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This jet. Passengers inside, horrified. Good evening. And we begin tonight with the next battleground now, New Hampshire just seven days away. And tonight, a new threeway battle taking shape already. Senator ted cruz, fueled by his first place finish in iowa. Donald trump, firing off tweets tonight, a picture of him headed to New Hampshire a short time ago. And what hes now saying about his second place finish in iowa, arguing it was a long shot, great finish. And many now pointing to what could be new momentum for senator marco rubio. Many late deciders in iowa going with rubio, who had a strong third place finish. The republicans and their big debate this weekend on abc. The night before the super bowl. But the game on the ground in New Hampshire is well under way. Chris christie tonight calling rubio the boy in the bubble. Abcs tom llamas, leading us off. Reporter tonight, a threeway race for New Hampshire. Senator cruz beating donald trump in iowa. Let me first of all say, to god be the glory. Reporter trumps speech, very short. Just three minutes long. Thank you very much. I love you people. I loved you people. Reporter in iowa, the man who always brands himself a winner sounding like a gracious loser. Iowa, we love you. We thank you. Youre special. We will be back many, many times, in fact, i think i might come here and buy a farm, i love it, okay . Reporter but tonight, in New Hampshire, trump spinning the results. Marco. Good guy. But he came in third and they make it sound like he had a victory but i didnt. I came in second. When i first started, i had nothing, and then i inched my way up went pretty rapidly, actually, and now im leading everything and i did okay in iowa pretty good in iowa. Reporter now, one of trumps old tweets back in focus. No one remembers who came in second. Today, cruz painting trump as a candidate coming unhinged, who cant be trusted. Six weeks ago, donald trump was saying every day that i was his friend, that he loved me, that i was terrific, that i was nice. Now youre an anchor bay bring. And now im an anchor baby. Reporter but its not just trump. Cruz will also have to get through senator rubio, who finished a surprisingly strong third. I think teds been very calculated and will say or do anything to get a vote. Reporter rubio now sounding a lot like another firstterm senator who got a big boost from iowa. Heres rubio last night. So, this is the moment they said would never happen. Reporter and heres barack obama in 2008. They said this day would never come. Reporter the president s former speechwriter tweeting that rubio could have at least thanked obama for the opening line. As rubio rises, his opponents on the attack. Governor Chris Christie calling him the boy in the bubble. You know who the boy in the bubble is up here, who never answers your questions, who is constantly scripted and controlled. Because he cant answer your questions. So, now its time for him to man up and step up and stop letting all of his handlers write his speeches and handle him. Reporter governor Chris Christie called you the boy in the bubble, suggesting you are a very delicate candidate and you have not yet been tested. What do you say to that . Well, look, chris has had a tough couple of days. Hes not doing very well. Did very poorly in iowa. Sometimes when people run into adversity, they dont react well and they say things maybe theyll later regret. And tom joins us now from New Hampshire from the donald trump event tonight. And tom, donald trump now reminding everyone hes been spending his own money on this campaign and trump adamant that his second place finish was a major victory. Reporter and david, thats because trump never cites a flaw and never surrenders ground. The Campaign Says they are much more confident in New Hampshire. For two main reasons. First. Trumps Campaign Manager has worked in politics in the state for years. He even lives here. He knows the state inside and out. Second, they have much more elected leaders behind them in New Hampshire than they did in iowa. David . All right, well see. Tom llamas with us. Tom, thank you. And with seven days to go until New Hampshire, on the democratic side tonight, its official. Hillary clinton won iowa, but by the slimmest of margins. The closest result for the democrats in iowa ever. Hillary clinton in New Hampshire tonight, with former president bill clinton, where both were given new life in previous campaigns. But can she do it again there . Bernie sanders leads in New Hampshire by doubledigits, in his own backyard. And tonight, hes refusing to concede iowa. And youre about to hear why. Abcs cecilia vega from New Hampshire. Make no mistake. We are in a fight to the finish. Reporter tonight, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders both on the ground in New Hampshire after both declaring victory in iowa. So, as i stand here tonight, breathing a big sigh of relief, thank you, iowa reporter Bernie Sanders standing proud, too. Refusing to concede. It looks like well have about half of the iowa delegates. Reporter the race so tight, in some iowa precincts, it took a coin toss to break the tie. But today, Hillary Clinton making it clear a win is a win. I can tell you, i ive won and ive lost there, its a lot better to win. Reporter today, i asked bill clinton about the photo finish. Im glad she was on the right side of it. But i feel really good about it. Reporter should she be nervous it was so close . Do you think she should be nervous it was so close . I always thought it was going to be really close. Reporter a democratic socialist from vermont delivering a serious blow to Hillary Clintons welloiled machine. Secretary clinton, is a virtual tie a win in iowa . Do you feel like a virtual tie is a win . It was a great win. Reporter Sanders Landing in New Hampshire, enjoying a doubledigit lead in the polls. Feel the bern i cannot believe that you are here at 5 00 in the morning. Reporter today, feeling confident. And last night, we began the political revolution, not just in iowa, not just in New Hampshire, but all over this country. Reporter but the clintons havs a history of New Hampshire comebacks. I listened to you, and in the process, i found my own voice. Reporter and now, Hillary Clinton is hoping for just one more. And cecilia vega reporting in tonight. Cecilia, you and i were on that plane last night, from iowa to New Hampshire together and when we landed the race was even closer between clinton and sanders. But that didnt seem to stop Hillary Clinton from getting up on that stage first last night. Reporter it certainly didnt, david. She does not want to see a 2008 repeat like she saw in iowa, a devastating loss for her there. She is now here in New Hampshire, you can see this crowd here behind me. Shes about to start another event today. Even people in her inner circle, though, telling me, this is going to be a really tough race for her here, david. All right, cecilia vega working hard to get answers from both clintons today. Cecilia, thank you. And one more note on the message voters are now sending. Who won when values were most important to voters . Who won on the economy . And who won as the outsider and will it now work in New Hampshire . Heres abcs jonathan karl. I loved you people. Reporter tonight, there are some real warning signs for donald trump. First, ted cruz has found a line of attack that stuck. Donald trump. New york values. Not ours. Reporter more than 40 of iowa voters said values was their most important issue. Most of those voters went for cruz. Only 5 went for trump. So, the new york values attack yeah. Reporter worked. Here in iowa, New Hampshire, south carolina, nevada, everyone knows what new york values are. Reporter and while trump is a billionaire businessman who famously promised i will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created. Reporter Iowa Republicans actually thought marco rubio would do a better job with the economy. And they bought rubios argument that he has the best chance to get elected president. This land is your land reporter in iowa, Bernie Sanders showed Hillary Clinton has a big problem with young voters. A whopping 84 went for sanders. Just 14 for clinton. But part of clintons message worked with voters. I am proud of the progress weve made under president obama. Stand with president obama. President obama. Reporter the clear majority of Iowa Democrats want to continue obamas policies. And the vast majority who care about electability voted for Hillary Clinton. And jon karl with us tonight from iowa. Still trying to get out with that blizzard. Jon, good luck with that. But in the meantime, i wanted to ask about the republicans. Lets go back to them. Because donald trump, his ace in the hole still would appear to be his outsider status. He did very well with voters looking for someone from the outside. Reporter yeah, no question. And nearly half of the Iowa Republican caucusgoers said they were looking for an outsider. 46 of them went for donald trump. Were going to see a lot of that going forward. If you are looking for an outsider, chances are, Donald Trumps your guy. All right, jon karl with us tonight. Jon, good luck and safe trip home. And with iowa now behind us, next up, the republican debate, right here on abc in just four days. Join Martha Raddatz and me as we moderate the debate, saturday night, the night before the super bowl, right here on abc. But we do move on tonight, and to the other breaking headline, the weather. A dangerous tornado touching down just a short time ago. And blizzard warnings across several states in the midwest. This whole system moving east next. Whiteout conditions right there in dixon county, nebraska. Blinding snow and whipping winds. Treacherous driving in iowa. Cars veering off the road, buried in the snow, just 24 hours after the caucuses. That tornado reportedly hitting mississippi, then crossing into alabama. And 23 million americans in the path of severe storms from alabama to indiana. Abcs Steve Osunsami in nashville. Tornado on the ground. Tornado on the ground. Reporter this was mississippi a short time ago. What looks like a possible tornado falling from the dark sky. Its going to be a tough night for families in the south, as they watch and wait. Across the plains and the midwest, this same storm is bringing blizzards. Near grand island, nebraska, theyre not going anywhere this evening. Its a total whiteout. This snow is piling up and the winds are really strong and its freezing. Reporter in at least five states, they are being told to stay put as the blizzard blows. It got bad quick. The roads were covered. Snow was coming down pretty hard. Reporter outside denver, its wreck city. The sevencar accident sent four people to the hospital. The heavy snow forced authorities to close interstate 70 to save lives. Abc news correspondent Clayton Sandell is there. Interstate 70 a major interstate, is completely shut down from denver 340 miles east, all the way to hayes, kansas. Reporter police reminding everyone to stay safe. Pointing to this tragedy outside detroit. David Michael Lyons and his 4yearold son, jackson, were out fishing on the ice when they fell through. Divers pulled them from the frozen lake in minutes, but it was too late. They both died. Here in nashville, at least one School District wasnt taking any chances, and decided to close early today. We are under a tornado watch tonight. David . All sorts of weather with this one system. Steve, thank you. Lets get right to meteorologist rob marciano, tracking the threat at this hour. Reporter yeah still that Long Duration damaging tornado, you see the cell rolling right over aliceville, moving to the northeast. And another one right behind it. This is part of a huge tornado watch that stretches from lafayette, louisiana, almost all the way to louisville, until 10 00 tonight. As the sun sets, these are storms are going to be even more dangerous. Part of the huge system, where the blizzard is happening in iowa. The low itself tomorrow goes into canada takes most of the snow with it but the severe storms and the heavy rain will push off to the east possibly flooding in the areas that still have a storm pack. And a stormy day, tough travel along the i95 and the big cities tomorrow. David . All right, well be watching it on gma. Rob, thank you. There are new and troubling developments tonight in that murder mystery in virginia. Police now revealing new details about the 13yearold cancer survivor, kidnapped and killed. Now saying she was found stabbed to death. Two College Students are now charged. One, a Star High School athlete before college, as we hear from a stunned principal tonight. Abcs eva pilgrim on the case. Reporter new details tonight in the murder of seventh grader Nicole Lovell in blacksburg. A very preliminary determination of the cause of death is stabbing. Reporter nicoles mother remembering how hard her daughter fought to survive Childhood Cancer and illnesses. Her favorite color was blue. Reporter unable to complete her statement today. 13yearold Nicole Lovell was last seen on tuesday night. Police say she was killed on wednesday. Her bodice covered on saturday about 80 miles south of blacksburg. Authorities saying at least one of the two Virginia Tech students, natalie keepers, helped plan the murder for at least three weeks. Today, new charges for her, accessory before the fact, first degree murder. Police saying the 13yearold met david eisenhauer, charged with her murder, online, on social media. The former High School Track star has no prior criminal record. He just was a very pleasant young man, but very goaldriven. Reporter david, kik, a social media messaging app, confirming today, they helped the fbi in the search for 13yearold Nicole Lovell. Among the nearly 400 leads investigators are pursuing. David . Eva pilgrim in virginia. Eva, thank you. We turn now to new concerns about the zika virus tonight. And a case in dallas, showing a new way the disease can be spread. At least 40 cases now reported in 12 states here in the u. S. And olympic officials in rio today are now encouraging athletes to come to the summer games, saying theres little risk for those who are not pregnant. But not everyone is convinced, and abcs dr. Richard besser on the dallas case and the concern in brazil tonight. Reporter with olympics six months away, athletes here in rio admit to being alarmed. I havent really been outside the hotel. So its kind of scary. Reporter the announcement from the ioc that by august, mosquito populations will be down and that athletes face zero risk, isnt completely reassuring. Because there is something else, potentially deadly. Edna dejesus can no longer walk without help. Her guillainbarre syndrome a neurological disease that causes paralysis may also be a rare complication of zika. She says she contracted the disease seven months ago, and at one point, could only move her eyes. The fact that seven months out, shes still having such difficulty walking, does make it a pretty severe outcome. Reporter we went with dr. Ashley styczynski, a cdc detective who is working with the brazilian government to find out whether zika can cause this potentially fatal, debilitating complication. All as the worlds athletes train and worry. And a disturbing note late today, david. According to health officials, a new case of zika virus infection in texas. This one picked up through sexual contact with someone who acquired the virus while abroad. A frightening development. David . The concern growing here at home. Rich besser on this again tonight. Thank you. There is still much more ahead on world news tonight this tuesday. The midair explosion on the plane. Passengers inside, horrified. The incredible images. The blast ripping a hole in the jet. This was moments after takeoff. Also, the urgent manhunt under way tonight. Police now searching for a murder suspect considered armed and dangerous they apparently released by mistake in a major city. And the house levels in just seconds. The husband who accidentally drove into the home and his desperate effort to get to his wife in time. We will be right back. Y, and i quit smoking with ch i decided to take chantix to shut everybody else up about me quitting smoking. 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And on the ground, those passengers see the floor to creaming hole in the fuselage. From the outside, signs of what appear to be the markings of an explosion. The peeled back metal. Streaks of soot. Which would suggest quite definitively this was a bomb of some kind. Probably something about a hand grenade size that would have made this hole on the side of the airplane. Reporter two passengers reportedly hurt. The Somali Airline flying from mogadishu to djibouti. Even the pilot thinks it was a bomb. But one aviation expert believes there should have been more interior damage. If it was a bomb, Security Experts say, it may have been an attempt to defeat Security Systems and bring down a jetliner. David kerley, abc news, washington. Frightening images tonight. David, thank you. When we come back, we switch gears. The major star who will appear at the super bowl on sunday. The announcement just made today. Also, look at this. Another plane story tonight. This one, under water, off the coast of florida. The effort to get out before it sank to the bottom. And then, the house exploding into flames. The husband getting to his wife with just moments to spare. Where this happened, when we come back. If you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture. I can tell you prolia® is proven to help protect bones from fracture. But the real proof . My doctor said prolia® helped my bones get stronger. Are your bones getting stronger . Do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. Serious allergic reactions such as low Blood Pressure; trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip, or tongue swelling; rash, itching or hives have happened in people taking prolia®. Tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone problems may happen, or new or unusual pain in your hip, groin or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. 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He rushed to get his wife out of the home. The house then exploding as he called 911 from next door. No one was hurt. When we come back here tonight, the big star who will perform at the super bowl, Just Announced today. And the little star we learned about, too. At ally bank, no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like social media equals antisocial. Hey guys, i want you to meet my fiancee, denise. Hey. Good to meet you dennis. Type 2 diabetes doesnt care who you are. Man woman or where youre from. City country were just everyday people fighting high blood sugar. I am everyday people. Farxiga may help in that fight every day. Along with diet and exercise farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. One pill a day helps lower your a1c. And, although its not a weightloss or bloodpressure drug farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower Blood Pressure when used with certain diabetes medicines. Do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. 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Youre the winner oh, my gosh you are definitely the winner. Lets go talk to some of the players. You got to eat your individual tables. Reporter mingling with the gridiron gladiators from the Denver Broncos and the carolina panthers. What do you mean by your last rodeo . What do you think it meant . That youre probably going to retire. Oh, no no, no no. You totally missed the point. I am going to go participate in rodeos. How do you train to be a Great Quarterback . Just like you train to be great in anything else. You have to put your mind to it. Reporter yes, of course, hard work, but mosleys not averse to a little play, also. What do you think . Great. Reporter matt gutman, abc news, los angeles. Love her. Asking the tough questions there about the last rodeo for manning. Thanks for watching here on a tuesday night. Im david muir. I hope to see you right back here tomorrow. Good night. Stress tests for the super bowl. Were live at levis to see if the stadium is ready for sunday, and. Earthquake like shaking expected in two seconds. How the earthquake Warning System used by bart can spread nationwide. And joe montanas take on the Game Changing technology that could alter the way you watch sports. Im Michael Finney with how to avoid buying a counterfeit super bowl ticket. The super bowl has reshaped the bay area, and youre looking live at the prime example. This is our view of super bowl city from the visa everywhere cam. Good evening, thanks for joining us. Im ama daetz. And im dan ashley. Were live on the roof overlooking super bowl city. And live coverage continues and david louie will have a look before the game to see if its ready to host super bowl 50 and just ahead Security Systems. Reporter it is a little intimidating. Were not used to gig guns around here in the bay area, but were going to see more of them as security intensifies beginning on wednesday. Homeland Security Officers are now a visible presence at the sfo bart station theyre followed by k 9 teams along with officers from the transportation security administration, they makeup viper teams aiding bay area law enforcement. They go where public will

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