My three sons. The father and the unbelievable milestone. Who is our person of the week . Good evening and its great to have you with us on a friday night. We begin with Michael Flynn and his guilty plea. President trumps former National Security adviser admitting he lied to the fbi. Arriving with his wife at federal court in washington already processed and fingerprinted as part of his plea. With the deal, flynn is now agreeing to cooperate with the special counsel. Could that mean flynn will testify against the president . We begin with brian ross. Reporter he was one of the president s closest advisers, one of his first major appointments, but today as general Michael Flynn walked out of court in washington, protesters chanted, lock him up. Lock him up. Reporter an echo of flynns own words about hillary clinton. Lock her up. Reporter flynn pleaded guilty today to lying to the fbi, telling associates he is prepared to testify, if needed, against President Trump and others in the white house. How many more figures have to be brought to justice because of their ties with russia before we end up connecting all these dots . Reporter flynn now admits he lied about his conversations with the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the transition period. The white house had claimed it was unaware of the substance of those conversations but todays Court Documents show flynn says he was acting with the knowledge of Transition Team officials. The first example, on the same day president obama proposed tough sanctions. On russian facilities in the u. S. For meddling in the election, the Russian Ambassador contacted flynn. Flynn consulted with a senior Transition Team official who said the trump team did not want russia to escalate the situation. A request flynn then made directly to the ambassador. Putin did not retaliate. President elect trump then tweeted, great move by vladimir putin. I always knew he was very smart. The documents show that a very senior official on the Transition Team told flynn to contact the Russian Ambassador about a u. N. Resolution involving israel. We are learning that senior official was the president s soninlaw, jared kushner. The president has insisted he did not tell flynn to make the contacts with russia. I didnt direct him. But i would have if he didnt do it. Okay. Reporter according to a confidant of flynns he is prepared to testify that trump contacted the russians during the transition as a way to Work Together against isis. Its at odds with what he has been saying publicly from day one. The plea documents suggest that muellers investigation may be focused on President Trumps firing of fbi director james comey. Flynn lied to the fbi on january 24th. On january 26th acting attorney general sally yates told the white house he had lied. The very next day, january 27th the president on short notice invited the fbi director to a private dinner. The dinner was an effort to build a relationship. In fact, he asked specifically of loyalty in the context of asking me to stay. Reporter two weeks later flynn was fired and comey says the president later asked him to go easy on the general. I understood him to be saying was drop any investigation connected to flynns account of his conversations with the russians. Reporter even after flynn was gone, the president still praised him. General flynn is a wonderful man. I think its a sad thing that he was treated so badly. Reporter and david, a clarification on something one of flynns confidants told us and we reported earlier today. He said the president asked flynn to contact russia during the campaign and now saying according to flynn candidate trump asked him during the campaign to find ways to repair relations with russia and after the election the president elect told him to contact russia on other issues including fighting isis. We do have a statement from Michael Flynn. He said i accept full responsibility for my actions. Thats right. Flynns confidant says he was extremely angry with the white house, that he was going broke with crippling legal fees and made this deal for his family. His son had been under investigation but was not charged today, david. We have a Swift Response from President Trumps lawyer tonight. Did the white house know that this was coming . Heres jonathan karl. Reporter this was the only glimpse of President Trump today before the television cameras. Ignoring questions about the former National Security advisor. Mr. President any comment on Michael Flynn being indicted, sir . Can you comment on Michael Flynn being indicted . Reporter a few minutes later, the white house abruptly canceled a planned photoop with the libyan prime minister, avoiding questions altogether. The flynn guilty plea cuts close to the president , he was most prominent former National Security official advising the Trump Campaign and played a key role in the transition, taking part in president elect trumps classified briefings before his vital role inside the white house. Today, the president s lawyer, sought to downplay flynns role, saying in a statement, today, Michael Flynn, a former National Security advisor at the white house for 25 days during the trump administration, and a former Obama Administration official, entered a guilty plea nothing about the guilty plea or the charge implicates anyone other than mr. Flynn. Jon karl with us from the white house. Jon, did the white house have any indication this guilty plea was coming down or were they taken by surprise with this . Reporter top officials at the white house, the president s legal team and the president himself, david, learned of this when they read it in the news. More importantly, the news Michael Flynn has agreed to cooperate fully came as a surprise today. Jon, thank you. How damaging could this development be for President Trump himself . We know that Michael Flynn has pleaded guilty to lying to the fbi about conversations with the Russian Ambassador but many have pointed out dont all incoming president s and their teams start to reach out to other countries during the transition . Lets get to dan abrams tonight. Our chief legal analyst. We get it. Lying to the fbi is no good. But many people have pointed out these Transition Teams reach out to other governments. So what is it about this conversation thats a problem . Part is the timing. President obama had just issued sanctions against the russians for meddling in the election and you have flynn calling the russians and saying please dont retaliate and then President Trump saying oh, its great that president putin didnt retaliate. You could argue thats a technical violation of the logan act which prevents a private citizen from intervening in Foreign Affairs but i think its unlikely theyre going to rest it on that. We both know the logan act hasnt successfully been prosecuted ever. Again why lie about the conversation at all . Thats the big question. I think what theyre looking at is were there any conversations with the russians during the campaign . And was there any coordination that could be deemed to be criminal . Dan, thanks as always. One more question on this Michael Flynn pleaded guilty as part of this deal. To one count of lying. Its believed he could have faced more but will cooperate will robert mueller. Lets go to Pierre Thomas live at the fbi. Flynn has been charged with the one count of lying to the fbi. Robert mueller a seasoned prosecutor. Is he trying to show as little of his hand as possible . Reporter david make no mistake, mueller approved this deal to get something. He is an aggressive, cagey prosecutor who is now targeting the Trump Campaign, the transition and potentially the white house inner circle. Flynn now faces hours of fbi interrogations in the coming months, subject to lie detector tests along the way to prove hes telling the truth. Mueller wants to know, did other Trump Campaign officials and white house advisers know about any contacts with the russians to impact the election . And david, those Transition Advisors mentioned in todays charges face the possibility of being called before a grand jury. And if they have already been interviewed, they better have told the truth. David . Pierre thank you. We move on this friday evening to your money and taxes. President trumps tax plan at this hour, does the president have the vote . The republicans believe he does. Tonight the bottom line for you. How will the middle class fair and what about writing off local and state taxes, property taxing . Look at this map. These are the states where more than 30 of filers claim those state and local deductions. Income taxes were taken out and so were property taxes. The wife writeoffs. But one of them put back in in a scramble and now with a limit and congress own joint committee finding the plan will add a trillion dollars to the deficit over ten years. Abcs mary bruce back on the hill tonight. Reporter after 24 hours of frantic negotiations Mitch Mcconnell announced they have the votes. To pass tax reform. The final bill has not been released. A point democrats have been hammering. The American People have a right to know what is in this proposal. Reporter what is in the bill . It eliminates the obamacare mandate. Cuts the Corporate Tax rate to just 20 percent. Doubles the standard deduction, but gets rid of all individual state and local income Tax Deductions and caps property Tax Deductions at 10,000. A last minute concession to get senator Susan Collins on board. Theres always horsetrading when youre trying to put a piece of legislation together. Especially a tax bill. Reporter for jeff flake it was a promise to protect dreamers. Theyre working with us. There are no firm guarantees that are iron clad in politics. Reporter there are also provisions that have nothing to do with tax reform. Like opening the Arctic National wildlife refuge to oil drilling. The president vows the bill will help the middle class, not the wealthy. This is not good for me. Believe me. Reporter but analysts say thats not true. Make more than 100,000 a year, you will likely see big tax cuts. While most americans earning less than 75,000 are projected to pay more over the next ten years. The price tag. It adds a whopping 1 trillion to the deficit. Thats too much for senator bob corker. The only republican to announce hes a no. I know im a dinosaur in that regard. I still have fiscal concerns. Mary bruce from the hill. Mary this fight is far from over . Reporter there are still significant differences between the senate and house versions that have to be worked out. Republicans know this is do or die for them politically but there isnt a lot of time left. They want to deliver on the president s promise to give the American People tax reform for christmas. Mary, thank you. Next to the outrage here after a verdict in San Francisco. A jury acquitting a homeless undocumented immigrant in the killing of kate steinle who died on a pier by the bay walking with her father. Kates death has been a political lightning rod but the jurors were only asked to consider the facts of the case including whether she was targeted or whether the bullet ricocheted off the pier. Abcs Clayton Sandell is in San Francisco tonight. Reporter for Kate Steinles family, the not guilty verdicts after a new shock after the 32yearold was gunned down in 2015 while strolling along San Franciscos waterfront with her father. She was fighting, gasping for every breath and fought right up to the end. Jose garciazarate was charged with murder. The case becoming a political lightning rod because garciazarate, was in the u. S. Illegally deported five times already. He was an illegal immigrant came over, went to San Francisco, we have to end this sanctuary cities crap fast, fast. Reporter but jurors were not told that about three months before the shooting, garciazarate had been in jail on drug crimes, but San Francisco authorities released him. Ignoring a request to turn him over to immigration agents. He never denied shooting steinle. Did you shoot kate steinle the lady who was down on pier 14 . Yes. Reporter but using crime scene data, Defense Attorneys argued steinles death was a freak accident. He says he found the gun and when he picked it up, it went off automatically. The bullet apparently ricocheted off the pavement, traveling about 80 more feet, hitting steinle in the back. Jurors acquitted him of murder and manslaughter, but found him guilty for possessing a gun. The verdict that came in today was not the one we were hoping for but i think its unequivocal. Both sides gave it their all. Reporter because of that gun conviction he could spend additional time in jail but after that, federal authorities want to take him into custody and hope deport him for the sixth and final time. David. Clayton, thank you. Next tonight here the search intensifying for the missing toddler in jacksonville, North Carolina. 3yearold mariah woods was last seen sunday night. Her mothers boyfriend says the girl woke up at midnight and that he told her to go back to bed. Teams searching at this hour and what authorities have sent to quantico. Heres steve osunsami. Please just stay in your line. Reporter this is their fifth night searching the forest for the missing 3yearold and today authorities in jacksonville, North Carolina were joined by more 700 volunteers seen here lined up, and using walking sticks. Im really encouraged that were gonna find her. Mariah woods disappeared from her familys mobile home early monday morning. Investigators are talking with the girls mother and the moms boyfriend. Please bring her back and i love her. Reporter police say they have searched through 95,000 pounds of trash at a nearby landfill. Items they found that may be connected to the childs disappearance have been shipped to quantico, virginia for testing. The girls biological father who doesnt live in the home says he cant understand how no one heard a thing. Four people in the house. Somebody just comes up and snatches the baby and walks out . Reporter search teams collected more items but not sure if theyre connected to this case. David. Still much more ahead on world news tonight. New developments in the search for the missing teen who Authorities Say ran off with the High School Soccer coach. The discovery just today and what police are now saying tonight. Also, the massive fire. Nearly 2 dozen buildings and authorities are blaming a suspect trying to imitate they Say Something he saw on tv. Holiday warning. Millions buying, of course, on cybermonday earlier this week. Now the packages beginning to arrive. What they want you to be aware of and the neighbors in this video who jumped in save the day. Confident and confidant and alright, i brought in high protein to help get us moving. And help you feel more strength and energy in just two weeks ill take that. Yeeeeeah ensure high protein. With 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. Ensure. Always be you. You realize the smartest investing idea, isnt just what you invest in, but who you invest with. Next tonight here, the next tonight here, the consumer warning about thieves at the front door. Many cybermonday purchases being delivered and what police are doing tonight. Heres abcs eva pilgrim. Reporter tonight, the season of giving and taking is here. After a record breaking cyber monday, those deliveries are starting to pour in. That means its prime time for package thefts. Porch pirates, the real grinches. They follow delivery drivers, then snatch boxes. This woman, now serving up to a 10year sentence. In chicago, residents in one neighborhood catching an alleged thief in the act. Is that your package . Yes. Can i see it . Excuse me. Thats not your package. You just took that off of their porch. We gave chase to him and he actually handed over the package and i think we were sort of stunned we just let him walk off. Reporter Police Discourage taking the law into your own hands, but near denver this is operation trojan horse. Reporter sheriffs deputies and federal agents are leaving bait packages on porches. Hiding tracking devices inside. But with more than a billion packages expected to be shipped this holiday season, police have their hands full. Some departments are even telling shoppers to ship packages to their Police Departments to help avoid thefts. David . Taking action. Thank you. When we come back, what happened 62 years ago today . And the news breaking at this hour. The missing teenage girl and a High School Soccer coach and what we have just learned. A School Soccer coach and what we have just learned. But when your psoriasis is bad, does it ever get in the way . Embrace the chance of 100 clear skin with taltz. Taltz is proven to help people with moderate to severe psoriasis achieve completely clear skin. With taltz, up to 90 of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. In fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. Dont use if youre allergic to taltz. Before starting, you should be checked for tuberculosis. Taltz may increase risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or have symptoms, or if youve received a vaccine or plan to. Inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz, including worsening of symptoms. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Ready for a chance at 100 clear skin . Ask your doctor about taltz today. And go to taltz. Com to learn how to pay as little as 5 a month. To the index. The search for a missing high school girl. From lake city, florida. Caitlyn frisina vanishing from her home. Authorities believe she ran off with a High School Soccer coach. Ryan rodriguez. Surveillance videos showing them in georgia and in the carolinas and finding them today in new york. She is safe and rodriguez is questioned by the police. That massive inferno in upstate new york nearly two dozen buildings damaged and destroyed in albany. Winds up to 30 miles an hour helping to spread the flames. Authorities say it was started by an amateur metal worker imitating something he saw on the History Channel forged in fire. Hes charged with reckless endangerment. And arson. Several minor injuries reported. Doctors in texas announcing today they delivered a baby born from a transplanted uterus. The parents remaining anonymous. The baby was born in dallas. The first such birth took place in sweden in 2014. We mark a civil rights milestone. It was 62 years ago today rosa parks refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in montgomery, alabama. Her act of defiance helping to spark the civil rights movement. When we come back here on a friday, my three sons, the father and one unbelievable feat. Who is our person of the week . 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That can be hard on her lower body, so now she does it with dr. Scholls orthotics. Clinically proven to relieve and prevent foot, knee or lower back pain, by reducing the shock and stress that travel up her body with every step she takes. So keep on climbing, sarah. Youre killing it. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. Finall finally tonight here, our persons of the week. Three of a kind. Three brothers, triplets making history with a lot of help from their determined dad. Tonight right here meet our persons of the week. The cantos boys from arlington, virginia headed to the mall with their father. Triplets, now 18 are legally blind and so is their father, olly. He adopted them because of his own life story. Having the boys in my life has been nothing short of a series of miracles day after day after day. Reporter relying on the sound from the video games theyre able to play like other teenagers. They all chip in in the kitchen. Im making tacos. Reporter olly always wanted to create a normal life for his boys. Nick, steven and leo. Fishing with their dad. An extraordinary journey. Steven cantos graduating from high school. And for six years the three brothers working toward one more goal, earning 21 merit badges and tonight they are all eagle scouts. I dont think it would have felt the same if we had done it with exceptions or special considerations. I made it the same way as other eagle scouts. Eagle scouts, leo, nick and steven cantos. We just have to go in and set that goal in your mind and then to think theres no limits. Congratulations. Reporter and one more honor for their dad. Receiving three eagle scout pins for each son. I wear these with pride because they made it to eagle scout. They are ambassadors of the possible. Reporter and so we choose the cantos family, leo, nick steven and their dad olly. We sure needed that. Thank you for finishing out the week with us. Im david muir. I hope to see you right back here on monday. Until then, good night. Digging. A california state lottery official survives a car jacking in San Francisco this morning but this ended up having deadly consequences for the suspect. A new study shows inhaling wood smoke are far more reaching than anyone thought. Live where you live this is abc 7 news. The man accused of the shooting death of kate steinle in San Francisco was acquitted of murder but hes not a free man. The question of whats next is a complicated one. The defendant in that case Jose Ines Garcia zarate was acquitted of all murder and manslaughter charges in the case, but he was found guilty of possessing a gun. He may not serve that sentence because of time already spent in jail but he now faces the federal government. Were here tonight to talk about what happens next. Thats rights. We know there are two orders, a criminal warrant from the u. S. Justice department and a detainer from i. C. E. Demanding that Jose Ines Garcia zarate be turned over. Even if he leaves that San Francisco jail after december 14th when he is sentenced he will certainly not be a free man in the united states. Before being transferred to San Francisco to face drug charges Jose Ines Garcia zarate had been detained in texas for illegally reentering the united states. Then 14 days after he confessed to shooting kate steinle, on july 14, 2015, a u. S. District court in texas issued a warrant for his arrest. And today, less than 24 hours after the verdict, that same court again asked t

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