Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Now 20121120

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>> "nightline"next. >>kx@ñ ♪ did she use that line your place or mine when you danced with rea ♪ did she use that line your place or mine when you danced with her real slow ♪ ♪ tell me cheater cheater >> oh, getting raunchy tonight. white trash ho. >> the w-t-h. >> mm, mm, mm. we have all seen the pictures, paula broadwell with her husband and children who has been labeled the wth by many. paula broadwell in the window of her brother's home. where is david petraeus? why aren't photographers tracking his every move? that's what i want to know. >> in the house groveling. >> there is a double standard when it comes to extramarital affairs. david wright has the story. >> reporter: a general and biographer, washington sex scandal juicy enough to bring down america's spymaster. oopz the humor and criticism came main low at the woman's expense. powerful men do pay a price for sex sandals. in petraeus' case, it cost him his job and possibly a bright political future. powerful men can hope for redemption. >> i did not have sexual relations with that woman. >> reporter: bill clinton's scandal may have wrecked his presidency. ultimately the elder statesman. whereas monica lewinsky will always be "that woman." >> i understand that she now has a $12 million book deal to write about that. but nonetheless, that is the brand that she now has. she's been branded. >> reporter: attorney gloria allred specializes in helping women cash in on rich and powerful cheaters. men like tiger woods or herman cane. she insists these men can restore their good names in part by accepting financial responsibility. feminist naomi wolf who publish aid new book on women and sexuality says she doesn't condone adultery. >> i don't think it is up to me to give any body a scarlet letter, but certainly if we are going to sit around and shame people for going outside their marriages, let it be a single standard, for god's sake. >> reporter: interestingly, allred suggests paula broadwell nay not have taken enough heat for the scandal which expanded to include jill kelley and twin sister natalie. >> what was the something that paula broadwell was doing with jill kelley. was it warranted? not warranted? did she go about it in the right way? did she not go about it in the right way? there are just many questions. >> reporter: one day after our interview, allred, announced that natalie, jill kelley's sister is now her newest client. i'm david wright in los angeles. >> wow, gloria will have the press conference with jill kelley's sister to clarify the relationship with general petraeus and his family. >> what is it that i smell? oh, it's a double standard. >> as we say in said in the lead, it does take two to tango. plenty of blame to go around. i guess. coming up, how scientists managed to use cells from a paralyzed dog's nose to help him walk again. now a miracle of modern medicine. dogs paralyzed able to walk again after cells from their nose were transplanted into their spine. >> the study is the first to show that nose cells can actually repair damaged spinal cords. the bbc's fergus walsh explains how it works. >> he was effectively a crippled dog. had no rear leg function. he dragged his feet around. but now he can stand, get to his feet. he can walk. >> reporter: so how was it done? >> researchers removed specialist cells from the lining of jasper's nose, cells known to regenerate fibers in animals and humans. these were grown in a dish for several week and injected into jasper's damaged spine. the nerve connections regrew enough to allow his front and rear legs to reconnect. but the repair was not complete. the signals to the brain were not restored. that explains why he still wobbles from side to side when he walks. more than 20 dogs were treated, and most saw some improvement. this research is obviously great news for jasper. and dog breed like this one which are prone off to spinal injuries. the big question is, could the technique one day play a role in helping to reverse paralysis in humans? scientists funded by medical research council say this proof of concept study in animals should give the green light to a trial with patients. but warn it may not work as well. in the quest to reverse paralysis in humans, cell transplants are just part of the answer. last year rob summers from the united states was fitted with electrodes in his spine which enabled him to stand. >> wondering about potential impact of this. 200,000 people in the u.s. living with spinal cord injury. 12,000 to 20,000 new injuries a year. >> ground breaking. >> this could go a long, long way. >> we'll be right back, everyone. >> this could go a long, long way. >> we'll be right back, everyone. [ female announcer ] think coarse facial hair removal has to be painful? challenge that with new olay facial hair removal duo. a two-step process that removes even coarse, stubborn facial hair gently. plenty of gain, without all that pain... with olay. ♪ gangnam style ♪ gangnam style ♪ gangnam style >> i cannot get enough. >> that guy could not have asked for a bigger hit for his one hit. well, it's the furthest thing from the tradition of holiday giving, black friday, the day that brings out the ugly in the american consumer. >> and yesterday, a familiar scene. people are already lining up. it's a bit too early for some. >> why? >> as brandi hitt tells us, a new pushback against purchasing. good morning, brandi. >> good morning, rob and paula. many are out for the discounts. others say this is tradition. either way it is going to be a very long thanksgiving week for many black friday shoppers who started lining up last weekend. the wait is on for black friday bargains. >> i wanted to get here early. >> reporter: lines are already forming outside stores all across the country, building up to the door-buster deals shoppers can't live without. >> well, i do it every year. every year i regret it. when the day comes, i enjoy it. >> reporter: not everyone is enjoying the new push by some stores to open thursday evening. walmart employees scheduled to work at 8:00 p.m. thanksgiving day are threatening to walk out at 1,000 locations. >> we just are demanding respect. >> reporter: it is also not hard to forget the dark side of black friday. >> hey! >> reporter: over the last several years people have been trampled getting into stores, there have been fights and shootings over merchandise. and one shopper even pepper sprayed a crowd last year in los angeles. >> people started screaming, and kids were on the floor. >> reporter: still 147 million americans are expected to battle the crowd this year. >> i am going to get another tv and two laptops. >> reporter: some of the hottest deals include $78 flat screen tvs at walmart and $100 digital cameras at target. >> electronics are going to be huge again. the ipad mini, the iphone 5, for kids leap pad 2. >> reporter: keep this in mind. if you don't want to deal with the crowds, a lot of stores are offering black friday discounts online. stores like target are promising to match prices. rob and paula? >> oh, thank you, brandi. if you don't want to be one of those morons climbing, saturday, a shopping day for small businesses, saturday the 24th. keep that in mind. >> the gifts. >> i got an early start. it's all for you, paula. >> robert claus, kris kringle, he's got nothing on you. >> all the tic-tacs for before cold & flu season, help prevent with lysol disinfectant spray. and use the lysol no touch hand soap for 10 times more protection with each wash. this season, a good offense is the best defense. lysol. mission for health. this morning on "world news now" -- indiana bombshell. detectives say a deadly explosion that rocked an indianapolis neighborhood, leveling homes, it was no accident. >> a major development in a homicide investigation and why police have only a few clues. it's tuesday, november 20th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." welcome to "world news now," everyone. i'm paula faris on this tuesday. >> indeed. i'm rob nelson. we'll get to that major development in indiana, ten days after the fatal blast. the story seemed weird from the beginning. now to know it could have been intentionally set, unbelievable. we'll take you to the mideast as well this morning where civilians on both sides of the deadly conflict between hamas and israel spent another night in fear. we'll have the latest on the demands to end the brutal fighting there. also this half hour, teenagers obsessed with their bodies. why some will stop at nothing to get pumped up and ripped up. the warning signs and advice for parents, however, before it's too late. i mean you always -- it's good to see teen ablers are really taking afternoon investment in their bodies and working out. but some of the o'things they're doing to get the bodies are worrisome. >> people go to extremes. nothing in the extreme is good. the story clearly will point >>. nothing in the extreme is good. the story clearly will point that out. stay tuned for that. then later he won a long list of award at the big amas over the weekend and now justin bieber is getting more attention because of his love life and the scene that he made in public. we'll have the scoop coming up in "the skinny." >> uh-huh. but first a frightening new twist this morning in the deadly blast that leveled a neighborhood in indianapolis. >> authorities now believe the explosion that killed two people and left dozens of homes in ruin was no accident, and now they're tracking a possible lead. here's abc's pierre thomas. >> reporter: the aftermath looked like a war zone. houses ripped apart in a massive explosion, the police initially thought was a horrible accident. >> the house shook, things fell, and we ran outside. we just see the whole hoss -- i mean like a -- four or five houses down from us just completely engulfed in flames. >> reporter: authorities are releasing new details, suggesting the natural gas explosion that left two people dead may have been murder. >> based upon those interviews and the results of the search warrants we can confirm tonight that there is an active homicide investigation in this matter. >> reporter: there have been reports of a white van near the home before the explosion. police have been conducting interviews and searching homes in connection with the tragedy. >> specifically if anyone has any information about a white van seen in the subdivision on the day of the explosion and about the only pants on the van, we urge you to contact crime stoppers. crime stoppers is offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to an arrest in this case. special agent in charge, robin shoemaker of atf, authorized a reward up to $10,000. >> reporter: 34-year-old john longworth and his wife jennifer were killed in the explosion that leveled two homes and severely damaged dozens more. >> today i went to the funeral mass, and during that mass i was having trouble within myself coming to a sense of peace and reconciliation. i could not even imagine what the families are going through if i could not do it. >> reporter: it is unclear what the motive may have been for such a horrific crime, and police would not say if they have identified specific suspects. neighbors left behind are stunned wondering who could do such a thing. and worried it might happen again. pierre thomas, abc news, washington. what a chilling turn in that case. and important legal note to pass on. under indiana law, a murder charge could be filed in connection with the death -- at least two deaths in this case, if they find the explosion was the result of arson here. they do find the person responsible for this, they could be charged with murder. >> and the cruel irony of the timing of this, the revelations just came to light just hours after the couple was laid to rest. and just to let you know who they were, he was an electronics expert and a nature lover who liked to garden. she was a teacher who knitted gifts for her students. hard to imagine anyone would target such a loving and likable couple. >> heartbreaking story on a lot of levels. >> well, we turn overseas now, where the fighting between israel and the palestinians enters its seventh day. nearly 100 rockets were fired yesterday from gaza into israel. the palestinian death toll from israeli attacks has reached 111, including 56 civilians. now, three israeli civilians have been kill and dozens wounded since last week, and nerves, they are on edge. >> reporter: over 500 rockets, morta mortars, and missiles have been fired at the israeli civilian population. the minister of defense instructed the idf to be ready and prepared for all options. >> israel says since the beginning of its military operation hackers have launched more than 60 million attempts to disrupt various government websites but were only successful in knocking out one site for a brief period. meanwhile intense negotiations are underway at the u.n. and in egypt to finally reach a truce here. we asked abc's christiane amanpour in jerusalem, where diplomatic efforts now stands. >> reporter: the gang of nine are meeting the prime minister and senior advisers and cabinet to try to figure out how to respond to a proposal put forward by egypt. so the effort is really under way to have a diplomatic solution. whether it works or not we are waiting to see. all the american efforts are going through egypt, when it comes to hamas. they're taking the lead. from what we understand, egypt wants to have a cease-fire, then a bigger negotiation about lifting the siege of gaza. hamas wants that all to be part of one agreement. and israel wants to see a stop of hostilities, no more rockets into israel and doesn't want to link that to a cease-fire. so those are the parameters. how they get close together to make a success of this is really what's under way right now. >> thank you, christiane am afternoon pour, reporting from jerusalem. the "l.a. times" did a great story on this, summed up the heart of the conflict here. and it says -- any sort of agreement much overcome huge obstacles. israel views hamas as a terrorist organization. and the islamist militant group refuses to recognize israel's right to exist. that is the fundamental barrier between the two, above and beyond the daily fighting and violence there. >> and in washington, they believe that if the rockets continue from gaza into israel that a ground invasion may be launched to stop the missiles. if that does happen then, hamas will risk a ground invasion that really they will completely be overdominated. >> the thing is the political chief for hamas had harsh words as recently as yesterday for prime minister netanyahu, calling him a child killer and a murderer. we see the civilian death toll climb up. talk of a truce, also harsh words flying in the middle of all that. talk of peace. so again we will follow that throughout the day and coming days to see if there is a resolution. moving on this morning, most major asian stock markets traded higher in reaction to a powerful stock surge on wall street. traders were buying yesterday amid talk from washington that a deal to avoid that so-called fiscal cliff could be reached by the obama administration and the congressional republicans. the dow had its best day since early september. it climbed 207 points. to use a phrase from monte python, hostess is not dead yet. hostess, the second largest union will open court ordered mediation today. if the maker of twinkies and tasty treats can't be cut, a liquidation hearing will resume tomorrow. grab your ding dongs, keep your fingers crossed, king dongs, ding dongs. >> king dongs, something you made up. >> i heard of ding dong. >> don't know where the king dong came from. if you have ever heard of a king don put it on face book, tweet us proof. >> send us one. >> i have never heard of that. here is your tuesday forecast, everybody. still stormy in the northwest with downpours in washington, oregon, northern california. heavy snow in the cascades and olympic mountains. blizzard warnings in the northern rockies. 20 degrees warmer than normal from denver to dallas and detroit. some showers in south florida. >> you are going to see 70s from dallas to miami. 50s in the northwest and midwest. 60s in the rockies. and we should say off the bat we picked up the next story from a website called you're quickly going to realize why. >> the website says it all. check out the hottest model in china. a very unlikely fashion icon to say the east. here the off beat part that actually a 72-year-old grandfather, his granddaughter is one of the owners of a hot line of fashion for teenage girls. >> no way. they say grandpa is everything they want in a model, particularly his svelte look and thin yet lovely legs. offbeatchina there. how this all came about. he was helping unpack inventory boxes trying to display the different ways you could mix and match the clothes. then they started taping, and voila. >> i imagine grandma may have questions. coming up, strategies to survive black friday. you guys had a lot to say about this topic. >> sculpted like the situation. some teenagers are going exercise overload and using unproven products to help them get cut. it is all coming up. ♪ i want muscles >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by sodastream. weather brought by ♪ i want muscles >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by soda [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, now is a good time to think about your options. are you looking for a plan that really meets your needs and your budget? as you probably know, 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has over 30 years of experience behind it. call today. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay -- expenses that could really add up. these kinds of plans could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. and you never need referrals. if you're thinking about your options, call today. when you call, request your free decision guide. and find the aarp medicare supplement plan that may be right for you. >> all right. big breaking -- big breaking news this rn all right. big breaking news this morning. thank you, elena. for one of our staff members for letting us know that, yes, there is such a thing as a king dong. the same product as the ding dong. but the king dong is sold in canada where the ding dong is here in the u.s. mystery solved. thank you, elena, for the big breaking news this morning. i stand corrected. >> i believe also pinwheels. or something like that. three names depending on the region. >> there it is. >> ding-dongs, king dons or big wheels. depending upon the region. >> there we go. don't google "king dong." public service announcement. >> no g -- king don. d-o-n. moving on. >> we can all breathe. move on. closure. a new unhealthy trend among some young men and even young women. exercising to extremes and using supplements to help them get ripped. >> a new study shows it is more prevalent than anyone expected least of all parents. dan harris has more. >> reporter: the videos are burning up the internet. teenage boys transforming their body. going from skinny to ripped. a graphic illustration of what the study says is a surprisingly prevalent trend. the study authors warning the use of muscle enhancing behaviors is substantially higher than has been previously reported and is cause for concern. with 90% of boys in middle and high school saying they regularly exercise with the goal of increasing muscle mass and more than 2/3 saying they changed the way they ate. more worrying, 38% said they used protein supplements, which are unregulated, not well researched, and potentially dangerous. 6% said they tried steroids, which can cause withdrawal, rage, and in the case of 16-year-old high school baseball player taylor have been linked to suicide. >> his mom found him hanging on the bedroom door after committing suicide. >> reporter: what is driving this? experts say the ideal male body type has changed in recent decades. as typified by celebrities by mike the situation from mtv's "jersey shore." studies show increased male muscularity in everything from advertisements to children's action toys, which researchers say has driven up rates of body dissatisfaction among boys. and even the girls are now getting in on the bulking trend. the study showed that twice as many are using steroids than before. dan harris, abc news, new york. >> whew, scary. that is a situation. mm, man. that's why i don't exercise. all right. coming up, justin bieber makes a scene far from the concert stage. >> we still need to get you some running shoes or tennis shoes. >> always say that. same thing. broken record. high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet with more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hot spots than ever. go to our website below to get u-verse high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's all the speed you need all at a great price. our newly expanded advanced digital network gives you more of what you enjoy online. and with at&t, our wireless gateway turns your home into a private wi-fi hot spot that connects your wi-fi devices and can even save on your smart phone data usage at home. go to our website below to get at&t u-verse high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that includes access on-the-go to our entire national wi-fi hot spot network, with over 30,000 hot spots. at&t u-verse high speed internet. now on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection your whole house can count on. ♪ ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ skinny so skinny >> welcome to "the skinny," everyone. >> sorry, one of our producers. go ahead. >> telepathic communication. okay. so justin bieber has been trying to win back selena gomez. since they -- come on in, jack. just the commish. >> people know you, all right. >> breaking news -- more king don news. kidding. justin bieber has been trying to win back selena gomez's hand since she broke up with him. apparently they're splitso. friday they tried to connect. the date lasted 15 minutes before she stormed out of the restaurant in california. well, apparently at the amas he took his mother as his date. sources are saying -- >> mom looked great, by the way. >> she did look great. >> sources are saying that bieber and gomez were spotted walking hand in hand, exiting the nokia theater in l.a. where the award show was held. it looks like they may be back together. jenny mccarthy kind of broke the news, last night, she tweeted, my cub, justin beiber brought his acceptable, beautiful selena to the after party. guess i'm back on the prowl. >> she kissed him on stage when he won the award. >> she did. and she said she grabbed his heinie. >> very nice. >> good for jenny. justin. nice, nice work here. real quick, lindsay lohan, shockingly back in the headlines this morning. according to tmz, about to have her probation revoked and charged with a criminal offense of lying to a police officer. now you may remember this story. she told cops in santa monica she was not driving her porsche last june when it slammed into an 18-wheeler on the p.acific coast highway. the fact is now she was driving at the time. and lied to the cops about it which is a crime. we are told, tmz has been told the criminal case will be filed soon. more legal woes for everyone's favorite actress, lindsay lohan. wow. on the subject of legal woes, let's try to walk through this a little bit. you guy s know the story about elmo and the famous voice kevin clash, the voice of elmo. there was a story that came out initially from a gentleman that said when he was 16 he had sex with kevin clash, he was a minor. so the story comes out. then he recants and says, no, i was in my 20s. well, now after getting a $125,000 deal from kevin clash, sheldon stevens recanted the story again. going back to the original story saying, yes, it did indeed happen when he was 16. kevin clash, the voice of elmo, has been on a leave of absence from "sesame street" since the story broke last week. >> kind of convoluted. doesn't pass the smell test. we said in "the skinny," the accuser here has a pretty lengthy criminal record himself. so you don't know who to believe. back and forth with the story. it's all fishy there. >> and ironically after the $125,000 offer. he's like, eh, maybe that wasn't enough. >> the situation from "jersey shore," saw him in the peace a few seconds ago. he made -- we have seen the mistake. trying to tweet out his number to the latest lady love. tweeted out the number to 1 million followers. live on the air we are going to call the situation. tweeted out this number. apparently the tweet is still up. i am going to put it on speaker. calling this number right here. jack's handwriting a little shady here. 29 something 6. i think it's a 5-6. i don't think that's it. i want to talk to the situation. we will have this after we get back from break if he doesn't answer. i am going to leave this kid a voice mail. don't tweet out your number, mike! . don't tweet out your number, mike! so i can get the energized feeling i need and support a great cause? i'm sold. pink lemonade 5-hour energy? yeah and a portion of every sale goes to the avon foundation for women breast cancer crusade. i'm sold. new pink lemonade 5-hour energy. get the alert, energized feeling you need and support breast cancer research and access to care. it's healthier, and the only one clinically proven. with aloe, vitamins, and no ammonia. my hair looks healthier than before i colored. i switched. you can too, to natural instincts. ♪ if you think black friday madness gets earlier and earlier everiy, yeah, you are right. well, if you think black friday madness gets earlier and earlier every year, yeah, you are right. >> you are right. camped outside the best buy, the light bulb went on. not blond either. you were going to say that. and tents, as essential, credit card. no offense to blond, by the way. some folks aren't waiting to buy something. they're holding the place in line for other people. the hottest items this year, electronics. >> always. every year. the flat screens, the ipods, the ipads. black friday is topping our facebook question. >> what is your black friday retail strategy? >> bill wrote in. a good one here. i live in pittsburgh. i will go shopping on december 23rd, during the steelers game. he says every store is totally empty, no traffic, and everything is reduced lower than black friday. that's very smart. steelers are huge up there. it's probably smart to go when the game's on. >> yeah. not a dedicated fan though. ricky says, sadly i work for walmart, so my strategy is to keep you clowns from killing each other on thursday night. >> we appreciate that. >> we won't be there, by the way. >> and nikki, has almost all of her shopping done or on layaway. she said she has worked in the mall for four years now. quote, people turn into raging lunatics on black friday. it is almost like a zombie apocalypse. i think that's pretty accurate. >> yeah. and finally, this one is from abbey. all the best deals are online. black friday has become a national amateur hour, the retail equivalent of people who can't handle their alcohol on new year's eve. hard time handling the speaker phone there, rob? >> i lost that number. >> just hit redial. >> oh, yeah. >> you keep talking. >> still trying to get a hold of the situation. we have a situation. we tried calling him, the mailbox was full. >> that's what it said. we did call. the number was there. >> here. let a woman handle this. >> yeah. >> where is your redial? >> exactly, idiot. >> oh, there is the number on the screen. >> 732-939-2906. >> we're organized today. this is our fault. now, so, we tried during the break. we got the classy message. it rings. >> your message has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system. >> 732-939-2906 is not available. the mailbox is full and cannot accept any messages at this time. >> i wonder why. >> 1,000 calls at least he got. i really wanted to leave a message for the situation. tweet him. get him on the show. >> get him live. >> why not? >> that's the news for this half-hour, mercifully. don't miss our messages on facebook. >> twitter, use the #wnnfans. this morning on "world news now" -- the mideast in chaos. israel and hamas have been this morning on "world news now" -- the mideast in chaos. israel and hamas have been locked in a frightening and deadly battle for a week now. >> while the missiles threaten neighborhoods, killing civilians, the push for peace appears to be intensifying. it is tuesday, november 20th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good tuesday morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> i'm paula faris. >> we're going to get the latest from gaza and we will be live from israel. that is our top story in a moment. and then this week's thanksgiving getaway and this year's hazard for millions of drivers that are hitting the road for the holiday, also and by jet. >> are you driving? flying? >> we'll be doing both. >> both. >> we will be flying, driving that fast. we're driving. >> also this morning, pro soccer superstar, david beckham makes a big decision about his career and fans in l.a. may not like this latest move. and later this half hour, businesses busted after paying people to post fanatic online reviews on yelp, big question as -- the big questions about consumer reviews on the web. so many of you rely on to determine if you will attempt to check that place out. >> i am a huge fan of yelp. i have it on my iphone. i love yelp. no one should be surprised some of the stuff online is paid. paid for. and you know whatever. so, the underbelly of that coming up in just a second. but the big news of the morning, intense talks are under way around the world in an effort to end the fighting between israel and hamas. >> and the death toll in this seven-day-old conflict has now passed 100 with many civilians, women, children, among those killed. abc's alex marquardt reports from gaza city. >> reporter: a massive explosion as israeli air strikes pounded gaza. [ explosions ] while militant rockets flew into israel. and amidst it all, this, tiny bodies of the dead as they left the hospitals, carried through the crowd to their funerals. >> translator: we asked all the militant groups to respond to these massacres, this man said. we shouldn't talk about a cease-fire at all. >> reporter: they were killed sunday by a missile that obliterated their three-story house. killing nine from a single family. israel said it was an accident. in southern israel, 3-year-old karen plays with her tricycle until sirens sound. her family rushes down to their bomb shelter. eight members of the malka family huddling together during the explosions. when the sirens sound, you have just 30 seconds to get to the shelter. so families don't leave home. schools and businesses are closed. but back here between the boxes, children were able to get outside and smile while others hoped for quieter times. >> we need peace. we need peace. if they stop, if israel stop, i am sure they will stop. >> reporter: of course, it's not that simple. both sides say they want peace but blame the other for preventing it. while many hope for a peace deal, the missiles keep flying. alex marquardt, abc news, gaza strip. >> thanks a lot, alex. developing news overnight, we just learned that secretary of state hillary clinton is now heading to the middle east tonight. >> not a preplanned visit. all because of this unrest. our coverage continues with lama hasan live in jerusalem. lama, what can you tell us about clinton's upcoming visit and calls for a truce. >> reporter: well, good morning to you. yes, you're absolutely right. secretary clinton, she will be arriving in the region. she is due to arrive tonight. there is definitely concerted effort for, for various players, for diplomacy to work, rather than go into the ground invasion. of course, we've seen the tens of thousands of israeli troops that have amassed on the gaza border. so i think what they're trying to do is they're trying to go down this diplomatic route. there are a lot of talks taking place behind the scenes with the united nations secretary-general moon, in cairo, and egyptian president, he is spearheading these talks between hamas and israel. the israeli cabinet overnight had a four-hour meeting to discuss the egyptian proposal for a cease-fire. so they've decided for now to continue with the diplomatic efforts and hold off the ground operation. now, in terms of some of the demands of both israel and hamas, just to give you an idea what they want, israel wants hamas to stop firing rockets. so they don't want any hostile fire of any kind heading towards israeli city. on the other hand, hamas wants israel to stop target assassinations, and they want the siege lifted from gaza in place for years. >> obviously, lots of talk about the fighting and death toll continues to rise. another bloody night on both end, right, lama. >> reporter: absolutely. they're entering the seventh day, in the conflict, bombings have not stopped. the israeli air force, pounding strategic targets in gaza yesterday. the target was a hamas operative who was reportedly working out of a media building. they're also hitting more than a hundred targets overnight, including underground weapons sites and underground launching facilities. so, yes, the death toll keeps rising. more than 105 palestinians have died so far and three israelis. and that's where we stand in terms of this conflict and what's going on. >> all right, lama. first and foremost, stay safe there. i appreciate that live report. certainly the eyes of the world continue to stay on that region. lama hasan reporting for us from jerusalem. >> you may remember the bizarre extortion plot in australia when a fake bomb was placed around a young girl's neck. the man behind the terrifying crime sentenced to more than 13 years behind bars. the judge gave paul douglas peters less than the maximum acknowledging he was likely depressed at the time. the 18-year-old victim had no idea the bomb was a fake until it was removed ten hours later. disturbing new details about a deadly explosion that leveled a neighborhood in indianapolis. the case is now being labeled a homicide. 34-year-old john longworth and wife jennifer were killed in the blast. police are now looking for a white van that was seen in the area shortly before the explosion and five ten days ago. dozens of homes were damaged or destroyed. a flight from new york to florida didn't get very far when a passenger allegedly began threatening the crew. all this happened at la guardia airport here in new york. authorities say the 30-year-old man refused to turn off his cell phone. witnesses say the threats started as the spirit airlines flight left the gate. he was taken off the plane, and the flight was cleared for departure. >> when will alec baldwin ever learn. thanksgiving getaway rush is shifting into high gear. peaking tomorrow on what aaa is calling the busiest travel day of the year. once again. 43.6 americans are expected to travel at least 50 miles. 90% of them will go by car. experts say, try to avoid the 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. rush, the risk of fatal crashes is the greatest. keep your eyes peeled for deer in the fall mating system. of course, logical thing to remember here, plan your route ahead of time. >> oh. i wasn't planning on doing that. >> you were just going to drive until you came to somebody's house. if you're driving in the pacific northwest or northern california, be sure to give yourself plenty of extra time to cope with stormy weather. washington and oregon taking a pounding from torrential rain, flooding, mudslides, and hurricane force wind, gusting as high as 114 miles an hour, and they're expecting 30 inches of snow in the cascades and olympic mountains. at least one person killed so far, a hunter crushed by a tree in oregon. here is a look at your toouz weather. that snow in the northwest pushing into the mountains of idaho and montana. springlike temperatures from the central rockies, texas, midwest. afternoon showers and thunderstorms across south florida. >> 70s in miami. dallas, new orleans. 60s, indianapolis, to salt lake city. 50s in the pacific northwest. a little sports news, first involving one of the most famous humans on the planet. david beckham says he is leaving the los angeles galaxy after playing for the team in next saturday's major league soccer championship game. the 37-year-old englishman played six seasons in l.a. he said he is not retiring. not giving any inkling of what his next move might be however. and this one hurts. my chicago bears were kind of lit up by the 49ers in san francisco on ""monday night football."" san francisco's backup quarterback, in his first ever start, engineered four straight scoring drives to start the game. all academic after that. chicago's backup quarterback, jason campbell, didn't fare so well. throwing two picks and being sacked six tiles. sacked six times. san francisco, downing the bears, 32-7. >> ouch. what's your bears' record for the year? >> 7-3. >> 7-3. >> you rub it in my face. love when the bears lose. love when the bears lose. love it! good performance by chicago there. anyway, moving along to what is our, quote, "favorite story of the day." this one comes from battleground, ohio. just miss saying battleground. that is where a soldier sprang a pre-thanksgiving surprise on his three kids. >> adam miller had been away for a year serving in the army. he got home friday, but stayed hidden until yesterday. look at this. >> 9-year-old grace the first to reunite with her dad on the playground. her brothers were next. they can all look forward to a few weeks with the dad before he ultimately returns to duty. we always love the stories here on the show, but you really have to love it this time of year. families getting become together for the holidays. that's great. >> looking forward to thanksgiving dinner. more so, sliders from white castle. >> as is sunny hostin. that's her favorite. >> i love them too. >> he'll bump into her there. coming up next, busting online phoneys, paid to write lies and post them for everyone to see. the false reviews. >> lies, lies! all lies. >> dirty lies. >> later the woman really revved about her job on a nascar pit crew. you may catch her winning spirit. it's all coming up. ♪ keep your distance ♪ miss unafraid ♪ miss out of my way >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. hd 3 ♪ would i lie to you honey >> well, competition of course is tough among small businesses. ♪ would i lie to you honey >> well, competition of course is tough among small businesses. so a popular website, sure you have heard of this, called yelp, features reviews by customers, helps folks kind of sort out the good from the bad. >> i wouldn't lie to you, honey, by the way. lately there has been a rash of fake reviews paid for by the businesses themselves, a little shady. so yelp is playing police. here is abc's cecilia vega. >> reporter: there is serious cyber shadiness going on. businesses trying to pay for their own positive online reviews to boost their bottom line. but now one well known company is cracking down. >> one jewelry store is paying somebody $200. >> reporter: must be good reviews, huh? >> this is an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. people are always going to try to game the system. >> reporter: a very powerful system. yelp gets more than 71 million visitors a month. now yelp is taking on a new role, detective, using its own undercover employees and a top-secret computer filter to spot fakes. >> this is not acceptable behavior. frankly, it is not just unethical, it is probably illegal. we need to let business owners know you can't go out and try to mislead your consumers. >> reporter: here's how it works. yelp says this los angeles moving company posted on craigslist, i am willing to pay you $50 if you can write and post a review for my business. the yelp employee posing as a writer for hire replies i'm interested. then they display the evidence for all to see, a kind of scarlet letter of the internet age. that company didn't return our calls. but this san francisco scavenger hunt business let us write in. >> why would you need to go to the length of asking someone to write a fake review. >> makes it easier for people to find you. >> reporter: the owner's plan backfired. >> busted in the sting. yelp police. >> reporter: by some estimates, 30% of online reviews are fakes from hotels to toys to books. so how do you spot them? here are the clues. truthful reviews often talk about physical space, using specific details like floor and small. fake reviewers often talk about themselves and their companions. words like "husband" can be red flags. as for joe garvey -- >> reporter: do you feel it was dishonest in any way? >> yeah, it was a little bit. >> reporter: was it worth doing? >> no, no. >> cecilia vega, abc news, san francisco. >> the interweb is a messy place. yelp is incredibly popular. i love it. and by the end of the second quarter of this year, they have more than 30 million reviews agnel p. agnel p. lot of people rely on those, on iphones. don't let cecila's reporting fool you. she was at the american music award over the weekend. there she is. a little shout out. hanging out with mc hammer and psy after their show stopping performance at the end of the show. they're teaching her how to do gangnam style dance. teaching her how to rein the horse here. they are about to let her go in a second. see if he can pull it all together. wait. all right, she gets an e for effort. >> you are so critical of people's dancing skills. >> i am not. i am not a great dancer. >> let's see yours. >> i am okay. >> let me see yours. >> cecilia did anchor the show for a week more than a year ago. we love her. i wantet to give her a shout-out. >> she tweeted and said did i see you guys playing with your bellies and sniffing fingers. we did that -- the awful story about bellies and species. >> yesterday. she made the cell. and we will be back righ welcome back, everyone. another glass ceiling tha welcome back, everyone. another glass ceiling thankfully shattered in the testosterone and adrenaline fueled world of nascar. >> a woman is gunning to become the first female with the strength and speed to work on a pit crew. abc's steve osunsami has her story. >> reporter: there's a revolution happening in nascar today, and her name is christmas. you're the real deal. >> i think so. you know, you can't really fake strength. >> reporter: while the track has certainly seen a number of women drivers at elite levels, never before has a woman muscled her way into one of the physically demanding roles in the pit. where in less than 12 seconds they fuel the car and change the tires. it's a crucial job in a multivitamin billion-dollar business. just a few extra second at a pit stop and their driver loses t. >> i just like the way she moves around the car. >> reporter: 30-year-old christmas abbot is that special woman working the front tire position. and in these recorded practices that they study each night, her times are within milliseconds of the big leagues. she was recruited after an audition and says she is so competitive she was drawn to the high stakes of racing. so let's take a look. let's see. >> with heels on. >> reporter: with heels. don't let her looks fool you, she is an incredible athlete, built her body through intense workouts and crazy competitions like this one, carrying a 125-pound friend with one arm and a 70-pound dumbbell with the other, nearly twice her wiekt. >> my body is developing into this very precise machine where whatever i want to do, ultimately i will be able to. >> reporter: at first her pit crew coach wasn't so sure. >> to be honest with you, at first i thought it was a publicity stunt, you know what i mean, and i wanted no part of it. and i think i was convinced when i saw her. >> reporter: christmas has detractors in the garage. the men who whisper that she won't last and who appreciate her for all the wrong reasons. but she doesn't care. >> i feel like i'm bringing something huge to the sport, but this is ultimately much bigger than me. i find that those things that scare you most are the most rewarding once you've conquered them. >> reporter: steve osunsami, abc news, charlotte. >> whoo, impressive. >> merry christmas, girl. >> i think i've got a new crush, machbl but nothing is better than you, paula. nothing really, kind of gets -- >> it is going to take me five hours to change that tire. >> in your vinyl jumpsuit too. >> kids, stop talking. mommy's changing a tire. >> "the mix" is coming up next. >> "the mix" is coming up next. ♪ it's so important to make someone happy ♪ when you give a child a toy, it has to work. ♪ make just one someone happy and when it's a toys for tots child, well, what could be more important? so this year, every hasbro toy donated to toys for tots will be powered by duracell. happy holidays. duracell with duralock. trusted everywhere. welcome back, everybody, time for "the mix." maybe some disappointing news, depending on your point of view, news for folks out in san francisco, governor body of city is going to vote on an ordinance in the city by the bay that would prohibit nudity in most public places. a blanket ban. make sure everybody covers up. they're saying here that the proposal, which is made by scott wiener, one of the supervisors, illegal for a person over age 5 to expose his or her genitals or anal region on any public street, sidewalk, street median, park, plaza, or using public transit. >> could you get a little more specific? >> people, walk around showing off their kibble and bits. trying to crack down on it. they're going to vet today. apparently prompted a lawsuit. so on, so forth. there could be like a fine. and even on the third offense under the new law, it could be punishable up to a year in prison if you're a repeat offender. >> wow. say no to crack. >> say no to crack out there in san francisco. possibly. man! i want to illustrate a very unhealthy mother/daughter relationship. it happened in chicago back in october, early october. apparently a pregnant woman helped her assailant attack her mother, they shot her with a stun gun up to 15 times. they were after her diamond engagement ring. it was 3.5 carats, worth $40,000. all right. so not only is this, this is the daughter. pregnant at the time. helps assailant beat her mom up. they made way with -- made out with $200 in cash plus the 3.5-carat diamond engagement ring. a witness was able to pull off her ski mask before the duo sped off. how about that? your own daughter, pregnant daughter beats you up, after the engagement ring, the mother is okay. treated for some injuries. still. >> thaw thought it was going to be a lindsay lohan story at first. lindsay and her mom going at it again. can't believe it. >> don't think she will be invited over for thanksgiving. >> no. awkward dinner discussion there too. speaking of awkward, guess what they turned into a musical in germany. yes, "rocky" now a musical in germany. just opened up there. with the backing of sly stallone himself. they have brought the musical to stage. taking a look. it clearly focuses on the rocky/adrian romance. so that's -- the gist of the whole thing. very, very cool. rocky from 1976. canned believe he was that old. here is a musical. >> yo adrian. >> that was? >> the new york accent. >> yo, a this morning on "world news now" -- push for peace. with dozens dead and a week of fighting there is more pressur this morning on "world news now" -- push for peace. with dozens dead and a week of fighting there is more pressure on hamas in israel to stop the violence. >> who's demanding diplomacy while civilians spent yet another night in fear on both side of the border? it's tuesday, november 20th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good tuesday morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm paula faris. we will bring you the latest in a very unsettling night in the middle east. that's our top story. and then what a bombshell. really no other way to describe this bit of news. decades after o.j. simpson's acquittal on the murder of his wife and her friend, there is a major development, but is it a credible one? >> oh, man. this case will not die. folks will have a lot of opinions on this one. man. stay tuned for that. also this morning, gearing up for the busiest travel day of the year today, which aaa says is tomorrow. tomorrow find out what time might be the most hazardous of all the travel if you're among those hitting the road for thanksgiving. >> yay. >> so have fun with all that. i'll be here. you're traveling. >> it's allegedly going to take us 3 1/2, 4 hours without traffic. i'm saying maybe 7 1/2. >> pennsylvania. >> not bad. good luck. >> we'll pack plenty. cheetoes and mountain dew. later, what could be a tremendous advance in treating paralysis? a weiner dog can walk almost normally after losing movement in his hind legs. the medical miracle that could bring help to so many with paralysis. so not a story that's just affecting animals. we're talking about how it can translate to human beings. >> aw, sure. you never want a weiner that doesn't move. but first, it's been one week since israel launched its attack on targets in gaza. more than 100 palestinians have been killed. many children are among the hundred injured. >> the rockets kept civilians scared on beth side of the border. diplomats in the mideast and here in new york are working on a truce. abc's t.j. winick has the latest. good morning, t.j. >> reporter: good morning, rob and paula. with heartbreak on both sides, israelis and palestinians stand on the brink of an all-out ground war. israeli air strikes continue to pound gaza, igniting massive explosions, incinerating buildings and homes. the death toll has soared to over 100 in gaza, and there is payback. this video issued by hamas, the islamic militant group that rules gaza shows several rockets being fired toward israel. hamas fighters have fired hundreds of rockets into israel in the current round of fighting. >> over 500 rockets, mortars, and missiles have been fired. the minister of defense has instructed everybody to be prepared for all options. >> reporter: families have been forced into shelters. >> it's very scarey. we can't -- we can't go to school. >> reporter: but the leader of hamas rejected israel's demand that the militant group stop its rocket fire into israel and said a cease-fire was conditional on israel lifting its blockade of gaza. >> demand should be met to stop attacks and israeli killing and to lift the siege of hooligan attacks on gaza. the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu said his government is preparing to ramp up military operations. president obama has been in contact with leaders in the region, also working to stop a ground war. >> as we have said again and again, we want to see in leaders with influence use it to help the parties de-escalate. >> an israeli air strike on a gaza media center on monday killed one of islamic jihad's top military commander. the group said it was the second strike on the building in two days. rob and paula? >> thank you. increasing pressure on egypt and how they kind of potentially brokered piece here. senator lindsay graham gave an interview and said, egypt, watch what you do and how you do it. you're teetering with the congress on having your aid cut off if you keep inciting violence between israelis and palestinians. pressure on israel and hamas. and with the u.s. threatening, you know, to possibly cut off aid dollars here, that kind of muddies the water even further, putting pressure on egypt itself, who is trying to build a new democracy in their country. >> and hamas is maintaining they're staying steadfast as to what they want during the cease-fire talks. they won't end rocket attacks unless israel decide to open up that blockade, but then israel doesn't want to open up the gates to that border because they don't want weapons to come in and those weapons to get into the hands of people that obviously should not have. but interesting. they say that israel is placing all the blame right now on hamas. they said that they bare responsibility for the deaths of civilians because terrorists are using civilians as shields. and really this rocket attack, rocket approach is really their best hope because if israel decides to go attack with the ground game, it's not good for hamas. >> all bets are off there. we'll be keeping an eye on the situation throughout the morning. sticking with news overseas, president obama is in cambodia this morning, the last stop on his historic visit to asia. mr. obama has a full day of meetings as part of the east asian summit there and meets privately with prime minister of japan and president of china before heading back to washington. mr. obama is the first u.s. president to visit cambodia, and he used the opportunity to challenge its leaders on hue manner rights. and we have new information about a deadly blast that leveled a neighborhood in indianapolis. 34-year-old john longworth and his wife jennifer were killed ten days ago. this morning their deaths are now called homicides. investigators believe that the natural gas expression that destroyed or damaged dozens of homes may not have been an accident after all. police are now asking for help finding a white van that was seen in the area shortly before the blast. >> specifically if anyone has any information about a white van seen in the subdivision on the day of the explosion and about the occupants of those vans, we urge you to contact crime stoppers. >> no word on a possible motive or the cause of the explosion. now the new information came just hours after the two victims, the husband and wife, were laid to rest. well, after almost two decades, we still have not heard the last of the o.j. simpson murder case. a new documentary suggests that simpson's ex-wife, nicole brown and ron goldman were actually the victims of a serial killer who confessed to the murders. glen rodgers is on death row in the state of florida, and he claims simpson hired him to break into brown's home to steal jewelry. simpson, who, of course, was famously acquitted in the case, now serving time in nevada and robbery and kidnapping, extending from a confrontation over some of his sports memorabilia. >> he even gave police a few receipts as evidence that he was in the area at the time of the double homicide back in june 1994. interesting twist there. >> reopening that nationwide debate. >> yes. and just as millions of us start hitting the road for thanksgiving, a stunning report from california. it says more drivers in that state are driving under the influence of drugs than alcohol. the state says of the busted over recent weekends, over half have been using marijuana. legalization advocates say no one should drive while impaired. they point out the risks of driving high are substantially lower than use offal alcohol and some prescription drugs. a nasty storm ripping through the pacific north west is now being blamed for at least one death. drenching rain, brought traffic to a standstill in seattle, stranding drivers and forcing street closures. aside from the flooding, the area is getting battered by winds as high as 114 miles an hour. road crews in oregon are scrambling to clear downed trees, and by the time it's over, more than 2 feet of mountain snow will be on the ground. and that storm is hitting during the busiest travel time of the year as americans head out in droves to spend thanksgiving with friends and family. 43.6 million of us will travel 50 miles or more, and 90% will drive. abc's alex perez has some survival tips to ease the way to your destination. >> reporter: reena wengard is a thanksgiving week travel pro. she and the kids are making the two-hour drive to see loved ones in indiana to avoid the mayhem of motorists later this week. >> it can get crazy. trying to get off in the rest areas, it's just people everywhere. >> reporter: the wengards join some 239 million others clogging roadways this holiday. and as the stress on the roads begins, some relief at the pump. gas prices down 5 cents in the last two weeks. but thanksgiving, carves out a week of worries on roadways. with all of these families getting in their cars, the number of incidents will sky rocket this week. so here are a few things should look out for. like traveling on unfamiliar roadways. not knowing the lay of the land could be disastrous. >> plan your route so you are not fumbling with gps, directions figuring where you are trying to go leave the navigation if possible to a passenger. >> be mindful of the clock. 5:00 to 7:00. rush hour high risk hour. there are 20% more fatal crash hours during those hours on thanksgiving week than other weeks. also keep your eyes peeled for more deer in the headlights. november is the middle of the fall mating season where the animals tend to roam. experts say the best way to maneuver the road this week is a lot like fixing a thanksgiving feast, slowly and with lots of prep work. alex perez, abc news, chicago. >> good luck to all of you hitting the roads and airports. >> thank you. >> for the holiday. >> i'll do a phoner with you in traffic for almost 25 hours. >> almost there, hour 16. you know it is time for thanksgiving when we are getting ready for the white house turkey pardon. they had a big send-off event for the two lucky bird at their farm in virginia yesterday. >> you make a pretty good cackle, bird impersonation. >> not a turkey though. >> sorry. the turkeys that went to washington each weighed 40 pounds. two of them make the trip just in case one gets ill on the way to the white house. >> they're always thinking at the white house. president obama will pardon one of the birds tomorrow, and then both of them will be taken to a farm at mt. vernon to live out the rest of their days, not on your table but in peace. i like that. that goes back to george bush sr. back in '89. they do it every year. it's a fun, cute little thanksgiving tradition up there on the hill. not bad. >> not bad. >> for the bird. >> waiting for you to do the cackle. >> it's not a turkey. i told you that. coming up, the retailers are trying to outdo each other for a day after thanksgiving tradition. why women seem to take the fall when they get caught in high-profile extramarital affairs. why is it always the woman's fault? find out why on "world news now." ♪ where'd you meet that no good white trash ho ♪ ♪ liar liar did you buy her whiskey all night long ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by consumer cellular. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by consumer cellular. ♪ did she use that line your place or mine when you danced with her real slow ♪ ♪ tell me cheater, cheater >> oh, getting raunchy tonight. white trash ho. >> the wth. >> mm, mm, mm. well, we've all seen the pictures of paula broadwell with her husband and children who has been labeled the wth by many. paula broadwell in the window of her brother's home. where is david petraeus? why aren't photographers tracking his every move? that's what i want to know. >> in the house groveling. >> there is a double standard when it comes to extramarital affairs. and abc's david wright has that story. >> reporter: a general and his biographer, a washington sex scandal juicy enough to bring down america's spy master. the humor and criticism came mainly at the woman's expense. powerful men do pay a price for sex sandals. in petraeus' case, it cost him his job and possibly a bright political future. powerful men can hope for redemption. >> i did not have sexual relations with that woman. >> reporter: bill clinton's scandal may have wrecked his presidency. but eventually he got to become the elder statesman, whereas, monica lewinsky will always be "that woman." >> i understand that she now has a $12 million book deal to write about that. but nonetheless, that is the brand that she now has. she's been branded. >> reporter: attorney gloria allred specializes in helping women cash in on rich and powerful cheaters. men like tiger woods or herman cane. she insists these men can restore their good names in part by accepting financial responsibility. feminist naomi wolf who just published a new book on women and sexuality says she doesn't condone adultery. >> i don't think it is up to me to give any body a scarlet letter, but certainly if we are going to sit around and shame people for going outside their marriages, let it at least be a single standard, for god's sake. >> reporter: interestingly, allred suggests paula broadwell nay not have taken enough heat for the scandal which expanded to include jill kelley and twin sister natalie. >> what was that something that paula broadwell was doing with jill kelley? was it warranted? was it not warranted? did she go about it in the right way? did she not go about it in the right way? there are just many questions. >> reporter: one day after our interview, allred, announced that natalie khawam, jill kelly kelley's sister, is now her newest client. i'm david wright in los angeles. >> wow, gloria will have the press conference with jill kelley's sister to clarify the relationship with general petraeus and his family. >> what is it that i smell? oh, it's a double standard. >> as we said in the lead, it does take two to tango. plenty of blame to go around. i guess. all right. coming up. how scientists managed to use cells from a paralyzed dog's nose to help him walk again. >> the amazing results and why this advance holds promise for people. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. now a miracle of modern medicine. dogs paralyzed able to walk again after cells from their nose were transplanted into their spine. >> the study is the first to show that nose cells can actually repair damaged spinal cords. the bbc's fergus walsh explains how it works. >> he was effectively a crippled dog. he had no rear leg function. he dragged his feet around. but now he can stand, he can get to his feet, he can walk. >> reporter: so how was it done? researchers removed specialist cells from the lining of jasper's nose, cells known to regenerate fibers in animals and humans. these were grown in a dish for several week and injected into jasper's damaged spine. the nerve connections regrew enough to allow his front and rear legs to reconnect. but the repair was not complete. the signals to the brain were not restored. that explains why he still wobbles from side to side when he walks. more than 20 dogs were treated, and most saw some improvement. this research is obviously great news for jasper and dog breeds like dachshunds which are prone to spinal injuries. but the big question is could this technique one day play a role in helping to reverse paralysis in humans? scientists funded by medical research council say this proof of concept study in animals should give the green light to a trial with patients. but warn it may not work as well. in the quest to reverse paralysis in humans, cell transplants are just part of the answer. last year rob summers from the united states was fitted with electrodes in his spine which enabled him to stand. >> in case you're wondering about the potential impact of this, there are currently around 200,000 people in the u.s. living with spinal cord injury. 12,000 to 20,000 new injuries a year. >> groundbreaking. >> this could go a long, long way. >> we'll be right back, everyone. be right back, everyone. >> this could go a long, long way. >> we'll be right back, everyone. [ female announcer ] think coarse facial hair removal has to be painful? challenge that with new olay facial hair removal duo. a two-step process that removes even coarse, stubborn facial hair gently. plenty of gain, without all that pain... with olay. ♪ gangnam style ♪ gangnam style ♪ gangnam style ♪ gangnam style >> i cannot get enough. >> that guy could not have asked for a bigger hit for his one hit. well, it's the furthest thing from the traditional holiday giving, black friday, the day that brings out the ugly in the american consumer. >> and yesterday, a familiar scene. people are already lining up. it is a bit too early though for some. >> why? >> as brandi hitt tells us, a new pushback against purchasing. good morning, brandi. >> good morning, rob and paula. many are out for the discounts. others say this is tradition. either way it is going to be a very long thanksgiving week for many black friday shoppers who started lining up last weekend. the wait is on for black friday bargains. >> i wanted to get here early. >> reporter: lines are already forming outside stores all across the country, building up to those door-buster deals shoppers can't live without. >> well, i do it every year, and every year i regret it, but when the day comes, i enjoy it. >> reporter: but not everyone is enjoying the new push by some stores to open thursday evening. walmart employees scheduled to work at 8:00 p.m. thanksgiving day are threatening to walk out at 1,000 locations. >> we're just demanding respect. >> reporter: it's also not hard to forget the dark side of black friday. >> hey! >> reporter: over the last several years people have been trampled getting into stores, there have been fights and shootings over merchandise. and one shopper even pepper sprayed a crowd last year in los angeles. >> people started screaming, and kids were on the floor. >> reporter: still 147 million americans are expected to battle the crowds this year. >> and i'm going to get another tv and two laptops. >> reporter: some of the hottest deals include $78 flat screen tvs at walmart and $100 digital cameras at target. >> electronics are going to be huge again. the ipad mini, the iphone 5, for kids leap pad 2. >> reporter: keep this in mind. if you don't want to deal with the crowds, a lot of stores are offering black friday discounts online. stores like target are promising to match prices. rob and paula? >> oh, thank you, brandi. if you don't want to be one of those morons climbing over each other at walmart, saturday, a shopping day for small businesses, saturday the 24th. keep that in mind. >> the gifts. >> i got an early start. it's all for you, paula. >> robert claus, kris kringle, he's got nothing on you. >> all the tic tacs for the year. be good. >> all the tic-tacs for this morning on "world news now" -- indiana bombshell. detectives say a deadly explosion that rocked an indianapolis neighborhood, leveling homes, it was no accident. >> a major development in a homicide investigation and why police have only a few clues. it's tuesday, november 20th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." welcome to "world news now," everyone. i'm paula faris on this tuesday. >> indeed. i'm rob nelson. we'll get to that major development in indiana, ten days after the fatal blast. the story seemed weird from the beginning. now to know it could have been intentionally set, unbelievable. we'll take you to the mideast as well this morning where civilians on both sides of the deadly conflict between hamas and israel spent another night in fear. we'll have the latest on the demands to end the brutal fighting there. also this half hour, teenagers obsessed with their bodies. why some will stop at nothing to get pumped up and ripped up. the warning signs and advice for parents, however, before it's too late. i mean you always -- it's good to see teenagers are really taking an investment in their bodies and working out. but some of the other things they're doing to get the bodies are worrisome. >> people go to extremes. nothing in the extreme is good. the story clearly will point that out. stay tuned for that. then later he won a long list of award at the big amas over the weekend and now justin bieber is getting more attention because of his love life and the scene that he made in public. we'll have the scoop coming up in "the skinny." >> uh-huh. but first a frightening new twist this morning in the deadly blast that leveled a neighborhood in indianapolis. >> authorities now believe the explosion that killed two people and left dozens of homes in ruin was no accident, and now they're tracking a possible lead. here's abc's pierre thomas. >> reporter: the aftermath looks like a war zone. houses ripped apart in a massive explosion, the police initially thought was a horrible accident. >> the house shook, things fell, and we ran outside. we just see the whole house -- i mean like a -- four or five houses down from us just completely engulfed in flames. >> reporter: authorities are releasing new details, suggesting the natural gas explosion that left two people dead may have been murdered. >> based upon those interviews and the results of the search warrants we can confirm tonight that there is an active homicide investigation in this matter. >> reporter: there have been reports of a white van near the home before the explosion. police have been conducting interviews and searching homes in connection with the tragedy. >> specifically if anyone has any information about a white van seen in the subdivision on the day of the explosion and about the occupants of the van, we urge you to contacted crime stoppers. crime stoppers is offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to an arrest in this case. special agent in charge, robin schumacher, of atf, authorized a reward up to $10,000. >> reporter: 34-year-old john longworth and his wife jennifer were killed in the explosion that leveled two homes and severely damaged dozens more. >> today i went to the funeral mass, and during that mass i was having trouble within myself coming to a sense of peace and reconciliation. i could not even imagine what the families are going through if i could not do it. >> reporter: it's unclear what the motive may have been for such a horrific crime, and police would not say if they have identified specific suspects. neighbors left behind are stunned wondering who could do such a thing and worried it might happen again. pierre thomas, abc news, washington. what a chilling turn in that case. an important legal note to pass on. under indiana law, a murder charge could be filed in connection with the death -- at least two deaths in this case, if they find the explosion was the result of arson here. so if they do find the person responsible for this, they could be charged with murder. >> and the cruel irony of the timing of this, those revelations just came to light just hours after the cupped was laid to rest. and just to let you know who they were, he was an electronics expert and a nature lover who liked to garden. she was a teacher who knitted gifts for her students. hard to imagine anyone would target such a loving and likable couple. >> heartbreaking story on a lot of levels. well, we turn overseas now where the fighting between israel and the palestinians enters its seventh day. nearly 100 rockets were fired yesterday from gaza into israel. the palestinian death toll from israeli attacks has reached 111, including 56 civilians. now, three israeli civilians have been kill and dozens wounded since last week, and nerves, they are on edge. >> over 500 rockets, mortars, and missiles have been fired at the israeli civilian population. the minister of defense instructed the idf to be ready to be prepared for all options. >> israel says since the beginning of its military operation hackers have launched more than 60 million attempts to disrupt various government websites but were only successful in knocking out one site for a brief period. meanwhile intense negotiations are under way at the u.n. and in egypt to finally reach a truce here. we asked abc's christiane amanpour in jerusalem, where diplomatic efforts now stands. >> reporter: the gang of nine are meeting. that is the prime minister and senior advisers and cabinet to try to figure out how to respond to a proposal put forward by egypt. so the effort is really under way to have a diplomatic solution. whether it works or not we are waiting to see. all the american efforts are going through egypt when it comes to hamas. they're taking the lead. from what we understand, egypt wants to have a cease-fire, then a bigger negotiation about lifting the siege of gaza. hamas wants that all to be part of one agreement. and israel wants to see a stop of hostilities, no more rockets into israel, and doesn't want to link that to a cease-fire. so those are the parameters. how they get close together to make a success of this is really what's under way right now. >> thank you, christiane amanpour, reporting from jerusalem. the "l.a. times" did a great story on this, kind of summed up the heart of the conflict here and said any sort of agreement much overcome huge obstacles. israel views hamas as a terrorist organization. and the islamist militant group refuses to recognize israel's right to exist. that's the fundamental barrier between the two, above and beyond the daily fighting and violence there. >> and in washington, they believe that if the rockets continue from gaza into israel that a ground invasion may be launched to stop those missiles. and if that does happen, then hamas will risk a ground invasion, that really they will completely be overdominated. >> the thing is the political chief for hamas had harsh words as recently as yesterday for prime minister netanyahu, calling him a child killer and a murderer. we see the civilian death toll climb up. so talk of a truce, but also harsh words flying in the middle of all that talk of peace. so, again, we will follow that throughout the day and coming days to see if there's a resolution. moving on this morning, most major asian stock markets traded higher in reaction to a powerful stock surge on wall street. traders were buying yesterday amid talk from washington that a deal to avoid that so-called fiscal cliff could be reached by the obama administration and the congressional republicans. the dow had its best day since early september. it climbed 207 points. to use a phrase from monte python, hostess is not dead yet. it hopes that a last-minute deal could come as it's going out of business. hostess, the second largest union will open court ordered mediation today. if a deal with the maker of twinkies and tasty treats can't be cut, a liquidation hearing will resume tomorrow. grab your ding dongs, keep your fingers crossed, king dons, ding dongs. >> i still don't know what the king dons is. i swear it's something you made up. >> i heard of ding dong. >> don't know where the king don came from. if you have ever heard of a king dong, put it on facebook. tweet us proof. >> send us one. >> i have never heard of that. but here's your tuesday forecast, everybody. still stormy in the northwest with downpours in washington, oregon, northern california. heavy snow in the cascades and olympic mountains. blizzard warnings in the northern rockies. 20 degrees warmer than normal from denver to dallas and detroit. some showers in south florida. >> you're going to see 70s from dallas to miami, 50s in the northwest and midwest, 60s in the rockees. and we should say off the bat we picked up the next story from a website called you're quickly going to realize why. >> the website says it all. check out the hottest model in china. a very unlikely fashion icon to say the east. here the off beat part that actually a 72-year-old grandfather. his granddaughter is one of the owners of a hot line of fashion for teenage girls. >> no way. they say grandpa is everything they want in a model, particularly his svelte look and thin yet lovely legs. offbeatchina there. how this all came about. he was helping unpack inventory boxes trying to display the different ways you could mix and match the clothes. then they started taping, and voila. >> i imagine grandma may have some questions, but all right. coming up, strategies to survive black friday. you guys had a lot to say about this topic. but first, sculpted like the situation, some teenagers are going exercise overload and using unproven products to help them get cut. it's all coming up. ♪ i want muscles >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by sodastream. weather brought to you by sodastream. weather brought by ♪ i want muscles >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by soda [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, now is a good time to think about your options. are you looking for a plan that really meets your needs and your budget? as you 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company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. call today. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay -- expenses that could really add up. these kinds of plans could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. and you never need referrals. if you're thinking about your options, call today. when you call, request your free decision guide. and find the aarp medicare supplement plan that may be right for you. all right. big breaking news this morning. thank you, elena. for one of our staff members for letting us know that, yes, there is such a thing as a king don. it is the same product as the ding dong, but the king don is sold in dan where the ding dong is sold here in the u.s. mystery solved. thank you, elena, for the big breaking news this morning. i stand corrected. >> i believe also pinwheels. or something like that. three names depending on the region. >> there it is. >> ding-dongs, king dons or big wheels. depending upon the region. >> there we go. don't google "king don." public service announcement. >> no g -- king don. d-o-n. moving on. >> we can all breathe. move on. closure. a new unhealthy trend among some young men and even young women. exercising to extremes and using supplements to help them get ripped. >> a new study shows it's more prevalent than anyone expected, least of all parents. dan harris has more. >> reporter: the videos are burning up the internet. teenage boys transforming their body. going from skinny to ripped. a graphic illustration of what the study says is a surprisingly prevalent trend. the study authors warning, quote, the use of muscle enhancing behaviors is substantially higher than has been previously reported and is cause for concern. with 90% of boys in middle and high school saying they regularly exercise with the goal of increasing muscle mass and more than 2/3 saying they changed the way they ate. more worrying, 38% said they used protein supplements, which are unregulated, not well researched, and potentially dangerous. and nearly 6% said they had tried steroids, which can cause withdrawal, rage, and in the case of 16-year-old high school baseball player taylor have been linked to suicide. >> his mom found him hanging on the bedroom door after committing suicide. >> reporter: what's driving this? experts say the ideal male body type has changed in recent decades. as typified by celebrities by mike the situation from mtv's "jersey shore." studies show increased male muscularity in everything from advertisements to children's action toys, which researchers say has driven up rates of body dissatisfaction among boys. and even the girls are now getting in on the bulking trend. the study showed that twice as many are using steroids than before. dan harris, abc news, new york. >> whew, scary. that is a situation. mm, man. that's why i don't exercise. all right. coming up, justin bieber makes a scene far from the concert stage. >> we still need to get you some running shoes or tennis shoes. >> you always say that. >> we have to get you something. >> same thing. broken record. we'll be back with "the skinny" right after this. >> got to get you healthy. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.d ñ ♪ skinny so skinny >> welcome to "the skinny," everyone. >> sorry, one of our producers. go ahead. >> telepathic communication. okay. so justin bieber has been trying to win back selena gomez. since they -- come on in, jack. just the commish. >> people know you, all right. >> breaking news -- more king don news. kidding. justin bieber has been trying to win back selena gomez's hand since she broke up with him. apparently they're splitso. friday they tried to connect. the date lasted 15 minutes before she stormed out of the restaurant in california. well, apparently at the amas he took his mother as his date. sources are saying -- >> mom looked great, by the way. >> she did look great. >> sources are saying that bieber and gomez were spotted walking hand in hand, exiting the nokia theater in l.a. where the award show was held. it looks like they may be back together. jenny mccarthy kind of broke the news, last night, she tweeted, my cub, justin bieber brought his acceptable, beautiful selena to the after party. guess i'm back on the prowl. >> she kissed him on stage when he won the award. >> she did. and she said she grabbed his heinie. >> very nice. >> good for jenny. justin. nice, nice work here. real quick, lindsay lohan, shockingly back in the headlines this morning. according to tmz, about to have her probation revoked and charged with a criminal offense of lying to a police officer. now you may remember this story. she told cops in santa monica she was not driving her porsche last june when it slammed into an 18-wheeler on the pacific coast highway. the fact is now she was driving at the time. and lied to the cops about it which is a crime. we are told, tmz has been told the criminal case will be filed soon. more legal woes for everyone's favorite actress, lindsay lohan. wow. on the subject of legal woes, let's try to walk through this a little bit. you guys know the story about elmo and the famous voice kevin clash, the voice of elmo. there was a story that came out initially from a gentleman that said when he was 16 he had sex with kevin clash, he was a minor. so the story comes out. then he recants and says, no, i was in my 20s. well, now after getting a $125,000 deal from kevin clash, sheldon stevens recanted the story again. going back to the original story saying, yes, it did indeed happen when he was 16. kevin clash, the voice of elmo, has been on a leave of absence from "sesame street" since the story broke last week. >> kind of convoluted. doesn't pass the smell test. we said in "the skinny," the accuser here has a pretty lengthy criminal record himself. so you don't know who to believe. back and forth with the story. it's all fishy there. >> and ironically after the $125,000 offer. he's like, eh, maybe that wasn't enough. >> the situation from "jersey shore," saw him in the peace a few seconds ago. he made -- we have seen the mistake. trying to tweet out his number to his latest lady love and actually tweeted out the number to one million followers. live on the air we are going to call the situation. tweeted out this number. apparently the tweet is still up. i am going to put it on speaker. calling this number right here. jack's handwriting a little shady here. 29 something 6. i think it's a 5-6. i don't think that's it. i want to talk to the situation. we will have this after we get back from break if he doesn't answer. i'm going to leave this kid a voice mail. don't tweet out your number, mike! voice mail. don't tweet out your number, mike! . don't tweet out your number, mike! so i can get the energized feeling i need and support a great cause? i'm sold. pink lemonade 5-hour energy? yeah and a portion of every sale goes to the avon foundation for women breast cancer crusade. i'm sold. new pink lemonade 5-hour energy. get the alert, energized feeling you need and support breast cancer research and access to care. it's healthier, and the only one clinically proven. with aloe, vitamins, and no ammonia. my hair looks healthier than before i colored. i switched. you can too, to natural instincts. ♪ if you think black friday madness gets earlier and earlier well, if you think black friday madness gets earlier and earlier every year, yeah, you are right. >> you are right. camped outside the best buy, the light bulb went on. i'm not blond either. you were going to say that? and tents, as essential, credit card. no offense to blonds, by the way. some folks aren't waiting to buy something. they're holding the place in line for other people. the hottest items this year, electronics. >> always. every year. the flat screens, the ipods, the ipads. black friday is topping our ipads, whatever. black friday is topping our facebook question. >> what is your black friday retail strategy? >> bill wrote in. a good one here. i live in pittsburgh. i will go shopping on december 23rd, during the steelers game. he says every store is totally empty, no traffic, and everything is reduced lower than black friday. that's very smart. steelers are huge up there. it's probably smart to go when the game's on. >> yeah. >> well done. >> not a dedicated fan though. ricky says, sadly i work for walmart, so my strategy is to keep you clowns from killing each other on thursday night. >> we appreciate that. >> we won't be there, by the way. >> and nikki, has almost all of her shopping done or on layaway. she says she has worked in the mall for four years now. she says, quote, people turn into raging lunatics on black friday. it is almost like a zombie apocalypse. i think that's pretty accurate. >> yeah. and finally, this one is from abbey. all the best deals are online. black friday has become a national amateur hour, the retail equivalent of people who can't handle their alcohol on new year's eve. having a hard time handling the speaker phone there, rob? >> i lost that number. >> just hit redial. >> oh, yeah. go ahead. you keep talking. >> he's still trying to get ahold of the situation. we have a situation. we tried calling him, the mailbox was full. >> that's what it said. we did call. the number was there. >> here. let a woman handle this. >> yeah. >> where's your redial? >> exactly, idiot. >> oh, there is the number on the screen. keep talking. >> 732-939-2906. >> we're organized today. this is our fault. now, so, we tried during the break. we got the classy message. it rings. >> your message has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system. >> 732-939-2906 is not available. the mailbox is full and cannot accept any messages at this time. >> i wonder why. >> a thousand calls at least he said he got. i really wanted to leave a message for the situation. so we're going to tweet him and maybe get him on the show. >> yeah, get him on live. >> why not. that's the news for this half hour mercifully. don'atching, everybody. breaking right now, the u.s. doubling down in the middle east. >>he

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