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It was a big mistake not wearing a mask at the white house. What he now says every leader should be urging, describing his symptoms and the week he spent in the icu. New evidence released in the alleged plot to kidnap the michigan governor. Tonight with have and images with suspects appearing to show off their weapons. Text messages about the plot. Tonight, what Defense Attorneys for the suspects are saying. The terror attack near paris. The middle School Teacher killed. What he learned tonight. The wildfires in california. The Trump Administration reversing course tonight after first rejecting a request for help from california. Several cities in the east hit with heavy rain and dangerous driving. When this heads out. And tonight noaa with the new winter outlook for the country. They waited 215 days. You only have to wait 25 minutes for our persons of the week. Good evening, and its great to have you with us here as we near the end of another week together. Just 18 days until the election. Overnight, the dueling town halls. The reaction to both was immediate. Tonight, President Trump back on the campaign trail in florida, saying we are rounding the turn on the virus. Joe biden in michigan pointing to the numbers hospitalizations rising in 39 states. Arguing were not turning the corner, that its getting worse with the Colder Weather here and americans heading back indoors. President trump knowing he needs seniors, appealing to them in florida again today, making a new prom toys them. Joe biden saying the scientists are warning it could get worse, we could see another wave. And tonight, the numbers across more than three dozen states. It all comes after the dueling town halls. President trump making news with what he would not say and joe biden making headlines on the Supreme Court among other issues, and making an impression by staying well after the town hall, still answering questions. Jonathan karl leading us off tonight. Reporter donald trump is in florida today, pleading for support from seniors, a group he won easily four years ago but is struggling with this year, in part because of his handling of covid19. Today he made them this promise. Seniors will be the first in line for the vaccine. The light at the end of the tunnel is near. We are rounding the turn. Reporter campaigning in michigan today, joe biden shot back, saying the president is lying about a pandemic that by any measure is taking a turn for the worse. Turned the corner . My lord. Its not disappearing. In fact, its on the rise again. Its getting worse, as predicted. Reporter during last nights dueling town halls, the president insisted hes long known the dangers of covid19, but he didnt want today biden said the one who paneliced was trump. And the reason he lied, again, to the American People . Well he said he didnt want to panic the American People. Americans dont panic. Donald trump panicked. Reporter in the first debate, President Trump declined to denounce white supremacists. In the last nights town hall, he praised the fringe conspiracyists of qanon, who Law Enforcement warns pose a potential terror threat, and the moderator, savannah guthrie, challenged him to explain why he recently retweeted a wild conspiracy that joe biden faked the death of osama bin laden. That was a retweet. That was an opinion of somebody. And that was a retweet. Ill put it out there. People can decide for themselves. I dont get that. Youre nottensomes crazy uncle who can just retweet whatever. Reporter one of the navy seals who took part in the mission, a trump supporter, condemned the retweet. The thing is, he can go over to the cia any time where there is a file cabinet with a picture of bin ladens head and my hands are in the picture. Reporter today, the president sent clear signals he wasnt happy with last nights forum. Another evening in paradise, i call it. Reporter but for a president who obsesses about ratings, what really had to hurt was this significantly more people watched the biden town hall than watched his. On abc, biden again dodged the question about whether he supports expanding the number of justices on the Supreme Court. No matter what answer i gave you, if i say it, thats the headline tomorrow. It wont be about whats going on now. The improper way theyre proceeding. But dont voters have a right to know where you stand . They do have a right to know where i stand. They have a right to know where i stand before they vote. So youll come out with a clear position before election day . Yes. Depending on how they handle this. Reporter in a sign of the trump campaigns troubles, republicans are starting to criticize him. In a call with his constituents, nebraska senator ben sasse said he is worried trump will lose and bring down the republican senate, too. The United States now regularly sells out our allies under his leadership the way he treats women and spends like a drunken sailor. The way he mocks evangelicals behind closed doors. His family has treated the presidency like a business opportunity. Hes flirted with white supremacists. Reporter and this week two of the most popular republican governors in the country, Charlie Baker of massachusetts and larry hogan of maryland, announced they would not be voting for trump. Lets get right to jon karl live tonight from washington. Were learning former president obama will hit the campaign trail for the first time with a stop in philadelphia next wednesday for biden. I know youre following other news coming in tonight about President Trumps personal lawyer, rudy giuliani. Reports the white house was warned that giuliani had become the target of a russian intelligence operation . Reporter abc news confirmed a report first in the Washington Post that u. S. Intelligence warned the white house that russian operatives were trying to influence giuliani in a mid to bbid to ge pass misinformation to the president. This was during a time when giuliani was traveling to ukraine, trying to dig up dirt on the bidens. Now to the new urgency about the coronavirus in this country as cases hit a grim few milestone today. More than 8 million confirmed cases here in the u. S. The death toll more than 218,000. Pfizer announcing they could submit a vaccine for emergency approval at the end of november. What former governor Chris Christie is saying after spending seven days in the icu with covid about not wearing a mask at the white house for that rose garden event and debate prep, saying it was all a big mistake. Heres alex perez. Reporter tonight another grim milestone, more than 8 million americans infected with the virus. Cases now climbing in nearly every corner of this country. Seeing the heat map, how it lights up with test positivity, that is in more than 30plus states is going in the wrong direction. Reporter 39 states with rising hospitalizations, 13 hitting records just this week, and now the number of deaths also climbing at more hospitals get overwhelmed. All of our frontline providers, who are doing an amazing job taking care of our patients, as many know there has been a huge surge of cases in utah. Our hospitals are getting full. Reporter the first Covid Patients arriving at that Field Hospital set up outside milwaukee. After spending seven days in the icu, former new jersey governor Chris Christie telling gma the virus hit him like a freight train. All of a sudden i got fever and chills and body aches, and i was just racked with pain and exhaustion. And it all happened very quickly. Within 24 hours i went from feeling absolutely fine to being in the intensive care unit. Reporter christie tested positive after not wearing a mask during the president s debate preps and that superspreader event at the white house. He now says hes learned a lesson. I let my guard down. It was wrong. It was just a big mistake. Leaders all across politics, sports, the media, should be saying to people, put your masks on and be safe. Until we get a vaccine that can help to protect us completely. Reporter in the race for a vaccine, pfizer today saying if all goes well, they could have a vaccine ready to send for emergency authorization soon after the third week of november. A vaccine cant come soon enough. In florida, unimaginable loss for the family of jerry jones, the 51yearold veteran and ems First Responder who died of the virus just a day after his 41yearold sister also lost her life to covid. I had to call jerrys mom, and tell her that her child didnt make it after the day before shed gotten the phone call about her daughter not making it. Two blows. Two devastating blows. Those were their only children. Just awful. A mother losing her daughter and son just a day apart. And alex joins us now from outside an emergency room in chicago tonight. Alex, i know that illinois is just one of the states tonight seeing record cases and increases in hospitalizations . Reporter yeah, david, some very alarming numbers. Illinois breaking its own record of new cases. A record that was set just yesterday. Across the country, some 63,000 new cases have been reported. We have not seen numbers like this since july. David . Alex perez on this for us again tonight. With all of this plays out in the u. S. , new restrictions from europe tonight. The World Health Organization warning without action deaths next year could soar to four or five times higher than last spring. France imposing curfews, fining people if theyre out after 8 00 p. M. And in london fotonight, with n limits on the gathering size there, this video showing officers breaking up a wedding with more than 100 guests. Back home, new reporting on the terror plot to arrest gretchen whitmer. 14 suspects face charges in all. One more added this week. Seven of them, alleged member of a treekist militia group. Prosecutors releasing new evidence tonight. This video showing a suspect with a cache of weapons. Heres Pierre Thomas tonight. Reporter tonight, in justreleased images from federal authorities, suspects accused of allegedly planning the kidnapping of michigans governor seen taking Surveillance Footage of her vacation home. Mapping out their alleged plan after a surveillance trip. And in this video, one of the suspects is showing off his cache of weapons. All this as the fbi and prosecutors have argued in court this week that the suspects should not be released pending trial because theyre too dangerous. Abc affiliate wxyz obtaining this Police Dash Cam video, showing suspect Brandon Caserta pulled over on september 19th during a routine traffic stop. But shortly afterwards, the fbi says, caserta allegedly sent texts to the group, saying he wished to kill the officers who pulled him over, even discussing hunting them down during their night shift. In this video posted on social media, caserta endorsing violence against the government. Im an anarchist. Im about to drop a bomb. Defensive force is legitimate. Reporter but Defense Attorneys today claiming it was all, quote, big talk. Were talking about guys who want to run around in the woods with guns and say bad things about the government. Reporter david, michigan is banning the open carry of guns at election day polling places. Michigans secretary of state says she wants citizens to cast their votes, quote, without the fear or threats of intimidation. Many in the state clearly on edge. We turn now to the horrific terror attack outside paris. A teacher decapitated on the street outside his school. Police say he had received threats. Magly ru magg maggie rulli tonight. Reporter tonight, a barbaric terror attack in broad daylight, in the suburbs of paris. Police say an 18yearold man beheaded a middle School History teacher with a knife on the street in front of his school. Officers shooting and killing the attacker, after a brief chase. Police say the teacher had received threats, after mentioning the controversial cartoons depicting the prophet mohammed, published by the Charlie Hebdo newspaper, during a lesson about freedom of expression, images many muslims find disrespectful. Late today, french president emanual macron visiting the gruesome scene, calling the killer a coward. Back in 2015, islamist terrorists attacked Charlie Hebdos offices in paris, killing 12 people. Recently, the satirical paper had republished those images that led to the attack. Todays murder is the second terrorrelated attack in france in less than a month, and since the start of the ongoing trial for the newsroom massacre. Just weeks ago, two people stop in the front of Charlie Hebdos former offices. They call todays attack horrific and revolting. Tonight the white house reversing course after first rejecting californias request for Disaster Relief amid the worst fire season on record. The white house saying President Trump denied the claim for victims of several devastating fires, including this one, the creek fire, saying the state had not provided, quote, relevant data. Then late today the president releasing the aid. Tonight meanwhile, redflag warning s continue with record heat. The storm moving through. Lets get the latest from rob marciano tracking it all for us. Reporter we are getting rain ahead of the cold front. Rain california could desperately use. Lets start there. Temperatures will cool but remain dry and gusty, and still above normal through the end of next week with no rain in sight. The rain from hartford to boston, heavy at times. Snow mixing in new england. Tomorrow morning temperatures could feel like in the 30s as far south as tennessee. Always great to have you. When we come back another football covid scare. News on the new England Patriots. Also news coming i tonight the impact of the covid on football in this country growing it will new England Patriots practice was canceled today after a player tested positive. So far theyre expected to play on sunday. In college football, six games this weekend opponented or cancels. After testing positive early they are week, nick saban hopes to be back on the sidelines tomorrow night. He needs three Straight Days of negative tests to return. The University Says he i hear someone go, didstrangers cough at me. Ys . Move away from me. Someone spit towards my direction. All the stereotypes that weve worked so hard to break are just going to be reversed. And i wont let that happen. We all have to play our part. I donate my plasma. Ive been making masks. We deserve respect just as much as everybody else. Im a firefighter, not a virus. Im a mask maker, not a virus. Im a nurse. Im a delivery woman. Chef. A neighbor. Artist. Bus driver. Im a doctor. To the index of other news tonight and the new warning for pregnant women about some common pain relievers. The fda says a group of antiinflammatory drugs, including includ including inprochb can cause kidney damage in the baby. Noaas winter outlook is out tonight, predicting warmer and drier weather. This includes a milder than normal winter on east coast. At the same time residents across northern states should prepare for a winter tolder than norm and plenty of snow, they say. Sounds like winter. When we come back, they waited 215 days. Who are our persons of the week . Finally tonight, our persons of the week. In these times we know so many seniors have waited to hug their grandchildren and in some cases theyve waited to see each other. Reporter tonight, the reunion 215 days in the making. All right, you ready . Reporter 80yearold Joseph Loreth is about to reunite with his wife, eve, after seven months apart. They have been married 60 years. Somebodys waiting reporter they both live at the rosecastle at Delaney Creek assisted living facility in brandon, florida. They were separated in march when joseph had to undergo surgery and then rehabilitation. And because of the pandemic, they were not allowed to be in the same room until joseph fully recovered. 215 days. Miss eve, i brought you somebody. Look, sis. Whos here . Whos here, mama . Oh, my god. Oh, look at him, dear mama. I sure missed you. Reporter eve standing to hug her husband. Oh, i miss you. I missed you so much. I love you. I missed you so much. Reporter a kiss on josephs forehead. I missed you so much. Oh, i missed you. Oh, youre all right. I love you so much. After 60 years, i gotta do something right. Reporter and right here, tonight hi, david. Reporter joseph and eve together, holding hands. Its very nice. Very nice. Reporter they told us they met in high school at a skating rink. She started chasing me around and she never quit. Hi, david. Reporter and clary abreu, the coordinator at rosecastle who brought them back together, proud to care for them, telling us about the moment. She was so excited she paced probably all night, and she sat out in the dining room waiting for him. I missed you so much. He was just so emotional. It was so beautiful to see how much he loved his wife. It is beautiful to see, joseph and eve back together. Good night. A fire at the ic at the ic c hill. They were dropping retardant from planes. You can see how intense the flames were at times. The heat and dry brush certainly not helping. Good afternoon. Thank you for joining us. Im dion lim. Im ama daetz. Well have more in a minute. First another big fire that broke out in the past hour. Its a warehouse thats caught fire along starlight street near spruce avenue clear across town the site of this mornings wildfire. We seen fire crews from around San Mateo County on scene of this fouralarm fire. Lets look from sky 7 and show you progress being made. You can see the water being poured on it. The fire appears to be mostly out. The crews on scene, hot

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