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The images coming in at this hour. The deadly plane crash, bursting into flames. Several dead. Not far from the airport. Outsidew yorty, the rainllia tractokr agnst the ceo of amaz the owner of the washington post, jeff bezos. Did the crown prince hack his phone . Investigators say to, quote, il newspapers critical coverage. The chilling hope statementing in the Harvey Weinstein trial tonight. What the women accuse him of doing, as weinsteins attorneys reveal Text Messages and emails from some of his accusers. What they say the messages prove. The missing mother who was on vacation in a popular destination. What her family is now saying tonight. And the super bowl mvp revealing hes retiring. Good evening and we are back from washington tonight, and well get to the impeachment trial in just a moment. But we begin tonight with the growing concern as the toll from that deadly coronavirus now grows, spreading from wuhan, china, and tonight, that first case here in the u. S. The patient in isolation, now being treated by that robot. While in china tonight, the urgent effort to contain the virus. Passengers arriving at the beijing airport met by Health Officials in hazmat suits. Crowds at the entrance to this train station protecting themselves with masks. And in the city of wuhan, where the outbreak began, patients now in isolation, all trains and planes out of that city halted just tonight. While here in the u. S. , two more airports now screening some passengers, and that american patient, where was he before he showed up at that hospital . Abcs Kayna Whitworth leads us off tonight outside seattle. Reporter drastic measures to halt the spread of that deadly virus. Wuhan, china, ground zero for for the outbreak, now under lockdown. Most of the 17 dead and more than 500 sickened are here in wuhan, where today we saw the first images from the front lines. Patients in isolation units being treated by doctors in biohazard suits. Pharmacies struggling to keep masks on the shelves. The city of 11 million now halting all Public Transportation and outbound flights. Put on a face mask or consult a doctor as soon as possible. Reporter our bob woodruff made his way there earlier. This is the International Section of Wuhan International airport. And theres basically almost no one here. Its empty. Reporter passengers now catching the last flights out. It comes as doctors outside seattle today revealed new details about the First American patient, who is being kept in a isolation. He was transported in this unit. Teams in protective suits using a robot with a stethoscope to care for the man. Thankfully, our patient is doing relatively well. Reporter officials now saying that patients first stop in the u. S. Was seattle. His connecting flight was abroad. The cdc funneling all passengers arriving from wuhan through five u. S. Airports with mandatory screening. How effective are these screenings at airports . Well, the screens are very effective ways of determining who is really a risk for having the infection and then spreading it. And so lets get to Kayna Whitworth, outside seattle tonight. And kayna, they are still trying to retrace the patients steps. How concerned are they about anyone who might have come in contact with him, including the team who first treated him . Reporter well, david, they are concerned, and officials just now identifying 16 people they believe this patient came into close contact with, but this man did not show symptoms until he arrived home in washington and because he knew he was high risk, he immediately went to urgent care, alerted them of his travels and so doctors there were able to take proper precautions in treating him. And david, so far, none of those doctors have shown any symptoms. That is encouraging. Kayna whitworth leading us off again on this story. Thank you. And now to the impeachment trial of President Trump tonight, day two, and now the democrats up first. Making their case. They get 24 hours over three days to do this. They are arguing at this hour, the president abused his power, they say, trying to get ukraine to announce an investigation into the bidens and withholding u. S. Aid that had already been passed by congress. Lead maker adam schiff arguing the president should be removed from office. And trying to convince key moderate republican senators to allow for witnesses in the trial, to make it a fair trial, he says. Tonight, the president s team already responding and abcs mary bruce on the hill. Reporter in the Senate Chamber today, the democratic prosecutors invoking the words of alexander hamilton, saying the framers warned against a president like donald trump. And his object is to throw things into confuse, that he might ride the storm and direct the whirlwind. Reporter chairman adam schiff saying thepresidtshoonv instige joe biden is exactly the kind of scenario the framers feared. They feared that a president would subvert our democracy by abusing the awesome power of his office for his own personal or political gain. Reporter democrats say the president withheld nearly 400 million in military aid to serve his own political needs. The president used the hold on military aid as leverage to pressure ukraine to announce these investigations that he hoped would help his reelection campaign. Reporter the president , it appears, was watching from air force one, just 30 minutes later, trump tweeting, no pressure. In a series of methodical speeches, the democrats laid out their case, arguing the facts are not in dispute. They cant contest the facts. The president was the key player in this scheme. Everyone was in the loop. He directed the actions of his team. He personally asked a Foreign Government to investigate his opponent. Reporter democrats warned the president must be removed from office to protect the 2020 election. The president went to extraordinary lengths to cheat in the next election. Reporter the democrats say the evidence paints a, quote, overwhelming and damning picture, and are imploring republicans to let them call additional witnesses the white house has blocked. Only then, they say, will the world know the full extent of the president s wrongdoing. Youll hear from witnesses who have not yet testified, like john bolton and mick mulvaney, mr. Blair and mr. Duffy. And if you can believe the president s words last month, you will also hear from secretary pompeo. You will hear their testimony at the same time as the american people. That is, if you allow it. But that remains an open question tonight. Mary bruce live at the capitol, and mary, as democrats there try to convince those moderate republicans to allow for witnesses, the president s defense team already prepared to argue against that, and tonight, theyre already vowing to challenge the facts already presented today . Reporter david, throughout this entire day, the president s team has had to sit silently in the chamber. They say that they are now revising their defense, based on what they have heard from the democrats and, of course, how the president reacts. David . Thats right. They have to sit through three days of this before they make their case. Mary bruce, thank you. And President Trump in switzerland, calling a News Conference on all of this, weighing in on the length of the trial, on the idea of witnesses and some very candid words from the president when it comes to the idea of hearing from john bolton in the impeachment trial. Abcs Kyra Phillips traveling with the president tonight. Reporter President Trump returning from europe tonight after lashing out at the democrats who put him on trial. They talked about their tremendous case and its all done they tremendous case. They had no case. Its a hoax. Its a con job. Reporter hes charged with abuse of power. His lawyers claim thats not an Impeachable Offense. But the president . Not so sure. Is abuse of power an Impeachable Offense . Well, it depends. But if you take a look at this and from what everybody tells me, all i do is, im honest. Reporter senior white house sources tell abc news theyre planning for a short trial. But the president says he wants a long one. He also claims he wants to hear from witnesses like former National Security adviser john bolton, even though he is the one blocking bolton from testifying. The problem with john is that its a National Security problem. You know, you cant have somebody whos at National Security. And if you think about it, john, he knows some of my thoughts. He knows other things. And i dont know if we left in the best of terms, i would say probably not, you know. And so, you dont like people testifying when they didnt leave on good terms. Reporter the president seemed to relish the idea of crashing the impeachment trial and staring down democrats himself. So, what do you think . Will you show up at your trial any day in any way shape or form . Id love to go. Wouldnt that be great . Wouldnt it be beautiful . Reporter so why dont you go . I dont know. I sort of love sit right there in the front row and stare at their corrupt faces. Kyra phillips with us live from switzerland tonight. And kyra, the president was asked if abuse of power is an Impeachable Offense. His answer was, it depends. His legal team will argue it is not. And there are headlines that his own troernl in the past has taken a much different view. Reporter thats right, david. Before he was attorney general, barr issued a confidential memo for the Justice Department and trumps legal team while special Counsel Robert Mueller was conducting his probe, saying that president s who abuse their power could be subject to penalties, including impeachment. He said thats up to congress, david. Kyra phillips tonight reporting in. Thank you, kyra. Next, that major storm on the move tonight. Ten states on alert from texas up through michigan, then straight into the northeast. A dangerous commute near wichita, kansas, a semijackknifed in the snow. Snowplows at the airport in omaha tonight. Subfreezing wind chills in south florida. And that very rare image, iguanas falling from the trees. They actually put out an alert overnight. Authorities always quick to point out, the iguanas are okay, theyre just stunned. And in tampa, mana tees huddling in the warm water near a power plant. Lets get to rob marciano, tracking it for us tonight. Reporter you see how far reaching that cold air mass is, its huge. And we have a widereaching system thats running into it. Flakes flying and advisories are up from arkansas all the way up through wisconsin, with the rain down across parts of louisiana. That cold air is going to mad rat some, so, the snow changes to rain in places like chicago, along the i80 corridor. Not a ton of accumulation as the coastal low takes shape on saturday. Rain along i95, looking for another accumulating snowfall for the interior northeast this weekend. David . All right, rob, thank you so much. And next tonight, the u. N. Possible link between saud of a arabiag ofzon chief jef phone began within hours of receiving a whatsapp video file. The saudi kingdom responding tonight, and heres abcs chief justice correspondent Pierre Thomas. Reporter tonight, the United Nations accusing the crown prince of saudi arabia of hacking one of the richest men in the world amazon founder jeff bezos. Our suspicion is that the phone of mr. Bezos was hacked in relation to his role as the owner of the washington post. Reporter the u. N. Report, which examined Data Collected by a firm hired by bezos, as well as other evidence, says the hack happened back in may of 2018 in an effort to influence and possibly silence the washington posts critical reporting on saudi arabia. Particularly from columnist jamal khashoggi. Prince who maam med bin salman allegedly sending bezos a video file on whatsapp seen here in this image obtained by vice news. When opened, the file allegedly allowed hackers to break into bezos phone and download massive amounts of data. The crown prince allegedly sending bezos another Whatsapp Message of a picture of a woman close ly looking like his like thenmistress. Ka shaggy was killed inside the Saudi Embassy in istanbul. The Saudi Foreign minister dismissing allegations of the countrys involvement in the hack. Tonight, a Justice Department official would not comment on the alleged hack, other than to say the u. S. Will investigate malicious activity, including if its sponsored by a nation state. The fbi declined to comment, david. All right, Pierre Thomas with us live tonight. Pierre, thank you. President trump overseas making headlines, appearing to downplay the injuries suffered by u. S. Service members on a military base in iraq. After first reporting no injuries in the january 8th attack, the pentagon revealing that 11 Service Members sustained concussion and traumatic brain injuries. Just yesterday, they reported more troops had been evacuated for evaluation. The president describing the injuries as this way. I heard that they had headaches and a couple of other things, but i would say, and i can report, it is not very serious. You dont think potential traumatic brain injuries are serious. I dont consider them serious relative to other injuries ive seen. More than 400,000 Service Members have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injury since 2000. Back here in new york city tonight, chilling Opening Statements in the trial of Harvey Weinstein. Prosecutors saying hes a sexual predator and rapist. The defense saying they are reveal loving text msagesnd emails from some of his accusers. Heres whit johnson. Fall for a holntight, a stunning harvey, do you think youre getting a fair trial today . Yep. Reporter weinstein assisted by his pr rep into court today. More than 80 women alleging misconduct, but this trial will focus on two specific cases, including former weinstein Production Assistant mimi what lay. Prosecutors say weinstein sexually assaulted her in 2006. I told him, no, no, no, but he insisted. Reporter but the defense previewed what it called dozens of loving emails sent by some accusers to the producer, like this one from the other complaining witness, months after the alleged assault. Miss you big guy, i love you, i always do. But i hate feeling like a booty call. Weinstein has pleaded not guilty to all five felony counts, including rape and sexual assault. Six women are expected to testify against him, which could begin as early as tomorrow. David . All right, whit johnson tonight. Whit, thank you. And there is still much more ahead on world news tonight this wednesday. The deadly plane crash and the images coming in at this hour. The plane going down during takeoff, bursting into flames. Several people killed. Authorities with new details at this hour and well have more in a moment. Outside new york city, the commuter train barrelling into a tractor trailer stuck on the tracks. Well have more on that. And news tonight about that missing mother we reported on last night here, she was on vacation in a popular destination, and what her family is now saying tonight. A lot more news ahead, ill be right back. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. 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Rote telling local police when they woke up the next morning, she was gone. At this time, there is not much to go on. Her personal belongings were found on the island. There is nothing to suggest that any craft or anything is missing at this time. Reporter police also saying mackenzie was seen drinking the night before, a detail her sister is now questioning. I will say it is not like her to be intoxicated. Maybe have a drink, but to be intoxicated, like, ive never seen her drunk in my life. Reporter the tour company, depicted here in this promogsal video, says they are cooperating with police. So far in their investigation, police in belize have not named a person of interest, but say theyre not ruling anything out. The u. S. State department is assisting local authorities. David . All right, victor, thank you. When we come back, the deadly plane crash. Several dead. The images coming in now. Also, the change involving emotional support dogs. 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A new Jersey Transit train slamming into a tractor trailer stuck on the tracks. The truck driver had just escaped in time. Authorities revealing a new crackdown tonight involving emotional support animals. New rules allowing airlines to stop allowing most support animals into the cabin. Service animals for passengers with disabilities would be trained dogs only. And twotime super bowl mvp eli manning is retiring. The giants quarterback retiring after 16 seasons. He spent his entire career with the giants. When we come back here tonight, the moment in the auditorium that moved everyone. When you retire will you or will you just be you, without the constraints of a full time job . You can grow your Retirement Savings with pacific life and create the future thats most meaningful to you. Which means you can retire, without retiring from life. Having the flexibility to retire on your terms. Thats the power of pacific. Ask your financial professional about pacific life today. 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I love all of you. Thank you. And mrs. Marshalls first graders with a fight song for her. Mrs. Marshall wiping away tears. Il be strong ill play my fight song ive still got left a lot of fight left in me tonight, that first grade teacher sending us a message. Hi, david. Just wanted to check in and say thank you so much for airing my store i. Telling us she started her che chemotherapy pills and that shes felling weal enough to teach. Im able to still be in the classroom and teach with my kids. Everyone that is going through Breast Cancer right now, you guys can make it. And we are pulling for mrs. Marshall. Im david i come face to face with a lot of behinds. So i know theres a big need for gasx maximum strength. It works fast. Relieving pressure, bloating, and discomfort before you know it. So no one needs to know youve got gas. Gasx the first ban, criminal background checks for ten ants. Sporters say this will help. Hel. Thanks for joining us. The goal is to help people trying to make a fresh start out of jail but it has land lords worried about the implications. The thought is that housing applications have a check box on them. I asks have you ever been convicted of a felony . If that box is checked, it is likely that application or sometimes it will go into a rejection pile. That is about to change very soon that question will not be appearing on rental applications

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