Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100AM 20170719

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in that second floor in a bedroom up there. now the official word from the fire department is this is still under investigation. they have their suspicions. the people living here had just been evicted, that were forced out last night, and the fire started right after midnight. residents say this huge fire overnight in walnut creek was scary, but not a surprise. >> it's suspicious to me. >> reporter: people living in this condominium complex say the woman and her boyfriend who were renting this unit have caused problems ever since they moved in last fall. >> dirty, filthy, always up late at night. making noise at night. there was a lot of traffic coming in and out. >> reporter: neighbors described domestic violence, dog bites, erratic behavior, and many visits from the police department. >> just like yelling at people. telling people not to snitch. using racial slurs. just not, not okay. >> it's been a very hard burden to have to go this road with them because whatever's happened to them is happening to our community. >> reporter: residents and property manager say the tenants were just evicted. hours later, the fire started. >> they were supposed to be out yesterday. and that's all we know. and we feel really sorry for the people below because they had left with a sad situation. >> reporter: eight people were displaced by the fire. that does not include the woman of her boyfriend. their unit has fire damage, four other homes have smoke and water damage. >> that's scary. yeah. because there's families -- there's a lot of families here. like i raised my kids here. and so, yeah, i'm glad they're gone though. >> reporter: fire officials tell me no one was in this unit when the fire started. they are still talking to people so they can reconstruct the scene and figure out exactly how this fire started. live in walnut creek, amy hollyfield, abc 7 news. >> thank you. we are also tracking news out of mary poe is a county, this raging wild fire is moving so fast it's outpacing firefighters. it's really just exploding right now. it nearly doubled in size overnight. now at more than 45,000 acres, and this is just 7% contained. call fire says it's technology just can't keep up with how fast the fire is growing. it's threatening nearly 5,000 homes. the gvrnl declared a state of emergency. evacuation orders are in place. thousands of firefighters are working the lines and more are on the way, including strike teams from six bay area counties. abc 7 news reporter matt keller live to explain the effort by santa clara county, matt. >> reporter: firefighters from the santa clara fire department left at 3:00 to head to the fire and they have no idea when they'll return home. when thousands of homes are threatened by massive wild fire and the whole town of mariposa is under evacuation orders, help is needed. this morning dozens of firefighters from santa clara county fire agencies answered the call and headed to the fire just outside of yosemite. they face a stiff challenge. >> if it's getting into the mortality area, you're talking about dead, large stands of dead trees that are never going to come back. provides a significant fuel source. big timber fuel source. >> reporter: san jose, mountainview, santa clara, palo alto, sunnyvale, and milpitas make up the strike teams. they'll pitch in on the front lines as long as they're needed. but the firefighters staying behind are also working extra hard during fire season. >> we sent 40 firefighters out, that leaves 40 spots here at home that have to be filled. oftentimes filled with overtime. >> reporter: base camp is at the merced county fire grounds, once arriving there, they'll receive the assignment. matt keller, abc 7 news. >> certainly wish them luck. thank you. better news in the south bay, crews are expecting full containment of the eden fire in saratoga by tonight. two fire engines remain at the scene overnight to monitor hot spots. at last check, it was 75% contained and held at ten acres burned. santa clara county fire says it recovered this drone suspected of grounding a cal fire helicopter on monday, shortly after the fire broke out. reminder here, flying drones over fires is illegal, the operator could now face charges. arson investigation is under way in antioch after several small suspicious fires overnight. they popped up near the contra costa county fairgrounds. about five fires happened within a one mile radius. it was mainly grass and brush. investigators eliminated natural causes, so now they're looking at whoever was responsible. new details on last week's massive fire at a commercial complex in lafayette. investigators with contra costa county fire protection district tell abc 7 that they think it possibly started by a cigarette in the patio area of a restaurant. the fire destroyed nine businesses on lafayette circle, including the chamber of commerce. officials estimate the flames caused more than a million dollars worth of damage. new this morning, a maintenance problem caused a united airlines flight to come back to san francisco a few hours ago. sky 7 was overhead when flight 408 to washington landed safely at sfo. and airport fire truck followed that boeing 777 as it returned to the gate. the airline says the plane encountered a mechanical problem and flight and had to return to sfo to get a repair. passengers are being rebooked on other flights to d.c. sheriff's detectives need your help with the investigation of a fatal shooting. this is one of the main pieces of evidence right now. surveillance image two of people wearing masks and hoodies. they're both considered persons of interest in the shooting death of a man in kelseyville earlier this morning. they say someone called 911 around 3:30 a.m. to report someone inside their house. when deputies got there, they found a man dead in that house. detectives say the north end of state street is going to be closed indefinitely because of that investigation. it's happened again. a mob of teens on the attack. this time, they targeted a woman on a san francisco muni bus. and abc 7 news got the exclusive with the victim. it all happened yesterday near mcallister. the mob stole a woman's purse. so she ran off the bus. another passenger got the purse. our abc 7 news crew happened to be there covering a muni attack that took place the previous day. the good samaritan gave our crew the purse and we caught up with the victim as she was talking to police blocks away. >> hitting my head. like four of them. and i said, don't do that to me. that's what you learn in school? i even told them. >> police say the suspects are all in their late teens, early 20s. investigators are now looking through surveillance video in hopes of identifying those suspects. now to o.j. simpson's possible release from prison after serving nine years for armed robbery. the 70-year-old will face a nevada parol board tomorrow. matt gutman is there with the surprise witness expected to testify on o.j.'s behalf. >> reporter: new details this morning about o.j. simpson's upcoming parol hearing which could set him free after nine years at this prison in the nevada wilderness. simpson was convicted of a botched robbery against bruce and his friend in 2007. an atte, to get back his personal memorabilia. we last saw the former heisman winner and movie star four years ago. apologizing for his actions in this 2013 parol hearing. >> i didn't know i was doing anything illegal, so i'm sorry. >> reporter: we expect to hear from a now 70-year-old o.j. simpson at thursday's parol hearing which will be streamed live to the public. he'll have a few family members with him inside, along with his lawyer and that victim, bruce froman tells abc news, he will speak in support of simpson. craig got him regularly during his first three years behind bars, as a prison guard. >> would you say that he was a model prisone? >> i would say, yeah, he's still an inmate, but he wasn't a problem child like some of the other ones were. >> reporter: he's reportedly impeccable conduct in prison, something the parol board will consider when making it's decision. in 1995 -- >> not guilty of the crime of murder. >> reporter: simpson was famously acquitted in the brutal slayings of his ex-wife, nicole brown, and her friend, ron goldman. a case the parol board is supposed to ignore. >> and that was matt gutman reporting. abc news is going to carry o.j. simpson's parol hearing live. we'll have full coverage of the hearing on air and online. this is supposed to start tomorrow at 10:00 a.m., again, right here on abc 7 on our abc 7 news app and on our website, stepping up security for flights between the u.s. and mexico. the safety check just announced. then a warning for people in the south bay. why they're being told to keep an extra close eye on their mail. and finally, a fix for san francisco's sinking millennium tower. the option now being considered to stabilize that troubled high-rise. good morning to you, sunshine being revealed at the coast. although it is chilly in the low 60s. we'll look at a warmer day today inland and talk about the warmest this mom's house is getting a makeover. >> wow, man. that's a huge gift. >> see who's behind it next "right this minute." 811 is a free service to keep our community safe. before you do any project big or small, pg&e will come out and mark your gas and electric lines so you don't hit them when you dig. call 811 before you dig, and make sure that you and your neighbors are safe. 811 is available to any business our or homeownerfe. to make sure that you identify where your utilities are if you are gonna do any kind of excavation no matter how small or large before you dig, call 811. keep yourself safe. happening now, rescue crews resuming their search for a missing boater in marin county. crews recovered his boat near the hog island oyster company in marshall. fire officials say the missing 70-year-old man works for the company and was farming for oysters. crews from four different agencies searched by water and air yesterday. they say the missing man is a strong swimmer, but was not wearing a life jacket. there are new details this morning on san francisco's millennium tower. now it's still sinking, and tilting, but tlhere could be a fix. a couple of engineering firms suggest drilling 50 to 100 new clusters of steel pipes from the buildings basement down into bedrock in order to stabilize the building and prop it back upright. it's not going to be cheap. we're talking about between 100 and $150 million. residents would be able to stay during the repairs. the high-rise has dropped 17 inches and tilted 14 inches since construction began in 2005. this morning, people in the south bay are being warned to check their bank accounts after thieves broke into four mail trucks. 350 people in willow glenn and san jose have been notified they could be victims. the postal inspector says the thieves broke in when the carrier stepped away to make a delivery. some residents told us they have moved a lot online rather than through the mail, of course they're still concerned about this crime. >> we don't know what you don't know. and we got stuff from our insurance company and so we were waiting for an authorization, and so we were like, well, did it take getten tap and. >> it is a federal felony to break into a postal vehicle and steal mail. the postal service is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to an irs in this case. new morning, new travel guidelines that you have to know about if you're going to head to mexico soon. cnn is reporting passengers on all direct flights to mexico will have to go through an extra security screening for electronic devices. this applies to anything bigger than a cell phone. so we're talking about ipads and laptops. mexico made the announcement late last night after getting word from homeland security here in the u.s. so far, the department hasn't said what's prompting that beefed up security. still to come here on abc 7 news. call it the surprise of a lifetime. i am telling you, this thing is going to make you teary eyed in a good way. these kids at disney world think that it can't get better than meeting mickey mouse, but it does. the must-see moment they're going to remember forever. here's a live look right outside at the energy conscious whopeople among usle? say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. hi there everyone, our natural air conditioner has settled in well this week bringing some cooling and as we look at live doppler 7 now, it's beginning to retreat a bit. it'll fluctuate in the next several days bringing ups and downs to our temperatures. overall it's the weekend that is going to bring back some warmth inland. we'll time that out for you, but first i want to show you what's going on in the tropics. several hurricanes and tropical depressions. now a couple are going to link up. as we go through the next several days, you'll notice that greg and fernanda continue to weaken. there's hawaii, good rain next week. and some high surf. but, this will be certainly a much, much weaker system when it gets closer to the island. so we have that going for us. we will look for the possibility of that high surf there. so from our east bay hills camera, hazy out there. but we've got 63 in the city. just in time for the game. 65 in oakland. you too will have a midday game. and numbers in the south bay, low to mid-70s down through gilroy, 76, and half-moon bay trying to get sun at 62. here's novato, upper 70s in concord. it's warming up good here. 76 in livermore, finally from emeryville, beautiful day today with the athletics hosting and looking at temperatures in the low 70s by the time the game ends at about 3:30, 4:00. bit warmer today. we will see the numbers come up today, down tomorrow, and then it looks like the weekend, one day, saturday, looks to be the warmest day. and we'll have some moderately warm temperatures by sunday. but in livermore, right now we are looking at temperatures right around average in the upper 80s. then notice the dip for thursday and then friday, just a little bit of a recovery. so it looks like when the heat comes back, we're not going to see the numbers well over 100 like we have. so here's a look at the fog bank, retreats and quickly comes back in. move across the bay tonight. and that'll allow for some cool numbers. so in the south bay, look for about 80 today in santa clara, peninsula numbers, upper 70s in redwood city. so we're getting a little bit warmer there in san francisco, 67, little breezy, 87, santa rosa, that's the big warm-up in the north bay. 72 in oakland. you head inland, 89 in livermore, and tonight, 2350u are back, good sleeping weather and the seven day forecast features some pretty nice weather. you can download our app, and the accuweather app and that'll allow you to track the cooldown and the warm-up headed our way. >> i was in santa rosa this weekend when it was 104 degrees. >> idea you do that? >> it was still a great time. i love being in sonoma county no matter what, but, whew. >> that's rough. >> nice little break. thank you. santa clara county valley water district is hoping to build a new reservoir that would provide with water to half a million people. it wants to buy ranch land to construct the reservoir between gilroy and the san luis river. the property is for sale. supporters of the plan say the reservoir would hold enough water to meet the needs of $650,000 for a year. casual car poolers were rewarded this morning with a sweet treat. car poolers waiting for rides on oakland avenue received donuts and starbucks gift cards from the bay area air district's spare the air team. it's all part of the district's campaign to get more people to car pool to work. the drivers were also given goodies by the way. march poll by area council found 83% of voters wanted the worsening gridlock to be treated like an emergency. many people believe that disney world is the most magical place on earth, but what happened to these two foster children is going to convert even the biggest non-believers, i am telling you, this is short little video is going to make your day. it's next. copdso to breathe better,athe. i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. ♪go your own way get your first prescription free at now a health alert involving a potential risk for any of you who take spin classes. the "new york times" highlights a very rare, but extremely painful condition. kristina says that she couldn't walk. her musclings were swollen, and then her kidneys started to fail all after taking her very first spin class. >> appropriate exercise causes good muscle breakdown and builds muscle, but when you overexert yourself, when you do something your body's not used to, when you go just too far, that can cause massive muscle breakdown. >> as for kristina, she's made a full recovery. she is working out again and encouraging others to listen to their bodies. here's a look at abc 7 news at 4:00. the technology that could change how alzheimer's patients are treated. how a simple scan can make a very big difference. and tonight on abc 7 news at 5:00, a california congressman with a peculiar question for nasa. is there an ancient civilization on mars? back here on earth at the magic kingdom, well, we thought things couldn't get anymore magical and then this happened. a brother and sister had no idea what mickey and his helpers at wallet disney world were about to give them. watch as they find out their foster parents who took them to the park that day are about to adopt them. >> adoption. >> hotdog, congratulations! >> i can't take it. this is the third time i've seen this, and i'm tearing up again at work. 12-year-old janelle and ten-year-old elijah break into tears while they're new forever family watches them take in the news. look at them, they all took a photo with mickey. the adoption process took three years, they posted that emotional video on facebook, and they're calling the moment pure disney magic. disney is the parent company of abc 7. i'm just so proud of that family. i can't -- it's a good thing we're out of time. the two of us are about to weep. >> yeah, we have to go. we rbut we are not victims.ack. we are survivors. we are survivors. we are survivors. and now we take brilinta. for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack. we take brilinta with a baby aspirin. no more than one hundred milligrams... it affects how well brilinta works. brilinta helps keep platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. in a clinical study brilinta worked better than plavix®. brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. or dying from one. don't stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor,... ...since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent,... ...heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily,... ...or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers,... ...a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. slow heart rhythm has been reported. tell your doctor about bleeding,... or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. if you recently had a heart attack, ask your doctor about brilinta. my heart is worth brilinta. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca... ...may be able to help. my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locafor pg&e.rk fieldman most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. >> to win on this show, you need three things: brains, guts, and an industrial-strength antiperspirant. you ready? let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic music] ♪ hey, everybody. welcome to the show. are you guys ready to play "millionaire" today? [cheers and applause] receiving perfect scores on both the act and sat almost every year, we're gonna continue to put our returning contestant to the test on this stage. from berwyn, pennsylvania, please welcome back steve odabashian. [cheers and applause] what's up, dude? >> hey. [laughs] >> i thought since you already had $50,000, you were just gonna take off, just run, just get out of here. >> whoo. >> welcome back. >> thanks for having me. >> impressive, so sats, acts, just ace 'em, no problem. >> either i do, or i am very,

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Mexico , New York , United States , New Reservoir , Marin County , California , Mountainview , Oakland , Washington , Santa Clara County , Berwyn , Pennsylvania , Sonoma County , Togo , San Francisco , Hawaii , Santa Clara , Jamir Dixon , Mary Poe , Matt Keller , Matt Gutman , Simpson Craig ,

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