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1,000. The elevator dropping more than 80 stories, six people inside, including a pregnant woman. The stunning crash. The 17yearold race car driver, and there is word from the hospital tonight on her condition. And the thanksgiving sales. The countdown is on tonight. And the one step you can take online right now that will track the prices for you all week long to lock in the lowest price. Good evening. And its great to have you with us here on a monday night. And we begin tonight with the scene unfolding right now. The shooting at a hospital in chicago. A gunman opening fire in a parking lot and then inside the hospital. Multiple people shot. Doctors, nurses and patients could be seen evacuating parts of the hospital, hurrying out with their hands in the air. Police rushing to Mercy Hospital, barricading streets in the area. And this was the scene from above just a short time ago. A Police Escort following an ambulance carrying an officer who was shot and who is now critically injured. It is believed the gunman is dead tonight. And abcs alex perez leading us off. Hes on the scene in chicago. Reporter doctors and nurses with their hands up evacuated from chicagos Mercy Hospital. A man with a gun inside. Holy [ bleep ] reporter the first shots fired around 3 00 p. M. James gray, a patient, says he saw a man and the woman walking together in the parking lot when the man opened fire. The gentleman turned around and shot three times in her chest, then when she fell to the ground, he stood over her and shot her three more times. And you witnessed all of this . Yes. Reporter police rushing to the scene. All units, were getting a 101, 101 outside of Mercy Hospital. No further information, shots fired in front of Mercy Hospital. Reporter james gray was watching from inside, and thats exactly where the gunman headed. Security was trying to direct us into rooms and told us to lock the doors behind us. It was chaos. It was just mass chaos. Once he entered, he just started shooting random. Reporter Gary Thompson works at the hospital. You heard at least eight shots, you saw blood yes. Elevator lobby area . Yeah, on the floor. Reporter police say there were multiple victims. Officers going floor by floor, a methodical search for the gunman. One officer in critical condition, loaded into an ambulance, driven away with a Police Escort. And alex perez joins us from outside Mercy Hospital tonight in chicago. And alex, we understand police are now saying the hospital is secure . Reporter david, that is correct. Officials say they have searched the hospital and it has been secured. You can see still a very active crime scene behind me here. The gunman is dead. Three other victims, including a Chicago Police officer, are in critical condition, fighting for their lives. The motive here remains unclear. David . Alex perez leading us off tonight. Alex, thank you. And were going to turn next here tonight to the horror revealed in a colorado courtroom today. The father who killed his pregnant wife and two young daughters was sentenced today. And what weve just now learned. Chris watts had already pleaded guilty to killing his wife and daughters, celeste and bella. Youll remember when they disappeared, he made that emotional appeal for them to return home. Authorities say he had already killed them. In court today, prosecutors now revealing grim new details of the crime, and both families spoke. The family of the pregnant wife and his own parents spoke, too. What they said about their own son. Abcs Kayna Whitworth was in the courtroom in greeley, colorado. Reporter for the colorado man who pled guilty to murdering his entire family, judgment day. Chris watts first facing his agonized inlaws. This is the heartless one, the evil monster. I trusted you to take care of them, not kill them. And then, you take them out like trash. You disgust me. He was the one for me. And he is amazing. Reporter their daughter, shanann, who once gushed about her husband, brutally killed, along with their two granddaughters and unborn grandson. My daddy is a hero reporter watts motherinlaw blasting him for the ultimate betrayal. Your children adored you and they also trusted you. Your daughter bella marie sang a song proudly, it was, daddy youre my hero. Reporter as police searched for watts missing family in early august, he went on tv, begging for their return. Shanann, bella, celeste, if youre out there, just come back. Reporter today, watts parents saying their son needs to atone for what hes done. Id like to begin by recognizing the absolute horror of this crime. Reporter struggling to recognize this heinous crime with the love they have for their son. We have loved you from the beginning and we still love you now. Reporter watts wiping away tears. Prosecutors today revealing gutwrenching details about how the colorado father strangled his wife and smothered 3yearold celeste and 4yearold bella, who they say fought back. Imagine the horror in bellas mind as her father took her last breaths away. Reporter the girls then violently stuffed into oil storage tanks. Shanann buried in a shallow grave. The motive . Prosecutors say it was simple watts wanted a fresh start with a new woman. If he was this happy and wanted a new start, get a divorce. You dont annihilate your family and throw them away like garbage. Reporter prosecutors say while shanann was trying to save their marriage, watts was texting his girlfriend, and the morning after the murder, he looked into selling his home and even unenrolled his daughters from school. Today, when asked if he wanted to speak no, sir. Reporter his attorney saying only this he is devastated. He is sincerely sorry. Reporter and with that, the judge handed down five life sentences without parole. This is perhaps the most inhumane and vicious crime that i have handled out of the thousands of cases that i have seen. And Kayna Whitworth is live outside the courthouse there in greeley, colorado. And kayna, the parents of the pregnant wife who was killed, i know they did not want the Death Penalty . Reporter yeah, david, thats true. They didnt want the Death Penalty in this case, they dont believe in it. But it was a horrific day in court as they learned about their granddaughters final moments. They now know that bella was found in an oilsoaked pajama top, pink with hearts and butterflies on it. And celeste wearing a pink and black top. It was so hard to hear, david. This is an impossible story all the way around. Kayna whitworth, thank you. Were going to turn next here tonight to the concerns on the roads, as a clipper system now moves in, just as millions begin to travel this thanksgiving week. There is record travel expected. That clipper will bring snow into tonight and tomorrow. Then millions of americans are bracing for an arctic blast for thanksgiving day. Wind chills in the teens for washington, d. C. , philadelphia, new york, Single Digits in boston. Chief meteorologist ginger zee is live at the George Washington bridge tonight. Shes tracking it all on a holiday week. Hi, ginger. Reporter hi, david. Lets go ahead and start with that clipper system, because thats going to get you slipping and sliding on the roads on tuesday. So, we take it here, it moves very quickly, albany and i90, look out for a couple of inches. It will be mostly rain at the coast. But vermont, New Hampshire and maine all picking up a couple of inches with that, too. It goes out, most of us are dry wednesday through thursday, but we are just downright cold. Thats where the headlines are going to come in. Most of us in the northeast should see one of the coldest thanksgivings since 1996. Boston, david, with a high of only 22, would make it the coldest thanksgiving on record. Ginger zee with us. Thank you, ginger. Were also watching the weather in california tonight. There is some rain coming where they desperately need it, and tonight, as they wait for that rain, an unbelievable number to report. Nearly 1,000 people are still unaccounted for after the fires. Abcs marcus moore is in paradise, california. Reporter tonight, the Staggering Number 11 days after the fire broke out. Nearly 1,000 still missing. Loved ones posting pictures and names outside this shelter. People like julian benstock and his dog, jack. Officials are optimistic they will track down many of the unaccounted for, but the wait is agonizing. When you dont know, the grief is suspended, and people have said to me, its like treading water. Reporter President Trump seeing that devastation firsthand over the weekend, after criticizing Forest Management in california, he cited a conversation he says he had with the president of finland. They spend a lot of time on raking and cleaning and doing things and they dont have any problem. Reporter the finnish president tonight responding, saying the two did talk about forest fires, but he doesnt recall discussing raking. And marcus moore with us live tonight from california. And i mentioned there the rain a moment ago, marcus, it will help, but i understand it could bring a new set of problems . Reporter yeah, david, thats right. It will certainly help crews stop the fire that caused all of this damage here in paradise, california, but it also presents a real danger, because of all the scorched earth, mudslides could be a real concern. And in southern california, officials were filling sandbags for residents so they can prepare. And it will be a concern for residents here in the northern part of the state, as well. David . Marcus, thank you. Were going to turn now to the new interview with President Trump making headlines. Will he sit down with Robert Mueller . What the president now says, after telling our jon karl that he would be willing to speak with mueller under oath 100 . The president was also asked, did he know that his pick for acting attorney general said before that pick that there was no collusion . Abcs chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl tonight. Reporter President Trump is now making it clear he is almost certainly not going to do an inperson interview with special counsel Robert Mueller. I think weve wasted enough time on this witch hunt and the answer is probably, were finished. Reporter thats not what the president told me last year. Would you be willing to speak under oath to give your version of those events . 100 . Reporter the Mueller Investigation is overseen by new acting attorney general matt whitaker, who, before he joined the justice department, was openly critical of the special counsel. The truth is, there was no collusion with the russians and the trump campaign. Did you know before you appointed him that he had that record and was so critical of Robert Mueller . I did not know that. Reporter the president now says whitaker has the authority to do whatever he wants. If whitaker decides in any way to limit or curtail the Mueller Investigation, are you okay with that . Look, he its going to be up to him. I think hes very well aware politically. But you wont overrule him if he decides to curtail . I would not get involved. Jon karl with us live tonight from the white house. And jon, some Democratic Senators tonight are going to court to try to block the acting a. G. Matt whitakers appointment . Reporter in fact, david, three democrats on the Senate Judiciary committee have gone to court to ask a judge to remove whitaker as the acting attorney general. They argue that his appointment is not constitutional because he was not confirmed by the senate. David . Jon karl live at the white house on a monday night. Jon, thanks, as always. President trump making headlines tonight after what he said about retired navy admiral bill mcraven, who led the operation that killed osama bin laden, but who has been critical of the president. President trump suggesting they could have gotten bin laden sooner, and that mcraven is a Hillary Clinton fan. Mcraven did not endorse anyone for president. The bin laden raid was applauded by both parties and the country. Admiral mcraven firing back tonight, saying he admires, quote, all president s, regardless of their political party, who uphold the dignity of the office and who use that office to bring the nation together in challenging times. We move on to other news, and the high rise scare in chicago. An elevator falling more than 80 floors, trapping six people inside, including a pregnant woman. Tonight, how firefighters had to break through a cinder block wall to get to them. Heres abcs gio benitez. Reporter tonight, terrifying stories being shared by passengers who plunged 84 floors in this elevator. I believed that we were going to die. We were falling down. Reporter this man told chicago tv station wbbm that six people, including his wife and a pregnant woman, boarded on the 95th floor of the former Hancock Building and quickly realized something was wrong. We were going down, i felt that we were falling down, and then we heard a loud noise, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack. Reporter Officials Say two cables on top of the elevator broke, leaving only backup safety lines to finally stop the fall on the 11th floor. Complicating the crisis, it was an express elevator, so the shaft had limited entry and exit points. Rescue teams eventually finding the elevator, breaking through cinder blocks to get the passengers out after three tense hours. Now, david, incredibly, everyone is okay. Experts arent sure exactly what happened, but that elevator did pass an inspection back in july. David . Gio benitez, thank you. And tonight, to the growing outrage over the couple and the homeless vet who used a go fund me page to raise 400,000. All three were charged. But tonight here, the audio of the woman, her attorneys claim it backs up her version of the story, that she was not the mastermind, and her claim that she was simply dragged into this. Heres abcs eva pilgrim. Reporter tonight, the woman caught up in the go fund me scam releasing new audio, claiming her thenboyfriend and a homeless man are really to blame for the lie that took donors for almost 400,000. I had no part in any of this and im the one [ bleep ] taking the fall. Reporter kate mcclures attorney sharing this audio exclusively with abc news, purportedly of a conversation mcclure had with mark damico. Abc news has not independently verified its authenticity. Her lawyer calling her a victim. Mr. Damico was the one behind this, and he was calling all the shots. Reporter but prosecutors charged all three with deception and conspiracy, and say the group made up a story about the homeless man giving her gas money. Then, created that go fund me page for him, instead, using the money for themselves. You act like you didnt spend a dollar. Stop it. Im not acting like that. Stop it. Reporter david, we have reached out to Johnny Bobbitt and mark damico for comment. Neither has responded. Go fund me says it will return the money to all 14,000 donors. David . Eva pilgrim tonight. Eva, thank you. There is still much more ahead on world news tonight this monday. The mystery death of a grandmother and teacher on a cruise. There are new details coming in tonight. What passengers reportedly saw before she went overboard. Also tonight, the stunning crash. The 17yearold race car driver, and there is word from the hospital tonight on her condition. And your money tonight, the thanksgiving sales. The countdown is on this evening. The one step you can take online right now that will track prices for you all week long while youre busy doing other things to help you lock in the lowest price. Price. Were back in a moment. The doc. But why go back there. When you can stay home with Neulasta Onpro . Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. In a key study neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17 to 1 , a 94 decrease. Neulasta onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the day after chemo and is used by most patients today. Neulasta is for certain Cancer Patients receiving strong chemotherapy. Do not take neulasta if youre allergic to it or Neupogen Filgrastim . An incomplete dose could increase infection risk. 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And we know most of you wont have time this week with thanksgiving approaching to watch prices online at every moment to track them. So, the one tool tonight that will track them for you. Abcs chief Business Correspondent Rebecca Jarvis out to save your money. Save on hundreds of deals. Doors open thursday, 2 00 p. M. Reporter tonight, with the kickoff to the busiest week of shopping happy holidays. Reporter how to get the most bang for that hardearned buck. This year, the price of entry for anything you buy should be at least 30 off and i would really be looking for a sweet 40. Reporter checking off that wish list, try visiting a deal aggregator site like blackfriday. Com. Theyll show you the best price, where to find it, and tell you when the deal goes live. It also pays to install a Browser Extension on your computer like honey. Just as youre about to check out, click the honey button, and it will find any coupon thats available on the internet and try it for you. Free twoday delivery. Reporter plus, try this trick tonight. Log into a stores website, put whatever youre interested into your cart and close the window. And then what they might do is send you an email with an extra discount so you can stack your deals. Reporter david, also be sure to check with retailers who typically price match. Many of them suspend it over black friday. David . Rebecca, thank you. When we come back tonight, news this evening about that grandmother and teacher who went overboard on that cruise. What passengers reported seeing before it apparently happened. And much more on that 17yearold race car driver badly injured in a horrific crash. What were now learning about her condition tonight. Were back in a moment. Every day, people are fighting type 2 diabetes with food, family and farxiga, the pill that starts with f. Farxiga, along with diet and exercise, helps lower aic in adults with type 2 diabetes, its one pill a day. 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Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. To the index of other news. New details about the grandmother who died after going overboard on a cruise. Authorities say the teachers aide died while on the royal princess cruise ship from florida to aruba. Witnesses report seeing her struggling with a man before plunging overboard, her body landing in a lifeboat. Her husband was questioned by police. Authorities say hes not a suspect. Hes reportedly back in the u. S. Tonight. Now to the teenage race car driver lucky to be alive. 17yearold sophia floer ch fractured her spine when she crashed at 171 miles per hour. Her car right there sailing through the fence there. She is in stable condition tonight after seven hours of surgery. She released a Statement Today thanking her doctors and racing team, promising, quote, well be back. A president ial pardon in the works. In keeping with thanksgiving tradition, President Trump will pardon one of two turkeys tomorrow, their names peas and carrots. Theres the image tonight. The white house letting the public decide who gets the pardon. You can vote on twitter. The vote is, were told, neck and neck tonight. I didnt write that, but they will both survive this, were told. And paying tribute to california. The chiefs and rams playing at the l. A. Coliseum for monday night football. The teams will honor First Responders and victims of the wildfires and the mass shooting at the borderline bar and grill. You can help fire victims tonight by going to redcross. Org or by texting cafieldfires to 90999 to make a 10 donation. When we come back, the young hockey player, and what we went through to get back on the ice. The incredible moment coming up. You can do that during the game tonight, as well. When we come back, the young hockey player, and what we went through to get back on the ice. The incredible moment coming up. I couldnt catch my breath. It was the last song of the night. It felt like my heart was skipping beats. They said i had afib. Whats afib . I knew that meant i was at a greater risk of stroke. I needed answers. My doctor and i chose xarelto® to help keep me protected from a stroke. Oncedaily xarelto®, a latestgeneration blood thinner significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. Warfarin interferes with at least 6 of your bodys natural bloodclotting factors. Xarelto® is selective, targeting just one critical factor. 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Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Needles. Fine for some things. But for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. Ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. An unjection™. Fina finally tonight here, america strong. The young hockey player defying the odds to get back onto the ice. Gage senter has loved hockey since he was a boy. Three years ago as a High School Freshman in merry mack, massachusetts, he made the varsity starting lineup, with dreams of playing hockey professionally. But that summer, he was struck by a car at a crosswalk. Gates spent a month in a coma. He was on life support with traumatic brain injury. And then, he woke up. For 22 months, gage got to work. Awesome job, gage. Reporter determined to recover. I had to relearn how to walk, relearn how to talk, relearn how to live life again. Reporter and gage even began helping others with brain injury, too. Come on, alex. Reporter hes become a role model for others at the may Center School for brain injury in brockton, massachusetts. I help them, just like i was helped. I want my fellow students to get back to how they were before they got the brain injury. Reporter and just last spring, this was gage taking his first steps back on the ice. It might look shaky to most, but to gage and his family, it was a victory. And tonight, just look at gage on the ice now. I feel like the old me, and i feel great. I feel greater than ever, to be back in this world. I had so much doubt within my whole life, and i just feel like i made it. Woo thats what i have to say for everyone with, like, an injury. You cant give up, just keep trying. Nice gage never gave up. Were cheering for you, gage. Im david muir. I hope to see you right back here tomorrow. Good night. Tomorrow is the 13th straight spare the air day in the bay area because of smoke from the camp fire but relief is in sight. Im Spencer Christian. Despite the lingering smoke and haze in the air, we have improvement around the corner. The accuweather forecast coming up. Glimpses of good news from butte county as some missing people are foundlive where you live, this is abc 7 news. You cant smell any smoke. We have a lot of disappointed guests. The masks dont beat going inside but better than nothing. We have to endure at least one more day of unhealthy air and all of the inconveniences that it brings, but soon things are going to begin to clear up. Good evening. Thank you for joining us. Im dan ashley. Im kristen sze. Right now at the bottom of your screen you will see a list of local air quality readings so you can tell what the air is like where you live. Thats right. We are expecting rain in a few days which should bring some real relief to us. The smoke in the bay area is all due, of course, to the camp fire burning in butte county. With 77 people dead and more than 11,000 homes destroyed, it is the deadliest and most destructive wildfire in record in california history. Nearly 1,000 people are unaccounted for in butte county. The fire has scorched 151,000 acres and is 66 contained tonight. Now, to put things into perspective on how big the camp fire is, take a look at this size comparison map. The fire would cover a huge chunk of the south bay including san jose, los gatos, saratoga, cupertino, sunnyvale, Mountain View and milpitas. We have Team Coverage for you tonight on the fire and the impact on air quality. First lets hear from Spencer Christian about how close we are to clean air finally, spencer. Just a couple of days away, but right now we still have the unhealthful air. Here is a look at our color coded air quality map. You can see the red circles indicating poor quality. You have to go outside of the bay area to find

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