Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20170410

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live where you live, this is abc 7 news. >> palm sunday terror in egypt. dozens dead after isis strikes during sunday mass. here in the bay area, a message of defiance tonight from the coptic christian community. terrorists will never win. >> this action makes us very strong. this action makes us very united. >> good evening. i'm eric thomas. tonight egypt has declared a state of emergency after the two suicide blasts. one tore through a church as a choir was singing. ♪ [ explosion ] >> that video feed cutting out as chaos erupts at the church in the city of tanta about 70 miles north of cairo. hours later in alexandria, security cameras caught a suicide bomber detonating his bomb right at the security checkpoint outside the building. in all, at least 44 people were killed and more than 125 injured. and isis is claiming responsibility tonight. evening prayers went on as scheduled tonight as a coptic christian church in the east bay. they worry about what's next for egypt. abc 7 news reporter leslie brenkly is in our newsroom with more on the story. leslie? >> eric, many of the coptic christians i spoke to tonight say it's been painful for them, a sense of pain that is all too familiar. and they vow the terrorists will not get to them. they will gather. they will continue to pray. these coptic christians in hayward prayed for the 44 dead in egypt and their families in these evening palm sunday players. they also prayed for the terrorists. >> may god change their mind to be god. >> many of the faithful here grew up in egypt or have family and friends there. >> the coptic community has been persecuted for thousands of years, thousands of years. and it won't stop. >> reporter: coptic christians comprise only 10% of the population in egypt, a predominantly sunni muslim country. their houses set on fire and personally attacked. in december terrorists bombed a cathedral in cairo, killing 25. now these bombings. >> most muslims in egypt are very friendly. we all get along really well. but you have the extreme elements that just destroys all relationship between the good people. >> egyptian president el lesissi has declared a state of emergency. but this egypt expert says el sisi's actions prerest fleck the government's failure to protect the coptic minority. >> this is going to continue to happen. he can't face this alone. the emergency to me really it just signals a failure already. because to me he is inheriting this from mubarak years. it's time to think really much more creatively about facing this monster. and we have to start with school. we have to start with education. >> there is also hope in the pope. pope francis will visit cairo later this month to meet with the head of the coptic church. i'm leslie brinkley, abc 7 news. there is concern around the world tonight over what happens next in syria. activists with code pink marched across the golden gate bridge today, urging drivers to honk for peace after last week's u.s. missile strike on a syrian air base in response to syria's deadly chemical attack. the air base is already up and running. u.n. ambassador nikki haley suggested more attacks could come with the gel of removing president bashar al assad from power. secretary of state rex tillerson wouldn't go that far. supporters and critics of the strike want to know what the long-term plan. >> during the presidential campaign, president trump himself mentioned the danger of starting world war iii with russia and syria. and i am sure that everyone wants to avoid that. >> military commanders defending the assad regime threatened reprisals for the attacks. neil gorsuch will be sworn in as the 113th supreme court justice tomorrow morning in separate ceremonies at the court and at the house. the senate confirmed gorsuch when republican lawmakers side stepped decision by democrats by opting for the nuclear option. he feels the seat left vacant by the death of antonin scalia. gorsuch's addition could impact legal controversies including gay rights, religion, and president trump's attempts to limit immigration. happening now, hundreds of pg&e customers in berkeley are still in the dark after a large tree fell on two power lines. abc 7 news was near uc berkeley's memorial stadium where the 33-foot tree toppled before 8:00 tonight. it took out the power lines and a couple of power poles. at nearly one point nearly 2,000 customer lost power. the electricity should be back % in about 15 minutes. a live look now from our east bay hills camera at a clear and quiet night. and just when you thought it was safe to put away the rain gear, well, i'll let drew tell you all about it. >> yeah, we've heard this forecast before. tonight we're enjoying a brief break from rain. live doppler 7 showing you we ended the weekend on a dry note. a lot of sunshine today. tonight we have mainly clear skies. but an active ocean just off our coast. live doppler 7 along with satellite already tracking our next storm approaching it. even on the heels of that one. to the north we go. we've got a second storm that will move in right behind that one. so an active pattern setting up once again for the week. take a look at the rain chances the next seven days. tomorrow you're good. but by tuesday and into wednesday, there is rain chances really ramp up, lasting into thursday. and another round of rain likely over the holiday weekend. so break it down hour-by-hour before you go by future weather. show you what you can expect when, where you live in that full accuweather forecast. >> thank you. the coast guard says a barge that sank south of the bay bridge has stopped leaking diesel few. "vengeance" fell to the bottom of the bay on friday. divers have plugged the leak. state fish and wildlife officers are monitoring the shoreline from emeryville to alameda and so far there doesn't seem to be any major impact. they're working on a plan to salvage and raise the barge. newark police are hoping witnesses will come forward to tell them more about the death of a man in broad daylight in a shopping center. family and friends have set up memorial to the victim. the victim died at the old town center on newark boulevard. detectives say surveillance footage has helped them identify possible suspects in yesterday's shooting. the alameda county coroner's bureau has not yet released the victim's name. tonight stanford was warning its students after two sexual assaults within 20 minutes of each other on campus this weekend. both attacked happened on escondido road between 10:30 and 11:00 friday night. one woman was walking, the other was jogging. police say the man approached them from behind and groped them. both women describe their attacker as short and bald. investigators now say a ransom note sent to the family of a missing woman was fake and the person who sent it could face charges. 20-year-old alicia yeoman was last seen in yuba city on march 30th. investigators found her truck and cell phone near a river. tonight deputies said a person who allegedly sent the ransom note has been located. he has no knowledge where she, and he could face criminal charges for trying to take advantage of the situation. police in southern california believe a man was drunk when he tried to squeeze his car between a big rig and the curb. you're looking at pictures on facebook posted by police in costa mesa in orange county. the driver of the mercedes tried to pass the truck. nobody was hurt. but as you can imagine, the mercedes was badly damaged. at&t workers are demanding a better deal. abc 7 news was in san jose aztec nirns and call center representatives protested outside an at&t store. they've been working without a contract for a year now. they're asking for better job security and better pay. we look forward to reaching a fair immigrant as soon as possible. these are some of our most highly paid union represented employees and that will not change. the entire statement is on our abc news and on our website, ♪ abc 7 news was in san francisco for the grand reopening celebration at the lgbt center on market street. the center just underwent more than $10 million in renovations. today marked the center's 15th anniversary of serving thousands of people every year. >> this is such an important institution for the lgbt community in the san francisco area. and we're making it more sustainable for the long-term. ♪ >> center leaders tell us the improvements will allow them to expand their array of programs and rent more space to nonprofits. a 49ers player and more than two dozen other nfl players face possible discipline from the league after an arm wrestling tournament. linebacker navorro bowman joined other players at this weekend's competition in las vegas. the chronicle reports they could also be fined by the nfl because they took part in the event without the league's permission. there is much more ahead on abc 7 news at 11:00. don't tell these self-described bay area misfits they don't belong. from being a first year team and doing that really well is amazing. >> an all women's high school robotics team is heading to a big national competition. but tonight they need your help. also, after that sierra selfie failed earlier this week, tonight deputies are taking action to make sure it does not happen again. and later -- >> as soon as the ice broke, went right in. >> a dog owner shares what he was thinking in the moments that led up to this daring rescue. but first, pantry pandemonium. a shocked california family takes cover ♪ seriously, what is this place? it's heaven. yeah, muscle heaven. you want to take one for a test drive? (tires squealing, engine revs) the challenger and charger have the most affordable v8 engines in their classes. check them out now during the fast and furious sales event. the fate of the furious. in theaters april 14th. in dealerships now. now get 20% off msrp cash allowance on select 2017 dodge charger models in dealer stock. move over, fellows. some young women in san francisco are making waves in a field dominated by men. robotics. but they haven't been at it long. already, though, people are taking notice. abc 7 reporter sergio quintana reports. >> for the last several weeks, a team of engineer, coders, and builders has been assembling robot 6418. they are the missfits from san francisco. they had a strong performance at a critical silicon valley performance. >> some of the teams at the competition had been around for 20 years. so being a first year team and doing that well is really amazing. >> anya jenson is the founder. her parents' home has been the workshop. >> they took over my entire garage and the first floor of our house. >> building robot 6418 has pushed the women on an array of schools. >> i take ap computer science at school. but it's a completely different kind of frame of mind when you're working with actual code and you can see the results in a fully functioning robot. >> i love math and science and all this stuff. so this is just a place where it's more creative than it is practical. >> i'm not going to be in a classroom using a power drill or a band saw. >> this weekend they've been building a shipping create for robot 6418. they are going to houston for the world championships. the missfits will be one of only a few all female teams there. many of the teams have never left the bay area. they launched a go fund me to help with expense. they're hoping robot 6418 will have a strong showing. >> we're not the fastest robot out there but we're a very dependable robot. >> as a rookie team. that will be the understood dogs. and who doesn't like cheering on the underdogs? in san francisco, sergio quintana, abc 7 news. >> the team shipped their robot this weekend. they leave next week. if you would like to help, we'll post a link on our website at people of all ages and all experience levels canoed around a san francisco landmark today. abc 7 news was at lake merced when san francisco's recreation and park department part theired with canoe mobile for a community day. many people put on vests, grabbed oars and paddled while enjoying nature for free. >> our motto is anyone, any time, anywhere. and so even if you've had no experience in canoes, we give you a little bit of a prep talk ahead of time. and you have a lot of other people in the canoe who maybe have more experience who can help you get around. >> canoe mobile plans to hold more community days around the bay area. a family in the sierra is safe tonight after a tear fight encounter with an unwanted intruder. a mountain lion that got inside their home. it happened at a home in pollock pines. along u.s. highway 50 in el dorado county. mark dolf was making dinner when he saw the big cat. he quickly grabbed the closest object he could find, a pinata bat. he an his family squeezed inside the pantry and called 911. >> the lion came up right to the door after i went in. and i closed the door. and the lion basically had his nose up to the crack of the door. >> well, the lion disappeared before sheriff's deputies could get there. wildlife experts say mountain lions usually avoid contact with humans. but if one tries to attack you, they suggest you fight back by throwing things at it. maybe a pinata bat. sheriff's deputies have increased patrols trying to stop california's highest bridge from being used as a jungle jim or backdrop for selfies. this follows a woman surviving a 60-foot plunge while taking pictures in a restricted area beneath the forest hill bridge in placer county. she broke several bones. one of her friends described what happened on wednesday. >> they were taking a picture on the bridge. and then the big bolts that are holding the beams together, she like stepped on them kind of weirdly and lost balance and fell backwards. >> the woman will need more surgery in order to recover. thrill seekers often post videos and images of her adventures on the bridge. at one point the bridge rises more than 700 feet above the north fork of the american river. the snowy northern sierra could break a record this week for wettest water year. 87.5 inches of snow has fallen this winter. that's just one inch away from the all-time snow record set in 1982-'82. sugar bowl has seen the most snow. i'm not kidding. 751 inches. at this time last year, people in the area were mountain biking. and there is more snow on the way. now your accuweather forecast with drew tuma. >> at this point, let's just go for the record. likely going to see that record in the northern sierra broken this week as a series of storms once again will take aim on northern california. live doppler 7 going to track it all. tonight what it's tracking, it's nice and quiet out there. rounding out the weekend with clear skies. and tonight we'll see clear conditions across much of the region. outside we go, a live look from the east bay hills camera showing you what a nice night we have on the way. it's quiet. it's cool. temperatures are falling this hour to the 40s and the 50s. currently 44 half moon bay. that's one of the coldest spots at this hour. 52 in oakland. currently 50 concord and san jose. overnight tonight, here is the call. no frost advisories like we had last night. so not as cold tonight. mainly holding in the mid and upper 40s cross the region. as your starting temperatures on monday. just want the point out what future weather is hinting at. early monday morning a weak front is going to cross through the north bay. we'll try and bring a light sprinkle before the sun gets up monday morning. outside of the north bay, what it will do, add a few more clouds and n the sky throughout the day. monday afternoon enjoy. it's a mixture of sun and clouds out there. mild in san jose. look at that. going up to 68 tomorrow afternoon. 60, saffle. 62, richmond. 64 that high in oakland. 65 will be the afternoon high in nap pal. perfect baseball weather. for the giants home opener, at&t park tomorrow. partly cloudy skies. a first pitch temperature right around 57 degrees. and by the ninth inning, around 4:00, warming up to 60 degrees. so enjoy if you're head out there. we bring back the storm impacts on tuesday. it's going to be a light system. a 1 on the storm impact scale. nothing like we experienced with the storms late last week. some light showers, mainly focused in the north bay. but elsewhere we could see anyfrom drizzle up to a tenth doypt of moisture. hour-by-hour tuesday, tuesday morning much of the wet weather confined to the north bay. probably not until the evening hours on tuesday that we start to see the chance move outside of the north bay and likely see light showers along the coast making their presence known late tuesday night in the south bay. but a more potent, more widespread wet weather looks to come in wednesday night into thursday. once again a light system, a 1 but a little bit more in the way of rainfall. about a quarter to half an inch in the north bay. outside of the north bay, a tenth to a quarter inch of rain. and the good news does not look to have very gusty winds. no damaging wind effects. winds likely run 10 to 25 miles per hour. so future weather wednesday night once again. the rain begins first in the north bay. right around midnight early thursday morning. the rain begins to sink south. and by thursday morning, just prepare for the thursday morning to commute to see widespread light showers. the accuweather seven-day forecast. let's plan the next seven days for you. tomorrow an a.m. sprinkle north bay. elsewhere a blend of sun and clouds. there is the scattered showers on tuesday. wednesday night to thursday, that's the best chance for everyone seeing the showers. friday and saturday, we brighten up, dry out, warm up. and there is a chance, eric, easter sunday and evening chance. but right now it's minimal at this point. >> all right. >> a chance. >> i'm holding you to that. thank you, drew. next at 11:00, make way for the ducklings ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ to take advantage of this offer on a volvo s90, visit your local dealer. intercourse that's painful due to menopausal changes. it. it's not likely to go away on its own. it took my most honest friend to help me do something about it. she told me premarin vaginal cream can help. it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderate-to-severe painful intercourse caused by these changes. don't use it if you've had unusual vaginal bleeding, breast or uterine cancer, blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think you're pregnant. side effects may include headache, pelvic pain, breast pain, vaginal bleeding and vaginitis. estrogens may increase your chances of getting cancer of the uterus, strokes, blood clots, or dementia so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. ♪ ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. aww, look at this. a group of baby ducks got themselves into a fowl situation this morning. they write it, i read it. alameda firefighters posted this pictures and video after finding 11 stuck in a storm drain in newark. mama was worried sick about her babies, of course. firefighters came to the rescue, moving the ducklings to a nearby creek where they dropped down one by one and then were reunited with mom and dad. a nice story there. >> just like sergio garcia. it was nice story today. and rick will tell you more about that. >> you didn't say everything was just duckey after that fowl comment. the giants are headed home after snapping a four-game road losing streak. and sergio garcia ♪ seriously, what is this place? it's heaven. yeah, muscle heaven. you want to take one for a test drive? (tires squealing, engine revs) the challenger and charger have the most affordable v8 engines in their classes. check them out now during the fast and furious sales event. the fate of the furious. in theaters april 14th. in dealerships now. now get 20% off msrp cash allowance on select 2017 dodge charger models in dealer stock. has crazy low prices. do you know how we do it? - how? - bargainomics! say, if california has a bumper crop and produces too many oranges. or a winemaker in sonoma suddenly has 1000 bottles too many. we've got name-brand, top-quality groceries priced 40-70% off every day. bargainomics. that's our business model. and our business model is... delicious. ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪ abc 7 sports brought to you by river rock casino. >> the final round of the masters came down to a duel between sentimental favorite sergio garcia and england's justin rose. they began the day tied for the lead and would need a play-off to decide the winner. let's go to augusta national. matt kuchar tied for fourth, but did have the shot of the day on the par 3 16th, using a 7 iron from 170 yards. his ball winds its way back to the cup for a hole in one. kuchar shot a 67 to finish 5 under, four strokes off the lead. he also made a little boy's day by signing the ball and giving him a memory he will never forget. after falling behind with bogeys on 10 and 11, garcia eagled 15 to get to 9 under and regain a share of the lead. rose would go back in front by making this birdie on 16. but he faltered on 17, missing this putt for par. so they went to 18, tied for the lead. rose with the chance for birdie. but his ball just rolls past the hole. he can't believe it. drew reacts the same way when his forecast is wrong. sergio then with a chance to win, but his putt is also off the mark so they go to sudden death. after rose bogeyed the extra hole, garcia only needed the two-putt for the victory. he got it in one, sinking this birdie. so at age 37, sergio finally wins his first major. the masters is his. and with it the traditional green jacket. >> i don't feel any different. i'm obviously thrilled about what happened here today. but i'm still the same guy. i'm still the same goofy guy. so that's not going to change. off to a 1-5 start, it's been a week to forget for the giants. but they did manage to end their road trip with the win. let's go to san diego where the giants finally had some fun. already up 2-0, san francisco added on in the third. hunter pence with his first home run of the season makes it 4-0. the next batter was buster pose posy. 5-0 giants. johnny cueto improve his record at 2-0. he struck out 7 over 7 strong innings. the giants play their home opener tomorrow afternoon against arizona. it was umbrella giveaway day in texas. early in the contest, a's pitcher was having trouble. man striking out six straight batters. he finished with ten ks over 5 1/3 innings. while oakland struggled to come through in the clutch, the rangers had plenty of big hits. this by robinson made the final 8-1. so the a's lose 2-3. tomorrow they're in kansas city. and this abc 7 sports report has been brought to you by river rock casino. eric? >> rick, tha our singing challenge to this guy. >> trap queen in spanish backwards while getting your chest waxed. >> next "right this minute." intercourse that's painful due to menopausal changes. it. it's not likely to go away on its own. it took my most honest friend to help me do something about it. she told me premarin vaginal cream can help. it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderate-to-severe painful intercourse caused by these changes. don't use it if you've had unusual vaginal bleeding, breast or uterine cancer, blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think you're pregnant. side effects may include headache, pelvic pain, breast pain, vaginal bleeding and vaginitis. estrogens may increase your chances of getting cancer of the uterus, strokes, blood clots, or dementia so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. ♪ ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ to take advantage of this offer on a volvo s90, visit your local dealer. live where abc 7 news. >> good evening. i'm eric thomas. and tonight headlines, coptic christians in hayward gathered to pray for 44 people killed in two bombings at churches in egypt this morning. it happened during palm sunday service. isis is claiming responsibility for the killings. in berkeley, nearly 2,000 pg&e customers lost power after a 30-foot tall tree fell on to power lines. it happened behind cal memorial stadium and comes after a rainy week. meteorologist drew tuma will be back in a few minutes to tell us about the next round of rain expected this week. what's next for u.s. policy in syria? that could depend on what happens this week in moscow. the u.s. attack on a syrian air base has angered that country's most important ally, russia. and this comes at a time the white house was hoping to find some common ground. abc news reporter richard cantu has our story. >> secretary of state rex tillerson arrived in italy sunday night en route to moscow where he hopes to mend fences, a tough talking warning from military commanders defending the assad regime in syria says the united states crossed red lines by attacking syria. a joint statement from russia, iran, and hezbollah. and the commanders threatened to retaliate a against any future military action, adding russia and iran will not allow the united states to be the only superpower in the world. the united states is still investigating whether the russians were involved in this chemical attack last week that killed more than 80 syrian civilians. speaking to abc's george stephanopoulos, secretary tillerson sounded conciliatory. >> george, i'm not seeing any hard evidence that connects the russians directly to the plan organize the execution of this particular chemical weapons attack. indeed, that's why we tried to be very clear that the russians were never targeted in this strike. >> the syrian base that was targeted thursday, though damaged, is now back in action. these russian-made syrian warplanes seen taking off. what does the white house have in mind for syria? united nations ambassador nicolas sarkozy suggested it might be regime change. >> we don't see a peaceful syria with assad in there. >> but the secretary of state says our priority in syria is the defeat of isis. >> in that regard we are hopeful we can work with russia and use their influence to achieve areas of stabilization throughout syria. >> richard cantu, abc news, new york. the suspected ring leader in an irs scam involving fake irs phone calls has been arrested. the suspect was nabbed in mumbai, india this week. the scheme involved people from bogus call centers in india posing as irs agents. they told u.s. taxpayers they owed back taxes and they could be arrested or deported if they didn't pay up. about 15,000 americans fell for the scheme, but it started unraveling back in october. if you did some holiday shopping online at gamestop, you might want to keep an eye on your credit cards. krebs on security reports hacker mace have taken credit card information from its website. that includes names, addresses, credit card numbers, expiration date, even the three digit security codes. they were reportedly stolen between september and february. gamestop told krebs it received notification of a potential breach from a third party. they hired a top security firm to investigate. a big announcement is expected tomorrow for soccer fans in the u.s. the u.s., mexico and canada are expected to officially unveil a joint bid for the 2026 world cup. the united states last hosted the world cup in 1994. and that tournament still holds the all-time attendance record. 2026 is expected to be the first year the world cup field widens from 32 to 48 teams. the final in 1994 took place at the rose bowl in southern california. it's not clear which country would get to host the final game this time around. man jumped into a freezing pond to save his dog who fell through thin ice. and by sheer coincidence, a news crew happened to be there to capture it on a camera. reporter angela young from canadian tv has the story from st. albert, canada. >> witnessing his dog plunge through the ice, duncan mciver jumped in without hesitation. the ice breaking under his weight as his dog struggles to keep its head above the freezing water. our camera rolling. they find relief on this strip of con creek. shivering, mciver contemplates how they'll get back to shore. i call 911 for help. >> hi there. there is a person stuck on the ice. >> testing how sturdy the ice. but within seconds, plummets through. trudging through the shallow water, they make it back to safety. >> how you doing? how is your dog doing? >> i think he is okay. i'll take him home o. >> okay. you're obviously very cold. >> all this happening at this dog park in st. albert. well were there putting together a story on the dangers of thin ice when we saw the dangers firsthand. fire officials say since thursday, they've been called to three ice rescues. >> this year has just been that bit of an anomaly. i don't know why. >> oh, my gosh. >> on thursday, 11-year-old evan jamison tromped on a thin sheet of ice when he was tryingto retrieve a friesz bee. rescuer says there have been no serious consequences so far, but are urging people to keep themselves and their pets off ice. angela jong, cbs news. still ahead, bald eagles making a comeback in the bay area. we'll take you to the neighborhood that is the in awe tonight. and a midair miracle. flight attendants spring into action to help a pregnant woman when she needs it most. and i'm meteorologist drew tomb map. showers making a ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ to take advantage of this offer on a volvo s90, visit your local dealer. when an unexpected extra passenger decided to join a turkish airlines in midair, the crew jumped into action. the passenger, who didn't have a ticket by the way was a new baby girl. about halfway into a flight from guinea to burkina faso, a woman on board went into labor just 28 weeks into her pregnancy. the crew delivered the newborn. mom and baby are both doing fine, and the airline posted these pictures. you can get out your binoculars, but you won't even need them to stop the two huge bald eagles who have taken up residence near a south bay elementary school. as jonathan bloom found out, they're creating a stir from everyone from the kids to seasoned experts. >> gorgeous. i can stay here for hours just looking at him. >> reporter: watching a bald eager chase crows away from the nest is a spiritual experience. >> i'm just in awe. it's beautiful how god created such a creature. >> a rare glimpse of the wild outside curtner aniry school. >> i take time to look at the birds. >> sam is a sports photographer. >> everything is so high paced and fast action, shooting nature definitely slows you down a little bit. >> reporter: but with plenty of patience, he has captured breathtaking images of the pair as they hunt, build and defend the nest. and then there was this, perfectly timed flyover during the pledge of allegiance. >> you can't even make that up, can you? i don't think even a hollywood script writer could make that up. >> catching a shot like that may be good luck. but it's more than luck that brought the eagles here in the first place. they call this a result of a decades long effort to restore the population of the birds and give them a place to live, which is rea rich habitat here. we've paid attention to what good development is and what bad development is. >> the head of the local audubon society says leaving trees for the birds is the latest step that brought dozens of nesting pairs to an area that had none a decade ago. >> we came close to losing them. >> the the bald eagle population was designated by hunting and pesticides. >> we've witnessed an incredible recovery since that time. >> glen stewart of uc santa cruz credits the endangered species act of 1973. >> everybody agreed it was the right thing to do to stop extinction. >> now conservationists are happy another generation will get to enjoy the bald evening well their own eyes. >> that's nature. you don't get that on tv you. get to see it in real life. and it's just amazing. >> in milpitas, jonathan bloom, abc 7 news. >> nice. well fwheerks april . >> april showers. you got to reverse ate little bit. we'll get the may flowers coming on in a couple weeks. but right now we're tracking the return of showers. live doppler 7 showing you it's dry out there right now. tomorrow it will be a dry day. enjoy. a blend of sun and clouds. 64 in oakland. 68 san jose. 60, san francisco. and 63 for santa rosa. storm impact scale. bringing it on back for tuesday. light showers, mainly focused in the north bay. but we could see a couple of rogue showers throughout the day. so drizzle to about a tenth of an inch outside the north bay. hour-by-hour, future weather showing you by the morning hours, the rain first starting in the north bay. as we get into the afternoon and evening, the rain showers likely moving in on the coast and around much of the immediate bay areas. that's your next chance of any wet weather. the accuweather seven-day forecast will show you the north bay sprinkle tomorrow morning before the sun gets up. otherwise it's a dry day for all. tuesday, there is the scattered showers. wednesday night into thursday, a better chance for wet weather. but i think all eyes may be on saturday next week. it's sunny. it's mild. it's a nice start to the weekend. >> it is indeed. thank you, sir. >> yep. rick quan is here with sports. >> talking play-offs for the warriors and sharks. coming up, we'll let you know who the warriors and sharks will be playing in the first round of the play-offs. and russell westbrook continues his record ♪ lysol max cover kills 99.9% of bacteria, even on soft surfaces. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. two kids barfed in class today. it was so gross. lysol disinfectant spray kills 99.9% of bacteria, even those that cause stomach bugs. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. ♪ seriously, what is this place? it's heaven. yeah, muscle heaven. you want to take one for a test drive? 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[ camera shutters clicking ] how's that? abby: perfect. no teeth? no teeth. so, after this announcement, you'll kiss the rings of the leaders of the senate rules committee, do a roundtable of soft-ball interviews with the press, and then, come thursday, congress will confirm you as vice president with an overwhelming majority. are you excited? more nervous. oh, that's only natural. cyrus: susan. how's my girl?

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