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The jury will soon begin considering the fate of George Zimmerman on trial for the murder of Trayvon Martin. We know this is a case that has americans watching and arguing all across the country, and abcs matt gutman tells us about the fireworks in the courtroom today. Reporter tensions boiling over in the courtroom today. Have you made a decision, sir, as to whether you want to testify in this case . I object to that question. Okay, overruled. Reporter three times, judge debra nelson addressing George Zimmerman directly. Have you made a decision as to whether you want to testify in this case . No, not at this time, your honor. Reporter her insistence to try to assure that George Zimmerman wasnt pressured to testimony. Finally his answer. What is your decision, sir . After consulting with counsel, not to testify. Reporter it was the most he had spoken in court on a day in earlier calling a witness who said zimmerman was by no stretch an athlete. Under crossexamination the defense used a foam mannequin. Are you aware that the defense described to his best friend that when he slid down, the defense slid down, that Trayvon Martin was up around his armpits . Were you aware of that . No, i have not heard that. Reporter curious jurors and even the defense craning their necks to see. Where would the gun be now . Now the gun would be behind your left leg. Reporter the defense using the same mannequin. The injuries on mr. Zimmermans back consistent with someone doing this on cement . I dont think so. How about this . How about somebody resisting the attempt, the injuries, the two lacerations, could that have come from cement if somebody was resisting me pushing down. I believe so. Reporter the judge said she wants Closing Arguments tomorrow. She wants the jury to get this case on friday and begin deliberating. The prosecution wants to see three charges, Second Degree murder, manslaughter and aggravated assault. I just spoke to zimmermans attorneys. They say tonight their client is anxious. He faces the prospect of life in prison or freedom. Thanking matt gutman. I want to bring in abcs chief legal analyst and nightline anchor dan abrams. Only 12 days of testimony seems awfully short in a trial like this to me. Many of the facts werent in dispute here. No one challenges the notion that George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin. The question is why and how and that allows it to go quicker. You have been saying that the prosecution has an uphill battle here. Can they ever turn it around, really turn the whole thing around in a Closing Argument . They certainly have to try and they have to focus on the human aspect of this, that its just wrong, that this shouldnt have happened. It didnt need to happen. This is a 17yearold walking home with skittles and an iced tea who didnt need to die. I think that thats got to be the focus and the fact that they believe George Zimmerman initiated the encounter. They will be arguing the Human Emotion in this. Does this mean the whole question of race which has been debated around this country might be introduced by them . Its certainly going to be suggested by them. Theyre going to use the word profile even though theyre not allowed to say racially profile but theres no question that theres going to be an undercurrent of racial profiling throughout the closing of the prosecution. High drama to come in these Closing Arguments. Thanks again, dan. Now from a courtroom in florida we head to another courtroom, this one in boston and a kind of showdown between the accused marathon bomber and the victims and their families. Abcs Pierre Thomas tells us what the families say they saw on the suspects face. Reporter Dzhokhar Tsarnaev arrived in federal court under extreme security with divers even checking nearby water ways for bombs. He walked into the courtroom in shackles. The left side of his face was swollen and left forearm was bandaged. He answered not guilty to all charges and blew a kiss to his sister sitting in the court. For his victims and his families he never looked at us or turned in our direction. We were directly behind him. Reporter look at this picture taken minutes before the bombing. Police say this is tsarnaev. This little boy, martin richard, killed in the blast, and over there two brothers, paul and j. P. Norden each lost a leg. If you had an opportunity to speak to him directly, what would you say . I probably wouldnt do too much talking with him. Id probably hope there were no cameras. Reporter j. P. s uncle and mother liz came to court today. I want to see who changed their lives forever. Reporter after she saw him in court she was disgusted. What struck you about his demeanor . He was smirking. I dont know. Just that he just had the audacity to smirk at us is how i took it. Reporter outside the court today 20 m. I. T. Officers stood at attention. Tsarnaev is also accused of killing one of their own as he tried to outrun the authorities. I didnt see the remorse, the nervousness, the fear. I didnt see any of that. Reporter the sister cried as he was led out of the court. If convicted he potentially faces the death penalty. Pierre thomas reporting in. We have latebreaking news now about that crash landing in san francisco. The flight attendants already celebrated for their heroism have an even more dramatic story to tell tonight. It turns out three of those young crew members were catapulted out of the plane still strapped in their seat. Cecilia vega on what were learning right now. Reporter good evening. We just learned that six of the 12 flight attendants are still in the hospital. Days after that crash landing here word from washington that u. S. Pilots will face stricter rules. They have been in the works for a long time but the timing is notable. As the search for the wreckage continues here the faa announced that first officers that fly cargo and passenger planes will have more training on the planes they operate and must increase their minimum flight time from 250 hours to 1500. This as investigators continue looking into the experience of the korean pilots at the helm of flight 214 and the role the flight attendants played to save so many lives, some carrying passengers twice their weight on their backs to safety. From their interviews, the flight attendants revealed to our investigators that they tried to expedite the paenl evacuation procedures by directing passengers to doors that werent as crowded and they were also fighting the fire. Reporter all 12 were seated near the planes exit. When it crash landed the tail ripped off and three attendants were ejected, sent flying onto the runway. They survived. An emergency shoot inflietd inside the cabin, trapping another attendant who also survived. She was trying to give a signal to us by moving her hand like this. Translator i hope for all the families who have suffered losses from this accident to recover as quickly as possible and they are all in my prayers. Reporter today members of that crew, some in wheelchairs, there alongside the head flight attendant, that Sully Sullenberger of flight 214 who we heard from earlier this week. Now all finally headed home. We also heard late today that the pilots told the flight attendants not to evacuate. It was only an announcement was made telling passengers to remain seated. It was only when one of those attendants saw smoke in the cabin that the decision was finally made to bring the passengers to safety. Diane, that came a full 90 seconds after that plane came to a stop here. These are staggering stories again tonight. Thanks so much, cecilia vega, reporting in. Now we have some rampaging floods to show you tonight. First china, the worst flooding in half a century in part of the country. Roads turning into rivers. People guiding rafts down them. 2 Million People drenched. Homes buried, washed away and reports that as many as 50 people have died. Back here at home on the east coast, pittsburgh slammed by flash floods, motorists trapped, cars almost entirely under water in places. So much rain meteorologists say its like getting a 20inch snowstorm in a couple of hours. The area bracing for more floods tonight and the mayor urging people to leave work early to ease the rush hour traffic. That other storm everyone has been watching, formerly known as Tropical Storm chantal tonight has weakened. While its still packing powerful winds and heavy rain, it will no longer be a Tropical Storm when it brings a lot of rain to florida between friday and sunday. Now to washington tonight and a demand for answers on a new symbol of incompetence and waste of taxpayer dollars. It is in afghanistan. Its gigantic and never been used. What is it . Abcs chief Global Affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz tells us. Reporter it is a monumental symbol of waste in afghanistan, the butt of jokes among marines, as big as a football field with fine furnishings, spacious Conference Rooms, theatre sitting and offices fit for a corporate executive. Your tax dollars, 34 million of them, at work. Its better than the pentagon. Ive never been a building better constructed than this and were going to destroy it. Reporter thats right. You heard the inspector general, destroy it. Bad enough to spend dollars on this kind of a building in a war zone but more outrageous when you consider this. It has never been used. A marine Corps Commander asked that the project be halted long before it started and it will likely be demolished before troops leave because it is too expensive for afghans to operate. This epitomizes what weve seen in afghanistan time and again. If you appropriate it, we will spend it even if we dont need it. Reporter getting to the root of a bad decision is difficult. I called the air force and now they told me to call the office of the secretary of defense. The matter is currently under investigation. Who is investigating it . U. S. Forces in afghanistan. Reporter which is the answer you will get from afghanistan. They are investigating. But the project is just one more example of taxpayer waste in americas longest war. We could get anything we wanted, said one officer, it was insane. Martha raddatz, abc news, washington. And still ahead right here on world news. Is your car the number one favorite of thieves . Were going to tell you the top targets and how to prevent the break in. Later, a musical experiment. The saxophone player teaching us something about animals and the power of the music they love. People join angies list for all kinds of reasons. 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Tell your doctor if you have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you are pregnant, pn to be. Taken twice daily, xeljanz can reduce the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. Ask if xeljanz is right for you. Do you have the car thieves really, really want . Last year it was the Cadillac Escalade but the new report says the ford pickup truck was the car with the most claims for theft break in is. Watch as we show you the ingenius ways theyre doing it. Ron claiborne has the answers. Reporter it happens every 44 seconds in america today. Here, watch as a car thief in albuquerque tries to steal a car falling for a trap set by police. Top targets today . Older cars. Thats because newer ones come loaded with new antitheft technology. But the thieves are catching up. Its a cat and mouse game. As technology changes, they adapt to it. They look for the weakest link in the system and they might try to attack that. Reporter heres how they do it. Watch this undercover video from long beach, california. Right there, in his hand, a mysterious device that can unlock car doors. It has Law Enforcement baffled. They dont know what it is or how it works. Then theres this technique. When you go to lock your car remotely, clicking your key chain, a thief in the parking lot can block that signal using a simple handheld device. If you go to lock your car and press your fee fob it sends a signal and if the bad guy is in distance he can jam that signal. You walk away and they get into the car behind you. Reporter once inside the thief has another weapon, an Electronic Device that overpowers the cars antitheft measures allowing them to start it up and drive away. Some are as small as this. This little piece i have in my hand. Reporter so, what can you do to protect your car . Police recommend parking your car in a garage or welllighted parking lot. Alarms will deter some thieves. Hidden tracking devices can help you recover your car if it is stolen. Reporter another tip, this one from the head of the nypd. Vehicle theft decision. He said never valet park. Thieves target those boxes where valets store car keys. Finally this one i heard again and again, do not leave your key in the car. It sounds obvious but more thefts were because the keys were left in the car than any other way. No kidding . Leaving the key in the car. Ron claiborne reporting and staying one step ahead of them tonight. Thanks so much. Coming up next here Dustin Hoffman with a tip for all of us from his role in tootsie. Why are millions of people taking this advice tonight . Our instant index. [ whispering ] shhh. You did it right. You have allstate claim rate guard so your rates wont go up just because of a claim. [ whispering ] are we still in a dream . 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Discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. Stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. Other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. Nothing can reverse copd. Spiriva helps me breathe better. Does breathing with copd weigh you down . Dont wait to ask your doctor about spiriva. Theyre about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. Polident kills 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains so dentures are cleaner, fresher, and brighter. [ male announcer ] polident. Yeah. Try new alka seltzer fruit chews. They work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. These are good. Told ya im feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. Enjoy the relief our instant index launches tonight with a robin hood revived and his target, potholes. In mississippi, potholes, all fixed up mysteriously with the signature citizen fixed. This robin hood stole asphalt from the city and fixed the potholes. He now has reached his goal of 100 potholes so he announced his name is ron cheney. He says he just wanted to help drivers. Guess what local Officials Say . Theyre not going to prosecute. All over this country, something Dustin Hoffman said about his role in tootsie has been passed on as a kind of lesson from friend to friend. You remember in the movie he pretended to be a woman but he revealed in an interview last year with the American Film Institute he realized a lot of women are dismissed because of their looks and that he had ignored them, too. If i met myself at a party i would have never talked to that character because she doesnt fulfill physically the demands that were brought up to think we have women have to have in order for us to ask them out. So he says he had an epiphany. There are too many interesting women i have i have not had the experience to know in this life because i have been brainwashed. And the reaction has been overwhelming. One woman writing, thank you, Dustin Hoffman, for a reminder too many interesting people get dismissed because of how they look. And have you ever wondered what is the music that sooths the savage seal . Well, left hand listen up. A zoo in australia is conducting an experiment about animals and musical preferences so they sent a jazz saxophone player to play for kasey, a leopard seal. A few notes and there is kasey swimming along as the concert continues. Kasey captivated and by the way leopard seals like kasey are musical by nature. They sing to their mates an the zoo says kasey even seemed to sing along with the saxophone. By the way the elephants also got a saxophone concert but they couldnt have cared less. Coming up next here the epidemic of tiny toddlers with dads smart phone. The random tapping that purchases some really pricey items. Lets play [ all ] whos new in the fridge i help support bones. [ ding ]. The immune system. [ ding ]. Heart health. [ ding ]. And muscles. [ ding ] that can only be ensure complete [ female announcer ] the fourinone nutrition of ensure complete. A simple choice to help you eat right. [ major nutrition ] nutrition in charge. I took my son fishing every year. We had a great spot, not easy to find, but worth it. But with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. So my doctor prescribed symbicort. It helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. With symbicort, today im breathing better. And that means. Fish on symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. Symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. With copd, i thought id miss our family tradition. Now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. And that makes a difference in my breathing. Today, were ready for whatever swims our way. Ask your doctor about symbicort. I got my first prescription free. Call or click to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Folks have suffered from frequent heartburn. But getting heartburn and then treating day after day is a thing of the past. Block the acid with prilosec otc, and dont get heartburn in the first place. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Finally tonight it sounds great, a daughter buys a gift, a car, for the whole family. The problem is shes a baby going rogue on a smart phone. Shes not the only one doing it. Abcs neal karlinsky. Reporter like a lot of kids, 14monthold Sorella Stoute loves playing with her dads cell phone. After all, what toddler doesnt love to push buttons . Harmless enough or so everyone thought. Until dad got this email that made his stomach sink. I didnt realize anything took place until i got an email from ebay saying basically congratulations. Reporter little sorella, who cant even say the word car, bought one. This 1962 Austin Healey sprite. Which she unwittingly bid on, through an ebay app, while playing with her dads phone. Initial thoughts were panic. Were like, how do we get out of this . Reporter the modern family can relate. World news viewers on facebook shared all kinds of stories toddler shoppers gone wild. My son, 3 at the time, bought a ford ranger off ebay. They got out of it. The nineyearold who bought 120 movies. This fiveyearold racked up 2,500 worth of downloads on his parents ipad. I just clicked on it because it said it was free and then the next day it costed the money. Reporter of course, most devices have Parental Controls and in the worst cases parents told us they got out of having to pay. The stouts had that chance, too, but decided the old austin heely might not be so bad. Price tag, 225 bucks. Theyre keeping it for her 16th birthday, an ageless reminder of daddys little girl. Neal karlinsky, abc news, seattle. Send can be a dangerous word out there. Thanks for watching, nightline later. Well see you right back here tomorrow night. Good night. Police conduct a search for a lost little girl missing now for hours. Most of the asiana flight crew boards a plane home, tonight what happened that left two of them trapped when the plane went down. Late new details for you tonight on the final moments of flight 214. Two and a half minutes of confusion. I turned around and looked at the back end of it. Oh, my god. Time to go. And youll hear from one passenger who survived the crash. He tells abc 7 news there is no time for fear. The next time i ride on a plane it will be a, you know, not any time soon. A lot of people probably feel that way on the plane. Not any time soon. A flight 214 passenger tells abc 7 news what he did to survive the crash. Good evening. It was another day of startling new revelations in the crash of asiana air lines flight 214. The pilot told investigators he saw a flash of light that blinded him. 34 seconds before impact. A salage operation will begin tonight. Ntsb hopes to have it done within 24 hours. But lights will need repairs. There were three flight attendants not two as thought ejected from the plane. So there are questions in final moments of the flight. Abc 7 news is live in South San Francisco tonight with the latest from the ntsb. The ntsb chairman briefed us here at the Conference Room at the holiday inn and told us about the pilot history. The pilots were apparently well rested with eight hours sleep night before but there are

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