretty, but i am going to wear leggings on my next united flight. >> oh, god no. oh, god no. >> was that not you? i thought -- thought maybe you adopted a new twitter handle. >> i, i have, flown on a buddy pass before. and have gotten, worn a full suit. i understand. >> didn't wear leggings? >> no. those are, just for other flights. where it's not highly inappropriate. every flight. all right. when we come back, who's hanging up those dancing shoes for good? >> we will have the good, the bad, the ugly -- and the very ugly from the ballroom. >> nobody wants to see me in leggings. >> speaking of the very ugly, "the skinny" is coming up next. stay with us. >> announcer: "world news now" >> announcer: "world news now" ♪ skinny ♪ so skinny >> all right. time to head to the ballroom. and it is the second week of competition in time for a celeb to hang up their dancing shoes. >> we'll get to the losers of the night. let's start off with the winners, winners that is. running back, rashad jennings, my fave. showed off skin. >> is it in slo-mo. >> hope so. he and his partner, emma slater danced the waltz. they got the top spot. with a score of 32 out of 40. >> they were great. >> also, top of the leader board, fifth harmony's singer, dancing to give me your love. apparently, the judges did. she is touring in asia. got off a plane from japan, four hours before show time. >> that is commitment. >> yes. speaking of commitment. val's brother max suffered an early injury. >> oh. >> he may not be able to dance. didn't dance tonight. heading to the doctor soon. looks more serious than just icing. so, hopefully gets better soon. >> mr. t tried to knock out the judges with a paso doble. but the routine wasn't much of a knockout. it fell flat. scoring only 22 out of 40. >> and. >> good flexes. >> charo, scored 25. but let's be honest. real entertainment came when she stormed off the dance floor. she even stole the host's microphone. tom's microphone. had this hold me back moment where she tried to lunge at the judges for giving her a low score. [laughter] i love it. >> they said last time they needed a security guard to protect people from rushing the stage, during ryan lochte's performance. this time they needed a security guard to protect them from charo. >> judges from her. i love that. the team that did go home. featuring "snl" alum, chris catan, and partner. this week learned more about, the neck injury which made it very difficult for him to dance. so, he was never really going to win this thing. but he didn't let that, ruin his experience. even thanking his partner. >> she is amazing inspiration. and i couldn't have gone, done this without her. i had an incredible, incredible time. incredible time. >> one down. 11 more to go. speaking of more. ♪ tell me more tell me more apparently. ♪ the one that i want ♪ ooh ooh ooh there is a reunion planned for the movie "grease." olivia newton john, sandy, and said that she and john travolta thinking of ways to mark the film's 40th anniversary. >> though no official plans yet, we can't help but get excited for them to pair up again. but if this isn't true, you will be cruising for a bruising. >> tell me about it, stud. ♪ ooh ooh ooh we can stage our own reunion. i think i know all the dance moves. >> i practiced the moves in my office before this. all i got was the hip part. i don't want to take anybody out. ♪ the one that i want ♪ ooh ooh ooh honey >> the little. you got it. we got it. we are ready for the reunion. ♪ ooh ooh ooh photo bomb worth 1,000 words. check out the lovely couple on vacation. wait, who is the random guy in the background? >> that, my friend, is actor chris hemsworth. thor himself, posted the picture to instagram. telling the pair, "get out of my shot." the real question who is photo bombing who? while we are on the topic of celebrity photo bombs. you and i had an encounter at the u.s. open some time ago. >> yeah. so we were singing to phil collin's song, because he was performing. and we were so excited about phil collins. way down there. we didn't realize that susan sarandan was sitting behind us. don't think it counts. she didn't know. one of these days a real photo bomb. one of these days. >> yeah. photo bomb. one of these days. >> yeah., and my sweethearts handsome,gone sayonara.rance... this scarf, all that's left to remember. what! she washed this like a month ago! how's a guy supposed to move on! the long lasting scent of gain flings. ♪ lysol max cover kills 99.9% of bacteria, even on soft surfaces. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. two kids barfed in class today. it was so gross. lysol disinfectant spray kills 99.9% of bacteria, even those that cause stomach bugs. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. ...better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. but... ...they're not all the same. turns out, they're really... ...different. who knew? i had no idea. so, she said look for... that's shaped like a dental tool with a round... ...brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to... ...gently remove more plaque and... ...oral-b crossaction is clinically proven to... ...remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b! the #1 brand used by dentists worldwide. oral-b. brush like a pro. ♪ ♪ >> good song out there. >> i love it. missy elliott the queen of hip-hop in the late '90s, early 2000s. one of the artists you knew every word to every song except one. >> now people are discovering she didn't just sing about flipping it and reversing it. she actually did it to one of her songs. yeah. we're up all "nightline" with dan harris. ♪ is it worth it let me work it put my thing down flip it and reverse it ♪ >> reporter: it's been 15 years since missy elliott first released her hit song "work it." ♪ >> reporter: from the amas in 2003. ♪ take down flip it and reverse it ♪ to her surprise super bowl halftime performance in 2015. ♪ let me search it ♪ they go ♪ bah-tah-tah >> reporter: no question, missy's 2002 track proved timeless. but a recent tweet about the catchy hook, from the hip-hop star herself, has sent the internet into a frenzy. missy took a moment to shout out to fans who recently figured out that the widely accepted mumbling that follows -- ♪ put my thing down flip it and reverse it ♪ was more than just gibberish. the rapper confirming that lyrics were literally reversed. ♪ put my thing down flip it and reverse it ♪ social media erupted this weekend, fans announced their surprise over the mysterious lyric. as for missy die-hards they were less than impressed with how long it took so many people to realize. one fan tweeting this gif of judge judy saying, wow it really took y'all this long to figure out what missy elliott was saying? 15 years later, looks like the case of mumbling missy has finally been solved. now could somebody please tell me what young thug has been saying? dan harris, abc news, new york. >> a whole another matter. >> i don't know if we can say any of those lyrics on television. >> yeah. i -- >> i always knew this. i have to say. >> i had a dirtier version in my head. >> i am a better missy elliott fan than you. missy, you hear that? >> i am just a naughtier person than you are. >> yes, also true. >> that is established. i had no idea -- >> missy elliott huge inspiration for you, right, with your new budding rap career? can we take a look at k.g. money one more time. ♪ >> that's my best part. we have producer signature in there. ♪ kg money coming at you >> oh, god, it's awful. >> maybe try to reverse the words. since you couldn't figure out how to sing them. >> maybe try singing it backwards. that may work better. >> favorite parter, producer, brianna, our video chick in the background. >> just laughing at you the entire time. >> as you should. >> it would be funny if it wasn't so sad. ♪ g geez. >> that's what's making news in america this morning. making news in america this tuesday morning, breaking overnight, another round of severe storms affecting millions of americans. powerful winds, pounding hail and more on the way today. we're tracking it all. president trump on a twitter tirade overnight criticizing the clintons and calling the russia probe a hoax. this comes as pressure mounts for the republicans looking into the election meddling to step aside. we're live in washington. and breaking overnight, a pickup truck carrying two wounded police officers speeding to a trauma center. the scene right there. new details on the ambush-style attack. also breaking right now, a powerful cyclone makes landfall this morning. the new video coming in as it smashes australia's coast.

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