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Championship series. And overnight, the cubs big comeback. Chicago rallying in the bottom of the ninth for a giant win. Now perhaps on their way to making history. Can they break a centuryold curse . Good morning, america. Is the curse about to end . That is the big question this morning after the cubs beat the San Francisco giants advancing to the National League championship series. Uhhuh. It was a very intense nailbiting ninth inning that went down to the wire but the cubs, they are celebrating the big win. Theyve got a long way to go to overcome that socalled curse of the billy goat. We will talk about that more later. First, the race for the white house just 27 days until the election. Donald trump lashing out at his own partys leaders saying, the shackles are off. That tweet part of a daylong tirade. He fired off at least ten attacks. Trumps Campaign Manager, kellyanne, c conway, is here standing by live to talk to george. Well hear from her in a moment. First, lets go to abcs tom llamas at trump tower. Good morning, tom. Reporter robin, good morning to you. Campaign sources say those tweets and clashes with paul ryan are all part of the same strategy. Donald trump wants to make sure voters know that hes not beholden to anyone, even the leaders of his own party. This morning, donald trump in an allout war with fellow republican and house speaker, paul ryan. I wouldnt want to be in a foxhole with a lot of these people, that i can tell you. But mccain is a brave man. Including ryan. He is a brave man. By the way, including ryan, especially ryan. I got that. Reporter the republican nominee furious ryan told House Republicans he would no longer defend him or campaign for him. And trump saying ryan, in part, inspired this tweet. Its so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and i can now fight for america the way i want to. The shackles are some of the establishment people that are weak and ineffective people within the Republican Party, senators and others and paul ryan led to a certain extent by paul ryan. They were holding you back . To be the nominee. Reporter ryans split with trump comes after that access Hollywood Video surfaced. Trump on a bus bragging his celebrity status allows him to grope women. When youre a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Whatever you want. Grab them by the [ bleep ]. You can do anything. Reporter and though trump apologized for his comments, hes suggesting the controversy has been overblown. Well, first of all, locker room talk and most have heard it before, i have had a lot of women come up to me and say, boy, i have heard that and i have heard a lot worse in my life. Reporter trump fully aware that moment could have cost him the election. If thats what its going to take to lose an election that would be pretty sad. Reporter his campaign now releasing this vicious ad attacking Hillary Clintons health. Hillary clinton failed every single time as secretary of state. Now she wants to be president. Hillary clinton doesnt have the fortitude, strength or stamina to lead in our world. Reporter the ad intended to slow clintons growing lead in the polls. Trumps running mate having to calm some supporters who were making threats if clinton wins. If Hillary Clinton gets in, i myself im ready for a revolution because we cant have her in. Yeah, dont say that. But im just saying. Theres a revolution coming on november the 8th. I promise you. Reporter now to give you a sense of the fracture between donald trump and his own party, usa today is out with a story this morning that shows a quarter of all republican governors, senators and house members will not be voting for trump on election day. The paper calling this unprecedented in american political history, george. Okay, tom llamas, thanks very much. Now lets talk to kellyanne conway, Donald Trumps Campaign Manager. Thanks for coming back to gma this morning. You heard tom at the top saying this is the strategy now of mr. Trump to take on his own party. How is that going to help you win . Well, its going to help him just take his message directly to the voters, george. I mean, we have been playing very nicely with members of the party. The rnc us and have a wonderful relationship. I talk to Reince Priebus several times a day and his chief of staff and chief strategist are in our tower most days. And im happy theyve provided so much of the basis for our ground game and field staff, so and i just want to say when we pay, when donald trump raises money like he did, millions and millions of dollars yesterday in fundraisers, a lot of that goes to the party and helps his downballot candidates. As tom said youve gotten a quarter of senator, members of congress, senator, not supporting donald trump. Last night he said he doesnt want the support of house speaker, paul ryan, yet earlier in the day, he said he was losing because he didnt have the support. So which is it . We want the support of anyone who is willing to campaign for us. But enough of the pussyfooting around in terms of do you support us, do you not support us . The fashion is that fact is that some of these leaders have been wishywashy and paul ryan has a job to do and the new president of the United States will go ahead and be with him, you know, to help get legislation through. At the same time does mr. Trump want paul ryan to be the speaker if hes elected . Thats up to the members of the congress. I hope it means we have a majority in the house, the senate and the presidency. Because that exhale would be the best indication that americans voting for donald trump for wout indication that americans voting for donald trump f would be the indication that americans voting for donald trump fa would be tht indication that americans voting for donald trump fc would be th best indication that americans voting for donald trump ftu wou best indication that americans voting for donald trump fa woul best indication that americans voting for donald trump fl woule best indication that americans voting for donald trump fl woul the best indication that americans voting for donald trump fy would be the best indication that americans voting for donald trump for president also want a mandate for him to push through different pieces of legislation. Its not looking like that right now. The latest polls have you down about nine points. Falling behind in the Electoral College as well and we just saw that ad that you are playing now showing Hillary Clinton coughing and her stumble after that 9 11 ceremony. Youve got a huge gap with women right now. How are you going to be able to make that up running ads like that . We need to take the message directly to them on issues they care about like education and obamacare. Her coughing and stumbling . Were calling into question her record as secretary of state and, frankly, that ad were releasing today is called corruption, and takes into account the fact that the clintons came out of the white house and said they were dead broke, and made a quarter of a billion dollars in speaking fees right there youre making fun of her health. No, were calling into her question whether shes got the stamina to lead. I think thats an important issue that came up in the first debate. In the second debate mr. Trump said she always gets right back up. She does, and thank god, and when she fell that day, mr. Trump said nothing about it except he hopes she was feeling well. We all did, and were glad to hear she is running a clean bill of health. Now youre running an ad . George, what does she do every single day . All she does is call him names and all she does is call into his question his character and we want this election to be not just about character but also about issues. Nobody abc did an unbelievable report last night, i hope everyone will see it about friends of bill getting preference by the state department after the earthquake in haiti in 2010. This is not the way that the government should be run. I want to go back to another moment in the debate. The other night. Mr. Trumps threat to jail Hillary Clinton. You dismissed that as a yet hes repeated it on the stump several times and he has called for a special prosecutor, and even trumps allies say that shouldnt be the language we should have. Michael mukasey says, this would be like a banana republic. Putting political opponents in jail for offenses committed. And they very well may be, is something we dont do here. Hes channelling the frustrations of millions of americans and hears from his rallies and otherwise. He feels theres a different set of rules. For Hillary Clinton. Hes threatening to use the power of the presidency to put her in jail. It wouldnt be up to him. It would have to be adjudicated. Through the regular channels just like anyone else. But, george, people feel frustrated theres a different set of rules for Hillary Clinton. He is calling for a special prosecutor. Well have to see if hes elected president if that makes any sense but folks get upset weve got a gentleman an american who took pictures inside a submarine who got jail time away from his child, and other people seen as violating the confidentially of a National Security document, they also face penalty and in this case fbi director jim comey did make clear that she lied about how many servers she had no reasonable prosecutor would bring the case, he said. Others are criticized him for that saying that others have been penalized. Obviously in abcs polling and other places Hillary Clinton has a very difficult time proving to the American People that shes honest and trustworthy and i dont think that her actions with her server and the way they treated email imperiling everybodys National Security helped that veracity challenge that she has. Thats all we have time for. Kellyanne, thanks for coming in. Thank you, kellyanne. Abcs jon karl is going join us now from washington. You heard from kellyanne and were hearing from donald trump. How severe is this divide in the gop, jon, and where do we go from here . That was stunning. Kellyanne conway just went asked directly by george whether or not donald trump thinks that speaker out of the house, paul ryan, should still be the speaker of the house next year wouldnt answer. I mean that is an extraordinary sign that we are truly at war. Donald trump not just against Hillary Clinton, but against some of the most prominent and respected members in his own party. And republicans are now seeing a situation where base voters supporting trump are angry at them, and also the moderate swing voters who are upset tie this to trump. Its a loselose situation for republicans. How does the Clinton Campaign deal with an unshackled trump, his words, unshackled trump . Are there concerns there . Ive been talking to senior people in the Clinton Campaign about this. They say for the next four weeks they are preparing for a scorched earth strategy coming from donald trump. They think that the next four weeks of this campaign will look like the first 30 minutes of that debate with donald trump throwing absolutely everything personal, bringing up attacks and bringing up bill clintons past. Thats a real challenge for them because its harder to get a positive message out fur what Hillary Clinton stands for. 27 days to go. All right, jon, thank you. We move on and get the latest on that deadly plane crash in connecticut. One passenger killed when the flight went up in flames. Now the fbi is investigating. Abcs linzie janis is here. Linzie, fbi involved because of some evidence that this may not have been an accident. Reporter good morning, george. Thats right. When that plane came barreling out of the sky, most assumed it was an accident. But federal investigators are now looking into whether the person flying it may have crashed it on purpose. This morning, the fbi investigating whether this plane crash looks like weve got a fully involved aircraft on fire on main street. Reporter was intentional. The pilot who survived, telling authorities the twin engine crash was not an accident. The plane taking off from an airport in hartford, connecticut, with a student pilot, and instructor reportedly on board. Just before 4 00 p. M. Tuesday, the aircraft striking utility poles. The fact that this wasnt even more catastrophic is nothing short of a miracle. Reporter then cartwheeling down main street narrowly missing a van carrying her mother and children before bursting into flames. Three poles, when it hit the last one it just boom. Reporter a bystander posting this dramatic video tweeting the plane came inches from our office, went right by the window. The chief of police saying he asked the fbi to investigate because the plane went down near a Pratt Whitney factory, describing it as critical infrastructure. The company, a global manufacturer of jet engines for commercial, military and general aviation. That Pilot Instructor was rushed to the hospital and is reportedly being treated for burns. Again, his student pilot did not survive, and that mother in the minivan so shaken she said she couldnt speak. Authorities say it is a miracle no one on the ground was hurt. Michael. Im glad no one on the ground was hurt. Thank you very much for that. Now the southeast is still feeling the effects of Hurricane Matthew this morning. Take a look at this flooding in North Carolina. The water is not going anywhere forcing thousands of people from their homes, and phillip mena is there in North Carolina. Good morning, phillip. Reporter michael, good morning, the flooding in this region is catastrophic and this is the epicenter. This Senior Citizen home evacuated. You can see just how deep the water is now. That red car is submerged. Many People Living here, theyre searching Higher Ground while they still can. Overnight rescuers in North Carolina hard at work still pulling stranded residents from their flooded homes. This is the worst that weve ever had. Reporter 75 miles from the coast, the town of lumberton underwater. We have nothing, no clothes, no shoes, no nothing. By grand kids lost everything. One, two, three. Reporter more than 2,000 residents there rescued. 18 people in North Carolina now dead. Too many people have died. And we dont want any more to die. Reporter the u. S. Death toll from Hurricane Matthew up to at least 36. Hundreds of thousands still without power. Tuesday afternoon, National Guard troops racing to repair a crucial dam in moore county, a growing hole about the size of a fire truck threatening even more destruction and more lives. Theyre risking their life to get this thing done and to me those are superheroes. Reporter this as multiple rivers in the state continue do swell to record levels. This street aligned with businesses is now part of the lumber river in record flood stage for days. Michael. All right, thank you, phillip. Ginger, you have more on the flooding. Right, because he just said it. Record flood stage for days and it will keep going for days so we have more of the images from lumberton, North Carolina, which weve been showing you but thats not the only river we have to showcase here as far as who is being affected. Flood warnings stretch from South Carolina through southeastern virginia, and you can see a couple of those rivers we wanted to highlight. The neuse river is crested at record already, staying up there and staying at major flood stage all the way through sunday. So this is not going to be over for some time. A quick check of hurricane nicole, which is a category 2 hits bermuda tomorrow or affects them. Well come back with more. Robin . We appreciate that. Now to a happy reunion, that 4yearold girl missing for days, shes now back in her familys arms safe after being kidnapped and found more than 800 miles away. Abcs Steve Osunsami has that story for us. Oh, youre beautiful. Reporter cameras were there and rolling the moment authorities reunited 4yearold Rebecca Lewis with her family in florida. Thank you for bringing me home. Reporter she had been missing since saturday until police found her more than 800 miles away at Baptist Memorial Hospital in memphis. A young woman at the hospital saw the girl walking hand in hand with her alleged abductor and recognized her from amber alerts on facebook. My dad looked at me and i showed my phone and said shes wearing the same outfit and immediately they took that ride and we went straight to security. Reporter police surrounded the silver car in the parking lot and rescued the 4yearold uninjured. I want to say thank you to you because without you, i dont know when this would end. Reporter 31yearold west wild hogs who changed his name to that legally is in Police Custody this morning. Police say that the longtime family friend was spotted with the girl in several surveillance videos including this one from a nashville gas station around 2 00 a. M. Monday morning. Tennessee authorities are now under fire for waiting until later that day to issue an amber alert. We did receive a phone call from his agency asking us to issue an amber alert. We asked, is the individual she is with a danger . Does he have any critical history . Again, the agency said no. Reporter authorities did issue a police alert to be on the lookout. There are just so many of these cases where the victims are never found, or their cases are ignored which makes this reunion all the more remarkable. Hogs has a Court Appearance in tennessee this morning. Robin. All right, steve, thank you very much. A happy ending there and a happy ending last night for the cubs. If you are a chicago fan, you really are happy this morning, because it did not look good for chicago cubs fans last night. They were down going into the ninth inning, and then they came alive. Breaking the curse or closer to breaking the curse that has been on them for 108 years and scored four runs in the ninth for an epic comeback to win 65 and eliminate the giants from the playoffs, and they now advance to the championship series and play either the dodgers or nationals and they are one step closer to breaking that curse that everybody is talking about. The curse of the billy goat. Im tired im sure they are tired of hearing about it. One cubs player said after the game we never quit and we arent stopping now. Clutch last night. Im sure thats exactly what their fans wanted to see. Thats what they wanted to hear. Theyre not done yet. Ginger, a new fire in california. Yeah. This one in elizabeth lake, california. The video here, area of our nation that is so, so dry and could so use some of this rain im about to tell you about but the fire watches are up. The wind advisories, especially for northern california, parts of oregon and california or excuse me, washington state, look for that. More than 12 inches of rain possible as we go through the next several days and, again, some of the wind gusts could top 70 or even 100 Miles Per Hour in some of the mountain passes. The chilly cities now brought to you by benefiber. Good morning. Im mike nico from abc mornings. Holding pattern today for the most part tomorrow wet and breezy friday and a weaker storm saturday evening through sunday. Todays temperatures low to mid 70s inland. Low 60s at the coast. Tonight back in the low to mid 50s with a drizzle just like this morning. My sevenday forecast, the strongest storm friday. Its a two on the impact scale which is moderate. I know its still fall, but this is the time of year i get to hear you say, oh, no. This video, rapid city, south dakota, got their first snow. All oh, no. Coming up, a new twist in the Kim Kardashian scandal. A jewel now recovered at the scene. Investigators searching for dna evidence. Could it lead to the culprits . Plus a new video showing her just after the incident. Tim tebow to the rescue. What did he do off the baseball field that has so many fans cheering . At walgreens, youre free free to seize the savings on Medicare Part d. From onedollar copays on select plans to rewards points on all prescriptions, its easy to save big at walgreens. Just stop by walgreens. Then sit back and enjoy the savings. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. Sorry. Sorry. Regerts . Sorry, i was eating a milky way. Hair is delightfully fragrancedl with notes of moroccan rose and the freshness of springtime unforgettable, wherever you go the scents you cant forget. From herbal essences, blooming now lets just get a sandwich or something. Or something . You dont just graduate from medical school, or something. And we dont just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and handslice avocado. Theres nothing or something about it. Whats going on here . Im val, the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. Were putting away acorns. You know, to show the importance of saving for the future. So youre sort of like a Spokes Person . More of a spokes metaphor. Get organized at voya. Com. Im beowulf boritt and im broaa broadway set designer. When i started designing a bronx tale the musical, i came up. With this idea of four towers that were fire escapes. Essentially. Ill build a little model in photoshop and add these. Details in with a pen. I could never do that with a mac. I feel like my job is. To put out there just enough detail to spur the audiences. Imagination to fill having all of my tools. His wi,. Right at my finger tips is incredible. Good morning. Lets go to alexis for the latest on the traffic alert. This has been a headache since about 1 00 this morning. This is video from earlier when they used the balloons to blow that up and flipped a semi back over. Thats been uprighted for some time. They are still working to clear the scene so its hooked up to the tow truck. I can show you on the traffic maps. They are packing up equipment and havent fully opened the hacienda ramp to eastbound 580. A handful of other problems. I will tweet them out. Thank you. Mike now your Weather Forecast with mike. Thanks for sticking around. Lets talk about what will happen before school or through the morning commute. Temperatures cooler in the mid 40s to upper 50s especially near San Francisco patchy drizzle. Fall this afternoon with partly cloudy conditions. Our storm impact scale for friday morning when the moderate to eh rain and windy conditions come through right during the morning commute. 48 hours from now well deal with the rain. We put the impact scale on saturday because of the next storm will come in saturday evening an last through sunday. About half the rain well get friday. Coming up, new developments in the lawsuit against jim carey next on gma. Another update in 30 minutes always on the news app at abc 7 news. Com. A beautiful shot of the sun rise. Join us for abc 7 mornings weekdays from 4 30 to 7 00 a. M. Weekdays from 4 30 to 7 00 a. M. The news continues with life and death. 600 dollars. Of abuse. Prop 61. Weekdays from 4 30 to 7 00 a. M. The news continues with proposition 61 is a very, very important step forward. For tand i thank the people of ca ive got 9 days leftit on pharmabefore retirement. E. Weve been planning for this for a long time and well keep evolving things. So dont worry. Knowing you is how edward jones makes sense of investing. Dannon whole milk yogurt, a natural outburst seems to have taken over the country. security. hi, im stuck in an elevator. With a cow. a what . all natural, non gmo ingredients with vitamin d and whole milk. New dannon, natural is back. Well help you style your home from floor to ceiling. Now get up to 40 off our best paint via rebate and make your home happy, at lowes. Youre youre fired. Youre fired. Should i fire cindy or should i fire you, holly. I think you got to fire cindy. Okay. Cindy, youre fired. That is donald trump using his signature catchphrase on the apprentice. Producers of the show are now under pressure to release behindthescenes tapes of the gop nominee. Well have more on that on our big board. Well complete into that with sunny hostin. Gop under war. Donald trump says the shackles are off after paul ryan refused to come to his defense. And take a look at this in arkansas, attempts to bring down an old bridge didnt go as planned. The broadway bridge Still Standing after multiple booms. This inspired broadwaybridgestrong on twitter. Finally on their eighth try they pulled it down with a cable and tugboat. Maybe its so strong they should have kept it. Didnt want to leave. Also tim tebow to the rescue again. Were going to tell you why the football star turned baseball player is getting so much praise for what he did after a game when he helped one fan in a major way. Thats coming up. Tim tebow is the man when it comes to that. We begin with more trouble for comedian, jim carrey. The actor face a new lawsuit after his former girlfriend died from an overdose. Abcs linsey davis is here and linsey, the womans mother is now blaming carrey. Thats right, robin. In a wrongful death lawsuit, the mother of carreys exgirlfriend accuses him of yet another role only acting as if he were a mourning boyfriend, a grieving good guy when she says he was really the one who caused her daughter to go into a tailspin and then supplied her with the ill league drugs she took to kill herself. Reporter brigid compesweetm mother of Cathriona White has filed a of Cathriona White has filed a lawsuit against him blaming him for her 2015 suicide. Sweetman alleges carrey gave white three sexually transmitted diseases without warning her, lied to her about it and then dumped her out of concern for his own image. In a statement sweetman says, as a family, we want the world to know the truth about who jim carrey really is. Carreys attorney, martin singer, responded, it is understandable that a mother who has lost a daughter will look for someone to blame but in directing her grief and rage at jim carrey and joining this ridiculous lawyers attempt to capitalize on cathrionas suicide mrs. Sweetman is heading down the same dark path as kathd cathrionas greencard husband, mark burton. Her estrange husband also filed a lawsuit against the actor accusing carrey of giving white sexually transmitted diseases while concealing his diagnosis and carrey responded saying i will not tolerate this heartless attempt to exploit me or the woman i loved. Both burton and sweetmans lawsuits claim carrey obtained prescriptions under the false name of arthur king and provided them to white leading to her september 2015 suicide. Whites body was found in her Los Angeles Home surrounded by four prescription medications, none of them in her name. Carreys ex was an irish Makeup Artist who allegedly suffered a long battle with depression. After their breakup in court to wants where her mother says, one of the stds carrey gave her can leave a woman unable to have children. He was also a pallbearer at her funeral. George . The latest in Kim Kardashian in seclusion but her sister broke the family silence saying shes not doing well and calling it a wakeup call for the whole clan. Abcs mara shchiavocampo is her with more. Good morning, mara. We have new information about the investigation this morning. Abc news confirming a passerby found a Diamond Cross pendant on the street near the hotel thats believed to belong to kardashian and presumably was dropped by the thieves and that it contains a lot of dna evidence. This as kardashian is now filed a lawsuit related to the case. Reporter this morning, Khloe Kardashian speaking out for the first time about her sister, kims, terrified armed robbery. I mean, shes not doing that well. I mean, its incredibly traumatic what happened to her. Reporter khloe telling Ellen Degeneres tuesday that the world famous reality tv star is having to rethink herov oversharing o social media. I think its just a wakeup call to make a lot of life adjustments. You cannot share as much. In that aspect and just make sure were protected as well as possible. Kylie is snapchatting and not concerned about our location being known. Reporter the kardashian clans e show indefinitely on hold after the october 2nd robbery. Nothing will really prepare you for this. Reporter Officials Say Kim Kardashian was robbed by five armed gunmen in paris. Fleeing with more than 10 million worth of jewelry. Kardashian hasnt spoken since the robbery. But tuesday she filed a federal lawsuit against the website mediatakeout. Com for three posts which she alleges claimed without any factual support whatsoever that kardashian faked the robbery. The lawsuit adding that the post caused kardashian shame, mortification, hurt feelings, embarrassment and humiliation. But now radar online posting a video they say was shot immediately after the crime that exposes holes in her story. Showing kim calmly video chatting on the couch. No visible forced entry to the door or marks on kardashians wrists from being tied up. The robbery has a great deal of mystery. I mean its, you know, made for tv, a spectacle. Reporter now, French Police wont claim the authenticity of the radar online video and kardashian herself did not respond to our requests for comment. We also reached out to media takeout for a response to that lawsuit, but did not get one back. George, robin. Thanks very much. Michael, to the big board in a sec. Coming up, are more trump tapes on the way . The women heading to studio headquarters demanding their release. Plus, which teens are really most at risk behind the wheel, george . I guess well find out. I guess well find out. Ss well find out. Come on, dad. they tell me im wrong to want to stand alongside my, my love whoa, talkin bout my love talkin bout my, my love you ready, dad . Whoaooh oohoohoohoohooh, oohooh no ones surprised tender pieces and crunchy bites whoaooh ended up together. Thats just what happens when cats call the shots. New friskies tender and crunchy combo. Tasty textures cats gotta have. Friskies. For cats. By cats. And they lied about it thatfor decades. Ls. Now theyre lying about prop 56. If you dont use tobacco, you dont pay. Smokers pay their fair share of the 3 billion in Health Care Costs all taxpayers are paying now. And theres one more thing our kids. Every state thats significantly raised tobacco taxes has reduced youth smoking. Please. Vote yes on 56. If we can save even a few lives, its worth it. Time now for the big board. Our team of insiders to weigh in on todays top stories and begin with sunny hostin at the table and, sunny, this pressure is building on mgm and mark burnett. The own the apprentice tapes and the behindthescenes footage, and now theyre being picked by gloria allred, the activity attorney and says there is a compelling Public Interest in having the tapes released that she says that should trump any confidentiality clauses. Is that a strong legal argument . I love glorias passion but the bottom line is that Public Interest doesnt necessarily trump a legal contract. A contractual obligation and i got to tell you, shes trying really hard to get those tapes released. She said that she wants a threejudge panel to review whether or not these claimed legal restrictions are really there and are really enforceable. That is really, really great, but its a little more like legal theater to me. We heard there could be a fine or something if these are leaked but there is a go fund me page that said well pay the legal fees for anybody who likes these tapes. Is that even feasible . Its feasible because there is that rumor. Its been reported there is a 5 million penalty if someone release that is tape, but if you then interfere with trumps contract and you fund that go fund me, i think he could unleash his 400 plus attorneys on the people that fund you know, hes got this scorch the earth type of litigation strategy so you could actually be putting yourself at play here if you do that. Presumably if this comes out itll be someone doing it anonymously. I would hope so because i think there are real legal problems for people who get involved with this. I didnt know you could be sued on the other side. Samsung moves to halt production of the galaxy note 7. The tech giant shares plugging the tech giant shares plunging, and another smart phone allegedly caught on camera, exploding. Becky worley joins us now. Becky, this one simple question, how do they come back after this. When even the replacement phones catch on fire, then you completely cease production, the only direction to go is to get the 2. 5 million recalled phones back without another incident. News today samsung sending out return kits that include a static minimizing bag, thermal shielding box and rubber gloves like theyre dealing with a hazmat scene. In a statement to abc samsung saying, a device containing a lithium ion battery with a recall have to use these. These are required. And also about the companys balance sheet, the companys stock fell 8 . 20 billion, poof, gone. Longterm, though, samsung is a Diverse Company and makes appliance, tech components, other smartphones. Hopefully that insulates them in the short term, guys. But they have to win Consumer Trust back. At the same time theyre in front of the Supreme Court this week possibly facing damages from apple which could also be a blow. Yeah, but i will tell you that Patent Litigation is like a mosquito bite compared to the note debacle. I can imagine their internal pr team, yes, i got the patent wars case. Bottom line, no real serious implications for samsung with this one. Right now its about brand damage. Im telling you no product has ever experienced a pr beatdown of this magnitude and the other android phonemakers are licking their chops. I guess they are. Consumer trust. Thats right. We move on to concern over the future of the olympics. Rome is announcing that its abandoning its bid for the 2014 summer games. Thats just the latest lets talk to lz granderson about all this. Boy, used to have cities clamoring to get the olympics and now theyre walking away. Well, its expensive. Its very expensive and its really responsible for italy to withdraw its bid considering the financial situation that its in. Remember, its still limping from the global recession so it would have been irresponsible to spend tens of billions of dollars to host a twoweek party. Lz, when rio won this summers past olympics, everybody went crazy and l. A. Is one of the final cities up for it now. You live in l. A. Do you want the olympics . Are they going to go crazy . Do they want the olympics there . Put it this way, its like hosting a new years eve party. Everyone wants to party. Nobody wants the cleanup. No, i dont want the olympics here. I dont want uber rates to quadruple. Of course, not. When you consider the financial benefits of hosting the olympics you want the money infused into the city, and i spoke to the mayor. The infrastructure is mainly in place, overhead would be relatively low in comparison to other cities and good thing financially, i just dont want to be tuck in traffic any longer. Traffic is pretty bad in l. A. One of the worst cities and, becky, what do you think . 2028, San Francisco out there, your city, throw the name in there. Weve held the super bowl, americas cup, weve got the Rugby World Cup coming here. Super bowl can do it. We can do the olympics too. Can we get some Public Transportation to go with that . Id love to have the olympics come back here. You would . Yeah. Oh, i would hate it. New york is already so crowded. Can you imagine having a bunch of people here for the olympics . I dont want it. Im from the bronx. I dont want it. No, no. George, you can be on the committee. Sunny, youre off. Thank you, lz, thank you. Becky, thank you and sunny, thank you, of course, thank you for coming in. Coming up in two minutes, tim tebows big moment. What he did off the field that has so many cheering. Plus, are you too attached to your phone . What all that technology is really doing to your family. New research. Theyll have you looking at your devices maybe in a new way. Riten the things they love to do most on these balloons. Travel with my daughter. Roller derby. Now give up half of em. Do i have to . This is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. But, if we start saving even just 1 more of our annual income. We could keep doing all the things we love. Prudential. Bring your challenges. But when we brought our daughter home, that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Every great why needs a great how. You never believed in fairytales. Knights in shining armor or happily ever after. But you believed when the right one came along, youd be ready. Time to shine. Orbit. Superhero. Yes, were talking tim tebow coming to the rescue. The former Heisman Trophy winner playing baseball these days but what he did after the game getting a lot of praise. T. J. Is here with that story. Hey, t. J. Robin, ive never told anybody this but when tim tebow was our colleague at gma he pulled me to the side, and he said, t. J. , look, im going to tell you a secret. Im superman. And at this point, i believe it. All right. Tim tebow has leapt into action. Has come to the rescue. Yes, hes playing Minor League Baseball now, but a lot of people think hes trying to makes it to the majors. He might just be trying to make it into heaven after some people say he pulled off, yes, a miracle. Reporter the game was over, and then tim tebow made his best play of the day. The Heisman Trophy winner turned Minor League Player was signing autographs after a game when a man in the crowd collapsed. Appearing to suffer a seizure. He was laying on his back and he was convulsing and foaming at the mouth and it was such a scary sight to behold. The crowd immediately backed up and was in sheer panic. Reporter tebow rushed to his side, placed a hand on the man and said a prayer. Soon after the seizure appeared to cease and tebow stayed with the man for 15 minutes until the paramedics arrived. This isnt the first time tebow who made headlines when he joined the mets farm system last month has helped his fellow man. In june when a passenger on a plane had a heart attack, tebow comforted those around him with prayer. And this morning, Brandon Berry number 15 was by liz side. Would just say thank you very much for being there for me and thank you for praying with me. Reporter tebow says its all in a days work. In those moments of need theres nothing else matters. That matters. That young man is what matters. And this is why people love tim tebow. He transcends sports. The guy is a Heisman Trophy winner, a national champion, played nfl for a little while and trying to play baseball. He is just a good guy and have this experience with him. You cant help but root for the guy. Yeah. Hes a polarizing figure to a lot of people. In a lot of ways. He puts his religion out there, and the tebowing, and the knee, but you cant argue he is a good dude. He is authentic to himself. The gentleman he helped is a georgia fan. Yeah. And so, you know, tebow was at florida. They were big rivals. And he told me as hes helping him which is probably not the best time. Couldnt switch now. He has also written a book. Tim tebow and hell come back home here and talk to us about it in the coming weeks. Back home here. When you get done with all that sport, come on back home, baby. Coming up in our next hour, a parenting alert. Are all those gadgets at home helping our hurting your family . Guys, Aimee Copeland is here four years after surviving a lifethreatening disease. Her message of hope and how shes paying it forward this morning. And Janet Jackson is here live no, no, shes not. Dont do that. T. J. Just went youve never seen her like this before. Pregnant at 50. Wait till you see it. You cant do that to us. I had to. Do that to us. Age isnt slowing you down. But your immune system weakens as you get older increasing the risk for me, the shingles virus. Ive been lurking inside you since you had chickenpox. I could surface anytime as a painful, blistering rash. One in three people get me in their lifetime, linda. Will it be you . And thats why linda got me zostavax, a single shot vaccine. Im working to boost lindas immune system to help protect her against you, shingles. Zostavax is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults fifty years of age and older. Zostavax does not protect everyone and cannot be used to treat shingles or the nerve pain that may follow it. You should not get zostavax if you are allergic to gelatin or neomycin, have a weakened immune system or take high doses of steroids are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. The most common side effects include redness, pain, itching, swelling, hard lump warmth or bruising at the injection site and headache. Its important to talk to your doctor about what situations you may need to avoid since zostavax contains a weakened chickenpox virus. Remember one in three people get shingles in their lifetime, will it be you . Talk you to your doctor or pharmacist about me, single shot zostavax. Youve got a shot against shingles. Single shot zostavax. We thought fibers that help caused unwanted gas. Not good. Then we switched to mirafiber. Only mirafiber supports regularity with dailycomfort fiber. And is less likely to cause. Unwanted gas. Finally. Switch to mirafiber. From the makers of miralax. Lets just get a sandwich peoplor something. You dont just learn how to drive. Or solve the worlds problems. Be a dad. Or something and we dont just make sandwiches or something we handslice avocado, pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and craft every sandwich clean from top to bottom. Theres nothing or something about it. Panera. Food as it should be. I just bought a book. And while i was telling you about the book, i downloaded a song. Oh, and full disclosure, when we were just chatting about that song thing, someone arranged a date. Guilty. The point is, life is digital. So, carmax, created a site where you can reserve a car online. Come in when its convenient, your car will be waiting. Just another thing to make buying a car better for you. Reads this tweet that i just posted. Oh, that appears to be trending. Lol. Back here on gma. Its wednesday already. Are we happy to be here . [ cheers and applause ] a lot coming up in our next hour. Wait until you see that stunning new photo of Janet Jackson pregnant at age 50. Only one person i know that did that was my mom. She is opening up about getting ready for her first baby and weve got a reallife hero, Aimee Copeland. Shell be here live. Are you ready for that too . [ cheers and applause ] yeah. I also have to show you all of the devastation, all the catastrophe in parts of the carolina. After that you will rain. This was a good thing that happened. This man sent us a video. He said, listen, my son and i went fishing in windsor, North Carolina, a bright spot in all this horrible news and caught a catfish. How does that look . Not bad so there is something to come from it. Oh, goodness. That would be crazy. Thats his front porch by the way that hes catching a fish from. This segment has been brought to you by carmax. We have to get to your local news and weather. It is coming up next. [ cheers and app announcer Good Morning America is brought to you by panera bread. Food as it should be. America is brought to you by panera bread. Food as it should be. Good morning, south bay. Lets get going. This is abc 7 mornings. Lets check in on the alert in the dublin pleasanton area. Traffic is a problem this morning. It is. Talking about the flipped semi but i have good news. They were being kicked out of the area because they were reopening the ramp to eastbound 580. They finally got it cleaned up. Meantime we have a headache southbound 880 in san jose. Crash blocking three lanes now. Long delays there. Lets check in with mike. Little misty when i came in. The mist will continue to dry until the 9 00 and into the 10 00 hour. You have two days to get ready for the first significant storm. Its friday at 2 00 moderate. The next storm is light. Coming up, a new study finds parent addiction to technology can impact their kids. What you can do to avoid it next on gma. We have another abc 7 news update in 30 minutes and always on the news app. Was mr. Bonejanglesny expecting the perfect toy at an amazing price . Of course not. Hes a dog. But thats the beauty of a store full of surprises. You never know what youre gonna find, but you know youre gonna love it. Good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Donald trump declares war on his own party lashing out at house speaker, paul ryan, and his fellow republicans. Weak and ineffective. Led to a certain extent by paul ryan. His Campaign Manager defends him right here this morning. Enough of the do you support us or do you not support us. As trump and his campaign release vicious new ads attacking clinton. Parenting alert. Why the amount of time youre on your phone might not be hurting your relationship with your kids. The new research revealing why its healthy if mom and dad are phoning it in. What . Baby love baby, oh, baby. Janet jackson like youve never seen her before, showing off her baby bump. What shes saying about being pregnant at 50 and how shes getting ready for her first child. Our house and our Favorite Chef is here, Wolfgang Puck firing up the kitchen and hes saying good morning, america. Youre not going to share that steak . No. Good morning, america. Boy, that is a big steak. He was serious. He did not share the steak. Hes going to cook up something for us this wednesday morning. Amber and i went to his new place, new restaurant, his first here in new york last week, delicioso. And weve also got Aimee Copeland joining us. She is stronger and more hopeful than ever after suffering a lifethreatening infection four years ago sharing her powerful story and revealing the groundbreaking medical advancements giving her independence. Cant wait for that. I cant wait to hear that interview, as well. Weve also gout our cuttingedge beauty series. Were trying out one of the newest trends in skin care, magnets. Yes, indeed. Dr. Bowe is applying a magnetized mask to our model and its supposed to help reduce signs of aging and stress. Were going to see how it works and how you take it off. It might just surprise you. Thats coming up. Got to learn something new every day. To paula faris with the morning rundown. Im relaxed just looking at that mask. Good morning, everyone. The big story, donald trump unleashing an allout assault on the Republican Party establishment. Trump is ripping into house speaker, paul ryan, and other Party Leaders who have defected or denounced him. His strategy comes amid new reports that claim trump could now be in danger of losing states like georgia and even arizona. Abcs tom llamas has the very latest for us this morning. Hi, tom. Reporter paula, good morning. Were 27 days out before election day and donald trump is fighting two battles right now, one with Hillary Clinton and the other with leaders of his own party. Usa today out with a story showing a quarter of all republican governors, senators and house members will not be voting for donald trump on election day. This morning george asking Trumps Campaign manager, kellyanne conway, about the deep divide, especially with speaker paul ryan. We want the support of anybody who is going to publicly endorse us, but enough of the pussyfooting around in terms of do you support us or do you not support us and the fact is that, you know, some of these leaders have been very wishywashy, and i think that paul ryan has a job to do to keep the majority in congress and the new president of the United States will go ahead and be with him to help get legislation through. Reporter the next two days trump is in battleground florida a state many believe trump needs to win if he wants to win this election. Paula . All right, tom, thank you. And the flooding crisis in North Carolina is getting worse. Thousands have been told to evacuate to Higher Ground as the floodwaters in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew move downstream. 19 people have died. 2,000 people have been rescued in the town of lumberton, and there are fears that more dams could give way. And a gas explosion and massive fire destroyed two homes near chicago as a gas leak was being repaired. Two workers were injured. Residents had to be evacuated. This came just hours after new federal regulations were announced requiring more gas lines to be equipped with automatic valves. And new details in the Sexual Assault case that rocked a prestigious prep school in new hampshire. Lawyers for former student owen labrie are requesting a new trial. In Court Documents obtained by newsweek they argue that labries conviction under a state computer crime law should be thrown out because he contacted his then 15yearold accuser on a school email system that was limited to campus servers. They say those servers may not be covered under state law. There is new concern about the safety of teen drivers. A new study finds that the number of teens involved in deadly crashes, it is rising for the first time in nearly a decade. Speed is the top cause. The study also warns teen girls are at most most at risk rather for being distracted behind the wheel. Finally, if there was an award for grandson of the year, one guy in nebraska would win it. He was worried about his grandmother in florida because her phone wasnt working after Hurricane Matthew, so what did he do . He called papa johns near her house and ordered a pizza. He asked the delivery man to bring his phone with him so that he could talk to her. Now, he knocks on the door. Shes reluctant to answer the door. She said she didnt order anything but he replied your grandson did. She couldnt stop smiling but she said, youre only going to come in if you have the garlic butter sauce with you for the pizza. No, but she invited him in. She said it was the best Pepperoni Pizza shes ever had and started showing family albums. It was the best tip ever because he had his phone and the grandson talked to the grandmother like that. It was amazing. Very sweet. Thanks for sharing that. Thanks for sharing that, paula. News that goes pop. Yes, indeed, good morning to you all and to you and Janet Jackson is sharing what its like to be an expecting mom at 50 years young in a People Magazine. Thank you, people, by the way. The rhythm nation singer showing off her baby bump saying we thank god for our blessing. Those close to her say she is over the moon excited and feels great. First time mom married to businessman Wissam Al Mana and is keeping a low profile until her due date. You can get a glimpse of her in People Magazine on newsstands this friday. Any excuse to look at janet. I saw you. Looks great. A little something. She looks great. She does. Congratulations, janet. We cannot wait to hear the great news. Also in pop news, call him sir rod stewart. Sir rod stewart, i should say, the bawdy and naughty english rock star has just been knighted by Prince William joining the ranks of sean connery, Michael Caine and Paul Mccartney all knights themselves. The grammy winning singer accompanied by his wife penny lancaster. This is, like, my play list. And their two sons, aiden and alastair took a bow before the prince as he was officially knighted with the sword and stewart brought his signature style to the ceremony and swapped the traditional tailcoat and top hat for plaid pants and a red cuff jacket. I just want you to enjoy this for a moment. An oldie but goody. The performer recognized for his 50year music exstensive charity work. Hes very, very generous with his time and his money. I didnt know william could make people knights. I thought it was just the queen. Now you know, george. Dont ask any questions. We have a little lipsync battle going on with robin. Isnt that a good one . I love that. Producer amy was saying which rod stewart song, i said theyre all good, baby. But this one, the best. Then a more serious story. The clown crisis has a new victim, ronald mcdonald. Taking a forced vacation. Yeah, management from the golden arches saying they wont send out the friendly face of the brand to Community Events until the scary clown crisis is over. On social media fans expressing their sadness. One saying when we change our lives like that, the clowns have won. The clowns have won. The clowns have won. Burger king still has not been benched. Ronald mcdonald is benched for the moment, and that is pop news. I probably should have done pop news in a different order, im guessing. Maybe finished with the music instead of the clown crisis. Its all good. Its all good. Ronald, itll be okay. Youll be back, buddy. Well look ahead. The big question are you spending too much time on your phone at home . Were going to have new research talking about how that technology is affecting your relationship with your kids. And Aimee Copeland is here sharing her inspiring story with our very inspiring robin roberts. Theyre going oneonone. Cannot wait to see this. Well be back with that only on gma. 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Do not take trulicity if you or anyone in your family has had medullary Thyroid Cancer or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2 or if you are allergic to trulicity or its ingredients. Stop using trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as itching, rash, or difficulty breathing; if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe stomach pain that will not go away and may move to your back, with or without vomiting or if you have symptoms of Thyroid Cancer, which may include a lump or swelling in your neck, hoarseness, trouble swallowing, or shortness of breath. Medicines like trulicity may cause stomach problems, which could be severe. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and any medicines you take. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase your risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney failure. With trulicity, i click to activate whats within me. If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a noninsulin option, click to activate your within. Ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. There is Aimee Copeland looking so beautiful and what an inspiring story. Shes going to talk to robin in just a little bit live in the studio. Were going to move on to a new study that reveals some interesting insights that could have every parent in america looking at their phones in a new way. Its about how your engagement with your phone affects your relationship with your kids. Dr. Janet taylor and ericka souter. Lets lay out what the study found. It looked and talked to 35 parents and care givers and found even though the promise and potential of mobile technology is to make our lives easier, in fact, they felt more stressed and they felt more pressure to be connected at home while trying to connect at work and am i good a employee or am i i a good parent . They felt more distracted at times from their children and a . They felt more distracted at times from their children and at times felt stressed. It wasnt all bad news. The fact they felt stress meant its an opportunity for all parents to understand why they feel stress and more importantly what they can do about it. To look at the problems right there but it also revealed, and this was kind of surprising, some upsides. Right, the upsides were that those phones provide an escape from boredom. It also makes you feel connected to the real world which is really important when youve been taking care of kids all day. There was another benefit that moms told me about and its the fact that theyre focusing on Something Else that can help their kids develop muchneeded patience. Right. You say ill be with you in just a minute. Im just finishing this right now. But you talked about the stress, janet, and the study also gets into the whole idea of trickle down stress. Explain that. Well, were humans, and as parents, we do the best we can but there are times when you may read something on your phone, which may upset you or make you depressed and its important that you stop and create that space ive had to catch myself with that. Right . You stop and you catch that moment and understand its really important that we have facetoface time and that facetoface time is hard to get and its positive and parents in the study reported they did snap so its an opportunity to either create some rules about how you compose yourself and certainly as a family, set your time in terms of how youre going to not interact with technology. Makes it hard to not bring those work problems home. Its reality but to be aware of it and also to engage in a positive way because our children are always watching. So what tips do you have for parents on how to make this constructive relationship with your phone and your kids . Its hard to cut the cord but now there are apps that will let you use your phone in a more healthy way, and these apps help you monitor how much time youre spending on your phone but what youre spending time on and theyre called screentime moment and quality and theyre really fabulous tools that every parent should have on their phone. Okay. Thank you, ericka souter, janet taylor, thank you both. Coming up, Aimee Copeland is here live four years after suffering a lifethreatening disease and robin is here talking about her amazing story and how shes paying it forward. About her amazing story and how shes paying it forward. Life can be messy. But with crayola color wonder. It doesnt have to be. Because the fun stays on the page. And doesnt go anywhere else. Dont you wish life could be this messfree . All magic, no mess. Color wonder. Find it in the crayola aisle. Sets each sold separately. Try theraflu expressmax,nd flu hold you back now in new caplets. Its the only cold flu caplet that has a maximum strength formula with a unique warming sensation you instantly feel. Theraflu. For a powerful comeback. New expressmax caplets. Beneful is really excellent. The first ingredient is chicken. riley man, this chicken is spectacular jessica i feel like when he eats beneful, he turns into a puppy again. You love it, dont you . You love it so much vo try new beneful healthy weight with chicken. Now with real chicken as the number one ingredient. At walgreens, youre free free to seize the savings on Medicare Part d. From onedollar copays on select plans to rewards points on all prescriptions, its easy to save big at walgreens. Just stop by walgreens. Then sit back and enjoy the savings. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. They prey on our children, spending billions. Addicting 17,000 California Kids each year. Eventually killing onethird of them. Now Tobacco Companies are spending millions to. Defeat prop 56. Because in every state thats raised tobacco taxes, smoking rates go down. So who are you going to trust . Pediatricians, cancer groups and the califronia pta who all. Support prop 56. Or the Tobacco Companies trying to kill it. Vote yes on 56. And a very big welcome back on this wednesday to Good Morning America. Wait, so, wolfgang, you have steak. You have lobster and i got the salad. A little salad for you in the morning but im going to cook you the perfect steak in a few minutes. Its the combination. Were going to good morning. Im mike nico from abc mornings. Holding pattern today for the most part tomorrow wet and breezy friday and a weaker storm saturday evening through sunday. Todays temperatures low to mid 70s inland. Low 60s at the coast. Tonight back in the low to mid 50s with a drizzle just like this morning. My sevenday forecast, the strongest storm friday. Its a two on the impact scale which is moderate. I have been looking forward to this. Aimee copeland is the definition of resilience and for me and countless others she is certainly a source of inspiration. Aimee captured the nations attention after she was left a quadruple amputee. Since then she has continued to defy the odds refusing to let anything hold her back. Were going to speak to her in a moment but first heres a look at aimees story. Reporter four years ago, Aimee Copelands life forever changed after a ziplining adventure turned tragic. I remember hearing the sound of the wire snapping. Reporter the dent left her with a deep wound that became infected by an aggressive flesheating bacteria. In order to save her life, doctors amputated aimees right leg, left foot and both hands. This morning we are seeing the first photograph of Aimee Copeland. The nation watched as aimee battled back. Miraculously just four months after the accident, aimee made her public debut on katie and showed incredible strides in her recovery. Today, thanks to her spirit, determination oh, yeah, oh, yeah. Reporter and new hightech prosthesis made by randy alley, see how that feels. Reporter aimee is regaining her independence, embracing her new normal and spreading her message of optimism despite any obstacle. Goal. No matter what challenges in life you face, if you want something bad enough, you will find a way. [ applause ] aimee certainly has done that. Aimee copeland and randy alley join us now, the first time in our studios for both of them. Please give them a warm welcome to be joining us. Yes, yes, yes. Great to have you. You both here. Aimee, my goodness, youre making history. Thank you. The first quadruple amputee and to have this type of prosthesis. Ive tried different ones over the years and last summer when randy and his team fit me in just three days, the first time i tried them on it was like totally different than anything id ever experienced. They just felt like a part of me, an extension of my natural arm. Just like the real thing. So it was amazing. I bet it was. Randy, tell us what is so innovative about this. Traditional sockets dont control the bone so everything feels like its slopping around and its heavy and unstable. What we do is a patented way of compressing and releasing around the tissue so that the bone inside is fixated or stabilized so that it feels like a part of you and becomes a part of you instead of something attached to you. Thats whats so important. Because you want it to be a part you and not just that its an extension. Absolutely. Both of you, both of you are changing lives and i know that your intent is to help others but those that you help, randy, inspire you and help you in the end and your company. Right . Can never have a bad day. Its just an awesome thing to do and be a part of. Theyre the stars of the show but we like to have a piece of that. Oh, well, you are being very, very, very humble, and you, aimee, the way we saw at the end of the piece, speaking, you have two masters degrees now. One wasnt enough. You have two. You have two very special internships. What is it that you speak to people about . What is your message to them . I think compassion was a huge part of my healing. Working with organizations like friends of disabled adults and children, seeing little kids who are in wheelchairs when youre helping others youre not focused on yourself. Youre not focused on what youre lacking. It makes you grateful and it makes you pass on that gratitude to others so my i strongly recommend that anyones who is facing struggles, go out and help other people and you would be surprised at how much it actually helps you. You make it look easy and i know it hasnt i know it hasnt been for you so tell us what has been the most difficult part and what got you through those difficult times . You know, we all have those dark nights of the soul. Those difficult times when im trying to do something and everything is going wrong. I think having friends and family around actually my best friend, corbin, of ten years is in the studio audience today, and has been a tremendous lifesaver throughout this entire experience, my pfamily. My study, the whole community really just banded together and i think the support system is one of the most important things. All you need is love. Thats true. And have you that in abundance and, randy, youve worked with other, Bethany Hamilton who we know very well what happened with her with the shark encounter. Yeah. How do these people cross your paths . Well, its a small field. And ive been doing it for a long time. But you get a reputation for focusing on certain things and the interface, the socket part is what we focus on and by design, and we hope were marching things forward a little bit. Speaking of marching forward, you are paying it forward. Tell us about this nonprofit Nature Center that youre trying to bring about. Yeah, so, you know i love the outdoor, and i love being outside, and as soon as i became disabled, and i said, wheres the Nature Center for people like me . And was disappointed to find there were none in my area so my goal after i become a licensed clinical social worker is to combine my counseling with full mind, body, spiritual growth and to focus on the outdoors, Community Gardening and helping people to just fully immerse themselves in nature. And i understand that you fully enjoy bagels. Didnt you mention that . Yes. So your mom, your beautiful mom, you said you wanted bagels to go back with you. New york bagels. Thank you. Thats awesome. Yeah, so you can bring these back to the atl with you. Maybe youll share them with randy, as well. Well see. We got Wolfgang Puck upstairs so. Bless you and thank you both. Thank you very, very much. We appreciate that. Thank you. Thank you so much. Hope you come upstairs. We have another full hour, oh, no, half hour left to go. Coming up, i know. Coming up we have Minnie Driver here live and Wolfgang Puck is going to be cooking too. What a day. A wonderful wednesday. Good morning, north bay. Lets get up and get going. This is abc 7 mornings. Good morning. Lets get to alexis smith. You had a busy morning early on. Hows traffic . It was a mess out there. We do have the eastbound 580 on ramp back open in the tri valley. Heavy volumes through the bay bridge toll plaza. We are improving in the south bay. Southbound 880. We had a serious threecar collision near brokaw before 101. It did clear in the last 15 minutes. Heavy delays if you are coming from the melpitas area. Drive times in a few minutes. Thank you very much. Mi now your forecast. Check out this gorgeous picture from the east bay hills camera. Want to talk about the forecast. 50s at the coast. 60s around the bay. 70s inland. We are in a Holding Pattern until we get to friday. Thats when we are going to have the big weather event. It will roll in midnight to about noon. Moderate to heavy rain in the north bay. Breezy conditions in the north bay and the santa cruz mountains. Well have another abc 7 news update in 30 minutes and of course on the free abc 7 news app. Join us for abc 7 mornings week we welcome you back to gma and we have a great audience here with us. This wonderful wednesday morning. Wow. How many people sat in traffic on the way to get here . Nobody . It was 4 00 in the morning. How many are going to sit in traffic going home . All of you, right . But, george, you have a littleing. It could help. This is counterintuitive. We all have problems with traffic. Trying to get to work. Live in d. C. , 75 hours a year stuck in traffic. 74 if you live in houston but it turns out there is a way to avoid it and it its basically letting people cut in line. All you have to do is be polite. Thats right. You need that gap between cars to let meme come in. What are you laughing im listening. Its true. Im not laughing. Im just listening . When you exit, you know how somebody tries to get in front of you and you get all defensive. Let them in. Theyre blocking the next lane. Why do you smile . I know why. It feels like youre rewarding bad behavior. Lime glad you said it. I do have it makes sense. Pet peeve of mine is when i do allow the proper distance and then somebody cuts in im like, ooh. Im leaving that proper distance but i should know now its a good thing. It happened yesterday. I had my blinker on doing everything right and the woman like made it so that i couldnt i was like, why. I rewarded her with a thank you. Are you serious . Yes. Read between the lines. Oh, dont buy that. That was not what she did. I absolutely did. I absolutely did. You were probably saying thank you but there were a few fingers missing. Just saying. Chances are. So do you let people in and are you i know its the right thing to do but i cant say i always do it. No. George. Its a little tough. Im with george on that. Make an effort. We have a platform. Lets all decide that were going to do the right thing. Because yes, yes. [ applause ] which i really did do that. Because now that you know to cut down on traffic the bottlenecking. Right. Were doing it. Lets just do an experiment. A Group Experiment where we just try it one week everybody try to be polite and see if it works. If it doesnt lets go back to being rude. One week. But this is something. How many do you remember your first love . I do. Snoopy. Snoopy. Thats not what i had in mind. This young kid, hes in fifth grade and he has a girl he had a crush on and he wrote her a love letter. Ah. Im going to read this letter to you. In fifth grade he writes dear abby. Read it like a giveth grader would read it. Are you serious . Come on, please. Dear abby, your eyes remind me of the evening sky. My heartfelt like broken glass until i saw you. And then i felt like i had every pokemon ever. I love how you play zelda even when people think its weird. If you like me, it would be my first ever victory. Ah how sweet is that . That is adorable. How sweet is that. [ applause ] but this kid hes the man. He wrote the letter and her uncle published put it on reddit and he got help from the other girls in the class which i love he has such a crush on this girl he went to other girls and said, can you help me write a little brave. In yeah, yeah. Good for him. Have you ever gotten a love letter. Have you ever written one . Of course. Which one . Which one . I think both, robin. I mean but i dont think i was nearly that eloquent in fifth grade. I was such a tomboy. I was sort of like meet you on the court you better like me. I like you. Check yes and no. Did you yeah, the box was always a good i was in second grade when i got my first kiss but it was involuntary. My nextdoor neighbor did it in the middle of the classroom in front of everybody. Horrifying. I was so embarrassed. And i was actually okay until i got home and my sister had heard about it and told everybody at the dinner table and that was it. How about your two young ones. Do they get little love letters i think right now im going to respect their privacy because theres a lot going on. Nice. When you ask him that, my whole face went george, you do what you want to do. Boys, im their father. Ill find out where you live. Bettnot even 12 yet. Oh, come on. If it happens you dont want to know it. Lara. It is what, not who. The wonderful, the gorgeous, the talented, Minnie Driver is with us, everybody. [ applause ] hi, you guys. [ applause ] oh. Oh. Hello. Hi moye. Hello, beautiful. You too. I got to kiss everyone. Hi. Hello, love. Hi. How are you. Good to see you. Thank you very much. Lovely. I love what youre wearing. Look at you. You know what, welcome to the show. Thank you. Welcome to new york. Thanks. And we know that you love one of my favorite things, there was a good excuse to get it, the frozen hot chocolate from serendipity. To make you feel a little bit better no, come on. There we go. Oh, my gosh. You guys. Please. If youve never had one of these, im not kidding i use my kids as an excuse to go there. It is a frozen hot chocolate . Its really good. It has two straws. Thank you, thank you. Its the most delicious thing. Mmmm. Oh, thats enough. Thank you. They bought it for me. They bought it for me, robin. Sorry, minnie. Its very good. Nice to share. Well chat. You sip as needed. We want to talk about speechless. Its doing great. A great show. Thank you, thank you. Thank you so much. If you havent seen it its on abc and minnie plays a fierce momma bear to her kids, her husband. I spoke with you about it at the emmys. You seem like you were genuinely enjoying this role, this experience. Yeah, i love it very, very much. I mean, listen, no one is making any bounds about what we do for living is entertainment but when you do do a show thatses wry and funny but also has a message that is truly great without that being were not proselytizing or forcing it down peoples throats but encouraging people to look at inclusivity in a different way and certainly people who are living with disabilities to just process it and metabolize it differently and its makes it so normal and so funny. Exactly. Typify something. To not this is a family with a certain set of challenges. Every family has challenges, this is this familys challenges. I love it because it is typifying something that we i think for the most part keep at arms length. Made it all relatable. Yes. And you do it in a comedic way but also created some like a stachetwg or a movement. Yeah, yeah, exactly. I mean, theres the Cp Foundation have you know, the reality is most ablebodied people are a little intimidated and worried about people who use wheelchairs and they dont quite know how to interact or what to say so we avoid it or have done and theres this great theres this Great Campaign called smile and say hi which i think is a really great way of us all figuring it out. And the young man who plays your son j. J. Is amazing. Isnt he great . [ applause ] so talented. So talented. Yep. Theyre very spectacular kids. All of them. And theyre amazing. And the guy who plays my husband is funny. I had never seen him before. No . Hes a brilliant, clever hes one of the cleverest people i know. Everybody is incredibly funny and to give the audience a little taste of your work, lets take a look at this clip. All right. So be home by 4 00. 7 00. You agreed to eight hour. That is a long time. I mean the longest j. J. Has ever been gone if he wasnt in school is how was the notebook. Not bloody long enough. I loved that ryan gosling so fast from overprotective to oversexual. [ applause ] michael, oh. Its good. Its funny. I like it. I like it a lot. I like i like how fun it is and when people a lot of journalists have said, you know, what do you hope the takeaway is from the show. I think thinking that the social message but we want people to laugh. Laughter is what breaks down wars. Amen. Bigger than youre doing it. No one has trouble with laughing. You can all laugh and check it out called speechless on tonight at 8 30 p. M. Eastern right here on abc. Coming up, celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck. So many of you hungry, stick around. All of this with the Global Warming and the a lot of its a hoax. Its a hoax. Itll get cooler. Itll get warmer. Its called weather. We need some Global Warming we need leaders who get it. So that we can move away from coal and oil to clean energy. Im tom steyer. If you want to do something about climate change, you can. Please. Register and vote. Nextgen California Action Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. Sharing a ten by ten room,ng threestruggling. Nding, i rent this place and then i started home sharing. My roommates help out all the time. They are glad to meet the guests and that opportunity that airbnb has given me is such a priceless gift. I was able to take three months off to take car of my family during a family tragedy. The extra income that i get from airbnb has been a huge impact in my life. Wow, welcome back, america. Its a gorgeous morning with gorgeous women and men in tooimd and real quick look. 13 people from nebraska. Nebraska. All right. Back now, of course, great news for superhero fan, Benedict Cumberbatch who stars in dr. Strange gracing the cover of good morning. Im mike nico. Our drizzle dries by 9 00. Temperatures in a Holding Pattern. My sevenday forecast the strongest storm is we can get excited here. That weather brought to you by crayola. Lets get back inside, lara. Thank you very much, ginger. It is time now for our cuttingedge beauty series and today were taking a closer look at skin care regimens to battle pollutants and Mara Schiavocampo is back with the story. Hey, mara. Nearly half of the u. S. Population lives in counties with unhealthy levels of pollution and that can be bad news for your skin. But experts including our friends at vogue magazine say there is a lot you can do to protect yourself. We all know sun is the main cause of skin damage but now some experts say your skin may have a new enemy, pollution. Data over the last few years finding pollution from things like car he can haase and industrial emissions, tiny particles up to 20 times smaller than your skins pores may cause inflammation and irritation and could accelerate signs of aging like wrinkles and brown spots. The particulate matter in the air from combustion collects on your skin. Reporter one study supported by a cosmetic company compared two groups of women and found those living in the city showed a more than 20 increase in hyperpigmentation and wrinkles than those living in the country. 23yearold chel ly flie has ben living in new york for most of her life. It feels greasy and heavy and its been layered on every layer that i could add to it is just on my skin and living there. And that must feel disgusting. Fees awful. Chelseas fix. Really important that we strengthen and also defend the skin against environmental pollutants and aggressors throughout the day. Cleansing and protective skin care routine. And then finally, youll apply the cilantro and orange extract. What can you do . Some experts suggest washing your skin thoroughly at night to get rid of pollute apartments tuck to moisturizer and makeup looking for products with topical antioxidants and using a pore cleansing mask weekly. Make sure you rid yourself of that particulate matter is so important. Now some experts also suggest getting an indoor air felt their can cut down on pollution like allergens and smoke and also to make sure you change your air conditioner filters regularly. We have more with dr. Whitney bowe joining us. Certified dermatologist. Tell me about this magnetic mask. This is the magaziis the mag and wrap it in a tissue and what its going to do. Its going to lift away the iron particles in the mask. Wow. It also supposedly lift as way the impurity, the pollution, basically anything that is stuck to the skin throughout the day. Sort of pulls it out. No studies evaluating that. Do you like the idea of this. Love the idea of it. So i think this is a very cool thing to incorporate. You can do something every single day. Does it feel good . Oh, yeah. It feels amazing. Very cool. Okay. [ applause ] so thats thats once or twice a within. This is every day. Double cleansing very hot new trend. Double clepsing. Double cleansing. It removes makeup and pollution. What if you have dry skin, i do no cleansing. I just moisturize. This is great for dry skin. First use an oil based cleanser, my favorite is olive oil, gentle, effective, you want to take a cotton any kind of cotton ball or pad, dip it in the olive oil. Obviously if you dont mind ill come over here and show it to you. But basically just gently put it on the skin and hold there and wipe it away and it will remove all of the dirt, you want to follow that second with a cleanser. Water based cleanser and look for a gentle ph balanced cleanser and wash away with water and have that double cleanse and deep clean. I love it, love it. Really easy ideas from dr. Whitney bowe and, of course, Mara Schiavocampo, thank you so much for that. Lady, you look fabulous. Coming up, Wolfgang Puck is going to feed us and give us some great recipes live on Good Morning America. Wow, shes sure making a splash in that designer dress and with a thicker, more fabulous formula, shes not splashing. You can wear anything and pour bleach. And her whiter whites, just dazzling. Clorox splashless bleach. Also try crystals and packs. Welcome to my house we are back now with the world famous chef, Wolfgang Puck is here. Hes opened his first new york restaurant. At the Four Seasons Hotel and here to cook us a delicious meal. Amber and i were there last week, it is spectacular. The food, everything, the artwork. Thank you. I know, its a beautiful restaurant. First one in new york. New york was like my playground. I went to the theater. I said i dont want to work in new york so what happened is finally we decided to open a restaurant at the four seasons. Its a cut sfraents. We specialize in meat but have a lot of fish and lobster and great appetizers and sals and so forth. Let me show you a little meat. Dont you play a little music when in the morning is wake me up by avicii. Everything is better with a little music. Now, you have to season the steak really well when you cook it and i love lots of cracked black pepper on it so that makes it really delicious. In how about the cut of the meat. The cut of the meat like we have different cuts so here this is a japanese beef. This is the new york steak. A porterhouse steak, bone in fill lay, grass fed beef. We have it all here. All right. Ooh. So you season it. A little fresh hearns, rosemary and thyme and cook it on the grill or in a pan, a cast iron skillet like that. I never thought youd do it like that. Make sure its really hot like this, nice and hot. You can see your smoking and it has a good color so thats the most important thing and then when you cook it, its good to let it rest for a little bit so im going to take this one off and im going to cut it up. Here you go. All right. Well let it rest here. No, no, no. Oop. We let it rest for a few seconds. While its resting im going to make you a little salad with beets. We have yellow beets. We have red beets. All kinds of beet and yogurt . Thats what makes it different. Greek yogurt. Put a spoon on here like this. Put it out and then you can lay your beets on top here. Looks so good. All different colors. It makes it look beautiful but its important. It tastes delicious too so thats really good thing. Red one, yellow one, pink one. But we continental forget about this here. This one is our seafood salad. Nicely done, wolfgang. We have a butter lettuce salad which is really delicious with a little avocado and bleu cheese and fresh herbs and dressing can you get all these recipes on our website. Whmy doctor. Houldnt hamy dentist. Veryday . Definitely my wife. Wait, i know what i want. Make sparkling water at home. And drink 43 more water every day. Sodastream. Love your water. We dance on the salsa team together, and its like a lot of power in what we wear. When were practicing if i dont feel good in what im wearing i dont look good. T. J. Maxx has that variety. I can get a lot for my money. Its like yay t. J. Maxx if youre feeling it, just go for it, dont wait. Maxx life at t. J. Maxx. Good morning america is brought to you by walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. Look how beautiful that steak is from Wolfgang Puck. Thank you, wolfgang. Thanks for coming in. Thank you so much . Thanks to all of you for watching, everyone. Good morning to you. Lets get to mike nicco with a check of the morning forecast. High clouds and sunshine. A steady temperature. 60s around the bay. A moderate storm coming in late thursday night through the morning commute friday. Half inch in the south bay. Inch and a quarter in the north bay. Saturday night through sunday is our next storm with half the amount of rain. Thats why its a 1. Its not easy on the roads. A crash involving a meteorologist mike nicco down on the bay bridge now. The westbound side. This is at the off ramp. Slow back through the maze. Into San Francisco before Caesar Chavez another crash blocking the right lane. Time for live with kelly. Well be back at 11 00 for the midday news. I hope you join us. Reporting continues on the free app. Join the whole team w announcer its live with kelly today, awardwinning actor jon hamm. And from speechless, Minnie Driver. And performing her new hit, sit still, look pretty, daya. And we will reveal the semifinalist in the live with kelly and you cohost search. Also, news anchor Anderson Cooper joins kelly. All next on live and now, here are kelly ripa and Anderson Cooper [cheering and applauding]

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