insisted they are ready this time. >> what we will work and strive to achieve and what we are prepared to achieve is that the power will stay on across the entire state. >> reporter: and david, more than a foot of snow in some spots once this storm is over. and for many, the big concern is blowing snow, with wind gusts of more than 30 miles per hour. then comes the deep freeze. the morning commute won't be pretty. david? >> alex perez leading us off tonight. alex, thank you. let's get right to ginger zee, live in st. louis tonight, timing this all out. hey, ginger. >> reporter: david, in st. louis here, we were on the southern side, so we have kind of this thick smothering of what looks like crushed ice that makes up maybe a snow cone that's flavorless. on top of that light snow and now tomorrow we're going to get the snow, i'm most concerned about paducah, kentucky, lexington, louisville, back to memphis, because of that ice. we could see accumulating freezing rain of a half inch or more. look at this map. it's already started in oklahoma and texas. it will make its way tonight