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This is not something done routinely, but these are extraordinary circumstances. Two of our officers barely walked away to their families with their lives. It happened about 7 30 when will banks and his accomplice robbed a little caesars. Then they robbed a gas station 15 minutes later. And then an hour after that a jack in the box and a spa. The pair didnt hurt anyone until they reach reached the 7eleven where they shot and killed campbell residents in an attempted carjacking. Abc7 news spoke to a witness who saw the whole thing, but didnt want to be identified. The guy stand in front of the car and shooting, shooting just like that one and two and three shots. Officers later spotted the suspect driving on 280. When they got off near kelly road, police say they got out of the car and started shooting at the officers. During the exchange, one officer was grazed at the hip by a bullet before Police Ultimately caught and arrested will banks. The individuals wanted to kill the police officers. I am absolutely proud of the work they did and the bravery they showed in pursuing these people. Again there is a 10,000 reward for information leading to this second suspect. Tips can be given anonymously. As for the injured officer he has been treated and released from the hospital. Lilian kim, abc7 news. Lilian, thank you. The man arrested at the airport for allegedly carrying bombmaking materials will be in court tomorrow. Jeffrey mcgann of Southern California was taken into custody on wednesday night. He had a watch with fuses and wires. He had also had layers of insoles which were two sizes too big. He said he is an artist and what he was carrying was art work. Mcbegans lawyer gave us a statement and he said in part artists have artistically and mcgann didnt have the materials to hire anyone. It has been a wet weekend, but right now it is looking dry outside. The question is will it last . Lets head to leigh glaser for a first check on weather and take a look at it. You can get a sense that while we are seeing mainly cloudy conditions out there, there are still some locations that are picking up a little moisture. Not all of what you are seeing is actually reaching the ground. We have had reports, santa rosa a little light rain. San francisco a few sprinkles there and as we head out toward the east bay, concord, walnut creek and moraga and even as far east as san ramon and even toward brentwood. Some of the low clouds producing some heavy mist and drizzle. We are definitely going to keep that in the accuweather forecast for this evening. Burlingame, san mateo and redwood city. A slight chance of some sprinkles and maybe just heavy mist and drizzle tonight and tomorrow morning. And the temperatures are starting to cool off a bit. We are in the 50s. Rain returns this week. Ill show you when you can expect it coming up. The death toll is climbing as there are more rocket attacks between israel and the gaza strip. Air raid sirens warned of more than a hundred rockets launched from gaza. More than 81 palestinians have been killed since last wednesday. Coming up at 11 oocht 30, 11 30, why there is growing concern of a ground attack. He is there and the first u. S. Leader ever to visit the Southeast Asian country with a history of authoritarian rule and ethnic violence. The president is meeting with the add vaw set and later will meet with the countrys president and Prime Minister in a show for recent democratic reforms. An east Bay Community gathered to mourn the anniversary of a local marines death. He was just 19 years old when he was killed in afghanistan. A memorial to joshua has been established in danville at the veterans building. Community support has helped joshuas parents get through a very difficult year. The community have gone over and above with what i think is normal in supporting us, loving us and showing fundraisers and letting us now how they have honored our sons life. The death should remind everyone that we have military serving overseas and they deserve our support. Tonight three boaters are thankful for Good Samaritans who helped when their small fishing boat capsized in Half Moon Bay. It happened in rough water a half mile offshore just before 9 00 this morning. A group of fishermen rescued two people before the harbor master picked up the third person from the overturned boat. The coast guard says the three victims were suffering from exposure, but did not appear to have any serious injuries. The black friday long lines have come to the bay area. Shoppers hoping to get great deals are camping out in pinole, and store Officials Say it is the earliest they have ever seen. Sergio is there live with the latest. Ama, there are already about a dozen people in line here in front of the best buy in pinole. One of the big deals they are hoping to cash in on is a flat screen tv that would usually go for about 500, and it is supposed to be marked down to 170. But everyone here says they are not just here for the deals. They brought along their books, their umbrellas, and there was even an intense domino game going on. All of this just outside the front door of best buy in pinole. This is the earliest the store says anyone has ever camped out here. You know, it is supposed to rain this week. Thats okay. We have umbrellas and a cover over our tent. Were okay. She is the first in line and next to her is her daughter. This is what they do every thanksgiving. My daughter has never sat at home and had thanksgiving dinner in a house. We have it in the parking lot every year. With that said she waited in a black friday line 16 years ago holding her then threemonthold daughter, and it has been their Family Tradition ever since. There is something comfortable about sitting at a table and having turkey and stuffing and that whole bit. There is something comfortable waiting in the cold for deals. If you think this all sounds ootle loop a little loopy here is perspective from this psychologist. Holidays are about families creating their own unique tradition. That one is really unique, but i bet they are not alone. I bet there are other families doing that. Shes correct. In line behind josette is vanessa velasquez. We saw tents out and my brother said to get out here because he wanted to be first in line. Thats what we are doing. Shes here with her brother and mother. There are already lines in front of stores in florida, wisconsin and Southern California. So waiting in a line like this is about getting a good deal this friday, but it is about more than that. When we people out here, it is like our family right here. According to recent number crunching, standing in line like this for a deal come black friday is actually not your best option to get a good deal. Uh according to their numbers, the lowest price for a 46inch flat screen tv is actually in october. Reporting live in pinole, abc news. Sergio, thank you so much. Check out abc7news. Com before you start your black friday shopping. We compiled a list of Stores Opening as early as thanksgiving day. You can browse our black friday sale ads. It is at abc7news. Com under see it on tv. San Francisco May be shedding some of the anything goes image when it comes to public nudity. The supervisors are scheduled to vote on an ordinance to prohibit mud tee in most public places. The new proposal will ban nudity for anyone five years old or up. They are scheduled to take up the proposal on tuesday. The board of supervisors will take up the problem with the muni system tomorrow. They are suffering from poor maintenance and a lack of investment and most of all issues issues with reliability. Muni had an on time rate of just 57 . As the popularity of the navy seals grows, so do the problems. Abc7 news i Team Reporter dan noyes is here with the investigation. Ama, it is called stolen valor. People posing at navy seals and claiming to be heros, and it is sky rocketing. I track down one imposter in the bay area. And new developments in the sex scandal that is rocking the cia. Tonight what action David Petraeus is now taking. And ringing in the holidays with the lighting of one of the first trees. And some showers tonight, but what will the weather be like for those black friday shoppers . Leigh navy seals have pulled off several highprofile missions in the last few years, and as a result the number of imposters, people posing as navy seals is soaring. Dan noyes tracked down one phony seal on the peninsula, and dan joins us with an i team investigation. Dan, you wouldnt think anyone would do this, but it happens. It is happening more and more. At first glance it may seem like a smallish you, a misguided soul who is trying to impress people. But to current and former navy seals and the family members of those who died serving their country, this is very important. They call it stolen valor. Members of the naff navys special Operations Force launch a daring nighttime raid killing osama bin laden. They captured somali pirates killing three with simultaneous head shots firing from boat to boat. Such exemployeds add to the legend of the navy seals, but they also have sparked a surge in the number of imposters. Make no mistakes. Seals are the number one targeted group for imposters. Everybody is a navy seal. Don is a real retired navy seal who runs a Training Camp in virginia. It is a prep course for young men planning to become seals and for others who just want to test themselves. But he has also made it his lifes mission to expose the phonies. This goes deep for you. Why . You know, you go to those memorial services. Im tired of going to them. They are tough. These are a cut above guys and they deserve that. Weve lost a lot of guys. He receives tips from seal imposters from across the country. He checks the names against this confidential database. Seal team 10, seal team 1. A list of all 18,000 men who served as navy seals or even passed buds, basic underwater demolition seal training. Shiply received a tip from the bay area about a 48yearold ike densmore. Nothing. Densmore does not appear in the seal database and i confirmed with the Naval Warfare command that he never participated in seal training. Yet he plastered his fake military history on media sites including linkedin. What do they get them on a job resume . Respect. It gets them to the head of the line. When you can put those four letters, seal, former retired it opens doors. He took it much further claiming to be a highly decorated veteran of navy seem teal 1 with a silver star, bronze star, three purple hearts and two unit citations and six navy accommodations. The stuff starts running up my skirt. You throw that impressive resume down there and you add the seal claims, and then you cant even spell commendation and i am not sure you even served. He reached him on his cell phone and grilled him about his service and poked holes in his story. I will be seeing you soon. Thanks a lot. Look, my website is extreme seal experience. Com. I am here in chesapeake, virginia. I see are you this california, but i hope you make it out this way. Jay he didnt back down. He didnt back down. A lot dont. They will take it to the grave with him. The bay area went to the bay area to investigate speaking with densmores former coworkers. Stan fong says his colleagues reacted with skepticism to densmores tails of being a navy seal. It doesnt add up. He is not long and lanky like most seals. He looked more like a couch potato than a navy seal. He says it was easy to dismiss until he are cked the big he considered the bigger issue. I think he is stealing from legitimate military veterans that could use a job by posing. When i reached him by phone he refused to answer any questions or sit down for an interview. So i tracked him to his menlo park home. I need to talk to you about your navy seal background. Dan, i have somewhere to be. Is it true you are a navy seal . I you are are you going to the v. A. Right now . Were you ever in the military . I followed him to the Palo Alto Department of Veterans Affairs where he is receiving services. I couldnt confirm what kind because of privacy laws and densmore wouldnt say. My freedom of information act in st. Louis confirms that densmore did serve in the military. He is no navy seal. He never even served in the navy, but in the army. Do you apologize for posing as navy seal . Apologize for a lot of things. How about apologizing for a navy seal. Do you wish you didnt do that . In all of my things there is one thing i learned about navy seals, unless you became good friends you would never know you met one. They dont brag. It would take five questions to ask. What do you do . Retired. What are you retired from . Navy. What ship . I wasnt on a ship. Where were you stationed . Little creek. What did you do . I was seal. They believe you were disrespecting the memory of those who fought and died. What do you say to that . I think they are all good guys. They dont feel the same about you. Don shiply gets 20 to 50 tips a day about fake navy seals and gets more from the bay area. If you have someone that you suspect call 18884 the i team or abc7news. Com. And i am posting good links on this story. I have also been working on another investigation we will bring on you abc7 news at 11. A family desperate for children trusted a local man to bring them happiness. But they say they were deceived. I tracked down the man who works as an adoption facilitator. Are you being straight about the kids families are adopt . G. What he said about the children that needed more than a good home. And what they uncovered about his adoption business. Thats tomorrow on abc news at 11 after castle. A sure sign the holidays are around the corner lit up the sky in San Francisco. We are so happy to have you here with us to help us kick off the holiday season. I think you recognize that voice. Abc7s Spencer Christian emceed the annual lighting of the Christmas Tree at pier39. The tree will stay lit until the first week of january. If you missed it, dont worry. You can catch the festivities during a half hour special on abc7 next sunday november 25th at 4 30. It was nice they actually the rain was not hurting anything. It was nice. It will be a little unsettled the next few days, and then the latter part of our holiday week, you are going to love it. Dry weather. We are going to warm things up a bit. As we stretch through thursday, friday, saturday, we will have to get through a little more rain before we get to that point. You can see from the High Definition east bay cam looking toward emeryville that we are seeing mist and drizzle. A little fog developing. Live doll leer 7hd has been picking up a little moisture rotating in. Santa rosa is developing a little light rain. Sfo right now is reporting a little light rain. This batch of light moisture is moving to the south and to the east as well. Livermore right now is picking up a little bit of mist and drizzle. You can see the green over that fremont and heading down toward mill pea dis. A possibility of some of this reaching the ground. Other parts of the very moist air mass is over us. What you see out there may not be reaching the ground. It may be vab operating evaporating before so. We will look for a chance of a few isolated showers around the bay area tonight and early tomorrow morning. Maybe just some mist and drizzle. Here is a look at current readings. 57 in San Francisco and napa at 53. 53 antioch and livermore and 55 right now in san jose. Folks, here is a look at our forecast. Drizzle fog overnight. Chance of sprinkles in the north bay for your monday. And then we will all return to some showery weather as we head into late tuesday and tuesday night and wednesday. Lows tonight with the clouds overhead. Maybe a few breaks. We will keep the north bay and east bay locations in the 40s. 50s as you head toward the coast as well as the peninsula. So here is the set up. We have a cold front to the north. A High Pressure is trying to nudge in. But you can see the bay area right here. It is pretty much sandwiched between these two systems. It looks like height will keep most of the rain well to the north of the bay area tomorrow. Expect a dry day. Of course the cough vee jot to that, the north bay communities could possibly see a stray shower. But the rest will be dry. It looks like right now it will be tuesday before this front starts to drop south. And then by 10 00 on tuesday night, thats when the rain will start to pick up in the north bay. 6 00 a. M. Wednesday morning and the entire bay area is starting to get wet. Good news is is that the system will move out of here on wednesday night and get ready for dry weather for your thanksgiving. And warmer temperatures as we head into thursday, friday and saturday. Highs for your monday in the north bay 50s there. Thats where we could possibly see a stray shower. Otherwise a picture of sun and clouds. We will go with 64 for watsonville. Gilroy 67. The accuweather sevenday forecast, thickening clouds on tuesday. Showers late. And then scats terred showers for wednesday scattered showers for wednesday and then warm up thanksgiving day back to the midto upper 60s especially as we head into the black friday shopping day. Abc7 morning news bringing you news 4 30 until 7 00 with the travel information and update on the forecast. Thank you, leigh. Shu is here with sports. There is a lot of speculation as to the future of the head coach and the bears loss to oregon state. We have reaction from the fo the raiders spotted drew brees and the saints 14 points and they came marching in. The us frustrating part of the losses is it is the same mistakes causing them the losses. Raiders gave up 97 points in the last two games. Now mcfaden in the threat of a run game and palmer has to air it out. Many of his passes are going to the wrong team. Jenkins pick six and 55 yards. Palmer threw for 305 yards and two picks and 140 saints. It was a 73yard kickoff return and he takes it is rest of the way. A 27yard touchdown. Saints up 287. 219 yards and adding to his record. 53 straight games. The raiders have a little game and palmer with a great throw and he makes a better catch. He goes 3,000 yards for the season, but the raiders fall to 3 and 7 losing 3817. We had our opportunities. We had our chances. Great teams finish and great teams when you have your opportunities like we have had in a number of games, in every game this year you capitalize on those. We havent done a good enough job on that. We have had some team wins here on this run. Both sides of the ball are stepping up when called upon. Great all around team victory. All right, there is a lot of speculation about his future. He met with the Athletic Director today after the loss to oregon state last night 6214 and ending the season with a 39 record. He is the winningest coach in their storied football history. It would take 6. 9 million to buy out his contract after eleven years at the helm. Two former cal bears have their coaches back. He is my guy and my head coach. I still think he has a bright future. He has been there for 10 years. He eight out of ten games he made it to bowl games. We will be fine. I am a big fan. He brought me in there and i will root for him. Whatever the Athletic Director decides it should be within the next 48 hours. After upset saturday, notre dame takes over the top spot. Alabama and georgia are 2 and 3 and will faceoff in the sec title game. Oregon drops to fifth and kansas state is 6th. After their loss to baylor and stanford moves up to number eight. We will hit the hardwood. And of course we have to break out our plays of the day and what a warriors have found out what it takes to be an elite team courtesey of the thunder. Durant out of control. Off the steel and easy money and a triple double. 25 points and 13 boards and 10 assists. Westbrook also a beast. Check out his athleticism. It hurts to watch. 9 best 12 punch in the nba. Stanford men hosted the bruins from the ohio valley conference. Belmont lead by as many as 14, but they wanted to erase the deficit. Stanford lead by one. Clark scored 11 of his 15. This sealed the deal. Stanford loses for the first time this year 7062 the final. All right, put on your seatbelt boys and girls. It is time for your plays of the day. Manning threw three td passes in the win over the chargers. Manning tied with his boss with 148 career wins. Bengal receiver green scored for the 9th straight game. In the end zone bapg gels win it 286. Defense and special teams helped the patriots stop the colts 5924. Luck threw two pick 6s and three td passes while ettleman returned this punt for 68 yards. Patriots are 73 on the year. He threw four td passes including this one where he hurled it as far as he could. Santana moss came down with it. We end with the Houston Texans who had to sweat it out against the jaguars. Matt schaub with the game winning touch. 14 catches and 273 yards. Thats my career stat. Those are your plays of the day. This sports report is brought to you by river rock casino. Thank you, shu. Still to come, hot sales for the newest video game consoles to hit the market. Find out why buyers will still have to wait to play. Plus, dont give up just yet. Good evening. Im ama dates. In tonights headlines, a 10,000 reward is being offered to find a second suspect in a san jose officerinvolved shooting. The two men killed an innocent bystander and wounded an officer in the violent end to a crime spree. Four businesses were robbed. The bystander was killed in an attempted carjacking. One suspect is in custody. A family of three was rescued off Half Moon Bay after their boat capsized. A Good Samaritan plucked two people out of the chilly water. The Harbor Patrol brought out the third person. All three were suffering from exposure. It has been a year since 19yearold marine Lance Corporal joshua coral from danville was killed in afghanistan. Family and friends held a memorial at the veterans building. His parents Say Community support have gotten them through a tough year. Right now rockets and missals are raining on israel and gaza as diplomats try to force a ceasefire. But the conflict could get more intense and bloody. We go now to jerusalem. Palestinians continue to fire rockets at israel and israel continues to retaliate. The casualties are mounting. This woman was pulled alive from the rubble. Others werent so lucky. The Palestinian Authority say 11 civilians died in this house including children. Israel says it was targeting a rocket mastermind. Israel blames hamas. It is obviously incredibly tense and despite the back and forth, we do get the impression that a huge amount of effort is being made to get a ceasefire. As the diplomats work for a ceasefire, netanyahu says his government is preparing to expand military operations. Israel is uh massing troops to the border for a possible ground invasion. In israel, the eerie wail of sirens echos in the streets. Three israelis have died so far in the hamas attacks. Two rockets struck these residential buildings in the southern city, but caused no serious injuries. Neither sideshows any sign of breaking the circle of violence. The former head of the cia has hired one of the top lawyers in washington to help him deal with the cia sex scandal. Petraeus will consult with the lawyer as he is investigated by the fbi. They want to know if Paula Broadwell had access to classified information. H this is broadwell back at her carolina home with her husband and two sons. She left while they searched her home for evidence. Those in washington are divided on how necessary it was petraeus step down if this is solely a sex scandal and no secrets leaked. I come from a tradition of original sin. None of us is perfect. The behavior is not acceptable. It is personally unacceptable behavior. Petraeus testified behind closed door on friday and apologized for the affair. And he told members of congress about what he knew about the september 11th attack on the u. S. Embassy in libya. The National Arts and Humanities Youth Program award will be given to an oakland youth program. They teachers and young adults about the media skills, how to make a video and broadcast journalism. Radio is a positive way for young people to, number one, take that time away from those areas and learn a skill and find their creative niche and artistic niche. It takes place tomorrow in washington, d. C. Four students with ties to the bay area have won the prestigious road scholarship at oxford university. The stanford senior majors in human by yule gee and by yule gee and rachel colb has a master in english. Yale senior katherine la port shiro is a native of lark spir and majors in ethics, politics and economics. Prominent road scholars are bill cline n to, kris stove fer son and bradley. St. Anthonys in San Francisco needs your help with just a few days to go, the charity needs 850 turkeys to meet the thanksgiving day goal of 1,000 turkeys. Also the charity is squeezing more into less this year. It is located for the time being in a dining room with little extra space. Local hotels have offered free storage to take the shoes, sock and things people dropping off. We invite you to be a part of the share your holiday food drive on december 12th. Meet the abc7 news team as we broadcast from around the bay area taking your donations for local food banks. For more information go to abc7news. Com community. Twinkie fans, there is no need to despair. They will likely survive. We will know more as hoss tess starts the process of selling itself in bankruptcy court. The company decided to liquidate rather than restructure. Hostess brings in 3 billion in annual revenue. They believe another company will most likely buy the dingdong and hoho portion of hostess. And the latest video game to hit the market and how does the new wiiu stack up against other consoles. And the bay area surprise at tonights American Music awards. Well show you who stepped in. And right now much of the bay area seeing clouds overhead. Live doppler hd is picking up a little moisture out there. We will check on that. If you are traveling, a great da Justin Bieber was the big winner, but an iconic bay area performer was the show stopper at tonights American Music awards. Oh, you cant hear them, but that is mc hammer. Two decades after he blasted on the scene oaklands own mc hammer busted a move gangham style with korean sensation psy to close the show. Bieber won three awards including artist of the year. Among the performances highlighting the event at the nokia theater, Stevie Wonder singing a tribute to the late dick clark. And the wiiu hits stores today and in someplaces it is sold out. It has a handheld game pad that brings a Second Screen into the game and a new graphics package that brings things like call of duty to life for the wii. But the wiiu is facing its own war against the other major video game consoles fighting for a spot in your living room. Jonathon bloom has a look at how nintendos wiiu stacks up against the competition. There are more games coming out this winter. And dan will buy all of them. Video games are not just his hobby. They are his job. As editorinchief of games beat he is required to have this playstation 3 and 2, and x boxes and will be in line for the nintendo wiiu. I think they are doing the right thing with the wiiu by trying something different. It is the first home gaming console with a touch screen controller. It has the hd graphic and the lifelights lifelike shooting game that was missing from the original wii. That recipe for success . They will have a tough time competing against microsoft and sony. Sonys playstation 3 have both been out a few years and their followers are fiercely loyal. Having a ps1, 2 and 3. Is there anything that could get you to switch to a x box 360 or a wiiu . And though it will have games with blood and bullets, it has been too good at marketing to families. I am a single man. I like the playstation 3. Which console was the best . Well, there is not really a clear answer. More than anything it depends on what you plan to do with it. They are very comparable in terms of power and what kind of games they played. They have familyfriendly stuff and they are more well known for their hard core stuff. Shu says if you want to play online with other people, x box could be your choice. He says x box live is the most thriving online game service, but it will cost you 50 a year. Playstations Online Service is free. And while both consoles let you watch netflix they say the playstation is more elegant to watch movies on and the only one that doubles as a blue ray player. It also has more games from small independent up publishers. So what about the wiiu . Some stereo types are true. You have a family, kids, the wiiu is the best way to go. You know the Nintendo Games will be there and mario will have a presence on wiiu. But the console war is heating up. But the games are moving from your sofa to your cell phone. They are becoming cheap or even free. And shu wonders how much longer these 300 boxes with their 60 games will be able to survive. Is there a future for a traditional stand alone dedicated home console that plugs into your tv in the living room . Well have to see. Jonathon bloom, abc7 news. Not all of the expected entertainment features will be available right away. Nintendos new service, tv, that promises to incorporate tv shows and sports wont be activated until december. Nintendo hasnt given a reason for the delay. Happy birthday to mickey mouse. Can you believe he is 84 years old today . It was 1928 when walt disneys first sound synchronized film Steamboat Willie premiered in new york. Disney is the Parent Company of abc7 news. Now over to leigh glaser with one last look at the forecast. Checking in with live doppler 7 real quickly, and we have been getting a few showers and much is starting to evaporate and it will shrink. It is mainly north of the golden gate bridge. A terrific day tomorrow. If you are traveling you will see the showers off the east coast, and we have showers that are bookmarking the pacific northwest. Much of the rest of the country will be dry tomorrow. 53 for washington, d. C. Chicago may be a few spotty showers, 58. Denver some sunshine. 63 in dallas. 73 degrees. 78 for phoenix and portland with some rain and 55. Around california, get ready for a little bit of fog tomorrow morning through the Central Valley area. It could slow your commute down or your travel time if you are heading in that direction. 66 and 67 for los angeles as well as san diego with afternoon sun and clouds. Sacramento some rain expected tomorrow. 67 degrees in lake tahoe and thickening clouds. A chance of a few sprinkles and maybe a stray shower near lake level as the temperature there will be 47 degrees. Now, lets look ahead. It is a big week ahead. Tuesday, we will see some thickening clouds around here. Showers return to the bay area tuesday night and wednesday. And then thats it, folks. We will be dry thursday, friday, saturday and sunday. So enjoy your thanksgiving. We will also be dry for the niners game tomorrow night. Go niners. Thank you, leigh. And shu is here with sports. And maybe they can spell oscar for jim harbaugh. How do coaches and players translate it to the big by now have you probably seen the commercial with jim harbaugh and the 49ers who is giving the speech in place of harbaugh. I want 100 commitment. Who are we . 49ers. Ya ya what the heck is going on in here . Sorry, coach. I just got a little carried away. Jim harbaugh and Patrick Willis spoke about their speech to a group of coaches. I asked patrick if it was hard not to laugh during the filming. It was tough, but they gave us the luxury to be able to laugh and what we thought was funny and whatnot. That guy is a funny guy. I didnt know he was an actor until after the fact. I thought he was really a fan. When he started doing his speech i thought this guy is about to cry right now. He was great guy and it was a great shoot. Rate your performance as an actor. Average. Midto fair. It was a neat team experience. It is not exactly how we do things. The part of us all coming together and looking into each others eyes before we play. Thats real. Fun stuff. The raiders cant get out of their own way. Drew brees just ripped them apart. The frustrating part of the losses, same old mistakes. The silver and blacks losing streak is now three games. The raiders have given up 97 points the last two games. Without mcfadden, well, they have to throw the ball. Palmer airs it out and jenkins with a pick six and returns it 55 yards. Palmer threw for 325 yards and has two picks and they are up 140 just like that. Drew brees 2027. Add to his nfl record of 53 straight games with a td pass. Look at this throw to lance moore. Raiders did end with a bang. He makes a better catch. Palmer goes over 3,000 yards and the raiders fall to 3 and 7 and losing to the saints 3817. We had our opportunities and we had our chances. Great teams finish and great teams when you have your opportunities like we have had and every game this year, you capitalize on those. We havent done a good enough job on that. His future is on the line at cal after his bears lost to oregon state. 6214 and ending the season with a 39 record. He is the winningest coach in the storied history. It takes 6. 9 million to buy out his contract after 11 years at the helm. At least two former cal bears have the coaches back. He is my head coach back when i was at cal. I still think he has a bright future. He has been there for 10 years. 8 out of 10 years we have made it to the bowl game. We will be fine. Im a big fan. He brought me in there and i will always root for him. The warriors on the hardwood and they are finding out how far to go to be an elite team. They call him the durancula and he had a tripledouble. Russell westbrook was also a beast. This hurts to watch. He had 30 points and the best 12 punch in the nba. The warriors are 5 and 5 with a 10point loss. The final race of the nascar season was a battle between johnson 1k3 calf losk key for the championship. To miami we go. Jimmy johnson and at one po nie t lead the race. He had to return and of course he loses time. Shortly thereafter he had a part failure. His race was over and his chance to win the cup. Thatment all he had that do was finish and the championship was his. Johnsons teammate jeff gordon won the race. He finishes 15th and clinched the sprint cup championship. The first of the it was 8yearold from detroit and the first from penske racing. Only a team can do that. And these guys up here, they make me big enough, and they make me fast enough to do anything we want to do. It is because of these guys. I cant be here without them. And this sports report is brought to you by river rock casino. 49ers and the bears on monday night football. Smith will be a game time decision after his concussion last week and we will know something on tetford in the next 48 hours. Thank you, shu. Thats it for th the abc news. For leigh glaser and mike shumann and awful us here, thank you for joining us. Thank you for joining us. Havee rosenbergs i cant be anything without you dont you know . cause we go together

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