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♪ ♪ how to save a life ♪ how to save a life an amazing and emotional meeting between a young women and a family of a young man who gave her the gift of life. >> abc's cynthia mcfadden has the story of their unbreakable bond. >> reporter: two years ago, lindsey mclaughlin struggled for every breath she took. at age 2, lindsey was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, a genetic disease which causes mucus to build up in the lungs. >> my lung capacity by the time i was 18, 19 years old, was to the point where they told me i needed a lung transplant in two years. >> her mother knew without the transplant lindsey wouldn't see another birthday. >> i would walk to work crying knowing my daughter was dying before my eyes and there was not a thing i could do about it. >> reporter: then on the morning of april 4th, 2011 -- [ phone ringing ] >> they called and said they have a potential match. i can't believe it's for real. >> here we go. yep. >> love ya. >> love you too. >> okay. >> reporter: tense moments but in the end -- >> hi. >> hi there. >> all good. all good. >> reporter: but whose death allowed her to live? >> all i knew is he was 18 and he was a male. >> reporter: adrian rodriguez was a real charmer. a high school senior, a beloved only son. >> adrien was running to school. he slipped on the subway platform. >> reporter: as the train pulled in, he fell. one mother's loss would save another mother's child. >> all i could think of that day is how lucky we are and how unfortunate she was and we were so grateful. >> hi. how are you? >> reporter: the day before thanksgiving, the two families, tied forever, decided to meet. >> i think about him every day. >> there's a funny kind of bond i would think. adrien is part of you. >> he's definitely part of me. he's why i'm here. >> reporter: cynthia mcfadden, abc news, new york. >> an amazing story. >> let's talk about adrien for a little bit. he created a cooking show and recorded it in the school's teaching kitchen. incredible. >> full of life. by the way his donation of his organs not only helped there, another person received his heart, his pancreas and third his liver. >> for his family in some kind of way we will never understand he lives on. >> absolutely. >> which must be comforting in some kind of way. >> i would think. beautiful story. coming up, unusual steps by one of your "dancing with the stars" favorites. from oprah to lindsey lohan, celebrities who couldn't wait to share their holidays with just about everyone, coming up next in "the skinny." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ "skinny" time. uncool glasses -- my sister, by the way, at my thanksgiving feast told me i should invest in a better pair of reading glasses because they don't look so cool. >> the day you do will make it a trendy item. >> it will make it a trendy pair. >> like the black frames. >> rockin' the drugstore glasses. celebrity spending at thanksgiving. they went on instagram and posted pictures. oprah on instagram. check her out. you were invited to that party. >> that's where i was before i came here. >> happy thanksgiving. getting dinner ready. three houshs until dinner -- >> i'm taking the picture. >> jalapeno corn fritters. >> they were delicious, by the way. >> they were. tell oprah i'll have a seat next year, i'll come next year. >> that is the same espresso coffee maker i have at home. oprah and i are so much alike. >> especially in the bank account department. let's talk about josh duhamel on instagram. that's an interesting one. what to be thankful for -- a great "my pants don't fit" day. nick cannon on instagram, put up the picture. preparing for thanksgiving. >> adorable kids. >> lindsay lohan. >> yea, the own, the chew, work, cook. looking pretty. lance bass, our thanksgivukkah. what do you think? looks good, lance. >> a lot going on there, by the way. >> very cute. >> another celebrity, the only celebrity not on instagram showing off what she was doing, actually has a picture doing something different. this is victoria beckham. she has her own doll. check the doll out. complete with angel wings, black dress, heels and teeny tiny little microphone. she is showing off her doll on thursday and she tweeted out finally i found someone to duet with on my music e-commerce shoot. so she is doing her duet with her teeny, tiny version of herself. which by the way, she is incredible charitable. she gave away a mountain of shoes to help typhoon victims in the philippines. she teaches her kids being famous means sending the right message. >> important thing. you grow up in a house with privileged parents, got to keep it real. >> she keeps them grounded. derek hough, "dancing with the stars" champion extraordinaire, he danced with maria menudo, they have stayed in touch. they have a little fun war going on instagram where they are battling in videos. maria challenging him. whole family. get a load of "my girl." that's "my girl." derek hough "dancing with the stars" taking it serious. pretty good. >> look at them. >> runs in the family. >> this is no fair. i'm surprised the little one in the middle isn't going along with this towel dance. >> pretty cool. >> derek made a couple of these. he posted eight videos so far. funny war they have going on. >> i think maria has been officially shut down and he has posted eight videos. apparently this is the only thing these women are doing on this thanksgiving. >> moment to shine. this is really cool. we are going to be able, as viewers, to pick the ten songs that "glee" will have on their 100th episode coming up next march. they're going to post 30 songs, 30 performances that "glee" has already done and we can take ten that we like and all ten will be featured in the 100th episode. you are looking at "roar," their interpretation of "roar." now we will see "toxic" which is another one of their kind of famous ones. ten of these will be in the final, the 100th episode. so you have to tune in. march 18th, 2014. ♪ march 18th, 2014. the way to handle bigger, tougher messes was better leverage. that's why he created his new magic eraser handy grip. it has a handle that firmly attaches to the eraser so you get better leverage and more oomph with less effort. it's the perfect magic eraser for making stuff that's big and tough not so tough, after all. mr. clean's handy grip -- the newest member of the magic eraser family. in all purpose and bath. [ engine revs ] ♪ ♪ the weekend is finally here. at least almost for us, right? >> almost. >> hopefully you had a great thanksgiving. >> if you plan to hit the stores today, we wish you smooth sailing. we look back at this week in the news. here's our "friday rewind." >> it's going to be a hectic day on tap for us in heading home for the holidays would be more difficult. >> ugly, wet conditions across metro atlanta. >> it could be one of the worst we have seen the last four or five years. it would really nail la guardia, jfk, philadelphia, newark. that's sort of the hub system that causes the cascading effect across the country. >> first time in a decade, we have halted the process of the iranian nuclear program and key parts will be rolled back. >> this is not a historic agreement. it is a historic mistake. it is not making the world a safer place. >> what adam was trying to do is come up with an act of revenge that would stab americans in the heart. >> the girls were imprisoned in their bedrooms approximately the last two years. >> told michael, we have to get you off of this. however, ideal or not ideal, michael jackson is not a guy you can just say, "stop it." >> brian, look out! >> holy crap. what the hell happened? >> i'm so sorry, mrs. griffin, but brian's injuries are too severe for us to save him. ♪ you have to hold on to what we've got ♪ it doesn't make a difference if we make it or not ♪ >> all right. so of course we want to remind you about a special feature for our fans on "world news now." it is always there and a lot of fun. >> it is. in it is called "in case you missed it" and it is on our facebook page. to check it out log on to some of the best and worst moments of diana and john. >> sometimes it is me repeating one sound over and over. >> they like to do that. >> like the remix. >> did you have a nice thanksgiving? >> it was quick, easy. it was early. no shouting matches. >> no shouting matches. nobody spoke about obama care. >> stay away from religion and politics. what a >> same deal. we had a great thanksgiving. food was great. good morning. i'm john muller. >> i'm diana perez. here are some of the top headlines we're following out of "world news now" -- breaking news. gunshots at a kohl's department store in suburban chicago. what police are saying about the violence as black friday shoppers hunt for bargains. newly released video shows $136 million jewel heist that took place over the summer in cannes, france. the lone robber faced no resistance, making off with no resistance, making off with diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires. china is upping the ante for a disputed region of the east china sea. it sent fighter jets over the islands claimed by china, japan and taiwan. the launch of a privately owned rocket was scrubbed because of a technical glitch. a rocket is a communication satellite privately owned by spacex. they are expecting to try again in a few days. those are the top stories on this friday, november 29th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. friday and not all of it i all right, everybody. good morning. we hope you had a nice thanksgiving. people getting ready for black friday and not all of it is pretty. we begin with breaking news. black friday violence. several people were shot outside of a kohl's store in a suburb of chicago last night. the gunman's motive isn't known yet, but there are reports it may have been a robbery. after the shooting, shoppers continued to browse the aisles in the store. >> in south florida, shoppers at this electronic store in south florida, yelled and shoved each other and it may get worse today with more shoppers vying for the best deals out there. abc's rebecca jarvis has the story. >> reporter: they came, they saw, they shopped. is this your first time shopping on thanksgiving? >> it is. >> reporter: you look like you have a game plan for this. >> get an x-box. >> reporter: you are getting an x-box. >> that's the game plan. >> reporter: in ft. lauderdale, florida -- >> turkey's ready! [ cheers ] >> reporter: an early thanksgiving feast so tammy rodriguez and her family could hit the sales. at a kmart in tennessee, an even earlier start. doors opening before sunrise. >> reality is shopping on thanksgiving is becoming a tradition for a lot of folks. >> reporter: in los angeles, people camping out for days. >> got here monday night. >> i have been here ten hours. >> reporter: americans by the millions rushing stores with turkey in their bellies hoping to score the deal of the year. retailers scrambling to keep up. >> last year, in the first hour, we did 10 million transactions in our registers, just the first hour. >> more stores opening earlier than ever before. the best news for shoppers this year, the deals are better than ever. average discount 35% off, up from 25% in 2010. bargains to fill every room in the house. for the kitchen, kohls selling this kitchen aid mixer, before 229, now $101 or how about a new tv for the family room. this 39", usually 330 now 170 at best buy. the laundry room this washer and dryer set at kmart. first 670, now 500 bucks. the deals this year as sweet as pecan pie, rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. >> there are few redeemable qualities about black friday when you look at video of that and think that's what i'm in for. i already said i'm going and i decided to go today but you hear stories of violence and get a little worried. >> it is an air of sport. you have to crave the action. >> i think that's what it is. it is not always great. check this out. it is getting ugly and did get ugly overnight already. reports of a stabbing in west virginia at a wal-mart there. we don't have a lot of details. another wal-mart in north carolina, shoppers started to rolling the camera phone to show the mob scene there. the shopper said he was asked to leave the store. >> not good pr for wal-mart. >> think they have a crowd like that at tiffany's or storm in and hit the diamond rings. >> i have a funny feeling there's not a lot of demand for diamond rings on black friday. >> car dealership maybe. >> they are jumping in on black friday deals. >> yes. >> they are offering big deals this year. you are so right. our facebook question of the day, what are your shopping plans for black friday? >> and are you going to spend more this year? log on to and join the discussion. all right. dramatic new video shows the scary moments when a construction crane collapsed on a soccer stadium. two workers were killed. the safety engineer now claims he warned the supervisor that rain-soaked ground was not stable enough to support the 500-ton piece o ro whe the crane collapsed. he said his concer brushed aside. in colorado, investigators now say a deadly fire was probably set on purpose. three people are dead, uh authoritien't causes of death. they are looking for a handyman who lived there until a week ago. investigators believe he was at the house more recently. it is possible the handyman also died in the fire. a college student visiting family in maryland for the holidays spent four days in jail in the case of mistaken identity. he says he was pulled over last saturday night for making an illegal u-turn. instead of getting a ticket he was thrown in jail on a federal warrant. it turns out it were for another guy who has the same name and birthday. >> i told them the picture wasn't me. they insisted it was me. >> i felt like he was thrown in shark-infested waters. >> reporter: it took until tuesday for authorities to correct their mistake. this juwan johnson is a freshman on the football team and has no criminal record. special thanksgiving remembrances going out to the less fortunate from tornado survivors in indiana to u.s. troops serving in afghanistan. here's abc's marci gonzalez. >> reporter: a day of giving thanks, even for those who lost and sacrificed so much. from the families here in kokomo, indiana, sharing a meal after losing their homes to tornados less than two weeks ago. >> we all gather together. and help one another. >> reporter: to the 48,000 u.s. troops still serving in afghanistan. many coming together over turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie, a taste of home on this holiday. >> message to my family would be that i love and miss them and i will see them soon. >> reporter: president obama calling ten service members, thanking them and publicly sharing his gratitude for all who serve. for other families, a day shared around the table or watching the macy's thanksgiving day parade. >> i like everything about this. >> reporter: everything including those iconic balloons making their trek in new york city after almost left out but a of high winds. >> great call. worked out well. >> reporter: one more thing to be thankful for. >> happy thanksgiving! >> reporter: the only hiccup, the spiderman balloon bumped in to a tree outside of central park and part of it deflated but it was able to finish the parade. marci gonzalez, abc news, new york. >> thank you. brooklyn nets coach jason kidd is lighter in the wallet this morning after fined for spilling a drink. the incident happened on wednesday night and kidd seems to say "hit me" to one of his players. it seems it is because he wanted to spill the drink on the court. the nets were out of outs and kidd used the break while the spill was cleaned up to draw up a play against the other team. the nba fined kidd $50,000 yesterday. the nets, by the way, lost that game anyway. >> you can spill something on the floor one day and i can get out of a segment. >> wonder if that would work here. i have some ice. wonder if i spill my ice. >> not right now. i'm having a good day. the nfl serving up tasty football on thanksgiving. we start with detroit and green bay. the lions down 10-3 and reeled off games next 37 points. detroit quarterback, matthew stafford, 330 yards and three tds with a blowout. detroit spanking green bay 40-10. oakland and dallas. murray scored on three short touchdown runs. dallas wins the second straight. and move ahead of the eagles and the raiders lose for the fourth time in five games. final score there, cowboys 31, raiders 24. the steelers and ravens in a crucial game for both teams. baltimore kicker justin tucker kicking five field goals. as usual it went down the wire. pittsburgh needed a two-point conversion to tie it. pass incomplete. they followed that with maybe the worst on-side kick ever attempted, and baltimore ran out the clock after that. they win it 22-20. >> good old thanksgiving day football. >> i didn't watch a single play but my brother and i threw the football out there in 30-degree weather in my mom's backyard. >> like good old times. >> absolutely. here's a look at your black friday weather now. sunny and dry, warming up coast to coast but from the great lakes to the northeast plan on more snow showers. chilly upper midwest to the eastern seaboard. temperatures in the 30s and low 40s in los angeles, phoenix and miami. it will be spring-like in the high 60s and 70s. an oregon family is adding to the usual holiday joy celebrating the birth of a baby girl. >> the baby's arrival wasn't exactly elegant. on the way to the hospital, the mom was make it. so emma's grandmother, who was driving them to the hospital, pulled over on interstate 5, put a blanket on the ground and delivered her five pound, eight-ounce granddaughter right there on the side of i-5. >> mom rachel said she was in so much pain she was not at all embarrassed by the way that mom and grandma and everybody else, they are all doing fine. the baby's nickname will be ty dnae ood.- >> or intersta >> there you go. coming up, the family homecoming thanksgiving that was years in the making. and crafty and fun. the best toys for handy kids to spark creativity. a toy insider mom is here. the anvie is turning into a big crowd pleaser. meet some of the actors giving the characters voices. now.are watching "world news >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lysol toilet bowl cleaner. as this dye reveals. lysol toilet bowl cleaner does more. it removes the tough stains that bleach doesn't, and it also disinfects. so why just bleach? with lysol you can do more. that's healthing. and for a clean and fresh toilet with every flush, try lysol no mess automatic cleaner. ♪ you may remember the story of the homeless man that returned a woman's wallet. >> that kindness was reward but not the kind you think. >> we were there as joel took a ride to atlanta's airport to be reunited with his step mom and brothers who he's not seen in 19 years. >> this is another family i don't know. >> reporter: a family who says they have been looking for the 36-year-old homeless man for ten years, but were not able to find him until recent news coverage was posted to a facebook page. hartman made national news after he returned a stolen wallet to the omni hotel and was rewarded. >> >> reporter: we talked about pictures from his childhood and the family he barely knows. >> >> you are a human being. you are family. >> that was apparent as the three arrived from indiana. hugs exchanged. >> awesome. really awesome. >> deanna told us the father clark hartman passed away 19 years to the day when she saw news coverage of joel and contacted the omni. >> here i am in atlanta for thanksgiving two days later. >> reporter: joel and his brothers hope to spend time together in indiana catching up. >> i'd really like to invite joel back home. we have a spare room. >> any way it goes i know we will be in contact now. >> i have a lot of people pulling for me. i don't want to let anyone down. really don't. >> so that is one of the things that was his reward for returning the wallet. another reward when he came back. after he returned the wallet he came back again because they were looking for him at this omni hotel and he was given -- check this out. greeted by the hotel manager. offered him a room through thanksgiving with room service and $500 toward any service he wanted at the hotel. >> he could have lobster in his room. >> or a spa day. >> very cool. >> great. >> one act of kindness and it obviously led to him reuniting with his family. >> terrific story. coming up, keeping christmas creative. >> our toy insider mom is here to show gifts that encourage a child to u imaginations. you are watching "world news now." ♪ santa claus is coming to town ♪ ♪ santa claus is coming to town ♪ children around the world are busy making their list for santa as moms an dad hit the stores in hopes of getting the right gifts. which toys are the hottest this year? what do you got? >> it is easy to get caught up in the wow technology toys but remember a well-balanced toy box is important for kids. >> absolutely. >> we will talk about crafts and construction because it inspires creativity. >> they are the best ones. >> they are. we will start with magic fun dough. it is by rose art. the kids take the dough and use these transfers. they put the transfers on and then they are playing with the playset. so they create their own characters. >> like the other dough that i won't say the name of it? >> no. this is different. i want you to squish the dough and you will find the character i created will disappear magically. which means kids will put it away. >> it's gone. >> it is just gone and then another one these. >> you are creating, playing and start all over again. >> nice. i can play with this stuff all day long. smells good, too. >> you can take it with you. >> this is glitzy globes. you used to collect snow globes wherever you went? now girls will make their own. there's a large one they can make. it comes with everything they need. characters, little charms, glitter. they simply add water. >> they have the globes. >> and make these beautiful little globes. >> cute. >> you can put them on strings and wear them as jewelry. so they have a lot of fun with that. >> nice. >> hot wheels, boys have loved them forever. and now they can make it. the hot wheels carmaker. >> it is awesome, by the way. >> it is awesome. they take a piece of wax and put it in the chamber. >> you melt this. >> melt this and choose one of the two molds it comes with and you get the body of the car. >> that's great. >> pick a chassis and decorate it with the decals and you have a customized hot wheel and you are ready to race. >> i would have loved this. that's a winner for a little boy. trust me that's a winner. >> crayola known for their great arts and crafts. this is the crayola melt and mold. it comes with single color crayons then the kids put them in and once it melts they actually use it, it pours in to the mold. when they are done, they have rings, characters. >> arrow head thing. >> it is dual purpose so they can color with them, too. >> awesome. is this a girl's toy -- >> i would say it is more toward girls but i think boys would have fun. >> agree. if your sister got that you would be like, what's that? >> construction. i love construction for all ages. it's so good for kids for everything. we will start with this. from smart toys and games. this is a line called smart max. this is magnetic construction. they are nice big chunky pieces. they are great for little hands. >> i love magnets. >> these are lights on them. >> yep. >> and older kids will like it, too. when you add more pieces you can make really cool designs. >> awesome. what else? >> mega blocks and barbies. this is the barbie build and play super star stage. when girls build they like to display and that is what they can do with this. it is 290 pieces and music and lights. >> barbie. >> fortunately she is not dressed like miley. >> totally great. >> tinker toys. >> got to love it. >> this is by kinect. they have been around since the early 1900s. all the spools and rods and pieces you remember. what's different? >> they are plastic. >> we remember the wood, right? >> yes, we do. >> a lot of open-ended play. >> awesome stuff, as always. we have posted a list of these toys on our facebook page, we'll be right back. ♪ santa claus is coming to town ♪ santa claus is coming to town ♪ we'll be right back. ♪ santa claus is coming to town ♪ santa claus is coming to town ♪ ♪ ♪ >> new animated movie "frozen" is in theaters and getting great reviews. it's from disney, our parent company. >> the movie has big voices and a big personality. here's abc's sara haines. >> reporter: they are two of hollywood's finest. >> what power do you have to stop this winter? >> your powers really are beautiful. >> reporter: they have joined forces. >> no, no, wait! >> reporter: the star power of disney's latest animated flick "frozen" ♪ >> reporter: what you may be surprised to learn is that that voice is kristen bell. >> i can hold a tune. not really well but i can hold a tune. it is hard to take credit for singing next to -- >> she does it all the time and it is really not cool because she is really a singer and sings beautifully. >> and for broadway veteran and tony award winner, idina menzel, this role lets her musical talents to shine. ♪ >> do you guys ever karaoke? >> whenever i can, yeah. >> do you? >> i have to get really drunk. >> i'm a dueter. i prefer somebody else take the blame on stage with me. >> she's my sister. she would never hurt me. >> the pair play sisters, both strong female characters who aren't so different from the women who play them. did you get a chance to bond before you started the roles? >> they wanted to hear us sing together but kristin picked "wind beneath my wings" and we immediately bonded. >> reporter: she is doing bonding off screen with her new baby girl. was there any shocking things to being a parent? interesting but it has been wonderful. >> reporter: she just tied the knot with long-time boyfriend actor dax shepherd. and menzel has been married ten years to taye diggs and they have a 4-year-old son together. >> where do you go together? you have worked with your husband. >> we should work with each other's husbands. >> get along great. >> i have to tell you the movie has gotten incredible reviews. i want to see the movie. >> can you bring devon yet, or is he too young? could you go and make it a movie night? you have not been to a movie in ages. >> i haven't looked at my dvr in a year. would you take alexis to see that? i would as a matter of fact. >> there you go. another plan for the weekend. >> i haven't looked at my dvr in a year. would you take alexis to see that? >> i would. >> there you go. another plan for the weekend. this morning on "world news now," mall madness. shoppers behaving badly overnight as the holiday bargain hunters hit the stores earlier than ever. >> i think it is horrible. thanksgiving is a day to spend with your family. >> are the bargains in stores worth the fight? space invaders. the long-awaited sky show featuring a comet 4.5 billion years old. >> it's also a once in a lifetime chance. it's not going to come back. >> the heavenly scene for stargazers as this comet may have reached a dramatic end. delicious options on this day after thanksgiving. culinary advice on turning leftover turkeys into something special. it is friday, november 29th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. >> happy thanksgiving. >> happy day after thanksgiving. >> sort of, right. >> it kind of feels the same. people who are watching us -- people are watching us and just finishing up their dinner maybe. >> did you eat turkey? >> i did. i had a lot of turkey. >> are you still in a coma like me. >> i napped it off. >> i had a three-hour power nap. >> three hours. >> i had a half-hour power nap. you know that. >> i'm doing better than you. >> how come you are smiling and i'm not? >> i know. what's going on there? you had yesterday off so you had a nice, calm thanksgiving with the family. >> i know why you are smiling, because you like to shop. black friday. the frenzy with many retailers open on thanksgiving. >> experts expect an increase, an increase in black friday sales of almost 4% this year. sales could exceed $13 billion today alone. and 97 million people are expected to shop today following yesterday's retail rush. ♪ >> reporter: at toys "r" us in times square, they threw open the doors at 5:00 p.m. >> hopefully they will get their skylander and their dolls and toy apps over with. >> reporter: all over the country, early bird shoppers were out in force. >> this is about serving our customers at a time when they have asked us to be available and serve them. >> are you going to shop today and tomorrow or just today? >> both. >> reporter: are you a die-hard shopper? >> yes. >> reporter: for some shoppers the head start came with an attack of conscience. >> i think it is horrible. thanksgiving is a day to spend with your family. >> reporter: but the lure of bargains proved too much for turkey tradition. >> the 40" tv costing only $200. >> it was easier. it wasn't that packed. >> reporter: toys 'r' us opened at 5:00 p.m., best buy 6:00 p.m., wal-mart at 6:00 and macy's and target at 8 p.m. >> my wife is a nurse. she's working 7:00 to 7:00 today so we are celebrating thanksgiving tomorrow. >> might as well do something, right? >> better than sitting with the dog all day watching tv. >> reporter: kohl's is selling this kitchenaid mixer -- before 229 now 101. tv usually 330 is now 170 at best buy. for the laundry room, a washer dryer from kmart was 670, now 500. experts warn some stores may put those rock bottom price tags on only a few items. even so, it is officially open season on holiday bargains. abc news. >> there is the dark side to black friday. >> that's why people like me say, i want to go out," -- think twice. in a suburb of chicago, a suspect apparently stole something from inside the store, then ran out to get the getaway car. >> shots were fired in the incident. the suspect and two police officers had to go to the hospital. >> here's the thing, coast to coast, we're hearing about shouting matches inside of stores. whether it's walmart or kohl's, inside or outside. this one, west palm beach, florida. reports of an officer injured there. also in a shoving match. he had a broken wrist in fact. >> kind of crazy. look at that video. look at the guy watching with his shopping cart at the checkout line. >> right. he's on the other side. >> being pushed. so heavily a part of that. >> right. and the person who shot the video was asked to leave because it's bad p.r. for any store, especially a walmart. their big thing is come on black friday. yeah, this is a shoving match -- >> couldn't pay me. >> not interested. our question of the day -- >> what are your shopping plans for black friday? >> have a safe time, everybody. the day after thanksgiving, most of the evacuated residents of a northern ohio town are home. they spent the day at a high school or hotels after a train derailment caused a chemical spill. three dozen people are still not allowed back this their homes. the governor met with evacuees at the high school on thanksgiving. a southern california man accused of holding two people hostage, then firing on police officers during a nine-hour siege is now charged with attempted murder. police say christopher warsaw started shooting at them immediately as they responded to a domestic dispute. one officer was shot but was saved by a protective vest. another was hit but not hurt. the hostages came away unharmed. a florida woman is free this morning as she waits for a new trial challenging the state's stand your ground law. marisa alexander was released wednesday night. alexander was sentenced to 20 years for firing what she says was a warning shot into a wall. it happened during a domestic incident with her estranged husband. in september, an appeals court ordered her a new trial after ruling that her jury had been improperly instructed. her supporters are thankful. >> we are just thanking everybody, first of all, that have donated. it's 250,000 that we need for this trial. >> alexander must remain under house arrest while she waits for her new trial. we're getting a first look at surveillance video of what is believed to be one of the biggest jewelry heists ever. you might remember, it happened in cannes, france, in june. a gunman breaks into a room, threatens everybody, grabs the loot, and leaves it. it was worth about $136 million. the guy's still on the loose. the jewels haven't been seen since. for the second time this year, an earthquake rocked a southern iran town near the country's only nuclear power plant, raising new concerns about radioactive leaks. state television reports the 5.6-magnitude quake did not damage the plant but left at least seven people dead and injured dozens more. the quake also damaged several homes and businesses. in neighboring iraq, a day of violence that's killed dozens is triggering fears about the return of sectarian bloodshed. in the worst of the attacks, three separate car bombs exploded within five minutes in a city south of baghdad, killing nine people. more than 5,000 have died since april. that was a crackdown on the sunni protest camp that started. 437 have died this month alone. dozens injured after a high-speed ferry accident in hong kong. the boat hit something in the water. investigators say several people were seriously injured because they were not wearing their seat belts. hong kong depends on its ferries to carry passengers it other islands and mainland china. tension is building over the east china sea. china today sent fighter jets to patrol the air space it now claims. the u.s. does not accept those claims and let china know in words and deed. gloria riveria reports on this high-stakes confrontation. >> reporter: the message delivered by america's new ambassador to japan, caroline kennedy. a warning to china after it insisted it has the right to police the sky over a series of islands. what might seem small, experts say is a big bold movie by china. an act of defiance from the superpower. but the u.s. was quick to respond flying two b-52 bombers unannounced in the zone and now japan and south korea have tested china, too, with their own flights. china responded by sending fighter secrets into the zone. raising the stakes vice president joe biden will be in china in the coming days. he will ask china to explain what is behind the aggression. gloria riveria, abc news, beijing. there's a guy named johnny love. the lives in south florida and yesterday he tried his best to hold up a gas station. didn't go quite as planned. >> look at this. johnny is in the upper right corner. the clerk behind the counter handed over the money and gave johnny a couple of plastic bags so if he wanted he could steal more stuff. he grabbed gum and beer as well. >> when he walks out one of the bags breaks, beer bottles fall all over the place and you have to pick them up and that's when the cops arrive. man, oh man. nothing going right for johnny love. he is now under arrest. >> poor guy. all he wanted was the beer and gum -- >> he left the cash in the register. he wanted the beer and gum. >> i like how the clerk is like, oh, you want to steal more stuff, take your time while i call the cops. coming up, eye-opening theories about thanksgiving weight gain. and the amazing scene in the heavens. the final flight for a comet billions of years old. is it lost in space? you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. ♪ nnouncer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. prove it. enough is enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding. guaranteed. d-con. get out. whoa! sweet mother of softness. paws off, pal. [ female announcer ] new charmin ultra soft is so soft, you can actually see the softness with our new comfort cushions. plus you can use up to four times less. enjoy the go with new charmin ultra soft. and can cost thousands of dollars to repair... thankfully, the powerful dual action formula of rid-x has enzymes to break down waste and time released bacteria to reduce tank build up. d-tic maintenance. i'm, like, totally not down with change. but i had to change to bounce dryer bars. one bar freshens more loads than these two bottles. i am so gonna tell everyone. [ male announcer ] how do you get your bounce? [ woman ] time for change! ♪ it was a no-go for the spacex rocket yesterday. >> the launch was scrubbed because of a technical glitch. it is a communications satellite privately owned by spacex. the company made history last year when it became the first privately owned company to send cargo to the international space station. >> another no-go for stargazers hoping to see a close encounter between the comet and the sun. >> it seems the sun won this one. here's abc's david muir. >> reporter: all eyes on ison. 4.5 billion years old. traveling from the outer reaches of our solar system on the way to the sun. 1:37 eastern time and the comet was expected to pass 730,000 miles from the sun's surface, slingshot around and head back out again. >> a once-in-a-lifetime chance. it's not coming back. >> reporter: scientists were studying ison, hoping by studying the comet it would give a snapshot of the atmosphere billions of years ago. >> we will find out a great deal of what the solar system was like. >> reporter: as the comet approached the sun, temperatures of up to 5,000 degrees fahrenheit, it seemed to disappear, evaporate. scientists are examining the data but they believe it did not survive the 5.5 million year journey. there were 11,000 tweets about the comet in one hour this afternoon. one stargazer tweeting, rip comet ison, we won't forget you. >> they are thinking they got swallowed up by the son. >> so young. >> yeah. >> the gravity of the sun pulling it in. >> when you talk about things so vast, hot, crazy, big, so old, it is hard to wrap your brain around it. i know they were looking to get a snapshot of the universe but they weren't able to. it would have been interested to see -- >> life is the same as it was 4.5 billion years ago. that's why they wanted to check it out. if you have a fridge of leftovers from yesterday's thanksgiving dinner, you want to stay tuned. >> no doubt. culinary advice on how to serve up something special. in our next half hour, a bittersweet meeting. the family of an organ donor meets the young girl whose life was saved. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. now." this is your computer. let's go on the internet. let's go. ok. she's going to love me all over again now. jamaica, here you come! here we go. ha ha! good job. all right. ♪ ♪ welcome back. talkin' turkey this morning and we know you have a favorite way to prepare leftovers. but keep an open mind because we will show you a few new ways to prepare them. joining us is john mclemore from masterbuilt turkey. you have this fryer -- if anyone missed it, we will show you how it works. it is self contained and you can do it in the kitchen and don't have to worry about the open oil. >> that is the safer alternative to frying your turkey. you can do it indoors and with the weather moving in that's the secret. >> tremendous. so now we have the leftovers. >> we do. >> got ideas? >> we do. with deep fried turkey, at the mclemore house we don't have a lot of leftovers. but if you do -- in "dadgum, that is good" and "dadgum ii" cookbooks, we have written instead of a chicken salad we have a turkey salad. we slice it up and put in mayonnaise, one cup. >> scoop it. >> one cup. >> gotcha. >> while i mix that up take celery and pour that in. about one cup. dump the whole thing in there. there you go. we have some craisins. dried cranberries. and last but not at least we have done -- we actually manufacture smokers, master built does, so i will put those in the smoker, pecans and roast those, add smoked flavor to them. there you go. this is a great leftover turkey salad and i'm telling you, we get rave reviews over this recipe. we will get a little room here. it is a great recipe. we will show you what to do with it in a moment. but first buffalo ranch dipping sauce. >> i saw this and said what are you going to make with this is the thing i want. >> that is to die for. put in. this is two parts. >> a bunch. pour about -- come on. there you go. >> all right. >> take a little ranch and put in. >> teeny bit. >> you want to do two parts buffalo sauce. >> there you go. >> and one part ranch. and then we have added a little cajun. the same cajun spice that we deep fried our turkey with, put that in, too. and blend that together. >> chili pepper. >> oh, yes, sir. >> why not, right? >> take that buffalo sauce, ranch buffalo dipping sauce, and yesterday, we deep fried the turkey. >> smells great. >> notice down here. we've actually taken that turkey and you debreast the turkey. for several reasons. one, it gives everybody a little bit of that skin, and then you take that -- i wish i could make a cup like that. >> that turkey breast is heavenly. >> and you take the buffalo ranch dipping sauce and drizzle over the top of the turkey breast. all right. so we go from that to the chicken salad that we have done. you can also do that for hoagies and you can also do turkey sliders. for those that want a healthier spin to your turkey, take the skin off, although that is the best part. >> of course it is. wrap it in lettuce -- >> wrap it in the lettuce so you can have a lettuce -- deep fried lettuce turkey wrap, deep fried turkey sliders. you can have chicken salad. put that on a hoagie so you can have chicken salad sandwiches the next day. so if you want the best way to have leftovers, just get creative with it. the thing we like to say is take your recipes and get the family and friends involved so that you can sit around the dinner table and say you know what, not just one person prepared this meal, we prepared this dadgum good food. >> love that word. the oil we used yesterday in the fryer. does that go in the garbage, can you save it for a while? >> what you want to do with the butterball turkey fryer -- it does not burn the oil. you let it cool down and there's a drain valve on the front so you can pour it back in the original container and save it. >> you can use it for christmas. >> save the oil for 30 to 60 days. deep fry your turkey for thanksgiving in the same peanut oil you deep fry your christmas turkey. >> fantastic. john mclemore, master built, thank you for joining us. we will have more information on our facebook page, and we'll be right back., and we'll be right back.we willn our facebook page, and we'll be right back. welcome to "the mix," everyone. officially thanksgiving is over, but for next year if you are thinking how to have a thanksgiving that is stress free without annoying relatives, you can have a -- called friends-giving. this is a creation of logo, the network. and they are so involved in this and want to give you instructions on how to have a really nice thanksgiving that doesn't have anything to do with stress and family and avoiding it all. they created a video that's going to help you have the perfect kind of twerky day ♪ ♪ ♪ twerk twerk twerk your turkey ♪ ♪ gobble gobble gobble gobble ♪ twerk twerk twerk twerk >> that is not really an instructional video. it is more about having fun. clearly what they have done is manipulated raw turkey. it is clearly disturbing but we can't stop watching. >> will we be saying twerk next thanksgiving? you think we'll be saying the word "twerk"? i think it will be so 2013. >> it already is. >> anybody that can't do it shouldn't be allowed to the say it. >> polka time. ♪ here's my visual cliche like the pilgrims used to say ♪ ♪ it's the turkey polka ♪ know that that crazy in the pan overdose on tryptophan ♪ ♪ that's the turkey polka ♪ turkeys are such stupid birds they are proving so today ♪ ♪ if these are free-range turkeys why don't they all run away ♪ ♪ here in calvertton new york the turkeys yell eat more pork ♪ ♪ that's the turkey polka ♪ any requests? ♪ you stuff your face with sweet potato pie and never stop when black friday comes we'll work the pounds off when we shop ♪ spend your hard earned pay with junction from china. breaking news on "world news now," gunshots outside of a suburban chicago department store. is this a case of rage already on this black friday? winter weather and how wild winds threatened a new york parade tradition. connected forever, the families of an organ donor and recipient are changed for good. the bittersweet story that may inspire you. celebrity celebrations. the queen of talk turns in to the queen of the kitchen. thanksgiving's hollywood highlights in "the skinny" on this friday, november 29th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. and we begin this half-hour with breaking news. a shooting in the parking lot of a kohl's store reportedly left several people injured. >> it happened at a black friday event last night. the gunman's motive is unclear. some reports indicate it may have been a robbery. it happened in romeoville, illinois, a chicago suburb. police investigated the shooting. shoppers continued to browse the aisles inside. we will keep you updated on the story. also this morning, the nasty weather threatened to shut down a parade tradition here in new york city and created a mess of things for others around the country. more than a third of the nation covered in snow. the most snow this early in a decade. the question now, will traveling back home go more smoothly? here's abc's ginger zee. >> reporter: a thanksgiving mess in michigan. dozens of accidents reported on i-75 near flint. ♪ >> reporter: lake effect snow making it all the way to the detroit parade. kermit happily floating through the flurries. on the west side of michigan, all the snow adding up. more than a half foot. on this road it was worrying drivers. >> i'm always nervous. i went to a ditch before and sure don't want to do it again. >> reporter: in the northeast a bright and sunny, albeit freezing, macy's thanksgiving day parade, the winds relaxing just in time. peaceful and frozen in new england. a perfect day for playing. in wisconsin, a little help on the sled and a greeting for all. >> happy thanksgiving, everyone. >> reporter: great news on the way back, most folks will be an pretty easy commute except the pacific northwest. that's the only area. seattle some rain. higher elevations mountain snow. cool air coming for the first part of the week. that gets interest december. we will talk about that later. ginger zee, abc news, new york. >> cold enough now. let's not talk about december yet. >> sunday is december 1st. >> it is incredible. >> it is really short season. it is usually a couple of days before. so we have a little more time. but you are going to get your tree this weekend. >> i'm not messing around. >> you don't have a lot of time this season. >> exactly right. decorated by saturday. it will be decorated the day before december. >> you guys are really good. >> i am on it this year. >> considering i didn't realize this weekend was december -- i thought i had another week before december arrived -- i think we will have a one-week christmas in my house. >> about right, right? >> i think so. here's the rest of the weather, it will be warming up across the south. sunny, dry conditions from coast to coast. you can expect some snow showers from the great lakes into the northeast. >> chilly from the upper midwest to the eastern seaboard, check out los angeles, phoenix and miami. springlike readings there. high 60s to low 70s. >> not fair. >> not at all. before we say good-bye to thanksgiving we add to our thanks the u.s. troops serving overseas. soldiers in kabul, afghanistan, eating a traditional meal with all the traditional favorites on that menu. thousands of them will be coming home over the next year, but that doesn't make their absence from their families and homes easier this year. president obama had his annual thanksgiving message for the nation. he gave thanks to the troops and their families for their sacrifice and called ten military members to deliver the message personality. along with the first lady he sat down with abc's barbara walters. >> mr. president, do you have a thanksgiving message? >> there are a lot of people out there who work hard every day, do right by their family but are still working through some of the ravages of that big recession that with had. my message to them is know that every day i'm going to work as hard as i can on your behalf. americans, i think deep down, care about each other and want to do the right thing. >> i want americans to remember, that even as we draw down our troops, we still have men and women serving abroad. i want america to keep them close to their hearts and serve them as well as they served us. >> the first family volunteered at a charity on wednesday and spent yesterday at the white house with several other family members visiting them from chicago. tonight on a special edition of "20/20," barbara walters asks him about the rough rollout of the health care plan and when he thinks the u.s. will elect the first female president. that's at 10:00 eastern tonight. and whether you plan to hit the stores or shop on-line, the busy shopping season is primetime for identity thieves. abc's rebecca jarvis explains how you can protect yourself and your wallet. >> it's the most wonderful time of the year for deals. retailers offering deeper discounts to anyone who opens a store credit card. that means high season for crooks. >> i'm angry. i'm angry that someone pretended to be me. >> reporter: indicate katie, who asked we not use her full name, had her identity stolen by criminals. >> successfully opened 11 to 14 different credit cards. >> reporter: crooks going door to door hitting nearly every store on this block on a $15,000 shopping spree. $550 tablet, $1200 dollars mac book at best buy. sneakers, coats, and fragrances at macy's. adam levin has been fighting identity thieves for decades and says store the cards make it easier for scammers. >> you can do it in one day and be signed up. >> you can do it, in some cases, in ten minutes and be signed up. >> reporter: for a typical credit card, the verification process can last weeks. identity thieves are catching on. how can you protect yourself? check your credit card and bank statements daily. if your think your identity has been compromised add a security freeze to your credit report. this keeps loans from being approved without your consent. and hold off signing up for store cards until after the holidays. >> my name does not matter anymore because there's someone else out there with all of my information pretending to be me. >> reporter: rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. >> that is frightening. an update on the indiana pizza hut manager fired for refusing to open on thanksgiving. tony now says the company offered to hire him back but he is not sure if he will accept. he was fired after writing a letter to his boss refusing to quote comply with his greedy, immoral request, saying his employees should be able to spend the day with their families. wow, that's a good boss. winter is just around the corner, and it's getting to be that time of year for snow and, therefore, snow sculptures, of course. >> not all snow sculptures are created equal and there's a darn good one. check that out. just like the family pet. love the detail in the face. >> oh, my gosh. this is posted by a woman who's a bull dog lover in colorado. that's not her holding up the real bull dog. the woman who posted it said she got it from a friend of hers who's currently in afghanistan. good going by whoever made that. >> nose is so realistic. i can't stop staring at it. >> it's tremendous. >> before i saw the woman in the picture holding the bull dog, i thought the sculpture was the bull dog. >> a huge, massive bulldog. >> that's incredible. >> remarkable. >> wow. coming up. >> can we just stare at that? >> yeah, why not? not an unusual performance by victoria beckham and she's not reliving her spice girl days either. the inspiring connection between two families of an organ donor and recipient. a transplant that changed everything. you are watching "world news now." for for "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. for for "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. for for "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. ♪ how to save a life an amazing and emotional meeting between a young women -- a young woman and a family of a young man who gave her the gift of life. >> abc's cynthia mcfadden has the story of their unbreakable bond. >> reporter: two years ago, lindsey mclaughlin struggled for every breath she took. at age 2, lindsey was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, a genetic disease which causes mucus to build up in the lungs. >> my lung capacity by the time i was 18, 19 years old, was to the point where they told me i needed a lung transplant in two years. >> her mother knew without the transplant lindsey wouldn't see another birthday. >> i would walk to work crying knowing my daughter was dying before my eyes and there was not a thing i could do about it. >> reporter: then on the morning of april 4th, 2011 -- [ phone ringing ] >> they called and said they have a potential match. i can't believe it's for real. >> here we go. yep. >> love ya. >> love you too. >> okay. >> reporter: tense moments but in the end -- >> hi. >> hi there. >> all good. all good. >> reporter: but whose death allowed her to live? >> all i knew is he was 18 and he was a male. >> reporter: adrian rodriguez was a real charmer. a high school senior, a beloved only son. >> adrien was running to school. he slipped on the subway platform. >> reporter: as the train pulled in, he fell. one mother's loss would save another mother's child. >> all i could think of that day is how lucky we are and how unfortunate she was and we were so grateful. >> hi. how are you? >> reporter: the day before thanksgiving, the two families, tied forever, decided to meet. >> i think about him every day. >> there's a funny kind of bond i would think. adrien is part of you. >> he's definitely part of me. he's why i'm here. >> reporter: cynthia mcfadden, abc news, new york. >> an amazing story. >> let's talk about adrien for a little bit. he created a cooking show and recorded it in the school's teaching kitchen. incredible. >> full of life. by the way his donation of his organs not only helped there, another person received his heart, his pancreas and third his liver. >> for his family in some kind of way we will never understand he lives on. >> absolutely. >> which must be comforting in some kind of way. >> i would think. beautiful story. coming up, unusual steps by one of your "dancing with the stars" favorites. from oprah to lindsey lohan, celebrities who couldn't wait to share their holidays with just ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ "skinny" time. uncool glasses -- my sister, by the way, at my thanksgiving feast told me i should invest in a better pair of reading glasses because they don't look so cool. >> the day you do will make it a trendy item. >> it will make it a trendy pair. >> like the black frames. >> rockin' the drugstore glasses. celebrity spending at thanksgiving. they went on instagram and posted pictures. oprah on instagram. check her out. you were invited to that party. >> that's where i was before i came here. >> happy thanksgiving. getting dinner ready. three houshs until dinner -- >> i'm taking the picture. >> jalapeno corn fritters. >> they were delicious, by the way. >> they were. tell oprah i'll have a seat next year, i'll come next year. >> that is the same espresso coffee maker i have at home. oprah and i are so much alike. >> especially in the bank account department. let's talk about josh duhamel on instagram. that's an interesting one. what to be thankful for -- a great "my pants don't fit" day. nick cannon on instagram, put up the picture. preparing for thanksgiving. >> adorable kids. >> lindsay lohan. >> yea, the own, the chew, work, cook. looking pretty. lance bass, our thanksgivukkah. what do you think? looks good, lance. >> a lot going on there, by the way. >> very cute. >> another celebrity, the only celebrity not on instagram showing off what she was doing, actually has a picture doing something different. this is victoria beckham. she has her own doll. check the doll out. complete with angel wings, black dress, heels and teeny tiny little microphone. she is showing off her doll on thursday and she tweeted out finally i found someone to duet with on my music e-commerce shoot. so she is doing her duet with her teeny, tiny version of herself. which by the way, she is incredible charitable. she gave away a mountain of shoes to help typhoon victims in the philippines. she teaches her kids being famous means sending the right message. >> important thing. you grow up in a house with privileged parents, got to keep it real. >> she keeps them grounded. derek hough, "dancing with the stars" champion extraordinaire, he danced with maria menudo, they have stayed in touch. they have a little fun war going on instagram where they are battling in videos. maria challenging him. whole family. get a load of "my girl." that's "my girl." derek hough "dancing with the stars" taking it serious. pretty good. >> look at them. >> runs in the family. >> this is no fair. i'm surprised the little one in the middle isn't going along with this towel dance. >> pretty cool. >> derek made a couple of these. he posted eight videos so far. funny war they have going on. >> i think maria has been officially shut down and he has posted eight videos. apparently this is the only thing these women are doing on this thanksgiving. >> moment to shine. this is really cool. we are going to be able, as viewers, to pick the ten songs that "glee" will have on their 100th episode coming up next march. they're going to post 30 songs, 30 performances that "glee" has already done and we can take ten that we like and all ten will be featured in the 100th episode. you are looking at "roar," their interpretation of "roar." now we will see "toxic" which is another one of their kind of famous ones. ten of these will be in the final, the 100th episode. so you have to tune in. march 18th, 2014. ♪ the way to handle bigger, tougher messes was better leverage. that's why he created his new magic eraser handy grip. it has a handle that firmly attaches to the eraser so you get better leverage and more oomph with less effort. it's the perfect magic eraser for making stuff that's big and tough not so tough, after all. mr. clean's handy grip -- the newest member of the magic eraser family. in all purpose and bath. [ engine revs ] ♪ the weekend is finally here. at least almost for us, right? >> almost. >> hopefully you had a great thanksgiving. >> if you plan to hit the stores today, we wish you smooth sailing. we look back at this week in the news. here's our "friday rewind." >> it's going to be a hectic day on tap for us in heading home for the holidays would be more difficult. >> ugly, wet conditions across metro atlanta. >> it could be one of the worst we have seen the last four or five years. it would really nail la guardia, jfk, philadelphia, newark. that's sort of the hub system that causes the cascading effect across the country. >> first time in a decade, we have halted the process of the iranian nuclear program and key parts will be rolled back. >> this is not a historic agreement. it is a historic mistake. it is not making the world a safer place. >> what adam was trying to do is come up with an act of revenge that would stab americans in the heart. >> the girls were imprisoned in their bedrooms approximately the last two years. >> told michael, we have to get you off of this. however, ideal or not ideal, michael jackson is not a guy you can just say, "stop it." >> brian, look out! >> holy crap. what the hell happened? >> i'm so sorry, mrs. griffin, but brian's injuries are too severe for us to save him. ♪ you have to hold on to what we've got ♪ it doesn't make a difference if we make it or not ♪ >> all right. so of course we want to remind you about a special feature for our fans on "world news now." it is always there and a lot of fun. >> it is. in it is called "in case you missed it" and it is on our facebook page. to check it out log on to some of the best and worst moments of diana and john. >> sometimes it is me repeating one sound over and over. >> they like to do that. >> like the remix. >> did you have a nice thanksgiving? >> it was quick, easy. it was early. no shouting matches. >> no shouting matches. nobody spoke about obama care. >> stay away from religion and politics. what about you? >> same deal. we had a connection to nature is a right that the trust for public land is fighting to preserve. from boulevards to ball fields and ponds to playgrounds, together we have saved over 3 million acres of land. a park is a gift that is worth protecting. help support the trust for public land and the gift of parks today. making news in america this morning -- breaking news. shots fired outside of a department store filled with holiday shoppers. new video and details about what happened just coming in. shopping madness. people yelling and shoving to get to the front of the line. >> hey. hey. hey. hey. >> the scenes playing out across the country overnight as black friday gets under way. torch trouble. an olympic flame handler gets a little too careless and nearly causes a catastrophe. pie pummeling. why this lawmaker was hit with a decadent dessert. good friday morning to you. we do begin with breaking news.

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