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presidential candidate mitt romney and newly announced running mate paul ryan appeared in norfolk, virginia. >> good morning, just a short while ago, paul ryan spoke to a crowd in norfolk virginia as to announce his running mate. he called president obama's record a record of failure. >> the g.o.p. ticket is set. romney made the announcement on his vp app and introduced ryan in georgia. >> it's an honor to announce my running mate, paul ryan! >> the selection of ryan the architect to cut budget deficit will satisfy the party's base. >> the commitment mitt romney and i make to you is this: we won't duck the tough issues, we will lead. >> ryan just 42 years old is a darling among fiscal conservatives. as chairman of the house budgeted committee he has been front and center over spending cuts and entitlement reform. dys democrats see ample opportunity to attack. >> mitt romney is doubling down on one of the most controversial issues, that is ryan budget. >> in march house republicans passed ryan's pass to prosperity which would have slashed trillions of dollars in spending over the next decade. democrats cried foul over the bill. controversial cuts in medicare and this morning they are already on the attack. >> katie: there are reports of more deaths in afghanistan this morning. coalition says an afghan has shot three nato service members. that brings the number of troops killed on friday is six. one is a decorated marine. his parents are now awaiting the rival of body in maryland. ama daetz talked with his father. >> 29-year-old marine captain will be rebound as a hero. he was shot and killed in afghanistan along with two other marines. >> the local afghan police wanted to see him since he had been training afghani police that were not an unusual request they shot him. >> he is matt's father and also a santa clara county judge. he says the attack came at midnight during a meal? >> the captain insisted that marines observe ramadan can you say tomorrow's. they didn't eat during the daytime either. >> matt had served two tours in iraq and this was the second tour in afghanistan. >> went to afghanistan the first time in the fall of 2010. we had no idea wheafgs doing. it was all special ops stuff. >> the family still doesn't know a lot what he was doing. >> he was very special marine. >> long time family trend california supreme court justice has known matt and the family for the past 25 years. >> he had an opportunity to go back in the command setting, but told them he preferred to be with his men in the field. that is how he happened to find himself in this assignment. >> he made his mark abroad and his home. they are both on the board of st. vincent's bay home in oakland. children adopted a group of marine group from iraq from the influence of the parents ama daetz, "abc 7 news". >> katie: new this morning, investigators are looking into a fatal collision involving a chp motorcycle officer. he hit a female pedestrian last night around 10:00 on west macarthur boulevard just west of market street. the woman was taken to a local hospital where she died. the officer was treated and released. chp is saying the woman stepped off the curb and directly into the path of the patrol motorcycle. >> over also this morning, all lanes of 280 are open. they were shut down last night after a fatal collision. a car hit a pedestrian on northbound highway 280 near the ocean off-ramp around 9:40 p.m. the freeway was reopened about two hours later. in brentwood a driver making an illegal u-turn appears to be the cause of a collision that killed a 30-year-old san jose woman. it occurred at basco road around 9:30 last night. the driver of was making a u-turn was hit by a toyota camry. they are trying to determine whether the woman killed was the driver or a passenger of the toyota. basco road was closed for an hour during the investigation. fire investigators are looking into the cause of an apartment complex fire in concord last night. the fire fire burned at least airlift garage units just off of highway 242. it broke out about 11:00 and apartments had to be evacuated to protect residents. no injuries have been reported. brace yourself for extra traffic in san francisco this weekend. thousands of people were in the city to see the 49ers at candlestick, giants at at&t park and the outside lands concert in golden gate park and not all of that is over just yet. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: neil young rocking a crowd of thousands as the fog rolled through at golden gate park. he is the headliner on the first night of the music and arts festival. >> i have been a fan of his for a long time. >> san francisco was a traffic magnet. it took well over an hour just to reach the bay bridge toll plaza, once in the city, the central freeways were packed. a good chunk were heading for the at&t park for the giants game. it took one group from sanity rose took more than two hours the bay bridge route. >> we were told it was shorter and direct. i'm not sure sure but there were a lot of events going in the city and with the 49er game. this would be the most direct route. >> they a company 49er fans headed to candlestick. >> i planned extra time, i knew it was busy. sometimes you can't avoid it. i come out in the evening, it's worth it. >> i didn't get the extra time i needed. probably another hour would have been nice. >> mute i can greeted fans at embarcadero station trying to get to their stadium. some of them exercising the strategy of a running back trying to reach the end zone. >> you have the giants game, 49er game and outside lands going on in the city, this is the best option. >> outside lands going through the weekend and the giants home stand also continues. >> city have san bruno saying construction will resume. construction crew clipped a gas line and that was pretty scary for neighbors because it happened in nearly the same location as the deadly 2010 blast. construction company took full responsibility and provided a new safety plan to city officials. crews are working to repair sewer and water lines damaged in the explosion and fire. coming up next, neighbors line up to make claims against chevron after last monday's refinery fire. a bizarre break in attempt at juvenile hall. >> katie: at the chevron refinery in richmond there is evidence that the removal of insulation from a leaking line could have played a major role in monday's fire. the company is processing thousands of claims made by people who say their health, their property were directly affected by the fire. tomas ramon takes us to the chevron claims center in richmond. >> chevron estimates about thousand people came today with coughs and masks to protect them. they came with specific ailments. >> i've been very weak and nauseated and i have rash on my face and arms. >> her 20-month-old daughter's eyes have been seeping since friday. 16 claims agent took as many as 30 an hour. some residents took the opportunity to complain about chevron. >> i'm outraged and i have been for years. i would be happy if they shut down tomorrow. >> they want some kind of monetary compensation for breathing possibly toxic fumes. many residents panicked at the sight of towering flames and smoke. they say it contained one compound above allowable elements. >> people pretend it's not a big deal. >> some residents didn't money as compensation. they think it's enough to know how and if they were affected. >> do you want money or anything else? >> no, i'm okay. >> that one is documented i envy my business is there. it affected me five years down the road i want somebody to know. >> adding insult to injury, scammers have gotten personal information from people claiming to represent chevron. >> nobody is going to people's homes asking for information. nobody is going out to the commute. call an attorney or go through one of two official channels established by chevron. >> district attorney is investigating those false claims forms and temporary claim form will reopen. cal osha has approved a plan by a demolition company to enter but they have an order to preserve in place, chevron can't enter that affected area without cal osha's area for any reason. to make a claim against chevron go to the nevan community center. opened monday through friday from 9:00 to 7:00 and saturday from 8:00 until noon. or call the hot line, that is toll free. both the phone number and address at >> katie: a marin county teenager accused of crimes including attempted murder and stealing a celebrity chef's car appeared to be a brain at juvenile hall. he turned 18 yesterday and had to be tracks period to the county jail. investigators say the break-in attempt was probably time to reach him before the transfer. a deputy d.a. says there is no evidence that wade had anything to do with the plot. >> he was aware he was turning 18 today. it's no secret you can't keep adults in that facility. probably several people could have surmise there had was transfer to occur. >> sheriff's deputies said they heard something behind the cell. whoever was responsible had fled but left behind a broken window and bolt cutters. he is also accused of attempted murder for a drive-by motorcycle shooting in mill valley. >> pretty dramatic stuff. i was out there and was hot. >> san rafael, few degrees cooler but that cooling is not going to last around the bay. you can see a puff of fog there. and hour 16 minute delays at sfo and spare-the-air day for the rest of day. triple temperature heat returning. >> and 49ers open the pre-season. larry beil will have the highlights coming up in sports. we have three more people we want to thank this morning for taking part in the sleep train dream command. leanne h., bob c.and greg t.out of dublin. like facebook and one dollar will be donated to the sleep train foster kids program. you can make a difference, too. release me, momigus! that's mom to you. and you should eat something that's good for you before you go outside. never! come on james. it's a new fiber one chewy bar. chocolatey and delicious. fiber one chewy bar, huh? mmm. refueled space captain james. [ male announcer ] new fiber one chewy bars. great taste kids love plus calcium and fiber kids need. [ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ...and now... you! [ giggles ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios >> katie: welcome back, happy saturday morning to you. you are looking live at emeryville. foggy but those conditions are going to clear. they'll be a sea breeze and pretty nice moderate temperatures later on today. lisa argen says in the 70s. that sounds about perfect. >> yeah, around the bay we should have a nice afternoon but not making into the inland valleys. another spare-the-air day for one more scorching hot day for our friends in the tri-valley. sutro camera, it's been the same story, low clouds and fog socked in the shoreline. visibility has been reduced to a quarter mile around monterey and half moon bay. here is a look, doppler 7-hd. you can see the beginning of a low clouds and fog right here along the coast. we will look for that low cloud and fog deck to continue to provide cooling conditions in san francisco and our coast. it's about 1100 feet tall that is allowing for better air quality. closer you get to the city even around the bay pretty good, 59 in concord. fairfield, 64. 62 in livermore. 56 in los gatos. half moon bay, up from 49 degrees last hour. we're looking at numbers this morning, cooler than we were yesterday morning. 2-6 degrees of cooling. that will translated into afternoon highs a little cooler here in the north bay. we have a huge ridge of high pressure to the south of us. it will begin to lose its grip tomorrow for the rest of the day. hot inland again today. spare the air continues for one more afternoon and not quite as hot in the east bay tomorrow. sea breeze, you'll feel it and fog has been pervasive. you saw emeryville and the changes come in just north of the golden gate. we're going to see the foggy conditions for the outside lands, but the showers and thunderstorms, possibility in the northern and southern sierra. active weather to the east of us. temperatures are really hot from fresno. sacramento, 107. that nice spread and comfortable read at big sur, los angeles upper 80s and still pretty hot in reno, 101. better air quality from the city and in the north bay, moderate here in the south bay. the poor air quality, it's been day after day for you folks in the inland east bay. we will be looking at much better day tomorrow. san jose jazz festival, upper 80s and 64 at our coast. 76 in millbrae. 68 in downtown. pretty nice afternoon and sunshine away from the city. golden gate park should see partial clearing. 87 in petaluma with 77 in oakland today. pretty nice right close to the bay. 85 in castro valley. we're looking at temperatures here well above normal. pretty oppressive from livermore 102. monterey bay, plenty of fog and that will change, we'll see the sun at 66. the look ahead calls for the hottest day over the next seven. temperatures each and every day coming down anywhere from 2-4 degrees around the bay. it looks like we could see a little monsoonal moisture coming come our way middle part of next week that will add to the relative humidity, as well. >> we have a giants game this afternoon. what is your recommendation? >> sunglasses, mid and upper 60s. it should be nice day. >> katie: speaking of sports, 49ers holding the team's a annual fan fest tomorrow morning. last night the niners had their first pre-season game against minnesota. here is larry beil. >> good morning. 49ers opened the pre-season, randy moss did play, alex smith and kaepernic did play. alex one drive. on to monte, touchdown early. out of pistol, option like he ran it and off to the races. 78-yard touchdown. he 198 yards rushing in the first quarter alone. kaepernick five of nine. a.j. jenkins set up a field goal. niners win it 17-6. >> i feel very much at home. >> we're doing what we have to do and it worked. they have great lineman they are big strong guys. >> giants blasted the rockies last weekend in colorado to come back home and what happened? they can't score again. got to be a true fan, that is commitment. mom to be. >> rockies couldn't get on the board first. r.b.i. single off of tim lincecum. bottom of the fifth, tyler would strike out timmy and then brandon crawford gets thrown out. double play. giants fall 3-0 but end on a fun note, deluerean in a hover craft. brandon mccarthy is back from the disabled list. gave up three solo homers. this one and that tied it at 3. we have seen a lot of walkoffs from the a's. they were victims. jordan banks and here is first career homer. 4-3 white sox. >> petaluma playing in the west regional semifinals at las vegas there it goes to bradley smith. crushes it. petaluma will face hawaii in the west regional finals. >> tiger woods would love to win this week. he is tied for the lead for the championship. vijay singh had early tee time, gusting 35 miles an hour winds. he is four under. shot 69. tiger three wins this season but no majors. a 71 and three-way tie for the lead and this man, carl peterson chipping from the sand, up and down for a birdie. eighth trio at four under par. that is wrap on morning sports. mike shoe ma man will have weekend highlights at, 6:00 and 11:00. >> coming up next, breaking news. hear from wisconsin congressman paul ryan, newly named running mate of mitt romney and small faux pa in virginia and provocative ad on san francisco's muni buses. >> katie: welcome back. wisconsin congressman paul ryan saying he is proud to be america's come back team. we are following breaking news this morning. a little more than an hour ago, mitt romney announced ryan as his choice. coming in front of the u.s.s. wisconsin in norfolk, virginia. during the introduction he mistakenly introduced him as the next president of the united states and then corrected himself. >> every now and then known to make a mistake. [ laughter ] >> i did not make a mistake with this guy. he is going to be the next vice president of the united states. [ applause ] >> i am deeply honored and excited to join you as your running mate. >> one note on romney's misstep, president obama did the same thing four years ago introducing joe biden as his running mate. he is best known for slashing spending a and cuts over medicare and social security. >> president obama is talking about the weather. his weekly address focuses on record heat and drought that plagues much of the nation this summer. this july was hottest months since records were kept. midwest farmers are struggling to feed their animals. president has directed the department of agriculture to do everything it can to head off a food shortage disaster. >> we've given farmers and small businesses across 32 states access to low emergency loans. we're working with insurance companies to give farm ears short grace period on their premiums. this past week, we went further announcing an additional $30 million to help get more water to livestock and restore land affected by the drought. >> katie: president is calling on congress to pass a bill to ensure on long term solution. lawmakers have asked president obama to relax ethanol production citing low corn supplies and spiking prices. >> in southern california the federal aviation administration is investigating a small plane crash that killed the pilot. it crashed into a los angeles neighborhood last night. the plane went down a couple miles from the sanity monica airport in the westwood airport. you are looking at video of the smoldering airplane wreckage and palm tree that caught fire in a nearby yard. the pilot radioed an emergency before the crash. >> san francisco's trappings agency has a policy against political ads on its buses but an ad comes pretty close. >> reporter: he was surprised when he saw the bus roll up with the ad on the side. >> it struck me as inappropriate ad to be on city us. >> he took a picture of ad and sent it to you report. he thought it crossed the line. >> you shouldn't describe your opponent as a savage. >> was purchased by american freedom defense initiative run by pamela geller. >> i wanted to counter the anti-ize ads that are running in various parts of the country. >> if you don't remember any ads on bart. it's been a year since they called on the u.s. to cut military aide to zbleirz it was dangerous message. >> the truth being in the eye of the beholder. i showed the ad to muslims going into prayers at a san francisco mosque. >> adam called it propaganda. point out the ad doesn't have the meaning of jihad. >> it doesn't mean killing people or anything like that. >> jihad means struggle and frequently used as if striving. >> i think we should support israel more. >> and the message did not sit well with city of new york's transit authority. they refused to run the ad. >> geller took them to court. >> interesting enough the day that san francisco approved my ads. i won in new york. >> a coincidence? >> it was brought to the organizations and we made the decision. >> so they will continue to roll for the neck four weeks e zbleex if i had my way they would be in every city in the united states of america. >> reporter: muni tells me they have policy against taking political ads. i asked how is this not political. they struggled with that one. the pact that legal action and new york mta has lost the case that has an impact. if you think we should look into something, send us ureport. find it at shortage of muni drivers is forcing muni to cancel 650 trips a day leaving riders to catch more crowded buses and trains. they report strict overtime limits are playing a role in that frustration. according to municipal transit director, muni needs 160 more operators. drivers union says the shortage is more like 300 drivers and that scheduled bus and train service out paces the number of drivers on staff. nearly 1500 low income children from a variety of san francisco neighborhoods will be getting free backpacks today. they will also have a chance to have some last minute summer fun at the salvation army's back to school carnival. they want to get the kids equipped for school and allow them to enjoy the day. it helps parents meet the costly back to school preparation. this the 14th year of the carnival. today's event is only opened to families who have pre-registered. >> another place to get school back backs, is the back back giveaway. this takes place from 10:00 to 1:00 at ella hutch community center in san francisco. more than 200 backpacks will be distributed today to kids from kindergarten to 12th grade. >> target is wrang up its job fair today. the store is interviewing candidates for 300 new job openings in san francisco. they will staff the new metrian city stores. c-9 is the newly independently branded special at this store. the job fair runs from 9:00 9:00 to 5:00 this afternoon. you can apply online and best candidates will be hired right there on the spot. coming up next, the nationwide bee count that gets underway today. it's so important how many are buzzing around the landscape. live look from sutro cam. looks like a snowy mountaintop. that assault cloud deck. lisa argen will have your forecast in hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios i've never writtencereal, a fan letter before, but you've done the impossible. you made gluten free cereals in a whole bunch of yummy flavors. cinnamon chex and honey nut chex are two of our favorites. when my husband found the chocolate one, we were in cereal heaven. the only problem is, with so many great flavors, you're making it very hard to choose. your fans, the mcgregor family. 'cause we love chex. ♪ [ male announcer ] and now try new gluten free apple cinnamon chex. >> katie: welcome back. good saturday morning to you. we just showed you the view of sutro tower and blank netted fog. this is the view from sutro tower but just in the foreground you can see the ends of the cloud cover. sutro stow is socked in. lisa argen will have more and better details for you coming up in her weather forecast. >> speaking of outside, if you happened to look out the window and see a neighbor staring at sunflowers and counting bees, it's part of a project sponsored by san francisco state to gauge bee populations. some results are already coming in. wayne freedman tells us there is reason for concern. >> reporter: its pocket of seemingly thriving beauty, a living bouquet of flowers and nurtured by the woman who keeps it. for susan it's a place made more special because of its location. surrounded by concrete and high prices. there is a problem in this garden. if you look carefully at the blossoms it blooms less every year. more specifically bees. this garden in the peak of growing season is devoid of them and susan has tried. >> this is a bee house. no bees. >> nobody knows more about that this doctor at san francisco stated university. she has been monitoring bees since 2008 using 100,000 citizen scientists like sues ran to count them. numbers don't lie. >> i think we have a fewer bees but we may have had it for a longer period of time and no one noticed. >> it appears to be diminishing habitat. >> if you were a bee, could you find this place? >> i don't i could. >> they tend to be in more bee friendly areas. some places do exist. >> it was very deep buzzing you would expect from bee activity. it was almost a physical vibration that you could feel. >> last week in richmond district, she encountered a swarm of bees moving from yard to ward ya rd filled with green natural growth. >> they have more park land and less concrete. >> where did they go? >> i think down there. >> so in the context of the doctor's work it's mixed with bad. bees are going but not gone and they are happy to come back even to cities given a proper welcome mat. >> katie: based on the forecast for electricity demand. state has lifted the flex alert for energy conservation this weekend. take a look at this graphic. how much electricity we were using yesterday and there is plenty of capacity so the flex alert expired at 6:00. weekend alert was cancelled because of cooler than expected weather in southern california. power grid managers say another reason they were able to lift the alert is conservation, increasing popularity of the rebates, public utilities are offering smartmeter customers that helped dial back energy use spokesperson says average person could save about $8 per flex alert. >> get ready for the best light show. perciid meteor shower. they collide with the earth's atmosphere and burn up at a seed spied of about hundred thousand miles an hour. astronomers 50 to hundred meteors per hour with best viewing between 10:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. >> get away from the lights, get away from the fog. >> could we stand a chance. >> away from the coast. it should be nice out there. the moon is waning. it won't be that bright. that is another good factor. san jose is cloudy. temperatures is 60 degrees degrees, another spare-the-air day today and scorching temperatures coming up tomorrow. >> also ahead, outside lands isn't the only festival going on this weekend. how music lovers are being entertained in south bay. >> a company promises you will never have to wait on hold again. [ male announcer ] the magic of nature appears every day, within each strand of an oat's rhythmical sway. when an apple's vibrant red temptation, and honey's sweet touch of golden sensation, join together with a pecan crunch you'll savor, creating the most perfect lesson in flavor. at nature valley, nature's best-written recipe is ready for you to enjoy. delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley, nature at its most delicious. >> katie: good morning, thanks for joining us. you are looking live from mount tamalpais from our tam cam. you can see the city way in the background. meteor shower is best viewing hours overnight tonight. >> outside lands is this weekend and in san jose jazz fest. ♪ >> katie: yesterday was the first of the three-day event in downtown san jose with performers on handful of stages. thousand musicians will play about dozen stages throughout the weekend. great for jazz lovers. great for san jose. >> this is san jose's largest civic event generating $20 million in taxable income. we use the money to try to support in school zbluith in addition to the music, plenty of food and drink and, of course, a barbecue competition today and tomorrow. >> now i am hungry. barbecue does sound good. >> good day for it. dry conditions and spare-the-air day in east bay valleys. right now it's looking good in tahoe where the temperature is 57 degrees, sunny conditions. later on today. net of a thunderstorm there. elsewhere, from mount diablo, vollmer peak camera, temperatures in the 60s. you can see the haze there. poor air quality, that is the spare-the-air day. we have quarter mile visibility with dense fog at the coast. three miles at hayward. we are looking at sun set at 8:07. live doppler 7-hd, notice we are looking at the low clouds and fog right along the shoreline. you know what, they are going to clear. we're going to see sunshine today for the outside lands concert. not going to last long. fog will be lifting and pushing back. 55 in san carlos with 52 in san rafael. numbers up in the north bay right around san rafael, southern marin county, couple degrees cooler. mainly feel the effects of that with the stronger sea breeze. 62 in livermore and saw the clouds earlier in san jose and mountain view. we are looking at hot temperatures again we have the poor air quality and another spare-the-air day. not quite as hot tomorrow. we'll take the triple-digit it's out of the forecast because of a big ridge of high pressure is going to relax its grip. here is way we started out with the fog. lingering in the east bay. here is 3:00. it pulls back, but it quickly pushes back in. we will see sunnier afternoon in parts of our coastal areas but it will still remain cool. we talked about san jose and temperatures today quickly warming to the upper 70s in the next couple of hours. 89 for the high and then by 7:00 tonight, 80 degrees. look at midnight, still comfortable at 70 degrees. few degrees cooler tomorrow in san jose. today at at&t park, plan on a beautiful afternoon with numbers climbing through the 60s. by 4:00, it will be sunny and numbers in the mid 60s. temperatures around the bay today, about that 35-degree spread with sunshine in the city. 68 there. even at our coast for the time being. in the north bay, look for numbers ranging from the 80s to the triple-digits as well around cloverdale, clearlake. 78 in richmond, 99 in concord. down around the monterey bay very hot inland with morgan hill 100 degrees. all that fog in monterey and hollister. that will clear and we'll see mid 60s. here is the accu-weather seven-day forecast. upper 90s to 102 for spare-the-air day. we will be cooling each day so back to near normal reading by the middle of the week. so we are 7-9 degrees above normal with the 90 and hundred degree temperatures. >> katie: if you are tired of waiting on hold or tired of waned winding your way through a phone tree. here is michael finney with a service that allows to put them on hold. >> spending time on hold is a total drag, yet that is how we spend hours of our time each year. this website and iphone app from fast customer does away with that. >> this is ridiculous, why would humans spend our time being on hold with machines? >> he came up with the idea for fast customer. here a staffer is placing a request for a call-back. with that fast customer takes over. >> you are done. you go back to your life. our system picks up the phone. avenue gates through the phone tree until we get to a live person. then we're playing a message. that message says, please press one for your next customer. >> that is when your phone rings. >> does it work when our intern tested the service using the iphone app, it worked perfectly. it worked well when we used the cellphone as a return number. but it did not always work with the at&t phone service. many corporate phones aren't compatible with this system. >> it took nine minutes and they called me back but it was much longer. they did call me back. it took me eight minutes longer. >> that would have been 8 minutes you would have been hold? >> right. so i validated it and call them. after i go through the process and the system shows they will have to call me back within 15 minutes. a actually they called within three minutes. >> we asked about couple of problems and he said he would check on knows and get them fixed. how much does all this cost? not one dime. woody allen's new movie were shooting scenes on post street near grant avenue for the yet untitled film. it's a romantic comedy. it has wealthy woman that loses her fortune and tries to make do in the city. the picture will be released sometime next year. >> coming up, some uninvited guests have checked in a hotel near sfo. how the here you go little man. [ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ...and now... you! [ giggles ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios >> katie: take at the winning numbers of mega millions draw. mega number was 8. nobody correctly picked all six numbers but one ticket purchased in kentfield at colonial liquor store got five numbers, that is worth more than $525,000. not a bad haul. tuesday's jackpot is estimated at $36 million. >> it could be hollywood's reigning power couple may be tying the did not this weekend. there is major buzz that brad pitt and angelina jolie will be married today at their estate in south of france. the couple is hosting pitt's parents for their 50th anniversary weekend. they met while filming together in 2005 and have six children. they have been engaged since april. >> guests at a luxury hotel near sfo are getting important than just a spectacular view. getting a close-up look at mother nature in action. take a look. adorable baby barn owls shall hatched as a nest on the 11th floor the marriott hotel in burlingame. it looks like posing. since then the hotel is owl central. mere yet yot even giving out toy owls and encouraging people to come around near twilight. it is likely the owls will come back year after year to that same nest. hey, everybody, look at us. >> lisa: we'll see the perseid meteor showers if you are away from the coast. that wa nieng moon is going to help out. scorcher inland and hundred in morgan hill. day to day we move a couple dais degrees. it will be more like it should be. >> katie: lisa, thanks so much. thanks for joining us. our next newscast is at 5:00. a reminder for you, download our new alarm clock ap-point and wake up to the latest traffic right there on your phone. it is free and available good morning! wow. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.

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