From new york city, this is nightline with juju chang. Good evening, im juju chang. For any adult out there wondering what their teens are doing online, the huge popularity of the young man youre about to meet may be deeply disturbing. His name is james dean and hes won the hearts of teenage girls across the country, many of whom link to him through twitter, facebook, or blogs. James dean, of course, is not his real name. Its his porn name, and it could soon be a household name. Heres Abcs Cecilia Vega with an update for our series modern sex in america. Sorry, i have an obsession with his nose. I think his nose is fantastic. Just a ridiculous amount of love for him. James dean is like a guy you can meet in your neighborhood and just get to know. These young women could be gushing about any number of heartthrobs hanging from their bedroom walls. Ryan gosling, justin bieber, justin timberlake. But theyre not talking about a mainstream hollywood crush. Theyre talking about james dean, a porn star. Hes the ryan gosling of porn. The porn industry, by some estimates, a 13 billion business, has now targeted and reached a new demographic teenage girls. Evidence of that, dean has become something of an internet sensation. Fans much younger than 18. A fact that many parents might find disturbing. Reporter you have this massive following of young women, many of them teenagers. What do you say to that . Theres an underage fan that is viewing a scene that i am in, theyre doing it because theyre curious, horny, whatever it is, theyre sexual enough that it is something that they desire, that they crave, that they want. Its not necessarily a bad thing. Reporter their parents might not think so. Why . Everyone has sex. If your daughter is 15 or 18, and at some point, shes going to have sex with somebody. Reporter james dean is porns guy next door. So normal he kind of looks like he doesnt belong in a world where macho is king and bigger is best. And these days, deans world is expanding. This porn star who has made more than 3,000 adult films is going mainstream. Hes starring in the canyons, the low budget film hasnt even been released and its already making headlines for its cast and their onset drama. If you ever see him again, i will kill him. Reporter dean in his breakout role alongside lindsay lohan. And its not just his film credits. This week, the megaporn star took on a new role, college professor. Sex is awkward, sex is uncomfortable and its uncomfortsable because we as a society have made it uncomfortable. Reporter guest lecturing. Whether deans boy next door appeal translates to the big screen what are you doing . Reporter that remains to be seen. For now, its the ladies who love him most, especially the young ladies. He looks like somebody that i could see at, you know, a coffee shop or something and actually approach. Reporter Christina Olsen is one of deans biggest fans. If its a new picture i like, ill reblog it. Reporter she says shes been a fan since high school and watching porn since she was around 10. My first legitimate encounter with porn was when i was in fourth grade and i searched playboy. It was early adolescence. A very curious stage. Reporter she is not alone. There are literally thousands of women out there who share christinas enthusiasm for all things james dean. Im the wicked witch of the west. Reporter many of them are barely legal. Some of them so young we couldnt even interview them on camera. Their parents had no idea that secretly they have a crush on a porn star. It is a phenomenon that not even the man at the center of it fully understands. But its one that he fully defends. Are you encouraging them in any way to watch your films or read your blog or keep the interaction going . Im not intentionally encouraging anybody in any way. If its happening, awesome. I have no i have no issues with a 15, 16, 17yearold girl reading my twitter. I have no issues with anybody that is old enough to understand. I understood what porn was when i was like 6 years old. I dont think that having knowledge of what it was led me to my decision to be in porn. Reporter and dean like countless other young people his age maintains a blog and twitter account. We cant show you much of what he posts. But what fans old or young see ranges from the graphic scenes from his movies and photos of his wellendowed costars to the coast he ate for breakfast or the burrito he wants for lunch. And if the visitors to his site are under aged, dean says thats not something he can control. I understand that theyre minors, and like i said, im not saying that they should be viewing porn. Im not saying that and im not encouraging underage kids to go to my blog. In fact, i dont think they should. If the law says if youre under 18, you cant view porn. Reporter but on the other hand youre also saying maybe theyll get something out of this. I would like to think that im opening up their sexual experience and being able to take their boyfriends and say hey, i saw this in a porno, i want to try this. I dont think porn should be used as an actual learning guide. Reporter and believe it or not, james said he knew he wanted to be a porn star ever since the day he found an old porn magazine. He was just in kindergarten. So here i am in kindergarten. I just learned what sex was. It all kind of just made sense. Reporter wait, at kindergarten . You didnt want to get in porn since kindergarten, or are you telling me yeah, i did. Maybe first grade. Its this weird moment i will always remember where i was like this is what i want to be when i grow up. Reporter dean was even suspended once where he told a teacher he dreamed of a life in porn. The young fans tell us theyre drawn to dean because hes different. A porn star who holds hands with his leading ladies. Who gazes into their eyes. Even shows a little romance. And for the kids watching all of that, dean doesnt want to hear directly from them. Ive had a couple times where somebody will Say Something to me, ill respond via direct message and then ill get some sort of thing where theyre like, great, when i turn 16, i really want to im like oh, wow. I got to be careful with that. Reporter he has some surprising advice for those teen fans. Turn 18. That parental warning brought to you by cecilia vega. Just ahead, live in the lap of luxury for 600,000 a month . The extreme heights of hollywoods priciest rentals. Its not what you think. Its a phoenix with 4 wheels. Its a hawk with night vision goggles. Its marching to the beat of a different drum. And where beauty meets brains. Its big ideas with smaller footprints. And knowing theres always more in the world to see. Its the allnew lincoln mkz. 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Abcs nick watt brings us a private tour of what a cool 600 gs can buy you. At least temporarily. Reporter People Like Us are rarely allowed to hang out in places like this. Pads with private nightclub sni. Pool tables that dont take quarters. Gigantic swimming pools. A terrace big enough to seat 400 for dinner. And heres why. People call you up and say jeff, i want to look around the house. How do you know if theyre just a tourist or if theyre serious . 30 years in the business, its very easy to tell. If i dont know the name, i cant google them, i ask for bank reference. Reporter before they can even see it. Before they can see it. Yes, exactly. Reporter and the money you would need, 600,000 a month, the most expensive rental we can find in all of america. What sort of person are you looking for that can afford 600,000 a month . Its going to be somebody who most likely is used to doing this. They will rent a yacht for the same amount of money. You know, for the summer, the winter. Reporter so not someone like me. Do you have to pay utilities . Utilities are included. Reporter okay, just checking. William Randolph Hurst lived here with marian davis. In the movies, steve martin bought the place when the jerk hit riches. Well keep the eggplants up. Good, we dont want any vegetables. Reporter whitney lived here in the bodyguard. You might argue the house is a better actor than costner. We all know this view. This legendary view from the hollywood movies. The staircase you see there. Thats the famous staircase for the godfather. Reporter it was here they found the horses head. Ahh reporter jeff ireland, whose agency handles a billion dollars a year, does get to hang out behind walls designed the keep the likes of us out. Are there many places like this . Sadly, there arent. Many of them have been subdivided. Many have been torn down by people who want modern, conte t contemporary houses. It is one of the last remaining grand estates of beverly hills. Reporter Julia Roberts 20 million home, and Adam Sandlers house nearby. Hes a tinted glass guy. And then theres downey jr. This glorious fragment of American History is also for sale for 115 million. Jeff thinks any buyer would likely be foreign. For 115 million, and most likely its going to be a buyer who will live here maybe six weeks, eight weeks out of the year, has multiple homes. Reporter sorry, sorry, sorry. Someones going to pay 115 million to live here for six weeks a year . Exactly. Exactly. And thats the case with all high end estates. Reporter like the old spelling mansion, brought by the british formula one heiress. Reporter this will not be a second home for anybody. It will be a fourth, a fifth, a sixth home. Reporter i dont know what to say to that. If you just want to rent and 17 bedrooms and 29 bathrooms arent quite enough, theres also a sevenbedroom guest house across the pool, available for 85,000 a month. The guest house has its own tennis court. Yes, one of the two guest houses. Reporter you could have your motherinlaw to stay and never see her. Wouldnt that be a treasure . Reporter the wine cellar would also be a pleasure, along with the constant tinkling of the fountains. I feel calm and relaxed being here. I could get used to it. You could next week if you want. Reporter 600,000 a month . Are you kidding me . Theyre not kidding. People actually pay it to rent this place. This isnt how the other half lives. This is how a minute fraction of the 1 live. I hate to admit it, but i do envy them. Im nick watt for nightline in beverly hills. Thanks to nick watt. Up next, why is it that Anne Hathaway and Jennifer Lawrence inspire such passionate feelings in fans and critics alike . We bring you love and loathing in hollywood. Assistance is ther. Oh dear, i got a flat tire. Hmmm. Uh. Yeah, can you find a take where its a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah . Yeah i got it right here. 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In fact, over the last five years, no other Energy Company has invested more in the us than bp. Were working to fuel america for generations to come. Today, our commitment to the gulf, and to america, has never been stronger. If you think about it, on paper, they seem practically the same. The best of young hollywood, they both snagged oscars, theyre both glam glamorous alisters. So why do women across america have such strong lovehate feelings for Jennifer Lawrence and Anne Hathaway . Reporter hey, what did Anne Hathaway ever do to you, all you hathaway haters. And i quote you explicitly in using that word hate. Look at the tweets that spewed forth from you on oscar night. The only thing i hate more than Anne Hathaway is Anne Hathaway crying. One time i googled i hate Anne Hathaway to see if anyone else related to my problems in life. I love that everyone else has their own personal reasons for hating Anne Hathaway, but in the end we can all come together and agree shes awful. Miss Anne Hathaway. Reporter and what had she done so wrong . Watch. This is really going to be offensive. It came true. Reporter heres the rap on anne. Shes not real. Somehow everybody believed this was prescripted, precooked, preplanned, just like a little bit later that night, this was supposedly all an act. I had a dream. And it came true. Reporter but maybe its not an act. Maybe the triumph of an oscar win for a spectacularly good and difficult performance in Les Miserables actually is an emotionevoking moment. But that just doesnt seem very credible to these anne haters. Whats up . You can tell theres sort of feigned humility where shes pretending that shes surprised and shocked and doesnt deserve it. You can tell theres this little burning feeling shes like i deserve this so much. Reporter so would we prefer to see triumph marked like this, and this . So she smiles. Wouldnt you . But its more than that. Its beginning to be that shes not jennifer reporter Jennifer Lawrence, who for some reason everybody thinks is their celebrity bff, the girl they wished lived next door. Jennifer lawrence. Reporter jlaw took an oscarwinning tumble. You guys are just standing up because you feel bad that i fell and thats really embarrassing. Reporter and she jokingly gave everyone the finger and then appeared shocked about it. The actress was spotted in hawaii earlier this week lighting up a funnylooking smoke and the press had a field day. Every gaffe she makes makes her more endearing. Shes the girl next door. Shes the girl that you feel like you can get a beer with. Im sorry. I did a shot. I think that genuine humility is something that people really respond to. And with Jennifer Lawrence, its real. Reporter well, eyes of the beholder, folks. Eyes of the beholder. If you grant, which most will. Anne hathaway. Anne hathaway. Anne hathaway. Reporter that hathaway is a superbly good actor in serious drama, who is more than beautiful and acknowledged that its rare indeed that its rare to see a woman like that, and on saturday night live being ridiculously funny, too, like lucille ball funny. Frankly, thats called not taking yourself too seriously. The thing is hathaway is now so scrutinized for insincerity, every smile, every twirl, that none of it looked at that way can ever seem real. Something that takes her down a peg. Reporter but what is down a peg from being publicly pilloried for doing nothing especially wrong . Well, shes an actor, after all, and whoever said that real had to be part of deal . Remember why shes winning awards in the first place, for performing and singing, like this. When hope was high and life worth living reporter its not real exactly. Besides, none of us could do it. And maybe thats where all of this is coming from in the first place. John donvan, abc news, washington. Well said. Thanks for that. Its time now for our closing arguments. Today president obama and congressional leaders failed the reach the muchdreaded deadline for a budget plan, triggering whats known as a sequester, which will cause deep acrosstheboard spending cuts. Policemen, teachers, firemen and the military will be among those feeling the pain in a move that the president says will hurt our economy and cost us jobs. So do you think congress or the white house should be held accountable for the failure to reach budget compromise . You can weigh in on the Nightline Facebook page or tweet us. Thanks for watching abc news. We hope you check in for good morning america. They are working while youre sleeping and were always online at abcnews. Com. Have a great weekend