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Good evening and we begin tonight with the breaking news, the plea from the governor of South Carolina just days after the horrific shootings during a bible study. Late today, she urged lawmakers to take down this Confederate Flag flying on the Capitol Grounds in South Carolina. Arguing there are no winners of losers in the flag debate and arguing its time to move that flag. Tonight, you will hear her plea for yourself. We begin with Steve Osunsami in charleston. Reporter tonight a powerful first from the sitting governor of South Carolina. Its time to move the flag from the Capitol Grounds. [ applause ] reporter the republican governor nikki haley explains she is not against the heritage the flag represents. For many people in our state, the flag stands for traditions that are noble. For those who want to show respect for the flag on your private property, no one will stand in your way. But the state house is different. And the events of this past week call upon us to look at it in a different way. Reporter here she is at one of the events, seen praying with the family of the dead killed in what police say was a racially motivated attack. At this historic black church. She is demanding to state lawmakers meeting this week move quickly to take down the confederate battle flag flying at the state house. We can move forward as a state in harmony and we can honor the nine blessed souls who are now in heaven. Reporter south carolinians have been fighting over the flag for decades. But this time, the opponents point to 21yearold dylann roof accused in the church murders, seen holding a Confederate Flag in a manifesto online. In their Christian Faith so many families of the victims are forgiving them. But the family of ethel lance told me, not them all. I know forgiveness is a process and i know with gods help, i will get there. But im not there yet. I ask for time. Reporter no matter how much South Carolinas governor would like this flag to go, a super majority of lawmakers would need to approve. And the families here know that wont come easy. David . Steve, thank you. And one more note on this. President obama giving an interview making National Headlines tonight, because of a word he used. Something we have not heard from the president or any other president in recent times. Jonathan karl with what the president said. Reporter president obama used the n word as he invoked the long history of race in america from slavery to jim crow that he says still casts a shadow over america. That is part of our dna. Its passed on. We are not cured of it. Racism . Racism. We are not cured of it. And its not just a matter of it not being polite to say [ bleep ] in public. Thats not the measure of whether racism exists or not. Reporter those are especially blunt words for a president who has had to address the issue of race over and over again. After the shooting of Trayvon Martin in 2012 and Michael Brown in 2014. The death of freddy gray in baltimore in 2015 and now the massacre in charleston. And Jonathan Karl with us at the white house. Jon, you have covered the president for some time now. It doesnt seem like a word he could use lightly. Reporter absolutely not. This is a president who is also a writer, he is precise with the use of his words. Especially on the issue of race. And today, the white house said that the president has absolutely no regrets about using that word. Thank you. And as you know, president obama, the first lady and Vice President biden will travel to charleston on friday for the funeral of reverend clementa pinckney. The pastor of mother emanuel. President obama knew her personally. He will deliver the eulogy. We move on to the storm zone. In the storm zone. 115 miles an hour winds reports. And a possible tornadoes in michigan. Trees down and residents trapped in a Goodwill Store later freed. Powerful thunderstorms in madison, minnesota. In oklahoma, highway 78 caving in and here is the radar at this hour. Marching east major cities chicago to detroit tonight, philly and boston tomorrow. Ginger zee with the storm track in a moment. First, abcs matt gutman from michigan tonight. Reporter just hours ago, a reported tornado tearing through michigan, ripping off roofs churches and homes. First responders reporting three temporarily trapped inside this Goodwill Store. But miraculously, no one was hurt here. But it was the Straight Line winds near 100 miles an hour that menaced the dakotas, minnesota, and iowa earlier. Golf ballsized hail cracking wind sheels. And iowa, winds crashing down cracking down on planes with winds 95 miles an hour. To get to portland, we drove through the same line of storms. We are almost five hours from sunset and its almost pitch black outside. This red, if you can see it, is what we are going through right now. In the last 24 hours, a whirlwind of flash flooding in the southern plains. Parts of the Lone Star State getting a third of their annual rain in the past week. This bridge in hunt county, texas, collapsing. Motorist rescuing them in the pickup using ropes. Look at the road reporter and the road caught crumbling on camera, that is a 20 foot by 30 foot chuck of highway 78 just disintegrating into the red river. We talk about the power of nature. That is a semitruck. Not exactly sure where it began but it ended up inside the goodwill building. There were people inside, no one was hurt. David . Glad to hear theyre okay. Matt gutman, thanks to you. Lets get right to ginger zee tracking it tonight. Just because people have had thunderstorms or tornadoes, it doesnt mean you are done. The great lakes, northern midwest, all right now, looking for it right now. And tornado watches and a tornado on the ground in southeastern iowa at this moment. Its moving to the east. You can see the severe thunderstorm watches for parts of pennsylvania back through the u. P. Of michigan. This takes you through 11 30 tonight. Detroit is hit again. In indiana. And we are most concerned about the watch area. That is for tonight. That is the threat. Then it moves to the east and im very concerned about new england. You can see the threat area just west of boston and east of albany. Any where roanoke to d. C. , philadelphia, all can see the damaging winds tomorrow and large hail. The Severe Threat through the next 24 hours. Thanks. See you on gma tomorrow morning. In the meantime there is major developments on the manhunt for the escaped killers. Here is what the Police Believe they might look like on the run. S search teams after a a new and significant clue today. An owner on of a cabin finds foot eaten. He then shouts and witnesses what he says is an escape. Linzie janis is there. Reporter tonight, the strongest lead yet in the massive man hunt for the two escaped killers. The Authorities Say they have dna proof of their hide out. About 20 miles from prison, in a hunting cabin. Dna recovered from food and also inside prison issued underwear. Authorities telling abc news the discovery coming from the cabins owner who went to checken it and saw signs of people inside. He shouted out and saw at least one person leading away. Its a confirmed lead for us and we are going to run it to the ground. Reporter hello, officer. Can we go any further . Down this road that cabin now encircled by police. These teenagers tell us they live less than a mile away. How does it make you feel you may have been living almost next door to these guys . Freaked out. Very freaked out. Reporter this as a second prison worker now put on leave. Authorities questioning gene palmer for 14 hours over the weekend. Did you have anything to do with their escape . No comment at this time. But im here on my own free will to help and assist. Reporter his attorney saying palmer is still being paid and has not been accused of any wrong doing. Linzie, the search area back to up where you are. After possible sightings more than 300 miles away over the weekend. One in friendship, new york, of all places. They are ruling that one out now . Thats right, they are concentrating their efforts here near the prison after the break through. David . Linzie, thank you. Now to the wildfires raging tonight. 21 in six states and stunning images from the fire lines in alaska. Explodeing exploding, look at the air craft there. Fighting the blaze from above. And several fires in california tonight. Families evacuated. Abcs Kayna Whitworth is in california. Reporter fires across the hot, bone dry west growing in size and number. At least three large fires in california, the biggest, the lake fire, scorching 17,000 acres of the San Bernardino national forest. 21 contained, crews trying to keep the upper hand. Trees are weak and ready to come down. Even if they look green, they are ready to come down. Reporter tonight, 21 fires across six states. In arizona, female prisoners on the fire lines. At least seven blazes in that state. And alaska seeing the worst of it. 12 large fires. 350 square miles already burned an area the size of ft. Worth, texas. Each fire with its own hazards. The lake fire sending rocks down the scorched mountainside. Here, you can see the steep terrain the firefighters have to cover to access the fire. The other thing, its blowing through beetleinfested, drought stricken timber. And david that kind of fuel burns hotter than others. Kayna, thank you. We are going to turn now to a new terrorist in North Carolina tonight. 19yearold Justin Sullivan charged with allegedly plotting an isis attack. Here in the u. S. He was tipped off by his father in april. The suspect there in gray caught in a fbi sting after trying to be a silencer. Officials say he was planning a large scale attack at bar of concert and he was radicalized watching isis videos online. Overseas to afghanistan tonight and to a deadly attack in a session of parliament in kabul. Watch this. Just incredible. A vote was about to begin. You can see the camera shaking as the car bomb goes off. The lawmaker shocked himself, a coordinated attack by the taliban. Two civilians were killed. A woman and a 10yearold child. Dozens more injured. Back here at home tonight and a new travel nightmare. This evening we are now hearing from the passengers back home after their united flight from rome to chicago was diverted because of an unruly passenger. Delayed for 30 hours, families and children forced to sleep on the airport floor. Here is mara schiavocampo. Reporter tonight, passengers from that united flight from rome thankful to be back in chicago after a 30hour delay. Very relieved. Very tired. Reporter it started when a disruptive passenger forced an Emergency Landing in belfast, ireland, this weekend. That unplanned stop caused crew members to reach their maximum hours of flight time prompting United Airlines to cancel the flight. More than 250 frustrated passengers were forced to spend the night at the belfast terminal, many sleeping on the floor. Hard ground, it was cold. Reporter tonight, united offering passengers an apology and a full refund. Mara, thank you. Tonight, a stunning footage out of south dakota tonight. Two members of the air force spotting a fire in the distance. Their cameras rolling, springing into action even before firefighters arrive. Neil karlinsky now. Reporter Spencer Butler and grant krause were just back from rock climbing with their new go pro camera when they saw smoke and stopped hoping to get some shots of firefighters in action. But things changed quickly. Dude, should we just bang on doors anyways . Yeah. Reporter butler and krause, both in the air force, were determined, camera rolling, making sure everyone was out. They knocked down doors, eventually getting to three trapped dogs. Come on, come on, pup. You just kind of make the decision to actually act and once you start doing it, its just all instinct. Reporter soon, others join in to help. Hello . They said they have a dog. Reporter with you within minutes, the smoke is too much. Lets the hell out of here. Its going up. Reporter firefighters say the men did a good job staying away from the hottest part of the building. But officials dont recommend taking this kind of risk. Neil karlinsky, abc news, seattle. Neil, thanks. There is much more ahead on world news this monday. The new consumer alert involving bottled water. The recall tonight. And the worry that bottles on Grocery Store shelves. The possible risk to your health. We have more coming up. And a question about real estate tonight. How much should sellers have to reveal about their home . The horror that one family discovered and now they are stuck with the home. And made in america tonight. Youre not going to believe this one. What we found in the Grocery Store. The mistake in one familys kitchen that is now making them millions. Why didnt we think of this . Talk to your doctor about viagra. Ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach and abnormal vision. To avoid longterm injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. 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Reporter tonight, fear is keeping a family out of their dream home in the new jersey town of west field. The family says a stalker is sending terrifying letters, reportedly writing just days of the purchase that he was put in charge of watching and waiting for its second coming. And another one, i am pleased to know your names now. And the name of the young blood you have brought me. The new buyers are suing, afraid for their safety. In new jersey anything that affects your health or safety must be disclosed by the sellers of the house. But its a state by state issue. So, know what to ask about. What should people be looking for they are not thinking about . Number one, are there any psychological factors that will on make the home challenging to live in. Reporter for example, stalkers, alleged hauntings or was it once a celebrity home . Any violent or unnatural deaths . Or has there been any on going or repeated Police Activity on or near the home. Reporter another tip from real estate experts, always type that home address into a news search to see if your dream home is holding secrets. When we come back here tonight, major changes to your breakfast cereal. Including regular marshmallows now being put in the cereal. What were there before . And the bottle the water recall. A word for your Grocery Store. And a music showdown between taylor swift and apple. And taylor swift has won. Tonight what everyone else wants her to start doing too. Oing too. Ms of leaking going too often, and the strong sudden need to go. Ask your urologist if botox® can help calm your bladder and reduce your daily leakage episodes. The effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing speaking, breathing, eye problems loss of bladder control or muscle weakness can be a sign of a lifethreatening condition. 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Trix will have four colors, not six. And lucky charms will have naturally colored marshmallows now, not one with artificial coloring. Taylor swift, taking a stand for song writers prorks deucers and artist isist who would behind paid for three months for their songs on iphones. Saying that we dont ask for free iphones. And apple saying, they hear you. They will be paid now. And they are calling for swift to change the battery life. And one person asking, can you get me a raise at work . She probably can get you one. When we come back tonight, one womans mistake in the kitchen, the family now making millions. Why didnt we think of this . You know the importance of heart health. You watch your diet, excercise. And may take an omega3 supplement, such as fish oil. But when it comes to omega3s, its the epa and dha that really matter for heart health. Not all omega3 supplements are the same. Introducing bayer pro ultra omega3 from the Heart Health Experts at bayer. 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Everyone has a story of kitchen disaster but one that makes you millions . Nearly 4,000 Grocery Stores now sell them. The mistake cooked up in a kitchen in california. Good to see you. Nice to meet you. Reporter the frozen food aisle. I love the things that start out as accidents. Yeah, it did. Reporter and you turned it into a milliondollar success. Luckily, i did. Reporter we opened the freezer door. There was the proof. It started when jennifer was making dessert for her husband. Custard, her famous panna cotta. She puts it in the refrigerator as she always does but the freezer was on the fritz. It exploded and it was a disaster. Reporter the dessert was solid as a rock. She was about to throw it out. Your husband walks in and takes a bite and says oh, my god. You need to do something with this. Reporter adding a little crunch and different flavors. This is what she got. Thats why you married him. Smart guy. The dessert mistake coming down the line in california, the pie pops, 48,000 a day. Whole foods, top shop. Safe way. And donovan is coming on as a manager. I see it in the Grocery Stores and it brings a smile. Reporter tonight she is up to 44 employees and hiring another 22. You hire people laid off by nestle. An american giant. Im very proud of that. Reporter shes proud . How about mom . She has three thumbs up if she could. We got to do what we wanted to do as kids. Open the ice cream right there in the aisle. Its amazing. And creating jobs. Three words in mind. Made in america start thinking about your kitchen disasters. Thanks for watching and i will see ill have a live report. And well check out the new trend in farm fresh eating that has some ditching restaurants altogether. Live from the kgo tv broadcast center, this is abc 7 news. And its not just a matter of it not being polite to say [ bleep ] in public. The president with one word that hits more bluntly than any speech. Tonight leaders from across the country are reacting in San Francisco. What the president said had people talking at the conference of mayors in San Franciscos union square. The president spoke to that conference just friday. Abc 7 News Reporter callen tyler is in the newsroom with this story. Hi, carolyn. Hi, larry. President obama says this nation is not cured of racism. That it still casts a long shadow. He apparently meant to be provocative when he used that racial slur. The white house says president obama is not surprised theres controversy, but doesnt regret using the n word in a frank discussion about race on comedian mark marins podcast. Thats not whether the measure of whether racism still exists or not. At the u. S. Conference of mayors in San Francisco we talked with baltimores stephanie rawlingsblake, who believes president obama was making a point one thats been lost in the focus on one word. Hes talking about the very real issues of overt racism, and the progress that we made. But also in some areas, we have not come that far. Race issues are in the open in her city baltimore, following rioting in april after the death of

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