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very warm. one more day of extreme heat, then the sea breeze returns and we will cool off by as much as 20 degrees by the second half of the weekend. that will be detailed in a couple minutes. kira. >> we have developing news out of the south bay this morning with milpitas police have confirmed that a baseball bat was the weapon used in a deadly beating inside the store at the great mall. police say this man got into a fight with another man inside sports authority just before 11:00 yesterday morning. the man then took a baseball bat off the store shelf and beat the victim to death. authorities were able to make a quick arrest. >> they arrived on scene in about 13 seconds and was able to take the suspect in custody while he was still inside the store. >> the sports authority was closed for the rest of the day while police investigated. the man is booked into the santa clara county jail for murder. in san jose a man is under arrest for the beating death of another man. it happened at a home on huff avenue just after 5 yesterday evening. the two men, who are family members, had been involved in a fight. victim was taken to the hospital where he later died from his injuries. the suspect was booked into santa clara county jail on suspicion of murder. this marks the city's 23rd homicide of the year. knew this morning, police in oakland are changing tactics in their effort to crack down on crime and sideshows. sideshows feature drivers doing donuts and the commanders will focus on strategies unique to their district. another change will bring more boots to the ground with more police working longer shifts alongside the chp. >> one thing we want to do is educate with enforcement through citations and also we want community to also provide education by letting people know that's correct hey, the police are out doing enforcement for activity that's involved in a sideshow. >> oakland police announced plans last week to change their strategies in response to a speak in side shows and gun violence. three people were shot, one critically during a sideshow last weekend. developing news, there is new information this morning in the southern california shooting rampage that left at least five people dead t happened in santa monica west of los angeles at santa monica college. authorities say now the gunman acted alone. they are still working on nine active crime scenes. john always stan has more. >> we have corrected numbers. we have four deceased. including the suspect, that's five. >> the trail of death started to unfold at noon when police got a call of shots fired. a santa monica home was in flames. two dead people were in flames. >> i heard six or seven shots. >> we found multiple victims. it was clear they were fatalities. >> the l.a. times reports those victims might be the gun has been's father and brother. it's unknown how it started. he then carjacked a woman, forcing her to drive the santa monica campus. >> when he left the house there was a car driving down the street where he did carjack the lead driving. had her drive a a certain route, the route i dictated, and there were subsequent shootings on that route. >> police say he sprayed a bus with gunfire, injuring three people on board. >> i looked at the bus and i seen bullet holes. i ducked and started screaming. >> a red s.u.v. crashed into a wall on campus, the driver killed and the passenger injured. final victim was a woman shot and killed in front of the library. >> i heard banning, bang, bang about 15 shots. i can. >> i was in panic mode. a girl told me i had to get off-campus because somebody was shooting. >> it all happened when campus police killed the gunman during a firefight inside the college library. >> police are trying to confirm the identity of that gunman. it's unknown what connection he may have had to the college. a person of interest who was taken into custody has been cleared and released. in the newsroom, john always stan, abc7 news. 5:05 right now. marin county officials identified a woman whose body was found off sir francis drake boulevard. the 31-year-old woman has ties to the east bay. she was found thursday morning by a hiker. her body was down an embankment off a turnout near a ravine. she suffered what police called suspicious injuries. she could be the victim of a homicide. former south african president nelson mandela is in the hospital this morning. he's battling a lung infection he's had the past several days. the 94-year-old is listed in serious, but stable condition. the anti-aparti leader that was elected as south africa's president back in 1994 has suffered a number of health set backs in recent years. governor jerry brown is expected to meet with china's president this afternoon at a resort in i understandian wells. last night president obama was near palm springs where he met the chinese president discussioning espionage and other issues. another two hours of talks are scheduled today between the two presidents. obama said the u.s. and china are in unchartered waters as they tackle the issue of cyber security. they avoided accusing each other of spying but acknowledged an urgent need to find a common approach to addressing the matter. the president started the day yesterday in san jose where he defended a secret government program to track billions of phone calls. obama warned that it will now be harder to detect threats against america now that two top security programs have been revealed. the president pointed out america must value civil liberties and stopping terrorists. >> we will have to make some choices as a society. what i can say is that in evaluating these programs, they make a difference in our capacity to anticipate and prevent possible terrorist activity. >> president obama tried to reassure critics, saying the surveillance programs face strict oversight from congress and from the courts. facebook ceo mark zuckerberg never received a request for any data and added, quote, we will continue to fight aggressively to keep your information safe and secure. meteorologist lisa argen joins us with a quick look at another hot saturday. it's like groundhog day from last saturday. >> very true. in fact we are starting out anywhere from two to fifteen degrees warmer than yesterday at this time. a beautiful shot from our sutro camera. there is fog at the coast. quarter mile visibility half moon bay. i'll let you know when that will clear and how warm the coast will get. it will stay cool there. that's a hint. we will be back. >> all right. also next, how much would you pay to have lunch with one of the wealthiest people in the world? we will tell you the price one bidder is paying to dine with warren buffet. and the high-tech techniques retailers are using to find out how you shot. your s >> welcome back. thanks for joining us on 5:10 on this saturday morning. you are getting a live look at san francisco and the ferry building thanks to our photographer edwards, who is parked out there on treasure island enjoying his saturday morning at work. san francisco will be sunny in the 70s today. a little warmer than yesterday. meteorologist lisa argen will have your accuweather forecast in a few minutes. serial killer, night stalker, who terrorized people in the 50s is dead. he sexually and mutilated at least 13 victims. ramirez killed at least two people in san francisco, including a nine-year-old girl. he was on death row at san quentin. he died of liver failure at marin general hospital yesterday. a parking lot mishap sent shoppers running for cover in pleasant hill yesterday. we have video showing what happened after a car hit a fire hydrant. it happened at contra costa boulevard and monument boulevard. nobody suffered any serious injuries. it will now cost the 49ers more to finish building their new home in santa clara. this comes after the team decided to add about $100 million worth of tech features to the stadium. that ups the stadium cost to about $1.3 billion. the decision to add extras follows super bowl 50 being awarded to the bay area. our media partner, the san jose mercury news, reports the team has already sold $1 billion in seat licenses and naming rights. an anonymous bidder has won lunch with investment giant warren buffett for $1.1 million and gives a huge boost to the glide foundation. a crowd gathered on folsum street to watch the annual auction on ebay. a big chunk of glide's budget comes from that auction. buffett was introduced to glide by his wife several years ago. he said he fell in love with their service to the poor and the homeless. >> it is a miracle, is glide. it saved my life. although it it was a miracle for me, the real miracle is it does it every day for count less of people. that's the real miracle. >> since 2000 the auction has raised $15 million, not counting last night. a million and it sounds-like a lot of money but last year was $3.5 million. when you are shopping you are being watched and not just by security. retailers want to know everything about how you behave in their stores. now two bay area working on technology that will watch you like never before. in this report jonathan bloom looks at what these new marketing tools could mean for your privacy. >> sometimes a sign is just a sign. but sometimes it's watching you. >> this sign here has a small camera ridden into the back of the sign. >> mark is a product director for efi. they are in the presenting business." but now they are getting into the camera business. >> as i look at the sign, as you see my face is now circled. >> eats called smart sign. an ordinary cardboard sign with an extraordinary ability to recognize faces t can tell if you are looking at it and for how long and it tells your age and gender. >> why put a camera into the sign? >> because that's the best way to attract the immediate reaction of the observer in the sign. it's a one-to-one viewing angle. >> the chief technology officer said internet marketers can tell if you click on an app. stores often don't know if you are looking at a sign. >> who are the people looking at the sign? >> smart sign gives the answers on a colorful web page from a device so cheap that once they release it in a few months it could be everywhere. >> the cost gets down to a couple hundred bucks to get one on street. >> but retailers don't have to put a camera in a sign to learn more about their customers. some are already doing it with cameras in the ceiling. >> a system leak this can use using your own existing surveillance camera. >> san francisco based 3dr is mainly a security company founded with money from the cia. they built facial recognition that profiles people by age and jeber and tracks them in the store. >> understanding exactly what they are doing, where they are and even though people find it controversial, the way we like to talk about it is to say we are friendly big brother. >> they have tools aimed at customer service. >> i can ask the system to alert me when the line gets longer than six people because maybe i need to send another staffing member out there. >> it can tell if customers are happy or upset and answers the all important questions. >> the conversion rate. how much the people who came into the store bought. and that's where it gets sticky, cameras connected to cash registered. the stored vision of your face is no longer anonymous. >> it could be linked to a credit card and then a store has a wealth of information available on people. we don't know what is happening to the data, how long it's being stored for and who it is shared with. >> it could be used for invasive advertising or, in the wrong hands, identity theft. >> what's the solution? >> i think the retailers is for retailers to in the stortini information. >> efi is taking that suggestion. it analyzes the video, but doesn't store t all marketers see are the numbers. efr does keep the video but it's not linked to your identity. >> we around tracking people. we are tracking profiles. things that help people save time and money. >> i think the problem with that argument is it relies a lot on us trusting companies. >> in san francisco, jonathan bloom, abc7 news. a new review has found that apple's new space ship inspired headquarters in super teen any will have a significant impact on a nearby freeing. yesterday cupertino city officials released a draft of the environmental impact report on the tech giant's new home. the report found that thousands of commuters will be dealing with what it calls an unacceptable level of congestion on interstate 280 during the morning rush hour. this report comes on the heels of an economic impact report released this week by apple. it says the new headquarters would bring thousands of new jobs to the area and dump billions of dollars into the local economy. one of san francisco's main thoroughfares is getting a much-needed makeover. a portion of market street is closed until tonight for a marathon repaving project. the work will go from venice avenue to 6th street. it will continue until all the work is done. the shutdown won't affect the uniroutes along market street but other parts of the street will be repaved later this month. market street hasn't had new asphalt in three decades. for information download the waze traffic app to navigate around the detour. it's free from google play or apple's app store. a spare the air alert is in effect again today as some communities deal with temperatures over 100 degrees. some inland communities found any break from the heat yesterday with temperatures well above 95 even at 7:00 last night. at least one person needed medical attention during graduation ceremonies at the a high school yesterday. some of the festivity--goers chose to give up their view of the event just to stay cool. others say even the shade provided no relief. >> i stand here and didn't say anything and pass out. >> i wondering why my brother said we have these really good seats here and we are up in the shade. >> some inland locations had record-breaking highs yesterday. the high fire danger warning signs are posted this morning at mount diablo because of the high temperatures. cal fire is increasing their staffing to help protect against fire danger. the east bay is tender dry and with the low humidity and winds we've been having, conditions are ripe for brush fires. a red flag warning is in effect for parts of shasta lake and beauty counties. cal fire says now is the time you have 100 feet of defense i believe space around your home. you should also try to find fire safe landscaping for your home and get an emergency kit today just in case. you can get details and find more tips at click on "prepare norcal." lisa argen is here now to talk more about the hot temperatures. >> today is definitely the hottest day of the weekend. tomorrow noticeable cooling, as much as 20 degrees cooler. >> wow. >> you can see how sunny we are starting out. a look at live doppler 7hd. 5:48 is the initial sunrise. redding wags 109 and 111 in red bluff. the northern sacramento valley once again today looking at some record heat. we are talking about very little fog this afternoon. but this morning we are starting out foggy. salinas also around watsonville and monterey with visibility reduced to about a half-mile. but elsewhere around the bay we are starting out mild. our exploritorium camera shows you the clear conditions. outside right now in san francisco, it is cool. 57 for you. oakland 59. mountain view already in the 60s. san jose 63. 50 half moon bay. upper elevations above 2,000 feet, already running in the 80s right now. so we are talking about as much as a 40-degree spread around the bay. here's a look at emeryville right now where numbers are varying widely from 56 in napa, 70 in fairfield, 61 union city, and los gatos coming in at 60. we will be looking at the northerly winds, keeping the fire danger high and hot temperatures in parts of the bay, inland east bay the air quality is poor. another spare the air day today with more than 100-degree heat especially near brentwood and antioch. a sharp cool down is in store for tomorrow. we will be look at the fog returning tonight and temperatures let seasonable as we head through the week ahead. so air quality in our inland east bay will be poor. elsewhere just about moderate with those ozone levels. so do be careful if you have to do some of that outdoor activity, exercising i would say early in the morning or maybe give it a rest for the day. as we look at temperatures today. half moon bay sunny skies, a strong ridge of high pressure. we are looking at 67 today. san francisco a little warmer than yesterday at 74 this afternoon. over into the east bay, oakland will be warming to 80 degrees. look at walnut creek. talking temperatures in the triple digits. antioch this afternoon about 104 degrees. so all due to high pressure continuing to really expand over much of california. but we do have an area of low pressure that will head up the coast and that will allow for big time cooling tomorrow. so temperatures in the south bay today, 96 morgan hill. look for 90 in milpitas. redwood city 90 today. pacifica 68 degrees. plenty of sunshine at the beaches. sunset district 67. up in the north bay take a look how warm near ukiah and cloverdale. over 100 degrees. 90 petaluma, 91 near the water in vallejo. 80 degrees in oakland. mid-70s right on the water at oakley. 87 castro valley. take a look at the temperatures here. getting dangerously hot with numbers around 101 in pleasanton, 105 in brentwood. here's the look ahead. after 60s coast to near 104 today, we will be down near 20 degrees with highs in the mid-80s tomorrow. much cooler, partly cloudy monday and tuesday. slowly warm up just inland it looks like to near 90 by the end of the work week. we will let you know how hot it will be in your community. you can keep track of bay area whether on twitter at live doppler 7hd. >> 104! i cannot believe that! >> crazy. >> but a cool down monday and tuesday. >> and even tomorrow. >> thank you, lisa. when you are trapped in plane on a tarmac for three hours, a little music could be just what the doctor ordered. ♪ >> that classical traveling music was courtesy of a string quartet from the philadelphia orchestra. the musicians were onboard a plane in beijing yesterday. what a treat. next, take a look at these guys. we will tell you about a bay area group making a new >> san francisco officials have new regulation. food trucks would have to be more than 75 feet from a restaurant. it also places restrictions on trucks operated by chain restaurants. but there are a few concessions made to these fooddy favorites. food trucks will be able to park closer to elementary and high schools and they will be allowed on college campuses and next to hospitals. the land use committee will vote on the new regulations on monday. a family in los gatos is doing well affeldt a construction project forced them to move. wildlife emergency services provided us with video of two barn owl chicks. their parents had nested in the attic of a guest home being built. the owls needed to be moved for their own safety and volunteers built a nesting box for them. the owls moved to the box after the chicks were placed there. come up, the viral video that inspired a nation has now inspired a new documentary film. how it's making a difference for a local community and where you can see the movie this weekend. >> i'm nannette miranda. state budget talks heat up as the deadline to approval a spending plan is one week >> 5:30 right now. we are starting this half-hour with a quick look at the weather. here's meteorologist lisa argen. >> good morning, kira. about 20 minutes the official sunrise. nice and sunny here. temperatures are comfortable. this is our exploratorium camera. we are starting out in the mid-and upper 60s. 63 in san jose with just 50 and fog half moon bay. don't get too excited, it's not going to last. but we will provide some cooling at our coast today with temperatures in the 60s there. this is san jose right now where numbers today are going to be warmer than yesterday. so in and around the bay, oakland 80 to the upper 80s. the coast mid-and upper 60s with sunshine and we are talking 90 to 104 degrees in our inland east bay. some of the hottest temperatures we have seen in several years in northern california. the sacramento valley and parts of the east bay. but we will be cooling off big time tomorrow. i'll tell you about it coming up. >> thank you, lisa. state lawmakers have less than a week to approve a budget and california's former foster children will be watching the negotiations closely because their health coverage is at stake. nan knit miranda reports the fight is over $3 million. >> the state's foster children are eligible until the age ever 21 for coverage under med-i-cal. this woman is uninsured while wait to go attend law school. >> i either limit it and try to tough it out and take whatever tylenol you can and maybe spend a day in bed or something like that, or front the cost of going to the emergency room. >> in 2014 former foster youth will be required under the federal affordable care act to be afford under med-i-cal until 2006. they have been tryingoet the legislature to pay for the extra years because other adult children have been able to get coverage under their parents private insurance until the age of 26. >> so in order to be equitable, because the state is the parent of these children, we really need them to have parody and to stay on our health insurance until 26. >> but governor brown has been reluctant to increase funding despite extra revenues this year. he anticipates a slow down in the economy. >> one of the things we don't want to do is return to the days where the budget has levels of spending that can't be supported. >> democratic lawmakers have been at odds with the governor over state spending. their budget proposallal indicates an extra 3 millions to the program for former foster youth coverage. crystal is crossing her fingers and ready to see a doctor. >> it's investing in the future and will save money along the line. >> an alternate, less expensive plan, is to cover just the former foster youth who turn 21 this year. that will cost just $600,000. in sacramento, abc7 news. knew this morning, president obama says there is no reason why congress can't pass an immigration overhaul by the end of this summer. in his weekly radio and internet address, obama pushes a bipartisan bill that pushes a path of citizenship for 11 million illegal immigrants. he said his opponents will do everything possible to stop it. >> we know the opponents of reform will do everything they can to revent that. they will try to stoke fear and create division, they will try to create politics with a program a vast majority of americans want addressed. if they succeed, we will lose this chance to finally fix an immigration system that's badly broken. >> obama said the bill has bipartisan support, as well as support from labor leaders, law enforcement and clergy. >> america's cup officials say next month's races will be scaled back but safer. new zealand's team practiced yesterday as they announced next months prelimbs are being cut from 21 to 15. the safety precautions come after last months fatal crash of the artemis racing catamaran. some want pg&e to pay more money and be fined for the deadly explosion that killed 8 people and ruined the homes. no fine was involved. san bruno wants pg&e to pay penalties amounting to almost $4 billion. the city also demands the city be fined in after-tax dollars and with no credits for past expenses. pg&e says both proposed penalties are excessive. the 12th annual san francisco documentary film festival is in full swing and this year one of the films is by our own dan noyes. here is abc7 news reporter cornell bernard. >> a courageous effort. >> it was the amazing video that inspired a nation. san francisco's university high school cross-country runner, holland reynolds, collapses from dehydration only feet from the finish line. but musters enough strength to crawl to the finish. holland said her coach, jim tracey, inspired her to make that famous finish. he had just been diagnosed with the devastating disease, als. >> starting the race we all knew we had to run as fast as we could, as hard as we could for jim. i think that was reflected in my finish. >> it meant that she and i were on the same page all the time. you know, the achievement page.% the let's do something important, let's get it done page. >> three years after holland's finish, jim tracey now uses a wheelchair, but is still coaching young athletes. his story has inspired a new documentary, running for jim. >> the film follows jim from the track to medical appointments. >> go, go, go, that's it, that's it, come on, coach! >> there are so many championship pennants here in the high school gym and 30 have been won by jim's runners over the years. all modesty aside he said there is a reason for. >> that i didn't want my illness to get in the way of all the kids are going to achieve because, you know, when you work with young people, you want them to achieve and you want them to understand that there is a world of achievement out there. it's all just right ahead of them >> the document it try was made by abc7 news i-team reporter dan noyes, whose own father in law suffered from als, a disease with no cure. >> that's the point, to raise money for research and to raise money for jim as he battles this disease >> the coach said movie or not, as long as he's able, he will keep coming to work to do what he loves the most. in san francisco, cornell bernard, abc7 news. >> you can watch "running for jim" at the san francisco film festival. it airs at the roxy theater tomorrow at three and monday at 7:00 p.m.. knew this morning in just a few hours, people in the bay area who lost loved ones to violence will hold a 3k walk to raise awareness. the fourth annual warning mothers walk will be mcby our own jeryl jennings. 1,000 mothers to prevent violence is the organization that puts on the walk. about 3 pun people came out for last year's event. today there will be lunch, live music and a silent auction. it starts at 9:00 a.m. how do you make 600,000 pounds of flour a day? we will take you inside the bay area mill and show you its new green upgrades. a live look from our sutro cam. what a beautiful sight san francisco is this morning. temperatures sunny and in the 70s tomorrow. more than 100 degrees in other parts of the bay area, as meteorologist lisa argen will have your forecast in just a few minutes. stay with us. abc7 news wants to make your commute a little more bearable this summer. we are giving away shell gift cards to seven winners over seven days and each winner gets $700 of free gas. eats a bag thank you for our facebook fans. like us on facebook for your chance to win and $700 in free gas could be yours. if you are already a fan, you still need to enter to win. enter now >> welcome back. a live look at our sutro cam as we welcome you back to abc morning news. we are seven minutes away from the official sunrise. we are getting a nice glimpse of from oranges, pinks and purples. meteorologist lisa argen will have the forecast where temperatures will range from the 70s to the 100s in the bay area today. the concept of making flour out of wheat hasn't changed for thousands of years. but the process is becoming more environmentally friendly. abc7 news reporter alan wang reports from oakland where flour supplies is a huge industry. >> t mill hasn't changed much since it began grinding wheat into flour. >> we can make an entire truckload in one hour. >> but inside the mill is using less power. con agra just spent $21 million on energy efficient technology from it's recyclable bags and led lighting to computer panels that control each separate mill. >> we are able to shut down all the mill or portions of the plant just to save a small amount of energy. >> it can send portions of the energy back to the grid on days where there's high demand. the baking describe buys the flour. 90% is sold within 400 miles of the mill. >> the wheat flour is in licorice sticks. >> they are also realizing eats in their pizza dough. in order to go from this to this, the mill is using 10% less energy and it's actually producing more flour. >> a hall of fame institution in oakland, and we don't have too many of those left. >> the city says con agra is a model for oakland's energy and climate plan. it's reducing waist and pollution while keeping money in the local economy. in oakland, allen wong, abc7 news. at 5:43 right mao. meteorologist lisa argen has a very hot forecast for us in a little bit. a little cool down tomorrow. >> yeah. right now we are looking at the fog from mt. tam. eats out there. >> oh, wow. >> you can see where temperatures today will be cool at our coast, but we are talking once again about a 40-degree spread. still triple digits in the forecast. and temperatures in some parts of the bay hotter than we've seen in years. so the sunrise just five minutes away. we will talk about how hot it's going to get with the big cool down headed our way tomorrow. that's coming up. >> all sorts of weather. thank you, lisa. also next the a's try to stay hot in chicago with an opportunity to move into first place. larry beil has the highlights, including this amazing catch >> knew this morning the raiders are getting in the game of encouraging physical activity in the youth. this weekend the team hosts more than 300 local kids for the nfl football camp in alameda. raiders are the first of twelve nfl teams to leave the two-day noncontact camp. nfl play 60 is the league's youth, health and fitness campaign aimed at getting kids active for 60 minutes a day. it runs from ten to noon today and tomorrow. knew this morning, the second bay area fair of the customer season connection off in san mateo. the 79th annual san mateo county fair will feature rides, big races, musical acts and, of course, lots of food. a brand new feature this year, a robot that throws frisbees. the disk-throwing machine was built by a high school robotics team. the fare runs until june 16th. good day to get out and get sun but hopefully people can find some cool stuff. >> it will be about five degrees warmer today than yesterday around san mateo. but we have some fog this morning. a southerly surge bringing up that marine layer. we are talking about a forecast that is pleasant, about five to ten miles from the shoreline and oppressive in our inland east bay and the northern sacramento valley. live doppler 7hd, you see a little bit of the fog right here. there are cool numbers in the 50s. isn't this a nice shot. take a look. you will notice that the fog seeping there into the evaluation. we are talking about mid-and upper 50s from san francisco and oakland. but some low 60s, so not cooling off everywhere around the bay. san jose 63. half moon bay we have some dense fog. visibility at about a quarter mile. 53 in santa cruz. here's a look from our east bay camera. you will notice that temperatures are ranging still from the 50s to near 70 around the delta. union city at 60, as well as los gatos, and certainly some very warm temperatures. looks like it will be warm from this shot where numbers in the upper elevations already in the 80s. so we are talking maybe 50 degrees from coast to inland in some spots with 100-degree heat well to 105 or so down around the santa clara valley and also out toward brentwood and antioch. spare the air again today with poor air quality and cooling down as much as 20 degrees tomorrow. a view outside from our roof and you will notice we are looking nice and clear right now. but throughout the afternoon our inland east bay air quality will be going down. and elsewhere around the bay the ozone levels will go to moderate air quality. today maybe a little difficult for a lot of folks that want to enjoy the weather. tomorrow looking much more favorable and temperatures will be much, much cooler. so here's what's going on for the look ahead. we are talking 103 today around livermore. look what happens tomorrow and sunday. 83 degrees. monday looks to be the coolest day. then the temperatures begin to come up slightly. seasonal averages for much of the work week. you will see the up he were 80s by next friday. once again, we .re getting the temperatures spread and that swing up and down. but take a look at these numbers. dangerous high heat. once again records, perhaps, from sacramento, 109. 110 in chico. 101 in yosemite and to 105 in parts of the yosemite valley, 110 in fresno, 73 in los angeles with a high surf advisory. and we are talking about 70s around santa cruz. the fog will be dense for a little while around the santa cruz area. then we are talking about a west wind strengthening throughout the afternoon. that's why the afternoon high in san francisco will be quite comfortable at 74. 67 half moon bay and the fog will return to the immediate shoreline. so not everyone will feel the heat but where uv that heat, boy, it's going to be a warm one. 92 san jose. 100 concord with 96 in napa. here's the look ahead. today the hottest day out of the next 7 days. we will look for the cool down tomorrow. coolest day should be monday and tuesday around the bay and inland. we are looking at about a modest warmup on wednesday. thursday and friday getting warmer here, near 90 inland. so school is out for a lot of kids. fun at the pool. >> fun in the sun. thank you, lisa. in sports it's expected to be a wet track for the 145th belmont stakes after the storm dumped several inches of rain. this is how the track looked yesterday. today 14 horses, including the kentucky derby winner and preakness winner will try to win the third jewel of the triple crown. last night the a's had a chance to go into first place in the american league west. here's the highlights in this morning's spores. >> good morning, everybody. john donaldson continues it make his personal push for the all-star team. donaldson's first career grand slam and ninth inning heroics from josh reddick add up to another a's win. in chicago, a good old-fashioned game, third inning, jared parker room service fastball with tyler flowers on 0-2. that's gone. 1-0, white sox. parker, 7 inning, allowed 3 runs. a's come back to win the game. down 3-0 in the sixth. josh donaldson, first granddy, comes off of chris sale. hitting .329. top in the american league. just like that. bottom of nine, conor gillispie, former giant. deep to right. have no fear, josh reddick is here! robs him of the game-tieing homer. a's victorious, 4-3. the rangers loss, oakland now first place in the alfonzo west. they have the most winds in the american league. giants in arizona facing the diamondbacks. matt cain shaky early. walked three batters in the first inning. got out of the jam. paul goldschmidt. and 1-0 giants p in the eighth, goldie, the giant kill we're two outs. opposite field bomb off of jeremy after. a three-run blast and the d-backs win it. 3-1. dodgers and braves, the legend continues to grow for the rookie. the 22-year-old from cuba playing in just his fifth game. that's his fourth homer. he has 10 rbis in a week! dodgers beat the braves. the spurs were supposed to be old and tired and that was five years ago. they are up 1-0 on miami. at age 31 tony parker has become arguably the best point guard in the game. his shot helps them ice the opener against the heat. miami has got to win game two on sunday here on abc7. dwyane wade said this isn't fun, it's a job. >> as a player in the playoffs, you have no joy until it's over and you have won. if you don't win, you have no joy for a while. but so for us it's the grind every day as a team of trying to win, you know, the series. to the ice. big papi. david ortiz watching the bruins and penguins in boston. up three games to one. adam mcwade drills it from the point. top shelf, 1-0, bs. the penguins shutout twice in the series. 50 seconds left. malkin going for the tie but the defenseman chara, all 6'9", stretching out with that glove to stop that shot. 1-0, the final. the bruins sweep the pens. they are heading to the stanley cup finals for the second time in three years. that's a wrapping on morning sports. mike shumann has been will be here at five, six, nine and eleven. among other things he will have highlights from the belmont stakes. have a great weekend, everybody. i'm larry beil. >> abc7 is your home for the nba finals. our coverage of game two in miami begins tomorrow at 4:30 and stay with abc7 for after the game with sports director larry beil. and warriors power forward carl landry. coming up next, the colorful festival that has bay area performers up on their feet for a month-long a huge crowd at san francisco city hall yesterday got to see a preview of the up coming ethnic dance festival. this is the world premiere performance of this brazilian dance group, a performing company. the san francisco ethnic dance festival is marking its 35th anniversary this year and 35 dance groups were selected to perform after a competition of 110 groups. there will be different shows that highlight the diversity of the bay area's dance community over four weekends this month, and they started to. log on to our website,, for ticket information and locations. ice great and affordable family entertainment. next at six, it will be a hot day. temperatures are about 20 soar with another spare the air alert in effect. meteorologist lisa argen will tell us how much and when it will go back down. and developing news in the south bay. a brutal fight inside a sporting goods store. how a

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