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Seniorst. Starting today, 20 to 30 inspectors from the office of Emergency Services are at work. 208 patiented have been tweeted at queen of the valley hospital. The wine train is not running but it will be back up tomorrow. All Unified School District campuses are closed. Red Cross Evacuation Center is open with again staying at shelter last night. We are waiting for a News Conference and our reporter is in napa, standing by. Vic . What you are seeing is the. [ inaudible ] we are having trouble hearing him and we apologize. But vic is waiting for the News Conference any moment. We have Team Coverage of the aftermath of the earthquake and we will move on to that with matt keller on the air first yesterday and he said there was an update to the damage. And now the young teen who was seriously injured by a falling fire place and we begin with Amy Hollyfield where inspectors with office of Emergency Services checking for damage to the buildings. They are not in recovery mode yet. They are in assessment mode trying to keep everything safe if you look down the street you can see they are not sweeping up breaks but putting up a fence around it and they are out in force today just checking on the damage one more time. Inspectors are doing another sweep to look again for cracks in buildings and see if there was Movement Since the earthquake. The mayor says they are making good progress. We have so many building inspectors i was surprised. They can get to everyone today with all of the teams they have in police. When you know something you can deal with it. They red tagged 33 buildings yesterday and we will revisit them today and check on others they could not get to including a restaurant. We were closed yesterday and we are not sure if we can open any time soon. Inspectors are responding to residents with want their homes looked at and they have a high profile name on their list. I have to go home and have them check my house. The inspectors are calm and thorough and that is helping everyone. There is a lot of outside support. She has received emails from mayors all over the world offering to help. There is a feeling of everyone helping out, saying if you go one foot in front of the other you will get there and that is what we we are doing the mayor is not sleeping in her home and looking at this from two perspectives, trying to get the beat up downtown back in order and running again and he is trying to pull other own house together and getting it into order. She says the city will start today formulating a recovery land and will start cleaning up areas it is appropriate. Right now, here in the downtown area, they are still in assessment mode. Thank you. This is the News Conference from officials on the south napa earthquake. Yesterday we had injuries related to the earthquake and most of the injuries are orthopedic but new patients have been treated since 11 oclock p. M. Sunday and no fatalities. I believe we are down to one critical. I dont have the details. The very impressive progressive with the electric and gas. Pg e has flooded the city with resources and usually when i say flooding it is not good news but if this case it is. We had 70,000 residents yesterday after the earthquake that did not have power. When we finished yesterday we down to 15,000. As of an sure ago we had less than ten customers in town that did not have power. We are in the next hour or two going do have full recovery in terms of power and gas. All of the gas lines have been breaks that were complaints of potential leaking there have been checked and the issues have been resolved. What pg e is doing is using technology and covering all of the city streets and going upanddown with gas enoughing truck to detect if this is leaking going on and he have established a 15 number for any of their customers that are conditioned there could be gas looks or they enwhat the execute of knowing their suspect is working and they doing those checks. I can give you a number we appreciate the effort. Clean up has begun in the residential and commercial communities and we have established drop boxes at, i believe, 18 drop boxes in various schools throughout the difficult and in city parks. We have a list that shows where all those are. People are nudged to use those. We are having our reporter routinely go through the system and make sure this is Space Available throughout the day and evening. The other items i will turn over to key staff. Let me introduce our Community Development director. My last name is tooker. I am the City Development director and i will have a few issues in our materials for you, one on the city of facilities and programs. Some of the buildings we have looked at, the senior city, it has been red tagged and that cannot be accessed by the public. The Community Services building which houses my office and public works and otherty facilities is yellow tagged. We are cleaning up now. That is not open to the public the parking gar programs have been inspected. They are open. The other city facilities are open. There are updates on information such as youth services. We have at 4300 linda vista drop off programs available for schoolaimed children from 9 00 a. M. To 3 00 p. M. And the kennedy master plan which is something we are working on had a meeting today which was canceled while we focus our energy on the earthquake response. Another item i want to provide an update on is the shelters. We set up a shelter, the red cross set up a shelter at Crosswalk Community church west of highway 29 and i understand from information submitted to us that 15 people spent the night at the shelter last night. With regard to my office and who is conducting the inspection we have had a large number of volunteers and we have inspectors canvassing the remaining areas. We had a total of 30 volunteers and 30 of our own staff canvassing in the field the areas. They are looking to identify damaged buildings and presently tag them and free up buildings that could appear to have damage that are okay to enter and occupy. They started the work and we got them out the door by 8 00 or 8 30 after starting at 7 00. They red tagged 16 additional buildings. Their work is not complete. They will extend through the end of the day. We are certain to see an increase in that number. There over 100 yellow tags. For clarity the difference between red and yellow tag, the yellow tag is a warning saying that an owner, whether a business or rot owner or tenant, can go into the building in a limit way and clean it and get it to a place where it is not dangerous. In other words, clean up broken glass and remove materials that fell from the celling but it cannot be occupied until the building is reinspected by our inspectors and cleared. A red tag is higher level of security. Essentially, that is a damaged building that cannot be occupied. It cannot be occupied by a Business Owner or a prosecute owner, or a tenant, until an engineer or qualified professional assesses that. They can contact the chief Building Official and www. Www. Dkabarian city me. Any questions for rick . Then we will took it over to our public works director. Jack is my name and i will start with an update on the water. Yesterday we had 50 look we knew of and today it is growing new to 90 leaks. That is pretty were stabilizeed. We had a set of crews, there were five crews out last night working all night. At 4 45 this morning eight of the leaks were fixed. Today we have ten crews would being to fix the leaks. We have requested and received a mutual aid contract that allows us in for the Warning System of california which is water, Wastewater Agency Response Network which has four additional agencies helping us out from alameda county, Contra Costa County water district, east bay mud and the city of fairfield and we are appreciative of those folks. As we repair the line, folks will lose water service. When that happens, and you want to use the water for drinking or cooking, we suggest you use bottled water; or, two, boil water for one minute; or, we have two water stations, one on pearl street near downtown and the access is open new to get to it, and the other is on linda vista drive north of town. With respect to roads, there is a neighborhood west of town that experienced some significant cracks long the roads. On 4th street we are repairing those right now. It will be a simple fix, what you saw on the state highway yesterday and those fur streets include white cliff circle, twin oaks, meadowbrook drive and sanity brooke sandy [ drive. All the bridges did okay but one pedestrian bridge has been closed, that is the pedestrian bridge between koons and clinton street. The bridge is in good shape but the Foundation Level we noticeed the shearing. It is probably fine but we will close it for now. Downtown, i have a map that shows closings of downtown. There are some copies on the back table if you would like to see them. Again we are closing the streets because of the activities and debris perhaps coming from the safety per expectative at wilson and me at 2nd. And 1st from school, and a portion of main street from 3rd up to clinton and the side streets in between are also closed. It is a fairly dynamic situation with the downtown secrets. Our goal, if things are cleared and it is safe to traverse those streets, we will open those as quickly as possible. That is it for public works update. In the back of the room we have a lit of the red tagged buildings if you want to use that as a reference there were questions yesterday about the specifics and there is a brief description of why those buildings have been red tagged. At this time i would like to introduce mike randall, our fire chief. Thank you, mike randolph, randolph. A busy 30 hours for emergency response. Fire service ran over 360 calls during the first 30 hours. 92 of the calls were gasrelated calls or the smell of gas; 50 were power line issues; we had 50 fires. The most significant was the Mobile Home Park up north where four of the mobile homes were completely destroyed and two were partly destroyed. Other smoke investigations and Hazardous Materials incident and, also, a total of 80 medical calls during that timeframe obviously Napa Fire Department did not do all the work by itself. We had great partners with our napa police and American Canyon fire and napa county fire and c amount l fire and marin fire and santa rosa four and pg e and amr and o. E. S. So it was a huge load but fortunately for us all of our folks came back to work. We had excellent help from our persons. We have been in the process of responding to the disaster in emergency mode since yesterday morning. We are hoping by tomorrow there will be, again, the recovery phase of this effort as we wind down responding. We should have the entire city inspected and a good feel for the work that hayes ahead by the end of day. Recovery starts tomorrow. Then well look at permitting and getting people back into the homes and working with the downtown businesses and paying sure they have places to park and the people are safe. With that, i will on the floor to any questions you might have. Rick, could you talk about the buildings that sustained damage that are due to be retrofitted or had not been yet . That question has been asked before. Essentially the city has had an active site program for retrofitting buildings approximately two dozen that existed. All but six had been repaired and retrofitted. Of the six, three were in the process of going through design and implementation. Three were not. The three that were not were low that were damaged substantially on brown street. Thank you. The building that is probably the iconic building we have seen a lot in the coverage, that was reinforced, that building . On which street . That is one of the buildings that was reinforced, yes. Was it reinforcement on the top and the bottom or motions made on the wall . I dont have the level of detail at this point to know the construction that occurred. We know what we see from the welcome but we are not at the point to explore the buildings that have had the damage to assess why the damage occurred so mike is saying we still in the assessment mode and we will have to explore that after we get feedback. [ inaudible ] there are a lot of factors that go interest earthquakes and repair work. I would not make that conclusion until we drill into that property later. There were ten initial red tags; is that in addition to the 33 . Yes, there were 16 this morning that are in addition to the 33 wreck tagged yesterday. That information was through 10 00 or 10 30 this morning. We are liable to see a few more. We are at 49 right now . Correct. We have not been keeping a close number on yellow tagged because the numbers are larger. What is important is the buildings we do not want people to be need. We have assigned in theness we have circulated is over 100 and that number is presumably going to go up as long as there are inspecters during day. What is the situation with fire hydrants and water pressure . Is there a concern about having adequate water pressure if you had a fire . The question was, if we were to have a fire would i be concern about water pressure in the city of napa and the answer is, no, i am not concerned now. Unfortunately, we do have parts of our system that are abled. We have an older community. That being the case, i feel very comfortable with our hydrant and support system. Can we talk about water for a second. Dough we have an estimate how many people in napa are without water . We have encountered 600 prosecutes there have been affected the timeline forgetting water back is wednesday or thursday . Correct. With all the mutual aid we are getting we are looking at wednesday or thursday the crews doing a great job. [ inaudible ] is there going to be an effort in the next two or three weeks to do a complete assessment all the serious structures in the city . [ inaudible ] question is, are we going to look at the condition of our infrastructure as we move forward . The answer is, yes. As we are going through and analyzing the damage, at the same time it gives us the tune to see how the system is working under stress and where can we build in redundancy for other improves to either avoid the problems we had or provide improvements and better links. Are there lessons to be learned . When you face Something Like this you learn a lot and we are trying to take advantage of that. We are going to do debriefings regularly, what issues did we identify, and what we can do. We all belong to professional objections and share the information. This could contribute when it is a clash a collaborative process. People are using cool water to plush their toilets and a manager of a store contacted state and said there is no priority for where the water is dressed before someone else. Is that true . Is there a priority list for which water users were addressed . There were 295 residents at this Mobile Home Park and should be on a priority list. As far as priority we are look at multifamily locations. Our crews are looking at an area that is around the freeway drive, sonoma, old sonoma road with a lot of apartment come politics and it is near a school. I can tell you with continue crews out we are doing our level best to get everyone back as quickly as possible. Is there a priority list . We have a list of location we are doing and it is flexible. We can get you that list of all of the hoaxes if you would like. Many of us reports in our encounters yesterday, and quite a few residents whose homes remain damaged who had no earthquake insurance. There is a tremendous legal of anxiety as to what to do or where to get help. What kind of services are available to these people . Does the Governors State of emergency provide that kind of service your local state of emergency helps . The declaration of emergency at the local, state, and federal legal are essential in providing Necessary Services to people that are in need. We are hoping to get the federal declaration very soon. When i mentioned that we were planning to jump into the recovery face in the next couple of days, that is what we talking about be setting up a election where people can come for assistance, being able to bring if resources to explain what resources are available and to help walk them through the red tape required and cut through the red tape so people can recover as quickly as possible. The feds are in the best direction to provide resources to do this. We are working right now with our representatives to also get fema involved in the process so we can sit down with them and put together a team and start working toward recovery [ inaudible ] we will have to come up with an estimate that is required as part of our declaration to get the funding. Tonight after they have looked at all the properties, the infrastructure, we will try and figure out what this means in terms of infrastructure and impact and private and public and economic. We dont have a number at this time. [ inaudible ] a lot of it depends on the complexity of the information we pull in but i hope in the next few days. We could be asked but it will be rough calculation. We will be required to submit this. [ inaudible ] that failed with anchors predated the regulations for anchoring which is common and what we saw in the 2000 earthquake. Any reconstruction will not only be built under current code and anchored but something we tried to endeavour to do the last go around and we will do it again now if it is brick, it could solve problems in the future using different material. A lot times we hear about everything that goes wrong with the response. What went right . Can we say everything and leave . Our initial on duty crews with public works and police departmentent into action right away but we in napa had a history with disaster and the on duty crews were familiar with the procedures and we activated the e. O. C. In an sure of the event and we had mutual aid resources right away upon official dispatch and they have accepted so many patients to quickly and pg e was right there so there are, fortunately, with the significant of we just went there the civilian casualty was small and it could have been so much worse, which is a direct result of the good work and good training their folks were able to provide. Im extremely pleased and very proud of all of our men and women that did a fantastic job. Do you agree that the damage could hit 1 billion . Audit question is whether i agree with the assessment that we have 1 billion in damage . I have no idea at this point and i dont know what they use as a basis for that estimate. Emergency response and personnel that do that have done a tremendous job and often where it gets confusing is all get the same information as our Public Information people are talking to the people in the field, i h

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