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In this tackle. You can see on the foot of the bridge it is still there, the truck in question. There are lanes that are still blocked because of the investigation. Can you also spree the traffic that is backed up for quite a while on the bridge. I am reporting from an unusual location a lane of traffic that usually is blowing out with cars on southbound 101 in San Francisco. If you look behind me can you see what is left of the scene a truck and a tow truck, with two tires on the rear of the truck that are inflated and the other tires blown out. We will show you what led this to happen. A lowspeed chase started at 8 30 this morning. C. H. P. Officers say it happened in fairly. It was actually the result of a work dispute. The chase was at low speeds, 20 to 25 Miles Per Hour across the bay bridge, into San Francisco and as you can see in the video the tires on the truck, one by one, were blowing out out as the driver lost control of the vehicle. The driver was involved in a dispute with a former employers, a disground told affair and as you can see in this video they placed him under arrest after they caught him. No one was hurt. Police say after the truck came to a stop they were able to catch the gentleman despite the fact he tried to flee from the disabled box truck he was driving from fairly at 8 30 this morning. We talked to c. H. P. Officer a few minutes ago and he says how this chase began. Owner of the rig you see behind me reported this vehicle stolen and saw that former employee or disgruntled employee was in possession of the vehicle and reported the vehicle stolen. Our units were on the scene shortly. That is when this began. The truck as you can see is a fairly substantial vehicle. They say it weighed in at 26,000 pounds. C. H. P. Officers say it is very unusual for them to be involved in a vehicle. They had to create extra caution and create extra space as they folded the vehicle into San Francisco which is why there was traffic impact on the bay bridge and the skyway into San Francisco. C. H. P. Officers warn you on southbound 101, in addition to having a track backup there is tire debris in the road. They are getting that enchad up that cleaned up before the afternoon commute. Two tragic accidents in fremont being voted right now. They happened this morning a mile apart, one in osgood seriously injuring a woman and child and the other was a fatal pedestrian accident. Matt keller joins us at washington boulevard. The investigation is five hours in and washington boulevard is still closed. We watched as the corvette was towed from the scene. That was the vehicle involved in the accident in this crosswalk. The coroner left with the body about 15 minutes ago. Police say the victim is elderly female. Fremont police had a busy morning, a corvette hit a pest in a crosswalk in washington boulevard. It was the seen that was tough for Emergency Responders to see. This is a horrific incident and the body was badly injured. Obviously, pronounced dead on the scene immediate limit driver was cooperating. In november of 2011 a 73yearold woman was hit and kill in the same intersection. I have lived here 28 years and i have crossed the street man times and almost gotten hit. Six hours before a mile away another major accident in fremont on osgood road. Police say a 33yearold fremont mother and her fouryearold daughter were southbound in the honda and she veered into the northbound lane hitting a camry driven by a 30yearold fremont man. The little girl was buckled into a child seat but it was not attached. The fouryearold was rushed to the hospital with major injuries to her head and life in jeopardy. The mother is in Critical Condition but expected to drive. Both appeared to be under the influence of alcohol. It is hard with major injuries but when a child is involved. People are coming home from work and the alcohol is involved you think a little bit. The man was cited for drunk driving and released from the hospital with a blood test given to the clock and test results are expected back in ten or 15 days. As for the investigation here on washington boulevard the man involved in this accident is not expected to face any charges. Thank you. We have grief counselor called in to console students at school where a 14yearold girl died in a train tragedy. The firm was in 8th grade at Martinez Junior High School. Eric thomas is there. Eric . In addition to grief counselors the students at martin news are wearing pink in her momry, her favorite color. Her smoke took to facebook to say how devastated the family was by the loss. So are the people here. There is almost a sense of numbness. It is hard to believe. Inside Martinez Junior High School counselors are helping students and staff come to grips with the tragic death of 14yearold jenna. She always had a smile. Popular girl. Everyone knew who she was. She was a pretty athletic 8th grader bound for high school next year. Police say she was hit and killed by a burl ton Northern Freight train last night about 5 00 p. M. Police are investigating but they say she and her boyfriend were sitting on the tracks and they hear the train coming and jumped. She was hit when she was back to retrieve the cell phone she dropped. This is a tragedy of unspeakable proportion for us. It is a small community. We have never had anything like this happen before. She was will set to said to be a very well admired athlete who play on high level soccer teams in the east bay and was said to be a student who only comes along every few years with her ability to light up a room with her smile. Thank you, eric. Now we have developing news from san rafael where flooding of a major thoroughfare has closed a school for the day. An irrigation pipe broke on freitas parkway which is still open to traffic, but the school had to close because it doesnt have any Running Water while crews work on the repairs. 11 homes are without water, as well. It rains all weekend. Did it put a dent in the drought . That is the question. Mike nicco is on the roof with the totals. We will look first outside and then talk about the totals. We have many layers of clouds with moisture. We just need energy to come through and work its way law the cloud covers and make rain. It did that over the weekend into last week. Here is our current rainfall since it began, july 1, where we are still 35 to 45 percent of average, and now i will show you how far behind we are in terms of rain, anywhere from 6. 75 in mountain field to 16 for the best radar runs with light rain falling there. You can see more on the left side of the screen which is the steady rain that is develop office the next hour or two. That will make a west commute with slick spots. Watch out. We will have scattered showers tomorrow morning. The rain is over for a while. I have the sevenday forecast in a minute. Cheryl and kristen . Thank you, mike. The red carpet is again. Hollywood has new golden winners. The oscars brought plenty of buzz worthy moments and surprises. Katie marzullo was on hand for the glitz. Red carpet was a black and gold ball with some stunners in black and navy. Jennifer lawrence stood out in red after she got back on her feet, taking another spill this year, and the host could not resist. When you fell out of the car tonight when you got out of the car, no one need those know that. I will not mention that. Watching red carpet 17yearold alex cerutti from los gatos. When the Makeawish Foundation asked what he wanted he said to go to the oscars. I didnt feel comfortable asking for something because i felt like so many others really needed that wish a lot more than i did. Alex cerutti is a senior at st. Francis filibustered chemo last in and the treatments was for bone cancer. So far, beautiful and inspiring. Jared leto went straight for the heart accepting best supporting actor in dallas buyers club. He thanked his mom. I want to say, i love you mom, thank you for teaching me to dream. It was lighter back stage. Anyone want to try it out . I would. Here. He could toss it to Matthew Mcconaughey whose weight loss earned an oscar, too. All right, all right, all right. Feeling the weight of an oscar, Lupita Nyongo best supporting actress for 12 years a slave. What i lended is i dont have to be anyone else and myself is good enough and when i am being true to that i can do, avail myself to extraordinary things such as this. Best actress is to indicate medicade cate blanchett. Those clinging to the idea that female films with women at the center are Old Fashioned experiences are not. Ought conferences want to see them and they earn money. Ellen kept things interesting and hip getting meryl streep to tweet and this tweet was the most retweeted tweet in the history of twitter. I was impressed how gorgeous everyone looks. Selfies never turnout that good in my expense. I was curious to see the stars in person and see if they look as good in person. I was able to see Matthew Mcconaughey and his wife and i saw Jennifer Garner and Bradley Cooper on Good Morning America stage and i can tell you if my opinion, completely flawless in real life. Thank you, katie marzullo, you are flawless too. For the winers go to our website at abc7news. Com and our Facebook Page to share how you think ellen did host the show. Still to come, women made big games on a prestigious list of the richest of the rich. Growing speculation of the political seat facebooks c. E. O. May want to lean into. A baby product that helps children go to sleep could be hurting the safeway presents rel or how to find big savings on the things you need. Eek. Just make a Straight Line to safeway. Your club card gets you deals you cant find anywhere else. Right now, breakfast is on. Oscar mayer bacon is only 3. 99. Rise and shine with simply orange oj, just 2. 98. And oikos greek yogurt is only a buck. Real big deals this week and every week. Only at safeway. Ingredients for life. Speculation is growing whether a Silicon Valley tech titan will try to unseat barbara boxer, and there is a denial. A british tab load reported that sandburg plans to run. The idea is not new. Many have speculated she would quit facebook for politics starting career as a Treasury Department during the clinton administration. New this morning, forbes manage has the magazine with richest people in the planet and this year more women than ever. The wealthiest person in the world, this honor goes, again, to microsoft cofounder, bill gates with a worth of 76 billion. According to Forbes Magazine there are 42 new female billionaires, including walmart heiress the richest worth 36 billion fortune. And number three is another Walton Family member, ellis worth 34. 3 billion. Parents who use a sleep noise machine to help their baby fall asleep could be doing more harm than good. Researchers at the university of toronto say infant sleep machines can reach volumes that can lead to noise induced hearing loss with many machines competing the recommended 50 decibels at the close of distance. Researchers say they are concerned because there is limited or no instructions for safe use. Meteorologist, mike nicco, is ahead with the forecast. Good morning, again, from the roof. It is very dry but gray looking behind me. You go up 3,000 feet and there is a layer of dry air undercutting our rain that is on the way. I will tell you when it will be here and how much to expect and which commute it will mess up and another chance of rain before the springlike weekend. Not a sinkhole but a blow hole outside a santa cruz home is a big cause for concern and well look at how this formed. Oscar selfie that crashed twitter. And sent a record all at the same covering fremont, palo alto, north bay and all bay area, this is abc7 news. Watch that, heavy surf causes waved to breakthrough part of this houses foundation leaving a blow hole in the drive. The house locate in santa cruz. It has been taped off. Officials say the house is going to have to be inspected. Yikes. An interesting storm. Want to check with mike nicco of course on the roof to see if it is gone or more rain. We will have rain. Good morning. Here is live doppler 7 hd. I will show you where the best radar return is right now as you can see it is not raining on the roof. Downtown benicia that is where we are seeing the best radar return. But right now i can see that far and most of that is not making it to the ground. It is still getting undercut bit layer of dry air. Same in richmond, straight over and richmond is looking nice, a few drops, and you can see the rain falling from the clouds but not making it to the ground on castro street it is a little bit of energy that is rolling through the atmosphere. When that stuff offshore comes ashore you see the atmosphere moisten and month of it reach the ground. We will get progressively wetter as the afternoon unfolds. If you are headed out, midtoupper 50s right now and mild other than when the wind blows light it is in San Francisco it feels cooler. All the way over to the east bay hill you can see no rain is falling. It gives you an idea how light it is. Down to the south bay we are looking at downtown san jose where it is great, rain for all of us, with rain into overnight and the next storm is thursday. That is it for a while through the welcome, it will be dry and warmer with a lot of 70s. Today, though, the rain is slowing sliding down to the south with temperatures pushing the slow 60s and possibly the mid60s with rain coming in last and the east bay valley and the south bay. Tonight is as warm as it will get. A nice plume of moisture, but, with this flow we have very Little Energy coming in and no big troughs or cold fronts that will utilize this energy and create some heavy rain. Here we are at noon, you can see best chance of rain, still up in the Higher Elevations in the north bay and it spreads south in the evening, and then it becomes scattered by 12 00 and a quick hit are by tomorrow morning and mostly gone with residual moisture left over and a few breaks in the clouds tomorrow, two to four degrees warmer than today. Hoping for up to 1. 25 up north and up to quarter of an inch in the south bay with train on the peninsula and the Higher Elevations could get the half inch mark. Here is the sevenday forecast wednesday is mostly cloudy but up to 70 inland. Showers on thursday and temperatures fall pack for another light events like today, and saturday is mid60s and daylight savings is sunday so wees there an hour of sleep on saturday night. Rain is on the way for the afternoon and evening, you are ready for it. It is coming. Now, check this out, we showed you people are still talking about the biggest selfie in history last night at oscars, ellen got alisters involved, involving brad pitt, julia roberts, Bradley Cooper, kevin spacey, retweeted more than 2. 8 million times and crashed twitter for a short time last night. That picture beat the previous record set by president obama in 2012 when he tweeted four more years, and that was retweeted just 700,000 times and that was a record at the time. All right, no one wants to let it go, an oscar twitter since i had had Health Insurance icy i needed. Of since i had hwhat policy i needed. Within 4icy. [ female announcer ] everyone deserves Health Insurance. Are you in . Find free, confidential, local help at coveredca. Com. Coming up at hurricane, desperate times, desperate measures. Farmers are turning to a long dismissed practice to find water. At 5 00, they are defending champions but a mistake by their school disqualified Womens Basketball team from the playoffs and a glass roots effort to get them back in. John travolta is not saying much as he pronounced a name at oscars. Please welcome the wickedly talented actress. That was not close. It happened when John Travolta introduced the singer who sang let it go from frozen, just beautifully and after the performance she said, i left the stage and i cannot handle it. I go a standing ovation. Thank you. John travolta. And now she has her own twitter and people are getting him back. She is going to let it go. Thanks for [dramatic music] hey [cheers and applause] whats going . Whats going tonight, dog . Whats happenin . Whats up, baby . Whats up . What up . What up . What up . What up . Welcome to the show. How are ya . How are you, man . Good, good, good. [cheers and applause] hello, and welcome to millionaire. With me today is a fdny firefighter who has been serving for this city for the past 27 years. Yall show some love for one of new yorks bravest, paul mccahey [cheers and applause] whats up, paul . Welcome to the show, man. How are you . Now, paul, from my understanding, you were on your way to an audition. Yes. To, you know, be on the show and the alarm sounded i knew the audition was 7 00, and at 4 00,

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