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Mattress discounters good deed dogs helping dogs help people. Tv peaceful protest. Hundreds of protesters shut down interstate 80 and clash with police in berkeley tonight. Evening commute paralyze as demonstrators march down the freeway late into the night. Heres a look from over hay. Theres a heavy Police Presence in Berkeley Emeryville and they try to get them from getting back on 80. More than 1,000 people march through berkeley tonight over a grand jury decision not to indict a white new York Police Officer in the apparent choke hold death of an African American man. And other cases of alleged police brutality. Here is a live look from sky 7 hd over emeryville right now you could still see the protestors walking and milling through the streets. Hundreds of marchers go open interstate 80 blocking traffic really badly. Alan is following protesttors on foot. He is on the phone with us now live in emeryville. Alan . Reporter hi dan. Police have asked for permission to use tear gas tonight but it hasnt happened yet. Emeryville protestors out flank the police license on the freeway and tried to get back on but Police Corner about 50 protestors within the hour at the ross store on shell mount. More protestors said let them go and more Police Officers are showing up in force here. This crowd has been one of the largest yet. More than 1,000 plus 500 people at the height. Police lost control of them of those protestors after they splintered into groups at 8 00 oclock at the university on ramp in berkeley. Rushed on to interstate 80 with protestors marching down both lanes towards oakland. Police were out numbered by the protestors who were walking in between paralyze traffic. Back up several miles in both way. There was another confrontation open the pedestrians bridge in berkeley earlier tonight. Chp motorcycle cop tried to head off a group trying to crossover the pedestrians bridge. This protest started off at 5 00 oclock this evening. Which quickly grew from 500. March to the Berkeley Police department where they were waiting in helmet and bart station shut down temporarily to keep protestors out. The crowd marched through town until they decided to head toward the freeway. So far barecly police say they have arrested one person tonight and we do not have any reports of property damage. Berkeley pd says a few object have been thrown at them n. Berkeley, abc 7 news. Thank you for the update. Listen to this. Woman caught if the back up caused by protest went in labor. Sky 7 hd was overhead as firefighters met her on the side of the freeway. Ambulance was also called. She was put on to stretcher and taken to the hospital. And protestors also blocking trains. This picture was taken by the person with the chronicle. Heres a look from sky 7 hd where protestors still lying and standing on the track and climbing on to the safety gate and the signals. Amtrak says trains through berkeley blocked for couple of hours no now. That back up spilled on to the bay bridge. Heres a life look from the south beach camera. Some drivers were stuck for hours as traffic reached the bridge. Right now chp only allowing drivers take 5 80 off the bridge so more cars dont end up getting trapped on 80 in berkeley. When you look at where protestors got on to i 80 in berkeley and police finally made a stand in emeryville you can see the clear intention. Crew on the ground heard protestors talking about getting on and shutting down the entire bay bridge. New heres a look from sky 7 hd making the standby powell street and directing a couple hundred protestors off the interstate which may be the only thing that actually kept them from getting on to the bay bridge which apparently was their intention. Heres a live look from sky 7 hd emeryville could you see the marchers making their way through the street. Traffic is moving once again on some liens of i 80 the damage is just don done. Back up for miles and hours before it gets back to normal and the protestors have not stopped this evening. We are devoting full week of program to go report on race and justice in america. Watch for coverage on Good Morning America world news tonight and nightline. On wednesday a live Town Hall Session is on face book. Up to date on the protest during the newscast but lets move open. Former uber driver has been charged with vehicle already manslaughter in the death of 6yearold girl on new years eve. This man hit and killed 6yearold sophia on polk street in San Francisco on december 31. He also injured the girls mother and brother exploratorium District Attorney office says the man turned himself in did and posted bail. The woman and her family were in the crosswalk on polk and ellis street when police say they were hit. Wrongful death lawsuit filed in january. Uber says the driver was not covered by the insurance because he didnt have a passenger at the time of the crash. The ride service has since changed the policy and now covers drivers even when they are not actually carrying a fare. Now to our weather at the bay area braces for the biggest storm in years. Live look from our exploratorium camera. No rain yes you see some clouds out there. 7 news meteorologist sandhya is tracking the storm and we could see some serious problems. Indeed. This is going to be a hefty storm this leave the mark. Let me show you doppler watching the fog but the about storm is tracked and show it to you from the satellite perspective. All the right dynamic coming together. Storm risk between wednesday night and friday. High risk of your pan flooding. Wind damage. High surf. Ridiculous mud slides moderate chance up to half foot of rain is expected in our bay area mountains. Several inches at the lower el vision ill be back with a time line of this storm and exactly when the worst of it will be hitting coming right up. Thanks. See you in a moment. So with intense storm bearing down on us people around the bay area use the next couple days to get ready as best they can. Lillian is live in San Francisco with that part of the story. Lillian clock is ticking. Him if folsom street and many businesses here have the sand bag in place. The area is prone to flood something nobody is taking any chances. The. Come up and slide in on both sides. Mark is determined to keep the water out. He manages the warehouse on lean Clothing Company and the mravrping is part of the barrier he hopes will protect the fwris flooding. Less we can storm damage nearly 20,000 dollars in merchandise after World Trade Center made the way inside. This time everything has been moved around. Not ideal. Especially we have a at any of stuff down here. This is our which are house so we have to make sure we get everything off the ground. City crew also keeping busy. Workers San Francisco department of public work still sand about and deliver them to businesses flooded in the past. They have also cleared storm drain and trimmed low hanging branch likely to fall during the storm. Resident being asked to do their part by sweep the driveway and sidewalk. Because when the rain come that washes in the storm drain. Big accumulation of leaves or debris that clog the drain. If you clog the drain then you are going to have localize floodin flooding. Reporter the city expects to give away a couple thousand sand about for the latest stor storm. Resident pick them up at the Operation Center on chavez street. This is abc 7 news. Now you find helpful hints at our web site under prepare nor cal. Theres a red cross safety check list in the event of mainly disaster and list of supply you need blanket battery all sorts of things if power outage. Dont forget to charge your cell fechbility. San jose 6 80 closed for hours tonight as police try to talk a william down from an overpass. The freeway shut down in both direction at 3 00 oclock this afternoon. Chp says they had no alternative but to clear the freeway. The woman has been clinging to the outside portion of the fence on the overpass. She is still revving to kilometer down. Traffic was snarled for hours. Start work at 5 00 oclock and i have been here for about 2 and a half hours. I left work at 4 30. That was from if 2 37 and maude. Northbound lanes rae open shortly before 9 this evening. South bound traffic is still being routed off the highway to mckey road. Motorist being advised to avoid the area. Fighting Chronic Fatigue. Next on 7 news. How local doctors are silencing the skeptic of often misdiagnosed disorder. Plus the big change for facebook. Powerful new feature allow users to look into the past. Of course we follow protest in berkeley and emeryville. Sky 7 hd where it has been a huge mess for people on interstate 80 tonight. Trying they need special attention, day and night. New chapstick dualended hydration lock provides 24hour care. Spf protects by day. Natural oils replenish by night. Chapstick. Put your lips first. Youve been part of this family for as long as i can remember. And you just mean so much to all of us. The holidays wouldnt be the same without your crescent rolls. We got you a little something. We got you jeans. Its about time. Pipin hot pillsbury crescent rolls. Make your holidays pop [ female announcer ] holiday cookies are a big job. Everything has to be just right. Perfection is in the details. Pillsbury cookie dough. Make the holidays pop pillsbury cookie dough. A. Live back over emeryville tonight. Sky 7 hd showing you the recommend innocent of the protestors. Up wards of 1,000 tonight manufacturing through the streets. And eventually as we said shutting down for couple of hours interstate 80 in both direction at ashby avenue but things are winding down after very intense night for protestors police and commuters alike. However the good news to the best of our knowledge very also or no vandalism or violence as has happened the last couple nights. We stay on the story but the protest tonight appears to be coming to a conclusion for the most part. Stay with us. Her during the half hour on 7 news. Com and on our twitter feed. Breakthrough tonight for battling an illness that some people dont think is real. Doctor silence the skeptic of Chronic Fatigue sin dro. Cheryl jennings brings us the story. Endurance was never a problem for ann cramer. For years she compete entered loss distance run from california to europe and then at age 30 her health suddenly changed. That was the hardest time when i couldnt get out of bed. At times i was crawling to use the bathroom. Reporter she went from doctor to doctor for months searching the cause of her fatigue. Without a diagnosis she would eventually undergo a battery of tests just to prove she was sec enough to be placed on disability. Yes, i was called a hype con dry alaska if the early days. I was told i needed to good to physical therapy. Finally turned to dr. Montoya stanford Chronic Fatigue clinic. He diagnosed her condition as crop ick fatigue syndrome or cfs. He says unlike other diseases there is no blood test for cfs. And while patients can experience debilitating fatigue for years, some doctors still skeptical that its a legitimate condition. Most important moment when i see new patient in our clinic is when we tell them that we do believe they have a relevant disease. But new brick through could soon change perception of Chronic Fatigue syndrome. And potentially give doctors a tool to identified tie and diagnose it. Its this one here with the blue fibers going aroyptd. Dr. Zane and his team use image technique to compare the pwren of cfs patients with a control group. What they found were 3 consistent abnormality in the if patients including a path way that connects different parts of the brain. And people who had worse fatigue this measurement was more abnormal. Third thick we found thinks track connects 2 point of the brain. We found that those 2 pinpoint of the brain that were connected by the track were also ab initials he says the abnormality wouldnt have been picked up on normal mri and unclear what caused them. But with targeted imaging the Stanford Team is hoping the abnormality can eventually be used as mile mark tore confirm the diagnosis. And who is now being treated with apartment viral drugs says the early diagnosis would help remove the frustration so many patients feel. Its really only the first step for us and doctors recognize this as well. We need it to be legitimate and to see how to diagnosis it and then the next step hopefully is treatment. Reporter Cheryl Jennings abc 7 news. The physician book has unveiled powerful new fetch that will awill you to you find old posts. Today when you search for something on facebook you get current paijts but now the search will scour every pouvingt ever viewed. Search results are personalize for each youre so you cant search for all post on facebook only the with thawbs have been shared with you. Interesting change. Certainly is. Its time for our interesting change. Big storm headed our way. Well said. Calm before the storm. Sandhya is tracking the whole think for us. Yes, i am. We look at significant storm as you look at live doppler 7hd pretty quiet. The only thing concerned about the fog. Less than a quarter mile visibility right now in fairfield. Just over two in petaluma. 3 quarters of a mile with heavy fog if santa rosa so there is a dense fog advisory for the straits and delta. This is running until 10 00 a. M. Tomorrow morning. Typically the fog we see in the Central Valley spilling over into our area. Its going to increase your drive time for the commute tomorrow so plan accordingly. Temperatures rate now in the 50s for most of you. 60 degrees enjoy the mild conditions before the storm hits from the exploratorium camera. San francisco just dealing with cloud cover. Major storm hits midweek. Heavy rain wind large waves with even a chance of some thunderstorms on thursday. Take a look at the storm. I show it to you here on the pacific satellite pichblingt High Pressure still controlling our weather so keeping it dry and mild tomorrow then quickly things will change. Wednesday night this storm starts to move in. It has all the right dynamic including moisture and some cold unstable air. So powerful storm is developing and it hits the bay area. The worst of the rain will be thursday. The worst of the wind begins as early as wednesday night. So at 7 00 p. M. You will notice some rain north of the bay area wednesday night and then as we head towards the 5 00 a. M. Commute thursday heavy rain starts to move in to the north bay. Slides south during the commut commute. Thunderstorms are possible at 8 00 a. M. Around the north bay and the Thunderstorm Risk tips rate on through the evening hours. Moderate heavy rain shifts at 11 00 a. M. Still seeing some red here at 1 00 p. M. Heavy rain potential thunder. Thursday afternoon and really it doesnt quite end there. Evening rush is going to be a rough one as well as we take you into the second half of the commuter model. 7 00 p. M. Still hacking at heavy rainfall across some parts of the bay area. Then the rain lighten up a little bit. Friday morning looking at light moderate rain and turning to more scattered showers and quiet down. Now rainfall estimate with the big storm most of it come if during the thursday friday time period one to three inches for the lower el vision 4 to 6 inches for the Higher Elevation when you get rain like that you are likely to see some pretty good the problems around here including potential for flooding. Flash flood watch wednesday tonight through thursday tonight with significant wren most of the bay area in the monterey bay pretty much covered under this whats the difference. The waichs up and flooding possible listen to the manning Emergency Management officials. Wairngs occurring now or about to occu occur. Imminent really. So this is when you want to seek higher ground. If he ever drive through a flooded area obviously even if it looks shallow. Strong winds will kick up. High wind watch wednesday afternoon thursday afternoon. 40 to 60 miles an hour. Could down tremendous and power line that obviously could cause some power out annuals around the bay area. High waves are expected currently 8 to 12 feet. High surf advisory starts tomorrow night. Runs until 4 a. M. Friday. Its for coastal north bay. 15 to 20 foot wave. Potential for high risk of republic currents. Winter storm watch for Sierra Nevada thursday afternoon to friday afternoon. We could see 2 to 3 feet of snow. The i wouldnt advice travel you could see white out conditions. Wait until saturday morning if you can. Speaking of morning watch out for the fog. Temperatures in the 50s first thing in the morning tom afternoon. Not as mild as today but still comfortable. The forecast wednesday nature the action begins stormy thursday. Friday rain gives way to showers. Break saturday then another storm nowhere near this intensity sunday night into monday. Thanks so much. Warriors in action out of town. We have sports. Were yours feel good story of the bay area winning 13 straight of minnesota. League best 18 and over a million californians have out of reach for far too long. Health insurance. How . They enrolled through covered california. Its the Health Insurance marketplace where youll find a range of plans from leading Health Insurance companies that offer you the best combination of quality, rates and benefits. And, through covered california, you may get financial help to pay for coverage. To have Health Insurance starting january 1st, you need to enroll by december 15th. Visit coveredca. Com today. Well the warriors continue to set franchise records. 13 straight victory tonight in minnesota. League best 18 and 2 record. Beat them without andrew. Franchise 8 straight win on the road. First quarte quarter. Curry won of the team first of 11 first half steals. He had 21. An true left with rate knee irritation sec minute in. Loose ball. He has some hop. Down 2. Later curry find thompson in the corner with 3 ball. Shot only 5 of 22 from downtown. Everything going rye. Andre miss the 3. Warriors roll to a victory. Host houston on wednesday. 3 31yearold pl ross dealt to cleveland today for we know today. Coming off hip surgery this off season. Hit 234. One rbi last year well theory building losing these players. 3, 4 and 5 hitters in the line up. Baltimore about and traded for the white sox. 29yearold made 16 start last year after being traded from the cubs. 5 and 6 record. 3. 1 for era. Popular for the fans. The all right take our final time out before we check in on the frain rs. One fat out of the post soap door after losing yesterday to the raiders. Coach harbaugh coy with the media over a million californians have a gotten something thats beend. Out of reach for far too long. Health insurance. How . They enrolled through covered california. 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Im watching you soup people. Make it progresso or make it yourself some people think vegetables are boring. But with green giants delicious seasonings and blends, we just may change their minds. Ho ho ho green giant niners reeling after the loss to the raiders yesterday. They lost control of the post season destiny now need to win out and get help to have shot at wild card. The story with quarterback kaepernick played the worst game as pro. 2 interception to start and finish the game. Sacked 5 times. He was out played by rackie quarterback car and he is regressing but start sunday against seattle. The coach said today his team will not lay down. Tvl take great love and pride and being a professional so thats every day thats every week thats every game thats every play. If the whistle blows. Reporter all right packers host if cops monday night football. Rompers 100 career start. Nfl record 360 state pass without peck at home. Nelson for a touch down here. Third td ps of the any. Packers improve to continue an 3 with a have been trip. These quit a record without a pichblingt amazing f. They get home field watch for the packers. All your possibly device with our news app. We have you could have had. The sleepless night. cough . baby crying . Sorry. Robitussin dm max nighttimes dual action liquid instantly soothes your throat and delivers fast, powerful cough relief. Robitussin. Dont suffer the coughequences. Aving this much fun, why quit . And bounty has no quit in it either. Watch how one sheet of bounty keeps working, while their two sheets, just quit. Bounty, the noquit pickerupper. I take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. Because it gives me. Zero heartburn prilosec otc. The number 1 doctorrecommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Update on protest in we arecly. All eastbound lanes are open. Chp in the process of opening all westbound lanes with taillights and him if we are out of time appreciate it. Right new on jimmy kimmel. Actor aaron paul. Have aclicks ] hi there [ laughs ] im flo i know im going to get you your rental car. This is so ridiculous. Were going to manage your entire repair process from paperwork to pickup, okay, little tiny baby . Your car is ready, and your repairs are guaranteed for as long as you own it. The Progressive Service center a real place, where we really manage your claim from start to finish. Really. Easy as easy can be bye ring ring . Progresso its ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. Its our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. Apology accepted. Im watching you soup people. Make it progresso or make it yourself some people think vegetables are boring. But with green giants delicious seasonings and blends, we just may change their minds. Ho ho ho green giant now. Insomniac kitchen. Youre watching world news now. 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