Transcripts For KGO America This Morning 20101220

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seoul with the very latest. . >> reporter: good morning. rob and vinita. tensions are high on the border, but politicians and citizens are divided over whether these routine exercises are necessary at this point in time. south korean military having conducted these drills every month for the past 37 years. it says the live-fire drills are defensive in nature. at the center of this dispute is this maritime border. south korea recognizes a northern boundary and thousands of south koreans reside in these small islands. north korea says the border is just to the south of the islands. in fear, residents of the island, victims of last month's attack on the north, are inside underground shelters waiting and earlier they've been given gas masks just in case. naval ships and missile capabilities and fighter jets are on standby in case the conflict escalates. they hope both sides back down. they rallied outside the south korean defense ministry just before the drills. the drills have ended now the question is will north korea stick to its rhetoric vowing to destroy this place. into a sea of fire. here the situation is very unpredictable. rob and vinita. our thanks reporting from seoul. much more with the developing story later today on "good morning america." >> in washington, a lame duc joohee cho reporting from seoul. much more with the developing story later today on "good morning america." in washington, a lame duck session of conference faces a very busy week. lawmakers have managed to prove some piece of legislations which will be stalled for weeks. there are major bill to be voted on. mike marusarz reports. >> reporter: the lame duck congress is at a full place this week. and several menu items are aren't sitting well for republicans. a rare sunday session served up more disagreements on a nuclear treaty with russia. >> i think the verification provisions are inadequate and i do worry about the missile defense implications of it. >> reporter: it now appears to have passed reducing the number of warheads and providing verification for both countries. democrats are also hoping for a christmas miracle, getting the 9/11 responders health care bill passed before the end of the year. a republican filibuster delayed a vote last week, opponents balked at the $6.2 billion price tag. >> but we will stay here, as long as it takes, to pass this bill because the heroes who rushed to the towers on 9/11 are heroes who deserve to be taken care of. >> reporter: the busy week ahead following an historic weekend. >> yea! >> reporter: celebrations in san francisco, after congress repealed the 17-year-old don't ask, don't tell policy. for the first time, gays will be allowed to serve openly in the military. and while historic, the repeal of don't ask, don't tell will not be immediate. the pentagon must first sign off followed by a 60-day waiting period. rob and vinita? >> mike marusarz tracking capitol hill this morning, thank you. and a surprise on capitol hill, a sweeping measure to improve food safety unexpectedly passed the senate over the weekend. it is now before the house. and now to the west coach which is in the grips of a powerful storm that won't let go. this will be a very wet week out there. that storm is blowing from far out in the pacific, funneling up to a foot of rain, get this, up to 15 feet of snow in the west. our coverage begins with abc's larry jacobs. >> reporter: it's been raining for days and it's still coming down. parts of california could get up to a foot before it clears out. floodwaters are rising and washing out streets and forcing residents in some areas to evacuate their homes. others are doing all they can to hold off the mud. >> this has the potential of coming up level with this other wall, that way, when the mud comes down, we have this amount of protection. >> reporter: her home, like many others in los angeles county, is on a hillside, stripped by wildfires. so the threat of wildfires looms large because when it rains steadily on the barren hill, the water moves slowly with little vegetation to slow it down. the rain is taking its toll on the highways. there are five times as many accidents and higher elevations up to 15 feet of snow is forecast. it's falling so fast, there's a greater risk of avalanches. this snow pounding the west coast could soon head east. that's the last thing that people in syracuse, new york, want to hear. they already have 6 feet on the ground in what could become their snowiest ever. millions of people, of course, will be on the move for the holidays this week, hoping the weather will cooperate. accuweather's jeannette calle has the latest forecast. good morning, jeannette. good morning, bob and vinita. the west coast will continue to get bombarded with heavy rain and heavy mountain snow. the wet weather started here on friday and it continued into the weekend. we're still forecasting the rain and snow to continue through at least the middle of the week. the l.a. area in the last 24 hours has picked up close to 3 inches of rain. and the valleys of southern california through tuesday could pick up an additional 2 to 4 inches of rain. so the series of forms will continue to produce problems especially with flooding. and mud slides. we're also talking about snow-clogged passes. i-80 on donner summit may be shut down due to the heavy snowfall through this monday night alone. snow levels in the sierras will continue to fall from 6,000 to 500 feet before casting 6 to 12 inches. from 7,000 to 8,000 feet, an additional 1 to 3 feet of snow. meanwhile, off the east, there's a storm system off the coast, boston may see a couple of inches of snow with the storm system, but the heaviest will hit the state of maine tonight and tomorrow. rob, vinita. >> jeannette, thanks. you mentioned minnesota where they're getting ready for some football, under several inches of new snow. the vikings play the bears outdoors at the university of minnesota because it the snowstorm a week ago brought down the roof the stadium, the metrodome. temperatures will be in the single digits. europe has it even worse, some travelers may finally get going after spending the weekend basically going nowhere. thinking of all that record cold and snow. cities across the continent are not equipped to deal with it. in paris, the eiffel tower was closed. and lady gaga had to cancel a concert because trucks carrying her equipment could not make it into the city. >> nothing says the holidays like canceled flights. >> and gaga. when we come back, murder in the holy land. an american tourist is stabbed to death. police say it could be a terror attack. and on top of that, a weekend implosion that didn't go quite as planned. a flight to hawaii k using our points from chase sapphire. last minute... on christmas. and sitting next to us, chevy chase. and we really hit it off. we play golf, and then the luau. he's like da vinci with ice. and after, we help hang christmas decorations. wait, wait, wait. you flew last minute... on christmas... with points from chase sapphire? yeah. amazing. believe it. with points from chase sapphire, you can book airline tickets with no blackout dates or restrictions. the tensions in korea are taking a toll on the asian markets today. south korea's stock exchange is down in today's session. tokyo's nikkei average also lost ground. hong kong's hang seng is down in late trading. in london, the ftse opened higher. wall street with the dow down 11,491. after gaining 80 points last week. and the nasdaq index gained 5 last week to close at 4622. americans are spending more this holiday season compared to last year. mastercard is in fact keeping track. it says retail revenue is mostly higher than last year, especially from sales from clothing, jewelry and luxury items. and the one exception is consumer electronics. and there could be fewer shopping trips on wall street. "the new york times" reports many back office and midlevel workers will not be getting an wall bonus. that's virtually unheard of in high-finance circles but the best performers will still be rewarded handsomely so. that could mean millions of dollar checks for those at the top tier. well, tv commercials could soon come looking for you.ctv il directv is planning to launch what it calls addressable ads in the coming years. it would match commercials to individual households. for example, families with dogs, would see dog food ads. "tron: legacy" was the make's number one movie. the sci-fi sequel made its debut taking in $43.6 million in box office receipts. "yogi bear" and "the chronicles of narnia" were second and third. coming up next, on this monday morning, the college basketball team making history. plus, a huge come-from-behind win. espn has highlights coming back. and the west coast, wet and icy this morning. the latest on the weather when we come back. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] every day thousands of people are switching from tylenol® to advil. to learn more and get your special offer, go to take action. take advil®. let's raise a glass to cookies just out of the oven. to the morning bowl of cereal. and to lactaid® milk. easy to digest and with all the calcium and vitamin d of regular milk. 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a hill in spokane into a demolition derby. car after car slid down that slippery hill and smashed into one another for several hours. the pileup finally ended with concerned residents simply shut down the street. no one, thankfully, was seriously injured but there was, as can you imagine, plenty of damage. >> wow, watching in slow motion for those folks out there. now, for a look at how the roads are shaping up this morning. wet and flooded on i-5 from seattle to san diego. snow and ice on i-80 from sacramento to salt lake tee. ice on i-40 from florida to chicago. if you're flying expect airport delays in seattle, san francisco, l.a., vegas, salt lake city, minneapolis, chicago, boston and new york. we are following some breaking news from britain this morning where a dozen men have been arrested on terrorism charges. police say the suspects were plotting significant attacks on targets within britain. the arrests came in a series of early-morning raids in three cities. we will have much more on this developing story on "good morning america." israeli police are searching for answers this morning after an american woman was stabbed to death over the weekend. police believe the attack could be politically motivated, perhaps a terrorist attack. she and a friend were hiking outside of jerusalem. her friend was seriously wounded. >> reporter: it started out as a simple hike in the hills. 40-year-old american tourist christine logan, who lived in britain, along with her israeli friend kay willson. it ended with logan dead of multiple stab wounds. wilson made it to a nearby road and got some help. she said they were attacked by two arab men armed with a serrated knife. she claims she removed her star of david necklace before stabbing her in the chest. >> throughout the night, units, ground crew and helicopter units searching the area. this morning, sunday morning, we discovered the body of the woman behind me. forensics are working at the scene at the moment and the investigation is continuing. >> wilson told police she played dead in case the attackers returned. the area is popular with families. logan is reportedly from virginia. leaving behind her parents and siblings. we hope to learn more about christine logan today. it is high tourist season in israel. police do not expect an impact on tourism and do not plan to raise the national alert level. in mexico, oil thieves triggered a massive explosion that has killed 28 people, nearly half of them children. the blast sent crude flowing down the streets incinerating everything in its path. hundreds of people have lost their homes. mexico state company loses 10% of its oil every year to thieves. in suburban houston, the demolition of this building inside of a sugar refinery did not go as planned. the first building came down without a hitch. but the second, that light-colored structure you just saw there on the left, would not budge, until suddenly it came crashing down catching everyone by surprise, including the cameraman who missed it. well, now, to a winning streak that has not been seen in nearly 40 years. the university of connecticut's women's basketball team won their 88th straight game over the weekend, tying the all-time record set by ucla's men's team. some say uconn's biggest accomplishment is not getting much attention because they're women. even the coach, though, is still taking it all in stride. >> the number's the number. everyone's put it out there. you know, i don't know that that changes me a whole lot right now. you know, i'm going to a good restaurant tonight. i'm going to have a good bottle of wine. i would have done that either way. >> a win tomorrow night will give uconn its 89th victory since 2008. that will be the longest winning streak of any gender in college basketball history. congrats to those ladies for sure. time now for sunday's nfl action. we get the highlights now from espn news. good morning. sunday a game that would likely decide the nfc east. the 9-4 eagles travel to face the 9-4 giants. everything on the line. early on. all new york. giants up 7-3. eli manning to mario manningham. 33 yards, touchdown connection. 14-3, g-men. we move to the fourth, manning and the giants up 24-10. make it 30-10 finds kevin boss, middle of the end zone. a tall hill, if not a mountain to climb for the eagles. 31-17. michael vick scampers in from four yards. 31-24. 1:20 to go. jeremy maclin, his second touchdown reception of the game. we are tied. end of the game, matt dodge told not to kick to desean jackson, what does he do? he kicks to desean jackson. five seconds left. dodge can't tackle him. time has expired. desean jackson looks up at the clock and miracle at the meadowlands good. the eagles snatching victory from the jaw of defeat. down three touchdowns with just over eight minutes to go in this game. desean jackson, electrifying. a game they will not forget anytime soon in philadelphia. or if you're a giants fan, 38-31, the final. this has been your espn news update. back to you in the studio. well, as the excitement builds over the upcoming royal wedding next year, official memorabilia is up for grabs. >> three souvenirs personally approved by prince william and kate middleton go on sale today. the plate, bill box and cup each feature their entwined initials and the wedding date. that eight-inch plate, 40 pounds, about 60 bucks. not that bad. >> now i know what to get you for christmas. coming up next, the latest on the top story overnight. tensions on the korean peninsula. i have asthma. and when my symptoms came back i'd get this tightness in my chest. so i went back to my doctor again. we chose symbicort to help control my asthma symptoms all day and night. 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